HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19771206.w., RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves A L. i. MOEL'R EL B. B. 8 L. C.t. FORe ular Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning December 6, 1977 The Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on December 6, 1977, at 5:00 PM in the City Council Chambers. Members present were Chic Collins, Olaf Hedstrom, Tom Isaac, Frank Baranko, John Schuhmacher, Donald Ensign and Joan Klar. Also present were Bill Kane and Karen Smith from the Planning Office and City Attorney, Dorothy luuttall. Approval of Minutes Isaac moved to adopt the minutes of November 15, 1977, as amended, ledstrom seconded. All in favor, motion approved. Baranko moved to table the minutes of January 18, 1977, Schuhmacher seconded. All in favor, motion approved.. Anderson Stream Margin This is an addition to the agenda. Smith explained the application. Review The applicant wishes to add a carport to the existing house. Smith said it would be in the 100 year Floodplain. They do recommend approval. Hedstrom moved to approve the Anderson Stream Plargin Review, Klar seconded. All in favor, motion approved. Public Bearing - Kane gave a history of the Ice Garden application. He sited the Code Amendment, memos dated August 4, October 13 and October 24, 1977. The original Assembly Halls in application to rezone was turned down by the P & Z on October 1S, R-6 and R-15 as 1977. The Planning Office did not recommend approval for many Conditional Use reasons but suggested alternative approaches to permit concerts to be held here legally. The alternatives were viewed at the November 1 meeting and P ~ Z recommended to Council that the Conditional Use approach be considered. This would amend the Zoning Code to permit this under R-6 and R-15. Kane noted that the Planning Office does not recommend approval. Collins asked if the application was the issue as it was an appli- cation for the Code Amendment they were considering. Kane said the application precipitated the discussion but the amendment and its impact was the issue. Collins felt they should center on the question of assembly halls in R-15 and not discuss conditions of the application if it were granted. Ensign felt the application was important as the Code Amendment would not be considered if it weren't for the application. Klar felt uneasy about expanding the use of this zone and that the Ice Garden should go on a case by case basis for permits of their concerts. Kane compared such permits to garage sales and the like. They were a one time thing and were not a continued nuisance to the neighbor- hood. They did need to obtain a beer and wine license for such events. Isaac felt they would confuse the issue by discussing the application to a code amendment that hasn't been passed yet. The amendment was the important issue. Smith provided a zoning map R-6 and R-15 zone districts tional uses. The area affe any large buildings in this noted only school buildings for this use. and indicated the areas that were in the and would also obtain these new condi- :ted was vast. Klar asked if there were area that could be used for this. Smith but said that building could be built Hedstrom said he felt the Board did not want to change the code unless there was a compelling social need for it. Collins did not feel they should discuss the specifics until after action on the code amendment. Schuhmacher said that the Ice Garden needed the concerts for financial reasons. P 6 Z is for the community benefit that comes from these concerts but should they bail them out at the neighborhood's expense. Collins agreed with this and also