HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.ud.Le Cuisinier.1979
TO: Aspen city Council
FROM: Richard Grice, Planning Office
RE: Definition of Commercial Bakery . ~,~
DATE: January 4, 197~
The presence of the high volume and high traffic Trueman Center adjacent
to the S/C/I zone has resulted in a dramatic increase in the pressure for
'rup-grading)l' in the S/C/l Zone district. Requests abound for new quasi'"
service-commercial uses because it is apparent that the lower Mill Street
area will soon emerge as a high traffic area and therefore an attractive
one for retail operations. The S/C/I Zone was created as a haven for those
uses which do not require high traffic for survival, The low rent which
has historically been charged ~ the Mill Street Venture Building.. (7;50 per
square foot) is a function c\- the same low traffic. 4&Annual rental R.Al\
~~_square foot in the CC Zone are commonly in the 18 to 20 dollar
range,~n a town such as Aspen with a growth rate of 1.5% surrounded by.
( ~ Cou~t~ zoned agricu~tur~l-forestr~ with laf.ge lot zoning it is absolutel~ ".'"'v\.
I lmper1~lve.that we mal~t~ln our zomn9 ~ode.~f we do not make our use /'(, . ~"-i~.,
\ determlnatlOn and condltlonal use declslons wlth a clear set of standards l~)..~ \,."
\ in mind, then our code is tossed around without direction or purpose, VJ\ ~.. t(!,."",
(Sf What is happen ing in the S/C/l zone is a very natural trend in the free- . ~t.~,r.:U..
market, that is, up-grading towards the highest and best use, Without , 'p""
zonin9' a use which.is ~n a location out of the high traf!ic area during ~;~t~ '';\-.1..
,a.-pe,r-looo-f "un-grad,'I-nft"4's"'Sl1lW',.".,~"".h",;l~etlt4rr'tt1'e"~a-nd-'I'n-g"-clema:nd-,-'a J ; oj..-
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Ci:t:Y--W-;.tfl(Hlt,z.Qnin~'G-r-~iilllitdtiolls can be e)q'Hl<>.ted.~a..l-+:y..to ,~~..~. ,I' J'
~c;t...-i-n--e';'I'-e-l-es--~twa;oG, Thi s trend towards"hi ghest and best use" needs S_I}\,y,;,,!..LI \~'V,~
to be recogni zed as a growth pressure, 1IiI' .AJ',,<:L.:t" ,,",.
The Growth Management Plan has as one of its goals~balance between new
business';'!> population, housing, community facilities, and skiing, If in..the
administrative process, we were to eliminate any major segment of our
economy, then our balanced population will not have its balanced demands
satisfied. A population with unsatisfied demands is an extreme growth
pressure. In order to avoid a backlash which would be devasting to growth
management and to those quality of life style goals which were identifed
by this community years ago, we need to be extremely careful to make our
zoning work.
The definition of commercial bakery as it exists in the Aspen Municipal
Code today, makes a careful distinction of the perameters of commercial
bakeries. The distinction of course prohibits retail dispensing of baked
goods. It was initiated through a special code amendment in November,
1975, permitting only non-retail commercial bakeries in the S/C/l Zone
district. The amendment was prompted by a request from George Sells to
locate a commercial bakery in the building adjacent to the Rio Grande.
The consences of P&Z opinion was that the use was appropriate and consis.-
tent with other uses if it was non-retail and that the Code should be
amended to pennit it. The particular condition!prohibiting retail sales
is more logical for commercial bakery uses in that bakeries are more easily
converted to high volumne retail trade. People are likely to stop by to
pick up some desserts if the location is at all conveinent, The location
of the Mi 11 Street Venture Bui 1 ding adjacent to the Trueman Center has
already resulted in a lot of traffic in the area. In the event this defin-
ition is changed, we can expect rental rates in the Mill Street Venture
Building to increase to the 8.50 per square foot rate currently charged
in the Trueman Center. This is exactly what we are trying to avoid.
