HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19760601RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves
EgiM 50 C. F. NOECIIEL 9. B. B L. C0.
Regular IAeeting As en Planning and Zoning Commission June 1, 1976
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Chic Collins at 5:10 p.m. with members
Danny Abbott, Roger Hunt, John Schuhmacher, and Allison Downing present. Also
present was City/County Planner Bill Kane, and John Stanford and Hal Clark
of the Planning Department, and City Attorney Stuller.
Approval of P-iinutes Downing moved to approve the minutes of May 4, with the
following corrections: page one, paragraph five, line
three, "that in" should read "for"; page two, paragraph
two, line one chahge "asked" to °suggested"; page two,
paragraph three, line two add "For" before "The"; same
page, same paragraph, line four, delete "that" and add
"on which"; page three, paragraph three, line three, "wick
should be "which"; same page, paragraph five, line one,
"ot" should be "to"; same page, paragraph six, last line
should read "Brandt's response was SPA would be acceptable
provided---"; page four, paragraph four, line one, change
roposed" should be "posed"; same page, same paragraph,
line five, add "and" between thourghfare and as; same
page, paragraph five, line three, delete "that"; page five,
paragraph one, line two, delete "suggested to" and add
"the P&Z should"; same page paragraph two, line three,
delete "cahereas" and add "stating"; same page, paragraph
four, line two, "Grant's" should be "Brandt's"; same
page, paragraph nine, line eight, delete "is" and add "are";
page six, paragraph six, add June 1, 1976 to the motion.
Hunt made a second to the motion. All in favor; motion
Hunt moved to table the minutes of the May 18 meeting;
seconded by Downing. All in favor, motion carried.
Clark asked the Commission to set an on-site inspection
of 651 Monarch. Hunt set the on-site inspection of 651
Monarch for June 15, at 5:00 p.m.
Public Hearing Stanford explained what is being considered is Historic
Designation of Designation of two structures those being the Mesa Store
Historic Sites Bakery and the Floradora. HPC has sent a resolution to
Floradora the P&Z recommending historic designation and the P&Z
Mesa Store set the public hearing for June 1 which is this meeting.
There is a quorum present of the Historic Preservation
Committee which is necessary to hold the public hearing.
Planning and Zoning will then send their recommendation to
Ccuncil at which time the Council will set a public hearing
After that public hearing, Council will make a decision
on the Historic Designation. Stanford explained what
historic designation means and that is any exterior change
to the building which requires a building permit must
come before the IIPC on the review of the building's
physical appearance of the structure. The particular
location is presently zoned Office-2 and Multi-family.
If a building is designated. "historic" a restaurant is
allowed by Conditional use in the building which means
the P&Z will review the proposal.
Stanford entered into the record the following: 1) the
documentation; 2) photographs of the P4esa Store and the
:~loradora; 3) the tdillets map; 4) the owners consent
forms; 5) the public notice which was published in the
"Times" May 6, 1976.
Stanford read the documentation for the r^loradora. The
Floradora is the residence of Benjamin Ferris. The
date of construction of the Floradora was 1889. Stanford
•squeznEgsaz .zoopgno anEu uEo
aidoad os saoeds uado ut asn E aq pinoo squeznEgsaz qia~
~Iau.zoggy ~Iqi~ '.zanaMOg •seasE aoEds uado uz ~ginigoE
iEio.zaunuoo zaugo puE butstpuEuozaui ~IuE apnioazd oq
