HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.ud.County Horse Corral.1975 "" , : RECORD OF PROCeEDINGS 10.0 Loaves Regular geeting 'Planning...and Z0nil~g COTIll'riission JUlie 18, 1975 ~::..!~!.:..,..t.e" M.E!eting, was' called to order at 5:30 p.m. \vith members Roger llu~t, Jack Jenkins, Chick Colli11S, Hike Otte, and Patrick Dobie present. Also pre(';cnt \olCre Bill ~; n'e';'cccity!Connty Planner; and Yank NojO. .. \ "" r~~~~; Eh~' ~~h~~fp~:in.-~;'~~~-tst~: .I~~~es~~t~~\,,~~~'-~:~~~c~:r~~:~a~~~u~~: ~~m~6~~~~:. . . \, ' ~oger Hunt nominated Mike Otte as act:'ing chairman, seconded by coil/lins. All ;;"n favor I motion carriec'. pprqval of Minutes Id Business iC S j Motion ~ 'rhe minutes .,.,"ere not approved due to the fact that they were submitted with the notice of special meeting of June 10, 1975, which was cance'lled. They have yet to be approy Hunt moved that the Projects bc'completed, Collins, All in favor,. Jenkins abstained, seconded by 1'-1oticn..,.,carrie(~ Hunt asked Clark if he had received any letter of complair from the people at the bank or the apartraents. Clark hadreceivedcomplai"nts ( but since then havemadechang-es to the- property and has I:1oved the ccorrals'back, The complaints \'lereaboutthe laanure build Ul:' andC"la,rk said that they ,\..~o\?-l.cT have da.ily cleanup as"r.-.any ,tines a daya~ is necessary ~ T~8Y ,..~ill have the stra\'7 reE1ovec1 dail}. a~11d will i1ave clean tiu' c.s Dz.nv t.im2sa day as is necessarv,. . There \'1ill be drainage onto Galena street andt,be trall \o.lill becoming, off 'of the Rio Gr2nde pre'i:icrty. tI'hc cost will be" approximately $5,0:00. There \.;il1 b2 4 s'c.allsand ~f' the idea \..1orks they \'lil,1 expand. Jenkins suggested that the corrals be checked b){ the Planning and Zoning commission either onc.e or tv;ice 21. yeart:.o make s1.1xe:it . is kept, clean. ~ . Hunt moved that pubJ.ic property zoned as puLlic have a condition,al :usesubject. torevie-:..i a:ld approva]~ o'i: the Planning and zoning Commission that it may ~Jeuscd as'hor keeping facilities. . Otte asked if I~unt \\!Quld like to add to the IHotj on so~!.~ethi more specific such as ava'ilabJ.e for horsckcepir~.g fac{'lit Hunt said that he is intentionally kcef:d.l1g t.he J:lotion broad bcc;a1,Jsc it\.,Tj.ll be up to -'che COHLI\1ission to see what goes in .the property. riobie, seconc1ecC the' motion .. Jcnkins aSKed ifH they \o7ere saying that only on this si te only this kind of act:.ivity is. alright and automiltically. it is not o,k, on \iagncr propc~-ty. Y-ane said thilt the act.i.on'is to consider oquestrian facilitics as a conditional use in tho PU public zone, Kane also said that 1:hc first action is to include those condi t.ional i.lscs<u)cl.thc second action is 1:0 '~r(:vic\'l thos. Pl:01)osals conditional uses as rcsic1cntial. Hunt amcnc.1cdhis fc;ot.ion to say cq..lczt:,riul1 faci]ci t:iCf~. Dobie scc:ondcd thc amendment. to say equestri.rn f<tcilitie and to mai:.ca broader r.';u.lge. OLte re-read J.:hcJ!1ot:.i.un S.llyin<j -that: t:hp conditional u;=.;e [oJ." <.'qocr:tri;lll U!;C~; fol." e'1uc~~tri;Hl f.H.:ilj't.ie!." . "Hj ,'. Use Detern\inatiens Ceunty HoX'se cerral site Hunt mpved that the Planning and Zening Cammissien amend the Planning andzening Cede te appreve in.thepU Public classificatien use .of. equestrian facilities subject te revie'~ .of apprevalef the Planning and zeningCenunissien" Ottoe suggested that cenditienal use in pU zening subject te ,apprev'al reviQw .of Pl'anning and. zening equestrian ,uses and facilities be included ~,..., .Meje suggested that the metien be read as fellows: te 'incl\1de equestrian facilities cenditienal use. in public zen~ng. Debie secended themetien. All in faver, metien carried. 