HomeMy WebLinkAboutresolution.drac.001-98- ~ ~ RESOLUTION OF THE DESIGN REVIEW APPEAL COMMITTEE GRANTING A VARIANCE OF THE GARAGE STANDARD AND DENYING A VARIANCE OF THE VOLUME STANDARD FOR 313 SILVERLODE DRIVE, LOT 8 SILVERLODE SUBDIVISION, ASPEN, COLORADO. Parcel ID # 2737-074-30-008 Resolution #98 - WHEREAS the applicant, Gregg Simmons, represented by David Waugh, Architect, has requested a vaziance of "Residential Design Standazd" 26.58.040(A)(3), requiring gazages to be set back at least ten feet further from the street than the house, and standazd 26.58.040(F)(12), requiring spaces associated with windows between 9 and 12 feet above floor levels to be counted twice towazds allowable Floor Area, for the property located at Silverlode Subdivision Lot #8, 313 Silverlode Drive, and, WHEREAS all applications for appeal from the Residential Design Standards of Section 26.58.040 must meet one of the following criteria in order for the Design Review Appeal Committee or other decision making administrative body to grant an exception, namely the proposal must: a) yield greater compliance with the goals of the Aspen Area Community Plan; b) more effectively address the issue or problem a given standard or provision responds to; or c) be cleazly necessary for reasons of fairness related to unusual site specific • constraints, and WHEREAS The Planning Staff in a report dated May 14, 1998, recommended granting the variance for the placement of the garage, with conditions, and recommended denial of the vaziance for the volume calculation; and, WHEREAS a public hearing, which was legally noticed, was held at a regular meeting of the Design Review Appeal Committee on May 14, 1998, at which the Committee considered and approved the vaziance of the gazage standazd, with conditions, finding the variance to meeting criteria c, and denied the variance of the volume standard by a vote of 5-0. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Design Review Appeal Committee: That the vaziance of standard 26.58.040(F)(12), volume, is denied, and the variance of standard 26.58.040(A)(3), mandatory garage setback, for the single family residence at Silverlode Subdivision Lot #8, 313 Silverlode Drive, Aspen, Colorado, is approved, with the following conditions: I Illlll "III Illlil VIII' III VIII lllllll III VIII Ilil I'll 420097 07/31/1998 10:498 RE90LUTI DRVIS SILVI 1 of 2 R 11.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO 1. The garage shall be developed as proposed in this application unless it is designed further from the street than the front facade. 2. The garage shall be developed with two single doors. 3. All other aspects of the "Residential Design Standards," as amended, shall apply at the time of building permit application. 4. All material representations made by the applicant in the application and during public meetings with the Design Review Appeal Committee shall be adhered to and considered conditions of approval, unless otherwise amended by other conditions. APPROVED BY THE COMMITTEE at its regular meeting on the 14th day of May, 1998. APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney ATTEST: ackie Lothian, Deputy City Clerk APPEAL COMMITTEE: 111111 IIIII 111111 Ililll III IIIII 1111111 III IIIII IIII IIII 420097 07/31/1998 10.49ii RESOLUTI DRVIS SILVI 2 of 2 R 11.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO 't{ [ y .{ y 4 r ~ a.t 1 ~.. r~'~t~ ~'.}'~ 14..~~~.