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FORM f0 L. i. NO ECM EL B. B.8 L. CB.
Regular Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning October 5,1976
Chairman Chic Collins called the meeting to order with members Hunt, Kienast,
Schuhmacher, and Hedstrom present. Also present were Bill Kane and Hal Clark
of the Planning Office.
Hunt moved to table the minutes of the August 31, 1976
meeting. Hedstrom seconded. All in favor, motion car-
Cleveland Subdivision Request
Clark mentioned that a site inspection had been con-
ducted the previous week. The request was for a 1 lot
subdivision, zoned R-15. The Planning Office had recom-
mended that a PUD plan be required, which the applicant
has agreed to, and that the lot size be reduced to
10,000 sq. ft. for ease of management. The adjacent
owner had also been approached by the Planning Office
and asked to participate in a swap of the land which
would accommodate the subdivision, while maintaining
the integrity of the building site. The Planning
Office recommended approval of the conceptual PUD
primarily because the applicant is allowed to build
an additional unit on the property by right, and P&Z
should maintain control over where that unit is built,
where the access is taken, how much landscping is pre-
served on the property.
Remo Lavagnino was present to speak for the applicant,
Tukey Cleveland. He commented that the P&Z should con-
sider the control they have available with PUD, rather
than if the applicant would be allowed to do whatever
she desired. Clark pointed out that the PUD require-
,aent would prevent future development on the site, and
this would be a condition of the approval.
Hunt asked if the adjacent property owner had been
contacted recently in regard to the land swap. Clark
said the owner had been contacted, but he could not
speak for the owner.
There were no other comments, at which point Hunt moved
to recommend conceptual PUD approval for Lots 5,6,7,8,
9, part of Lots 10 and 11, conditirnec:on the comments of
the Planning Office dated September 17, 1976; and
conditioned on the non conversion of the existing
structure into a duplex, and that additional dwelling
units shall not be allowed, other than the ones
shown on the plan submitted. Schuhmacher seconded.
All in favor, motion approved.
Aspen Athletic Club--Public Hearing-Conditional Use
Hal Clark introduced the request for expansion or
modification of the food facility use, depicted on the
building plans at the time of the conditional use
approval of ahe Athletic Club. The applicant is
now seeking approval to modify the area designated as
a food serivice area; extending the conditional use,
and increasing its impacts on the area. The. building
was currently over the allowed FAR: The Planning
Office did not recommend approval of the extension.
Dwight Shellman, representing the Aspen Athletic Club,
bu?xeau o?jgnd aqq pasojo su?jjo~
•xo3 pa?jdda bu?aq seM pans?jag daq}
quaxnegsax auq 3o xone3 u? qou --uq?iuS AS 'pu?jxagsaM
uoQ :gxoddns u?--jj?g uosze~ uiox3 sxaggaj axaM axauq
pagou osje su?jjo~ •squap?sax ££ Iq paubzs seM zagqaj
auy 'Z3d auq og peax su?jjo~ uo?uM 'eaxe auq u? squap?
-sax jaxanas uiox3 zagqaj a osje seM axauy •uapn7 anag,S
pue 1u?gxayi jj?S 'jjaH uuor tuox3 axaM sxaggaj auy
•uozsuedxa dgtj?oe3 poo3 auq 3o gxoddns ur jje 'pzooax
aqq ogu? sxaggaj aaxuq paonpoxgu? su?jjo~ SIEUIx ieij;~
-xa AgTjT023 poo3 auq 3o gxoddns xau pao?on ~Ijdag uesnS
•quaro?33a pue jao?goexd axou~ eaxe aorn
-zas poo3 aqq axeiu pjnoM uo?suedxa aqq gaug pageqs 'uo?q
-exado poo3 auq unx og pas?u uaaq sau ouM 'xxeg -jaeuo?W
