HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19770816BRADFORD PBBLI9HIN6 CO., DENVER R E C O R D O F P R O C E E D I N G S Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission August 16, 1977 The Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on August 16, 1977, at 5:20 PM in the City Council Chambers. Members present were Chic Collins, Olaf Hedstrom, Donald Ensign, Joan Klar, Frank Baranko and Tom Isaac. Also present from the Planning Office were Karen Smith, Bill Kane and John Stanford. Frank Baranko moved to approve the minutes of 9 August 1977, seconded by Ensign. All in favor; minutes passed. Baptist Church Karen Smith discussed the Baptist Church conditional use. conditional The biggest question is about parking. Additional parking use must be located on the original property. The only latitude is in the amount of additional parking. David Gibson, architect for the Baptist Church project, said that the purpose of expanding the church is to handle the existing problem of overcrowding. If the parking problem only occurs for 2 hours one day a week, then this is not really a problem. This parking requirement would eliminate churches from downtown Aspen. Churches should not be put in a class with commercial enterprises. The normal use is one minister, one secretary and one assistant minister and one or two visitors which would be 5 or 6 cars at the most. This deserves your support since churches are a healthy part of a community. Collins said he had reviewed the zone requirements for off street parking. Parking is determined by review by this commission for this use. On Sunday Collins inspected the area during the time of the 8:00 and 11:00 service. The parking was moderate to heavy. There was plenty of parking on the street and across 7th Avenue. Isaac said that he inspected at the 11:00 service. The parking was heavy. Isaac was against the approach taken by the Church. A trans- portation plan could be presented which would alleviate the problem. People could be bused. Spalding, from the church, said they had just bought a bus. Holloway, from the church, wondered if the parishioners could park near the duck pond on Cemetery Lane and be picked up there. The Institute has offered a sympathetic reply, but not a definite yes. Then there is City parking. Isaac told them to make a plan and bring it back. Smith said that a clarification of required parking is needed. Shared use should be encouraged since it is a better land use. The code does not recognize this problem. Collins said it is such a low use frequency that the abundance of on street parking could be used on nearby streets. It is not a strong impact. Klar suggested that the expanded size of the church might increase the use of the church. Spalding said that it was unlikely. Baranko and Ensign felt that the Baptist Church should submit a transportation proposal. Smith said that any motion to approve their conditional sue should state that there would be no additional parking requirements. Dave Ellis is against parallel parking on 7th Street. It was decided to make a motion and not bring it back to the Commission and let the Planning Office handle the parking problem. Hedstrom moved to approve the conditional use expansion of the Baptist Church as proposed on 28 July 1977 for an addition of 3,000 square feet in view of the opinion of this commission that the proposed on site parking will be adequate and subject n