noted •sTq; zo; sa-~~ijzoE; ;o xJej aqs puE .iauom ;o s~unomE a$zEj asTEZ ;Eq~ s~uana zo; joogJg 6~Tunmmo~ aqs ;o paau aq; passazdxa ag •;zaJUOJ aq; zap;E eCjxJZnb paszadsTp pMOZO aqs puE aouE~sFssE aJTjod sEM azagy •$ui~zed zo; aJtnzas snq E OSTE sEM azagy •paniaoaz azaM sjjeo oN (•o~a '$ut~zed) smajgozd 6uE ;o asEJ u; jjeo o~ zagmnu E ;o mays mzo;uT o1 Mogs ~sEj aq; }e szogq$Fau aqa o1 s;ajgdmad ono passed ~faq} ;EL[~ pa~ou ag •joogog 6~iunmmo~ aqa q;zM pa~EtJOSSE si ag •majgozd Ji;;EZ; ajgizza~ E aq osjE pjnoM azagy •;uampuamE aqs 07 saJaCgo ~fj$uoz;s aqs puE s$uzjnz aqs Otago ~snm Cagy •poogzogq$tau aqa ;o tC~ijenb aqs anozdmt o; puE ~lisuap aseazJap o; sEM ~; ;ja; 6aq; '(uoz~sanb ut poogzoq -q$iau aqs ui sz aqs) 6~zadozd ztaq~ pauozuMOp ~Caq; uagM pi ES auie~ •sot~snoJE poo$ peq $uipjznq aqs ~ja; ag •~i ~fz~ maq~ ;a7 •~;-cunmmoa aqs ;o ~saza~ut ;saq aq; ~Ja;ozd pjnoM szga puE suoi~oun; yJns joz;uoo pjnoa Z 9 d aq; `suoi~ipuoJ q~jM ptEs ag •pazzuE$zo jjaM azaM ,faq; ;ja; puE MOI(SMOnS` ay; ~E pa~zoM ag •autj digsuMO~ aq; o~ ;saM gs-~mze~ moz; ~aaz~s uieyy ;o glnos EazE aqs a;EZOdzoJUi o~ paaz$E uoz~EZOOSSy ~uamanozdmj apig ~sar~ aqs ryj zago~ap ~Eq~ a~ou o~ pa~uEM aqg •pzeog aqs o; za~~aj E paa;zmgns peq uutMgJg •stq~ ;daoJe pjnogs szauMO aqs puE ssauzsnq ani~EZOnj E 1ou azE 6agy •asn jedtJtunm zo; zo uozlonpap xE; poo$ E zaq~ia azaM sxuig aJj ~Eq; palou ptnEQ •sasn jE;JZammoo ;ou ~nq sjjeq ,fTq -massE sE sjoogos puE smnFseum6$ ~daoJE pjnoo sauoz jEi~uap-~saz ut ajdoad •xoq s~EZOpuEd $uiuado aq pjnoM 6aq~ ;ja; ag •jEiozammoJ you sEM auoz jei~uaptsaz aqs ;o uot~ua~ut aqs }ja; ag •sjjEq aouep puE Ezado o~ smnzseum.C$ moz; $utq;,CuE apnjou; pjnoJ lagy •sjjEq ljgmassE ;o uot~iui;ap aqs q~tM sEM majgozd ;sa]eaz$ stq pi ES ag $uizeaq Jijgnd aq1 pauado sutjjo~ •szq; za;;E sEM uoi~EJZjdde siy~ ;o sJi;taads zapisuoo o~ amid a~EtzdozddE aqy •auoz 1Eg1 ut sasn jeuoF~ipuoo uo sEM apem aq pjnoo 1Eq~ uotszoap 6juo aqs 1Eg1 piES '.Cauzo;~y 6~t~ 'jjE;~nN 6q~ozoQ •ansst aqs si goigM luampuamE asn jeuot;ipuoJ aq; uo aeon pTnogs .faq; aja; ag •uoi;EJijddE aq; ;o sJF;tJads aq1 puE uoi~EJZTddE aqs ;o suoi;EJiTdmT aq; zapTsuoJ pjnogs ~Saq~ ;Eq1 puE uOZ~EJijddE uapzE~ aJj aqs uo amoJ pEq aouaipne aq1 ut ajdoad aqs ;o .CuEm ~Eq~ pa~ou o~uezeg •uoF~EOijddE aq; ;o sJi;iJads aqs ;ou 'a$uEgJ $uzuoz aqs ;o s~oadsE peozq aq; zapisuoJ pjnogs .Saq~ pi ES JEESj •SlIOZ~EJZjddE azn~n; ;O ajdmexa jeJid~f~ E SEM uapzE~ aJj aq; ~ja; aq puE a$uEgo E gJns ;o ~JEdmz peozq aqs sEM anss? puE;zodmi aq; ~ja; moz~spag •smajgozd uaasun .SuEm zo; do maga uado pjnoM $utuoz aqs puedxa o~ `1F;auaq S;iunmmoJ aqs q~tM uana ~nq Mou azagl $uintj s~uapisaz aqs ;o ~fuem azo;aq azaq~ sEM uapzE~ aoj aqa ~Eq~ pa~ou aqg •$utuoz aqs a$uEgo o; ~uE~tsaq sEM aqs pTES zEjx •~uZOd siq~ 1E uozuTdo ziaq~ zo; szagmam pzeog aqs paxsE sujjjo~ •3? g1zoM seM xszz E guns zaq;aqM pauoi~sanb puE ani; -EUZa;je pziq~ aqs ;o ~oedmt aqs zapzsuoo pzeog aqs ~Eq1 passaz~s ag •szq~ ;tmzad o1 apoJ aq; a$uego o; si pz2q~ aqs puE 'patuap uaaq 6peazjE SEq gJigM auozaz o~ sz puooas aqs 'si se $uzy~~Szana aneaj o~ si aup •majgozd siq; 01 sani;EUZa1TE aazq~ azE azaq~ pees auEx •joz~uoJ zo; gJEa o~ suoz;ipuoJ ~SjddE puE uoi}eJijdde gJEa MaTnaz pTnoJ 6aq~ 'gJeozddE asn TEUOT;jpuoJ aqs q~zM pi ES ag •auoz $ui~sixa aqs ut jeuozlTpuoJ aq o~ asn aqs zo; auo sTq~ LI32M uo-c~eozjddE ~Eq~ pasn;uoo anEq 6aq~ 1Eq; ajdoad ~CuEm os ;asdn EazE szq~ auozaz o1 uoZjEJijddE jeut$Tzo aq; ~ja; aq ptES sapuazg gdjEg lzos sTq~ ;o suotlEJijddE azn~n; ;o zea; szq <-. Jijgai7 jnEd autE~ lzagog •szy~ iuediq~ jze~ uuzMgos auEZQ pznEQ asazay dung za$og LL6T `9 zagmaJaQ utuoZ puE uiuuEjd ua sy u;~aayq zEjn ag RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves F05M 50 C. F. NOE CIf EL 9. B. 9 L. CO. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning December , Michael Behrendt Behrendt is a resident in this neighborhood. He said when the Snowshow occurred no one he knew received the pamphlet with phone numbers, they assumed that since it was a one time event they could put up with the noise, etc., for one night. He felt this issue was being put under an umbrella to save the Aspen Charities. He noted that the money raised at the Snowshow was less than what they raised at a benefit three years ago at the Wheeler Opera House. He also noted that the Community School had asked him for help be- cause their contract with the Ice Garden was totally unsatifactory. He felt that the $1000 dollars raised for the Ice Garden was not very substantial. The neighborhood fully supports the Ice Garden and feels it is well managed and maintained. He also noted that the City of Aspen gives the Ice Garden substantial cuts in utility bills because it is one of the largest utility users. The City also gave them a tax break. After review of the Ice Gardens books, he noted that the Ice Garden broke even last year but would lose a small amount this year. Ice Gardens do not make money and usually lose a substantial amount so this Ice Garden is doing alright. lie noted that with the building changes necessary to make the Ice Garden adequate for concerts, they would not receive benefits for about two years. He wants to see the Ice Garden and such community ser- vices make it but not at the neighborhood's expense. David Berdloid Berdloid noted the Ice Garden could seat 2500 people and the traffic problem could be substantial. Sandy Munroe i4unroe is a former Board member for the Community School. He re- iterated the need for such a facility to raise the income for the school. He noted that he was a part of the clean up crew after the Snowshow. He felt the people in Aspen should have the ability to see big name performers in Aspen and there are no other facilities. Mike Clement Clement was a spokesman for a meeting held for the neighbors of the Ice Garden. The unanimous feeling was against the proposed amend- ment. Bill Tharp Tharp is one of the owners of the Ice Garden. He said they are not asking the Board to save their investment. They can tear it down and sell it for a good amount. They feel it is a viable recreation- al resource for the community. If the Ice Garden could break even they could be happy. He noted that this was a legal use before downzoning. He asked for alternatives to this to keep the Ice Garden functioning. Roger Hunt Hunt suggested a remedy to this problem. He suggested special per- mits for each concert from City Council. David Berdloid Berdloid noted the problem that could arise if there was afire and the fire trucks could not get through with the bad parking. Brendes submitted several letters for the file along with sound checks and other information. He recalled comments from the other public hearing. He noted that would be no concerts without a bene- fit involved. One possibility for the parking problem would be a bus shuttle from another location and to encourage walking as they did with Snowshow. Frank Baranko excused himself from the meeting. Collins noted two letters for the record and several phone calls he had received during the week. Other members noted calls that they too had received. Ensign asked about the suggestion to have the Zce Garden obtain a license for each concert, r^ •uotlEJiTddE sigl .STjEJj;toads 1ou 'sanssi zaglo 01 suoFlJaCgo szogq~zau aq1 pauzETdxa osTE ag •asnoq ziagl zo; sT 1oT ziagl ssozoE saoS 