HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19751216RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
fORM f0 L. i. NOECM El 9. B. R L, [0.
Regular Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jack Jenkins at 5
Roger Hunt, Patrick Dobie, Chic Collins, Danny Abbott and
present. Also present was City/County Planner Bill Kane;
the Planning Department and City Attorney Stuller.
100 Leaves
December 16, 1975
:10 p.m. with members
Brian Goodheim
and Hal Clark from
Old Business City Attorney Stuller explained that Randy Wedum had
Wedum-Hyman previously been in for conceptual subdivision to the
Preliminary Planning and Zoning and was given approval for the con-
Plat ceptual subdivision for 8 units. Wedum would like to
be exonerated from the mandatory PUD and would, instead
of building the 8 units and do an entire PUD complex,
build 4 lots one by one and sell them. City Attorney
Stuller continued explaining that there is an amendment
for doing that and if the Planning and Zoning make a
determination that all of the objectives of the PUD
determination have been satisfied in his plan then the
Planning and Zoning may exonerate him from the mandatory
PUD requirements. Before exonerating him from mandatory
PUD the concerns are that there is correct location of
building for slope stability, correct location of
entries, driveways, access roads etc., determination that
there is sufficient water pressure and otherthings that
are itemized in the code.
Clark had one hesitiation and that was regarding the
access situation to the subdivision. That is that it be
not in thelower Oklahoma Flats Road, but it be from
Gibbson Avenue ~sYe2Y.. vdedum was willing to go along with
the stipulation.
Wedum presented his application and reduced the 8 units
to 4 lots because of the proposed downzoning which will
be presented to City Council. Because of the proposed
downzoning, City Attorney Stuller explained that the
City had legal precedent for making the project conform
to proposed zoning once that proposed zoning had been
considered by an official public body. The proposed
downzoning would change thearea from R-15 to R-30
residential. It was discussed whether the 8 units in the
modified application for preliminary approval would have
met minimum lot size requirements of the R-30 zoning on
the 2.15 acre property.
Jenkins mentioned that he did not object to the concep-
tual application for a four-lot subdivision since the
commission had previously approved a conceptual plan
for 8 units.
Motion Hunt moved that they exempt the Wedum-Hyman project from
planned unit development and recommend conceputal 4 units
subdivision and one of the amendments would be that no
parking be shown on the plat on Spring Street. There is
a correction for 4 lots and not 4 units; seconded by
Abbott. All in favor, motion carried.
New Business Clark mentioned that thePardee exemption had been
Use Determination Clark asked that there was a new request which came
in Durant Mall in from the Building Inspector, Clayton Meyring, and
Record Shop would like to have it put on the agenda. The request
is for a use determination in the Durant Mall. There
was no objection.
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agg u? abEgoo3 az2nbs aqq gEqq paurETdxa pzo3uEgg -uasazd s,pzo3uEgg
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aqq zapun SgT3 a.IOgS pzooaz a zaggagM ST uo?gau?u~Zagap
agy •auoz gagg u? pagq?IUZad s? gEqq sasn aqq 3o auo
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qou s? gi
dogs pzooaZ E zo3 s? gsanbazagg puE TE?ozaunuoo guaznQ
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SL6T '9T zaquiaoaQ uo?ss?unuo~ bu?uoZ puE bu?uuETd
100 Leaves
FO0.M N C. F. NDEIX EL B. B.9 L, GD.
Regular Meetin As en Planning and Zonin Commission December 16, 1975
Downzoning The total of all of
(cont'd) feet with a maximum
square feet.
Stanford showed drawings relating to what
talking about in neighborhood commercial.
was of what thebuild out would be under t
code showing the required parking spaces.
pointed to a line which was the amount of
Trueman property.
the zones should be 589,012 square
total square footage of 581,623
they were
The drawing
~e existing
acerage on the
Stanford showed the comparison of City Market. The
intention was to justify the FAR of the neighborhood
commercial. Kane mentioned that in order to not have
a multi-level type parking structure the driving
motivator has to be cut down; thus cutting down the
parking. Therefore, there has to be shared parking in
the area; so the concept of having the post office and
the neighborhood commercial in the same area people
will only have to make one stop and take advantage of
the services with that one stop.
The next diagram showed the new office district. What
the Planning Department has done is eliminated the O-1
and O-2 and created a new office district which will
basically have the set back requirements similar to the
R-6 district on each side of commercial core C-1 districts
and on Main Street and the small are north of Main.
