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TO: Aspen City Council
FROM: Planning Office, Richard Grice
RE: Manor House Final Plat
DATE: August 24, 1978
As you recall, the Manor House has applied for subdivision approval for the
purpose of condominiumization of their nine unit structure located on a
12,802 square foot lot in the L-1 District. The location is just off Ute
Avenue. The application includes ~ two bedroom units, one three bedroom
unit, ()~one bedroom units, and one studio unit.
On March 13, 1978, City Council approved the conceptual subdivision sub-
mission subject to:
1. Utility and road right~of-way easements being clarified on the plat.
2. Maximum parking to be provided and appear on the,pre1iminary plat
3. Adherence to the sale procedures of a studio unit contained in the
letter of Martin Kahn to the P&Z dated February 28, 2978. (This
condition was designed to meet the employee housing requirements
of condominiumization all as specified in Ordinance #53. The Feb-
ruary 28 letter committed to the sale of the studio unit for low
andm6derate income prices. They cQl11IRtt1~(Lto__LPrt~e of $40,000
plus an increase b<lSedonJhe increase in~(ltiQnal housTng~:CilsIs
from June 1, 1978 to the date of-sale. They also committed to giving
first opportunity to purchase the unit to any employee residing in
the unit at the time it is sold. The resale and right-of-first-
refusal restrictions applicable to employee housing would be part of
the sale.)
On July 18, 1978, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Prelimin-
ary Plat submission subject to:
1. easement corrections to be submitted to the City Engineer for his
approval, and
2. parking being worked out to a practical maximum. '.0 (> "
The Final Plat submission ~/as referred to City Engineering for which Dave
Ellis commented as follows:
"After some last minute corrections and discussions with the applicant,
this plat appears to be in substantial compliance with the final plat require-
ments for subdivision. The Engineering Department recommends that final plat
approval be granted subject to two corrections on the plat. The first is a
?imple change in-1ha_Qes~riptjon for the Aspen Mountain road easement, and
the second is a revi_sion tn the easement locatlon to cOlncl<fe-~wlth tfie~-
ual road imprnvpmpnt~ From discussions wl1n--rhe-owner, Mlcnael Ilscllrler,
it does not appear that this is a problem, and we feel that it can be re-
solved quickly after final plat approval."
At this time, the Planning Office recommends approval of the final plat
subject to:
1. Subdivision Agreement pursuant to Mr. Martin Kahn's letter of February
28, 1978 to be approved by City Attorney.
2. Satisfaction of City Engineer's concerns prior to signature.
August 23, 1978
Manor House Condominiums _
Final Subdivision Plat Review
After some last minute corrections and discussions with the appli-
cant, this plat appears to be in substantial compliance with the
final plat requirements for subdivision. The engineering department
recommends that final plat approval be granted subject to two cor-
rections on the plat. The first isa simple change in the descrip-
tion for the Aspen Mountain road easement, and the second is a re-
vision in the easement location to coincide with the actual road
improvements. From discussions with the owner, Michael Teschner,
it does not appear that this is a problem, and we feel that it
can be resolved quickly after final plat approval.
. .1"'-\
Dave Ellis, yity Engineer
Richard Grici"Planning Office
Manor House Final Plat
DATE: August 11, 1978
Dave, attached please find two copies of the Manor Hous~ final plat
submiss.ion. You will recall that the Aspen Planning an<il Zoning Com-
mission reviewed the preliminary plat on July 18, 1978 and recommended
approval of the preliminary plat:
1. Easement corrections to be submitted to the City~Engineer for his
approval, and 'I
2. Parking - to be worked out to a practical maximum.
Please notify r~arty Kahn of any discrepancies or changes. that fyou observe
need to be made. We are tentatively planning to schedule thi~ item for
the August 28th City Council agenda. In order to make that date we would
need to have your final recommendation of approval by August 23. ThanK
. .
you. ~,
~I I!i
TO: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Karen Smith, Planning Office
RE: Manor House Condominiums - Preliminary Plat
DATE: June 30, 1978
As you will recall,the Manor House has applied for subdivision approval for the
purpose of condominiumizing their nine unit structure located on a 12,802 square
foot lot in the Lodge 1 district. The location is just off of Ute Avenue. The
application included" six two bedroom units, one three bedroom unit, one one bed-
room unit, one studio unit. On March 13, 1978, City Council after hearing the
recommendation of the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission, approved the con-
ceptual subdivision submission subject to:
1. Utility and road right of way easements being clarifiEid on the plat.
2. Maximum parking to be provided and appear on the preliminary plat
submission. .
3. Adherence to the sale procedures of a studio unit as contained in the
letter of Martin H. Kahn to the P&Z dated February 28, 1978. (This
condition was designed to meet the employee housing requirements of
condominiumization all as specified in Ordinance #53. The March 28
letter committed to the sale of the studio unit for low and moderate
income prices. They committed to a price of $40,000 plus an increase
based on the increase in national housing costs from June 1, 1978 to
the date of sale. They also committed to giving first opportunity to
purchase the unit to any employee residing in the unit at the time it
is sold. The resale and right of first refusal restrictions applicable
to employee housing would be part of the sale.)
4. Ninety day right of first refusal being given to the existing residents.
(There was no six month minimum lease restriction placed on the appro-
val. The reason for this is that they believed this would be in con-
travention to the intention of the Lodge - 1 Zone District which
specifically discourages long-term housing.)
The preliminary plat was submitted to this office approximately a month ago
and was referred to the relevant utility districts and agencies and city depart-
ments. We note that the submiss,ion still contains nine units but the numbe"r
of bedrooms within each unit is'diffefent. Essentially there has been a re-
duction in the number of two bedroom units. And instead of six two bedroom
units, there are now four and there has been a resultant increase in the num-
ber of one bedroom units from one one bedroom unit to three. As in the previous
application there is one three bedroom and one studio. The zoning compliance
is determined by minimum lot area per number of bedrooms in each unit. Because
there has been a change from the larger units to a greater number of smaller
units they are not increasing the non-conformity with the zone district and
they are still within the guidelines for approval.
We have received brief comments from a number of different departments. They
are as follows:
1. The Aspen Metro-Sanitation District through their manager Heiko Kuhn
indicates "no problem with sanitation service as this building is
already on our system."
2. From Willard Clapper, District Manager of Rocky Mountain Natural Gas,
we received the comment: "I see no problem with this as we have the
building already being served with gas and do not foresee further
development on the premises."
3. From George Newell, the Fire Marshall, we have received the comment:
"at present there are nine units in the building, this preliminary
plat however shows eleven units." (We note that the plat appears to
show eleven units, however the app.erance.i$ simply because some of the
units are two .story units and they show on both floors. We believe
Memo to City P&Z
Manor House
Page 2
this is the source of the confusion and that there really are only
nine units. We would condition any approval furthennore on there
being no more than nine units.)
We received the most detailed comments from Dave Ellis of the Engineering
Department in a memorandum dated June 28, 1978. He indicates that his appro-
val would be subject to two basic comments regarding parking and easement
problems. He states that he will also reserve final comment on the road
situation until final plat. His comments and concerns are as follows:
1. Two easements he states are shown on the plat, one being ten .
feet in width along the property line and another being twelve feet
in width, which deviates from the first alignment. The ten foot
easement is of record but it is uncl ear as to where the twel ve foot
easement originated. The ten foot easement overlaps the retaining
wall as shown on the plat. However in the field it appears as
though this may not be true. It will be necessary to identify the
book and page for each of the easements and we would prefer to have
the overlaps between easement and building improvements corrected.
