HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19771115RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FGNM :0 C. F. XOE[K EL 0. 0. 9 L C0. Regular Meeting Aspen °lanning and Zoning Cotmrission November 15, 1977 The Aspen Planning and Zoning Coimnission held a regular meeting on November 15, 1977, at 5:00 PM in the City Council Chambers. Members present were Chic Collins, Olaf Hedstrom, Tom Isaac, Frank Baranko, John Schuhmacher a_nd Joan Klar. Also present were Bill Kane and Karen Smith of the Planning Office. Approval of Ptinutes Isaac moved to approve the minutes of T1oy. 1 as is, Klar seconded:: A11' in favory~ motion approved.. Schiff Preliminary Smith referred to the Planning Office memo of November 11, 1977, and Plat, Public City Engineer, Dave Ellis' memo of November 4, 1977. This is an Hearing existing structure that is applying for coudominiumization approval. The structure is the Cooper Avenue Victorians. They received con- ceptual approval from P & Z and City Council. She recommended that Ellis' concerns be attached to the motion as conditions of approval. She noted that l~3 of his comments in inapplicable as the adjacent neighbors were notified. She said the Fire Marshall had requested that Smoke Detectors be placed in each unit. Dorothy Nuttall, City Attorney, said this is not the City's authority but that the appli- cant can be asked to comply if possible. The Planning Office recom- mends apnrovai subject to resolution of the concerns of the City Eagineer, 5 month minimum lease restriction, 90 clay right of first refusal to existing tenants and payment. of the park dedication fee. Klar asked why the Fire Marshall made the request for Smoke Detectors and if this was general policy. Smi*_li said this was a new amendment to the Building Code although it has not yet been passed. They can not rnake this a condition of approval but they can suggest it to the applicants. Collins asked what authority .the City has to enforce conditions 5 and 6 of E11is' memo. Smith said she had not talked with Nuttall, City Attorney, about these matters and did nat know. Gideon Kaufman, representing the applicants, said although they were not required to have smoke alarms, he would try to convince them to comply. lie said to underground the pocaer and telephone lines would cost them about $3,000. Nuttall was not sure if this could be re- quired. He felt it was unfair to require them to underground these lines when no one else in the neighborhood has. Baranko asked what the alternatives were. Kaufman said they could join an improvement district. Klar asked who puts together an improvement district. Kaufman said he believed it is the City. Klar asked the cost of installing the fire alarms. Kaufman said about $35 per unit. Collins asked 'now many units there were. Kaufman said 5. Baranko asked Smith about condition 4 of Ellis' memo. Smith said that Ellis concluded that it worse to bring it into conformance than to leave it out of conformance. Additional parking spaces would be hard to fit on the lot. She recommended they condition i.t on eight parking spaces. Kaufman said they would try to fit eight. Smith suggested they condition the approval upon resolution of matters between the City Engineer, the City Attorney and the applicant. Kaufman said that condition 1 and 2 of Ellis' memo had already been resolved.- Klar moved to approve the preliminary plat approval for condomiriumi- zation for the Cooper Avenue Victorians with the following conditions: 1) Riverside Drive be changed to Riverside Avenue, 2) the common elements of the condominium property be identified on the plat, 3) "parking areas" be delineated and 8 parking spaces be provided, 4) the new owner join an improvement district and an easement for the transformer should be granted on the plat and located so as to not interfere with any of-the existing parking, 5) 6-month minimum lease restriction, G) 90 day right of refusal to existing tenants, 7) payment of park dedication fee, Hedstrom seconded. Baranko asked about tenant displacement. Kaufman said there would be none. All in favor, motion approved. ,.~. ,. s3J?z3s?p TE?3uap?saz aq3 u? auou 3nq seazE zag3o u? gyg E s? azag3 sE Bu?g3amos op pTnogs 6ag3 p?es pue uzaJUOJ s?q passazdxa oxuezeg '2IV3 06' E pEq aJUapTsaz axzETO aq3 Pus 'gyg qy• E pEq ~u?pT?nq aTdmaS aq3 `2IV3 ZS' E pEq Su?pT?nq uEmpzg aq3 3eg3 pa3ETnJTEJ q3?mg •asodznd S?q3 qS?TdmOJJE Sou op asag3 puE xJeg3as puE 3qS?aq .CTuo p?es q3?mS •MOU suo?3J?z3saz ,SuE axaM azag3 ;? pagse zETg •aTeJS ;0 3no !eM aze 3eg3 seazE amos zo; sagem qJ?qM sazn3Jnz3s TE?3uap?saz aBzeT 3J?z3saz Sou op Toz3 -uoJ xJeg3as puE Tox3uoJ 3q8?aq 3Ey3 s? ~fzoag3 JTseq aqy •s3J?z3s?p TE?JZammoJ zo; s3uamaz?nbaz gyg azE azag3 sE s3J?z3s?p Te?3uap?saz zo; 6Tuo s? s?q3 3Eg3 pau?eTdxa q3?mS 'Z9d q3?M smaTgozd ;o asneJ -aq paddozp sEM 3T °~u?zeaq J?Tgnd E q~nozg3 uo?3ezap?suoJ TEmzo; s3J?z3s?Q TE?3uap?sag pan?aJaz zanau 3nq gL6T 3o zagmaJaQ u? pazap?suoJ sEM sTg3 p?es L13?mS gVg - so?3eg Eazy zooTg •panozddE uo?3om 'zonE; u? 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F. NBECI(El B. B. B L CB. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission November 15, 1977 Klar asked if this was just in the residential district that they have not adopted an FAR. Smith said yes, in R-6, R-15, and R-30. Smith said they were trying to follow the County FAR for consisten- cy. One problem is that a substandard lot will be penalized below the square footage. Another concern is that the County does not include basements in the square footage and the City does. Hedstrom said he felt the FAR was generous. Kane said that from a design consideration the FAR could make for some buildings that are out of scale, particularly in the West End. He felt this would be an architectural consideration and would like to hear from some design experts. Collins noted that some samples would help them get a better feel for this. Kane said that the FAR would prohibit two story structures and would promote one story ranch style houses. Baranko noted that there are probably ten lots left in the West End to build on. John Doremus said he thought there were at least 30-40. Klar asked if they could go on a neighborhood scale. Kane endorsed this. Hedstrom suggested an organized tour to site examples. Klar asked for a study session after the tour to discuss their findings. Smith suggested Joe Wells of the Planning Office to site examples and sample blocks. Collins asked that they get a variety of examples with Victorians and other structures. He suggested at least 12 inspections. The meeting was set for November 22, 1977, at 4:00 PM beginning at City Hall and ending in the Council Chambers for a study session. Klar moved to adjourn the meeting, Isaac seconded. All in favor, motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM. Sheryl en, Deputy City Clerk