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fORM !0 C. F. NO ECK EL B. B. B L CO.
Regular Meeting Aspen Planning and 'Coning December 20, 1977
The Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on December 20, 1977, in the
City Council Chambers at 5:00 PM. Members present were Chic Collins, Tom Isaac, Joan Klar,
frank Baranko and Donald Ensign. Also present were iaren Smith and John Stanford of the
Planning Office and Dave Ellis, City Engineer.
Approval of Minutes Isaac moved to approve the minutes of December 6, 1977, as amended,
Ensign seconded. All in favor, motion approved.
Isaac moved to approve the minutes of January 13, 1977, as is, Baranko
seconded. All in favor, motion approved.
Brownell Subdivision Exemption and PDD Amendment was scratched from the
Griiaes Duplex Smith explained the application. The applicant is Richard Grimes, repre-
Subdivision sented by Peter Van Domelen. Ellis has no problem from a subdivision
Exemption design standpoint. The question now is if it meets the requirements of
the new Ordinance `53 on Subdivisions. Ownership will be SO;e for Crimes,
25% for Robert Winchester, and 25% for Cooley Investment (one full unit
for Grimes and the other shared by Winchester and Cooley.) There are
no plans. for sale and the units will be rented. One unit was recently
rented for $600/mo. to a local full-time employee. The other unit is to
be rented to Grimes' daughter who is also a local full-time employee.
Each apartment has two bedrooms, one bath and is approximately 1000 sq.
The new Ordinance ;r53 says that any new subdivision shall not reduce the
number of low and moderate income housing. The question now is does
this application reduce this housing or did it ever constitute low or
moderate housing.
Van Domelen noted that they have recently put alot of money into these
units as they were previously untenantable. They do intend to keep these
as rental units. Klar asked if these units were recently appraised.
Van Domelen said he did not know. Ensign asked how the Park Dedication
Fee would be determined in this case. Smith explained the procedure.
There will have to be an appraisal for this.
There was a question as to whether the standards for low and moderate
income were relevant. Klar said she felt this fell into this category.
Collins concurred. Emsign felt it was not a very hard ground to stand on.
Ensign moved to grant the subdivision exemption of the Grimes duplex,
subject to 90 day right of first refusal to existing tenants, 6 month
minimum lease restriction and payment of the park dedication fee, as
there will be no tenant displacement, Klar seconded. All in favor,
motion approved.
Pitkin Mesa Duplex Smith explained the application. Ellis has easement problems with this
Subdivision Exemp- application but Smith suggested that the resolution of these problems
tion be conditional upon approval.
Bob Hughes, representing the applicant, explained the easement problems
he has with Dave Ellis, City Engineer. The problems can be resolved.
Hughes showed that these units were never intended for low or moderate
income housing so it does not violate that part of the new ordinance.
He did not have any problem with the 6 month minimum lease restriction
but would pay the park dedication fee under protest. He noted that
there are two four-car garages for off-street parking.
Isaac moved to exempt lots 14 and 15 of the Pitkin 14esa Subdivision from
full subdivision procedures conditioned on resolution of the easement
problems with Dave Ellis, payment of the park dedication fee for both
lots, as this application does not reduce the supply of low and moderate
income housing with 90 day right of first refusal to existing tenants,
Ensign seconded. All in favor, motion approved.
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FONM 50 G F. NOEC Y. EI B. B. B L, CO.
'tegular Pfeeting Aspen Planning and Zoning December 20, 1977
FAR on the whole area. He feels a scale is more appropriate th~l a
blanket FAR. He has found t'tiat many of the smaller old houses are in
need of extensive repair. If there is a FAR imposed, many of these
smaller houses will have to be torn down. To repair these dwellings
would mean a large investment.
Anderson presented his alternatives. The entire West End be designated
a Historic District where each house would come under I~~C review. This
may overwork the IffC. Perhaps another HPC could be formed. Smith
noted that Council decided against this idea as they did not want to
overload the HPC.
Anderson also proposed that there be a sliding FAR based on a higher
ratio for additions and renovations to houses built before 1900 and
on up.
Stanford, a member of the HPC, noted that when P ~ Z asked them to
consider a massive expansion of the Historic District, the Planning
Office had a problem with this as there are parts of the original
townsite that just do not have any historic buildings on it. The [lest
End could be considered a Historic District. If this were to happen
a new set of criteria would have to be established.
Stanford asked that the P & Z set a special meeting on January 10, 1973,
to review the point allocation for commercial buildings in the new
Growth Management Flan. Ensign asked for information on this. Stanford
presented the packets.
Ensign moved to adjourn the meeting, Isaac seconded. All in favor,
motion approved. Pfeeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.
Sheryl S en, Deputy City Clerk