Although Mr. Sells request had been for a use that was 95% wholesale and
5% retail, Bill Kane argued that the area was inappropriate to handle the
traffic generated by commercial-retail uses.
Since the adoption of the restrictive definition for commercial bakeries/
several other applications for retail dispensing of baked goods in the
S/C/I zone have been administratively denied. Tom Dunlop tells me that
in October of 1977 a company called Mathilda's Hot Bread Company of
Georgia requested permission to manufacture bread produc~ts in the
S/C/I zone and to sell those products on permises. The Building
Inspector denied them a business license under those conditions. Sub-
sequently the owners of the business a~iuired additional space in the
Brand Building in the CC Zone and plan~~o do their retailing out of
that location. This involved a departure from the guidelines of the
franchise in that bread products could not be transferred from the S/C/I
zone to the Brand Building without first being placed in plastic bags.
This was a sanitation requirement made by Tom Dunlop, Furthermore, as
they were displayed in the Brand Building, Tom required that they further
be displayed in plastic 'bags. So this company required space in two
locations as a result of the administration of the zone by the building
P and Z recently turned down a request to permit a limited food service/coffee
shop in the S/C/I zone on the grounds that it would foster erosion of the
zone, They were concerned that use of this coffee shop could not realistically
be limited to the employees who work on premises but would result, once again,
in increased traffic into the zone.
The proposed new definition now comes to Council for second and final reading.
We recommend that Council not adopt the new definition. The current prohibition
on over-the-counter baked goods sales is appropriate, whether the baked goods
are an individual cheese danish or a whole chocolate rum tort, as offered by
Le Cuisionier. It is the intrusion of this type of retail activity which
will deteriorate the S/C/I and outcompete the uncompetitive service commercial
and industrial uses. Le Cuisionier is permitted in theS/C/I today; in fact,
they have secured all building permits and business license approvals,
provided they comply with the current definition. Their retail end should
be conducted in those zones here it is currently allowed (Commercial Core
and Neighborhood Commercia as they were advised when they first applied
for a business license. here is a new bakery going into the Trueman Center
where it belongs so the public's demand for baked goods in that area will
be satisfied. We suggest that if teCuisionier feels that they need and
must have a commercial outlet, they go into one of the zones where it is
an allowed use and open up a retail outlet in much the same way as Delice
Bakery has done, Delice, as you know, conducts its wholesale/manufacturing
operation in the Airport Business Center and has its retail outlet in town.
This situation works fine for Delice as retail sales are prohibited in the
Airport Business Center and wRBxexax manufacture is prohibited in the Commercial
The code amendment is at best premature and should be preceded by a careful
redefinition of the S/C/I zone,
(303) 925.6813
(303) 861_2493
October 24, 1978
.~'\s. Karen Smi th
Planning Director
City/County Planning Office
130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 8l6ll
RE: Le Cuisinier, lnc./Amendment of
Definition of Commercial Bakery
Dear Karen:
On behalf of Le Cuisinier, Inc" I would respectfully request
that you and your staff initiate an amendment to the Zoning
Code, which would amend the present definition of "coJ:!JlO'.ercial
bakery" which appears in Section 24-3.1 (bb) of the Code to
allow a "commercial bakery" to engage in limited over-the-counter
sales of goods produced on the premises.