osje uo?suedxa auq pagxoddns sagsayJaZ ~Ipuey
•pasodoxd se asn aqq 30
uo?suagxa auq xo3 jenoxdde s?u passazdxa uogua3 xorQ
-?gad aqq ~uox3 aureu sau MexpugrM oq aui?g s?uq qe peas?as
auS •s?ug gsu?ebe uo?q?gad a paub~~ pea pue 'quexnaq
-sax a sa pasn aq og bu?ob seM coeds auq geuq uo?ssaxd
-u~? auq xapun uaaq peg aas geug pau?ejdxa u?bjI as?ojg
•aseo auq se s?uq aas you p?p qnq 'guaxnegsax a
ogu? pauxng aq oq axaM eaxe aqq 3? pauxaouoo aq pjnoM
au gaug pageqs 'qnj~ auq 3o xaqura~u a 'pja?3xe~ uog
•bu?xaau o?jgnd aqq pauado su?jjo~
•oqa 'food 'sgxnoo auq butsn ajdoad 30
xaqumu aqq og pagejax aq pjnoM panxas ajdoad 3o xaqumu
aqq qnq 'ajdoad {,~ gees pjnoo eaxe abunoj auq geug
pageqs ueuijjauS •panxas aq pjnoo ajdoad ~iueu~ Mou oq
pxebax u? eaxe auq 3o azis aqq pauo?gsanb surjjo~
'gnjo auq 30
sxasn oq sxoaus coxes og qnq 'guaxnegsax a uado oq you
seM queo?jdde aqq 3o quagu? aqq p?es ag •auo ajggns
e SeM uo?suedxa auq pua 'gnjo aqq xo3 auo ~Ixossaooe
ue seM asn aqq geug uo?snjouoo auq oq au~oo pau pua
'tlq ijTOe3 auq pagoadsu? pau au pTES xxej~ •ao?330 bu?u
-uejd auq oq pagg?mgns axaM suajd auq gang pageqs ueu~
-jjauS •suajd xoo13 auq aas oq paxse su?jjo~ SIeUIxT eLj~
•~g?j?oe3 abexanaq
pua poo3 auq 3o gxoddns u? osje seM .zagqaj s,s?Ma7
•uo?gexodxo~ ?xS ap?M pjnoM auq 3o s?MaZ bax~ ~uox3 xaq
gaj uq3?3 auq jjn3 u? paax ueutjTauS •~iajxo?x3 uoxy pua
'uoxpjeM quaxg 'sbu?uar xo?Q 'uouax,3 uuor utox3 axaM
sxaggaj auy •eaxe abezanaq pue poo3 auq 3o xone3
u? jje :pzooax auq oq pagg?uigns axaM sxaggaj xno3
•paxedaxd you 'paiuxaM aq pjnoM poo3 geuq pua 'sa?q?j?oe3
uauog?x anxq ap?noxd og agenbapeu? seM bu?guan auq gauq
paquaunuoo uau~jjauS •gnjo auq u? ~Ipeaxje axe 'djgeu~ns
-axd 'ouM sxaqu~au~ og quauiusax3ax qub?j ap?noxd og s?
eon?zas auq 3o uo?goun3 auy •pajjegsui aq oq coca
pjnoM sxuis aaxuq 'aoejd axeg oq uo?gexedaxd poo3 xo3
geug pax?nbax SIeTxagTUPs dq?~ auy •suajd burp]?nq auq
3o punoxbxoaq auq 3o dzogs?u 3a?xq e anab ueu~jjauS
'2IK3 auq og pau~xo3uoo bu?pj?nq auq 'pagg?u~gns axaM
suajd jau?b?xo auq ua-~M geug qnq 'ag?s bu?pj?nq auq
xo3 gy3 auq xano ~Ijquaxxno s? buipj?nq auq gang pagou
uaiujjauS •sxauMO dgxadoxd guaoeCpa oq sao?qou 30 ~Cxan
-?jap pueu 3o agao?3?gxao auq 30 ~Idoo e xxajo auq aneb
100 Leaves
fORM 50 C. f. XO ECR EL R. R.9 L. G0.
Aspen Planning and Zoning October 5, 1976
Shellman presented three letters to the commission
signed by Lenny Oates, Susan Capiel, and William
Jordan. The letters were in support of the food
Collins stated he saw no argument for the expansion
to take place in the magnitude proposed. The floor
area would be increased four times the present.
Shellman responded by showing the floor plans, stating
that the refrigeration area would be increased.
Kienast noted that the applicant could apply in the
future for a tavern license since there was no square
footage requirement for such a license. .This would
potentially increase the traffic in the neighborhood
and the nighttime use of the facility.
Schuhmacher mentioned that there seemed to be some
confusion among the signers of the petitions that a
restaurant and bar was being applied for.
Collins stated that in view of the confusion, it would
be wise to continue the public hearing until the next
regular meeting in order to give the P&Z members time
to have a site inspection, and to contact a sampling
of the signers of the petition to see whether they
understood what they were signing.
W.R. Walton asked if the certificate of hand delivery
of the public notice meant that the notice had actu-
ally been delivered by hand, or left at the residence.