bu?snou zo; dEd oq sEu dq?ununuoo auq • sq?;ozd bSITZTUITXEUI ugTM buozM bu?ggou s? azauq •bu?snou bu?jjozquoo u? sajgE?zen ~Iueui ooq aze azauq •bu?snoq papaau ageazo o} StIEM zaugo azE azauq •buTuq ajq?zzaq E s? qI •dgzadozd z?auq ugTM op o} gegM ajdoad jjaq oq SgSIEM Z9d Mou 'pageazo uaaq sEu abEgzous jETOT;Tg3E u~ •gaxzeui aaz; E uEuq ssaj sageazo qI •puEj uo jozquoo ao?zd duE pagEu au pagEgs 'zauMOpuEj 'za;;EuS uEjy •auop aq pjnous gES.jM oq pasoddo se auop aq pjnous burugduE qou zo zaugauM sr uo?gsanb aqq gEqq p?ES sagep •aoizd ajes pasodozd aqq ;o Marnaz e pue jesn;az qsz?; ;o qubrz auq 'qua~uaz?nbaz aseaj umui?aria uquou[ xis a aq gsnuc azauq SIOTgEZT11ILlTSITUIOpSIOO ~Cj?are; ?gjnui E zo; p?es auEg •sEM do?Tod quasazd aqq gEuM pazapuoM ub?sag 'MOST jEAOSddE bLTTgTEME sum?u?u[opuoo dj?are; ?gjnut oMq azaM azauq gEuq p?ES uq?u[g •mauq quaurajduc? jjTM aM uaaq 'jebaj azE uo?uM sjesodozd uq?M do auioo nob uauM •passnos?p bu?aq azE seap? asagq aj?uM bSITgTEM gdax bu?aq azE ajdoad 'l~gT3OugnE bu?snoq ou 'Ejnuuo; ou s? azauq •azngn; aqq u? ze; s? seap? asagq ;o uo?gEquaurajdu[? aqy •uzaouoo gszr; aqq s? ljgijEOigOE3d gEt[q p?es 'elauzogge 'ueiu;;nEg uoaprg •pua buozM auq qE bu?gzEgs sEM Z9d gELIq P?ES SagEQ •pazoj dxa bu?aq gsnC azE sa?}?j?q?ssod auq gEuq pTES surjjo~ •anjen gaKzEiu auq zauMO auq dEd oq anEu pjnoM puE ~Igzaciozd auq bu?uurapuoo qoa;;a u? aze Iauq uaaq '~igzadozd ;o anTEn gaxzeui auq SjgTM punoze sa?xuoui ZRd 3I '~q?zougnE ou s? azauq •sgoa;;a bu?jjozquoo SjgTM pauzaouoo aq oq qub?z aqq anEu qou saop Z5d auq gEuq P?ES 'AauzoggE 'sagep pzeuoaZ •burugdue ueauc qou saop jesn;az qsz?; ;o qub?z auq gEuq p?ES oxuezeg •grun auq ~Cnq oq auoauios zo; an?quaou? ou aneaj pjnoM sjozquoo ao?zd •zazrum?u?uiopuoo auq dq paus?jgEgsa suorgnjos an?geazo azoui aas oq aoru aq pjnoM qI •d}?zougnE bursnou auq oq dauoui ;o qunoure u?Egzao E uzngaz oq aq pjnoo auc?q ;o qunoure u?egzao e S[iggTM pjOS sT UmiTST11IOpuO0 auq ;T pEOj aqq ;O LIOigT pSIO0 auq •queuanoo paap E pagsabbns to?aupoo~ •za~ojdura uE oq pros sEM q? ;? do ob qou pjnoM um?u?utopuoo auq ;o ao?zd auq gEuq aq pjnoM azauq saaquezenb ;o pu?x gEgM pazapuoM ub?sag • saaAojdura oq jEquaz zo; sza~Iojdiua oq sum?uruiopuoo ;o zaqumu u?Egzao a jjas ax?j do?jod iuzaq buoj pazrjEZauab E aq pjnous azauq •gaXzEUc jEquaz auq uo aznssazd aseazoui jjTM di~IJ auq oq anp ugMOZb jE?quEgsgns ;o XoEj aqy •saaFojcIuia oq paquaz s? bu?snou jEquaz ;o quaozad 09-06 'gaxzEUi jEquaz auq ;o uo?gonzgsap gSLITEbE pzenb pjnous eIq?~ auq •quauraoEjds?p puE uorgEj;u? azE uo?qez?um?u?uiopuoo ;o s}oa;;a peg auq gEuq p?ES >u?aupoo~ •sau?jap?nb ;o gsrj E sgsabbns ouiaui s,ui?aupoo~ •quaz oq ajgE ~Ijuo azE ouM ajdoad ;o zaqumu u?Egzao E aoEjds?p saop SIOTgEZTS1ILlTSIT11IOpuO.7 •SgSIapTSaz jEOOj azaM szadnq auq gEuq sEM uo?snjouoo auq •pazrum?u?iuopuoo azaM uo?uM sgrun jEquaz uo paseq gzodaz dugbuaj E pazeda zd u~raupoog SIETZg do?jod E axEUi Z9d gEqq pagsanbas jTOUnO,'~ tCgTQ •szaquiaui Mau ~o?jod UOTgEZ auq zo; ~Co?jod SIO?qeZ?IIIRTSIT11IOpSIO0 auq paz?jnsdEO auEx jjrg -rum?uruiopuo~ •passed uotgoui :zonE; ur jjy •uo?qou[ auq papuooas ub?sag •zaau?bug h}?