The definition, as it now exists, precludes not only retail
over-the-counter sales but all retail dispensing of goods baked
on the premises. I do not believe that the latter was truly
intended by the authors of the Code, as in a City of the size
of Aspen, this would effectively preclude any bakery in the
s/e/l zone, as a pure wholesale bakery cannot be supported by the
population base of this City, This is further borne out by
the recent approval of the Pizza Runs use of a retail home
delivery service, which is expressly prohibited by the definition
of "commercial bakery" as it presently exists. The former pro-
hibition is inconsistent not only with the nature of wholesale
bakeries in general but also the S/C/I zone as it now presently
~~st, if not all, wholesale bakeries have a limited retail out-
let to allow vending of their fresh baked products to the general
public. These operations are ancillary to the baker's primary
function of baking for the wholesale market, but nevertheless it
is a "service" offered to local residents who desire to take
advantage of it. Further, the definition of H cormnercial bakery"
as it appears in the S/C/I zone is an anomaly, because for no
other designated use, is there an attempt to define the potential
Hs. Karen Smith
Page Two
October 24, 1978
market, Rather, it is the nature of the use that determines
if the market is wholesale or retail. There seems no justification
for legislative determination of the market for one designated use
and not the remaining uses. In this respect, it is clear from the
nature of the businesses as presently existing in the S/C/I zone,
that retail marketing of goods is not only not prohibited, but is
dominant in the zone (please refer to the memorandum prepared by
Le Cuisinier, Inc. for the October 17th meeting of the Planning
and Zoning Commission which is attached hereto and which sets
forth the other businesses of the Mill Street Venture and their
predominate markets). It certainly was not the intent of the
authors of the SICII zone to preclude retail operations in that
zone and there appears to be no rationale basis for the prohibi-
tion on a "commercial bakery'" engaging in over-the-counter sales.
As outlined in the memorandum, Le Cuisinier, Inc, will primarily
be engaged in the wholesale production of baked goods and other
specialty foods. As an ancillary operation to its primary function,
Le Cuisinier, Inc. would like to sell its product, including baked
goods over-the-counter. As evidenced that such retail sales are
incidental to the wholesale operation, the baked goods would be
sold whole as opposed to in pieces, packaged, and no on-.site
consumption would be permitted. There would be no beverages sold
and no seating available on the premises. Only a small percentage
of space woulc be allocated to the retail operation. As outlined
above, I feel that Le Cuisinier's activity is consistent with the
intent of the authors of the Zoning Code in designating the
S/C/I zone and would not be in derogation of the special function
that zone is intended to play. 'fhe limited retail use is clearly
consistent with limited commercial purposes as defined in the
intention of the S/C/I zone and also is a customary accessory to
the wholesale bakery business, which likewise falls within the
intention of the authors of the zoning code. I believe that a
"commercial bakery" can be defined in such a way as to further
the intent of the zone and allow a business operation that is
consistent with the overall purpose of the zone.
I offer the following definition of "commercial bakery" which
embodies the discussion above:
"commercial bakery" a bakery that is primarily
engaged in the wholesale production of baked goods.
A commercial bakery may engage in limited retail
over-the-counter sales of baked goods provided:
Ms. Karen Smith
Page Three
October 24, 1978
l.} That said retail sales is ancillary
to the primary activity of the
con~ercial bakery;
2,} That all goods sold are baked on
the premises;
3,} All goods sold are packaged;_and
4.} No on-site consumption of baked
goods is permitted.
This definition assures that a bakery permitted in the S/C/I
zone will primarily be engaged in a wholesale production, but
it allows a limited retail sales which is consistent with
customary accessory uses of wholesale bakery. I appreciate your
review of Le Cuisinier's request for amendment of the definition
of the "'commercial bakery" in your comrnents. I am hopeful that
this letter and/or the content hereof can be the subject of
discussion in the next Planning and Zoning Meeting and that an
appropriate motion will be made amending the definition.
I appreciate the assistance and cooperation that your office
has extended to Le Cuisinier and myself to date in this matter.
Sincerely yours,
cc: Le cuisinier
TO: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Richard Grice, Planning Office
RE: Le Cuisinier & Your Pizza Run - Use Determination
DATE: October 11, 1978
On Tuesday, you will be asked to review two letters requesting Use Determin-
ation for Bakery operations within the SCI Zone, The first letter dated
September 19, was written at a time when the two businesses planned to share
space number 19 in the Mill Street Building located at 465 N. Mill Street.
On October 4, we learned that your Pizza Run would not be operating in space
19 but rather would be operating in the River Front Building located in the
500 block of N. Mill Street. Regardless of whether the two businesses will
operate out of the same space, the applications still request similar Use
Determinations and both uses are proposed for the SCI Zone. Le Cuisinier is
to be a bakery and catering business and Your Pizza Run is a bakery business
with a delivery service.
