HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19760504RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves w C. F. XOE LK EL 8. B. B 1. CO. Regular Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission i~iay 4, 1976 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Chic Collins at 5:20 p.m. with members Allison Downing, John Schuhmacher, and Danny Abbott present. Also present was City/County Planner Bill Kane, and Hal Clark and John Stanford of the Planning Department. Because .there was a study session with the City Council; members present from the City Council were Mayor Standley, Jenifer Pedersen, Nina Johnston, and George Parry. Also present was City Attorney Stuller. Approval of Minutes Downing moved to approve the minutes with the following corrections: page one, paragraph two, line six, "onto" should be "into"; page one, paragraph three, line twelve, "objective's" should be "objectives"; page two, paragraph two, line fifteen, the word "of" should be "in"; page two, paragraph four, line ten, "persons" should be "person's"; page two paragraph four, line thirteen, "Business" should be "Businesses"; page two, paragraph six, line six, delete "draft" and add "resolution"; page two, paragraph eight, line eight, the number "4" should be added before "Then"; page three, paragraph one, line one, add "that" between record and thanks; same line, delete "thanks" and "to" and add "be given"; page three, paragraph two, line one, delete "to have" and add "that"; same line, add "subcommittee" after"Objectives"; page three, paragraph eight, line one, delete "the sub- committee" and add "that the Planning Office". Abbott made a second to the motion. All in favor, motion carried. Old Business Kane mentioned that at the last Council P4eeting the Study Session with Planning. Department represented the Planning and Zoning's City Council on justification and rationale for each recommendation they Zoning Code made about the amendments to the zoning code. The purpose of the study session is to have an exchange between the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council for comments and reasoning for the changes. The Planning Department will also give their input. The first area of disagreement was the height limitations. The Planning Office had recommended that the two limits be reduced to 32 feet in the CC and 28 feet in the CL districts. The Planning and Zoning suggested to permit higher buildings by special review to vary roof lines and to secure some open space between structures. Mayor Standley felt buildings with very little space between them were used for storage areas and had garbage between them. Collins felt they should have a special review for the height limitations. The second area of disagreement was dealing with calcu- lations with baseme is in the FAR. The Planning Office is recommending•~w the Commercial Core and the C-1 Districts that when subsurface parking is put in it be included in the FAR. The recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission was to exclude subsurface parking from the FAR. Kane explained the planning department's position which is to deal with auto disin- centive and the residential problem of where to park. Collins felt that by providing parking for the residents in the CC and C-1 districts, it would be creating more congestion and defeating the transportation system. Mayor Standley felt there should be off street parking required in the C-1 district and the construction of off street parking should be prohibited in the two commercial districts (CC and C-1). -1- - Z - ,,.,t ,r :TzaTno?gzad pua guauiaTa uo?gagzodsuazy aug ug?M u? pa?