HomeMy WebLinkAboutcoa.lu.ud.Neufeld.1981
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No. J.;(-lJ
City of Aspen
1. DATE SUBMITTED: ~/q!KI, STAFF: AuV/-Ritllf11r1M.J
2. APPLICANT: %berf LtYeufelclt lisanPrbJeJJ't'ant:f/7/;&.fr€.;
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3. 'REPRESENTATIVE: S?:lme ~I abctJe.
4. PROJECT NAME: 1'kllffJ~ L{te JJe.:blJ'h'na-h'e0
5, LOCATION: "tJ/d If mOtt! pt'JSf CJfj/CR..~ - ('lJtnf'f' ~ Iflf/J7Ci1YU
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Growth Management
Exempti on
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_____8040 Greenline
_____View Pl ane
_____Conditional Use
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7, REFERRALS: - tJDr\ e
, Engineering Dept,
_____Housi ng
____City Electric
Sanitation District ____School District
_Mountain Bell _____Rocky Mtn, Nat. Gas
Parks, _____State Highway Dept.
Holy Cross Electric _____Other
~Fire Marshal/Building Dept,
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TO: Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Alan Richman, Planning Office
RE: Neufeld. Use Determination
DATE: June 10, 1981
Zoning: C-1
Lot Size:
9,000 square feet
Old Post Office Building, 307 S. Spring at Hyman Avenue
The Planning Office was recently approached by Bob Neufeld
who proposed a use for the old Post Office Building, His
intention was to place the Aspen Professional Theatre, a
non-profit organization that gives theatre classes and
presents plays, within that building on a temporary basis,
His group has lease arrangements which would commence
immediately and end no later than September, 1981,
The Planning Office examined the permitted and conditional
use list for the C-1 zone district and found none which
clearly reflected the proposed use. Due to the imminent
need for Mr. Neufeld to get a resolution of this issue for
the purposes of the summer theatre, as well as a result of
the community interest in the non-profit theatre, we suggested
that a code amendment process would be overly cumbersume and
time consuming. lie recommended tl1a't he stand up before Council
to make a public participation request to expedite resolution
of this problem,
City Council, at their meeting on June 8, was supportive of
Mr,Neufeld's request but had no specific method to solve
the problem. The most reasonable approach suggested was
that he request a use determination for his non-profit theatre
as an "assembly hall", currently a permitted use in the C-1
zone district. The applicant therefore requests that you
make a determination that the definition of an assembly hall
would include theatre classes and presentation of plays,
Planning Office
Revi ew:
The Planning Office has several concerns with this application,
The C-1 zone district is intended "to provide for the establish...
ment of commercial uses which are not primarily oriented towards
serving the tourist population." Our first concern would be
with whether the proposed use would serve the local commercial
needs of the resident population. It is our interpretation
that theatre classes and presentation of plays would serve
both resident and tourist populations, but might appeal prin-
cipally to the short term-summer visitor.
The concept of how the zone was originally intended to be
used leads to the question of the proposed temporary nature of
the use. If this application were simply for the one-time use
of a now vacant facility by a non-profit organization, the
Planning Office would have little difficulty supporting the
proposal, However, as a use determination, you are deciding,
in effect, whether a theatre should be a permitted use in the
C-1 zone district. Your determination that it is a permitted
use would open up an entirely new avenue for developers to
pursue in using the C-1 zone district and could be interpreted
as a further erosion of that portion of the Code. You should
vecognize that theatres, cabarets and night clubs are speci-
fically designated as permitted uses in the CC zone and a deter-
mination that this is a permitted use in the C-1 zone would
further reduce the differences between the two zones. However~
if you feel that the proposed use does come under the defini-
tion of an assembly hall, you have no choice but to allow the
applicant to proceed with his plans,
-_......_---~--- -------",.- ._.,.,.._------_..._-'_....__._-----~---
Memo: Neufield Use Determination
June 10, 1981
Page Two
The other major concern of the Planning Office pertains to
the proposed parki ng arrangement for the facil i ty, despi te the
fact that there is no parking requirement for commercial
uses in the C-1 zone district. The applicant suggests that
sufficient parking exists on the street and in the City Market
parking lot to accommodate the patrons, anticipated to number
approximately 125 nightly. This argument is not supported
by the fact that during high season, as well as during the
prior occupancy of the building as a post office, the spaces
on the street have been fully utilized. In addition, the
City t~arket parki ng lot has a sign i ndi cati ng that it is to
be used only by patrons of that store and others will be
towed 0 This lot is already congested during many periods of
the day and the recently approved expansion of that building
will further reduce any "excess" spaces which might previously
have been available.