'Otte said that they need a metien related te granting cenditienal use en the particular site. Cellins suggested that semewhere in the metien fer it te be censidered te revie'.... the time when the cerrals should be checked. Bunt meved' that the planning & zening Cornlnissien appreve the County applicatien fer cenditienal use .of. the Pitkin Cemity Park and Stable area subject te fixed revie"l dates in themenths .of August and octeber .of this year ar~ te be reviEMed vlhenever a cemplaint frem neighbex:ing preperty is submitted te City Planning and Zening. Jenkins suggested that a date be picked fer this year anc. .one fer next year and if satisfacteryit sheuld be fer- getten about. Hunt believed that if the neighbors arc comp'laining about it they should have a chunce to dispens,-" .of their preblems. Chick callins felt that the review should 'be at a fixed time. Hunt moved that the .Planning and Zoning COlc~"issien approv the request for Pi~kin County Stable area to grant cenditional use }:In that site subject to revimv of Septem.J:::. pf 1975 and September of 1976, Jenkins seconded that metion. . .J Otte re-read the motion' which states that it has been moved .and seconded to g1:ant cow1itional use for equestria . facilities and purposes on the Ceuni:y Eorse and corral' site subject to review in September 1976 and September .of 1975. All in favor, motion carried. j Hojo introduced the Rolla B, nill Str0am !.largin Review. They ,..-au;l.d like to add a porch O~l to the bllilding, The J;milding'is 4<';' above the level ot the river, The reason this is being revicv.'ed is they need a bui1:ding permit ta add a porch in :front of the building, but sinCE> it is within 100' .of the river ,they have to go through stream margin reviev;, Bojo said that he ,.:ent and looked at it and co"ldn' t see any problem frem the Planning Dcpart.ment standpoint, The applicant has agreed to .open his portio! .of the land for' fisherman's access:' ,d ..... RoJ.la B. Hill Stream Hargin Revie" . JI\;mt moved t:hat a Stream t-largin Revie"l approval be grant' cof;di tioni:ll upon agreement by the 'applicanl:th';it ailY disruptien of.natural caver be repaired and thqt fisherm, access along t:he river be granted, Seconded by Colli.ns. Allin favor, motien carried, ~:J . Mejo presented the 700 Hopkins. Concoptual Subdivi~>ien sa: that t:he building has. 15 units ranging from 1 bedroom to 3beurooms cun:clltly occupied by 21 people; potential eccnpancy if> bct\-l~'en 28 and 29 people. 'rhe concern is t.hnL acleqni:lte p'\l:l:ing. b',i;:prov.ided on the. 3i to .i:lt the rat, of: one l':l1~hin<] ;-.;pucc per b~c1roolll nnd that.'t.hclciJ!;es he cevered fo.r (, months. '1'hcro if> pre$ently gravol in .Lhc prop{JSCU p.:lI:J:ilH] t;pil~::? 700 Hepkins. Canceptual Subcllvision , -2- .- P I T It I N c o t1 N T Y ,-... /--- LAND USE AOMINISTRATOR . P. O. BOX 909B . ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 . PHONE, (303) 925-6387 June 9, 1975 Yank Mojo Planning Office Box V Aspen, Colorado 81611 Dear Yank: Enclosed are exhibits you requested concerning proposed park and stables. A revised plan for the park is forth coming. Very truly yours, /,</~~4( Hal Clark Land Use Administrator Pitkin County HC:cs Enclosure ~ "-,, DELANEY & BALCOMB ,.~ '-- ATTORNEYS AT LAW DRAWER 790 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 ROSERT OEl..ANE:Y KENNETH BALCOMB ..JOHN A.THUL50N EDWARD MUI..HAl..l..,..JR. ROBERT C. CUTTER SCOT,. M. BAl..COMB June 5, 1975 618 COLORADO AVENUE TE:LEPHONE 9"'5-6546 AREA CODe: :;30:;3 Ms. Sandra Stuller Aspen City Attorney Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: Public Stable (Proposed) Dear Sandra: It is my understanding that pitkin County or others have made a request for interpretations pursuant to 24 2.1B as to whether or not a stable is a proper use under the PU(sic) zone designation of the zoning district map. We represent the First National Bank in Aspen which has already filed its written objections to the proposed use. I trust my comments herein will supplement those already made by the Bank and will be forwarded by you to the Zoning Commission. I note that there are no conditional uses under the public zone designation and we are thereby limited to a construction of the intention of that zone district and the permitted uses enumerated thereunder. It would