~ saM apuaz0 o?g aug gaug pap?oap saM g? 'Igzadozd apuaz0 o?g auq passnos?p pua gaw T?ouno0 F,g?0 pua Z9d auq aiu?g gsaT aus •Iq?zo?zd gsaub?u auq s? ages apuaz0 o?g auq gTa3 aagg?unuoo -qng san?goaCgO pua sTaoO auq gaug pauo?guauc pzo3uags san?goaCgO pua sTaoO •iu?aupoo0 ua?zg 'zogoaz?p bu?snou aa~oTduta ~iq uo?gab?gsanu? bu?puad abuauo bu?uoz aug ug?M 33o bu?pTou pagsabbns IsaTpuags zodays •aouags?p bu?XT ate uTug?M iuauq og aTgaT?ana ag TT?M buzug~zana asnaoaq zao a anau og anau you TTTM aaza gaug u? an?T gaug aTdoad auq os Ta?ozaunuoo poouzoqub?au a og pua ao?33o gsod auq o3 asoTo s? g? (5 :ssaooa ua?zgsapad poob a (y :uMOg og gig?u~?xozci poob a sau g? (£ :ag?s Tag?dsou aug zo uMOg >uoz3 bu?MOus you snug saazq abzaT ug?M pazanoo s? g? (Z ~33nTg a 30 u~oggoq auq ga uMOp s? gZ (T :suosaaz bu?MOTTo3 auq zo3 bu?snou Ta?quap?saz aadoTdiua zap?suoo og aoaTd poob a aq pTnoM Ma?naxaZ gaup gTa3 ~CaTpuags zonayg •axaz uieiiaH 3o gsaa pua ngzadozd uaucanzs auq 3o gsaM s? uoisin?pgns Ma?naxa7 •Ma?naxa7 saM guaiuaazbas?p 3o aaza ugx?s aup •dn g? sxaazq zan?z auq asnaoaq dgzadozd snonb?guoo aq og ngzadozci gaug zap?suoo g,up?p I~apTuagg zodays •p£-g pauoz s? zan?z auq ssozoa dgzadozd aqq 3o asnnoaq saM bu?uozuMOp auq zo3 uosaaz auq pauo?guaut su?TToO •paazba f•:aTpuags zoday4 •dgzadozd auq asauoznd og suo?ga?gobau axaiu og pap?oap sag I.g?o auq T?gun bu?uoz auq abuauo og z?a3un aq pTnoM g? g'[a3 ggogg~ 'aaza auq punoza Ta?quap?saz dua ag qou TT?M azaug asnaoaq abuauo bu?uoz auq ug?M paazbas?p IaTpuagg zohayy 'Qnd 5T-g oq Qnd 9-g iuoz3 bu?uoz aqq abuauo og s? uo?gapuaunuooaz s,guatugzadap bu?uuaTd auS •~gzadozd apuaz0 o?g auq 3o ugzou s? n'gzadozd aup uads~ auy •aup uadsy saM guauiaazbas?p 3o aaza uq3?3 auy •agis auq 30 o?gs?zagoazauo auq >uoz3 sa>uoo uo?gap -uaunuooaz auS •abuauo Aua puaunuooaz qou nTgagozd pTnoM ao?33o bu?uuaTd auq 'uMOg ogu? zasoTo pua aTgapT?nq aza~+i saris auq 3? 'zanaMOg •u?agunoy;~ uads~ 3o asaq aqq uo guau~uoaozoua zaggzn3 guanazd pua ling og saM ~IUdosoT?ud auq pauo?guaiu auax 'bu?bpoT sa za3 sa Fig?suap auq uMOp gno og puaunuooaz pTnoM ao?33o bu?uuaTd auq 3? 'aTgapT?ng azaM saris oMq auq 3? gaug paxsa su?TToO •uo?suadxa zo3 wooz anau sabpoT guasazd auq 3o Auatu gaug pauo?quasi auax •aTgapT?ng qou azaM sgoT auq pap?oap saM g? 