The intent expressed in the Aspen Municipal Code for the SCI zone is,
"To allow the use of land for 1 imi ted commerci a 1 purposes and 1 imited
industrial purposes, with customary accessory and institutional uses,"
Permitted uses allowed in the SCI Zone are "Limited commercial and indus-
trial uses including the following and similar uses: vehicle sales; equip-
ment rental storage and repair; gasoline service stations; automobile
washing facilities; electrical and plumbing. service shops; commercial baker;
other limited industrial uses... provided that no permited uses creates an
unusual traffic hazard, noise, dust, fumes, odors, smoke, vapor, vibration,
glare, or industrial waste disposal problem." In the definition section of
the Code we find the following definition for Commercial Bakery;
"A bakery in which there is permited the production and/or wholesale
sale of bakery goods, but where over-the-counter or other retail dis-
pensing of baked goods shall be pl'ohibited."
The Pizza Run operation would involve no over-the-counter sales but rather
a delivery service. The Planning Office feels that this limited commercial
operation is within the intent of the zoned district and recommends that
you make a Use Determination that their bakery business as described with
the delivery service is a permited use in the SCI Zone.
The Le Cuisinier application requests a retail bakery operation similar to
that carried on by Little Cliff's plus a catering business. We have no
problem with the catering business or with the wholesale bakery production
operation. However, we feel the over-the-counter retail sales as proposed
is clearly a violation of the intent of the zone district, The Planning
Office recommends that you make a Use Determination that the production,
wholesaling, and catering operation is a permited use in the SCI Zone
Districts, but that retail sales of bakery goods on premises shall be
Application for Conditional Use
Le Cuisinier, Inc. requests that it be permitted to engage in
limited retail sales for its products in the Mill Street Venture
Building at 465 North Mill Street,
.,~ .
Le cuisinier, Inc. is a full service catering business providing
Aspen with unique concepts in food. Le Cuisineire, Inc. is owned
and operated by Tom Gerlak and Dean Small, graduates of the Culinary
Institute of America. ~1r. Gerlak has recently been chef for Nelson
Rockefeller at Pocantico Hills, the Rockefeller estate and for
Mr. Henry Kissinger, (See exhibits A and B attached). Mr. Small
recently worked as a chef at the Windows on the World, Hilton,
International, World Trade Center, New York, New York. Prior to
that employment, he was the sous chef at the ute City Banque.
Le cuisinier, lnc, is very proud of its high standards in both
food preparation and professionalism.
Le CL.isinier, Inc. desires to offer a full service patissire to
the residents of the Snowmass - Aspen area. Presently, such a
service is unavailable to the residents of the Roaring Fork valley.
Le cuisinier, Inc. specializes in gourmet desserts. They are
presently the only bakery in the State of Colorado who produced
the following baked goods.
Amaretto Cheescake
Cappuccino Cheescake
Linzer Torte
Black Forest Cake
Chocolate Almond Mousse Torte
Apple Custard Torte
Brioche Bread,
Presently, the above products, plus all the other numerous items
that they produce are available only on a wholesale basis. The
fOllowing restaurants in the Roaring Fork Valley are supplied or
will be supplied this winter with Le Cuisinier's products.
Andres' of Aspen
Aspen Steak company
Hickory House
Little Annies
Dunnavant's Ltd.
Guidos Swiss Inn
Jolly Jester
Shannon's Galley
Cheese company
Springs Restaurant
The Meadows Restaurant
The Araya
Courtyard Cafe
country Roads Ltd.