appear that both the intention and permitted uses contemplate the type of use which would be enjoyed by a substantial portion of the community and not a limited and select few. With the obvious scarcity of public lands within the City of Aspen, it strikes me that a more open and diverse use would be compatible with the intention of the zone district. /' The zone designation for the adjoining property as Office would hardly be compatible with a stable and should be considered along with the obvious objections fOr odor, insects and waste disposal. Yours truly, DELANEY & BALCOMB BydJ!:-€ ~'O RCC:js cc: Mr. Nicholas McGrath Pitkin County Attorney 1.') ,[ ~ i ; .i~~ '(?' .n.. I N c o U l~ If Y . < .~. .,,-,, I I. LAN;) U::E ADMlNISi!~ATOK . fl. O. BOX 9098 . ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 . PHONE: (303)925-6387 ...j.", June 5, 1975 Tom Starodoj First Kat:Lonal Bank Aspen, Colorado 81611 Dear Tom: I am in. receipt of your letter of May 28, 1975, stating the position of' the Board of Directors .of the First National Bank concerning the proposed park and horse stable plan for the County property located behind the property of the First National Bank. For your information, we are:,proceeding ,dth the demolition and general clearing of the site and "ith landscaping of the park. He intend to return to the City of Aspen Planning Commission for their consideration of the ,Horse Stable proposal before initiating construction of the stable. In response to the objections by the Board of Directors; we have altered our proposal in the following manner: f 1. We will not install a manure collection area as originally proposed. It was thought that this fertilizer would be com- posted and 'offered free to Aspen residents. Instead, we will assume the responsibility of daily maintenance and clean-up of. the stable and 'park area. Members of the Pitkin County Trail crews will daily inspect and clean the..area. 2. We have moved the proposed location of the stables away from the alley adjacent to the Kandahar and instead propose to locate them along the west boundary line of the County property, immediately adjacent to the stored taxis and junk cars. This 'will move the stables substantially away from the Kandahar building and effectively screen the stored junk cars. 3. We will initially install only four stables instead of the six originally planned. 4. Trees, grass and a small earth berm will be installed along the south border of the property along the alley to screen and buffer the park site from the Kandahar. 5. The park grounds will be contoured such that positive drainage wiil occur, to the Galena Street drainage chann~l .thus eliminating the possibility of water ponding. "''C''.=-,,"'-' "",, .~ -.-c. ,.."C:CTj Tom ;." ::arodoj 1"""-. .~ ...; ;":'_~'~ .5, Page 2 l d. "-,' ~ . -' : -,~ 6. Pl~O?er bc(>:I:Lng r~aterii;11s t\'i.l1be :..1.sed :Ln the 5::r.1,18 to acsarb UI'::;.T''2- a:1d lE;lr.oved as necessary for q,eal th and! or odor rensor:s. I have spoken with the County Commissioners this morning and they have assured me that should the ho,rse stable become a health or odor problem despite our substantial precautions that they would discontinue its use. I would be happy to attend any meetings of the Board of Directors, employees, or Kandahar resid2i1ts .to discuss this matter more fully. As you are aHare, I offered to attend the Board meeting of Hay 22, 1975, but was informed by you that this would not be appropriate,' Very truly yours, /~J~~ Hal Clark Land Use Adminitrator Pitkin County . CC; Pitkin County Commissioners City of Aspen P & Z Bill Kane Encl. Letter from Jim Roark, Hay 8, 1975 HC:cs ~''''~~,',:",'r~'- . ~'}."";~' '-'":::"~'i7-. ""'____---="o"'.,:.',._..:t~""""""__c-..~.:'.-_'Tc.'''''