'lxo gT?nq ag uao sabpoT~~u~agis oMq aqq bu?ssnos?p zag3H 'and 0£-g pauoz a g? gaug spuaunuooaz ao?330 bu?uuaTd auq 'Ond abpo~ 5T-g pauoz dTguazzno saazq oMq au~l(~ •abuauo bu?bpoT auq saM guauiaazbas?p 3o aaza ugzno3 auy •n`g?o auq zo3 uaddau uao gaug bu?ug gsaq auq pua I~g?o aqq zo3 s? bu?uoz auq gaqq 'osTy •I,g?0 aqq 3o fiu?uoz auq ug?M op og bu?ugou anau aTdoad auq 3o sa?g?Tauoszad aqq gau ? ~ ~ uogsuuor uaiuoMT?ouno0 ~~~.._ •,3yig ua sa asuap sa dTzaau qou gnq :gdaouoo guaiugzada zo zagsnTo auq bu?z?ubooaz g_g uaug Ag?suap zagaazb an?b pTnoM dzobagao bu?uoz Mau auy •bu?uoz g-g pua ,3ysx auq uaaMgaq dab a 3o asnaoaq Azobagao bu?uoz Mau a bu?nau pagsabbns daTpuagg zo~iays ~uo?gaooT gaug u? sg?sin g9 gzoddns g,upTnoo au gTa3 AaTpuagg zodayl •uo?gazap?suoo ogu? uaxag aq pTnous 'oog 'gaug szaa~ 3o zaqumu a zo3 aaza auq u? pan?T anaq pua bu?zaau o?Tgnd auq og aiuoo p?p Igzadozd aqq bu?uMO aTdoad auq gouts osT~z •szauMO auq ug?M sucaTgozd Tauoszad bu?gaazo ag pTnoM gr ngzadozd auq uo pabuauo s? bu?uoz auq 3i Mou pua Igzadozd auq uMO gaqq aTdoad auq uo?gazap?suoo ogu? axag pTnous uo?ss?unuo0 auq gTa3 bu?uMOa 'Qnd 9-g oq Pabuauo ag aaza auq gaug papuaunuooaz ao?330 bu?uuaTd aqy •anzn0 Tau?b?z0 auq uios3 gaazgg u?ays ssozoa pua uaiudg 3o pua gsaa auq qa pau?agaz aq (3y~[2i) nT?tua3-?gTny:-Ta?quap?sag gauq papuaunuooaz uo?ss?i:nuo0 bu?uoZ Put bu?uuaTd auy •go?zgs?p Ta?quap?sag-g auq u? saM guaiuaazbas?p 3o aaza pz?ug au S, 9L6T 'b nays uo?ss?unuo0 bu?uoZ pua bu?uuaTd uads~ TORY p C. f. XOECR EL B. B. B L G0. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves Regular Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission May 4 1976 Goals and Objectives the parking element of the downtown area. City Council (Cont'd) requested a parking plan of the downtown area before anything was done on the Rio Grande. The Planning Department's recommendation is not to do any long-range future planning about the parking; but to see what can be done with the Rio Grande. The main element that is being looked at is to construct the clean water from the Durant Mine going through the malls. The water will surface behind the Mill and Main Building where the water will be used for irrigation purposes on the Rio Grande site. The water will go through the Oden property into the Rio Grande site and will be distributed with small irrigation ditches. A sidewalk will be developed from Main Street to the Rio Grande site. The parking spaces need to be reorganized to make the layout more clear. Collins asked to have the goals and objectives on the May 18 agenda. Rezoning Hunter Clark explained the public hearing is on the resolution Street which the Planning ~d~~,ggp~artment wrote and the planning Public Hearing and zoning enacted ~7a endorses the change of zoning from "C" conservation to SPA specially planned area. Collins opened the public hearing. Bob Francis was present 6~C represent Stan Johnson. Francis explained that Johnson is opposed to the SPA zoningX because 7 years ago the property was zoned C-1 and continued to be zoned C-1 until the 1975 rezoning at which time the property was given the "C" conservation zoning designation. Johnson and Francis feel the "C" zoning is illegal. Francis went on stating the property was zoned "C" as a mistake on the part of the City and illegal in the sense that it consists of one small tract of land that has that zoning. Francis continued stating all the property around Johnson's property has a different type of zoning classification. Francis believes the reason the property is zoned "C" is because when the City was formulating the master plan in 1975, the City assumed the property belonged to the Ski Corp. which is