HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19780103RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
100 Leaves
FGRM 5p C. F. XOE CK EL B. B. 9 L. CG.
Regular Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning January ;, 197u
The Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on January 3, 1978, at :i:00 PPl,
in the City Council Chambers. Piembers present were Chic Collins, Tom Isaac, John Schu'nmacher,
Donald Ensign and Joan Klar. Also present were Karen Smith and Bill Kane of the Planning
Approval of Afinutes The minutes were postponed to the next meeting.
C. I. Clark Isaac moved to table action on this item, Ensign seconded. All in
Subdivision Exemption favor, motion approved.
Creektree, Fublic Kane explained that there are four alternatives to the trail easement
Hearing on Amendment question. The first is no trail at all. The Planning Office does
to Preliminary Flat not support this idea as there is a need for this trail. Present
for Trail Alignment access is down 19ei1 Street which is inadequate to handle pedestrians.
The second alternative is the '°adopted trails plan" which places the
trail down an existing old driveway, west on Bay Street and down across
Spring Street. The residents felt this was the least acceptable alter-
native. The bridge crossing at Spring Street would be the most expen-
sive one to construct as there is a substantial grade difference be-
tween the two sides of the river at this location. The Planning Office
does not support this alternative for these reasons. The third alter-
native is the "Eastern Alternative'° which places the trail to the east
of the Andre Ulrych property. This alternative places the trail very
close to the Ulrych dwelling and the grade is steep enough to make
construction very complicated. The Planning Office does not support
this alternative. The fourth alternative is to place the trail down
the driveway, swinging west along the property line and crossing the
river where it is narrow and the banks are evenly graded. The Planning
Office, City Council and the property owner all support this alterna-
tive. Rane noted a comment from a resident that traffic may come
through Oklahoma Flats down Bay Street and on to this trail. Kane
suggested a gate to be operated by the property owners which would keep
people from doing this. Kane noted that any decision will go back to
Council for final plat amendment.
Isaac asked when they propose to build the trail. Kane said next
spring. Klar asked if tiie fourth alternative was on the property line.
Kane said yes. Ensign asked the existing condition of the property.
Kane said there is the existing driveway, low vegetation and small
Aspen trees, and part of the trail follows what may be an old road bed.
Klar asked about the grade of the land. Kane said most parts are flat
but part of it was somewhat steep, perhaps 10% grade.
Ensign asked if the trail on alternative two could be straightened out
as it takes a very sharp turn along the property line. Kane said this
would infringe on the lot. The property owners prefer to keep it at
the boundary line. Klar asked the distance of the steep part of the
trail. Kane estimated between 150-200 feet. Plar asked if there was
a significant cost difference between all the alternative. Kane noted
the more expensive possibilities.
Collins opened the public hearing.
Frank Donofrio Donofrio is a resident of Oklahoma Flats. He read a letter from
Richard Volt that strongly opposed the trail. He also read a letter
from P.emo Lavagnino which strongly opposed the trail.
Betty Coates She is also a resident of Oklahoma Flats. She read two letters 'from
Howard Hansen opposing any trail through Oklahoma Flats. Speaking
for herself, she also strongly objects to any trail. She asked why
they must have four bridges in such a small area. She also asked
how the City plans to maintain this trail as many other City trails
are not maintained presently.
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•Zanes amig E aq pjnoM
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say puE uEi zgsapad E sE .SEp 6zana gaazgS Tiap1 sasn ay gEyq pagou JEESj
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6ayg Moy paxsa ayS •asnoy zay og asoTJ .Stan paJEjd aq TTzM gi sa
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pjaT;suEy~ a8zoa~
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sagaog xJiN
aUEg atTnr
8L6T `£ zanuEr uTuoZ pua utuuETd ua sy uzgaaYl zEjn ag
100 Leaves
e. r xoecKei ,. a. co.
Regular Meeting spen arming an oning January 3, 1 b
Bill Dunaway Dunaway defended the Smuggler residents by saying these people do have
roots and are hard working full time employees. Many have been here
just as long as Oklahoma Flats residents.
George Mansfield He noted the high crime rate in the Smuggler and Silverking complexes.
Isaac said he was against the trail because he felt no one would use
it. Iie noted that many people use Neil Street and would continue to
use it. He feels it is faster to use Neil.
Schuhmacher noted that the eastern alternative would have the least
impact on the Oklahoma Flats residents. Klar said it would also have
the least impact to the solution of tiie problem. She did not feel that
Neil is that bad.
Collins noted that Oklahoma Flats is a very important part of Aspen
and many concerned residents live there. The environment there is
also very special. Ile also can see the need for a trail here. The
eastern alternative is very close to Neil Street but Neil Street is
not suitable for pedestrian traffic at this time. He feels that the
eastern alternative is the best. He also feels that the cost should
not be a consideration unless it is substantial.
Ensign asked Edwards if the trail led into Bay Street if there is an
easement required there. Edwards said he did not think so but this
would have more of an impact on the residents of Oklahoma Flats. He
favors the eastern alternative. Collins said he favors this alterna-
tive, also.
Bayard Hovdesven Hovdesven noted that the original bridge was 50 feet in the air so
there was never an easement there. He also noted that the eastern
alternative would place the trail very close to the house and would
severly impact this dwelling.
Andre Ulrych Ulrych, principal owner of said property, claimed that the proposed
trail runs through 10 feet of the living room.
Bayard Hovdesven Hovdesven noted that the original plan never had the trail coming down
the eastern side of the house.
Betty Coates Coates asked what areas, besides Silverking and Smuggler, this trail
would facilitate.
Kane said that this hooks up to the Hunter Creek Trail, Mill Street,
etc. Coates said that this network of trails includes use of streets
to connect the trails.
Nick Coates Coates noted that the Oklahoma Flats residents are not against trails.
The concern of the residents on this trail is the placement. He
suggested another site inspection.
Collins said there have been many new questions raised at this meeting.
He wondered if it was feasible, the cost involved, the trees involved,
Rane said there were no trees involved. The cost may be expensive.
Ensign asked about the easement problem. Kane gave the figures he had.
Ensign asked the people of Oklahoma Flats if they wanted a convenient
way across the river to town.
George Mansfield Mansfield said it was convenience that has cost America more than pro-
gress. They can cross the river at other points.
Andre Ulrych Ulrych said he had a problem with the proposed gates. People should
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