...,.?'',..,.::.' .f"""'. ~ First National Bank mM~ ,'i May 30, 1975 PETITION TO THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: It is our understanding that the county plans on constructing a horse stable behind the First National Bank building and " its adjacent apartment building. We find this a most objectionable . project due to the odor from the horse manure and the attendant insect and health problems. We strongly object to this project. SIGNED: , .' . , , Tenants of the First National Bank Building MOUNTAIN ,~LL ~An~. . ~,f"""" .. -' ~~~~ & J~ ~a~ ~AC4i~ ' ~Qi~ , r-., ."-'" \' \". '>.\.'l~l,,,t ,,- ,.,. ii,"- . . .~. 11 111- ~"'.';,.?'./' . ~\tti" ~ !"~"'. ~. if<. . ., ~"_-:j-r . POST OFFICE BOX 3318/ ASPEN,COLORADO 81611 / (303) 925-1450 Fi rst National Bank ffl~ May 30, 1975 PETITION TQ THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: It is cur understanding that the ccunty plans on ccnstructing a hcrse stable behind the First Naticnal Bank building and its adjacent apartment building. We find this a mcst cbjecticnable prcject due to. the cdo.r frcm the hcrsemanure and the attendant insect and health prcblems. We strcngly cbject to. this prcject. building acrcss the alley / L/ . ! ,'-" .~ ,'\'liff~ ;'f . First ,'. .." .~\'lYiN:-' "_ ~'~'':;;':'.<,01' '^~'~i;! 1 fi'*-~\~i/ National ~~"'~"" " .,l~;l~~'@y~~xlt'"" Bank t', ~ <~~.. ~~~-'~ .. ~_.- ,_~_, ~_~~:' ,_',~~::::~~:' ~~,;,,':~,"~'~~~f~~'~~~~~': .~f~ ~nMr POST OFFICE BOX 3318 I ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 1(303) 925-1450 ." May 28, 1975 Mr. Harold Clark Land Use Administrator Pitkin County P.,O: Box 10820 As~en, Colorado 81611 . Dear' Hal; YQU~ plan For a park and ho~sestable was presented xo the Board o~ Directors o~ therlrst National Bank in ~spenat the'i;r Il)eeting on May 22nd, The reaction was a unamiou's QbjectiontotItis pr:o~ogl as they-felt the manure from the: hor;;:;es,regardles;;:; o~ wha,tlevel of use would be: made of':th:e :stables~, would bea 1[jOst objectionable 'odor, :and of .cQuI:se would createa.n i.ns.ect s.l tua t;ion in the area _, . This; :i;;:; particularly detr:iItJenta.l to the 'employee hcius.ing which'i;;:; loca.ted jm;t di:r;ectly a.cross the alley from .this ~ac.ilityaswell as .tQthe.conuuerci!"'it_.business area al'sQ adj'acent tothe~roposed paJ:'k and stables. ~h;i~~~~1~i -i~l e~~f~~i~~ . ~~~=B~~~d~f;;~i~t~~ii:~~~~~:s' ---7, He<:-:lt.hD~partment ordinances.. They a,refirmly QPposedto )" / thJ.s.prQ)e.ct, ~ ! .- ~=SinCe~lY!. c? :~~ L-: 4..r?-~' /.. t.--' '~~as~tar~J Executive Vice President . TS.S;ea .. ... I ~. f luJ. (G-;CI...t.C \L , .' . . .'- cc County Commisioners' ., - .~, ">. " DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH COUNTY OF PITKIN P. O. BOX 1025 ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 ~ May 8, 1975 Hal Clark Land Use Administrator Dear Hal, In response to your in~uiries on the Health Department's feelings about the stable area, proposed at the trail head across the street from the Courthouse, it is the feeling of this office that the only way this facility could be condoned would be with the guarantee that the County would be responsible for daily maintenance of the stable area; in which all manure would .be removed from the premises on a daily basis. This should eliminate potential fly bree"ding problems. If the grounds are maintained so that there is no ponding of waters and bedding material is used in the stalls to absorb the urine, the odor problem should be minimal, advise. Should there be fUrther ~uestions on this matter, please Sincerely, ( """'=';.~"'- ".,~ ~: . ,l ,"-" r", ',',' REconD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves ,o~.. " r.. 1', ..':':......, o. o. ~ ~. ~,. R:egular ~leeting Planning & Zoning Commission May 6', 1975 Meeting was'called tOlorder at 5:05 p.m. with members Jack Jenkins, Patrick DobiE Mike Otte and Rogel:" Hunt. Johnson and Schiffer were excused. Also preser.t were City/County Planner Stanford, Yank Mojo and Bill Kane of the Planning Office. Election of Temporary Hunt moved to make Mike Otte temporary Chairman for this Chairman meeting. Jenkins seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Approval of Minutes Hunt noted that on page 5 under the heading Mall, there should be a be after the word "should". - Motion Hunt