Holiday Inn of Aspen
Mt. sopris Restaurant
Copper Kettle
The Skier Chalet
The Stonebridge Inn
The Refectory
DiMaggio's At the Frying p,
The Tower Restaurant
The Restaurant
Timbermill Inn
Timberline Bar and Restaur,
Village Delicatessen of
Aspen Mine company
Casey's of Aspen
Galena Street East
Sgt. Peppers American Cafe
Ute City Banque
Crystal Palace
Sweet Sensations
Culinary Corner
Bagal Nosh
Golden Horn
Aspen Bar and Grill
Le cuisinier, Inc. recognizes that presently they offer a product
that is only available to the public who patronize the above listed
restaurants and desire to provide the community the opportunity to
savor the specially baked items that they produce without having
to go out to dinner to enjoy it. Since Le Cuisinier is primarily
a wholesale bakery, it will not be selling donuts, cookies and
brownies that are traditionally sold by other commercial bakery's
in town. Le Cuisinier will be more complimentary to than compe-
titive with the existing bakeries in town.
Le cuisinier, Inc. will devote less than 10% of their total
leased space to the retail operation (see floor plan attached
hereto as Exhibit C). The retail operation shall be limited to
a six foot long display case. There will be no seating available
as on-site consumption of the bakery goods is not contemplated.
The primary business of Le Cuisinier is wholesale and the antici-
pated retail operation, as outlined above is ancillary to its
~primary business. At the present time, Le cuisinier estimates that
less than 10% of their gross income will be generated by the retail
Le cuisinier spent considerable time and effort in choosing a
leased space for their operation. The Mill Street Venture Building
was selected because of the character of the surrounding neighbor-
hood. The 400 block of Mill Street, upon completion of the True-
man Center, will be Aspen's resident's shopping center. There
are approximately 20 businesses leasing space in the Mill Street
Venture Building. Le Cuisinier's leasehold space is on the upper
level of the Mill Street Venture Building which has grade access
on the southern side. On that level, the following businesses
are located:
Tipsy-T's bar supplies wholesale and retail
Fresh Squeezed Orange orange juice primary wholesale with
Juice limited retail
Specialty Glass Ltd. repair replacement of glass retail
Quality Auto Parts auto parts wholesale and retail
Y' Old Nash House laundramat retail
Brown and Wolf e<mrercial artist retail
Studios, Inc.
Heritage Paints paints and supplies retail
Pegasus Saddlery saddles, tack, guns and retail
supply shop
Henry's Electronics TV and Stereo supplies retail
Lower Level - Mill Street Venture
Marvin Enterprises
Autaroti ve repair shop retail
Printed in Aspen
Autorroti ve repair shop retail
Newspaper, publishing office wholesale
Print shop retail
FoX Bronco
Aspen Times
The Mill Street Venture Building Property is adjacent to the Trueman
center which shall contain the following retail businesses upon
the completion this winter of the building:
super market
interior design shop
candy shop
appliance store
drug store
liquor store
hardware store
natural food store
The businesses in the Mill Street Venture Building, and the remaining
businesses located on the 400th block of North Mill Street are
primarily a retail operation oriented at the non-tourist cliental.
The Conditional Use sought b~ Le Cuisinier is consistent and com-
patible with the surrounding businesses. The Mill Street Venture
Building represents the most logical location for an operation of
Le Cuisinier's type. This is borne out by the petitions attached
as Exhibit C, D and E, which request by the Planning and Zoning
Commission approval of Le Cuisinier's conditional use.
As stated above, the 400 block of Mill Street is becoming Aspen's
local resident's shopping center. Le Cuisinier's retail operation
will cater to the non-tourist cliental. It will not generate any
additional traffic demands on the surrounding area since it is
contemplated that Le Cuisiner's customer will be one-stop shopping
for all his needs at the Trueman Center and Mill Street Building.
The Mill Street Building presently has approximately. 80 parking
spaces with the Trueman property having an eq~al amount of parking
available, The Mill Street Venture building is an extremely
appropriate location for the type of operation Le Cuisinier seeks
approval for.
Le cuisinier is extremely proud of the product it produces and
would like to make that product availabie to the community at
large. It is a very unique opportunity for a small town like
Aspen to have a full service patissire. The nature of the
proposed operation to be carried on by Le cuisinier at the Mill
Street Venture is consistent, compatible and logical for the
business district emerging in the 400 block of North Mill Street.
