HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.DRAC.filelist.1995-2000DESIGN REVIEW APPEALS BOARD COMMITTEE FILE LIST 1995 08/31/95 LOT 3, LACET SUBDIVISION -JOEL BARNES PASSED (below grade driveway within setback) 08/31/95 1011 - 1015 EAST HOPKINS PASSED cond. 1-3 (ADU with conditions 1, 2 & 3) 11/09/95 PARCEL A, OFF PARK AVENUE - COLASINVESTMENTS PASSED 12/14/95 926 EAST HOPKINS AVENUE PASSED (driveway) 12/14/95 1011 -1015 EAST HOPKINS PASSED (revisions to ADU) 1996 02/15/96 307 WEST FRANCIS TABLED to 3/14/96 (below grade garage) 02/15/96 308 NORTH FIRST PASSED cond 1 & 2 (Street orientation and lot line build-out with conditions 1 & 2) 04/11/96 307 WEST FRANCIS TABLED to 4/18/96 05/09/96 307 WEST FRANCIS PASSED cond 1-6 (below grade garage with conditions 1 -6) 07/11/96 633 NORTH FOURTH STREET PASSED cond 1-4 (one-car carport with conditions 1, 2, 3 & 4) 08/08/96 501 WEST SMUGGLER PASSED (volume standard adding lOSsf ) 08/08/96 923 EAST HYMAN PASSED (inflection standazd for 2nd story and volume standard for windows) 08/08/96 UPPER EAST SIDE TOWNHOUSES PASSED (inflection standard, street orientation and window standard) 08/08/96 510 WALNUT STREET PASSED (inflection standard with condition) 09/19/96 851 UTE AVENUE, UNIT C PASSED (window "volume standard") 09/19/96 WEINBERG RESIDENCE, MEADOWS ROAD PASSED (window and gazage setback) 09/19/96 918 EAST COOPER PASSED (street elevations, door height and window standards) 12/12/96 510 RACE/511 SPRUCE - ZUPANCIS CONTINL)ED 12/12/96 650 SNEAKY LANE APPROVED (volume standard for windows and street orientation) 12/12/96 1205 RED BUTTE DRIVE APPROVED (building orientation standard and garage orientation standard) 1997 02/27/97 377 SILVERLODE DRIVE APPROVED 3-1 (gazage orientation standard) 2000 city clerk 1 DESIGN REVIEW APPEALS BOARD COMMITTEE FILE LIST ~_ 02/27/97 02/27/97 03/27/97 04/10/97 04/10/97 04/17/97 05/08/97 05/22/97 05/22/97 533 WEST SMUGGLER (inflection standard for building height) 926 EAST DURANT -BRASS BED (no window standard, FAR and height standazd) 533 WEST SMUGGLER (inflection standard for building height) 533 WEST SMUGGLER (inflection standazd for building height) WATERPLACE HOUSING - WORKSESSION WATERPLACE HOUSING 935 GIBBON (design review standazd to all gazage) CONT'D 5/22/97 935 GIBBON (design review standard to all garage) CONT'D 6/5/97 LOT #10 SILVERLODE SUBDNISION (gazage standazd) DENIED 1-2 PASSED 3-0 CONTINiJED TO 4/10/97 APPROVED 4-1 APPROVED APPROVED 4-1 06/05/97 935 GIBBON (design review standard to all garage) CONT'D 6/12/97 06/12/97 935 GIBBON (design review standard to all garage) APPROVED 3-1 06/25/97 315 LAKE AVENUE (design standard) CONT'D 7/10/97 07/01/97 315 LAKE AVENUE (site visit) 07/10/97 411 LACET LANE, LOT 2 LACET SUBDNISION (volume standazd) 07/10/97 315 LAKE AVENUE (design standard) CONT'D 6/25/97 - 08/14/97 LOT TWO (2) OXLEY LOT SPLIT (inflection standard) APPROVED4-1 09/11/97 Fireside Lodge (appeal from design