moved to approve the minutes as amended and Jenkins seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Change of Agenda Jenkins moved to move the projects ahead of the Old and New Business on the agenda. Seconded by Hunt. in favor, motion carried. ' Bu:Sine~ All "':'jJse Determination: ~County Corral Land Use Adminstrator Hal Clarke came in to ask for a determination on a proposed horse corral to be located in the old county impound lot and recycling center on 100 N. Galena. v Collins arrives. -' Clarke explained that the commissioners are considering this as.part of implementation of the trail plan to have a set of horse stalls located in town for those who wish to bring horses into town. He said that they would clean up the whole area. It would connect with the Rio 'Grande trail that eventually goes down to Woody Creek. Jenkins asked how it would tie in with a bike trail and Clarke said that there is either eight or'ten miles of trail. Members questioned why Clarke had to come before them and Clarke explained that both Yank Mojo and Clayton had tried to determine what uses the code had and .the code is unclear He noted the area is zoned P (publ{c)wbich: alloVlS for,_ parks and parking. Jenkins asked what the maintenance" would be and Clarke said that since the County owns the property,' they would take the responsibility for cleaning the six stalls and manure pile in the center. Jenkins asked if this would be all seasons and Clarke said it would probably just be the summer and he wasn't sure if they would use it during the winter for anything. Histor- ically the area had been used by the county road crews. Jenkins asked if they had talked to the Bank since they were in such proximity of the Bank apartments and he could foresee odor problems. Otte asked if they,would be having earthen floors and Clarke said it would either be dirt or gravel. He showed members a sketch of the property and. the connection to the Rio Grande property. Dobie asked if .a stream would be running thru and Clarke said that he h~d been told by city planning that the water from the Glory Hole would not be going thru the property. Otte asked if the horses could be kept there only during the day and Clarke said he would have to check to see if they \-lOuld allow overnight parking. -- Clarke asked if their primary concern was the Bank's feelings and didn't think that there would be any problem with the manure since it will probably be taken away fairly fast by gardeners. Dobie asked if it would be stalls or a corral? Clarke said originally thcy had wanted .1 corral but he had been told that stri'lUge horses h.:J.ve to be kt'pt separ'lted. Jenkins asked if this would be a self-ml:,ti:linir -1- ., ! Corral, cont'd j Motion Margaret Meadows ./ Motion l'ledum-Hyman PUD j r" P & Z 5-6-75 .,-, project and Clarke thought that it would be only the expense of the building. Jenkins thought it would not be free frOm a maintenance standpoint and suggested that they charge a fee whenever one of the Humane Officers brings in a stray horse, Otte asked if members wanted to table until they got some imput from adjacent owners, Jenkins said that on the surface it looks ok but was concerned over maintenance, Collins asked if it would conflict with the trail and Mojo noted it was compatible with the proposed trail. COllins questioned what they 'would do about flies and Mojo agreed that they needed' :more information, Jenkins moved to table until they received more informatiOl from .the sur:rounding residents and answers .to the . questions they had brought up at this meeting. Hunt seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Attorney Jim Moran asked that the Commission consider the date of July 11th instead of March 74 as the time between preliminary plat and final. We explained that his client, Margaret Cantrup, had gotten conditional approval from the P & Z based on creation of a substandard lot. Jenkins reca'lled.. that the lot was too small - only 5,000 sq ft. They were sent to the Board of Adjustment to get