HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19761019RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
100 Leaves
Regular Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning October 19, 1976
Chairman Chic Collins called the meeting to order with members Schuhmacher,
Hunt, Hedstrom, and Isaac present. Also present were City Attorney Stuller,
Hal Clark of the Planning Office, and Housing Authority Brian Goodheim.
The meeting convened at 5:15 PM.
Hunt moved to approve the minutes of the August
31, 1976 meeting as submitted. Schuhmacher seconded.
All in favor, motion carried.
Aspen Athletic Club--Food Facility Modification
Ashen Athletic Club
Food Facility Modi- Collins noted that the Building Inspector's memo
fication did notmention a snack bar (memo dated January 19, 1976)
and the July 14 plans specifically show a snack bar.
Dwight Shellman entered a certificate of hand delivery
of notices of public hearing into the record. There
was also a letter from Dr. Jack Crandall against the
restaurant and bar idea, which Shellman said was a mis-
representation of the proposal. Shellman also gave
the clerk a copy of the letter of withdrawal of several
names from the original petition against the proposal.
In addition, Shellman stated that his office had con-
ducted interviews with people who had signed the peti-
tion and found that the concerns of those people
stemmed from misconceptions about exactly what was going
to be done.
It was Shellman's impression that one of the areas
of concern was the liquor license application. Shell-
man pointed out that the conditional use was the issue,
not the liquor license, which is ultimately a City Coun-
cil matter.
Collins asked for comments from the public.
Bill 4dalton said he was responsible for the signatures
on the petition against the expansion. He had con-
ducted a poll of the people who signed the petition
and found that the people who signed were,in general
against the expansion and its impact on the surrounding
neighborhood. A total of 9 had removed their names
from the petition.
Ann Big ley siad that at a recent meeting of the apart-
ment owners in the area, most were opposed to the con-
cept o£ a full service restaurant and bar in the ath-
letic facility, but when they found out that the in-
tention was not to install a full~/~ervice restaurant
and bar, they had no objections.
Kienast left the meeting.
Lenny Oates spoke to the P&Z advocating the food facil-
ity in the Aspen Athletic Club, and stated that as a
member of the club, he would patronize the snack bar
only when utilizing the facility. Oates also noted
that the City would be responsible for enforcing the
conditions of the approval if it were granted.
Ann Chapman expressed her concern with the sanitation
aspects of the food preparation operation. She dia
not find the food preparation objectionable if the
stye-`were vendor-type.
3I 'aTd~is ~TTatquassa sz uMOp gsoo auq buidaaX zo3
uaTd au} gauq pauiaTdxa auax TTFg •uoigonzgsuoo 30
gsoo pagPi3uz auq uo pazaquao ~aTgozd auy •sbuiuzaa
oq agaTaz uauq sa sgsoo butsnou o} pzabaz ut qa paniz
-za pau au saga~igsa gsoo auq Zgd auq anab uauq ~taupoo0