Prior to submittal of the final plat the tru~ location of the road
should be shown in relationship to the prope~ty line, easements,
and building improvements. :
2. The parking plan shows six full sized spaces !and this is probably
the optimuw number which can be obtained reg9rdless of arrangement
due to irrftgular parcel of land. (The Plann1ng Office notes that
at conceptual plat review the plat showed twelve spaces, seven of
which were partially are wholly outside the Rroperty line. This
preliminary plat shows a substantially fewer 'number of spaces, all
of whi ch however, are on the appl i cant 'is proRerty.) Dave Ell is
goes on to say that the applicant's engineer ihas suggested that
more spaces can be provided assuming that compact cars are present.
The Engi neeri ng Department's recommendation iis that only full si ze
spaces be shown since this is the maximum nu~ber which can be
guaranteed. Then if the mix between standard and compact cars
changes or if stacking occurs, additional ca~s, in fact, may be
accommodated. i
3. Dave Ellis adds a third comment regarding thei title commitment. He
notes that the Engineering Department records: do not indicate receipt
of the current title commitment showing presert ownership. The
applicant's attorney has received a copy of this referral comment
and we hope that they will respond prior to preliminary plat,
The Planning Office does have some concern over the lack of parking spaces.
There is a question as to whether we can require morei than the number of
parking spaces that was shown or that existed prior tp the condominiumization
request. The zoning code requires seventeen parking spaces, That is proba-
bly reduced to fifteen parking spaces, now that the n~mber of two bedroom
units has been reduced by two. Parking in the Ute Avenue area has always
been difficult because of the lack of parking provided with the condominium
and lodge developments that occured in that area. ThIS is the reason for
our concern. The applicant had prevmously stated that they would attempt
to locate parking on adjacent property. We have received a letter from
Lyle Reeder, which indicates that he was previously i~ negotiation with the
applicant to make lots 15, 16 and 17 available for admitional parking for
the manor house. He indicates that to date no agreem~nt has been made and
he is the person who is under contract to purchase Lot 16?who has an option
to purchase Lot 15, and who owns Lot 17in the Ute Ad4ition. We are con",
cerned that the reduction in spaces to six from the 12 shown on the con-
ceptual plat does not meet the spirit of the Council's condition of con~
ceptual approval which was: "maximum parking to be provided and appear on
the preliminary plat submission."
!':$ty of Aspen
Planning and Zoning
130 S. Galena
Aspen, Co. 81611
P. o. Box 4859
Aspen, CO. 81611
June 29,1978
Re: Manor House Proposed Condominiumization
Subject: Parking Area
In the Ute Addition of the City of Aspen I own Lot 17, have
a Contract ot Purchase Lot 16 and have an Option to Purchase
the West part of Lot 15 which lies west of the Aspen Mount-
ain Road. These thr.ee parcels are located between the Manor
House property and Ute Avenue.
Wher~s" I support the COndominiumization of the Manor House,
I wish to state for the record that no agreement has been made
by me, Dale Billings Or Deane Billings wh~~eby the Manor House
may use any part of Lots 15, 16 or 17 fOr parking.
After discussing the situ ta tion wi th both Dale .nd~ Deane Billings
I believe that any decision approving the condominiumization
of the Manor House should be made upon the assumption that no
part of Lots 15, 16 or 17 will be availab~e for Manor House
Attached is a copy of the property survey of the three above
LOR se
Attach. 1 Survey
Lyle D. Reeder
June 28, 1978
Manor House Condominiums - Preliminary Plat Review
After reviewing the plat and making a field inspection
the engineering department has several comments, most of which
relate to the location and designation of the access easement
to Aspen Mountain. Two easements are shown on the plat, one
being ten feet in width along the property line and another
being twelve feet in width which deviates from the first align-
ment. The ten foot easement is of record but it is unclear as
to where the twelve foot easement originated. The ten foot ease-
ment overlaps the retaining wall as shown on the plat; however,
in the field it appears as though this may not be true, It will
be necessary to identify the book and page for each of the ease_
ments and we would prefer to have the overlaps between easement
and building improvements corrected, Prior to submittal of the
final plat the true road location should be shown in relation-
ship to the property line/easements and building improvements.
The parking plan shows six full sized spaces and this
is probably the optimum number which can be obtained regardless
of arrangement due to the irregular parcel of land, The appli_
cant's engineer has suggested that more spaces can be provided
assuming that compact cars are present, The engineering depart-
ment's recommendation is that only full sized spaces be shown
since this is the maximum number which can be guaranteed; then
if the mix between standard and compact cars changes or if
stacking occurs, additional cars, in fact, may be accommodated.
Finally, the engineering department records do !lot indi.cate re-
ceipt of the current title commitment Showing present ownership.
Subject to the above comments and reserving final com-
ment on the road easement situation the engineering department
recommends preliminary plat approval.
cc: Marty Kahn
RE: Preliminary Subdivision/Condomjniumization of the Manor House
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held on June 20,1978
at a meeting of the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission beginning at 5:00
p.m. in City Council Chambers, Aspen to consider the Preliminary Subdivision/
Condominiumization for the Manor House. The application proposes a Sub-
division/Condominiumization for the nine units located on property totalling
12,802 square feet. A copy of the preliminary plat may be examined in the
Planning Office, City Hall, Aspen during regular business hours.
Charles Collins, Chairman
Aspen Planning & Zoning Commission
Published in ~he Aspen Times 6/15/78
130 so
ning Office
Hay 30, 1978
Mr. Joseph Fago
J"lQnteJ:ex-t(e~t Tn<;.
P.O. Box 3402
Aspen, CO 81611
Dear Mr. Fago;
I am returning your check number 1193 in the amount of $120.40 as I
understand you had withdrawn your application. I am sorry about the
delay, but the check was only noticed recently.
Shellie Roy ./,
Planning Office Secretary
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ning - Office
May 17, 1978
NOTICE is hereby gi ven that a pub 1 i c heati ng will be held on June
20, 1978, at 5:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, Aspen, before
the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission to consider the PreJ-iminary
Subdivision/Condom-in-iumization for the Manor House. The application
p;-oposes a Subdivis-j on/Condominiumi zati on for the ni ne units located
on property totalling 12,802 square feet.
A copy of the preliminary p:at may be eXJmined in the office of the
City/County Planner, City Hali, during regular business hours,
(;oc. ~ /);;t:;;:;j) :&..L ~ _
~" Ci)
Sent Notice to the fOllowing adjacent property owners on May 17, 1978:
Dale Billings
1315 South El Milino Avenue
Pasadena, California 91106
Aspen Alps Condominium Association
P.O. Box 1228
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Gaard Moses
P.O. Box 2388
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Christian J. Allison
606 American National Bank Bldg.
Denver, Colorado 80202
H.A. Bornefeld, Jr.