not true. Francis mentioned the Ski Corp. did not object to the land being zoned "C"; however, Johnson was not contacted regarding the change of the zoning when the property was downzoned to "C" Conservation. Thus, the downzoning was illegal. Francis felt the land has been spot zoned which means a single isolated tract of land has been singled out for a special desig- nation. Francis feels the act of the city could be held to be confiscatory because of the fact that in its present state of "C" conservation, it can not be used for any use in that neighborhood which would be feasible under the permitted uses of conservation zoning. The only action that can be taken at this time is not a recommen- dation for SPA; but an initiation by the P&Z to initiate a rezoning to an appropriate zone for it to be CC or C-1. Downing questioned what the objections are to the SPA zoning. Francis explained the buyer is not obligated to buy the property zoned SPA. The buyer may not be happy with that designation. Downing mentioned that at the last meeting, Brandt's client had no objection to the SPA zoning. Brandt': response was~rovided that a suitable -3- ~~. _~_. • zac;gone zo uo?gapo±muoooe auo gbnozc;q Agzadozd auq qSo ua~[aq quaucasea qac;q anau pue •dzo~ ?;[g auq uq?M ucaTgozd auq anTosaz uao zauMOnueT ac;} pauo?quatu zaTTngS ~Cauzogq~ Aq?~ •auolue oq buoTaq q,up?p geuq ~gzadozd ~o gaa3 Z/T seM azauq qubnouq oxuas~ •dgzadozd auq ssozoe ssazbu? pue ssazba dzo~ T;[S auq aneb pup •dzo~ ?~[g auq ucozq ngzadozd au} qubnoq uosuuor pauo?quatu o~uaz~ •gaazgs pageoan e 30 ~ s? uo?uM ap?M qaa~ ~L£ s? Igzadozd aqq qno paqu?od o5[uazg •o?3~ezq uaizgsapad zoo craze u2 uaaq sheMTa sac.[ put zagoezauo pua Izogs?u sap?nozd ~igzadozd ac;q gTa3 o~[uaz~ •hgzadozd s,uosuuoP uegS ~o bu?uoz auq uo ~[eads oq quasazd seM oxuaz~ aouen •aTgauoseaz saM gsanbaz s,gpuezg gTa3 bu?uMOQ •bu?zaau o?Tgnd aqq sanas q? osT~ •uo?~eub?sap bu?uoz goez}sqe queoen e uaaq zaugaz qa ~[ooT oq aba:[oad Tegoq a T?ouno~ san?b q? asneoaq Teo?boT s? gsanbaz aqq sTaa3 gpuazg •uo?geub?sap .6u?uoz `3d3 ua 3o uo?gapuaunuooaz a pua ueTd zagsauc e 3o uo?gepuaunuooaz e uq?M T?ouno~ ~Cq?~ oq uo?gnTosaz auq PSPM303 a~u?q gauq qe uaaq pue pagdopa aq pTnoo uaTd zagsauc at;q djTn~adog •uo?gazap?suoa z?aqq zoo uo?ss-nu'uoo bu?uoz pua 5u?uuaTd aqq oq uaTd zagseiu a quasazd oq pua ~izessaoau Aanzns o?udezbodoq aqq op oq goaq?uoza ue az?u oq I,q?ungzoddo auq uan?b aq zaseuoznd auq geuq 'T?ounoo ~q?o oq uo papzamzo? n"TgdLUOZd aq qou uo?gnTosaz a*;q ~o uo?gepuam!uooaz e bu?zeau o?Tgnd aqq ~o asoTo auk. qe geuq pagsanbaz gpuezg •~igzadozd auq qo zasauoznd auq 30 3Tauaq uo quasazd saM gpuezg •Aq?o auq oq u?aqunouc auq moz3 uo?gagzodsuazq bu?p?nozd zo3 aq?s quagzoduc? ue oev~ze;ubznouq e se paz?ubooaz uaaq s~IaMTa pau q? auc?q aut~ qa geuq pau?aTdxa auex 'gaazgs pageoen auq pauo?gsanb pue dgzadozd auq ~o ssauanb?un auq pauo?gsanb s?ouazg •scuaTgozd quaucdoTanap sno?zas liue pasode~ squaucasaa auq Taa; q,up?p sTOUazg • squaucasea Iuavz pau Agzadozd auq gauq pauo?quauc osTe su?TTo~ •q? oqu? squ?ezgsuoo auq TTe bu?zq oq bu?uueTd 3o addq FZdS ua axeq oq aneq TT?M qi •suo?qaq?uc?T quaiudoTanap azanas 3o zaquinu Tazanas sau ages auq pauo?quauc su?TTo~ •pagdopa saM auoz auq pue 'uq?e3 pooh u? pagoe auq 'utauq oq paquasazd seM aTeuo?qaz auq TTe 'T?ouno~ dq?