standard) APPROVED 09/11/97 Porter Residence - worksession 10/09/97 "WinRiver" Residences on Lots 1 & 2 of the Kastelic Subdivision/PUD- 570 & 580 Riverside Avenue (volume stanbdazd) APPROVED 3-2 11/20/97 Worksession -Ordinance 30 1998 03/12/98 Bell Mountain Townhomes -East Cooper Avenue CONTD 5/14/98 05/14/98 Bell Mountain Townhomes -East Cooper Avenue CONTD 6/11/98 (volume standard and building element) 05/14/98 1240 Riverside Drive - (volume standazd and building orientation) CONTD 5/28/98 05/14/98 SilverLode Lot 8, 313 SilverLode (building orientation garage APPROVED 5-0 & volume standazd) DENIED 5-0 05/14/98 SilverLode Lot 9, 295 SilverLode (building orientation gazage APPROVED 5-0 & volume standard) DENIED 5-0 05/28/98 1240 Riverside Drive - (volume standard and building orientation) APPROVED 4-0 06/11/98 Bell Mountain Townhomes -East Cooper Avenue WITHDRAWN 07/09/98 COLAS - 341-351 PARK AVENUE -volume FAILED 2-2 07/09/98 MOCKLIN SUBDNISION -building orientation APPROVED 5-0 2000 city clerk 2 ~. DESIGN REVIEW APPEALS BOARD COMMITTEE FILE LIST LOT 6 building orientation APPROVED 5-0 LOT 4 building orientation & window DENIED 5-0 08/13/98 LOT #3, SILVERLODE SUBDNISION -garage APPROVED 6-0 08/13/98 SIMPSON, 940 EAST HYMAN -volume APPROVED 5-0 08/13/98 DENHOLM, LOT #4, CALLAHAN SUBDNISION volume & building orientation APPROVED 4-0 09/10/98 COLAS - 341-351 PARK AVENUE -volume CONTD 9/17/98 09/10/98 NEVIN -LOT #2, SILVERLODE -volume & orientation CONTD 9/17/98 09/17/98 COLAS - 341-351 PARK AVENUE -volume CONTD 10/8/98 09/17/98 NEVIN -LOT #2, SILVERLODE -volume & orientation CONTD 10/8/98 10/08/98 COLAS - 341-351 PARK AVENUE -volume APPROVED 3-0 10/08/98 NEVIN -LOT #2, SILVERLODE -volume APPROVED 3-0 & orientation 11/05/98 HANNAN - 601 SOUTH ORIGINAL -garage APPROVED 3-2 volume APPROVED 5-0 11/05/98 1365 MAYFLOWER COURT -volume APPROVED 5-0 11/05/98 FLYNN - 1293 E HOPKINS -volume DENIED 5-0 subgrade APPROVED 3-2 12/03/98 LIPSEY/GIRVIN - 955 KING ST -garage APPROVED 5-0 12/03/98 KAHN- 440 NFIFTH- volume East & South APPROVED 5-0 volume North (street facing) DENIED 5-0 1999 01/07/99 RNER BLUFF TOWNHOUSE CONDS, 155 LONE PINE RD., UNITS 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 1Q 11, & 12 -volume, windows 04/01 /99 WILDMAN, 1340 RED BUTTE DRNE -volume 04/01/99 KRIBS, UNIT #15C, 631 S. GALENA - subgrade azea 04/08/99 KRIBS, UNIT #15C, 631 S. GALENA - subgrade azea 06/03/99 MOCKLIN, LOT#3, 145 MINERS TRAIL RD - building orientation & garage standard 08/05/99 WESTEND, 234 W HALLAM -volume (window) & one story for "Easthouse" 08/12/99 234 West Hallam 1)Window Standazd 2) One story element CONTD 4/8/99 CONTD 4/8/99 APPROVED 3-0 APPROVED 3-0 APPROVED 3-1 APPROVED 3-1 2000 ,. 04/06/00 1560 Silverking Drive-Design guidelines variances DENIED 0-4 07/13/00 981 King St. Denied 3-2 07/13/00 Oklahoma Flats Addition, Lots 8,9,10,11, North % Lot 7, Block 1, 375 North Spring St-Variances DRAC APPROVED 4-0 2000 city clerk 3