Chairperson, Michael Hoffman called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Alison Agley, Jay Maytin and Nora Berko,
Sarah Broughton, Brian McNellis and Ann Mullins, were excused.
Staff present: Amy Guthrie, Historic Preservation Officer
Sara Adams, Historic Preservation Planner
Jim True, Special Counsel
MOTION: Alison moved to approve the minutes of Feb. 13`h and Feb. 27`h;
second by Jay. All in favor, motion carried.
202 N. Monarch Street -Major Development -Conceptual, Variances
and Residential Design Standards
MOTION: Alison made the motion to continue the public hearing and
conceptual development, variances for 202 N. Monarch Street until March
26, 2008; second by Jay. All in favor, motion carried.
707 N. Third Street -Conceptual, Relocation and Variances
Public notice -Exhibit I
Sara presented the board with some background information. 707 N. Third
was built around 1890 and the cabin is on the corner of Gillespie and North
Third Street. It has a few alterations. It was originally a hipped roof and a
dormer was bumped out. A wrap around porch was added and a few small
additions were added. The applicant proposes to relocate the residence east
of the property toward North Third Street all the way up to the ten foot
setback and a little bit to the south. There is also a proposal to excavate a
large basement and reduce the size of the non-historic additions and enlarge
the one-story addition at the rear for a bedroom. The majority of these
improvements are sub-grade. Keeping the mass below grade and away from
the resource is great.
Site planning:
Staff is a little concerned about the walkout terrace which is along the south
elevation. The reason for our concern is we feel that the relationship of the
historic home to grade is jeopardized. It is almost like a huge trench even
though it is not visible from the street. Another concern is the window well
that is proposed beneath the front porch. At night time if there is light
coming from the sub-grade it would make the front porch kind off glow
from underneath. It is a good innovative solution to hide a window well
under a porch but not necessarily the front porch.
There is no parking proposed and the City does require two parking spaces
for the primary unit and one space for the ADU. There needs to be some
parking proposed on-site or they need to ask for a waiver from HPC.
Mass and scale:
We think that the one-story mass proposed for the rear bedroom addition is
very modest and meets our design guidelines. There is a linking element
that connects the gabled roof bedroom with the historic home. It is
successful in breaking up the development. The two additions that exist are
proposed to be reduced a little. Reducing the size and changing the
materials is great as it meets our guidelines a little closer. As a suggestion
maybe there is a way to keep reducing the additions or omit them and
incorporate that space into the new addition to increase the integrity of the
new home. They are going to be picking up the house and this might be a
good opportunity to restore some of the historic form.
The applicant proposes to shift the building 23 feet to the east to the front
yard setback. Staff is not opposed to relocation but we cannot support it
right now because the overall proposal does not meet our design guidelines.
Overall the applicant should restudy the sub-grade space, the large terrace,
light well and restudy the relationship of this home to the home to the south
which is also historic. Possibly the house could be shifted forward to the
setback instead of bringing it all the way up to the ten foot setback that is
required in the R-6 zone district.
Affordable Housing:
HPC has the authority to grant variances from design standards for ADU's
through special review if the property is an historic landmark. Regarding the
ADU staff is not in favor ofhaving asub-grade ADU space especially with
the large terrace that would be jeopardizing the historic resource. The sub-
grade space does not promote the unit's livability. The entrance to the ADU
negatively impacts the historic resource with the large walkout sub-grade
terrace. Criterion #3 is met because it is compatible with the neighborhood
but criterion 1 and 2 are not met. Staff feels there should be parking for the
ADU on-site as there is no parking on the West End. We're not concerned
about the attachment of the ADU to the primary residence. There is a door
that joins the ADU to the primary residence and we recommend that door be
taken out and making it a wall so that there is specific ADU space with its
own entrance. Design standard #6 relates to the setback variances and #7
discusses roof designs. There is a roof design over the entrance of the ADU
and staff is opposed as it adds more mass and is a weird feature that sticks
out from grade of the historic resource. Staff is opposed to that variance.
We commend the applicant for proposing the ADU and it is great that the
voluntarily propose to have the ADU.
Setback variances:
Staff finds that criteria B is not met. The setbacks do not enhance the
historic property. They are asking for three feet on the north side and three
feet on the south side. Staff is concerned about the retaining wall distance to
the historic resource.
Al Beyer, architect; Scott Slogan, associate.
