HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19751204RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FgiM f0 C. f. XOEtY. EI B. B. 8 L. CO. Study Session Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission December 4, 1975 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jack Jenkins at 5:15 p.m. with members Mike Otte, Roger Hunt, Chic Collins, and Brian Goodheim present. Also present was City/County Planner Bill Kane; Hal Clark and John Stanford of the Planning Department. Downzoning Kane mentioned that the Planning and Zoning are having a study session on the recommended zoning amendments for the City of Aspen. One of the proposed changes is to reduce grocery stores from 20,000 sq.ft. to 12,000 sq.ft. Stanford is going to explain the amendments which the Planning Department are recommending and then there will be discussion. Stanford presented a slide show. The reason for the slide show was to show Planning and Zoning what the Planning Department perceives being the reason for a request for a further downzoning. First group of slides - buildings which have been approved during the last year that are under construction or will eventually be under construction. The slides were of the Durant Mall Building which, at present, has a floor area ratio of 2:1 and under the zoning change which is being proposed is twice the size that would be allowed in that particular district. The present proposal would be a FAR of 1: 1. The problem is the impact of parking that it will have with City Market also being there. The Bergman Building-the impact that it will have on single family house next door. Second group of slides - sites that have potential floor construction of office or commercial uses. These slides were of the lot west of the Isis, three victorian houses or cabins to maybe used for City Hall office space, Hyman Brand Building next to Alpine Jewelers, the Ski Corp property north of Rubey Park, the Sinclair Site on Cooper and Galena Streets which the City may purchase to be the focal point for the Mall design, the Wienerstube garden which if the City purchases will create the highest point of identity, and the Trueman property recommended for a food store. Third group of slides - the sites have not been looked at but is possible for expansion are existing buildings in the commercial core and C-1 district such as Aspen Sports, expansion onto the Aspen A's, extend the Durant Galena Building. Fourth group of slides - sites of certain lodge areas to be downzoned. These slides were of the residential area east of Concept 600 Building zoned multi-family and we are recommending that it be zoned R-6; area behind present bus'system, where old Riverside Trailer Park used to be-recommending it be zoned R-15 and is presently zoned R-6; The Aspen One project which is adjacent to Rio Grande Site-City would like to acquire this site, it is zoned R-6 and proposing it be zoned R-15; Lakeview edition-west of Mill Street on other side of Trueman property, presently zoned R-6 recommending area be zoned R-15; Oaklahoma Flats presently zoned R-15 and have petition from residents of Okalahoma Flats to have it zoned