HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19770517 BpADPOBD PDBLIB NINE CO.~DENVER R E C O R D O P P R O C E E D I N G S Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Mav 17 1977 Chic Collins called the meeting to order at 5:15 PM. Present were Chic Collins, Roger Hunt, Olaf Hedstrom, Tom Isaac and John Schuhmacher. Also present from the Planning Office were Bill Kane, John Stanford, and Hal Clark. Dorothy Nuttall the City Attorney was present. Hunt moved to approve the minutes from 5/3/77 and 4/5/77 with changes. Isaac seconded. Motion passed. Hunt then moved to pass the minutes from 4/19/77 with changes. Isaac seconded. Motion passed. Growth Collins began the meeting with the old business. First on the agenda was Management the Growth Management Plan. Presented was a third draft of the plan and Plan a resolution. Bill Kane discussed the changes in the plan. The third draft is basically a consolidation of the second draft and a group of amendments. Would like to discuss tourist accommodations in detail; the rest I will just highlite. (1) Growth and Quality of Life. CC wanted us to discuss history of goal setting in Aspen. One goal to set an optimum population growth rate. Second general area was Aspen Land Use Plan where CC expressed need to go beyond zoning. The plan had a precedent. It was a community attitude towards growth. (2) Fiscal Impact Analysis. The changes were not reflected prior to the public hearing. This is still not totally accurate in that it does not reflect the additional lodging units which are being talked about. Intent of this section is to give flavor of intent. Two things have been done since this - we have consolidated the down valley into one big area instead of separate growth management areas and have increased the number of tourist accommodation units in the city. These will not substantively effect any conclusions. (3) Policy Plan. Prior to the public hearing we assumed that we were going to phase the tourist accommodations in the city at 80 percent of existing zoning assuming that 80 percent would build out after fifteen years. Real estate potential was assumed to be 233 units. Development potential was discovered to be a potential for 342 units in L1, L2, and CL zones or 18 units per year as opposed to 11. The growth rate would be 3.4 percent. Kane submitted a four page memo from Hans Graminger. Two main contentions are (1) there should be a community consensus on what the ultimate build out should be and (2) anticipate the growth index downvalley. Collins responded to Hans' letter. We do have a build out goal. We can look at it an assume that it will take place in the next 15 years. It is not locked in; it is subject to review. Kane agreed that it is not irrevocable. The pace ~f growth should be taken into consideration. Collins said that if you have an even growth rate you have to consider utility expansion as Hans expressed. It usually comes in large increments. Utilities should follow the growth rate so as not to overburden the community with financial indebtedness. Kane hadn't heard that growth should proceed at a higher rate in order to