~ auq puE ao?;;p buruuEjd auq oq ajgegdaooE aq jjTM uEjd uo?gEgzodsuezq auq gEuq puE ugtnozb azngn; dq pagenazbbE aq qou jjTM poouzoqub?au auq u? bu?xzed gEqq os pap?nozd aq jjTM aouepuaggE uoznuo zo; uo?gEgzodsuEZq gEuq uo?q?puoo aqq oq LL6T '9T qsn ny uo?ss?unuo~ u?uoZ puE u?uuEjd u?gaay~ zejn ag BRgOFORO POBLI9NINO COp OBNVCR R E C O R D O P P R O C E E D I N G S Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission August 16, 1977 the employees. Oates wondered if condominiumization was being treated differently than subdivision. Kane said subdivision is more restrictive. Kauffman said that this type of policy would be asking a few people to take on the burden of the community. Hedstrom moved to continue this hearing at 5:00 PM next Tuesday. Isaac seconded the motion. All in favor; meeting continued. Jacobie Prelim- Karen Smith presented the Jacobie Preliminary Plat for the inary Plat - Public Hearing. It is a five unit building on Park Circle, Public Hearing Four memos were presented for the record: 1) from the Planning Office on August 11, 1977; 2)from the City Engineer Dave Ellis on August 10, 1977; 3) from the Planning Office on July 20, 1977; and 4) from Mountain Bell on August 2, 1977. At the conceptual stage the Planning Office recommended approval subject to detailed technical review at the preliminary stage. The remaining disagreements can be resolved prior to final plat. Leonard Oates, attorney for the case, said that the main problem is a gap in ownership between two properties. This will be resolved. Collins opened the meeting to the public. There were no comments. The public portion was closed. Isaac asked why they were requesting a full subdivision. Smith said that full subdivision is at the option of the City Engineer. This requires compliance with design standards. Ensign moved to grant the preliminary plat approval for the Jacobie Condominiums Subdivision subject to the correction of several specified conditions. Hedstrom seconded the motion. All in favor; motion approved. Temple Allen Smith discussed the Temple Allen request for a subdivision Subdivision exemption. It is six lots on Main Street in the O district. Exemption Allen wishes to separate lots K and L from the other four lots for the purpose of selling Aspen Valley Realty. The City Engineer (memo of August 10, 1977) has stated that the sidewalk is substandard. It needs to be concrete rather than gravel. There is no access permitted off Highway 82 thus access from the alley or the adjacent parking lot need to be granted. Temple Allen said that he would do whatever needed to be done to be granted this request. He stated that Mahoney had okayed the gravel sidewalk several years ago. Ensign moved to recommend approval of the Temple Allen request to be exempt from strict application of the subdivision regulation because requirements have been met and the intent of the regulation has been satisfied subject to replacement of the gravel sidewalk by concrete and access to lots K & L be allowed by easement through the existing drive or alley. Baranko seconded the motion. All in favor; motion granted, Gignoux Lynch Smith presented the Gignous Lynch preliminary plat for preliminary plat public hearing. The following memos were submitted for the public hearing record: 1) from the Planning Office on August 11, 1977; xzaT~ dgr~ dgndaQ 'TTrzzauS ugagesrTg 77 \ 'Wd S£~L gE pauznoCpE burgaatu aug :zonE; u? TTK •papuooas uiozgspag •bu?gaaui aug uznoCpE og panoui oEESI •agrs abpoT TeuzagEZ3 aug puE 'puET QRd PuE IBS aug 'gaazgS urEjnj uo agrs bu?pT?nq azngn3 puE TEUO?geazoaz aqq 'zan?z aqq buoTe dEMUaazb aqq :seazE TEZauab zno3 azE azauy •puET IJS azoiu ou s? azaug aou?s xoogs bu?pEZg pooh sr gI •asn o?Tgnd zo; pa?3?guapr uaaq zanau pEu apuez~ o?g gEuq pres auEg •pagsanbaz aq TT?M uETd paz?TEZauab aqq dTuo zo3 TEnozdd~ •oga 'sasn TEUO?g?puoo 'sasn guauEiuzad aqq sa?3?guap? uo?uM paz?nbaz s? uETd zagsEU~ E EazE pauuETd TE?Dads E s? g? aou?S 'LL6T '9 zaquiagdaS zo3 paTnpauos aq pTnoM dgzadozd dgzadozd apuEZ~ o?g auq uo 6u?zeau o?Tgnd E gEqq pagEgs pzo3uEgS uuor apuEZ~ o?g F~dS •passed uOrgOU! :zOAE3 u? TTFZ •papuooas oEESI 'dEM-3o-qub?z puE aoEds uado zo; asn sE EazE uE ;o uo?gEOrpap og goaCqns suo?gETnbaz aug ;o guagur aqq urugTM you s? dgzadozd aqq sE uoniu sE u? sguaiuaz?nbaz uors?n?pgns aqq 3o uo?gEO?TddE go?zgs moz3 dquno~ aqq u? pagEOOT dgzadozd ueuEuong aqq zo3 uo?gdtuaxa uo?srn?pgns ;o TEnozddE puaunuooaz og panoiu utozgspag •dquno~ auq u? buraq g? gnogE uo?ssnos?p TTEU~s E sEM azauy •dEM-;O-gubTZ puE aoEds uado sE asn og papaap aq Eaze aqq gEqq uo?grpuoo aug og goaCqns 'anuan~ uosq?~ 3o ugzou dgzadozd 3o uorgsod auq uo uo?gduraxa uo?srnrpgns uE ssaoozd oq sr an?gEUZagTE gsaq auy xauuE og gTno?33rp uo?gduraxa Dog aq pjnoM g? gnq 'dqunoo aug u? sr puET auy •pau?Eggo uorsrn?pgnS sEu dg?,~ aug uo?uM dgzadozd ueuEuong aug passnos?p ug?~S dgzadozd ueuEuong •passed uorgou[ :zonE3 u? TTY •uo?go~u aug papuooas oEESI •bu?gaaui 'LL6T '0£ gsnbny aug T?gun gETd dzeu?ucrTazd goudq xnoubr~ aug 3o uorgezaprsuoo aTgEg og panoututozgspag •uo?gzod o?Tgnd aug pasoTo ag •sguaunuoo ou azaM azauy •orTgnd aug og bu?gaau~ aug pauado su?TTo~ •aoEds uado og goaCqns sguaiuaz?nbaz aug TTE sgaau~ qI •ssed og dzogoun3zad saiuooaq uo?go~u znod 'sassed pzeog aug 3I •suo?g?puoo ug?M passed aq pTnoo gETd dzEU?iu?Yazd s?uy •zaggEiu do?Tod E sEM s?ug gEug p?ES aueg •sguauraz?nbaz aoEds uado aug gaaiu gubrut uo?uM gubnoq aq pTnous aoEds uado aqq 3o aTpprw aug ur sr uo?uM dgzadozd dg?~ gEuq pagsabbns sguaLUgsnCpy ;o pzeog auy •snonurguoo you sr qI •aoEds uado s? uraTgozd djuo auy •uaug gno sunz bu?pT?nq quasazd s?u uo aseaT aug ~aurs T?zd~ gxau dq agrs aug ddnooo og paguEM au gEug bu?des asEO aqq 3o aprs s?u pagEgs gaud? qEd •TEnozddE puaunuooaz qou saop ao?33p bu?uuETd aqy •aoEds uado zo3 aouerzen aqq quEZb oq pau?You? azE dauq szeaddE g? ubnougTE gsanbsz s?ug paTgEq squaiugsnCp~ 3o pzeog auy •sguauiaz?nbaz aug gaau[ qou saop Z qoZ •anss? panTosazun ue s? aoEds uado aqy •uo?goE3srges s,zaau?bug dg?~ aqq oq pabuEuo uaaq anEu saoeds aug gnq 'u~aTgozd a sEM bu?Xzed aqy •:uaigozd E qou s? •g•~•3 auy •guaura sea uE guEZb TT?M dg?~ aug 'gS zaxaaTg uo pue dg?J aqg og PagEO?pap daTTE aug anEu og aq pTnous TEnozddE aug 3o uorg?puoo ~ •panTosaz aq osTE gsnu~ dgzadozd s,zauMO zo dgr~ s? q? zaugauM og se 'gS zaxaaTg uo TEguoz3 auy •panTosaz aq gsnu[ dgzadozd aug puE 009 gdaouo~ uaaMgaq daTTE aug 3o d?uszaumo auy •abEgs TEngdaouoo sq? u? TT?gs sEM goaCozd aug geug PagEgs ug?~S 'LL6T 'Z gsnbn~ uo TTag u?EqunoW uioz3 (S puE LL6T 'ZZ dTnr uo TEuszEW azr3 aug u~oz3 (~ LL6T 'ZZ dTnr uo guaiugzedap o?zgoaTg dg?~ u~oz3 (£ LL6T 'OT gsnbn~ uo 'zaau?bua dg?o 's?TTg anEa iuoz3 (Z LL6T '9T gsn ny uorss?unuo~ uruoZ puE uruuETd urgaaW zETnbag BRAOFORO PN9L19XIN0 COp DENVER R E C O R D O F P R O C E E D I N G S Special Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission August 16, 1977 The Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission held a Special Meeting on 16 August 1977 at 11:45 AM in the City Council chambers. Members present were Chic Collins, Tom Isaac, Frank Baranko, Donald Ensign, Joan Klar and Olaf Hedstrom. Present from the Planning Office were Bill Kane, Karen Smith and John Stanford. Lodging Collins brought the meeting to order at 11:45 AM. He stated Growth Management that this was a continued meeting on the Growth Management Plan Plan. Kane presented a memo on lodging to the members. He felt that the previous criteria for judgement of projects was weak. Everyone had expressed disatisfaction with the previous scoring system. The new criteria would be section 24-10.5 (c) of the ordinance. It would consist of 60 points spread thru five sections. 