R-30 mandatory PUD; east side of town between Hopkins and Hyman both sides of Hyman Street adjacent to river, presently zoned multi-family recommedning it be zoned to R-6; area west of town at -Z- •buipjinq •g3•bs 000'9 E pjrnq uEO no~i 'ga'bs 000'9 anEu nod 3T suaauc uozuM :j :j oq j:S•j 30 OTq E.2 EazE zooT3 quasazd auq uioz3 uoigonpaz E buipuaunuooaz --azogg aous arzzp puE azogg azooW qEd azauM EazE--gaazqg zaqung puE gaazqg buizdg uaaMgaq azoo jEiazaunuoo auq 30 gs2a sxoojq aazuq auq-goizgsrp j-jEiozaunuoo auq (q •aoEds jEiquapisaz 3o qunomE uiEgzao E ap-rnozd noA 3i jEZOZaunuoo j2uoigippE pjrnq oq nod MojjE oq snuoq E si azauy •jEiozaunuoo jELIOTgTppE oqut •g3•bs 000'£ bSITUTEllIaz gEuq 3o S/Z puE jETquapisaz oqur 000'£ buZUZEUIaS gEuq 3o S/Z qnd nod 3z pjrnq oq •g3•bs 000'£ jEUOigippE anEq uauq 'g3'bs 000'6 oq uo •g3•bs OOS'6 u8aui pjnoM uojuM S:j qE buipjinq E pjrnq pjnoo nod gEuq si buipuaunuooaz azE aM gEuM •j:S'j 30 2IK3 E 3o buzpjrnq E pjrnq oq 'qubiz ~iq 'anEu no~i 'Mainaz jEZOads Iq aq pjnoM gEuq ' zanaMOu : j : Z 30 ozgEZ EazE zooT3 ucnuitxEtu E u-rEqu-rEUi EazE stag gEuq buipuaunuooa~ •azoo jEtozaunuoo aqq ~CjjEZaub ST Lj~TuM gaazqg zaqung oq zano uoz2uoW oq gaazqg IITEjnj 3o ugzou dajjE gszi3 aqq 'asnog gzno~ aqq puiuaq dajjE aqq oq quEZna uioz;-azoo jEi ozaunuoo aqq (E •sgoTZgstp snoizan ut paMOjjE aq pjnoM gEuq azrs aqq ui uMOp qno aq sbutpjrnq aoi33o puE jETOZaunuoo zo3 paMOjjE azis auq gEuq buTpuaunuooaz-(g~3) oigE~ Eaz~ zooT3 auy (j :sMOjjo3 sE azE suotgEpuaunuooaz auy •jrouno~ aqq oq urauq paggiuiqns qou anEq puE padojanap gsnC sEu aor33p buiuuEjd aqq uozuM suoigapuaunuooaz autos azE azauq gEuq pautEjdxa pzo3uEgg •qT [[q-rM op oq buiugou sEu SL6T 3o saizag 'jj# aouauipzp gEgq puE sbuipjznq quasazd auq 3o jjE pagEZauab gEuM sEM '£L6T 3o saizaS '6T# aouauipzp gEuq gja3 surxuar •pauaddEu qSn~ SEu gEi.~M ugrM do spua dgaTxuE auq puE pageazo si ~Iga-rxuE 'sauozuMOp ~iqi~ auq auiTq~Czana gEuq gja3 surxuar •buiuozuMOp zaugouE 3o zonza3 anrgEjnoads E 3o asnEOaq gjinq azE sbuipjinq gEuq gja3 uciaupoo~ •zaununs auq uT uoigonzgsuoo azoui oq paj puE buizds gsEj ~ijzEa dginzgoE uotgonzgsuoo buiuiooq E oq pagnq-rzquoo [~gijTQEjZEAE bauoui puE sagas gsazaqui 3o buixEjaz jazauab E sEM azauy •pagoadxa q,upEu jzouno~ gEuq uoigonzgsuoo 3o sjanaj auq pagiojdxa buiuoz buigsixa auq ajgEjiEnE auiEOaq ~Cauoui auq aouo os :uoigonzgsuoa Mau zo3 jEgzdEO pagorzgsaz 3o poizad E zag3E ajgajTEAE aiuEOaq ~iauoui zaununs stag gEuq paijdaz auEg •gjinq butaq azaM sbuipjinq panozddE snoizan 30 g3'bs 000'OLj auq gEuq gja3 auEg auM pauoigsanb suixuar •aoEds aoz33o ui sXoaggas zaugzn3 zo3 paxooj jiouno~ 'azo3azauq :uorsuadxa azngn3 3o bu-rjaa3 E puE dgi.znoasui 3o buijaa3 a sEM azauy •zaununs szuq aoajd xooq uoiuM uoigonzgsuoo 3o qunouiE auq 3o asnEOaq jTOUno~ Aq-r~ ugiM suo-rssas 3o gjnsaz E azE papuaunuooaz buiaq azE gEuq squaucpuaum buiuoz auq gEgq pauoTquaui auEg •ssad aouapuadapui pzEMOq uapzE~ agngszauaiM auq .nano gaazqg EuajE~ ucoz3 auEjdMatn E bu-rgoous pazapisuoo anEu dauq gEuq pauoiquaui pzo3uagg •saazE abpoj auq auozuMOp zaugzn3 oq suoigapuaunuooaz ~Iua apEUi qou pEu quaurgzadaQ buiuuEjd auq gEuq pauoiquaiu pzo3uEgg •uoigonzgsuoo zapun saazE abpoj 3o azaM sapzjs auy •saazE abpoj 3o azaM - sapijs 3o dnozb uq3?3 •uozganzasazg otzogsig zo3 anjan sau puE uouE~ uoszapuy axij zaquao sg3EZO puE sgzE ua zo3 pasn aq ~IEUI qr qr sasEuoznd ~Iqt~ 3? PuE Sj-2I oq 9-2I uioz3 buiuoz buibuauo 'duaduio~ zaqumq juox :Sj-g pauoz aq auij giuctj ~Iqi~ auq buojE sxoojq uiEgzao burpuaunuooaz (p,quoo) 9-~ pauoz ~Cjquasazd 'uiaqunoW uadsy gsaM 3o asaq buiuozuMOa SL6i '6 .zaquiaoaQ uoissiunuo~ buiuoZ puE buiuuEjd uadsy fOgM )p L. F. NOf LK EL 0. 0. 9 L. CO. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves _Study Session Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission December 4, 1975 Downzoning c) commercial-Lodge-presently the Aspen Square (cont'd) Building, the North of Nell Building, and a portion of the block immediately south of Rubey Park towards the mountain from Rubey Park; recommending they are built up and only remaining land is small amount of land south of Rubey Park and at that location we are recommending present floor area ratio is 2:1 and we are recommedning that this be reduced to 1.5:1 in this area down here. d) neighborhood commercial area-block where there is the City Market, Durant Mall Building; recommending that the present floor area ratio which is 1:1 be reduced to .5:1 e) Service/Commercial/Industrial-remaining portion of the Trueman property; recommending floor area ratio be reduced from 2:1 down to 1:1 f) The present code excludes sub-basements, basement storage areas in CC and C-1 and basement parking in all the districts from the floor area calculations and we are recommending that these items be included in the FAR calculations which means the basement parking in the Durant Mall Building would be included in the FAR as opposed to it being excluded. 2) District and District Boundary Amendments-relates to Office District a) Office-1 District-located immediately west of the commercial core and another Office-1 District located between Spring Street and Original Curb and Original Street. Recommending that we develop a new office district. Stanford mentioned the Aspen Savings and Loan area which has vacant land and has single family homes of victorian character. The same is also true between Spring Street and Original Street. The intent of new office district would be to provide for the establishment of offices and associated commercial uses in such a way as to perserve thevisual scale and character of formerly residential areas that now are adjacent to commercial and business areas and along Main Street and other high volume thoroughfares. The Permitted Uses--Single family, duplex and multi-family residences, professional and business offices. Conditional Uses-- Art, dance or music studios, museums and morturaries, library, day care centers, restaurants and boarding houses if located in a structure which has received an H, Historic Designation, and adequate parking is provided on site with access from an alley. Stanford mentioned that this condition does exist in Office-2 district which goes along Main Street. Council requested this in order to preserve the character of Main Street. b) With regard to the area and