Hal Clark said he would consult with the City Attorney
on the matter.
Al Nicholson, owner of the property across the street '~
from the Aspen Athletic Club, asked if the bar area
would be opened to the general public. Nick Coates
commented that the club would be serving members only.
Further, a bar was not being applied for.
Bill Kane pointed out .that the liquor license was a
City Council matter.
Roger Hunt moved to table action and continue public
hearing until the next regular meeting. Hedstrom
seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
New Business
Arthurs Restaurant--Conditional Use Hearing
Hal Clark suggested tabling the matter until City
Council could act on the Historic District Proposal.
Collins opened the public hearing. There were no
comments. Collins closed the public hearing.
Hunt moved to table any action, and to continue the
hearing until the 19th of October. Kienast seconded.
All in favor, motion approved.
,A .,.
•uo?gducaxa uo?s?n?pgns ubnozuq ssao
=ozd auq 3o uo?q2p?josuoo zo3 bu?xsE 3o uo?q?sod auq u?
seM qnq 'tCEM dzana u? apop auq uq?M dj du[oo oq bu?jjTM
s2M au pagEqs zaxaay~ •zaugo uo2a 3o suo?q2o?jdnp azE
ssaoozd aqq u? sbu?uq auq 3o t~SIEUI puE 'auo bu?umsuoo
aut?q ES? ssaoozd uozszn?pgns auq gEuq panbz2 zaxaaW
•uo?gdwaxa zo3 E?zaq?zo
2 s2 aui?q us?jg2gsa oq snozabu2p aq pjnoM q? 'suo?}
-Ejnbaz aqq ggTM feu?~jdiuoo zadojanap aqq uq?M uiajgozd
ou aq oq pauiaas azauq aou2gsu? s?uq u? ubnouq uang
•uo?gducaxa butquEZb zo3 E?zaq?zo zo uos2az agEU[?}?baj
E qou sEM dzuspzEu bu?ui?q aqq gEuq qno paqu?od au2x
•an?q?q?uozd autEOaq zaug2aM auq azo3aq u? qnd aq oq pEu
sgno gaazgs !aui?} zo3 passaad sEM au gEuq pagEqs zaxaayl
•j2nozddE papuaiu
-uiooaz osjE ao?33p bu?uuEjd auy •aui?q s?uq q2 j2n
-ozdd2 j2ngdaouoo papuaunuooaz puE 'uotg2nzasaz ou pEu
zaau?bug Aq?p auy •Z5d auq oq suEjd auq paMOus puE
uo?gducaxa uo?sin?pgns zo3 E?zaq?zo aqq pama?naz xz2jp
•uorgduiaxa au} zo3 ajg2zon23 azaM squaunuoo s?g •spaau
bu?snou aadojduta aqq oq s2 pagjnsuoo sEM ui?aupoop uE?zg
•auoz ,~~ auq u? pagEOOj '•q3 •bs
000'6 'sgiun ag2z2das g 3o sqs?suoo azngonzqs aqy
aq?suMOy ueds~ gsEg 'y~ xoojg 'Q puE 'p 'g sgoz uo
pag2ooj s? azngonzqs auy •uo?gduiaxa ,sguaur3z2dy
as?tuns aqq zo3 xEads oq guasazd sEM zaxaay,I xo?Q
•goaCozd aqq ansznd og auEx pab2znooua puE 'Eap? auq
3o gzoddns paozon uo?ss?unuop auy •auoz ,~ auq u?
bu?snou zaugo puE suin?u?uiopuoo uo uo?go?zgsaz bu?