amortize taxes quicker. Seems to work the opposite. Hunt made a comment on Hans' memo. Some of the results of this control could turn this from a destination resort to a day ski area.due to circum- stances which are completely out of our control. We should stick a paragraph in there identifying this as a possibility which we shall have to watch. On paragraph G Hedstrom asked about the responsibilities of the Citizen's Advisory Board. Hunt said no. We will take action when it is time to do so. Collins said that most of these concerns are external. Hunt felt that the paragraph should be included somewhere but that was up to Bill Kane. ~".."' ~ •uoilom alezedas E aq pinogs ~i ~Eq1 pzES suTTTog •uETd aqy o; pappE aq o~ gdezSEZed papnTJUF ;; puooas pTnoM pies dung „•pa~Jnz~suoJ aq o~ s~iun Mau ;o uoi~EOOTTE TEnuue aqy uo suot~Epuammooaz SuFxem ;o asodznd aq1 zo; pagsFTgE~sa aq pzeoq ,suaztlio paseq pzooq E ZEgy„ peat o~ pa8uego si ~? 5 gdezSezed ui pue uETd siq~ ;o uoF~E~uamaTdmF zap;E spzoM aqy TTE SuT~aiap uo;~niosaz aqy ;o T gdezSEZSd ;o sluampuamE aqy q~;M ueTa ~uamaSEUEyy q~MOZ~ .i~unog ut~~id uadsy ag1oLL uoi~niosag ;dopE o~ panom mozlspag „•paaonzlsuoJ aq o1 s~iun Mau ;o u0i1EJOiTE TEnuuE aqy uo suoT~EpuammoJaz SuFxEm ;o asodznd aqy zo; pags;TgE~sa aq pzeoq ,suazz~to paseq pzooq a ~eqy„ peat pinogs s zagmnu ~Eq~ p;ES ag •ant~isod atom aq pTnogs ~T •moz~spag 6q pauozlsanb seM „apEm Suiaq s~dma~~y„ •azaM ~iaq~ aEq~ ~Ta; auEx •uETd ~Eq~ ~uamaidmz pzeoq s,uazzl?o E SuinEq uT palsaza~ui ~,usi S~unoJ aqy 1Eq~ pTES dung •s8ui~aam ~uToC SuFnEq si uoi~nios aqy •~uamuzanoS TEUOiSaz SuigoeozddE st ~I •sza}~Em ~i~Fo uo suoFsiJap 8u-[xEm .f~unoJ aqy u; SuintT auoamos anEq ~gSim aM •suoF~J;psFznC q~oq sluasazdaz gotgM pzeoq s,uaz2~tJ E SutnEq qz?M maTgozd TEUOi~JtpsiznC E aq ~gSim azaq] aEq~ piES auEx •~fTdmoJ pTnoM ~C~unoo ;i zapuoly •s~tm2T S1io ui uEq~ atom ueam pinogs paseq peozg •uadsy ~snC you puE EazE oz~am apnTJUi o~ pzeoq pa1uEM ag •5 zagmnu q~FM maigozd E pEq aq ~Eq~ pies uaq~ dung •uETd sFg1 3o uoF~e~uamaidm; aq; zo; pazedazd aq aJllEnZpzO aigE'JISOM SEaTJ E zEgy - pEaz pTnOt(S T zagmnU 1Eg1 piES SuZTTO'J •spuE~s sE axzT ~,upzp dung •MOU spuE~s sE aas o~ axzT pFes suiTTog •,iTziE; paluamaidmi ;i uETd aut; E sEM ai ~Eq~ ~ueam ~T ~eq~ piES auEx •uoi~zpuoo ant~oiz~saz .iTamaz~xa uE se 1z peaz aq piES dung •SuipzoM aqy aSuEgo o~ am;1 aqy q~zoM ~,nsEM aT ~eq~ pies uaq~ TTe~~nN •peaz aq pTnogs 1z FiEM aqy ~? a~ozM aq pies auEx •zeaio aq o~ paBuEgJ aq pinogs 1i pzES moz~spag •S~izETJUn aqy q~TM paazSe TTE]~nt1 •~ung o~ zeaTJUn sEM ~T •sq~uom aazq~ uF uETd aqa puamE o~ Suz~izl zo; ~ua~sisuoJUZ Suzaq ;o pasnJOE aq uagl puE °uETd aqa o~ TEnozddE agJUETq a~zEJ E SuznzS 3oN •uETd aqy ;o uoiloas ~Eq~ dozp puE azn~n; aqy ui xoeq amoo o~ 6~ZTige zno6 sanzasazd ~t uaq~ padoTanap aq ~OnuEJ aJUeuTpzo zFE; aigExzoM E ;z 1Eq~ ono luzod o1 si gdezSEZed 1szT; aqy ;o asodzna •suoi~enzasaz znoS ;o amos o~ uoF~ua~1E s,gg SuFzq o1 pa~uEM •aTgissod se suzaJUOO suotssFmmoo aqy ;0 6uem sE SET; 01 pazz3 aq ~eq~ pFes auEx •a$paq E ;o gJnm aneaT ~,usaoQ •uoissimmoo aqy ;o ~eq~ aq o3 maas 1ou saop SuipzoM aqy •uETd aq1 ;o uoT~zod ~Eq~ ~uamaTdmF o} aTgzssodmi aq pTnoM 1? ~eq~ xuzg3 I ;ng •~EazS ~uamaTdmi o~ aTgzssod ;2 'azo;azaq~ zapun T gdezSezed zapun uo;~niosaz aqy uT •~Eq~ op pinoJ aM ;F aJZU aq pTnoM ~I •uETd aqy g1tM pauzaJUOO sEM aq ~eq~ pappE dung •auoz Tg pne ~~ aq1 s~tq EazE TEZOZammoo azt;ua aqy ~Eq~ uoz3ezapisuoo o~ui axE~ you saop ;T •pa~uamaTdmt sz uETd aqy uagM maigozd e aq TTtM azagy •s;JadsE TETozammoJ aqy q1?M uzaJUOO sty paJFon JE sI •axzT nob 3F Suiq~amos ppE puE ~z Mainaz pTnoJ nod •Ttouno~ .i~i~ o~ uoz~nTosaz aqy g1TM ui 3z apnTJUi puE za~~aT ,sueg stq o~ puodsaz pinoJ aq 1Ega pies auEx •uoi~nTosaz s2g1 ~iq passazppE you azE sSutq~ asagz ~Eq1 putm ui 3i daax pinogs aM puE su3aJllOJ piTEn TTe azE ssauzsnq zammns SuFseazJUZ puE szoloe; Teuza~xa 'Suisnoq aa6oTdma ~Eq~ pzES suiTTo~ •ua~~o8zo; aq you pinogs ~i ~Eq~ uoi;E~uasazd poo8 E Bons seM omam ,suEg }eq~ pzES moz~spag •~gSTuo~ pa;dopE puE papuamE aq pinoJ 7z ~Eq3 pFes suzTTog •suzaJUOO ;o a~ou axEm o~ pazueM •mozlspag ~Sq pauoi~sanb sEM 9 gdezSezEd , •Etza~tzJ a sE pa;sFT aq pTno~ •~SaTTEn uMOp saseazJUi uoilETndod zapisuoo o~ anui~uoJ pinogs aM •szaTxs puE spaq uaaM~aq aouETEq uo palEJZpazd sz ~izoagl aiogM aqy •uo;~uam azEizdozddE uE aq ~gSim azaq~ ~Eq1 p?ES auEx LL6T LT EId uo;ssiwmo~ SuiuoZ puE SuiuueTd panuF~uog zuilaayy BRADFORD PU8L18 XIN6 CO.~DENVER R E C O R D O F P R O C E E D I N G S Meeting Continued Planning and Zoning Commission Mav 17 1977 Schuhmacher seconded the motion. Collins asked for discussion. Kane asked to open to public. Isaac wanted to commend Bill for hanging in there. Bob in audience stated that the commission had done an admirable job and gave his personal thanks. Collins asked all in favor. Motion passed. Collins thanked the public for attending all these public hearings on the growth management plan. He also thanked Hans Gramiger. Hunt moved that the commission add a paragraph to the Growth Management Plan expressing our discussed concerns about situations out of the county which will effect this plan indicating that this is an area we will have to watch and identify in the future. Kane said that he would like to have the commission drop by Monday and approve what he had written. Isaac seconded the motion. All approved. Motion passed. Virden PUD Virden PUD Exemption which is continued from May 3, 1977 was discussed Exemption by Hal Clark. Exemption was requested from the slope reduction of the PUD section of the zone code. The lot is 18,500 square feet. It is extremely steep - about 40 percent slope. It is also a request for an exemption from the PUD requirements for Lot 2. It is zoned R-15 mandatory PUD. The basic question is whether to allow the variance to the two requirements and whether the slope reduction formula is important enough to you to enforce in this instance. A single family dwelling is allowed by right. No size restraints on that building. Planning Office has mixed feelings. Originally thought that it might be more appropriate to accept a good site plan with the extra unit and to allow that PUD slow production variance. On further consideration we felt that the slow production formula was extremely