HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19781221RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves
fORM f0 C. F. NOECR EL B. B. B L G0.
Regular Meeting Planning & Zoning December 21, 1976
Chairman Collins called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. with members
Abbott, Isaac, and Hunt present.
Minutes Hunt moved to table the minutes; seconded by Abbott. All
in favor, motion carried.
Historic This is a continuation of a public hearing from the previous
District P & Z meeting. Chairman Collins re-opened the public hear-
Expansion ing. John Stanford, planning office, illustrated the areas
to be included on a map. These are Hopkins street between
Hunter and Spring streets; Hopkins street between Monarch
and Garmisch streets, and Herron house, Thom-Ferrill house,
and Little Red Ski Haus and Snow Queen. Stanford told the
Commission that the documentation would be done by Vera
Kirkpatrick. This includes old maps, abstract books at the
Courthouse, tax assessment records, Aspen Times, and the
Willetts maps.
Jim Moran, represeting Bill Walton, said this is an effort
to designate as historic against the owner's wishes. It
is unfair to let a block become so important. If the
present zoning is residential or office, an owner should be
allowed to build. People should also be allowed to move
their houses to whereve they want.
Lary Groen, chairman of the Historic Preservation Commission,
stated that historic designation does not prevent someone
from moving a house from a site. Groen read a letter in
the Aspen Times in support of historic designation.
Leslie Troyer, Bill Walton, Anne Chapman, and Phil Holstein
spoke against historic designation, especially Hopkins
street between Hunter and Spring streets. Holstein stated
that this zoning overlay is unfair. The city is getting
value for the community from individuals, and penalizing
the owners.
Stanford said there is a resolution from the HPC recommend-
ing this to the P & Z. Contact to property owners was the
same as that used for other histroic designation. Individ-
ual designations are permitted in the Code. Out of about
25 owners, the responses were 3 favorable and 12 unfavor-
able. Groen stated that the HPC made two recommendations;
(1) four individual structures be designated historic, and
(2) the expansion of the commercial core area as historic.
Bob Stardoj suggested that the houses on E. Hopkins be
appraised and let the City buy them. This issue of contact
versus notice was discussed. Groen stated that 60 to 70
owners were contacted; 75 per cent are not in favor. There
have been two appeals to Council. Hunt stated he was
sympathetic towards owners who want to move their houses.
The historic zoning on E. Hopkins street would be a depri-
vation of use of property. Collins agreed that economic
deprivations may be a matter for consideration.
Hunt moved to continue this public hearing until the next
meeting; seconded by Abbott. All in favor, motion carried.
Pitkin Mesa Hal Clark, planning office explained this is a public hear-
Subdivision ing to consider rezoning of Lot 2, Block 2, Pitkin Mesa to
Rezoning R-15. This lot has recently been annexed to the City and
is surrounded with contiguous R-15 zoning on both sides.
There is an existing duplex on the property. Condominiumi-
zation of the duplex has been approved by the P & Z with
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