bulk requirement of the new office district the Planning Department is recommending the same as in the R-6 District which is the same as the residential district like in the West end and along Main Street. The Intent is to respect the scale of the Victorian and holder of the single family homes. c) There will also be an enlargement of the Office District. The Planning Department is recommending that the area off of Mill Street, The Oden Property, which is about 1/2 a block behind the Hotel Jerome; be zoned Office. It is presently neighborhood commercial. 3) Height and Setback Amendments a)Commercial C-1-east of the commercial core reducing the height limit from 40' down to 32' -3- ~~ -~- ^.. •zabzej uaaq anew pjnoo sbu?pj?nq aug ;o goje geuq pauo?quatu pzo;uegS •panu?quoo ugMOZb auq os 'sbu?pj?nq je?ozaunuoo qno g,up?p qT qnq uo?qez?u~TUrucopuoo gno azo;aq ucoz; bu?uozuMOp aug geug qja; SiITS[naj~ ',ZaugTa s? geug ;o sgoa;;a auq geuM Moux q,uop aM pue asja bu?ugauios o} geug bu?bueuo ~ipeazje aze aM pue anew aM geuM ;o aze sgaa;;a auq gegM Moux q,uop aM geug pauo?guau~ su?xuar •panjos uaaq seu uiajgozd jeaz auq j?gun dzaud?zad auq og bu?ob aq g,upjnous aM geug sjaa; su?xuar •geuq abueuo og sn paxse j?ouno~ pue aq og uadsy axrj pjnoM aM gei[M ;o zaq~e.IEu~ u? zo ajeos u? qou aze sbu?pj?nq asauq geug jaa; aM 'zaununs s?ug do auob anew geug sbu?pj?nq jezanas pue bu?pj?nq geuq oq asuodsaz a s? abueuo bu?uoz s?uy •bu?pj?ng jjeW queznQ auq gnoge squ?ejdiuoo ;o goje 'ag?ununuoo auq u? uo?goeaz buozgs a s? azaug geug pau?ejdxa au2g •bu?uozuMOp dq us?jducoooe og bu?~Czg aze ,iauq geuM :op og burdzg s? guaiugzedaQ bu?uuejd auq sr g? geuM puegszapun g,upjnoo su?xuar •AjddnS ogn~I s,dde~ (u~ 'jjeH dq?~ pu?uaq sasnou aazug (j 'Igzadozd dzoR ?$S uads~ (x 'dzaxeg s,33?j~ ajgg?'I (~ 'ag?S dued~uo~ zaqumz uoog (? 'buiPj?nH jjaN 3o ugzoN (u '~Igzadozd o?zgoajS ssoz~ hjoH (b '~Cgzadozd aup uadsy (; uapzeg agngszaua?M (a 'azgeauy s?s= ;o gsaM go'I (p 'xzEd sseg (o '~Igzadozd ueuueuong (q 'ag?S z?ejou?S (e sa?gzadozd jeo?qrz~ ;o suo?gis?nbo~ o?jgnd papuaunuooag (9 Q[ld abpoz 0£-2I pauoz aq bu?puaunuooaz asgo?zqs?p abpo] guasazd auq anoge-abpoz Sj-2I pauoz sBaz~ (u •Sj-g oq g-g ucoz; pabueuo aq g? bu?puaunuooaz :~igzadozd ueuranzy auq ;o gsaM-uojsin?pgnS Ma?naxeZ (b QRd 9-g og ,3Wg uioz; ob g? bu? -puaunuooaz :bu?pj?ng 009 gdaouoR auq ;o gsea summ?u?iuopuoR qzn~ jeSITbTZQ auoz; ssozoe xoojq-[~jTUIe;-TgjnW (; QRd Sj-g og 9-g ~OZ3 pabueuo aq q? bu?puaunuooaz-(ueuueuong) ap?szan?g (a •Sj-g og 9-g ucoz; pabueuo aq auoz auq bu?puaunuooaz :aq?S apuez~ o?2I auq ;o ugzou-dgzadozd aup uads~ (p 'QRd 0£-g og QRd Sj-2I loos; pabueuo aq auoz auq bu?puaunuooaz-gzadozd ssozR djoH pue sgeT3 EUIOuejSIO (o 9-g og dj?uie;-?gjnW loos; ob oq bu?puaunuooaz :gaazgS su?xdoH pue ueui~IH uo san?z auq ;o gseg quaoeCpe-(gseg) je?guap?sag pax?W (q •5j-g og 9-g loos; pauoz aq og bu?puaunuooaz :sxoojq ;o zaquinu bu?~C;?quap? u?equnoW uads~ gsaM oq guaoeCpe ease-ease (gsaM) je?quap?sag pax?W (e sgo?zqs?Q je?quap?sag padojanapuR og sguaurpuaun7 (S •g;•bs 000'6 oq 'ga'bs 000'TZ uioz; bu?puamtuooaz-aoua?jdd~ zoC2W (q •sbu?zdS pooMUaj~ u? azogs ~eMa;eS auq u? anew no~i geuM og 3ejTUITS sgonpozd snozauinu jeuo?g?ppe bu?Azzeo ~Iq uads~ u? age?zdozddeu? s? sjaa; guaur;zedaQ bu?uuejd auq u~TgM azogs •g;•bs 000'SZ s se uonui se ugTM do pua jj?gs u2o no~I sgonpozd poo; oq pag?