~ auq oq paq -uasazd seM q? 'uan?b uaaq pau ao?qou TabaT gauq puno3 pua Igzadozd auq uo uozaasaz auop pau quaucgzedap buTUUeTd auq asneoaq TebaT seM dgzadozd auq zoo bu?uoz auk qTa~ auax •qno paTbuis bu?aq azaM hauq as[?T Taal q,up?p zaqua~ auq 'Tansnun qou s? Kd8 •buzuoz abpoT Te?ozaunuoo oq pasoddo se ~Igzadozd auq 3o azngau o?Tgnd auq agepounuoooe pTnoM q? os ~dS pauoz seM zaqua~ au:L 'ages geuq ~o squaucaz?nbaz anb?un auq 3o abequanpe as[aq pTnoM gauq aaza auq ;o zagoazeuo Teuo?geazoaz auq uq?M huourzau u? aq pTnoM gauq ~Igzadozd auq uo doTanap pTnoM bu?uq -autos geuq Taob auq sdeMTa seM azaus •u?equnoui auq pue ~q?o auq uaaMgaq Tanezq ua?zgsapad zo3 goads uado aganb -apa bu?p?nozd pug 'aq?s uo?gaazoaz uo?ganzasuoo „~„ coeds uado zaaTo e s? uo?uM u?equnouc auq iuoz3 aTdoad bu?xeq 'aTdoad bu?zaugeb 3o siuzaq uT Tn3asn s? aq?s auq geuq agegs uo?uM T?ouno~ ~q?~ auq hq pagdope azaM geuq sTeob ageuc?q?b?T azaM azauq (Z :gaazgs pageoen a s? qT (T geuq qoa; auq ucoz3 san?zap uo?uM ages auq ;o ssauanb?un auq oq asuodsaz u? panTona bu?uoz ~dS pue uo?genzasuoo ~~J:: auq gauq zeugzn3 pau?eTdxa auex 'T-~ zo ~~ qe g3aT uaaq anew pTnous pue o?qs?zagoazeuo anb?un e pau dgzadozd auq Taal q,up?p s?ouez3 •o?qs?zagoazeuo anb?un sq? 3o asanoaq ~idS pauoz seM eaza auq geuq pau?eTdxa auaY •pazap?suoo pue Lqd oq paquasazd aq pTnoo ueTd zagseuc aTgauosaaz a T?gun paTnpauos aq qou bu?zeau o?Tgnd e geuq paxse gpuazg •pagdopa aq pTnoM ueTd zagseuc 9L6T ' b days uo?ss?unuo~ bu?uoz pue bu?uuaTd uads~ ~-. (p,quoo) bu?zaag o?Tgnd gaazgg zaqung bu?uozag ..,...,.,...,,.......•...._..,.w.•...._....e~. .._...... _ ,,,~...~.... RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves _ a.<<o Regular fleeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission May ~, 1976 Rezoning Hunter Francis conmlented stating that~f the easements are that Street ,~ ~ch of a significant point, s~ge~t~-to rezone the Public Hearing ~ ~~y,,,, property C-1. If the easements prevent any development (cont'd) If's~ then everyone will be happy. I3owever, the easements are U not that significant. Also, the real issue is whether the change to Conservation was accomplished legally. City Attorney Stuller explained to the commission that when they resolved to discuss the mat er.,_the commission made as a preamble to the resolution ~~ the commission felt the previous zoning was incorrect; however, the conunission did not question the illegality. The incorrect zoning is what is precipitating the present discussion. City Attorney Stuller feels the discussion is a more concrete discussion as to the advisability of the SPA designation itself or the more appropriate nature of the C-1 designation. City Attorney suggested to go on to the merits of the proposal and district. Collins closed the public hearing. i4otion Downing moved to table the Stan Johnson property pursuant r~request; Abbott seconded the motion. to Mr. C ~ ra S Collins asked to have the Stan Johnson property on the agenda as soon as possible. All in favor of the motion. Motion carried. Historic Designation Stanford explained there was a request from