Planning Office
The Planning Office recognizes that City Council has expressed
a general will ingness to accommodate the appl i cant I s proposed
use of the old Post Office Building and that the non-profit,
arts orientation of the proposal does offer numerous community
benefits. However, we cannot support the further erosion of
the C-1 zone district in that an interpretation of an assembly
hall as a theatre would open the remainder of the zone to this
use, which has been more properly permitted in the CC zone.
We also cannot support the proposal to meet parking needs by
using spaces which are not specifically designated for this
use. We therefore recommend that you deny the applicant's re-
quest but that you make every effort to provide some mechanism
by which the applicant can proceed with the intended use, We
would suggest, as an example, that existing facilities such
as those at local schools be investigated as an alternative
location for the classes and theatre operation. A second
alternative would be for the applicant to pursue a code
amendment to make theatres a permitted or, conditional use
in the C-1 zone,
Aspen Professional Th~a~re
Box 247. Aspen. Colorado 81612
telephone 925-3289
June 9. 1981
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Cl ty of Aspen
Aspen. Colorado 81611
Dear Cl ty:
'I'l\1e,:!spen Professlonal Theatre, (forlllerl1' the Aspen ~tre
Project) has made lease arrangementswlth the owners of ....be
olt.C1 maln post offlce (corner Of Hyma-n and Sprlng streets).
Such arrangements are to oommenoe as soon as Poss1ble and
end. no ],a1;er than the end of September. 1981., The
arrangelll~1; lncludes a 3Q-day notloe of te~~pat10n
provls10l1..' as the build1ng 1s up for sale~ "
The bU1ldl1lg 1s zoned C-1. The zon1ng code d()es not
spec1floally Dlent10n theatre as a des1e;nated;;:lise.but
does 1neltia.e thewprds ..assembly hall.~'w!m~~k you to ,
lnterpret the phl'aSe asfi tt1ng our1ntended:"use. and. that
you W111, grant us a usedetermtnat10n as soon as.posslble.
"',..'.y ", "',.,. - '..,. .",. ~
We are ~;~C?ri...:pr()tl t organizat10n that g:ljr~~;!ip'eatre olasses
andpreMi:l1;~,p+a.Ys. (S1nce 1974. wehave'~lY\ilnover 30
olasses..,n,.. dpresented 16 maj~l' produotionlil '1~ Aspen. )
" " I .", " " ,,'_'
We need'j;6, (lommelloe classes andrehea.i-~a.lsj,~ed1atelf (yes-
terday 1t,poss1ble). and hope tOc!'p~ourf:t,r:~t,produot1on
theweelt:"of iTuly 20. We hope~)er:il,,~j,ngjlroduct1ons
1n the'enn1ngs 6 n1gllts a Wieekp71:ale endC)~the s'lUlDller.
TtJ,ere113,liLDlple on,:"str~e~,M~~~J!e;f()r o'l.l.ti>liL.ti'j!lns" as~w.ell
as the S1~y' Market parg~~l~tsc~,~ttie~:i(l-ti~~_i.
Ask1ng for your 1lllD1E!d1atE! cons1derat1:cm.. I alii
Robert L. NE!llfel!l/
P.S. Should you be unable to fit us 1n 1U1d~~ "assembly haU".
we aS~for exemption from zon1ng on a temporary and immed1ate