5237 Cedar Creek Drive
Houston, Texas 77056
Gene Golub
625 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Howard Abraham
1340 Aster
Chicago, Illinois 60610
Aspen Skiing Corporation
P.O. Box 1248
Aspen, Colorado 81611
George Mitchell
3900 One Shell Plaza
Houston, Texas 77002
George C. Houston
1510 Wichita Plaza
P.O. Box 638
Wichita, Kansas 67201
May 17, 1978
NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on June
20, 1978, at 5:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, Aspen, before
the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission to consider the Preliminary
Subdivision/Condominiumization for the Manor House. The application
proposes a Subdivision/Condominiumization for the nine units located
on property totalling 12,802 square feet.
A copy of the preliminary plat may be examined in the office of the
City/County Planner, City Hall, during regular business hours.
TO: City Engineering Department
City Water Department
City Parks Department
Fire Marshall
City Electric Department
Rocky Mountain Natural Gas
Mountain Bell
Aspen Sanitation District
School District RE-l
FROM: Richard Grice, Planning Office
RE: Preliminary Plat of the Manor House SUbdivision/Condominiumization
DATE: May 17, 1978
Enclosed please find a copy of the Preliminary Plat submittal for the
Manor House. The proposal is to condominiumize the existing nine-unit
building. The property contains 12,802 square feet. Current zoning on
the property is L-l, Lodge 1.
The applicant desires to have the matter placed ontheJune 20th City
P&Z agenda. We would appreciate your comments as early the week prior
as possible.
TO: City Engineering Department
City Water Department
Ci~Parks Department
~e Marshall -
City Electric Department
Rocky Mountain Natural Gas
Mountain Bell
Aspen Sanitation District
School District RE-l
FROM: Richard Grice, Planning Office
RE: Pre 1 imi nary Pl at of the Manor House Subdi vi s i onjCondomini umi zati on
DATE: May 17, 1978
Enclosed please find a copy of the Preliminary Plat submittal for the
Manor House. The proposal is to condominiumize the existing nine-unit
building. The property contains 12,802 square feet. Current zoning on
the property is L-l; Lodge 1. .
The applicant desires to have the matter pli\ced on the June 20th City
-P&Z agenda. We would appreciate your comments as early the week prior
as possible.
, .
TO: City Engineering Department
City Water Department
City Parks Depa~tment
Fire Marshall
City Electric' Department
Rocky Mountain Natural Gas
Mountain Bell
~,pell Sanitation District
School District RE-l
FROM: Richard Grice, Planning Office
RE: Preliminary Plat of the Manor House Subdivision/Condominiumization
DATE: t1ay 17, 1978
Enclosed please find a copy of the Preliminary Plat submittal for the
Manor House. The proposal is to .condominiumize the existing nine-unit
building, The property contains 12,802 square feet. Current zoning on
the property is L-l, Lodge 1.
The'appl icant desires to. have the matter placed on the June 20th City
P&Z agenda. We would appreciate your comments as early the week prior
as possible.
}-tv t>~on.t-en /-JITI-I .s-A~/r,A-7"/O-..r Sel!-Vi"-e
A 1>' THis 1""'6 t;it..t;>/Jv.c.. Is
..s Y~Te./'1.
A L.1/t..{3Ai"> 'y 0 I--' 6 v A:..-
City Engineering Department
City Water Department
City Parks Department
Fire Marshall
City Electric Department .
~ Mountain Natural Gn~
Mountain !Jell
Aspen Sanitation District
School DistrictRE-l
FROM: Richard Grice, Planning Office
RE: Preliminary Plat of the Manor House SUbdivision/Condominiumization
DATE: May 17, 1979
Enclosed please find a copy of the Preliminary Plat submittal for the
Manor House. The proposal is to condominiumize the existing nine~unit
building. The property contains 12,802 square feet. Current zoning on
the property is L-l ~ Lodge 1.
The applicant desires to have the matter placedonthe June 20th'City
P&Z agenda. We would appreciate your comments as early the \'{eek prior
as; possible.
TO: As~ City Council
FROM: Planning Office, Karen Smith
RE: Manor-House Condominiums
DATE: March 8, 1978
This is an application for condominiumization of the Aspen Manor House on Ute
Avenue (across from Glory Hole Park) which is proceeding through the full sub-
division process at the request of the City Engineer. Today you are being
asked to consider the conceptual plan. The building is a nine unit structure
located on a 12,802 square foot lot in the Lodge-l district. Since it is be-
ing proposed for multi-family use, the minimum lot area requirements of the
RMF district will apply, the lot will be non-conforming, and no expansion be-
yond the number of nine units will be permitted. The calculation of lot area
required is as follows:
6 2 Bedroom Units
1 3 Bedroom Unit
1 1 Bedroom Unit
1 Studi 0 Unit
x 2100 sq. ft.
x 3630 sq. ft.
x 1250 sq. ft.
x 1000 sq. ft.
= 12,600 sq. ft,
= 3,630 sq. ft.
= 1,250 sq. ft.
= 1,000 sq. ft.
18,480 sq. ft.
of lot area
Therefore, if 18,000 + sq. ft. of lot area is required, the lot is deficient
by about 6000 square feet.
In this case the question of housing impact is somewhat unique. First of all,
the use is located in a lodge zone that specifically discourages long term
residences. The rental history of the building has been.appropriately short
term rental. Therefore, we think that an argument can bee made under Ordinance
#53 that the conversion will not reduce the supple of low and moderate income
housing because the units were never a part of that supply. However, Marc
Danielson has reviewed the application and past rental history of the project
and believes that it has in fact served as low and moderate income housing (see
memo attached), and, therefore, is eligible for consideration under Ordinance
#53. As a solution to this dilemma, the applicant has offered to sell the one
studio unit as an employee unit and we think this is a good cornpromise and"pre-
ferable to a totally short term building. The conditions of the offer are
detailed: in Marty Kahn's letter of February.28, 1978. The conditions were
agreeable to the Housing Authority.
The Engineering Department has made several comments which are attached for
your review. Before the P & Z meeting, Engineering advised us they thought
the problems could be resolved in later review phases. Adequate parking spaces
will probably never be attained, but since the project is not now conforming,
we have questioned whether the project can be made to meet Code. The applicant
has committed to fitting as many spaces as possible on the lot.
P & Z considered., the application at the;"r February 28th" meeting and passed
a motion recommending conceptual approval subject to:
1. utility and road right-of-way easements being clarified on the plat.
2. maximum parking to be provided and appear on the preliminary plat
3. adherence to the sale orocedures of a studio unit as contained in
the letter of ~1artin H'. Kahn to the P & Z dated February 28, 1978.
SOX 33S6
TELEPHONE (303) 925-1539
February 28, 1978
Aspen Planning & Zoning Committee
City of Aspen
130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Dear Committee Members:
Re: Manor House Condominiumization
On behalf of the applicants, I have discussed with Mark
Danielson, Housing Director, a proposal whereby the studio
unit in the Aspen Manor House would be utilized by Mr.
Stewart for employee housing for a periOd of probably two
to three years, and, when the unit is sold, it would be sold
through the housing authority for a price of $40,000.00 plus
an increase based on the increase in national housing costs
from June 1, 1978 to the date of the sale.
The housing authority would agree to give the first opportunity
to purchase the unit to any employee residing in the unit at
the time the unit is sold. The resale and right of first
refusal restrictions applicable to employee housing would be
a part of the sale.
