HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19761026RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
100 Leaves
FORM W C. F. NOELR EL 0. 0.0 L. CO.
Regular Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission October 26, 1976
Chairman Collins called the meeting to order with mem-
bers Hunt, Kienast, Abbott, Isaac, IIedstrom, and
Kane and Stanford of the Planning Office present.
Also present was City Attorney Stuller. The meeting
convened at 5:10 FM.
P-roposed Rental Re-
Hunt moved to table approval of minutes. Kienast sec-
onded. All in favor, motion carried.
Proposed Rental Restrictions in R-MF, O, S.C.I, CC,
Bill Kane stated that the Planning Office recommends
approval of the proposed restrictions. Long term hous-
ing is recorLtraended, but there is no way to enforce the
restrictions. Kane further stated that the recommenda-
tion was to impose the restrictions on the R-MF, O,
SCI, CC, and C-1 districts.
City Attorney Stuller stated that she was biased
toward the local resident. She stated the restrictions
should be limited to multi-family units.
KAne pointed out that the restrictions would apply
only to new buildings. Single family and duplex resi-
dences in the R-MF zone. would be excluded from the
new restrictions.
Hunt asked if the rental restrictions were not com-
plied with, would the approval come back to the P&Z.
He thought that the Cooper St. Lofts made a procedural
error in not coming back to the P&Z.
Stuller said that the local code does not require that
the applicant come back before the P&Z when a condition
of the approval becomes inoperable. P&Z is a recommend-
ing body in cases like this, and Council is the body
that governs the conditions. Hunt then stated that
the P&Z motion should include the .larding that the con-
ditions in the motion are the basis for the vote.
Collins referred to the enforcement techniques as out-
lined in the memo from City Attorney Stuller. Kane
pointed out the restrictions would be primarily self-
enforcing. The neighbors might, for example, bring to
the City's attention any infraction of the restrictions.
Stuller noted that perhaps the Council could attack
the subdivision approval, in view of the conditions for
approval not being ntet. Stuller also stated that crim-
inal sanction could be taken, which would mean a fine
o£ $300.00 and/or 90 days in jail in the event of a
Goodheim interjected an example. The Redwood Condos
within the space of two years after condominiumization,
are occupied by 3 owners, and the other two are rented
out. Goodheim asked how the problem of people loan-
ing their apartments to friends could be wor3ced out.
Kane maintained that the only way to work out this
problem is to make it self-enforcing, ie. a complaint
from a neighbor. Goodhe~nt noted that part of the
problem is in the nature of the community; owners live
in various parts of the countryR
• bu-rgaaui aqq q~aT gseuaig
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suoissazcIuii due gngaa oq aouego e aneq pTnous squeoiTddy
•pa.xznouoo zaTTngg •goagozd oq sauszm dgzed auo
gsazaqui pagsan e pue gsazaqui oiTgnd Te.zaaub uaamq
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SeM qt g2uq Z'Sd auq Pasinpe .zaTTngs dauzogq~ dq?~
sgoequo~ aq.ze xg
•uiaupoo~ 30
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suotszanuoo pue 'squapzsaz 'saozzd buip.zebaz uozgeu~.zo3
-ui ssaTun quap a axeuc q,uop siuq se gons suozssnosip
gegq pageqs pue pa.z,znouoo suiTTo~ •suoiszanuoo 30
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anssz auq passa.zppe qou seq Z'4d auq g2uq Pagou uiaigpoo~
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-uaz pasodosd auq g2uq gTa3 au g2uq 2'9d auq PToq gseuaig
•goa.zzp pub gdnzge aq gsnui abuego aqq pue
uoignT~os ajgeginba ou sT azagq g2uq pue 'uiaTgozd
aqq gnoge aTggns buiugou sem azauq gegq pazeToap auex
• sgiun paq.zanuoo ui squapzsa.z 3o xzui auq auituzagap
oq auop aq pTnoo dpngs a sdeq.zad g2uq pagsabbns aue;;
•dgiununuoo aqq utugtm sbuzpTznq aqq uz
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auodgsod ATuo pTnom sngezq e uons gegq paa.zbe zaTTngs
•gaxzeut aqq
d3stges .xo buisnou apino.zd qou pTnom qI •To.zquoo e qou
' quaui-rpaduci ue se an.zas pjnom siuq g2uq pageqs gong
•sigq passnoszp qou seu Tzouno~ dqi~ •squaur+zede
oq sopuoo ;o uozszanuoo aqq buzpzegaz zoo ssaoo.zd e
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•azngn3 aqq ui
Xoigs suigoizgsas aqq axeui TTzm g2uq uozgeTstbaT auq
pzom oq geugzoduci qi ggbnouq ag •soipngs zo3 abuez
00'000'05$ auq uz pagaxzetu aq TTzm gegq qT?nq buiaq
dTquasa.zd a.ze sopuoo 'unz gzogs aqq ui •quapisa.z ~u.zaq
buoT aqq 3o paau auq qz3 oq pazagTe aq pTnom gonpozd 30
addq auy •saoizd opuoo 3o uoigezagTe ue apnToui qubiui
sgoa33a abue.z buoT g2uq quzod aqq do ggbnozq uiiagpoog
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9L6T '9Z .zagogop uo-rss-cunuo~ buiuoZ pue buiuueTd
sgoequoo agzed xg
sopuoo oq
•sgdy 3o uois.zanuo~
100 Leaves
FGpM 50 C, f. XOE[M EL B. B. B L CO.