Doug Throm, contractor; Carol Craig, owner.
Al Beyer said they reviewed the plans and feel they can pull the setback
back so that they do not need a variance on the Gillespie Street side. In
doing so the light well on the other side gets reduced. Al pointed out that
they are leaving 700 square feet on the table and no maxing out their FAR.
The owner loves her yard and intends to keep it. Most of the houses in the
West End are maximized with additions to the back. What we are arguing is
it is a better thing for HPC to take livable space and put it subterranean. The
light well will make the space decent to live in. We can take off the ADU if
that becomes an issue. Isn't this a better preservation of an historic resource
than the chunk of building right beside and behind it? Right now we have a
small one-story space in the back and the house when people drive by will
look like the same old house. The owner would like to keep her existing
parking space on the side where she walks through the gate and go to house
that way as opposed to putting the parking in the yard. HPC has the ability
to waive parking. This is an historic lot that has never had parking on-site
and it is not accessed by an alley. In terms of moving the building, the pipes
freeze and we have a radon issue and there is no insulation and the heat
system is shot. We have to pick the building up, dig out a basement and put
it on an actual foundation. We only want to move the house once. The
dormer was added in the 60's. We will move the light well from the front
porch to the covered walkway on the west side that faces the back yard. We
are willing to pull things off the table to make everything work well. We
can get rid of the setback on the Gillespie side and the light well gets
reduced. We can take the ADU away which gets rid of the extra parking
space that we have to provide on site. The only variance we are requesting
is for the light well on the south side for the sunken terrace.
Nora inquired about the additions. The bump out was in the 60's. The back
bedroom was late 60's. If the ADU is not provided the space becomes part
of the primary residence. Sara explained that the lot is about 5,000 square
feet and you cannot have two dwelling units on it. You have to have a 6,000
square foot lot in order to have two dwelling unit.
Al Beyer said the idea was down the line if we wanted live in care-giving we
might as well have a legal place for them to live. Amy said this ADU is a
little different because it is voluntary. If an ADU was required to be
provided the City wants the kind of unit that we think is livable above grade,
detached or give us the money and we will build one ourselves.
Michael asked if the applicant has to meet all of the ADU requirements.
Sara said she interprets that the three conditions need to be met. Amy
pointed out that there are several design standards that need waived in order
to build this ADU.
Nora said the applicant is providing housing within walking distance to town
and you are reducing density.
Michael asked Jim if the HPC had the authority to be innovative. Jim said
HPC has flexibility but you need to be in compliance with the criteria.
Al said what is key to the space whether it is an ADU or livable space is the
light well. That light well allows the space to be livable and keeps it from
being in the back yard. Every project is allowed 2,400 square feet of FAR
and if the basement is 100% below grade it doesn't count against your FAR.
Whatever percentage of wall is above grade then that percentage of your
basement space counts as floor area. By making the light well as big as
possible I'm taking up FAR that aren't going to go in the back yard in the
Michael said one of staff's issues is the walk out terrace. Al said it was 7 '/z
feet by around 24 feet without the slope and that has been reduced to 5 feet.
Nora said if the terrace is landscaped in a certain way it could become a
terrace garden bringing in light. Could that mitigate some of the problems?
Sara said our main issue is that you are taking away the relationship of the
historic resource to the ground in a huge way. It is the length of the historic
resource. That is something that we feel is going to compromise the
architectural integrity. It is great that the mass is below grade but the reality
is there is 700 square feet that remain above grade and the possibility of a
500 square foot bonus that this property would be eligible for. In the future
they could be putting that mass in the back yard and still have the sunken
Nora said the applicant is not maximizing the property and she is trying to
figure a way to keep the ADU sub-grade. Jay said what you are asking is
can we count that FAR as part of the project which would alleviate the
ability to build another structure on the property in the future.
Al said putting a project out there that has a light well to make sub-grade
space livable is a good solution. In the code you would have to change how
FAR is calculated on the lot.
Jay asked if any trees would be removed. Al said there is a good size Aspen
tree in the front that will have to be removed. The rest can remain.
Amy pointed out that she would argue for the light well if there wasn't all
this pressure that is going to come to us again ten years down the road
requesting 700 square feet of FAR and possibly a FAR bonus. You need to
look at the light well and decide if it is appropriate for the historic building
not trying to think you are protecting the building from other development
because that development is still out there.