important as a part of the PUD regulations of the city. We could find no specific reason to waive that in this instance. Concerned about setting a precedent for waiving the slow production formula. Other properties which are extremely steep, especially at the base of Aspen Mountain. It is important to maintain this type of control. Our recommendation is that the slow production formula-.not be waived and that only a single family dwelling be allowed on the site. The architect for Virden, Dave Hopkins, discussed the plan. Trying to preserve the nature of the site. With the site and financial picture, if we did not develop in this way, we would lose the .character of the site. You must decide whether the increase of density by one unit is more important than overriding the stated goals of the PUD section in your code in that we are trying to retain the character of the land. It is a greater value in this particular location. Two small structures would be less damaging than one large one. Clark said that talking about two sections (1) procedure and (2) requirements. Position would be that Mr. Hopkins plan would actually incorporate the PUD requirements in that we would hold him to his design specifications as to leaving the shrub etc. Would actually satisfy PUD requirements if adopted. SPF is not a procedure but a requirement of PUD. Clark said that the slope reduction formula (SPF) states that for each degree of slope over 10 percent a 1000 square feet is deducted from the lot area for density calculation purposes. Thus for a 40 percent slope there is a reduction of 30,000 square feet. Hopkins felt that the solution satisfied the slope reduction formula rather than exempting it. Anderson said that the splitting of the two smaller buildings is an answer to your concerns. A large single family residence would be less desirable than two smaller buildings. Is ac said that the slope reduction formula was definitely important to the development of this site. This should never have been a subdivided lot. I am going to vote against this duplex. It is too high a use for this site. Dangerous due to avalanche. Hedstrom said that the code read that in order to control development potential so as to reduce wildfire, mudslide, and avalanche hazard; to ,•°- iaJ?pam azE 9 puE `g `5 •oN •iE?suap?saz .ii?zassaJau you azE ~iaq~ g8nogy s~?un opuoJ g ;o sus?suoJ ~u?pT?nq aqy •opuoJ ;o anss? aqy pansznd you pEq puE zea6 E zo; a?gazy ?pnEg u? uaaq pEq ~~oJg •zQ ~Eq~ pappE sgJES 6az33af •8u?pT?nq ~Eq1 u? saaSoidma s?q ;o zaglo sasnoq osiE ag •zooT3 pz?q~ az?;ua aqy uo san?i aq - aJUap?saz s~~1ooS •zQ sE anzas saop 8u?pi?nq aqy •uanFB aq aJ?you iasn;az 1sz?; SEp 06 E ~Eq1 puE s~?un aqy uo paz?nbaz aq o~ 8u?sear gzuom g ax?T pinoM aM •8u?daJSpuET zo; s~uamaz?nbaz zaglzn; ou azE azaq~ ~BuFpTFnq aqy padEJSpuET .STZUaoaz sEq zzoog •zQ •uo?1daJxa 1Eq~ q~?M aazSa aM •paz?dxa anEq sgzuom x?s zap;E Ma?naz uo?s?n?pgns iEn~daouoJ ;o uo?;EZ?dxa aqz zo; sTTEO qJ?1(M luamaz?nbaz uo?s?n?pgns o1 uo?