a variance or permission to create an undersized lot. The Board of Adjustments as part of their approval said that the triplex must be made a single-family dwelling and that h~d prevented it from final subdivision plat because a sale fell through. There were also deficiencies in the plat. He was asking for relief from the strict application of one year from the March date. Jenkins asked if they would be coming back again with the final plat. Hunt questioned if they shouldn't just give a straigh~ six months extension and avoid a precedent but Mojo thought that would create a worse precedent, Mojo thought that the July 11 date was a good basis to start from. Collins moved to except from the strict compliance with section 20-5 as it relates to the time between preliminary plat and final plat submission with the time of one year beginning July 11, 1974: Hunt seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Mojo noted that this was the first PUD and conceputal under the new code and as proDosed \,o1Ould be i'l r.lllst-.er development of 9 units with 2 & 3 bedrooms in the Oklahoma Flats area. The buildings would be' located in three struc.tures. He pointed out that Randy Wedum was at the meeting to give a presentation and members might want to consider a site inspection tonight since he felt it was the kind of project that should be looked at, The zoning is R-15 PUD. Mr. Wedum noted that the owners of the property are the Hymans and the William Loughrans. The buildings would be utilizing solar energy and they have structured them on top of the hill & using the slope for the tilt. He noted that they have a waterline easement that also breaks up the land. Parking would be accessible at the top and they would utilize the existing terraces. The solar collectors would come under the houses and under the terraces. They ha'd. a 25' setback from the Toad, they would provide a sidewalk and they would be using low walls around the parking area. There would be steps down to the road and the water easement would be cut and exposed. The buildings would be thermal insulated .and it would be hot air heat through rock storage. Collins questioned the two shades of green on the sketch and Wedum noted these designated the two ownerShips. lIe said that they might have a mud and rock problem which they hope .to solve by graveling the terraces, lIunt asked Stanford how this -2- , .. P I T It I N c o t1 N T Y ~ ,-, LAND USE ADMINISTRATOR . P. 0, 60X 9096 . ASPEN, COlORADO 61611 . PHONE, (303) 925-6367 May 1, 1975 Planning Commission of the City of Aspen c/o Yank Mojo HAND DELIVERED Dear Sirs: The Pitkin County Commissioners wish to create a small park across Galena Street from the Courthouse. The park would be designed for the accom- modation of persons wishing to stable horses (six stables) and contain small tack rooms for storage of saddles, bridles, etc. We feel the close-in location of the park enables a horseback rider to use the Rio Grande Trail to ride to Aspen and leave their horse at this location. In conversations with the City Building Inspector and Yank Mojo of the Planning Department, we have been advised that since the use of a horse stable is not clearly defined in the zoning code, we would need to seek a "use determination" from the City of Aspen Planning Commission. (Evid- ently parks and parking are allowed in the public zone, but there is no mention of horse parking.) Therefore, we wish to attend your May 6, 1975, meeting to discuss this matter in greater detail and determine our proper procedure for submitting this application. Very truly yours, /~~ Hal Clark Land Use Administrator Pitkin County HC:cs cc: Dwight Shellman Joe Edwards Max Marolt , \, ,.f ,.--/ '" ! , . i , i {I i .1 " , . , .-. . ~ ~ F)o....r<.....:IN, (:") . I o ~'':-:~1 f'::;'<:<'''-'0'J "'",,,- '. ",,'I f;<,2~ n ') ~ l....'v'V").............,'.v"""\.::><"')....l ~...,~-'lt-L~ ". --.-; . t ~'v-\ ~jO ! L_..~ . i v/' i Ji ' ___.t'- " I I ",," "I ' " : I I I I ~-{,,\-. ~ j . l' .,y .t {'^'- "-' Cl, ( , '-J i j . i'