Amy said there are ideas to tweak the light well, whether it is moving the
staircase so that it is oriented a different way so the ground doesn't slope
right-away. Jay said he would like to see a restudy of attaching the light
wells to the addition rather than attaching them to the historic structure. You
are putting a light well on two sides of the historic structure. Possibly a light
well can be moved to the master bedroom or where the hallway is. Jay said
a very prominent part of the historic house is also facing Gillespie Street.
Al said the light well that we are talking about is on the south side of the
building and you can't see it at all. It is on the south side between the two
buildings. Alison said pulling the office addition back off the corner of the
historic resource is helpful for positioning it.
Michael outlined the issues:
Walkout terrace or rather the extended light well.
Alison said it is back off the corner of the historic resource. I understand
what AI is trying to do but it is a 32 foot light well. Nora said this is a
project that keeps the scale where it belongs and addresses a need that the
applicant has. The light well is not even seen and is discrete.
Michael pointed out that density in the West End is a huge problem. Staff's
concern is that the light well or rather the sunken terrace degrades from the
historic resource. Does HPC agree with staff's assessment? Jay agrees with
staff. Nora, Alison, Michael did not agree with staff.
Michael said the next issue is the window well that the applicant is moving
to the west side which is under the deck. Sara said it is not on the primary
facade but it is against the historic resource. Jay said he would like to do a
Michael said another issue is the parking. An encroachment license needs to
be applied for. Sara said typically the Engineering Dept. doesn't allow
parking in the right-of--way especially in the West End. They would either
have to have on-site parking on the property or ask for a waiver of two
parking spaces from HPC.
Al said Engineering wants to put in curb and gutter everywhere. HPC has
the right to waive the parking and that is what we are requesting. Al said
this house has always had head in parking on the side and it is an historic
part of this house.
Amy explained that they do not have on-site parking and except for the
ADU, I don't think this project triggers to provide parking. They have a pre-
existing condition; however they don't have approval to park head in on the
city right-of--way. HPC may not need to grant a parking variance.
Michael addressed the next issue which is the bump out on the kitchen and
the office. They have reduced the sizes and are they acceptable. Jay said if
alternations occur it is his feeling that they should go back to the original
state, at least that is the way the guidelines are interpreted. If they alter the
1970's addition the way he interprets it, it would be appropriate to have the
applicant restore the building. Alison said on Gillespie if the addition was
removed you could read the historic resource more clearly. Jay said the
design proposed is more complimentary to the historic building but reading
the guidelines if you alter the existing addition then it should be put back to
the original.
Michael said the ultimate goal is to restore the original.
Alison pointed out that the addition on the south side is fine. It is difficult
with guideline 10.3 because the upper addition of the dormer was from a
different time, although this is not a primary facade.
Amy said on the south side Al isn't changing anything except some
windows. On the north side they are changing things. Al said if we are
penalized for reducing the kitchen and the office we will just keep it.
Amy said if they keep the addition on the north they need a variance to do
so. One way or another the board has to "bless" the north addition. Al
pointed out that the guidelines say place an addition and we are not dealing
with placing an addition, we are dealing with something that is already there.
Michael said as it relates to the south addition that it is six feet and we
applaud you pulling it back and we are asking you to pull it back four more
Sara said guideline 10.2 has to do with existing conditions: Amore recent
addition that is not historically significant maybe removed.
Al said he is opposed to pulling the south addition back four more feet
because there is a dormer addition and this piece parks below it in a
symmetrical manor and if you pull it back it doesn't work. Alison said she
has no problem with the addition being six feet back. Michael agreed.
Michael asked how the HPC felt about the north side. Amy said when they
cut down the north side it will be a new addition and it is not the thing that is
grandfathered in.
Michael said on the Red Mountain side we would not approve the project
with that addition.
Michael said relocation is the next issue. Staff said we might agree to that
but the rest of the plan doesn't work and even if we did we don't think it
should go to the setback line. It should be even with the other structures on
the street. Sara said she didn't mean exactly in line but to have a better
relationship with the adjacent historic resource. Alison said ten feet is
required and she has no problem moving it to the ten foot line. Jay agreed.
Michael said the ADU request is off the table. Al said the bump out is very
important as it effects the variance request. There is a 3'4" bump out and we
will keep it the way it is and ask for the variance. The variance on the south
side is to add space for asub-grade light well.
