HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19770726BRADFORD pUBLIBNING CO.~DBNVBR R E C O R D O F P R O C E E D I N G S 'Special Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission July 26, 1977 A special meeting was held by the Planning and Zoning Commission on 26 July 1977 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in City Hall. Commission members Chic Collins, Roaer Hunt, Olaf Hedstrom, Tom Isaac, John Schuhmacher, and Dick Kienast were present. Also present was Mayor Stacy Standley, County Attorney Sandy Stuller, Planners Bill Kane and Karen Smith, Nelson Owen from the Parks Department, and City Manager Mick Mahoney. Collins brought the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. The first item was the Triangle Park public hearing. Triangle Park Bill Kane presented the facts about Triangle Park. The Public Hearing code requires that a public hearing beheld for parks in the R-6 zone since it is a conditional use. The notic e was in the Aspen Times on 7 July 1977. The application is for a master plan for Triangle Park. It is an open site of about 6000 square feet on which a few pieces of play equipment are located. The City acquired the site this year. City Council minutes authorizing the purchase of the land, discussing the conditions, sale prices, etc. were submitted for the record. They include 13 December 1976, 10 January 1977, and 27 June 1977. They may be viewed in the City Clerk's office. Fonda Paterson engaged Georgianne Waggaman to draw plans for the Triangle Park. The central issue is to determine proposed plans to see if the use complies with the zoning code (R-6), if it is consistent with the zoning code, or if it is consistent with the surrounding land uses. There are 3 plans for the park: the original plan, the amended plan and the proposed plan presented by the neighborhood. Kane presented a West End Home Owner's Association petition signed by 53 people against the City proposal for the park for the record. There were also 17 letters in opposition to the park. Another petition writen by Fonda Paterson supporting the park plan signed by 70 people was entered into the record. 16 letters supporting the park were included. Georgianne Waggaman with the aid of drawings discussed the original plan and amended plan for Triangle Park. The amended plan left more open space, no paved areas, 2 lowered play areas and heavy shrubbery in the play areas. Collins asked if there was a use study of the parks. Kane said that in January 1974, Armstrong presented a comprehensive plan for the park system. There are presently 3 active parks. There is a need for an active park in the west end. Hunt felt the park would be too intensive a use as presented. He questioned the Parks Department rationale for choosing this location. Nelson Owen said that it would be the only park in a central location in town the other three are more outside of town. Hunt reiterated his doubts. Isaac did not want the point belaboured. Who wants kids playing in the street. Hunt then said it might be underused. Why spend $20,000 on something which might not be used. Kand said that the basic issue is whether it can be in a residential area or not. The elementary school does not have a grass play area. It is in the center of town. It is an informal use of the property. The facility can be used at any time. Ann Salter Ann Salter presented the design proposed by the West End Home Owner's Association. There would only be a 16 foot sunken sandbox which could be flooded in the winter to skate on. In the City plan the play areas cannot be used all year round. ~-,, •xzad auq zo; azauq st gzoddns TTouno~ dqi~ pua qzo;;a 'qua~udinba auy •zaurums auq ur siuuaq zo; pasn pua paddoq xoejq aza saaza Toouos aqy •dq-rT-roe; uo-rgeonpa ua si axeZ UI2"[jEjj •~C~ijioe; Tauozgaazoaz a paau spTx auq pue dgio auq ui eaza asuap gsou~ auq sj qi •qoT qoq a spaau gaze geuy •pua gsaM auq ;o Gaze anTgoezgqa ua axetu TTTM pue papazbdn 'dn pauaajo aq T'[iM qi •uanibsi asn qou zo zaugauM quads aq '[TTM 000'UT$ zaugo aqy •qua~udrnba zo; pagaizdozdde saM 000'L$ 'aPe~u seM quaur+sanu anisuadxa uy •jzzd~ uT paquasazd seM uajd aqy •ubiu si dq?Tigzpazo zau snug •azo;aq sized paubisap sau uau[abbaiK •xzed ajbuerzy ;o quauidoTanap pua asauoznd aqq paszopua pua panozdda sau uotgaioossa sxzeg aqy •xzed aqq ;o quauodozd aqq sT 'uOTgeT~OSS~' sxzad 'uoszaged epuog •uozgaTndod 000'T zad aoads uado ;o saaoa 5 aq pjnous azauq •sxzed anissad (£ pua saaza daTd zajppoq (Z 'sgznoo TTegpuau pua siuuaq (T :uoigeazoaz stn a sin papaau dgio auq geuM paqurod u-cd ueTd zagsaw gL6T s,buozgsuu~ 'LL6T dzanuar ui 000'OOT$ zo; pasauoznd saM dgzadozd aqy •dgio auq zo; uoigaquasazd a apeui ~uads~ ;o zodaiu 'dajpuagg doegg dajpuagS doegg •u-r qnd aq pTnoo daq a pins puiMuoS •dgro aqq ;o gzad geuq uT xzoM q,usaop uragsds gogip auq geuq pagaqs aue;~ •iuagsds zaTxuizds punozbzapun ua ;o dgiTaoigoazd auq pauojgsanb pujMuog •uia~uaz '["[ZM uoigegaban burgs-rxa auy •squauianozdmt zaugo pue buidaospuaT zO3 000`OT$ pua quauid-rnba zo3 000'OT$ PagoTTe Tiouno~ dqi~ geuq pagaqs auax •qaa; azanbs 0085 dojanap oq dad oq aoizd snopuazzou a si 000'ZT$ 'suquoiu uanas zo; paztTigounui aq TTzM xzad auy •MOUS ;o zeajo xzad auq bu-cdaax dqi~ auq uoisinua qou pTnoo puiMuog auuy puiMuoS auuy •;o azao uaxaq aq pTnous sxzad pjo auy •uo-rgzpuoo uaxozq uz qua~udznba pau asznoo ;Tob auq qe xzad auy •ssa~u a si xzad aqn •ziadazsip eons ut aze sxzad zaugo auq uauM dauoiu azoui burpuads aq oq TeuOTga.TZC saM q-r geuq qja; qnq xzed Mau a zo; eapT auq paxrT asnog gigqog auq u~oz; gsnbny oiu~ gsnbn~ ozuJ •uaTd papua~ua auq pagzoa'dns sizzag •zao dq zo sgaazgs dsnq buissozo dq gdaoxa uoaaz oq gTnoi;;tp aze saaza zaugo auy •poouzoqubiau auq u-r degs uao uazpTiuo auq gauq os aaza dajd anTgoe ue anau oq aozu aq TTTM qi •pua gsaM auq uo aniT uazpT?uo ;o sgoZ •uaTd zaumms a gsnC qou si uaTd dgio papuaure auq gauq pins 'pua gsaM auq uo zauMO auiou 'srzzag aigog sizzag aigog •aoads uado uo aq pjnous sTSaudura auy •sgTnpa sa TTaM se uazpTiuo zo; aq pjnous xzad auq geuq pagaqs u~TgM gzabay auazl uioz; zaggaT a paas putMuoS auu~ purMuoS auu~ •dozp daags e qou 'TTTu buTdoTs a sr qzd goo; ~ auy •panouiaz aq pTnoo aaza puns auq ur sazngonzgs TTau~s auq gauq pagoaCzaquz uauiabbeM • dgzununuoo zno ;o stseq auq sz uoeozdda pazngonzgsun pua usaz; ~ •daTd pazngonzgs paau qou op uazpTiu~ •poouzoqubrau auq ;o soigaugsae auq zo; ajgtssod se aTd~uis se qT cIaax oq sr buTuq uTeu~ auy •qz oqui TTa; dTisaa pTnoo szaTppoy •qid goo; {, auq gnoga uzaouoo passazdxa dpun7 douaN dpunZ douaN •oiTgnd auq auq bujgaaui auq pauado suTTTo~ LL6T '9Z TnP uozssiunuo~ uiuoZ pua buiuueTg buigaayl Teioa g 9RADPORD POBLI9HIHO CO.~DEHVER R E C O R D O F P R O C E E D I N G S Special Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission July 26, ].977 Fonda Paterson said that the sand area in the city's plan is an active area, in the West End plan it is inactive. Ann Salter wondered why a public hearing notice did not come out until after the play structures were delivered. Paterson said that there was an article in the paper about the city adopting plans for the park in April. There was no response to that article. Waggaman described the play materials to be installed in the park and their scale within the park. Lundy felt that the