~daoxa pazsanbaz sEq 1uEJ?iddy •00 azo;aq Ma?naz TEU?; aqz zo; szuammoJ J?;?Dads amos anzasaz o~ ax?T pinoM puE pa?;s?has s? `zaau?8ua .C~?J aqz `s?Tig anEQ •Suzpi?nq aqa oa saoads 8u?xzed LT pa~aJOiTE osiy •9u?pTFnq aqy 3o sluednJJo aqy ;o asn aq; zo; ap?s aq} uo Su?pi?nq ayz qz?M oS oz aJEds uommoJ amos pa~EOOiiy •8u?pi?nq aq; zo; poi opuoJ aqz aq TT?M Z X07 •~aid aqz uo T X07 sE oz pazza;az aq ii?M ~? puE ;no ~i?nq aq o~ paMOTia aq TT?M saoT aazgz zagzo aqy •8u?pi?nq zzoJg aqz qa?M o8 0~ panzasaz aq pTnogs s~oi x?S •Su?pi?nq aqz ;o opuoo aqy q~IM o8 pTnogs puET gJnm Moq pau?mza~aQ •s;oT au?u asaq~ ~?Tds you o1 zzoJS •zQ MoTTE you pinoo aM pap?JaQ •uo?s?n?p?qns aqy ;o zed sE 8u?pT?nq s?q~ q}rM o8 01 pa3aJ?pap aq pTnogs zEgz puET ;o ~unoma aqz alEOOiiE o~ s~uamaz?nbaz gy3 aJ?33o puE s~uamaz?nbaz S~?suap auoz 3y~ aqz asn aM •opuoJ aqy azE?~?u?az o~ s;uEM oqM 31oJS •zQ ~iq xaaM zsET sn oa u? xoeq ~g8nozq saM puE am?} Buoi E zo; paigE~ sEM ~i •uoL~EJ?iddE uo?s?n?pgns ianzdaouoJ aqz anozddE p?P Z'3d 's~oi 6 sa?dnJJO zi •s~uam~zedE puE aJEds aJ?;;o ;o s1s?suoJ BuFpTFng •8u?uoz ST-g zuasazd aqy uanFB Su?pT?nq ~Eq; u? sasn zo; uo?~EJOiiE a~E?zdozdda au?mza~ap o~ zapzo u? asn Su?mzo;uoJUOU a sa 8u?pi?nq ;o s?s6iEUE pai?E~ap p?p omam ui •pzoJaz aqy o~u? 9L6T `8 aunt moz; omam E (Z puE ~Eid ~izau?m?Tazd aqy uo sluammoJ (T paonpoz~u? xzETO opuoR •~zoog •zQ zo; lianzO~~E ay; sEM oqM sgoEg ~Saz33af paJnpozau? xzEiR TEA '$PT8 31oJS •T oz q passed uo?~oy1 'BLEU - JEESI puE `a6a - mozzspag `a~fE - zagoEmgnqJg `a.SE - dung `a.fa - su?iioR •papuoJas zagoEmgnqJS •paz?nbaz aq Ti2M uo?1o?zlsaz asaai gzuom g mnm?u?m y •uo?zJnzzsuoo ;o uo?~aidmoo uodn Tau?8?zo sE zaau sE o; pauzn~az aq Ti?M ~u?dEOSpuET aqz ~Eq~ pap?nozd zagzzn3 •u?Emaz ii?M saaz~ ~EqM sE zE; sE uETd 8u?daJSpuET azaidmoJ puE uETd Su?zaau?8ua uo?zEpuno3 pue s?s.LTEUE T?os aqz ;o TE~~?mgns uo pauo?~?puoJ zagazn3 •8u?iapomaz aznzn; zo3 uo?~?ppE u? 5Z uEq~ azom ou puE ~uamdoianap iE?~?u? uo ~aa; azenbs OSZry paaJxa you TTEgs aazE zoo; azanbs xaidnp pagoE~ap iE1oz aqz 1Egz pap?nozd saznpaJOZd QRd 3o uo?]EJ?TddE ~J?z~s moz; ~uamdoianap uapz?~ aqy ~dmaxa o~ panom zung •not~om aqy o~u? aseai mnm?u?m q~uom g az?zM oa pa~uEM oessi puE suTiToR •aoi aqz uo paMOiiE aBEZOO; azenbs 1?m?T o~ pazuEM dung •~aa; azanbs 0981 sEM auo zaiiEms aqy puE 06£Z sEM 8u?pi?nq zaSzai aqy ~Eqz p?as su?xdog •~iz?suap 8u?Jnpaz ;o Eap? !m sz?; zi •zano TozluoJ anaq zou pinoM aM qo?qM aouap?saz .LT?mE; ai8u?s E uEgz aSESn asuazu? ssai zoi E s? 1Egy •u8?sap z?aqy u? uo?zEJ?;?pom ai33?i E 8u?pi?nq gJEa MOiiE pinoM ~? ~aa; azenbs 00£7 uEgF ssai o1 pa~J?z~saz ;? ~Eq~ p?ES dung •panozddE uaaq pEq 8u?q~ou ~Eqz p?ES su?xdog •doianap du?aq peog puEip?y1 aqz ;o q~zou s~oi znoga paxsa SUTiiOQ 'z ]O'j ;O 1$aM zaa3 SOT Si ~? yzEd agJUETEAE SE SE; 3F7 •anuany a30 33o peoz aq; Moiaq s? ~? ]Eq~ p?ES su?xdog •palEOOT sEM ,LZZadozd aqy ~SizJaxa azagM paxsE su?iioR LpzazEq ap?Tspnm puE agJUETEAE puE az?;pi?M •S~?i?ga~su? T?os ;o aouap?na ou sEM azaq~ puE pazJadsu? sEM a~?s aq1 ~Eq1 p?ES su?xdog •SZ?T?gEZS T?os ;nogE paxsE moz;spag •uo?