butsnoq auq 30 ~Taupoo0 uaizg ugtM suoissnosip sic oq
pzabaz ut squiod Taozuuoaq a~os pat3izaTo zaxaaW xoiQ
•buizaau oiTgnd auq pauadoaz suiTToO
•quawdoTanap auq 3o aouazaadda auq anozd~z
oq paonpaz aq buixzad auq (Z) Pua '9L6T 3o saizaS '6b
aouauipzp ugrM aouapzoooa ut aq suaTd buisnou auq (T)
gauq suoigipuoo auq ugTM Tanozdda papuaunuooaz aoT330
butuuaTd auy •auoz aot30-p aqq oq sabuauo butpuad auq
oq anp paTaaq uaaq pea wage stag }aqq pTPS xzaTO TRH
gaTd Azaui~iTazd
gaTd ~zaui~iTazd---gsaM Tazqua0 xzad gseM Tazqua0 xzad
'paTZ3a0 uOTgO~ '30Aa3 UT
TTy •papuooas gsauazx •buizaau asn TauOTgTpu00 papuad
-xa ua buzzinbaz sa paui3ap ~gazau si zonbiT butnzas
zo3 uOTgaOTTddE azngn3 ~u~ (Z) •sgiun ad~q dog-xooo
zo sagaTd qou 'sTTizb saziTTgn gauq paMOTTa aq TTTM
buixooo oN •butgsaoq pua 'buzgaauaz 'buT~3aM buzpnTo
-ut 'spoo3 paxoooazd zo usaz3 pua sgno pToo pua sauoiM
-puns 3o butTq~assa auq oq pagt~tT aq uotgazadazd poo3
gauq uotgaTndigs auq (T) uodn pauoigtpuoo si Tanozdda
stay •MOTTa TTTM azngonzgs auq ;o azngau butwzo3uoouou
aqq sa sasn puaT buipunozzns aqq ugTM aTgTgad~00 sa aq
oq paubtsap 'panzasgo aza pagaza~nua zag3autazau suotq
-ipuoo auq 3i 'st (F) pua azngonzgs auq 3o Tanozdda
6T aouauipzp auq 3o sasodznd pua sanTgoaCgo auq ugTM
quagsisuoo st (Z) gotzgstQ aot330-O auq 3o squa~azinb
-az TTa ugTM satTd~oo astMZaugo (T) asn pasodozd auq sa
uon~saui gni0 oigaTUgK uadsy auq zo3 ~gtTtoa3 aoznzas anosddy oq uoigoy~*
poo3 auq 3o uoisuadxa pasodozd auq anozdda oq pano~ gang
•buTZaau oiTgnd auq pasoTo sutTToJ
'zaq xOEUS uauq UOTgazad0 zabzaT a pagaoipuz saouaiTdda
3o zaq~nu auq gauq qno paquiod SUTTTO~ 'zaq xOauS a
uauq quazangsaz a azo~ ~gTTTOE3 auq axa~ pTnoM diuszaq
-~a~ a pjou qou pip ouM uoszad a butggt~py •quaznagsaz
pua zaq xoaus a uaaMgaq autT auq passozo aoinzas poo3
auq uOTuM qa quiod auq ua~TTauS ugTM passnosip Zed auy
•asuaoiT aqq zo3
UOTgaOTTdda 3o awTq auq qe Zed aqq 3o Matnaz zapun a~oo
pTnous uOTgEOTTddE asuaoiT zonbiT E gauq qno paquTOd
zaugzn3 xzaTO •sTTz~b qou 'suano zagsaoq oq saouaiTdda
auq buigzwtT pagsabbns xzaTO Tag •sast~azd auq uo
poo3 3o buiTTtzb auq oq uoigisoddo sic passnostp gang
•suogiipuoo buigsixa auq zapun a~iq auo qa panzas
aq pTnoo aTdoad 4Z ATaga~ixozdda gauq pins zzag •saiq
-tnigoa buixooo 3o s~zaq ut aaza auq 3o sbui~oogzous auq
passnosip zzag •szagsaoq pua 'szaTiozq 'szapuaTq
buisn 'sauoiMpuas zo3 paazq butgsaoq apnToui pTnoM stag Taauo?Lu
uotgazadazd 3ospouga~ auq gauq pautaTdxa zzag TaauotN
•gnTO oigaTUq~ auq qa aaza abunoT auq sa azis acres auq
sz s,azpu~ qa ~ooz butuip auq gauq pagags uozpTEM Ti?S uozpTaM TTT$
•ut gTtnq aq oq quaznagsaz a zo3
aganbapauz saM buzquan auq gauq pagazagqiaz sagao0 xoiN
•poouzoqubtau auq uo goad~i
auq asaazoui qou pTnoM pua 'aTaos TTa~s aginb aq pTnoM
uoigazadazd poo3 auq gauq ua~dau0 paznssa ua~TTauS
9L6T '6T zagogop uoisstunuo0 buruoZ pua butuuaTd
100 Leaves
FORM 50 C, i. NOECR EL B. B.8 L CB.
Regular Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning October 19, 1976
a developer wants higher zoning, Goodheim has a table
for both low and moderate housing costs. The table can
be used as a yardstick to determine the range of costs
for the units.