August 16. 1978
To Whom It May Concern:
It is my pleasure to highly recommend Tom Gerlak
as a very fine young man who is also a skilled chef
and caterer. He first came to us as a substitute
in one of our guest houses and then became the
permanent chef at Kykuit, the Governor's residence
in Pocantico. Tom earned the respect of everyone
in addition to praise for his work, He worked
quietly, efficiently and economically in planning
menus and purchasing.
We regret his departure, however, we wish him great
success in the future,
Josep W. Canzeri
,"J', kx
"'. /.'" ~
, .~
~ .
. ~ ..",~
February 8, 1978
Dear Mr. Gerlak:
I want you to know how pleased
Mrs. Kissinger and I always were
when you cooked for us.. Even
though you often made it difficult
for me to remember I was on a diet,
I would not hesitate to recommend
you to someone who was looking for
an excellent chef. You took good
care of us, and we greatly appre-
ciated it.
. ,l .. . . .:, ,. ~......;
Best regards,
I ;./ ~
7, " 'Y'
Henry A. KJ.ssJ.nger
Mr. Tom Gerlak
25 Stanford Avenue
Colonia, New Jersey 07067
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The Undersigned being the owners, managers or employees of
the businesses located on the 400 block of Mill Street hereby
request the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve Le Cuisiniere's
application for limited retail operation to be carried on in the
Mill Street Building located at 465 N, Mill St" Space 19 as such
use is consistent with the objectives and purposes of the S/C/I
zone, is compatible with the other businesses in the surrounding
area and the location in question represents the most logical,
efficient, and convenient location for the nature of the service
and product offered by Le Cuisinere, Inc.
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The Undersigned being the Owner and Tenants of the
Mill Street Building located at 465 N. Mill hereby request the
Planning and Zoning Commission to approve Le Cuisiniere's
application for limited retail operation as such use is compatible
with the other uses in the building; is consistent with the
objectives and purposes of the s/C/I zone and the Mill Street
Building hereby represents the most logical, efficient and
convenient location for the nature of service and products offered
by' Le Cuisiniere.
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The undersigned being residents of the City of Aspen hereby
request the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve Le Cuisiniere's
application for limited retail operation to be carried on at the
Mill Street Building, 465 N. Mill St., Space 19, as such use is
consistent and compatible with the other uses in the surrounding
area and the location in question represents the most logical,
efficient and convenient location for the nature of the service
and product offered by Le Cuisiniere, Inc.
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TO: Ron Stock, City Attorney
FROM: Richard Grice, Planning Office
RE: Cuisinier, Inc. - Use Determination
DATE: September 27, 1978
Ron, would you please comment regarding your interpretation of the intent of
the SCI zone and upon the appropriateness of considering the attacbed use
determination. The determination requestedi:s specificly that a "limited
retail operation" is a similar use to a wholesale retail operation. At what
point does a use determination become so far fetched as to merit rejection
of the application by the Planning Office? Do we ever have that administra-
tive authority?
I have scheduled this item to be reviewed by 'the City P&Z on the 17th of
October, Could I please have your comments by October lOth. Thank you,
(303) 925.6813
(303) 861.2493
September 26, 1978
Mr. Richard Grice
Planning Office
Aspen City Hall
130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 8l6ll
Le Cuisinier, Inc. - Use Determination
Dear Richard:
To follow up our conversation of Friday, September 22, 1978,
the following are also property owners within 300 feet of
the Mill Street Building property who should be provided notice
of the special review:
Jesse and Judy Caparrella
P.O. Box 355
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Mr. Clyde McFarlin and
Mr. Robert Andrews
P.O. Box 289
SnOlqmaSS, Colorado 81615
Elizabeth Paepcke
c/o R.C. Huggins, Jr., Esq.
