HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19770705RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves
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Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Jul 5 1977
The Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order to 5:15 p.m.
with members Roger Hunt, John Schuhmacher, Tom Isaac, Olaf Hedstrom
and Chic Collins present. Also present from the Planning Office were
Karen Smith and Bill Kane.
Hunt moved to approve the minutes of 21 June 1977 with corrections and
to table the minutes of 15 and 22 February 1977, seconded by Isaac.
All in favor; motion passed.
Wedum-Pardee Karen Smith explained the Wedum-Pardee Group request for a Stream
Stream Margin Margin Review. In excavating for the site, Lee has dumped some fill
Review from the building site in a depression in order to level the site.
Meyring stopped them-with a stop order and required them to go through
Stream Margin Review. The Planning Office feels that it is an improvement
to the site in that it levels the ground which is there. It will have
no effect on the flood plain. It has no effect on the major vegetation in
that area. They have generally improved the appearance of that site.
Planning Office recommends approval of that application.
Wedum stated that they wanted to use the dirt from the building site
to make the property level so that they would not have to buy land
after the house is complete.
Isaac moved to approve the Stream Margin Review of the Wedum-Pardee
group with respect to temporary storage of land fill in that lot within
the stream margin on the condition that upon completion of site
construction the land will be returned to an improved state. Hedstrom
seconded. All in favor; motion passed.
Miller Stream Smith displayed a map presented by Bill Meyers and explained the
Margin Review propsed addition. The proposed addition is outside the hundred year
flood plain. It is flat topography. There will be no vegetation
removed. Thus the Planning Office recommends approval.
Isaac asked what was included in the addition. Smith said that the
present house has two bedrooms and that the owner is going to add
several more.
Hunt moved to approve the Stream Margin Review of the Miller
property as proposed. Hedstrom seconded the motion. All in favor;
motion approved.
Triangle Park Kane said that the Ctiy had acquired Triangle Park on West End Avenue.
Shortly after that the Parks department prepared a plan emphasizing
it as a children's park for that area. This has become a neighborhood
issue. In the R-6 zone. recreational sites are only permitted as
conditional use. The Planning Office woula like July 16 set as a
the public hearing date.
Growth Management County Attorney Sandy Stuller highlighted the new draft of the Growth
Plan Management Plan. All agreed to changes were incorporated in the new
draft. Firstly, P&Z wanted a minimum of 30 points needed to be
eligible for an allotment. Another incorporation was a proviso
which if someone is awarded an allotment for lower or middle income
housing that P&Z had a right to impose conditions to make sure it
stayed that way. An additional 20 percent is allowed to be awarded if
criteria is outstanding for integration of project. Only one public
hearing is required with a fifteen day notice. CC and C-1 will be
judged on three different criteria which will require 30 points in
each area as a minimum to be considered. Kane said that these criteria
would require better uses of the small amount of land left in the
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FORM 50 [. F. NOECI(EL B. 9. B L. CJ.
Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Jul 5 1977
has only been occurring for two years. It is evidenced in the
reduction of available rental housing in favor of ownership housing.
This is bad in our service oriented community. Once the units are
condominiumized they become investment tools. There is a large increase
in purchase and sale price within a short period of time. It elevates
them to a point beyond which rentals would not have increased during
the same period of time. The Board can take a laissez faire or
control attitude toward condominiumization: With a control attitude
criteria are developed. Thus Goodheim suggested criteria: general
and specific as outlined in his memo.
The Commission discussed whether or not the Council had adopted a
policy toward condominiumization. It was decided that the Council
had supported a six month lease agreement and right of first refusal
although they had asked that the P&Z come up with a better policy
in addition to these two demands.
Hedstrom observed that the Board should have definite criteria for
condominiumization so that applicants would know what they were being
judged on. Hunt felt that the battle should be fought economically.
He suggested that Vermont's method of taxation should be looked into.
Kane said that he would research it.
Mr. Schiff from the audience said that the purchase prices suggested
by Goodheim would not cover the rebuilding cost. Schiff did not want
to raise his rents and he did not want to sell his apartments as
condominiums because he could not sell them to his tenants at a cost
within their limits which would allow him to rebuild. The appraisers
use a market approach in this area.
Gideon presented his suggestions for a multi family guideline.
Not everything other than duplex is multi family. He sited Joe Wells'
study. The triplex is more akin to the duplex than to larger buildings.
Fourplexes and above should be multi family. Kane said that a triplex
is a multifamily dwelling according to the code. Hunt said that there
is no validity in drawing a line unless P&Z knows a definite number of
duplexes, triplexes, etc. Collins felt there was no reason to change
if the code states duplexes and multi family dwellings. Hunt said he
could agree with the change if all buildings in question were located
in R-6. Then they would be like single family dwellings. If they are
in the RMF zone then there is less logic. Kane read from the code that
multi family is three or more dwelling units in a building.
Collins asked the Planning Office to draft a resolution thanking
Hal Clark for his services.
Hunt moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. seconded by Isaac.
All in favor, motion passed.
Elisabeth Sherrill, Deputy City Clerk