HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19770823RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FgIM 50 L. I. XOECK EL 0. 0. B L. G0. S ecial Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission August 23, 1977 The Planning and Zoning Commission held a special meeting on August 23, 1977 at 5:00 PM in the City Council Chambers. Members present were Chic Collins, John Schuhmacher, Tom Isaac, Olaf Hedstrom, Donald Ensign, Frank Baranko, and Joan Klar. Also present were Brian Goodheim, consultant, and Karen Smith from the Planning Office. condominiumization Brian Goodheim capsulized the process through which the condominiumization Policy policy has traveled during the past year. The first memo on the subject was from City Attorney Sandy Stuller on August 30, 1976. It discussed the conversion of apartments to condominiums. It was a reaction to New Jersey legislation which states that a condominiumizer either has to sell to tenants, rent to tenants or find alternative housing for tenants. Goodheim's first study was on March 11, 1977. It was a profile on renters and new tenants as a result of condominiumization. Since then several other studies on the results of condominiumization have been conducted and the results compiled. Several effects can be noted from the studies: locals replace locals and there is some tenant speculation. The long term fear is rental market will disappear. More detailed information was needed on the purchaser versus the former tenant so a study was conducted with a 25 percent return rate. The P&Z can go two ways: 1) with no regulatation. There can be a free market and economics will determine condominiumization. 2) with regulation. Regulation can be implemented through general criteria which would be a goal statement and an evaluation process for proposals. Or it could be based on more specific criteria such as sales prices and six month lease requirements. The criteria which is suggested to City Council should be on a general basis and should follow: 1) evidence that illustrates that there will be a minimal tenant displacement as a result of the conversion; 2) evidence that the conversion will not be exclusionary; 3) evidence that future prices of unit resales will not become exclusionary; 4) evidence that tenants who cannot purchase their units are relocated to similarly affordable housing if they so desire; 5) and evidence that future occupancy of these units will be made available to local employees of moderate incomes. A specific condominiumizer could approach all the tenants and propose that the entire building be deed covenanted and sold to only local employees. The units could be sold to businesses for their employee housing. condominiumization is not bad. It allows the person to accrue equity instead of paying rent. The property is usually upgraded. Home ownership is beneficial to the community. The only protection needed is against speculation, Smith stated that Nuttall could not find price controls legal. General objectives are legal. The applicant should be allowed alternative ways to meet the goals established by P&Z. Collins said that none of the criteria would be absolute. Gideon Kauffman, local attorney, said that there is a problem with F employee housing. condominiumization will not help the problem. There are two types of locals - moneyed and unmoneyed. One local cannot be favored over another. Most employees cannot get financing. Baranko suggested setting up a scoring system for applicants with general guidelines much as the Growth Management Plan is set up. Ensign agreed with Kauffman. condominiumization is only one aspect of the employee housing problem. Employee housing itself must be looked at and addressed. There are an enormous number of questions to be ~ answered. `~ Goodheim said that P&Z should rely on their judgement and City Council when proposals are presented. All that is needed is general criteria which is why specific guidelines are not needed. ~., -~. •apEm uoFgsa88ns aqq TTE sassadmooua qT •EFo?~Fzo TEZauaB 3o uoFgsaBSns s~mFagpoo0 pa~lFT aq gEqq pagEqs mzogspag •MOU magq MaFnaz oz sAEM JF3ioads azE axagy •dn aTdoad 2uTpToq sEM mnFzogFzom aqq gEqq pauzaouoJ sEM uBFsug •sasFzE qF sE ggFM gTEap aq uEO maTgozd gJEg •pagou uaaq anEq gJFgM szJa33a 3o sadAq ayq ggTM quamagEgs Ao?Tod aqq BuFJE3azd pagsa88ns zETg '000`0£$ saxEm oqM auo puE 000`OT$ saxEm oqM aaAoTdma uE uaaMgaq sagEFquaza33Fp auo Moq pazapuoM za33EHS •TEOB aqq BuFnaFgJE sE quEgzodmF sE qou sF aoFzd aqy •saoFzd gas oq quEJFTddE aqq 3o uoFgdo aqq s? qi gEqq piES su?TToO •TESaT uEgq TESaTTF atom sF qi sTozquoo aoFzd azE azagq sE uoos sE gEqq pFES uEm33nEx uoapFO •aigesua3ap azE Aagq uaaq AzsuoFsnTJxa xo Axogspuam qou axE sauFTapTn$ aqq 3F gEqq pFES suFTToO •ao?xd gEqq auFmzagap UEJ SpxEpuEgS TEJOT puE geoT3E uFEmax oq sEq aJFxd aqy •uMOq uF anFT oqM aTdoad o1 ATuo ButTTas pagsa8~ns xa33EgS •aaAoTdma aqq zo3 8utsnoq aaAoTdma 3o A1Fz8a~uF aqq uFEquFEm oz BuFAzq sF ZSd gEqq pFES suFTToO