Bell, Boyd Law Offices
135 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60603
pitkin County
506 East Main Street
Aspen, Colorado 81611
united States Post Office
Aspen, Colorado 8l6l1
ATTENTION: Post Master
Mr. Richard Grice
Page Two
September 26, 1978
Shaw Estate
c/o Holland and Hart
343 East Cooper
Aspen, Colorado 8l6ll
l'1r, Chuck Vidal
l305 Snowbunny Lane
Aspen, Colorado 81611
I would appreciate it if you would send out the notice immediately.
Please schedule this for the October lOth meeting.
cc: Le Cuisinier, Inc.
Sincerely yours,
(303) 925.6813
(303) 661.2493
September 19, 1978
Mr. Richard Grice
Aspen City Hall
Planning Office
130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 816ll
RE: Le Cuisinier, Inc., - Use Determination
Dear Richard:
This office represents Le Cuisinier, Inc. and on behalf of
Lecuisinier "Inc., I hereby request a Use Determination
regarding their proposed use of space No. 19 in the Mill
Street Building located at 465 North Mill Street.
Le cuisinier is in the bakery and catering business, They
will share the above referenced leased premises with the
Pizza rtun which is engaged in a pizza delivery service,
which presently operates out of the Airport Business Center.
Le Cuisinier '.vould like a determination that the operation
of a delivery service for both their catering operation
and the Pizza Run's business is permitted within the S/C/I
Zone, which is the applicable zone for the ~lill Street
Further, Le Cuisinier would like to request permission to
have a limited retail operation in the subject premises as
a conditional use. Le Cuisinier offers a unique food product
to this community tha't cannot be obtained from anyone else.
Presently, Le cuisinier is only selling their products to
the various restaurants in town. They would like to offer
the same products to the general public by over-the-counter
sales. Le Cuisinier contemplates allocating a very small
amount of their total leased space (approximately 5% to 10%)
to retail sales of their bakery products. The operation
would be very similar in size to the type that is presently
being carried on by Little Cliffs. There would be no seating
in the shop and no on-site consumption of the bakery products
is either contemplated or desired. The applicants feel that
Mr. Richard Grice
Page Two
September 19, 1978
the proposed retail use is consistent with the objective and
purposes of the S/C/I zone and is compatible with the surrounding
There are approximately 20 different businesses leasing space
in the Mill Street Building and the majority of them are retail
oriented. Further, the Trueman Development which boarders the
Mill Street Building property on the South contains various
retail businesses, such as The Grocery Store which are extremely
compatible to the limited retail use proposed by Le Cuisinier.
It should be pointed out and emphasized that Le Cuisinier is
primarily in the business of wholesale baking and this limited
retail use proposed by them will represent only a small portion
of their anticipated gross income. The Mill Street Building
represents a perfect location for this type of operation in
light of the heavy traffic that would be generated by the new
grocery store at the Trueman property. Customers of the grocery
will be able to walk across the parking lot and do business at
the Mill Street Building without generating any additional
traffic. Between the Trueman Property and the Mill Street
Building property, there is more than sufficient parking to
accommodate customers of Le Cuisinier.
I would appreciate it if you would please place this matter on
the agenda of the next Board of Adjustment meeting which, I
believe, will be held in mid October. I would appreciate
written confirmation of your receipt of this letter, along with
information regarding the hearing date.
The following is a list of adjoining property owners within 300
feet of the applicant's property. Please forward the appropriate
notice to them. Since some of the property owners are municipali-
ties, they must be given 15 days written notice of the meeting.
Also, please find enclosed our check in the amount of $20.00 to
cover the application fee.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me,
Robert Francis
P.O. Box 3098
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Mr. Richard Grice
Page Three
September 19, 1978
Aspen Sanitation District
P.O, Box 2810
Aspen, Colorado 8l6ll
The Trueman Property
c/o Brooke Peterson
430 East Main Street
Aspen, Colorado 8l6ll
The City of Aspen
l30 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Wendy Morse
Mason and Morse
P.O. Box Q
Aspen, Colorado 8l6ll
Sincerely yours,
cc: Dean Small