si uoigepuaunuooaz auy •gznoo iEiSTllIi3~ E uT gEuq agn3az
gouueo aus pauoiquaur zaiingS ~Iau.zoggy ~qi~ •giutzad sasn iEiozaunuoo zo3
buZpitnq E a.ztnbaz q,usaop qz se buoi sE quEM auq butugdue SEa3E aoEds uado
op ueo Aauq puE aoEds uado ~o asn iEtozaunuoo sapnioa.zd 3o asn auq apnio
uotuM aoueutpzo auq ut buiugou sz azauq buinbzE a.zE -azd oq (p)L'£-bZ
aidoad auy •sasn iEto.zaLUUroo .zoo EazE uMOquMOp auq ut aoEds uoigoaS oq quaur
uado auq buisn a.zE aidoad aqq pauiEidxa zaiingg ~Iauzogq~ AqT~ _puatuy apo~ 5uiuoZ
•paizzEO uotgoru
'.zonE~ ut iiF~ •buiuMOQ ~iq papuooas :auoz iEtquap-rsaz g-g
auq u-c asn ieuozgipuoo E sE suinasn~u apnioui oq panour qung rIOTgojnj
•buizEau oiignd aqq
pasoio suziio~ •o-rignd aqq ruo.zq squaunuoo ou azaM a.zauy
•auoz iEZquaprsaz
9-g aqq u-c asn ieuoigipuoo se srunasnur brITMOiiE squarupua~uE
apoo buiuoz aqq uo buzzeau otignd aqq pauado suiiio~
„•asnou abEizzEO„ aqq pitnq oq paau
s,~igaioos iEOizogsiu aqq buTgepounuoooE qa~ 'a.zngnq auq u-r
squaurdoianap iE2o.zaunuoo-isEnb uaaMgaq ageututiaostp oq sueid
buipitnq Mainaz oq aouEuo aqq Z9d anib oq asn iEUOTgTtJiIO~ auoz
e sE quaiupuauie aqq axEUr oq ax-ci pinoM quaurgzedaa buiuueid iezquapisag g-g ui
aqq 'seazE iEiquaptsa.z ui surnasnur agent.zd 3o xni3ut 3o asn iEitOTgTpuO~
q?i?igTSSOd aqq gsutEbE goagozd oq zapzo uI •asnoH pzPiiEgS E sE sumasnui
aqq puiuaq „asnou abEizzEO„ E piing oq paau aqq si oq MOiiE oq Z'£-bZ
papuodsaz buzaq st geuM •auoz 9-g auq ut asn iEUOTgTpL[O~ e uoigoag oq quaur
se sumasnru MoiiE oq st uoigM gsanba.z auq pauzeidxa aue;j -puaury apo~ bu-ruoz
•pazzsEO uoigoW
•pauiEgsgE ggoqqy 'zonE3 ui iiy •zagoEUttjnuoS ~Iq papuooas
JdH aqq ~o squaunuoo auq oq quensznd d.zaxEg azogS Esay1
aqq 3o uotgEUbisap ~T30gSTLj auq anoaddE oq panoru buzuMOa uoi or
q si
•iEOOi ~iiuo sEM uoigeubisap auq pauotquaut pzo3uEgS
•buzpi-cnq snoibigsazd~Izan e aq oq anEq pinoM qi '.zagszbaz
iEiIOTgEU auq uo paoEid aq oq qi zo3 zapzo ut puE :zagstbaz
ieuoigeu aqq uo paoEid sEM qZ 3? si qua>uu.zano~ aqq ruo.z3
spunq zo3 ~IiddE pinoo azogS Esayj aqq tIEM diuo aqq pau-rEidxa
uaoz~ •quaunz.zano~ aqq uro.z; buipun~ .zo3 ~Iidde pinoo auq
asnEOaq or.zogstu pageubisap buzaq zag3E queznEgsaz paoinzas
~iin3 E butucooaq azogS EsaW aqq ugtM pauzaouoo sEM qunH azo
qS EsaLJ
•paizaEO uotgour
'.zonE~ ui iiFt •buzu~a ~q papuooas : auoz ot.zogsiH aqq ui
E,ZOpE2oi,3 aqq 3o ieno.zdde aqq iiouno~ ~qi~ oq puaunuooaz
uoissrunuo~ buiuoz puE buiuuEid aqq anEq oq panoiu qunH uoigoyl
•buizeau ozignd auq pasoio suiiio~
•~IoCua oq sgst.znoq .zo3 uoissazduri quEgzoduct uE si
qi 'uadsy oquz aouezqua auq sz gaazgS LITEjn] aouis 'osiy
•azngn~ auq ut oizogsiu pauoz aq uEO Ea.ze geuq os uo.zEUOyJ
oq gaa.zgg uquanag uro.z3 gaasgg utEj~j uo sbuipiinq buigstxa
auq TiE ;o uoigEquaurnoop uo burxzoM sZ ~dH 'o?zogsiu
pauoz aq oq gaazgS uzEy~ uo sazngon.zgs pziuq puE puooas auq
au~ooaq pinoM sazngonzgs auy •ot.zogs-[u sE pageubisap aq
sbuipitnq oMq auq aas oq axii pinoM JdH auq uoseaz auq
uo xEads oq quasa.zd sEM '~dH aqq ~o uEtuziEu~ 'uaoz~ hzE7
•sagis oi.zogszu sE ezopE.zoig auq puE
dzaxEg azogS Esayi auq uo bui.zeaH oiignd auq pauado suiiioJ
•pzooaz auq oqur peat
p.ZO~LIEgs ij~TuM „sauriy tIiTEQ uads~ auy„ uz uaggi.zM aioi~}zE
uE paE :rI00''j rIE[~ ErIa7 uq"CM <<^.ainzaqui rIE SEM papni~Ul
•A.zaxEg a.zogg EsaW auq zo3 uorgEquaarnoop auq pea.z uauq
pzo3uEgS •EZOpezoi3 auq .zoo aigtq auq pEu au pauotquaur osie
9L6i 'i aunr uoissiuiuo~ buiuoZ puE buTaueid uadsy
Regular Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission June 1, 1976
City Attorney Stuller asked the P&Z to consider an
aniendment to the code to give some enforcement technique
if that is the understanding that P&Z iias of the open
..space requirement.