Collins asked if Meeker could work within the perameters
of the plan. Goodheim responded that Meeker was not
responsible to the Commission on this because the P&Z
has never adopted the plan for low and moderate hous-
ing. If the P&Z would adopt the plan, the developers
would have a real yardstick to go by.
Collins closed the public hearing.
Motion to Hunt moved to approve the preliminary plat for Park
Approve Central West conditioned upon the comments of the City
Engineer, and conditioned upon the reduction of parking
b spaces to 23, and lan3scaping being placed in the spot
where the three spaces would be removed. The motion
was further conditioned upon the housing plan being
resolved with the housing director before approval
of the final plat. IIaving found that the proposed plat
complies with the subdivision regulations of the City of
Aspen and the relevant zoning code provisions, Hunt
concluded the motion. Hedstrom seconded. All in
favor, motion approved.
Aspen Institute--RezQ~ning Request.
Aspen Institute-- Collins opened the public hearing. There were no com-
Rezoning Request ments. Collins closed the public hearing.
Hunt moved to table action on the item until the Insti-
tute requested another scheduling of the hearing.
Schuhmacher seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
HPC-P&Z Joint Public Hearing
Historic Designation--Therese David and Schoenberg
Therese David Residence
Schoenberg Residence
Historic Designation John Stanford of the Planning Office presented the
historic documentation data. Collins opened the public
hearing. There were no comments. Collins closed the
public hearing.
Hunt moved to accept the resolution designating the
structures historic. Kienast seconded. All in favor,
motion approved.
Conditional Use--Arthur's Restaurant Expansion
Arthur's Restaurant
Conditional Use Expan- Clark told the P&Z that this was a continued public
Sion hearing.
Collins opened the public hearing.
Clark presented 5 letters of approval of the conditional
use expansion. Clark then showed the boar: the plans
for the expansion. The new plans included 6 off-street
parking spaces, new and improved entrances, 2 restrooms,
a ramp for wheelchairs, and an improved kitchen facil-
ity. The building has been brought into compliance with
the health, building, and parking regulations. No
liquor license would be applied for due to the prox-
imity to the Elementary School.
-Tanap aug 3o apts aToziO XzEd aug uo 'piES ustaupoo0 'qnd
aq qou TTtM butdEOSpuE7 •auEid Main auq butxooTq quan
-azd oq AETzano QRd 30 ~zogsiu E SEq poouzoqubtau aug
gnr 'sabuEuo ~gisuap auq anbzE oq paguEM AgunoO auq uz
auo ou gEug pagEgs '~Igtzougny butsnog 'utzaupoo0 uEizg
•punozbzapun gnd azaM saigtTign aug
zag3E auop aq pinoM buidEOSpuETaz E gPug pagEqs osTE ag
•squEOiTddE aug og aTgEgdaooE sEM slug pzES sagap
•butuozaz aug buiguEZb zo3
uoisznozd E sE aoETd axEg Matnaz uibzEtu uiEazgs E aas oq
axzT pinoM at; piES a;; •dgzadozd auq ubnozug buTMOT3
uiEazgs auq gnogE uzaouoo passazdxa ag •guau[doTanap
Igzsuap gbtu sEM siuq gEug ut suozgepuaunuooaz aot330
bLI TiI[IETd auq ug?M paazbE au gEuq pagEqs daTgsog 33ar
•ssaoozd butuuETd QRd
oq giuigns sazot~ auidTy gEuq buigsanbaz sEM au gEuq
pzES 'aToztO xzEd gE quapisaz E 'suiunun0 pzEuoig
•butdEOSpuET 30