~Jalozd azz; sa zE; sa anoga ssaJJE s? azaq~ ~Eqz p?ES su?xdog •uo?zETnBaz u? pazEZS sE ~uazu? ~E xooi o~ anEg •~uaJZad OT 3o ssaoxa u? you EazE u? paJnpaz aq TTags Qna ;o ~z?suap iTEZano aqz ssaJJE uo21Ja1ozd az?; azEnbapE aa~uEZenB o; pue `..L~?i?qE~s i?os aJUEqua LL6T LT Ej.1 uo?ss?mmoR u?uoZ pue u?uuaTd panu?;uoR u?zaayy RRAOPORO PDBLISNIN6 CO.. DENVER R E C O R D O F P R O C E E D I N G S Meeting Continued Planning and Zoning Commission Ma 17 1977 office space. The upstairs 3 bedroom unit on the third floor and the two bedroom unit on the second floor are combined into one major unit. That is occupied as a personal residence by the Scotts. Therefore the only residential units are the three garden apartments. The 3 bedroom 2 bath garden apartment is occupied by Mr. McCloskey who is Dr. Scott's assistant. The 2 bedroom 2 bath garden apartment is resided in by Dr. Scott's business manager. The studio apartment is currently vacant. It is Mr. Scott's wish to solve the employee housing problem by putting a three year dead restriction on the two bedroom and studio apartments which will state that there will be no owner occupancy allowed at any time, that the units will be available for lease on a long term basis (no less than six months), that No. 2 will be leased at $500.00/month and No. 3 will be leased at $225.00/month, that there will be no rent increase during that three year period and that the employees of Dr. Scott will be given first right of refusal to live there under those terms. If an employee does not wish to reside in these units they will be available to the public under the same terms. It makes sense for estate planning to have this building condo since it is his personal home and permanent residence. He wants to maintain those two units as employee housing and does not wish to sell the units. Brian Goodheim felt that this request should be looked at in relation to other condominiumizations. He recommended that condo of multi family apartment buildings be approved only where there is a plan for permanently keeping the units or a substantial number of the units for employee housing. This case is somewhat different in that Dr. Scott's residence is not employee housing although there are other residences in this building which can be employee housing. This unit is an employee generator since there is a commercial enterprise operating in the building. Three years is not a long lease. Would like to keep employee housing diversified. Would like to recommend that this be tabled until CC can form a condo policy. If that isn't appropriate then the permanent restriction of these two units be that they be rented to employees of any business enterprise in the Scott building. Hedstrom asked if there ceased to be a business in that building what would happen. You can't preserve what doesn't exist. Sachs said that there would be no sense for an office there after Scott dies. As far as tabling I would not like that to happen. We want to take this to CC as soon as possible. Clark said that there were several cases log jammed at CC level which is where all the debate is taking place. Goodheim wants the three year term considered. He did not feel that it was sufficient in terms of long term planning effort. Hedstrom said that Scott building will probably never be employee housing except as long as