~u?j gaa; azenbs 000'Zj ggTM uana asneoaq seM auop seM s?uq uosaaz auy 'g3'bs 000'Sj aq pjnoM abegoo; azenbs ssozb jegoq auy •abezogs pue sgonpozd ~Czossaooe dzaoozbjeuo?g?ppe zo; •g;•bs 000'£ jeuo?q?PPe ue pue djuo sgonpozd poo; og qau •g;•bs 000'Zj og 'g3'bs 000'OZ uioz; paonpaz aq SIOTgegTlllTj abegoo; azenbs azogs poo; geug bu?puaunuooaz-azogs poo3 (e SSIOTgegTUi?'j abegoog azenbS-g•£-~,Z uo?goaS oq squauipuauc~ (~, •u?egunoW uadsy ;o aseq aug ge s? eazE auy •seaze Z-abpoz pue j-abpo? aug u? se auras s? ease gub?au s?uy •qaa; 8Z og gaa3 Ob auoz; gub?au aug bu?onpaz pue xzed ~iagng ;o ugnos sa?gzadozd aug aq pjnoM pagoa;;a aq (p,guoo) pjnoM geuq sa?gzadozd ~ijuo aug-abpo] je?ozaunuoo (q bu?uozuMOa SL6T 'b zaqucaoaQ uo?ss?unuoQ bu?uoz pue buTauejd uadsy RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FOgq 1e C. F. xaE CN EL B. 8.9 l G0. Study Session Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission December 4, 1975 Downzoning Stanford mentioned an exercise which was done in order (cont'd) to limit areas on the west end where the Planning Department felt the R-6 should be reduced to R-15. The area is adjacent to City limit line area north of where the Parlour Car is. Main Street bisects the O-2 district and the Planning Department is recommending that Main Street, Papecke Park, Hopkins and Hyman, Seventh Street that instead of R-6 bisecting them that R-15 bisect them. Hunt questioned the R-15 versus the R-6 along the old right-of-way if that is reasonably single ownership where it could be R-15 PUD or are we talking about just R-15 there. Stanford mentioned that the O-2 district extends from alley to alley on Main Street. When they looked at the land use they came up with the pattern of uses with the (Stanford used a color coded map which can be seen in the Planning Department) red being commercial. Identified the Ice Gardens be commercial. Pointed out the location of the Parlour car restaurant. There are a number of lodges along Main Street, however scattered throughout the area and this area, under Ordinance ;~19, Series of 1973, tends to be the mixed residential area. In that area we have multi-family, single-family as well as lodging and even some offices. The yellow represents the single faraily, the grey represents vacant land and there is a considerable amount of vacant land. Given the ownership land would lend the City into an R-15 situation. So given the two elements of information and property ownership of landuse we are recommending that the R-15 follow this configuration along the City limit line with Mandatory PUD. Stanford said that there is a justification for reducing the floor area ratio of the neighborhood commercial zoning district. The Planning Department feels that the floor area ratio of a neighborhood commercial is too much in order to meet the requirements per code. There would have to be multi-level parking, which is not consistent for neighborhood shopping. Kane felt that the FAR