equipment crowded the play area too much. Hun± wondered which plan was approved for. the park. Standley said that City Council does not care which plan is used. The amended would not cost as much. Kane said ±hat P&Z should be voting on the amended plan. Jennifer Pedersen Jennifer Pedersen said that she was responsible for making the motion to purchase Traingle Park. First to utilize it as a passive park would be to overload the west end with passive parks which would be a mistake. Secondly, this was once a mining community and not a Victorian community, thus massive would is a ridiculous argument. Thirdly, there is a large auto disincentive. Children can ride their bikes or walk to the Bark. If you objec± to the squeeking of tennis shoes, then you can drive your car to one of the other Barks. Fourthly, there is a need for a children's park in this residential neighborhood. Are children not residents? Fifthly, perhaps it is easier for many of the residents in the West End to have a passive park to look at. Children represent growth and charge which is not passive. Fonda Paterson Fonda Paterson said that for thirty years this land has been in private ownership. There was equipment there for kids. For some reason now that it is an official park, people do not want it to be developed for children. Collins closed the public hearing.. Collins said that the park should be compatible and low key. The intensity of_ the use with the City plan is questionable. A children's park is appropriate. To dig a pit to hide something which is heavy for that park is a bit much. Could deal with smaller children only. There are other places for larger children. A structure as large as planned does not stand out as much at Waggoner's Park. Action on this req~!est should be tabled until there is a site inspection. Hunt concurred with Collins. Hunt had seen the park used for larger activities like baseball and frisbee. The plan cuts ou± mur_.h of the usable area. Collins didn't think that frisbee and baseball were appropriate for a children's park. Hedstrom thought. that a children's park was appropriate. It would be nicer as a children-adult park. It should be designed to discourage older park activities. Activities for all ages cannot be combined successfully in one park. Schuhmacher said it should be a children's park. He wanted a site inspection to see what open space would be left. It seems to be heavy gear going into a small si*_e. 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Taa3 qou p?p ag •poogzogqbiau auq o; dqa?zen azoui ppE pTnoM azngoaq?uozE aqy •q? bu?sn sp?x anEu qou puE azagq qis q? anEy oq aui?xo E aq pTnoM qI •buissnos?p ugzoM s? quauidrnba agy •asn aqE?zdozddE uE s? qI •szeo zo3 paau ou s? azagy •xxed s,uazpT?qo e zo3 uo?gEOOT pooh E sY qI •xxad auq zo3 asn aqq sr anss? auq qE[[q p?ES oEESI uioy asxog zaddo0 b?sax 3o zaggaT gseua?g xo?0 LL6T '9Z TnL' uo?ss?unuo0 u?uog puE LITULIETd u?gaayl TE?aa g BRADFORD PUBLIBHIN6 CO., DENVER R E C O R D O F P R O C E E D I N G S Special Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission July 26, 1977 Hunt moved to approve the expansion of conditional use for the Copper House boarding house specifically recognizing the addi+_ion of two windows for existing employee units on the basis of the units being employee type housing once and the history of signifi..cantly lower auto usage than normal. It is the Commission's determination that auto parking need not be expanded. Kienast seconded the motion. All in favor; motion passed. Kienast moved to adjourn at 7:15 p.m., seconded by Isaac. All in favor; meeting adjourned. ~~~ ~~ ~~~ Elisabeth Sherrill, Deputy City Clerk