Collins opened the public hearing of the zoning code
amendment to preclude the~sse of open space areas for
commercial use.
There were no comments from the public. Collins closed the
public hearing.
lIUnt felt a vendor should be able to go through some proce-
dure that would allow vending in the mall on special days.
City Attorney explained that what Hunt is suggesting is
when a public right of way is being used for commercial
activities that the open space should be able to be used
in conjunction with that. That caould mean that public
determination could be made at the time of the issuance
of the public streets permit and once that is administra-
tively approved that would be an acceptable approach.
Restaurants would be automatically accepted. Tvhenever
activity is permitted on the public right of way, it will
n automatically be permitted on the abotting private pro-
perty. However if it is a restaurant extension that will
be Left up to the Mall Commission to grant.
Motion hunt moved to approve the zoning code amendment to Section
24-3.7(d) to preclude the use of open space areas for
conanercial uses with one amendment. The provision should
include an exception that would permit the required open
space to be used for commercial purposes when used in
conjunction with a permitted commercial activity on
abutting public right of way. This would allow those on
and off the mall to use their open space if the City has
previously issued permission to use abutting public pro-
perty. The City Attorney was directed to draft an
arendment to that effect. Downing made a second to the
motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Public Hearing Clark asked the Planning and Zoning to set a public
"Carriage House" hearing for the carriage house for June 15. The notices
would be going out before Council acts on the request.
lflotion Hunt moved to set a public hearing for the discussion
of conditional use of the Stallard House Museum in the
R-6 zone for June 15, 1976; seconded by Downing. All in
favor, motion carried.
Trueman Property Clark explained this is the public hearing on the prelim-
Preliminary Sub- inary plat for the Trueman Property Subdivision. Pdew
division Plat plans for the Trueman property were just submitted to
the City Engineer, Dave Ellis, and Ellis has not had a
chance to revieco the revised set of plans. The Planning
Department is recommending to table the Trueman property
until possibly next Tuesday for consideration after the
site inspection of the property. Clark mentioned there
is still a problem with the title as to the west side
of the property. There is an encroachment of the fence
and the map notes it is disputed land. Clark suggested.
the Commission go through the plans to see what the
developers have in mind for the project.