Jay said you could propose acceptance with the following conditions:
No setbacks. Bump out on Gillespie be kept in the same foot print that it is
now or gone completely. Approve the light wells or not approve them.
Approve the garden terrace or not and you can approve the other additions
based on the information given tonight. Relocation, approve or not approve.
Parking not on site.
Michael asked our attorney if they can take action tonight. Jim said yes but
there was no public notice for the parking and that can be handled at final.
Nora said what if we approved the project with the condition of a variance
on the south side being tweaked to the garden level and a variance on the
north side. Jay said his concern is that the structure will be 3'8" away from
the neighboring historic structure.
MOTION: Jay moved to continue 707 N. Third with a site visit to be
scheduled until April 23rd. Motion dies for lack of a second.
Nora said there are only two things that she is not clear about. One is how
you access to the garden level going to be handled and the northern bump
out. I am having issues with guideline 10.3 and 10.8. We have a real
opportunity here to act on something that we believe in which is reduction of
density, restoration of an historic resource, housing people who work and
live in town and improving the livability of a space. Those are my Aspen
Area Community Guidelines that I am thinking about. Alison said she
agreed. Jay commented that you have to go with the integrity of the
guidelines and some are very clear i.e. 10.3.
Michael said we already discussed this and came to the conclusion that they
met the guidelines on the south side with the long light well.
Nora said she would propose an approval with the condition to talk about the
north side.
Alison said what is difficult is the kitchen bump out on the north side and to
put a condition on it is hard because it is part of the mass and scale.
Carol Craig, owner said removing the addition is a big mistake because the
kitchen is so little anyway. She appreciates every speck of space in the
MOTION: Alison moved to approve 707 N. Third Street, major development
conceptual with the condition of removing the addition to the north side of
the house and restoring the historic side. When the light well is moved to
the west side of the house to make sure it complies with the code. New
location can be reviewed at final. Setback variance for the south is being
granted and relocation is being approved. The ADU is being removed from
the program. Motion second by Jay.
Nora said the space is small and the variance should be granted.
Jay said with the preservation of the structure the north should go back to the
way it was, guideline 10.3. If we are altering the north it should be returned
to the original state.
Chairperson, Michael Hoffman opened the public hearing.
Carol Craig said has been very interesting to listen to but I think you are
crazy. You are making so much out of nothing. To me this isn't even a
major project. This has been a 2 '/z hour meeting and as far as I can see you
haven't gotten anywhere. If worse comes to worse I will leave everything
the way it is and put a roof on. You can do whatever you want, I am
Chairperson, Michael Hoffman closed the public hearing.
Michael said the architect does not like the requirement for the restoration of
the north wall. Alison said we let them move the house to where they
wanted; we are allowing the terrace to the other side. The only issue is the
kitchen. Jay said we have bent our guidelines to make this work. Alison
also pointed out if the house wasn't on a corner it would be a different
Nora said the only other solution is to give a variance on the north side.
Alison said Al is pushing the envelope with our guidelines and he wants us
to look at them differently which will cause more discussion.
Yote.• Jay, yes, Nora, yes; Alison, yes; Michael, yes. Motion carried 4-0.
Al asked for clarification. Alison said you got everything except the little
bump out on the kitchen. Al asked if the HPC had the legal authority to
remove the bump out. Jim said absolutely.
Jim said the applicant has the right to file a 106 action to court if you don't
think the HPC has the authority. Amy said this is a major project and we all
appreciate that she isn't maxing it out. You are picking up the house,
digging a basement, moving the house. The board decided allowing the
addition on the north wasn't appropriate.
Al said he is upset for Carol. She has this and she took something that was
falling apart and she is trying to make it better. She is trying to all the right
things and the one thing that she wanted was the space that existed. If HPC
has the authority why didn't ask for all the dormers to come off instead of
just the north side.
Amy said if that was the one thing she wanted then give up the light well
and get the house out of the setback.
Jim said anybody who made the motion in favor of the project can make a
motion to reconsider the decision.
MOTION: Jay made the motion to reconsider the decision of the previous
motion; second by Nora. All in favor, motion carried.
MOTION.• Jay made the motion to continue the public hearing for 707 N.
Third until April 23; second by Alison. All in favor, motion carried.
MOTION.• Michael moved to adjourn; second by Jay. All in favor, motion
Me~.ting a~ijoumedlat~:g5 p.m. ~ /]
J. Stri~iykland, Chief Deputy City Clerk