Dr. Scott has his office there and maintains it as such. Our objective should be to hang onto the employee housing as long as Dr. Scott remains in practice. Sachs said that he does charge below the normal rental cost. Schuhmacher said that he does seem to take care of 'his own. Goodheim said that they are charged at the going market rate. Hedstrom said that it is the ambience of the whole building. Collins thought that P&Z should be consistent with concessions and restrictions we had placed on other requests. We should send to CC with a favorable recommendation. Hunt moved to grant exception to the six month limitation of conceptual subdivision preliminary plat for the Scott building. Hedstrom seconded. Motion approved. Hunt then motioned to approve the Scott building preliminary subdivision plat with the following conditions: 1) six month minimum lease restriction, 2) continuation of the current rental plan for three years, 3) and that employees of the office space have the first right of refusal to occupy the building units. The concerns of the city engineer must be complied with. It will be conditioned on 17 parking spaces and common areas as indicated in the plat. All conditions included in the previous conceptual approval are included. ~"" ~'` •zEa puE aiTEZEN ~tq pazEys aq TTiM yozyM ~zzadozd ayz ozui .STlaazip amoo TTiM zaazzs au0 •szoT oMZ ayz azEZedas TT?M zaazzS zaxaaig •BuzpTinq 6zozs oMZ E aq TTFM zT •suoFZETnBaz ~CZto utyziM sasn zagzo zo3 000`7 PuE azozs ayz zo3 000`£ 'zaa; azanbs 000`L asn TTiM aM •suoizETnBaz ~fz?o 01 mzo;uoo puE apTs auo daax TTFM aTTEZEN •uo piinq oz pasn aq pinoM zaa; azenbs 000`SZ •azozs anBoTEZEo szeas E uT Buizznd passnosip youS7 zEa •TOS pauoz si EazE ayy •ssaooE puE .izzadozd ayz ;o diyszauMO puE aTZiz ayz oz sE uoizsanb amos si azayy •omam uoistnipgng ayz ui papnTaui azE szuammoo TEZauaO •uoizoadsui azTs E papuammooaz xzETO xnoudz0 •panozddE uo-czoy~ •papuooas mozzspag •uozzoFzzsaz aseaT yzuom xis mnmiuim E puE zaaui8ua Szto ayz ;o szuammoo ayz uo pauoFZtpuoo ayz uo zam uaaq anEy suoizETnBaz asoyz ;o asodznd ayz aouis suoTZETnBaz uoisintpgns ayz ;o uozzEOiTddE zoFzzs moz; xaidnp azE~ ayz ;o uotzdmaxa puammooaz oz uozzom E apEm lung •zoauuoo op yoZyM saTBuEloax BuiTgmez oMZ si zI 'xaidnp ayz passnostp uzaT?Igzag •uoizoadsui ants puammooaz aM •amiz sFyz zE BuTpTinq ayz ui szusdnooo ou azE azayy •piEd uaaq sEy aa; uoFZEOipap xzad ayy •TEnozddE 00 07 zoaCgns TEnozddE puammooaz aM •TEnozddE ZSd ayz zoa;;a zou pinoys yozyM etEM-;O-zyFTZ ayz uo szuammoo pEy zaaui8ug 6~i0 ayz zEgz piES KzETO xaT dnQ azEn •passsd uoi;oyl •papuooas oEEST •aa; uoizEOipap xzad ayz ;o uoizdmaxauou osTE puE zzun ayz asEyoznd oz s6Ep pb BuFMOTTE s~usdnaao ayz oz aoizou 'uoiluiz~saz asaaT yzuom 9 mnmiuim E uo pauoizipuoo yzFM paiTdmoo uaaq anEq suozzETn~az asoyz ;o sasodmd ayz asnEOaq suoFZETnBaz uoisinipgns ayz ;o uozzEOZTddE zoizzs aqz moz; zdmaxa aq xaidnp sazEioossy OAS ayz zEgz uozzom E apEm zung •uoTZenzis 8uzmzo;uoouou E ~TTEizuassa sEM sTyz zEgz piES xzETO •xooiq aqz ;o aippim aqz ui xzEd. zaauoid puzyaq STZOazFQ •mETTEg uo yz7 puE pz£ uaaMZaq sEM xaidnp opuoo xaidnp aqz zEgz