For the sake of the new planning and zoning members, Don
•pa?zzao uo?goiu 'zona3 u? TTFZ
•qung dq papuooas :dgzadozd uauianzy auq 3o uo?goadsu? ages
-uo ua aq TTTM azauq aui?q uo?uM qa •u[•d OO:r, qa g aunt
oq bu?gaaut s?uq anu?quoo oq uo?gout s?u papuaure ggoqqy uo?goyl
•qunH dq
papuooas :zaau?bug d}?~ auq cioz3 uo?gatuzo3u? 3o uo?gaTduioo
pua bu?gaaui zaTnbaz gxau auq 3o uo?goadsu? a}?s-uo
auq oq quansznd dgzadozd uauianzy auq aTgeq oq panoui ggoqqy uo?qoy~
o?Tgnd auq pasoTo su?TToJ •o?Tgnd auq u[oz3 squaunuoo
ou azaM azauy •dgzadozd uauianzy aqq 3o gaTd uorsin?pgns
d,Za Li?ui?Yazd auq zo3 bu?zaau o?Tgnd aqq pauado su?TTo~
gagq OquT 3[OOT
pTnoM au pauo?quat Mad •saTo?uan addq aTggntis pua sa?xaq
zo3 aaza qua?o?33ns a uaas qou pau au pauo?quaui qung
•bu?PT?ng auq 3o zooT3 Puooas auq oq •g3•bs 000'Z PPa oq
Pua (£ SgnTo ugTaau a 3o uo?gaTap auq (Z :quau[aTa z?aqs
azngn3 auq uo uo?gazap?suoo z?auq (T :bu?MOTTo3 auq zo3
szaquiaur bu?uoZ pua bu?uuaTd paxsa szadoTanaQ uauianzy any
• aaza atlq punozzns
oq aoua3 xu?T-pau?auo a bu?ggnd papuaunuooaz Mai, 'azo3
-azauy •aoads uado sa pasn aq oq sau goads auq 'dTquasazd
•pasn aq oq aui?q saM q? T?gun aaza s?uq u? g3aT ag pTnoo
as?puauozaiu guy •as?puauozaui auq paoTun oq oqu? auioo sXonzq
auq gang aaza auq zanoo oq pasn aq pTnoM •g3•bs 000'Z guy
•sz?agsdn •g3•bs 000'Z auq bu?zq oq puaunuooaz Z'3d gang
paxsa Mai 'azo3azauy •Tauo?goun3 qou s? q? gang pauczo3u?
uaaq anau pua szaooz~ pages?ooss~ oq pa~Taq pau szadoTanap
auq azo3aq apaui saM q? 'apauz saM MoTaq umop •g3'bs 000'Z
auq zo3 gsanbaz auq uauM 'TanaT auo uo goads auq TTa
anau oq s? bu?uuaTd zooT3 3o saTnz Tau?pzao auq 3o aup
:uo?gapuaunuooaz bu?uoz pua buiuuaTd auq zo3 bu?MOTTo3
auq pagsabbns Mad •qno saTgagaben bu?xaq pua bu?ssaoozd
gaaui 'bu?paojun 'dzan?Tap s? uroozxoaq auq u? suaddau
gaunt •aoads auq 30 ~SZ zo3 squnoooa uo?uM uiooz xoaq pua
suo?gazado ua pua (£ :goads auq 3o g5T zo3 squnoooa uo?uM
gazes qno xoauo (Z :goads aqq 30 Mpg do saxaq uo?uM gazes
saTas dzaoozb a (T :bu?aq asouy •squauoduioo aazuq 3o do
apaui s? azogs dzaoozb a gang pau?aTdxa szaooz~ pages?oossy
•s~zoM azogs dzaoozb a Mou gas oq szaoos~ pages?aoss~ 3.a
33ags bu?uuaTd auq oq paxTaq Pau aq gang Pau?aTdxa osTa Mai
•azngn3 auq u? TanaT zaddn auq oq pappa
ag iT?M uo?u"~ squaurgzada auq zo3 zoganaTa pua z?aqs a
azngn3 auq u? zo3 ap?nozd oq uo?ss?uiazd anzasaz oq paxsa
Mad •szaquiaui uo?ss?unuoo auq uq?M suaTd aqq nano quart Mai
•sabuauo bu?pT?nq pua (5 :sazoa Z oq
sazoa ;,/£ T ucoz3 pasaazou? uaaq sau goads uado auq (;,
:•g3•bs 000'iZ oq 'g3'bs 000'ST uioz3 papuadxa uaaq sau zno3
qoT (£ :u?aqunoyJ pag pua gaazgg TT?W 3o uo?suagxa auq
uo uo?s-coap auq bu?puad zaad a zo3 aazuq qoT uo Tanozdda
uaTd ~Iua (Z :gaa3 Og oq gaa3 0{, iuoz3 papuadxa uaaq sau
zaTbbnuis uo dart-3o-qqb?z aqq (T :aza suoigaquasazd Tanq
-daouoo auq u? sabuago any 'Z'9d uioz3 Tanozdda dzau?ui?Yazd
bu?gsanbaz aza pua bu?gaaut o?Tgnd auq zo3 qno guess uaaq
anau sao?qou auq pua quauidoTanap auq paMainaz sau 33ags
dq?~ any •paquazb pua Tiouno~ pua Z5d gbnozuq uaaq sag
Tanozdda Tangdaouoo any •uo?gapzooaz (~, :Tanozdda uaTd
Tau?3 (~ :Tanozdda uaTd dzau?uz?Yazd (Z :uo?gaquasazd Tanq
-daouoo auq (T s? ssaoozd Ma?naz guy •ssaoozd Ma?naz auq
3o uOTgaZTUabzO auq pua bu?uuaTd ages auq aza sa?q?T?gis
-uodsaz s?u pau?aTdxa ub?sg •uo?gaquasazd Tangdaouoo auq
aouis apaui sabuago autos uaaq anau azauy 'TL8 aouaurpzp
zapun auop bu?aq s? quaurdoTanap any •quaucdoTanap uatuanzy
auq uo agap oq do szaqurani auq bu?zq oq quasazd saM ub?sg
9L6T 'T aunt IIOTSST1:Il1I0~ bLITUO'j, pua bu?uuaid