Mr. Danielson has indicated his general agreement with this
Applicants submit that this reasonably provides for employee
Mart n H. Kahn
Attorney for Applicants
TO: Aspen City Council
FROM: Mark Danielsen
DATE: February 28, 1978
RE: Appl ication for Exemptions
Manor House - Ashley Anderson for Teshner, Martin Kahn for
Maca Stewart
Owner currently is not offering one unit for employee housing,l
but may set aside studio for manager. Maco has 5/9 interest,
Teshner 4/9 interest. Maco is upgrading the apartment. Units
were renting one year ago at $400-500/month some leases
entered into, none since last August. Most on a month to
month basis. Some employees are on "long term basis" but no
lease. There is an option for purchase of a one bedroom with
loft unit (Dacory Chandler) for 90K zoning is L-l, Lodge 1.
Manor House was definitely acting in reality as employee
housing regardless of zoning. Maco's units now renting on
short term basis ($80-$120/day). Some of Teshners units
are currently $400/month. He will probably want to sell at
$120-140K/unit. Condominiumization of these units will, in
reality, reduce the supply of low/mOderate income housing.
Units would no longer be affordable by persons of moderate
income. However, L-l zoning does not intend long term per-
manent housing.
1 A last minute development has indicated that Maco Stewart
will offer the studio unit at approximately $40,000 or
less, plus any cost differential as per the National
Housing Price Index for employee housing. The unit shall
be controlled by the Housing Authority with reference to
price and availability to local employees.
TO: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Planning Office, Karen Smith
RE: Manor House Condominiums
DATE: February 17, 1978
This is an application for condominiumization of the Aspen Manor House
on Ute Avenue (across from Glory Hole Park) which is proceeding through
the full subdivision process at the request of the City Engineer. To-
day you are being asked to consider the conceptual plan. The building
is a nine unit structure located on a 12,802 square foot lot in the
Lodge-l district. Since it is being ;pnoposed for multi-family use, the
minimum lot area requirements of the RMF district will apply, the lot
wi 11 be non-conformi ng, .and no expans i on beyond the number of ni ne units
will be permitted. The calculation of lot area required is as follows:
6 2 Bedroom Units x 2100 sq. ft. = 12,600 sq. ft.
1 3 Bedroom Unit x 3630 sq. ft. = 3,630 sq. ft.
1 1 Bedroom Unit x 1250 sq. ft. = 1,250 sq. ft.
1 Studio Unit x 1000 wq. ft. = 1.000 sq..ft.
18,480 sq. ft. of lot area
Therefore, if 18,000 + sq. ft. of lot area is required, the lot is de-
ficient by about 6000 square feet.
In this case the question of housing impact is somewhat unique. First
of all, the use is located in a lodge zone thatspecifically discourages
long term residences. The rental history of the building has been
appropriately short term rental. Therefore, we think that an argument
can be made under Ordinance #53 that the conversion will not reduce the
supply of low and moderate income housing because the units were never
a part of that supply. On the other hand; the applicant has offered to
sell the one studio unit as an employee unit and we think this is a
good solution and preferable to a totally short term building. We have
asked the Housing Director to discuss the price of sale and the possi-
bility of continuing controls with the applicant. We expect some comment
from him as to whether he can recommend this unit as employee housing.
The Engineering Department has made several comments which are attached
for your review. After discussions with the applicant, a new plat was
submitted and Engineering is now preparing comment as to its sufficiency
for conceptual approval.
We will reserve final comment until the two departments mentioned above
,submit thei d.
/'; ,,'---
r;)., ( "t '\
DATE: January 31, 1978
RE: Aspen Manor Condominiums
The plat and written materials submitted contain numerous deficiencies.
The address for the building is shown incorrectly on the plans as TOT
Ute. It should read TT5 Ute. No owners of adjacent property are shown,
so we cannot determine if any of it is owned or optioned by the devel~
oper/owners. Zoning of this and adjacent parcels is also not shown, and
information on existing land use in the area is lacking._ In addition,
there is a small discrepancy in lot area between the survey and the
applicant's letter.
A title insurance policy should be provided which shows all encumber-
ances and easements, etc., which the property is subject to. There also
appears to be a discrepancy between the legal description provided and
the location of the road as shown on the improvement survey. It is not
clear whether the road is an easement or a county owned right-of-way.
A current title policy would make this clear.
The zoning of this property requires IT parking spaces for lodge or
residential uaes for the number of bedrooms proposed. The site plan
submitted shows only:12 spaces, and of these, T are partially or wholly
outside of the property line. We also cannot determine if these are
existing or proposed spaces. In addition, there is a retaining wall
shown on the survey which would appear to be built 'across the middle
of the parking spaces. In light of the serious parking problems in the
vicinity of Original and Ute, we strongly recommend that the applicant
be required to provide the IT spaces required by code.
TO: Tom Jones, Engineering Department
FROM: Karen Smith, Planning Office
RE: Manor House Conceptual Subdivision
DATE: January 18, 1978
Attached is the revised submittal of the Manor House Conceptual Subdivision.
The appli cants, Maco Stewart and Mi chae 1 Teschner are requesti ng to
condominiumize the building which is located in the L-l zone district.
Please note that this application revises the earlier submissions
pursuant to letters dated July 12, 1977, and August 11, 1977.
The matter has been tentatively scheduled for the February 7th P&Z
BOX 3386
TEL.EPHONE (303) 92S~tS39
January 9, 1978
Aspen/Pitkin Planning Office
City Hall, 130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
City Council
City of Aspen, 130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Planning Commission
City of Aspen, 130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Re: Aspen Manor Condominiums
The purpose of this letter is to submit a revised application for
conceptual approval of the condominiumization of the Aspen Manor
House building.
At the outset, it should be noted that Ms. Linda Stewart no longer
owns an interest in the building, having conveyed her interest
therein to Maco Stewart.
As previously noted, there is
containing nine units. There
bedroom unit; one one-bedroom
contains 12,802 square feet.
L-l, Lodge 1.
an existing building on the property,
are six two-bedroom units; one three-
unit; and one studio. The property
Current zoning on the property is
Applicants do not believe that the condominiumization of the build-
ing will have an adverse effect on the supply of low/mode~at~income
housing. The units are presently on short-term rental (permissible
under the L-l zoning), and as a consequence, no long-term rentals
will be terminated by virtue of condominiumization. Furthermore,
the applicants are willing to consider selling the studio unit at
a price substantially below its market value, through the Housing
Authority, provided an appropriate reduction in the park dedication
fee is effected. If this occurs, one "employee" unit will be created
where none presently exist. It is also likely that in the event of
condominiumization, some owners may decide to have "caretakers" live
in their units for at least portions of the year, a situation less
likely to occur with only one or two owners owning the entire build-
Applicants hereby request conceptual approval for a nine-unit condo-
minium. A check for $117.613 is enclosed.
'~ truly yours,
Martin H. Kahn
, ,...~..