ugzoM szETTop puasnoug uag butppE puE 'saziM hgiTign
aug buipunozbzapun apnToui sguatuanozd~ut aug 3o gzEd
•aoiouo 3o zaggEiu E si buipTinq auq 3o butuoigisod auq
'squauraziitbsz xo2ggas aug ugiM but~Td~uoo sEM au asnEo
-aq gEug gTa3 sage0 •sguaptsaz aToziO xzEd 3o uozg
-isoddo aug gnogE suoig2nzasaz pEu au gEug pagEgs sag20
•ssaoozd Mainaz uzbzEUituEazgs E oq uoigoaCgo ou sEu
puE 'uotstntpgns aug Llii[gTM £ puE Z sgoZ asEuoznd og
go2zguoo E SEu sagEO~ S[oTj~; gEuq pagEgs sag20 ~Iuua7
•TEnozddE spuaunuooaz aoi330
butuuETd aug 'panTosaz azaM asaug 3I 'ureazgs auq 30
uozgonzgsap auq puE zdpizzoo auEid Main auq 3o uoigdns
-stp auq apnToui aot330 butuuETd auq 3o suzaouoo auy
•guEOtTddE auq buzguasazdaz sEM saga0
~uua7 •aouagslxa uz sgoaCozd hTtuiE3-igTntu snoizan
auq uo uoisnzgui uE sguasazd puE 'gET3 ~zan si dgza
-dozd auy •suoiganEOxa utoz3 pageazo sEM puE 'auo TEZn
-gau E you sz 'Z go7 ubnozug buzuunz 'utEazgs buigsixa
auy •auoz 5T g ~IgunoO aug ut pamoTTE ~Tquazzno sT
uEuq ~Igtsuap TEUOigzppE MOTTE pinoM 5T g pauoz aq
qt pTnous 'uoig2xauuE auq gEuq gno paguzod xzETJ
•buizeau otTgndauq pauado suzTToO
•5Tg og butuoz auq abuEuo og paXsE butaq
sEM Z3d aug puE '~CgtO aug dq paxauuE uaaq sEu ~}sa
-dozd aug Z3d au} pToq puE gsanbaz aug paonpozgui xzETO
gsanbag buiuoza~--sazoy aui TFI
•paizzEO uoigoui 'zonE3 ui TTFI
•papuooas gsauaig •pabE aug so3 sau[ou dnozb apnToui
og apoo butuoz auq,og guatupuaucE uE zapisuoo oq gL6T
' gT zaquianoN 3o agap butzeau E gas oq panoiu iuozgspag
paby aug zo3 sauiog noz0
•pazzzEO uoigou~ 'zonE3 ut TTtZ •papuooas gs2uaix
• poouzoqubiau buzpunozzns auq uo gaEdUIT pasaazout
dTquEOZ3iubis=:E agngigsuoo !3ou saop puE uozgEZado puE
buipTinq butgstxa auq oq guauranozduit uE s-r uotgippE
auy 'ao?330 butuuETd aug 3o squaunuoo aug Fiuigou
uoisuadxa asn TEUOigipuoo auq anozddE oq panou[ qung
•buizeau oiTgnd auq pasoTo suiTToJ
asn TEUOigtpuoo
auq 3o TEnozddE papuaunuooaz aoz330 butuuETd auy
nctaupoo0 uarzg
~IaTgsog 33ar
su-runun0 pzEuoig
gsanbag buiuozag
--sazo~ auidTy
pab~ auq
zo3 satuog dnzo0
anozdd~ og uoigoy~
9L-6i-OT uoissztuuio0 buiuoZ puE butuuETd
100 Leaves
PoRM W F F. xOEIX EL B. B. fi L CO.
Planning and Zoning Commission October 19, 1976
opment. Goodheim concluded by saying that the City
and the County have been trying to start a housing
program, and he caould like to see the visual amenities
rectified to the satisfaction of the adjacent property
Motion to table
Continue public
Chairman Collins said he would like to table action on
the issue until a site inspection could take place.
Collins asked further that some attention be directed to
the comments of Brian Goodheim and the others who ex-
pressed concern over the view plane.
Oates asked if Nick Coates would be allowed to go along
on the site inspection. Collins said Coates was welcome.
Hunt moved to table action and to continue the public
hearing until the next meeting (i3ovember 2, 1976).
Isaac seconded the motion. All in favor, motion
Hunt moved to set a public hearing for October 26, 1976
to discuss the proposed six-month leasing provision.
Schuhmacher seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Kienast moved to adjourn the meeting. hunt seconded.
All in favor, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at
7:22 PM.
Margie lson, Deputy City Clerk