FdiM 54 C. F. NOECN EL B. B. 0 L. C0. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves
Regular "~`eeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Conunission June 1, 1976
Scott Building Clark e-~plained that this was before the Planning and
Conceptual Zoning Commission in the winter of 1975. The two problems
Subdivision Plat were the parking and to try and allocate the amount of
..land to try and go with the uses that were in the buildings
because of the non-conforming use; therefore not covered
as far as the square foot requirements in that zone.
The planning office has tried to allocate that amount of
square footage that should go with the building for each
particular use. The project is a nine lot project and
the zoning is R-6. Medical office within the Scott
Building consists of 1,450 sq.ft.; there are seven apart-
ment units consisting of 2 studios, 1 one-bedroom apart-
ments, 2 two-bedroom apartments, and 3 three-bedroom
apartments. By calculating the zoning requirements for
the RMF zone district, the planning department came up
with a requirement of 16,160 sq.ft. of land that would have
to go with that e~:isting building. Thus, that would be
6 lots for the building which includes as common space
and 3 lots for lot one which is basically shown as lot
one which the applicants are reserving for additional
building space in the future. T'he proposal is to create
two lots. Lot one would be separated for future develop-
ment, and lot two would be the lot to go with the existing
building and be used as :common property for the condominium-
ization. There is common s~~ace set out for the conunon
use of the owners of the condorninium.
The second area of controversy was the number of parking
spaces that would be allocated to this use. The planning
department took the Ris.F parking requirements and cal-
culated them on the same basis as they are required in
the RNLF' zone and came out with a figure of 17 spaces.
The planning office recommends approval for the conceptual
subdivision for the Scott Building.
Barry Ldwards was present to explain the plans for the
Scott Building. Edwards rLlentione3 that in the future they
are expecting to build a swimming pool on lot two.
Motion Hunt moved to approve the conceptual subdivision of the
Scott Building Condominiums on conditions of the planning
office comments and city engineer and as shown on the
Scott Building Conceptual presentation dated 13 biay 1976.
The conceptual approval includes the common space usage
of the swimming pool; Downing seconded the motion.
Abbott mentioned he was against the condominiumization.
All in favor of the motion. Abbott abstained. P4otion
i•iargaret ideadows Clark showed drawings
Subdivision Meadows is separating
Exemption units for sale. Rick
he would like to sell
all the property.
of the b4argaret P.eadows Subdivision.
the two duplexes into two living
Ferrill, owner of the lot, explained
one of the duplexes rather than sell
A4otion Abbott moved to approve the subdivision exemption subject
to a six month lease restriction. All in favor, motion
Abbott asked Clark to set a study session with Dousing
Authority, Brian Goociheim before anymore condominiumization
approvals are put on the agenda. Clark said he would
set the study session
xzaT~_~T~~} a 'u~ii?I ~a TZ
•paizzso uoz~o~u 'zons3 ut iTy
dung Iq papuooas :•u~•d 55:9 ~~ uznoCps o~ panoui buiuMOQ
'iTsi~ ausznQ aq~ zo3 }sanbaz ~/N
aq~ spuabs auk uo ansu xzsT~ tsq~ pa~sanbaz osTs suiiio~
9L6T 'T aunP uotsszumio~ butuoZ pus buiuusia