HEREBY CERTIFIES from a search ot the books in this office that the owner
A tract of land being a part of the M & Y Lode Claim V.S.M.S. No. 3921, Amended in
Section 18, Township 10 South, Range 84 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
said tract is more fully described as follows:
Beginning at Corner No.4 of the M & Y Lode whence Corner No.1 of the Aspen
Townsite bears South 39056'34" East 941.27 feet;
thence, South 39056'34" East 110.77 feet along L;i.ne 4-3 of M & Y Lode to the
centerline of a road up Aspen Mountain;
thence South 68000' West 39.00 feet along centerline of road;
thence North 73006' West 44.47 feet along centerline of road;
thence North 50018' West 79.60 feet along centerline of road;
thence North 70041 West 72.33 feet along centerline of road to the Northeast
line of Lot 32, Section 18, Township 10 South, Range 84 West of the Sixth
Principal Meridian;
thence North 16015' East
intersection of Line 5-4
thence South 68022' ?East
of beginning.
County of Pitkin, State of Colorado.
61.81 feet along the Northeast
of M & Y Lode;
128.88 feet to Corner No.4 of
line of Lot 32 of the
M & Y Lode, the point
Situated in the County of- Pitkin, State of Colorado, appears to be vested in
the name of
Maco Stewart, as to an undivided one-half interest; and Michael Teschner,
as to an undivided one-half interest.
and that the above described property appears to be subject to the following:
Deed of Trust from Michael Teschner, Maco-Snewart-and Linda H. Stewart to the
Public Trustee of Pitkin County for the use of Albert G. Timroth, Alfred W.
Timroth and Zana M. Timroth to secure $211,000.00 dated June 1, 1976, recorded
June 10, 1976 in Book 313 at page 19.
Although we believe the facts stated are true, this Certificate is not
to be construed as an abstract of title, nor an opinion of title, nor
a guaranty of title, and it is understood and agreed that Stewart Title of Aspen, Inc.
neither assumes, nor will be charged with any financial obligation or
liability whatever on account of any statement contained herein.
Dated at Aspen, Colorado, this 9th
1978 at 8:00.
day of January
(Subdivision. Exemption from Subdivision.
Rezoning. Park Dedica~ion)
Name of Project:
Manor House Subdivision
775 Ute Avenue
Applicant's Name: Marty Kahn, Attorney for
appl i can ts,
Applicant's Address:,. 415 East Hyman, Room
3D] , Aspen, Colorado 81611
FOR ZONES WHICH ARE R-15. R-30,R-40,RRand CONSERVATION the Subdivision Fee
Formula is as follows: '
X Conceptual
$100 +$5.00!dwelling unit
$22.00/dwelling unit
$3.00/dwelling unit
FOR ALL OTHER ZONES the Subdivision Fee Formula is as follows:
Conceptua 1
$100/+ $60.00/acre of land
$280.00/acre of land
$35.00/acre of land
REZONING APPLICATION FEE: $125.00 (once a year)
nrcor:u or rn:)CEC:JINt,S
1{::,~ l!'.1\'CS
.--------.<.-~=-=.~,'.;'="'''' --_.'''='''==.-===r.:...-=-~''''''''''' -=-..:-;:~_.
currC'nt. m:ak\.'t vollucof <:l. pC'rccnto1.gcof the
land propo~cd <l:$thc development site. the
perc:cnt&lgc of the l~nd being <.lctcrmjncd at" the
rate of b'o and onc-h.)l! (2'2) .J,c~c.s for every
one thousan;;!Cl,OOO) residents of the pro;?o::;cd.
development. Ctha: is, the numb.:or'of residents
multiplied by twenty-five ten thous~ndths
(.0025) of an acre per rcsiccnt). The number
of residents attributable to the development
shall be calculated in the followin9 manner;
~c of Dwcllinq
studio 1.0
one bedroom 1.3
two bedrcom 2.7
~hree'bcdroo~ 4.0
and 1.3 fcir'eachadditio~al bedroom
NUDDer 0= Residents
Per OWcll:r::~ L:;;,;-:
Sin91e Family or Duplex
one bcc.roo::'l
t.wo bcc!:,c:.~
thrce b..:.::::.:>c::!
and 1.3;0: ~~chaddieional
A dupl('~ st::-:":c~\\='e shall consti:,,:.zte' t.....o dwclling
Unit!: ;or t.::.:: pt.:.=;?O~~~ c: t:l':":;O subsc.:=:.ion~
(3) A..."\ c:<~:::Flc of the .:1?plic.'tio:1 of thco1.bovc
formul.:l i::: ::$ f011C'l......::;. ...~:::t\:::if1,'1 th(!C~:H~t.n.h7t.:.:l:l
of olll'sjnnlc L;:.:il~'r('t.i,:"rl('" C,)1lt..ll:"l;:"9 t\,'O
b<-dro"~.~;: (..~;..t lotcont.li:";~'.l 1S,OUO ".;::.:.:l::'C.'':l'l't
wit.h "lr.~J.l:"l.t \'.llul.' of $t.-S.00iJ.OO (or '$4.33 pcr
2.7('-t'l'..!t'o~)m" 2.7 rt'dt!cnt<:>J x 0.00:'5 .Icrt.':>
X 43,S60. (l~'1u.trc rl~('t.I'('r ,l;:%'l~))( $~.)) (r.l;n.~
kt'l "'.dUI' \.11 l.md PC!; :;'11.:.1:.... fUoll .. $1,:::7J..lS
(h) lJnirli'!':C't\!I'd .1:1ml dlit11 bt" ,ll'l'r.,i~;......l lltthC'
eur:~'\'ltlf"..'! ,:L \'.1 Ill,.' olth,' ~ol: " .1lh...l U.lJJh)U:: \'~Ihll'
~tt_l ~b\:~,.!.!,. ,tI' ,.Il'l~', qlltt('l~... ~',t1,,(.t, 1:~,!,'\~.\.11..
iu...l,tl'li\I:;,"~ .~! j:l'::.ltl~'d ."! t'". ~~.\:,'(l: p.'J;:'!.!':
j~;~'''.H''I;'''_ 1];":'1.>\",'.\ ldl!..i":'~I.'; J -j.; ,,";':,!,;,~~. .l...~. ,.Il:\:lnr'
lotlwl! ,111<11"." t .d,d!.,.,.t l.l:.,. blld:hj .LliL_\ ':"I\~~.k.t-.t-
ll"1\ f''''''! \~l'l '.t I 110,: 1I~1", ....1;;,: fl,'l' f"'~ t't tlwy .11,.
