HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19771101RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves
FCPM 50 L. F. XOELXEL 9. B. B L. CO.
Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission November 1, 1977
The Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on November 1, 1977, at 5:00 PM
in the City Council Chambers. Members present were Olaf Hedstrom, Tom Isaac, Frank Baranko,
John Schuhmacher, Donald Ensign an3 Joan Klar. Also present were Bill Kane and Karen Smith
of the Planning Department.
Approval of Minutes Isaac moved to approve the minutes of October 18, 1977 as corrected,
seconded by Baranko. Alb in favor; motion passed.
Kane passed out and explained the time table for the Growth Management
Independence Re- This public hearing is continued from October 18, 1977. The application
zoning, Continued is to rezone lots 4, 5, and 6 of the Independence Subdivision. .The land
Public Hearing is owned by Mead Metcalf. This land is zoned R-15 and the surrounding
land is R-6. The application is to rezone from R-15 to R-6. Kane said
to keep in mind that Walter Mueller, owner of the adjacent land, will
probably make the same application if this land is rezoned. Rezoning
this land would make it possible for one more unit to be constructed.
This land was originally zoned to use. The traffic flow in the area
is very bad and improvement would be difficult if possible at all.
He did not recommend approval.
Bob Hughes, representing Metcalf, said the original application for
three additional units has been changed to one additional unit. He
emphasized that the objective of this application is to provide em-
ployee housing. He felt there would be a minimal density impact. He
noted that the pond and floodplain are on Mr. Mueller's property. He
felt that one unit would not substartially_ affect the traffic flow.
The area is one block from Cooper Street, with Riverside close by.
They will provide off-street parking. He felt they will use the prop-
erty effectively and not lose the open space.
Jack Walls, also representing ISetcalf, then gave his comments. He
noted Mr. Metcalf's "track record" for supplying employee housing.
He said Mr. Metcalf rents these apartments now for $250/mo. which does
not leave much profit. He reiterated many of Mr. Hughes' comments.
Acting Chairman Hedstrom asked for comments from the audience.
Woman A woman from the audience asked how many units Metcalf is applying for
and how many bedrooms each. She said in her neighborhood many people
had converted their units to duplexs and feur-plexs which had substan-
tially affected the neighborhood. She said another neighbor had com-
plained of peaple using her driveway as the parking situation is bad.
Walls said there are two ways to go. First, remove the existing house
and put in two units. Hedstrom asked him to define units in terms of
bedrooms, etc. Kane said he would be able to build a duplex at most.
Razame De La Crackers Razame asked how a businessman could not be "interested in making a
profit" on these units. He said this comment was sort of scary.
Hughes said only employees could rent these units. He said $250/mo.
did not mean much profit if any at all. Their intent is not to in-
crease density and then sell the property.
Hedstrom closed the public hearing.
Hedstrom called the Board's attention to the comments at the last public
hearing. Klar asked what the existing square footage of the duplex is.
Walls said 1964' with one two-bedroom apartment and one one-bedroom
apartment. The other single family dwelling is 723' with two-bedrooms.
The total lot area is 21,913 sq. ft. Klar asked about tenant
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100 Leaves
_A C. F. NOE CK EL B. 8. B t, CQ.
Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission November 1, 1977
questioned the public benefit. Klar asked if he foresaw any problems.
He said no but questioned the real need for it. Klar disagreed.
Isaac felt the location and scope of the C-1 district is such that
the community would not be hurt by having such a use in this district.
The wording of the amendment is such that it limits the uses strictly.
Schuhmacher noted that to say "non-tourist" does not mean much any
more as there are many locals now. Klar said that they have been
this close to amending this issue before and now that they have it
down, they should approve it. Schuhmacher asked what Webster's dis-
tinction is between "menu" and "fare" as this was one of the word
changes in the amendment. Smith said that was a suggestion by
City Attorney, Dorothy Nuttall.
Isaac moved to recommend to City Council that they find as a condi-
tional use in the C-1 district a coffee shop or food service intend-
ed as a non-tourist oriented sit-down facility with a limited fare
of specialty items, to be served as accompaniments to such activities
as reading, playing chess or other passive activity, and provided
that the operation: 1. Has no kitchen, 2. No food preparation
other than warming on the premises, 3. No liquor serviced on premises,
Klar seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Baranko re-entered the meeting.
Music Studio for Smith explained the application. This application is proposed for
Classical Records - the former Aspen Valley Realty in the Victorian on the corner of
Use Determination 7th and Main. The proposal is for a music salon with a library-type
in 0-Office District atmosphere where listening will be encouraged in addition to selling
records and tapes. The Board is to find it compatible with permitted
uses in this district. She said it is a justified application. Music
studios are a permitted use although this is not specifically a studio
as they are intended for instruction. She recommended against
tabling this case even though the two applicants could not attend this
Hedstrom asked if this wasn't just an application for a record store
that is glossed over with words like "salon" and "classical music"
but is essentially a record store. Smith said basically, yes. She
said that the Board had seen the same application in another district
that turned out poorly due to misrepresentation. This application is
entirely different.
Isaac asked about parking. Smith said it was a potential problem.
This would be resolved in the conditional use hearing. There are
5 or 6 spaces there now shared with the Hickory House which uses most
of them.
Schuhmacher asked if they intended to use the entire building. Smith
said yes, the first floor for the studio and the second for residence
and their offices.
Ensign moved to find that a classical record music salon is a use
permitted conditionally in the 0-Gffice Zone, Isaac seconded. All
in favor, motion carried.
Carter Duplex Smith explained the application. She noted that the City Engineer
Subdivision has no problems with this application.
Isaac asked if anyone was moving out. Kauffman said it would possi-
bly be bought for employee housing.
Klar moved to recommend exemption to the strict application of the
subdivision regulations applying to the Carter Duplex Condominiumi-
zation, inasmuch as the intent of the regulations have been complied
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•paTzzEJ uot~om `zonE; uT Tjy •papuooas u8zsug
's~uaua~ SuT~sTxa o~ jesn;az ~szT; ;0 1qS?z 6Ep 06 'uoz~JFz}saz assaj mnm
-zuzm q~uom q 'aa; uoi~EJtpap xzEd aqz ;o ~uam6Ed o~ ~JaCgns puE q~ir,
LL6T T zagmanoN uotsszmmo~ uFuoZ puE uiuuEjd uz~aaL1 zEjn ag