HomeMy WebLinkAboutresolution.drac.006-97i uiiii ~iiii i~iiii ilia iiiii iiiii iiiiii iii iiiii iiii uii 407982 09/03/1997 10:326 RESOLUTI DiiVIS SILVI 1 of 3 R 16.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKINCO COLORNDO RESOLUTION OF THE DESIGN REVIEW APPEAL COMMITTEE APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE TO THE RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS AT THE LEWIS RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 935 GIBBON AVENUE, A/SPEN, COLORADO Resolution #97 - ~~ WHEREAS the applicant, Mr. Tom Lewis, represented by David Panico, has requested a waiver from Residential Design Standard 26.58.040 (F)(4)(c) to allow for a gazage with loft addition to be located so that it is not recessed behind the front facade a minimum of ten (10) feet for the residence located at 935 Gibson Avenue, with a legal description more particulazly described in Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS all applications for appeal from the Residential Design Standazds of Section 26.58.040 must meet one of the following statements in order for the Design Review Appeal Committee or other decision making administrative body to grant an exception, namely the proposal must: a) yield greater compliance with the goals of the Aspen Area Community Plan; b) more effectively address the issue or problem a given standazd or provision responds to; or c) be clearly necessary for reasons of fairness related to unusual site specific constraints, and WHEREAS the staff report dated, May 1, 1997 recommended approval for the waiver request; and, WHEREAS a public hearing, which was legally noticed, was held at a regular meeting of the Design Review Appeal Committee on June 12, 1997, at which the Committee considered and approved the application with conditions by a vote of 3 to 1, allowing for the garage addition to not be recessed ten (10) feet behind the front facade, for reasons of fairness related to site specific constraints. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That approval to waive Residential Design Standazd 26.58.040(F)(4)(c), which requires that gazages be recessed behind the front facade a minimum of ten (10) feet, for the residence located at 935 Gibson Avenue, Aspen, Colorado, be approved with the following conditions: 1. The existing curb cut will be eliminated and replaced by the curb cut as indicated on the attached site plan. i iiiiii iiiii iiiiii iiiii iiiii uiii iiuii iii ilia iiii uii 407982 09/03/1997 10:328 RESOLUTI DiiVIS SILVI 2 of 3 R 16.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKINCO COLORRDO 2. The existing driveway will be revegetated and a landscape plan for the driveway area will be approved by the Parks Department prior to Building Permit issuance. APPROVED BY THE COMMITTEE at its regular meeting on the 12th day of June, 1997. Approved as to form: ~ty Attorney DESIGN REVIEW APPEAL COMMITTEE ATTEST: ' f Deputy Clerk i iiiiii iiiii iiuii ilia iiiii uiu iiiiii iii iiui iiii iiii 407982 09/03/1997 10:32N RESOLUTI DAMS SILVI 3 of 3 R 16.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKINCO COLORRDO parcel No. 1 A parcel of la;:d si.taated in the Southwest one-cp=attar of ti:e Southeast ore-qua-'ter of Section 7, Township IO South, Range 84 West of the nth P.M., described as follows: ~~ ~ Beginning at a geirt or. line 4-10 of Tract A of span Tract A Townsite Additie n whence Cot^.er No.fe t o na whence `he ` b23r3 South 7C 2112° Wsst 82.b0 canter ene-quart3r of said Section 7^ bears North 06°06'04" West 2642.78 feet; thence South .3 44 00" .ast BC.31 fee*_; thence 53.4s feet along the arc of a curia to -' the right having a radius of 355.57 feet, the chord of which curve bears North 4°°39'C4"i<est 52.82 feet; thence ' *:orth 34°47'43" °ast 35.27 feet to the point of begi:sirg 't ' Parcel No. 2 ti .,,, la 'leafed in the Southwest one-quarter of el of nd s~ a ~,~ .... x p tae Southeast one-q•.:arter o= aectip n 7, desc-sbe3 as ~ Range 84 West o:. the 6th M., South '~_ , follows: `' ~ '~ 5eginning at a go i.^.t an Line ?-10 of Tract A of Ashen tended Southwesterly whence Corner ._ Townsite Addition ex A bears North 23°13`37" West 5B.4 ;~ Nc. it of said aact et and whence the center one-quarter of aecticn 7 bears f t f / c r ~ e ee North 06°20'34" West 2113.57 feet; thence 142.34 ht having a radius of ri th * i ~~ g e _o along the arc of a curve hord of which euxve hears South ' C- 295.57 feet, the c 36°33'25" ~ast 189.01 feet; thence North 66°00'00" West to ` = 182.41 feet; thence North 34°47.43" East 95.07 feat the point of beginning County of Pitkin, ~~ State of Colorado, ~ hws .. at .,- ~.. ~ t~