C0I11011:ntl.;. .':q~,'!\:,\I\I" m.IY t". ~~\:;. t.d:H:.I~.','<iloy
a dO'-UIlI"lll \',1 l'IlI ;':!1.\:..' /,l ie.. (it .111 .1 Ill':; lVI"l! h,
tt"Hlh."..t'j 'I> 'h.l 1,"'tl'"th,:II'lv"'\,,,''''I' ,I) ,\"i'-'l;..,., ,,!\y
Ex~tipn from Subdivision. Rezon~~ Park Dedication)
tItt,(JPR -/%;V5tT(fJ",;;:-...-., ?~f') - - ,
I ,/
Name of Project:
Applicant's Name: /I14~t:J ~e.w~'
Applicant's Address:. ?o".i3"x /222'
FOR ZONES WHICH ARE R-15, R-30, R-40, RRand CONSERVATION the Subdivision Fee
Formula is as follows:
$100 + $5.00/dwelling unit
$22.00/dwelling unit
$3.00/dwelling unit
FOR ALL OTHER ZONES the Subdivision Fee Formula is as'follows:
$100 + $60.00/acre of land
filiminary ~'" \ i:"
o.L..& ~ ["2. S
$280.00/acre of land
Final $35.00/acre of land
REZONING APPLICATION FEE: $125.00 (once a year)
=== ,.='''-.......=-..:...-=:-_~=...,.",.,.,.."..",._.=-==-=-~-=.-=''=">".,..~-==:z......_.
nfconn of'r:~;)CC[:J:Nt;S
curr('nt l!l.;u:kl"t V..:lluc or a pl,"'rcentagu of tha
li1ndpropo:;cd as ,thc developmcnt site. the
pcrccntOlgc of thcl.mdbcinq c.!etcrmincdat the
rate ofb.'o andonc-h<11r (2'2) ,acrCl:: for every
one thousi:lnd,U.ooO) residents of the propol::ed
development. (th.Jt is~ tllC nu:nh~rof,residcnts
multiplied by t....,cnty,,;,.fivc ten thouso.ndths
(.0025) of an acre per resident). Th~ number
of residents attributable tOt~c development
shall be calculated in the following manner:
'YPe ot'Dwellinq
one bedroom
three bedroo:i1
and 1~3 foreachadditio~al
Nu~bcr o! nc~idc~ts
Bingle Family or 'Duplex
one- bcdroo::'l
.t.""o bcd:-::-=::'l
three bc,:::oC'::t
and 1.3 ;or c~ch additional
A duplc'X St=1.:=f~\::-C shall C''':-:sti'l:~tc ::,,'0 dlo.'cllin~
unit~ tor t~~ pur~o$e$ o~ t~~~ s~bsec~ion.
.' ,.
(3) An eX.J.:::r.ic' ofthc~'?plic.)tion o! th(" above
formul.J. i~ .~~; [01101."$0 .1~;:~::::inn the- C'~':l:~truC"'::.ioa
of ont' sin'11c L.:.1ilv r('~i':~'~\Cl' c-,l:IL..l.:.::.:.aq L\:o
b("dr"-.')::;~(\l~ ..!1l:..'t C(mt.1 i::.~:,il j. ~oo "'i'..:,J~c !.l't't
with .1 l::.:1rJ..,t't \".J.luc oC SiJS.OOO.OO (or$4.3J per
8'Juan' fOOL);
2~7 (2l>l'J[.("l~)m. 2. 7rrddcnt<;:) x O.007Soacrcs
a 43.5060 (~~qll.lrc fl~(,.t l'\'r -"C'h') x $4.JJ(t:1.1r_
l.l"l \'.du.. (II lom,l ,{.l\'1 :~~i~:,I:'." iU(lt) "'" $1.~7J.15
OJ' t1nil'lr'r'c'Wl.(j 1.md !':h.'1]l b....,pp:,vi.;...(t attht"'!
MU'rl't"!tl';. '1.".1 \..illl.....ol till' .::,. li,,:llh!l:l'l it:~vdlu~'
attribl.::::\,r" 10 ell:;', 'luLl,': . t~, "I, !:"')<'1..111..;
ltr"l utili:;,,, .:~ l:l,a,II[,',l (' t'". ":~':,,''': [','l;r.:t
.3 f. :~\,. ; :1 ,-v , 1 :~: '1. . \" ." , !. l .11 :..i '. ..~ ,: ,
tp lllt'l.r h 1'::'.:',1 ,Iud {.,.,.t. U:,
lic". '('\'i',r \:0'1 "'.: f'l!.:.:lll.... \''"'','.
eUlll'II!\l'l(,,(.'~'I.'.".f. \',111:,' n~l
e dl)~'unl'.l\t..,1 1'\111."11.1"" "11;':,.
t.l .Ill....,!."! I, '1\ ''',.1 1''''1.' t ij.Hi' t ..',
!) Lv...,: ':',: .' ~ . ' ,i ..~'. -I.' I.' ,i~f1\-.,
l..l',l,:\.j !-Ill,.' "'-'ll::J,k.',t..t-
!.: l, (.:, ,:,H',l" 1 ,..,.., ,,1'\,'
~", ::U!';.l.dl\T ,It ,.,tJ,y
j 1. ..n .,i1111':; "ll'lt.1\
\ ," l)' ',' lei) " 1,/ ,'lllr
71 fA
~,O. 80X3<<l1
Octobot'4, 1977
Allpell/Pitkin Planning Office
City Hall, 130 South Galena
ADpan, ColoradO 81611
Cityaf'A..pen, 130 South Galena
A~pen. COlorado 81611
City of' Aspen. 130 South Clalena
Aspen, COlorado B1611
Re, Proposed )(anor House Condominiu"lzation
Ladiea and Gentl""'..n:
the applIcant herein byapl'11catlon datedOotober
4, 1977ha.. draf'tedaeonceptual presentation ror sub_
division prOcedures in order to be granted the right to
condomlniumlz8 the Manor Houne apartment building.
The applicant being Monterey West, Ino" 18 currently
under contract to purehaae the entire bUilding from Messra.
Maco Stewart and Michael Teachner.
A1'ter speakinil to Mr. Brian Coodheim, att..nding
IOeetin!l;s 01' the Plannini! and Zoning CO'lncil And reviewing
-their recommendations o1'August23, 1977,.e have prepared
the 1'ollo.1na conceptual plAn,
It Should 1'ir8t be understOod that due to -the high
costs involved Inthis particular project and location,
one hundr..d percent (100%), lOll COllt, employee housing ia
notpo'lSible. 'lIehAv<l, however, created one 400 sqUAre
foot studio Apartment priced at $30,000.00, This unit
wouldb.. subject to prieecontrolll regarding reGal.. and
sixtlonth minimum Ie..." r..strictione, It Should be
further noted that 'Is lIould be willing to meet any other
arrangements that the City Council may find appropriate in
Page 2
Thlapropoaal1e d"sie:ned Ill'l an alternative solution
to Illlggu:tionll lIade by Brian Goodheim prior to August 11,
1977, at which till" he auggested two effioienc:!, unita
priced at $35,000.00 "8ch. Due to the coat h.eters and the
building departll\en't'" .."fuasl to allo", "5 toeddan additional
unit, ''', were only able to cJ:'eate one studio, but We r....t
that what we have done with th" rout of' the building will
1I0re than offect thi8 particular 111t"'lIt10n.
We have no. gone II "tep fUrther 1n that We are negot_
iating contracts On all of the "nita at reduced prices and
are currant!y working out arrange..ents for the purChese of
these unitll by local r""1dentll, !l0"" of them beinl!: "fIIploy".."
of loIontereyWcat. W..have "e...rly e.l.1minated OUr profit. in
order that nine local citizene of low to middle inco.... ..ay
oWn real eatate in Aspen. In 80me in..tances, weare takina
baCk aecond mortgaees to .."iat thene individualft in their
purchane cf' thc"e units. By eliminating oorporate prof'itn,
Ife will enable ","veral local individual", including our8elv..8.
to retainper",anentre"idency in Aspen inspite of'the
unusually high costn of' living.
