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Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission June 21, 1977
The Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 5:10 p.m. with members Chic
Collins, Roger Hunt, John Schuhmacher, Olaf Hedstrom, and Tom Isaac present. Bill Kane
and Hal Clark were present from the Planning Office.
Approval of Hunt moved to approve minutes of June 7, 1977; May 17, 1977; May 5,
Minutes 1977; December 21, 1976; December 14, 1976; December 7, 1976;
November 23, 1976 with corrections and table the minutes of February
22, 1977. Isaac seconded. All in favor; motion passed.
Election of Collins opened the meeting to nominations. Hunt nominated Chic Collins
Officers as Chairman. Schuhmacher seconded the nomination. Hedstrom moved to
close the nomination, seconded by Isaac. All in favor; motion passed.
Hedstrom nominated Roger Hunt as Vice Chairman, seconded by Schuhmacher.
Isaac mo ved to close the nomination seconded by Hedstrom. All in
favor; motion passed.
Gignoux Hal Clark presented the Gignoux conceptual subdivision request.
Conceptual Albert Kern, attorney, represented Pat Lynch who is purchasing Lot 1
Subdivision from Natalie Gignoux. A memo from Dave Ellis, City Engineer, was
distributed. Clark said that there were three different areas of
interest. This is an application for a conceptual subdivision
exemption review. There has been a site inspection. There is a proposal
to divide the property into two lots which are not final. The three
problems are: (1) the appropriate FAR or lot area for lot 2;
(2) ownership of the alley; and (3) ownership of triangle between
Sleeker Street and the property. Planning Office recommends to give
conceptual approval itemizing the problem areas and emphasizing that
applicant is proceeding at his own risk assuming that he can resolve
these items at the preliminary plat stage.
Hunt suggested that the triangle could be sold to the applicant or
traded for right of way. Hedstrom agreed.
Kern stated that Lynch had an option contract to buy part of the
property from Natalie Gignoux. Trying to divide property so that
there will be no need for variances for open space or parking.
There are about 25,500 square feet in the entire property. Ellis
indicated city only had right of way on street... Ms. Gignoux was
deeded half the alley by Mrs. Callahan. The city is going to require
that the alley be dedicated to the city. The present building is
partly in the alley. The triangle was deeded to the City by a U. S.
Patent and never deeded out by the City.
The only problems are technical. Collins said that FAR could be worked
out. It would be appropriate at this time to grant the conceptual
approval. Other problems can be solved in the preliminary review.
Isaac wanted to study the traffic problem in that area. Clark stated
that he wanted to be sure that this would not exacerbate the Rio Grande
Hunt moved to recommend conceptual subdivision approval of the Gignoux
property noting as conditions paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of the Planning
Office memo dated June 17, 1977, and City Engineer memo dated June 20,
1977, and recommending that the City and the developer negotiate a
trade or purchase of property along the Sleeker Street easement to
clear up boundaries to mutual benefit and let the tenant be allowed to
reside in the existing residence until a building permit is issued.
Isaac seconded the motion. All in favor; motion passed.
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