piES snmazoQ uyor •sazEZS omam ayz sE si siyz zEgz piES xzETO sazEioossy Q~g •panozddE uoFZOy1 •auoz zEgz ut asn zagzo tinE uEyz BuizEZauaB oznE atom ou si siyz zEgz piES xzETg •8uixzsd pauotzsanb ,E sT •papuooas mozzspag •uoizEUZmzazap asn siyz ,iq paMOTTE st 1EyM zo; auiTapzn~ E sE anzas TTEys oiuiTO .CzsuFzazap xzo3 Buizaog paTz?z aBEd ayz zayzzng •sunz apZSZno 8uipnToxa ,fiTEOi;loads puE saizinizoE Tauuax 3uipzeoq apnToui zou saop uoFZEUFmzazap styy •auoz T03 ayz ui asn pazz?mzad azE soFuzTo .fzeuFzazan zEgz auTmzazap oz panom zung •8uipzaoq ou puE sunz apiszno ou aq azayz zEgz palEZaziaz xzETO •suotzipuoo iEtaads ~EyM paxsE su'FTToO •apoo ayz ut pazsiT zou si z? aouis 'asn pazzimzad E sT zI 'pazzimzad zou azE sunz zoopzno zEgz ui zyS?z ~iq asn sT z? pazEzs ~IzETO •asn TEUO-cz?puoo zo pazztmzad ;F pa~sE suiTToO •paTTdaz auznbaQ uotzEZTTiz?dsoy aq .iTuo TTiM azayz oN •8uipzaoq 6uE aq pinoM azayz ;? pa]lsE JEEET 'aJEds OZpnE pnE ny pT0 ayz SEM ~T zEgz pZES auinba0 •azzs oiuiTO zuaTTaoxa uE si zT •oiuiTo ~izeutzazan E zo; pasn Suiaq SuipTzng puETpiy1 aqz 6zeuizazap ui aoEds ;o asn ayz ayz TEnozddE s~aoi330 3uiuuETd ayz passnosFp ~IzETO auTnbaQ •zQ •panozddE uoizoId •papuooas zung •azFu~ooaz oz panom JE sI 'Z9d ayz uo aoinzas s~.iuuEQ SuiBpaTMOUxoE uoizniosaz E z;EZp oz aot;;o ~uzuuETd ayz uoizEU~Tsaz paxsE ag •uo-[zEU~tsaz ;o zazzaT s~zzogq~ 6uuEa paBpaTMOUxoE suiTToO zzoggy uEa •passed uotzoYl •papuooas oESST •uoTZdaouoa ayz 3o TEnozddE snoinazd ayz ui papnToui suoFZipuoo TTE (q) puE °zETd ayz uo pazEOipui sE ssazE uommoo ;o ~iTddns ayz oz zoaCgns puE saoeds Suixzed LT ;o ~iTddns ayz oz zoaCgns (£) puE 'yz?M paiTdmoo aq zaauiBua SzFo ayz 3o suzaauoo (Z) `sz?un 3uipTinq ayz .Sdnooo oz TESn;az ;o zySiz zszz; anEy saa.ioidma zEgz puE `uETd TEzuaz zuazzno ayz ;o uoFZUnuizuoo 'uoizoizzsaz aseaT yzuom xis mnmiuim (T) uo pauoFZ?puoo uETd uoisinzpgns ~izeuzmTTazd BuipTinq zzoag ayz ;o TEnozddE puammooaz oz panom zung pasoTO •szuammoo oN •8uizeay oZTgnd zo; pauado suiTToO LLbi `LT EId uoTssimmo0 uiuoZ puE uiuuETd panutzuo0 uTZaayy BRADFORD PDBLISNINB CO.~DENVER R E C O R D O F P R O C E E D I N G S Meeting Continued Planning and Zoning Commission May 17, 1977 Clark said that the next meeting will not be held until June 7. Hunt said that a site plan should be set up for 4:30 on June 7th. Hopkins St. John Stanford said that the proposed historic district on Hopkins Street historic dist. which had been tabled by P&Z is now being questioned as to how long the city can continue its administrative delay based on that table when someone comes in and askes for a demolition request. We posed this question to Dorothy Nuttall and will be having an official legal response and we may be asking P&Z to act on that question again. We can't make it historical without some additional funding. Council turned down the request and asked us to bring it back in our budget request to 1978 if we still felt it was important. So P&Z has the option of requesting a further tabling. Hunt moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM. Isaac seconded the motion. Motion approved. ~~<< ~ Elisabeth Sherrill, Deputy City Clerk