Giving the yard requirements, this gives you this area
of building with a FAR of 1:1. There would be .75 for
office and .25 for residential with the residential being
tied into thehousing program. The intent of having the
set-backs in this area is to allow thebuilding to be in
similar scale to be in the existing developments in those
Goodheim's resigna- Goodheim read a letter of his resignation from the
tion o
Planning and Zoning Commission. Basically the reason
his resignation was that the City was joining the County
as a sponsor of the housing authority, which Goodheim
will be the director for and will become an employee
of the City; therefore ineligible to serve on the City
Jim Adams Jim Adams, Acting Transportation Director proposed that a
Proposal for third, roughly equal, neighborhood commercial center be
Neighborhood .
planned west of Castle treek north of Highway 8
Commercial on the
The two neighborhood commercial centers, at present, are
west en at the City Market and Durant Mall and the Trueman property
Adams presented a map showing the traffic which is
ill be
presently generated at City Market an
if the neighborhood commercial goes through on the
Trueman property. The reason for a neighborhood
commercial at the West end of Castle Creek would be to
re-route the traffic from the congested Main Street and
the central core area. This would reduce traffic by
more than 20 percent going across Castle Creek Bridge;
therefore, eliminating 3140 crossings per day in peak
periods. Adams distributed a copy which showed a study
of the amount of traffic which crosses Castle Creek
Bridge. Another reason for a third neighborhood
commercial would be not only to decrease traffic, but to
stop the pollution and instead of having the Treeman
property as the only traffic generator, the traffic wou
be spread over three different neighborhood comm
x~aT~ `~}T ~qn Q '~T I .•W uqa z-rT3
'mo'd OO~L qP pau.znoCpP bu?gaaW
a?qoQ ~Iq papuooas :uznoCpP o} uo?}our P apPU~ qung uo?}oy~
•TPOb s?qq ana?qoP pTnoo bu?uoz puP bu?uuPTd aq} os
puP bu?uaddPq utoz~ uo?~sabuoo o?3~P.z~ ~uana.zd o~ buiuoz
aq~ u? pagdopP sPM ~daouoo TProzaunuo~ poogzogqb?ag~auq
'}PL[~ puP a.zoo s,uadsy ui uorgsabuoo of ~,~P.z~ ~o uo?gonpaz
aqq uaaq pPu TPOb uadst~ u~,zaq-buoT aq~ aouo qP ~PLj~ s.xa
-uo?ss?unuoo papu?uta.z puP uPU[.z?Pq~ sP uo?ss?unuo~ bu?uoZ puP
buTSIUPTd aq} uo uPiII,TTPq~ sP panzas auo?q auo '}P smPp~
•xaaz~ dpooM puP ~}?~ aq~ urq~TM OOL8
dTgbno= puP Pa.zP uadsy aqq ur 000'£T 3o azaM sagPUn~}sa
uo?}PTndod quazzno aq~ asnPOaq aTgPin dTTPO?u~ouooa aq
pTnoM sza~uao aazq} a.PLj} puP :ao?33o '}sod TTPUCS P anPq
~Tq?ssod pTnoM pua }saM aqq gPgq puP Pa.zP TPZquao
aq~ 3o qno szaddogs aq} 3o aiuos bu?daax 3o Pap? aq} pax?T
auPx •d?z} auo u? ao?3~p gsod aq~ o} ob puP bu?ddogs
z?aqq jTP op pTnoo ~aqq azagM a.zoo TP,I}uao aq} oq an?zp
aTdoad aq} bu?nPu .za3azd pTnoM puP sTProzaunuoo pooq
-zoggb?au aa.zq~ gsoddns oq gbnoua abzPT qou s? uadsy ~o
uor}PTndod aq~ gPgq ~Ta~ su?xuar •d}?~ aq~} oqu? ~CPMgb?q
aq} a~POOT o~ azagM sap?oap d~?o aq~ T?qun pua gsaM aq}
qP TP?ozaunuoo poogzogqb?au pz?qq P 3o uo?~.POOT goaxa uP
hods o} azngPUta.zd SPM }T.gPq} }Ta3 auPx 'zanaMOg •Pap? (p,quo~)
pooh P sPM TP?o.zaunuoo poogzogqb?au pz?qq P qPq~ qTa~ auPx surep~ u[ir
SL6T '9T .zaqutaoaQ uo?ssrunuo~ bu?uoZ puP buruuPTd