In doin; everything Possible to relieve the City's
houBing Bhortase, we are requesting the f'ollowing considerations
in return: Firat, that there be no ahort ter.rental
restriction. placed upon the balance of the building inaa"uch
as each of'the.." individuals PUrchasingunita ..reworking
long and hard hours to acquire f'unds nece"BarYf'or the purchase
of these unita.
It i8 understOOd that they intend to live in the
building but would like the opportunity to rent their unit.. on
a day to day baaia durinr, certain parts of ths year in order
to help COver the eXpenG~R involved in Ownina a bo~e in this
w~ would like to pcint out that We are in a location
zoned for lodging at the bRse of Aspen Mountain where these
type ofacco..modations are highly needed end extrem"ly efficient
fro..... transportation standpoint. We also f'eel th!\t itvould
be unfair f'or both our..elv". and the other purchasers
involved to be denied the ri~ht to earn a return On our
investments during part of'the year.
We would a180 ask that if w~ undertake this
arrsngenent. whiCh Should be reco~nized aa a step towards
providing adequate, aff'ord",ble public housing, that the City
Counc!lwilloonsider e>:e",ptlngthe developnent from park dedication
fees. Inasmuohaa all prOfits for McntereY"'est have been
Page 3
eliminated, if the fees mU9t l).. pe,id, {Jach individual
bUyer will have to absorb that cost. W""!:,,, doing this
basically ..t a break_even level and a" II result, each
buyer will have a Bubstantlal amOunt of equity 1n their
We would like to point out that th'i! building 113
ourrently being remodeled Bnd if "ondoGlnlu~ization 1.. not
granted, employee hOUsing of any sort will be out of the
question. This is due to the fact that upon cOlllpletion
of the prOject, we will haVe an inVestment of approximately
$800,000.00. Being zon",d Lodge On<'l, day to day r..ntals
would be the only means of coming eloBe to ~etting the
return needed to cover these ooste. In addition, we
would also like to point out the loni-terM effects o~ the
propoesl. First o~ all there i8 the ef1'ioi..noy which will
be under price and Ie"..", control, insurintj employee housini.
Secondly, therearo eight Aspen reBidente boingafforded
the opportunity to own a horae in Aspen which they oould
not otherwise have afforded.
In oarefully considering the above proposal, and
und..rstanding that \/11 haVII purposely gone h,r beyond SUgellstions
and requests of Mr. Goodheim, \/e feel jUsti~ied in aaking
that Our proposal be accepted aa presented.
Re peotfUlly submitted,
J'ooeph Fsgo
Montereyileat, Ine.
P .0. Box 4859
Aspen, Colorado 81611
(303) 925-5360
AU9ust 16, 1977
Aspen/Pitkin Planning Office
Ci ty Hall
130 S. Galena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Planning Commission
City of Aspen
130 S. Ga.lena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
City Council
Ci ty of Aspen
130 S. Galena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
RE: Proposed Aspen Manor Condominiums
Ladies & Gentlemen:
I recently negotiated a contract to purchase the property located between
Ute Avenue and the Aspen Manor Building. My plans are to ultimately
develop this property which is ~oned Lodge One.
I would like to see the. Ma.l3or House project approved as planned by Monterey
West. 1 f'eel that the planned improvements are much needed and would enhance
the value of the entire neighborhood. I feel that the location clearly
justifies a tourist oriented developement, and the fact that some employee
housing is designated by the developer will be a big plus for the city.
Lyle D. Reeder
Aspen Alps Condominium Association
A spen-Pitkin Planning Office
City Hall
Planning Commission
City of Aspen
City Council
City of Aspen
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Re: Proposed Aspen Manor Condominiums
As the representative of the Board of Managers of the Aspen Alps
Cond,\minium Association, I would like to express our concurrence
with l;Jh.e request by Monterey West, Inc. to condominiumize the
property known as Aspen Manor, located at 733 Ute Avenue.
The property has had very little maintenance over the past years.
The proposed plans will improve and upgrade the area.
We hope that the members of the Board will rule favorably on
this request.
corlj' ..' /
Gek1f G. HeltF:
General Manager
August 16, 1977
Box 1228. Aspen, Colorado 81611 Phone 925-7820
TO: Aspen Planning and Zonin9 Commission
FROM: Planning Office (KS)
RE: Manor House Condominiumization
DATE: August 12, 1977
At the request of the applicant, we have placed this matter on the agenda
along with your discussion of the condominiumzation policy. At this
point, we take no position on the matter because we do have no adjusted
guidelines to go by and because we have just referred the matter to the
City Engineer and do not have comment as to whether the proposal
meets subdivision design standards. The applicant has included some
employee units after discussions with Brian Goodheim.
If you come to some agreement at the Tuesday meeting, and if Dave
Ellis has a chance to comment, and if you have extra agenda time, you
may wish to consider the proposal. A condition of the appropriate
park dedication fee would, of course, be required.
BOX 336e
TELEPHONE (303) 925-1539
August 11, 1977
Aspen/Pitkin Planning Office
City Hall, 130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
City Council
City of Aspen, 130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Planning Commission
City of Aspen, 130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Re: Proposed Aspen Manor Condominiums
The applicants herein, by application dated July 12, 1977,
requested subdivision exemption for the condominiumization
of the Aspen Manor building. Since the date of that appli-
cation, some individuals who are attempting to purchase
Maco Stewart's interest in the building have engaged in
negotiations and discussions with Brian Goodheim regarding
the application and employee housing. They have come to
a tentative agreement, which, I understand, will be
supported by Mr. Goodheim, and which is acceptable to the
That proposal is that the applicants will agree to sell two ef-
ficiel1cy units (living room, kitchen, bath) at a sales price
of not more than $35,000 each, either to the City or through
the Housing Director, to be used for employee housing, with
appropriate re-sale price restrictions.
This proposal is acceptable to the applicants, and applicants
would be willing to have subdivision exemption conditioned
upon .effecting this arrangement.
The applicants assume that if they undertake this arrangement,
which will provide some needed employee housing, that the
City Council will consider exempting the development from
dedication fees, or at least reducing said fees substantially,
so that the loss of income that would be derived from selling
the units at their fair market value would be offset by an
equivalent reduction in the dedication fee. The willingness
of the applicants to sell the units at the price substantially
below market price is to a certain extent conditioned n
this assumption.
,,-.. ,
HEREBY CERTIFIES from a search of the books in this office that the owner
A tract of land being a part of the M & Y Lode Claim U.S.M.S. No. 3921, Amended in
Section 18, Township 10 South, Range 84 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
said tract is more fully described as follows:
Beginning at Corner No.4 of the M & Y Lode whence Corner No.1 of the Aspen
Townsite bears South 39056'34" East 941.27 feet;
thence South 39056'34" East 110.77 feet along Line 4-3 of M & Y Lode to the centerline
of a road up Aspen Mountain;
thence South 68000' West 39.00 feet along centerline of road;
thence North 73006' West 44.47 feet a1ong.center1ine of road;
thence North 50018 West 79.60 feet along centerline of road;
thence North 70041 West 72.33 feet along centerline of road to the Northeast
line of Lot 32, Section 18, Township 10 South, Range 84 West of the Sixth Principal
thence North 16015' East 61.81 feet along the Northeast line of Lot 32 to the
intersection of Line 5-4 of M & Y Lode;
thence South 68022' East 128.88 feet to Corner No.4 of M & Y Lode, the point
of beginning.