1. Public Facilities and Services. (aa) Water; (bb) Sewer; (cc) Storm Drainage; (dd) Fire Protection; (ee) School Capacity; and (ff) Roads. Each section was worth 3 points. Tom Isaac said that it had been decided before to drop (ee) School Capacity and add parking. Kane said it would be best to drop it altogether and make public facilities worth a maximum of 15 points. 2. Social Facilities and Services. (aa) Public Transportation; (bb) Police Protection; and (cc) Proximity to commercial support facilities. Each section was worth 2 points for a total of 6 points. 3. Quality of Design. (aa) Architectural design; (bb) Site design; (cc) Energy; and (cc) Amenties. Each section was worth 3 points for a total of 12 points. Isaac suggested that fireplaces be added in the energy section. Kane had no objection as long as the fireplace contributed to the energy. Standard fireplaces are energy consuming. It was decided to add to (cc) "degree to which fireplace energy efficiency is considered." 4. Amenities and services provided for guests for a total of 6 points. This is a bonus section. This makes the distinction of a lodge from a condominium, since it considers what is done with the open space and encourages common areas. 5. Conformance to local public policy goals. (aa) Reduction below maximum allowable internal FAR; (bb) Provision of bonus employee housing; and (cc) Auto disincentive. Each is worth 3 points for a total of 9 points. Ensign stated that if parking areas were reduced it would mitigate against summer use. Kane said that the goals for summer were the same for winter although it was a good point. Hedstrom said that 4 and 5(aa) were hard to balance against one another. Kane said that there was a mistake. "For tourist rental space" should be added on 5(aa). Andy Hecht, a lawyer, wanted to know the difference between a vacant lot and one with some development. Kane stated that Cantrup wanted some consideration to be given to existing projects as opposed to new ones. Kane felt it would not be equitable if there was a bias toward existing projects. Only additions would be evaluated separately. Hecht then asked if a lodge owner wanted to rebuild his lodge with larger rooms would that be feasible. Kane said if rooms were added or the project expanded, then it would come under .--. ~~ •agngTgsui aug gnogE guauragEgs E apniour pTnoo Aauq aoueuzpzo szuq buipuaunuooaz uoignTosaz aqq sassed uotssiunuo~ aug uauM •oiurapEOE pauoz aq og guegonjaz uaaq pEu agngiqsui aqq gEug pies auex •agngrgsui aug asoT oq you sE os uoigd~axa uE do gas oq paquEM oxuezeg •gszz; uETd E aas oq axzT pinoM au pagEqs ~EESI •UMOp zadojanap e Mors dTTErguagod pTnoo ssaoozd amtg TEUOigtpp~ •~gZ~ aqq zo; dgrzOT3d E si ~EZbozd zaumms aug butguaiubn~ •uzaouoo ozTgnd abzET ;o si agngzgsui aqq gEqq piES ubisug •waTgozd TEbaT e aq pTnoo gi qia; pEu zaTTngg •zeajo Azan aze dagq ssaTun pagEqs aq qou pinous suorgd~axa gEug pTES auEx •uoigd~axa