sqF;au~~ TEFJOS azFmTxEm oq qnq 'sgF3ozd TTE3PuFM azFm?uFm oq axaq qou azE aM gEqq pagEqs mozgspag •paBpnC aq pTnoJ asEJ gJEa 3o sg2zam aqq uagq 'sauFTapFnB ;o gas E azaM axagq 3T •qou zo pazFmnFucmopuoJ aq oq BuFoS sF SuFPTFnq E 3F apFJaP pinogs uo?gang?s aqq 3o sJFmouooa aqy •pagEOFTdmoJ ooq samoJaq BuFJFxd qng •sauFTapFnB aoFxd HIdd 30 gas E sF axagq gEqq pFES mFagpoo0 •saa.SoTdma zFagq xo3 SuTsnoq ao?nozd oq gsazaquF uMO szaAoTdma aqq uF sF qT •quFod quEgzodmF uE sEM gEqq pFES suFTToO •msFuegJam TozquoJ E qou sF BuioFzd •saaAoTdma zFagq zo3 sgFun Anq oq szaAoTdma uo aznssazd ou sF axagq gEg1 pagEqs za33EgS uETy •uanFB aq pTnoM sxaquaz quasazd o; aTgepzo33E apsm aq pTnoM uoFszanuoJ gEqq aJUapFna gEqq sauFTapFnB aqq uF agEgs pTnoJ qT •auop aq gouuEJ squat 3o notgazFTEq?dEJ ggBFEZqs gEqq pFES mFagpoog •sauFTapFnB aJFzd TEZauaB BuFppE pagsa88ns suTTToO •sTEOB asagq aJxo3ua oq AEM OlI sEM azagq gEqq pFES OxnESE$ 'AEM31Eq O~ Oq SuFTTFM maas sxadoTanap auq aouis sTEOF xaggo ppE pTnoO •azFmnFuFmopuoo oq zapxo uF TESn3ax gszT3 3o gq~Fz puE quamaax~E assaT gquom xFs E ppE oq BuFTTFM azaM quEJFTddE gsed aqq uF gEqq pFES oEEST •op oq SuFTTFM aq pTnoM Aagq qo?qM xo magq oq paTTddE gJFgM s8utgq asogq asogJ pTnoJ szadoTanap puE paquasaxd aq pTnogs AoFTod TExauaB E gja3 aq gEqq pagazagFaz mFagpoo0 •ssaoozd aqq q~noxgq magq qnd oq uEBaq aM xaaM sFgy •aTFgM E zo3 do pTaq 8utaq azaM oMq gEqq pagEqs uazEx •sgsanbaz uoFgszFmn;[uFmopuoJ ~utssaoozd uo mntzogEZOm quasazd aqq pauoFgsanb uBFsug .gTinq aq oq anEq TTFM saaAoTdma xo3 BuFsnoq quamuzano8 ATTEnquanq •saJFzd ga~xam qE qt op qou pTnoJ Aagq aouFs ApTsgns quamuzanoS paau pTnoM Aagq ~zaAanog •FuFsaaT ~ooTq zo sgFun ButuMO uF pagsazaquF azaM sassauFsnq amog •uo2gEiJOSSy J'csnys aqq zo3 sEM pFp aq Aanzns ATuo aqq gEqq pFES mFagpoo0 •SuFsnoq aaAoTdma SuFpFnozd zo aaAoTdma BuTuno uo uoFuFdo zFagq BuFxsE sassauFsnq oq qno auo8 pEq Aanzns E 3F pazapuoM zETg •szaquaz 3o quamaJETdsFp aqq sF gJa33a TEquamFzgap ATuo aqy •gTnsaz TEFJF3auaq E sF gEgy •szauMO aaAoTdma Aq paJETdaz uaaq anEq sxaquax aaAoTdma pTo gEqq pooh s? qF sao8 AJFTod TEquamepun3 aqq sE zE3 sE gEqq pagEqs mozgspag •aouauFpxo uE do MEZp uEJ TTEggnN •amFq sFgq qE papaau sEM auFTgno TEZauaB E ATuo gEqq pFES suFTToO •uoFgezFmnFuFm -opuoo 3o quamaBpnC xo3 xzoMamez3 aqq gnogE uzaJUOJ passazdxa uBFsug LL6T £Z qsn ny uoFssFmmoO uFuoZ puE uFuuETd uFgaay~ TEFJa g "'"`~•,. •..,. .. BRADFORD FUBL~BNING 00., OENVBR R E C O R D O P P R O C E E D I N G S Special Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission August 23, 1977 Isaac said that there should be a general statement of goals. A multi family guilding should remain in the same economic strata. Criteria should be listed from which the developer must select certain goals. It will be a problem encouraging employers to buy housing for employees although it is a nice goal. Ensign said that there are interested employers. Many of them have trouble keeping employees because of the housing situation. Baranko wanted specific criteria included in an ordinance. Leases ought to be weighed. Hedstrom wanted a list of specific possibilities that the developer can consider. Baranko thought the business community should become involved in some way. Schuhmacher was not sure what the problem was. The City should not purchase condominiums. The P&Z does not really know the effects of condominiumization. Rent and price controls are not the solution to employee housing. condominiumization does involve anything that drastic. Employers should display some responsibility for their employees housing. Klar said that research does show some sort of impact. There should be a long range plan. General guidelines are needed and can be refined as problems arise. P&Z should not become too involved in regulating condominiumization. A survey should be sent to businesses to determine their level of interest in employee housing. The P&Z could be of help by being a distribution center of sorts for information. Ensign thought that a Housing Authority should be appointed which knows something about housing. It should be involved in making the policy. Shaffer stated that Ensign was accurate. The government only has to give the public sector the space to make employee housing or controlled housing. It could be done by the City through bonds, etc. Goodheim said that firstly condominiumization should be allowed on a case by case basis where long and short term impact is shown. Secondly the Housing Authority should consist of members from different sectors of the community. It must be a non-overregulated authority. By the next meeting Smith, Nuttall and I shall put together a general statement and a list which you can talk about. Smith said that it could be passed by formal motion on September 6 so City Council can have it by September ]2. Isaac moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Klar. All in favor; the meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM. ~~r~7 a ~i.J`vL ~ //// ~ ill, Deputy City Clerk