County of Pitkin, State of Colorado.
name of
in the County of Pitkin, State of Colorado, appears to be vested in the
Maco Stewart, as to an undivided one-half interest; and Michael Teschner,
as to an undivided one-half interest,
and that the above described property appears to be subject to the following:
Deed of Trust from Michael Teschner, Maco Stewart and Linda H. Stewart to the Public
Trustee of Pitkin County for the use of Albert G. Timroth, Alfred W. Timroth and
Zana M. Timroth to secure $211,000.00 dated June 1, 1976, recorded June 10, 1976
in Book 313 at page 19.
Deed of Trust from Michael Teschner to the Public Trustee of Pitkin County for the
use of Arthur Cameron to secure $80,000.00 dated May 4, 1977, recorded May 5, 1977
in Book 328 at page 427.
Although we believe the facts stated are true, this Certificate is not to be construed
as an abstract of title, nor an opinion of title, nor a guaranty of title, and it is
understood and agreed that Stewart Title of Aspen, Inc. neither assumes, nor will
be charged with any financial obligation or liability whatever on account of any
statement contained herein.
Dated at Aspen, Colorado, this 2nd day of August
A.D. 1977 at 8:00 A.M.
Before the Planning
Commission and City Council
of the City of Aspen
JUly, 1977
Application of Maco Stewart, Linda H. Stewart and
Michael Teschner for Exemption from the Definition
of a Subdivision for Condominiumization of an
Existing Nine-Unit Apartment Building Located at
775 Ute Avenue, Aspen, Colorado.
415 East Hyman, Room 301
Aspen, Colorado 81611
(303) 925-1539
Attorney for applicants.
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cOllsidcr;.nion II] i;~;i::.i
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MACO STEWl\lZT, dOi lU ,111 undivi~lc.:d one-half (j) Im-.;rest,
whoOie nddresOi is N):1 ri.'nllin, Suite 211,5, Cirv of flouston,
COllnty of IL:'Tis ,m',1 Sl,'le of Te.:-;as, thefo]]"\\'in~ real propert:' In the
County of Pitkin and Stille uf Colorado, to-wit:
1\ tract of liCnd being i1 parr of the NI8: Y L.odc Claim
l), S, M, S, No. 3921 i\mcndcli, ill Section 18, Tew;'nship 10 South,
I\:.nge 8~ Wcst of the Sixth Principal Meridian, s8id tr8ct is more
fully descri bed as fe' lJows:
Bc.:;inninc; at Corner i'D, 4 of the M ~, YI ,ode whence Corner No, 1
\ or-th~ Aspen TownOiit-.; b<.::ars South 39"56'34" East 941. 27 fed;
thence Sout!l )<) 56' 3-}" last 110. 77 fect alon)1: Une 4 -3 of M & Y Lode
to the centerlinc' of a 1'0,,,.' up i\~pcn MounC:in:
thc.:ncc SOlllh ("cJ"()()' WCOit 39,00 [eet aloll1; cCllledlne of road;
thclll:c Nunli Tlt):i' W,'stt-L 47 feet alc;n\, cemcrlillC of ro,lcl:
thence North .50"L8' West 79, 60 feet along cel1terJine of road:
tlll'nee North 70041' vVest 72, 33 feet along centerline of road to the
Northeast line of Lot 32, Section 18, Township 10 South, J\ange 84
West of the Sixth Principal Meridian;
thence North 16015' East 61, 81 feet along the Northeast llne of
Lot 32 to the intersection of Line 5-4 of tvl &. Y Lode;
thence South 68')22' East 128.88 feet to Corner No, 4 of M & Y Lode,
the point of beginning.
with all appurtenances,and warrctnts the title to the same, subject to
exceptions, reservations, easements and restrictions of ,'ecord,
'J:i\~~~ii:/:':, )
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f c:: .:~>.., COLJN~~ OF _tJ_~ilct2J C.
"" "'''''. 1 he f~golng i Ilstrument was acknowledged before me this / /bb
del) of v -Utvf , 1977 by Linda Stewart, fanner wife of Maco Stewart.
My commission expires
Willless my hand ami official seal.
clay oJ
, 1977.
Notary l'uDlic ill illlU tC)l'
-j}::t:J >{,;a./CC()lIl~r\',
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pmJLETTS B.s:.;rTI{
N'OTARY pn;.:::c. :,Iale of N'Q'n Yock
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QUQ.lj~:t)d l~, ~;'..'VI 'x'"d~. COUlity
CtJlullli..s:':.l)D LX.....!....': ~.l"';..:h. :JJ, .U7J
BOX 3386
TELEPHONE (303) 925.1539
July 12, 1977
Aspen/Pitkin Planning Office
City Hall, 130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
City Council
City of Aspen, 130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Planning Commission
City of Aspen, 130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Re: Proposed Aspen Manor Condominiums
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The applicants herein seek subdivision exemption for the
condominiumization of a nine-unit apartment building owned by
the applicants and located at 775 Ute Avenue. The applicants
are not in accord with respect to the operation and/or manner
of disposition of the property and, accordingly, desire to con-
dominiumize in order that each may take, and thereafter deal
with, individual units as their own.
The property contains approximately 11,000 square feet of land.
The building is approximately ten years old and has all utili-
ties (water, gas, electric, sewer). Of the~en units presently
being occupied,three will be vacated at the end of this month,
three by October and the S=\el1th occupant, Dacri Chandler, will
be given an option to purchase (her lease expires October 15,
1977). Ms. Chandler is represented by Joe Edwards.
The building originally contained six two-bedroom, one studio
and two two-bedroom townhouse-type units. Ms. Chandler has
converted one of the two-bedroom units to a one-bedroom unit.
It is anticipated that Maco Stewart and Linda Stewart will own
five of the units and Michael Teschner four of the units, with
Ms. Chandler purchasing one of the Stewart units.
Applicants submit that, because the building is existing, has
all utilities, and contains only nine units, one of which will
probably be purchased by an existing tenant, the requested sub-
division is not within the intent and purpose of the City's
subdivision regulations and should be exempt therefrom.
Applicants understand that the park dedication fee imposed by
Section 20-18 of the Aspen Municipal Code will probably be
required as a condition of exemption, and they are obtaining
an appraisal which will hopefully be acceptable to them and to
the City for purposes of calculating the same.
Martin H. Kahn ~
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1't'f1ifr t!.:J\ :l I'Nhill jlld~Jlll'lllh'(lI,.jr ,..:,id Cldlrl, 11111". ab"ve l'!.litll'd c~\l1;w, (mlll\!,.:.. ,~ '.' ;.' _. ._ ...
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B("OK.. ..J11lKl'.. .uf 11,,, Ikl'\ll.,l,; q( lilt, ('llllft,ill bvnr pf..
Ron.A. Timrotll dl';1 Ti~r6th 1~lltcrpri5cs
am! u~:d!l:lt..,
~ljchacl Teschner
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lll'l'Tl fully Mli,,!i('d,iI~ :,pr'~:l.r,~ frnlll thl' Jkco;-;ls nu..... ft~!lhillllL7 i.1 Ill, oifiee.
Witness lilY hll,,]
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