1eg1 aujT 61iTi1n 6Tuo aq1 1Eg1 pauzETdxa ag •auiT 1oj acjl zallaq puElszapun o1 uoilJadsuz alts E palsaSBns ag •sT 1? azagM auzT 1oT aq1 ~uioETd zo; suoseaz aq1 pauzETdxa 6zzEd •uoilEJijddE of;FJads sigl 01 1ou piES glimg •szogg8zau aq1 moz; suoilJaCgo ~CuE azaM azagl ;i paxse u8zsuq •zaauz8ug 61j0 aq1 g1ZM suzaJUOJ ;o uotlnTosaz o1 1JaCgns TEnozddE palsaFBns glzmg •saujT 1oT a1EUi;ap 1nog1?M uozldmaxa uotstntpgns uo alon pTnoJ .Sag1 ;z paxsE JEESj •aznpaoozd QRd TTn3 aq1 moz; uoildmaxa puE uoFsinipgns TEnldaJUOJ puammoJaz 6agy •pajzen aq o1 spaau auiT 1oT aq1 1Eg1 sFTTg g1ZM sznJUOJ aJi330 8uiuuETd aqy •paptnipgns uaaq zanau sEq stgl 1eg1 pauzaJUOJ osTE si szTT3 •saeC pies ~fzzEd •asnoq .Szo1s oM1 E sEM stgl ;i paxsE zagoEmgnqJs za1EM zapun st puET amos puE luamazinbaz 1aa; azenbs 000`0£ aq1 swam ~fTazeq osTE 1oT sigy •ui3zEm meazls 1003 OOT aq1 apislno EazE ou 1oT auo sani~ sloj oM1 aq1 sapjnip 1Eg1 auiT 1oT aqy •saznpaJOZd uots -intpgns TTn; s1sa8~ns siTTg anER •uoilEOiTddE ay; pauzETdxa glimg •panozddE uoilom `zonE; ui TTV •papuooas zETx 'zaaui8ug ~1i0 aq1 g1zM suzaJUOJ aq1 ;o uoilniosaz puE aa; uozlEOipap xzed aq1 ;0 1uam~fEd 'TESn;az 1szi; ;o 1g8jz ~fEp Og 'uoTloizlsaz aseaT mnmtuim yluom q o1 1JaCgns ~lzadozd zauputz aq1 zo; uozldmaxa uoisFnjpgns aq1 anozddE o; panom u8jsug •luamaJETdsjp lueual ou aq pTnoM azagl 1Eg1 palou osTE uEm;nEx •zooT; puooas aq1 ;o uozlTppE aq1 azo;aq xaTdnp E 6TTEUFBtzo seM 1z ;-c paxsE sutTToO •sluamazinbaz xJEg1as laam o1 100; auo panom sEM BuTpTznq aq1 1Eg1 palou uEm;nEx •8utxzed aq1 q1?M uzaJUOJ siq passazdxa omam siTTg anEQ •Su-cpzooaz o1 zozzd luamaaz2E uoildmaxa uE ;0 2uil;EZp E puammoJ -az osTE ~Sagy •saa; uoTlEOi pap xzed aq1 ;0 1uam6Ed puE uo21J?z1s -az aseaT mnmjutm gluom q 'TESn;az 1szt; ;0 1q$iz 6Ep 06 puammoJaz .fagy •luiodpuEls 8ujuoz puE asn puET E moz; lIOZ1EJZTddE aq1 g1TM maTgozd ou sEq aJT330 8uiuuETd aqy •uotlEJZjddE aq1 pauzETdxa g1Tms •panozddE uotlom 'zonE; ui TTV •papuoJas JEESj 'sauoz ST-g puE 9-g aq1 ui asn TEUOiltpuoJ E liTgmaSSE FujxEm apoJ 8utuoz aq1 01 luampuamE uE zo; lsanbaz aq1 6uap o1 panom mozlspag •8uizeaq JiTgnd aq1 pasoTJ suzTTo~ •g1FM paJE; aq 6Em .Sag1 smaTgozd aq1 ;o amos magi Moqs pTnoM uapzER aJj aq1 8uissnJSip 1Eg1 1Ta; aq p;Es suiTToO •luampuamE aq1 ;o anssi aq1 01 uznlaz ~fag1 1Eg1 paxsE JEESj •luana atom auo 1zaJUOJ 6zana pazapzsuoJ ay pjes ag •luana auo zo; anjsuadxa o01 aq pTnoM 1T puE slzaJUOJ asagl zo; aptnozd o1 sluamisnCpE spaau uapzEg aJj aqy '1zaJnOJ atom auo 1snC op o1 aazBE o1 szauMO and; TTE moz; uois;Jap E axE1 pTnoM 1j piES sapuazg •sigl 8ujnozddE 1nogE anisuagazdde seM aqs piES zEjx •luana .SljunmmoJ anj lzoddns jEIIO'CSEJJO nE 10ll Juana TETJSammOJ E sEM Sig1 1Eg1 piES lpuazgag •ou piEs uoszad aqy •1uaM s3uigl Moq aas o1 13aJ1I0'J atom auo 8uipjoq ;o ~1?T?q?ssod aq1 ;o uojutdo sjq szogg2tau aq1 ;o auo paxsE lpuazgag •pazznouoo auEx •suzallEd asn puET aSuEgJ o1 ~ut~fzl uEg1 gJEOZddE zallaq E sEM szgl 1Eg1 palou lung •1ou saop ;jasli Juana aqy •sa6 'TogoJTE TTas o1 azaM 6ag1 3? piES auEx •1?mzad E lIZE1g0 01 spaau pTai; szamzE; E ut Juana uE 8uipjoq auoamos ;z paxsE lung •gonm o01 aq 1g3im zea.i e 1gSia 1Ta; ag •TogooTE ;o aTES aq1 sanTonut 1Eg1 limzad anvil auo fTjensn azE 6agy •~u'cuoz g1iM op o1 8uiglou pEq lzmzad sigl 1Eg1 pTES auEx uoildmaxg uoisznipgns 6zzEd uoildmaxg uoisinjpgng zaupuj7 lpuazgag TaEgJiZ,~ lung za~og LL6T `9 zagmaJaQ ujuo~ puE utuuEjd ua sy uzlaay~ zETn ag .~ RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves 0 L. F. XOFLXEL B. B. 9 L CJ. JRegu ar ieeting seen arming anu coning ecem er There was a question as to whether the property in in the 100 year flood plain. Smith read the code pertaining to the suitability of land for subdivision. Ensign asked if it was in the flood plain. Smith said there was a real possibility and it should be investi- gated. Kane suggested approval conditional upon the Douse site being outside the 100 year flood plain. Iiedstrom moved that the exemption request be denied and that con- ceptual subdivision approval be granted subject to location of the building site outside the 100 year floodplain, if necessary, adjust- ment of the proposed boundary line, and if necessary, easement be provided for, Isaac seconders. All in favor, motion approved. ARI Euilding Smith explained the application. Ellis has no problem with this Subdivision Exemption application although he noted that there is an encroachment on the alley behind. This can be overlooked until it conflicts with public use. Collins asked about the water tap fee. Edwards explained the prob- lem with Plarkalunas of the City Water Department. Isaac moved to exempt the ARI Building from the full subdivision exemption procedure as all the requirements have been met subject to resolution of the water tap dispute, Klar seconded. All in favor, motion approved. Use Determination Smith explained the application. Sherpa Sports desires to open in Sherpa Sports the Durant Mall, N/C zone. The Board is to find this a compatable use in this zone which is intended for local sales. Jasjit Grewel, owner of Sherpa Sports, showed his sales as being primarily local. The Planning Office feels that the NC zone is being whittled away and does not recommend approval. Joe Edwards, representing the applicant, noted that 50°r" of his sales are bicycles, supplemented with skis and other equipment and appli- ances. It is not a typical sports store. Smith reviewed the list of businesses in the Durant I4a11 and whether they are allowed or use determinations. He noted the NC districts in Aspen. Ensign asked the difference between the NC and C-1 dis- tricts. Kane said the difference is whether they are intended for local or tourist business. Hedstrom concurred with Ensign that the difference is hazy. Klar asked Grewel whether the space proposed is comparable to the space he used previously. Grewel noted that he rented the previous space and intended to buy the space proposed. He said it was com- parable to the space he rented before. Ensign asked if this was condominiumized. Grewel said yes. Grewel noted that his shop was not a typical sports store. It was primarily bicycles supplemented by skis and other equipment. Klar noted how much Aspenites use bicycles and how important a bike repair shop is. Ensign concurred. Isaac said he felt it was less of a deterioration of the NC zone than many of the other shops in this building. Aedstrom moved to make a determination that Sherpa Sports, a pri- marily bicycle: sales, rental and repair and mountaineer equipment store, is a conditional use in the NC district, Isaac seconded. All in favor, motion approved. Isaac moved to adjourn the meeting, Ensign seconded. ;Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PT?. .-.. xza10 ~~z0 6~ndaQ 'ua i jlzags -~ 'Ydd 008 1E pauznoCpE Suilaayy panozddE uotlom `zonE; ui jjy •papuoJas zEj;~ 'uznoCpE o; panom JEESj panozddE uojzom `zonE; ui jjy •papuoJas JEESj °auoz ON aq~ uz asn pa~~jmzad e aq o~ pauimza~ap aq aJjnzas puE safes s~zods pa~Ejaz puE ~uamdjnba 8utzaautE~unom puE jeluaz puE 'safes 'zjedaz ajJ.tJZq ~ijzzEmizd zo; s~zodg Edzagg ;o uotlEJijdde aq~ ~Eq~ panom moz]spag •panozddE uotlom `zonE; uj jjy •papuoJas u~zsug 's~zods EdzayS $uZlIZaJIIOJ uoj~om aq~ pujJSaz o~ panom JEESj Sut~aam aye pauadoaz su-~jjo0 LL6j 9 zagmaJaQ ujuoZ puE uzuuejd ua sy ui~aay~ zejn ag