-s2aj uquoui x?s 2 bu?ggnd pazap?suoo pEu uo?ss?unuoo
auq 'obE suguou~ j2zanas gEug ZT3d auq papu?uiaz auEx
uo?q uraxg uo?sin?pgns--sguaurgz2 K as?nuns
•pa?zz2o uo?goys •a~CE :su?jjop puE
'utozgspag 'gs2ua?x 'zauo2un~nuos 'qung :agon jjEO jjog
•agnq?gsui uadsy auq ug?M as2aj auq
3o LTOTgEUIIIS[IO~ auq uodn pauo?g?puoo aq pjnoM uoig2puaui
-uiooaz auq gEug iIOT~OUI ST.j Og 1IOT~.ipn0~ E sE pappE qung
•gjno?33?p azoui uEjd zags2ui E bu?xEUi 'pazagu?jds atuooaq
pjnoM puEj auq g2uq sEM uzaouoo s?g •agnq?gsui so?s~IUd
auq og pz2baz LjgTM (gL-Oj-6) bu?gaaui sno?nand auq gE
uaxEg uo?goE auq gnogE suo?g2nzasaz s?u pagEqs su?jjop
•papuooas gs2ua?x •ugTM pa?jduioo uaaq anEu suo?gEjn
-baz asouq 3o sasodznd auq sE 'zaquap so?sdud auq og
~jddE gEuq suozg2jnbaz uo?s?n?pgns auq 3o uo?qEO?jddE
qo?zqs iuoz3 uo?gduraxa bu?qu2zb puaunuooaz og panoui qung
•agnq?gsui uadsy auq
oq pagq?iugns uaaq pEu as2aj auq 3o g32zp 2 gEug pagEqs
'agnq?gsui so?sAUd auq bu?guasazdaz 'ugEZpoW xo?N
• uo?gduiaxa auq
3o j2nozddE papuaunuooaz ao?33p bu?uuEjd auy 'Z9d auq
hq uMOp p?2j uo?g?puoo E 'as2aj uaaq buoj E u?Eggo
oq zapzo u? pap?n?pgns aq gsnui puEj auy •so?s~iud
zo3 zaquap auq ~q gsanbaz auq pau?jgno xzEjp jEg
uo?g uraxg uoiszn?pgns--sots ua zo3 .zaquap ua sy
9L-S-OT uo?ss?unuop bu?uoZ puE bu?uuEjd
100 Leaves
FORM f0 C. i. NOECR EL B. B.8 L. CB.
Planning and Zoning Commission October 5, 1976
Collins suggested tabling the issue to give the P&Z
time to consult with the City Attorney.
Hunt moved to grant conceptual subdivision approval
and to continue the exemption hearing until October
19, 1976. Hedstrom seconded. All in favor, motion
Reeds Duplex Condominiumization Exemption
Attorney Sherry Stickney was present to represent
the applicant, Ted Reeds. The location of the duplex
is 621 W. Francis.
There were no comments from the boardmembers.
Ilunt moved to grant exemption from the strict en-
forcement of the subdivision regulations for Lots
C and D, Block 22 for the purposes of those require-
ments have been met. The applicant is not, however,
exempted from the park dedication fee. Hedstrom
seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Historic Designation--Therese David Residence, Schoen-
berg Residence--Preliminary Approval
The Planning Office recommended setting a public
hearing for October 26, 1976. The applicants for
the Schoenberg Residence are planning to put a book-
store in the structure.
Kienast moved to recommend preliminary approval, and
to set a joint public hearing between the Historic
Preservation Committeee and the P&Z on October 19, 1976.
Schuhmacher seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Tony Reeder Subdivision
Ilal Clark recommended setting a site inspection of the
property, adjacent to the Koch:LUmber Company. The.
project would consist of 9 studio units, located with-
in the RMF zone. The City Engineer had no comments
on the project.
The P&Z studied the plans with Mr. Reeder.
Hunt moved to grant conceptual subdivision approval
for the Aspen Wild Condominiums. Kienast seconded.
All in favor, motion carried.
Trueman SPA
Hunt moved to set a public hearing for November 2, 1976
to review the Trueman SPA. Schuhmacher seconded.
All in favor, motion carried.
Roger Hunt left the meeting.
Jerome Hotel Expansion
Clark asked the P&Z to set a study session with the
representatives of the Jerome Hotel.
xzaT~ hqr~ ~igndaa 'uosiiLy bzayl
~ .
'NId OZ~L qp pauznoCpp
bu-cgaayl •patzzpo uoigouc 'zonp3 uz Tiy •papuooas
iuozgspag •buigaaiu aqq uznoCpp oq pano~u zauopuigngoS
au~ozaP aqq Pup Z5d '33pgS butuupTd act} uaaMgaq qas
spM 9L6T 'Zi zagogop uo uid OO~S zo3 uoissas dpngs y
buigaa~u auq g3aT gspuaig
•aozaunuo~ 30
saquieq~ auq uioz3 uOTgpUIZ03LIT uios3 pazaggeb spM paquas
-azd pgpp aqq 3o uonyl •buisnoq aaAoTdiua pup'suzaggpd
oi33pzq 'szabuasspd buippoiun zo3 supid pastnaz auq
Z5d aqq paMOgs 'auiozar au} 3o zaumo 'azouiTi~ ugor
9L6T 'S zagogop bu-ruoZ pue buiuupid