Planning and Zoning Commission October 26, 1976
New Business
Creative Mountain Creative Fountain Development--Subdivision Exemption
i Exemption Bill Kane stated that the City Engineer has no comments
after reviewing the application. The Planning Office
recommneds approval conditioned on the payment of
park dedication fees, and acceptance of the six month
leasing provision.
Abbott and Isaac suggested that perhaps this was the
time to stop the long line of condominiumizations.
I:unt pointed out that the building was designed for
long term housing. Hunt also noted that the condo-
miniumization would impact the transportation in the
Kane showed the P&Z the map,indicating the location
of the property and the R15 zoning.
Collins said that there was no good reason for denying
the exemption under current codes.
Flick Coates the Developer told P&Z that the duplex was
designed for long term residents and that half of the
building has already been sold. The Building Inspec-
tor told him that the subdivision fee had to be paid
in advance. Coates assumed that the payment would allow
him to subdivide.
Hunt expressed the opinion that there was no local mar-
ket for $160,000--half of the duplex price, and that
the impact of possible short terming was imminent.
Coates disagreed on the point of impact on the neigh-
borhood. The person who has purchased the half al-
ready sold is a parent with 3 children. The location is
not a tourist neighborhood.
Hunt stated that the impacts of tourists who might buy
the other Half of the building are different from the
needs of long term residents. If a six-month deed
covenant would be agreed to, he would vote in favor.
If not, he could vote against. Collins said he was
reluctant to ask for a deed covenant. It would be in-
consistent with other applications.
Kane sympathized with Hunt, but saw
posing the restrictions suggested.
did not want to impose the restrict
who might want to rent short term.
that the problem ought to be looked
point of 5-10 years from now.
no legality in im-
Coates said he
ion on a future buyer
Abbott noted
at from the stand
Hunt moved to grant subdivision exemption to the
Motion Creative Mountain Development conditioned upon pay-
ment of the park dedication fees, and the comments
of the Fanning Office and thA City Dngineer's comments.
Hedstrom seconded. There was no discussion. All in
favor but Isaac, who abstained.
'historic District
expansion Froposal
Historic District Proposal
John Stanford noted that over the last several weeks,
the Planning Office and the EPC have been looking at
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-b?sap o?togs?q 3o aznpaoozd aqq bu?u?iiusazgs ssna~ip o?ignd qas oq uo?goyl
oq gi zagiuanopi zo3 bu?zsaq o?ignd s qas oq pano~u qunH
•i?ouno~ pus ~dH aqq Aiuo apniou?
pinoM aznpaoozd uo?gsub?sap aqq pus 'passsd-~iq aq pinoM
uo?gspuaunuooaz 29d auq issodozd aqq oq bu?pzooo~
pagsu?ui?ia aq pinoo oMq zo dags s sdsgzad gsgq pus a~uos
-zaquno ssM aznpaoozd quasazd aqq gsuq pagsgs pzo3usgg
iIO TSTAaZj aznpaoozd uo?gsub?saQ OT.IOgSTg
•pa?zzso uo?gou~ 'zons3 u? iiy •papuooas
ggoqqy •qo?zqs?p o?togs?q auq bu?bzsiua ssnos?p oq
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uo?srnag aznpaoozd
burzsaq o?ignd
qas oq uo?qou;
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