auq azo;aq atuEo goaCozd auq ;i gsaq aq pjnoM gt gEug pTES sutTTo~ •gduraxa agngigsui auq axes og paquEM pEu TT~UttO~ ~gT~ •dW~ auq MoTTo3 oq anEu pTnoM Aaug gEuq paizanb pEu ouM auodue pasinpE zanau pEu au pTES auEx •suoigd~axa of;loads og ur gab og qou s~M uOEOZddE gsaq auq geug pres suiTTo~ •agngigsui auq buidoTanap puE buidnq auoa~os ;o BEM aug ut puEgs pinoM gEuq ;i gduraxa aq qou pinous agngzgsui auq auM pazapuoM ubisug og pasoddns sEM gi piES auEx •pauzETdxa aq oq aoueuzpzo auq gnoubnozug og passe;az sEM uo?uM (q)E'OT-bZ paquEM ~ozgspag •passnoszp gszi; sEM slug uauM gd~axa aq og agngigsui auq paquEM qou pEu Z9d •uSTM Aaug amrg~uE uETd slug ~oz; auq buipnToxa aoueuzpzo uE agzzM og asouo uEO Tiouno~ dgi~ gEuq pees auex •uETd guaurabaueW ugMOZ~ auq ~oz; uoisnToxa uE sE pa~EU qou sEM agngigsui auq auM pazapuoM suzTTo~ •Agtzougne butsnou auq ;o guTOd auq sEM gEuq gEuq pagEqs auEx •zadojanap auq zo; zarsea aq pTnoM gr uaaq szaqumu Teaz azE azaug ;i pTES zagzod •xt~ auq grids :bursnou ;o dzoaug poog uigo~ auq SagEaT~TgUE aoueuzpzo auq gEuq piES auEx •buisnou a~ooui agEZapo~ og guezagap bzq E azaM sgsoo puET gEuq pres dnxguE~ •auop uaaq pEq u~TuM ~pngs E SEM azaug gEuq pTES auEx •pat;tzETo buTSnou a~ooui agezapo~ anEu og paquEM guoag •aouEgsip buixTEM ;o apisgno ;i sgurod p puE zaugo auq zo auo og aouEgsip burXTeM aigeuoseaz zo; squzod Z 'snq ;o puE buiixs ;o aouEgsip buixTEM aTgeuoseaz zo; squzod ~ 'agnoz snq E uo puE burixs ;o aouEgszp butxTEM UrugTM goaCozd duE paubrssE aq TTeus sguiod 9 peat og pabuEuo sEM (EE)z •paazbE auEx •sq;iT iXs zeau buiaq apnioui pinous (EE) gEuq pres zagzod •sgurod 09 og do xoeq TEgoq oq sbuizq Mou slay •(buisnou aadoTduia) sguiod 9 aq pTnoo (qq)5 •squzod ~ aq pTnoo (oo) puE squzod 9 aq pTnoo (EE) piES auEx 'ErzagT3~ guEgzod~i gso~ auq azE chug gouts uoea squzod F gseaT qE ugzoM aq pjnous (oo) puE (EE)z ut uoigEgzodsuezg gEuq piES 'dousxzoM ubisaa 'zagzod aor „(•sgiun buiTTaMp Mau ;o uotgeazo ou si azaug paptnozd) burpTinq buzgsixa due ;o uoigonzgsuooaz zo uotgEZOgsaz 'buiTapouraz guy„ peas o} (E)Z'OT-bZ uozgoag abueuo oq paptoap sEM gT '~~3 TTn; auq o} puedxa pTnoo szauMo abpoT auq ~Euq pies pzo;uegg •EZZagzzo dTuo auq aq pTnous sgiun buiTTaMp Mau ou azE azaug papinozd geug piES auEx •pTingaz og szauMO abpoT zo; aTgisea; gZ axE~ og gzos a~os ;o guaucabaznooua uE aq oq sEu azaug piES dnzquE~ •paztubooaz aq og sEu g~3 guy •EazE zooT; auq puedxa gouuEO nod abpoT E uMOp zeag nod ;z piES auEx •s~ooz zabzET pTznq uEO Aauq ssajun sbutpTinq uMOp zeag oq buiob qou azE szauMO abpoT gEuq pagEqs guoag •aouaza;;ip ou axE~ pTnous qt 'garzgsip abpoT auq uz sTozguoo ~y3 azE azauq aouig •gd~axa sr goaCozd E ;i saproap buiz~aW gEug piES auEx •suoigd~axa anrb og pzeog aug og do seM qz piES oEesl „•(sgiun butTTaMp Mau ;o uoigeazo sou Eaze zooT; ;o uoisuedxa ou si azauq papinozd) buipTinq butgsrxa puE ;o uoigonzgsuooaz zo uorgezogsaz 'buiTapo~az„ aq uEO azaug sdES gi azauM T udezbEZEd 'T abed oura~ s,zaTTngg pauorgsanb guoag •aoueuzpzo auq BRADFORD POBLIBHING 00.. DENVER R E C O R D O F P R O C E E D I N G S Special Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission August 16, 1977 Hedstrom moved to continue this special meeting on 30 August 1977 at 11:30 AM. Baranko seconded the motion. All in favor; motion passed. Isaac moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Baranko. All in favor; meeting adjourned at 1:20 PP1. ~ ~~~ Elisabeth Sherrill, Deputy City Clerk