the property of PIesa Store owners of the Piesa Store Bakery and the Floradora for Bakery and llistoric Designation. Stanford mentioned that because Floradora Council may not approve the P4ain Street Historic District he would like to see the Mesa Store and the Floradora become designated. Also there is a possibility it could enhance the properties. The Planning Office is requesting the P&Z's preliminary approval on the request by the Historic Preservation Committee for recommending to Council that the P1esa Store Bakery and the Floradora be designated '°llistoric" and setting the public hearing for June 1, 1976 which requires 15 days of public notice. PIotion Abbott made a motion to set the public hearing for June 1, 1976; seconded by Downing. All in favor, motion carried. Tailings Apartments Clark explained the Tailings Apartments is an application Conceptual Subdivision for the condominimization of the existing apartment house located on Park Circle. The property is zoned BPIF and consists of 16,837 square feet. The development consists of 4 one bedroom units of about 536 square feet each; and 6 two bedroom townhouse units. One unit is larger (2,000 sq.ft. unit, occupied by owner). The concerns of the planning office~"re l) parking requirement is 16 spaces. Only 1~ spaces are available on the site. The planning department would recommend keeping the 15 parking spaces because of the constraint of adding additional -parking spaces; 2) concerned with changing from rental apartrent units to ownership of units. The Planning Office caould like the P&Z to address how the overall type of change is helping or hindering the housing market. The planning department does recommend approval of the Tailings Condominiums for conceptual subdivision approval. -5- xzaT~ ~~?~ _~dou 'uI~CT?I S4 ~a T'T •tu•d pp:g ~P uznoCpP oq panoul bu?uMOQ 'buTSOTO a~P T'}TLIT o~ zogoadsui bu?pTTn4 aLjq o~ do aq TTTM qi •LUatj~ o~ paquezb s2M t3o?qM ~?ulzad aLjq ~o uOT'}PTOTA P 3o aTdulPxa pooh P s? s?Ljq 'zanaMOfi •uMOp ulatjq 51zrsoTo u? uaxP} aq ~TaPaozd TT?M uo?~oP ou 'uMOp ulaLjq asoTo o} T?P~ua pTnoM ~.PLj'J, xzoM an?gPZgs?u?IUpP aq~ ;o asnPOaq pau?PTdxa auPg •ap?s zaLjgo aLj~ uo doLjs„p~aLj;, P puP ap?s auo uo spzooaz s? aq o} qno pauzn~ sPLj dogs aLj~ }PLjjA •aTgPT?PnP suossaT o?snug aq pTnoM azatjq puP 's~uatunz~su? TTas pTnoM gPLj~ s2azP paMOLjs goTgM sbu?MPZp pPtj ~aLj~ :TTPp1 ~ueznQ atjq u? uo?CPU?ulzagaQ asn P zoo bu?gsanbaz sPM o?sny4 Tuulp uagt~l •}PLjq op nTnoo ~IaLj~ ~Ta3 auPx •~auoLU z?aLj~ 30 autos agPOOTTP pTnoo T?ouno~ ~~.?~ ~PLj~ pa}sabbns zaTTn~s ~auzo}~y d~?~ •saLj~T~~ r zo3 aa~~?unuoogns san?~oaCgp puP sTPO9 aLjq o~ pa~a~pn~ aq sa?uoul gPtjq paxsP }~oqq~ •pa?zzPO uo?~oLU 'zonP3 u? TTK •uo?}oLU aq~ papuooas bu?uMOQ ~„asnoLj abP?zzPO„ aLj~ zo3 bu?zeatj o?Tgnd P has o~ uo?tom P apPUI ~aoaa~ •abuPLjo apoo bu?uoz }PLj~ zoo bu?zPaLj o?Tgnd P }as Z5d aq~ bu?gsanbaz s? ~}uaur?zadap fiu?uuPTd aLjy •uMOq u? sqo?z~s?p TPT~LiapTSaz STIOT.TPA SIT do bu?bu?zds z?age MoTTP TT?~s }nq s~oPdtu? z?aqq zo3 stunasnul Ma?naz oq Z5d MoTTP pTnon+ LjOTL[M gorz~.s?p g-g aLj~. u? sasn TPUO?q?puoo sP sumasm~*. bu?z?ubooaz abuPLjo apoo P s? 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