that we have now, the site will be overwhelmed by parking and buildings. The existing FAR is a heavy urban thing; it covers the whole site with parking and building and to be more consistent with the neighborhood setting should cut down the FAR of the building which then cuts down the parking requirement and will then cut down the amount of building coverage and parking coverage. Thus there will be more open space and landscaping. Kane also mentioned that because of the combined parking with the Post Office the full requirement for parking will not be enforced. Kane mentioned that the FAR of the building is set at the ratio 1/2 of the lot area so parking that it generates is approximately half and the open space will go up. Jenkins response was that we will never get a neighborhood commercial in that area. Jenkins said that he didn't understand because on the same piece of land that has a given value to it; and you're talking about the West end routine it has a value of residential and he feels that he has to have tha much open space and tha much is not economically a possibility. Kane felt that that is an economic statement and we are not in a position to deal with that. -5- ~^ -9- 'gEqq ugTM ~aTgozd E sEu au uauq gsanbaz E d;sig2s oq buruga~os buzop gsnC azE aM ;T puE 'bump azE aM gEuM puEgszapun q,uop ~TTEaz aM gEuq qTa; suTxuar •squa~anozd~z TEiouauT; agEazo oq puEdxa oq ~giungzoddo auq anEu pjnous puE do gTinq puE 'pazogsaz 'pagEnouaz aq dTgagozd pinous gEuq sbuipTinq a~os pauoTquaw osTE auEx •sazgzTzoE; ;nods TiEgaz uo TEiozaunuoo puE 'TETquapTSaz 'azoo TEiozaunuoo auq aouETEq puE dzq oq uoeozddE aTgauoseaz E axEq puE ~zq oq o} papuaunuooaz quauigz2daQ buiuuETd auq gEuM •azauq uMOp sbuTpTznq azouuCuE aq q,upTnous azauq 'azoo TEZOZaunuoo aqq uo azaaz; E qnd gsnC s,gaT dES aTdoad TEZanas pEu aM buiuozuMOp aqq ugiM suraTgozd puE suozgoaCgo zzauq puE zo; buzxooT azaM auq gEqM qno Taa; oq paizq puE Tiouno~ ~qz~ ugiM siuq passnoszp auq uauM gEuq buTUTETdxa panuTquoo auEx •qoa;;a qau aqq sz gEqq 'uedsy ;o ~gi~auq ui TEiquagod qua~doTanap TEgoq zaMOT E si ugTM do bui~oo azE aM gEqM •azoo TEiozaunuoo aqq ui qua~doTanap TETquapisaz oq goads aoi;;o aouETEq si op oq buidzq sT quaucgzadaQ buiuuaTd auq gEuM •buiuozuMOp TTa qou sT ~I •sabuauo papuaunuooaz auq ;o a~os buixooTzano si au gauq suTxuar oq pauozqua~ osTa auEx •pagadzoTquE-nano ~auy •a~iq a~ES auq qa sbuipTTnq TETOZaunuoo zTauq uo padumC auo~zana gEuq qoE; auq ~q dTabzeT papuapzna si qi puE goads Taiozaunuoo puE quawdoTanap TEZquaptsaz uaaMgaq aouETEq~i uE sT azauq gEuq papuodsaz auEx •uads~ uMOquMOp zo; buisodozd azE nod gEuM sT gEuq uEuq TEiozaunuoo ;o qaa; azanbs azoo 000'009 oq do sa~oa qT ;T gEuq suaa~ gEuq ;T puE buisodozd si quauigsadaQ buiuuaTd auq uo?uM uo 'EazE uMOquMOp au} ;o qoa;;a auq gEqM paxsa suTxuar •panTos quart aTdoad Taa; I gEuq ~aTgozd auq buinTos qou azE art uauq '~aTTEnuMOp anizp oq buinEu auq ;o paagsui :spoob zzauq Anq oq uads~ oq azoo oq aTga buiaq urauq ;o aouaiuanuoo auq puE azauMasTa BEd aTdoad gEuq saoizd ;o abuEuo a~os uads~ anzb gEuq szaquao TETOZaunuoo poouzoqubiau a agEazo q,uop art ;i puE anTT oq aoETd quaiuanuooui ua puE anzsuadxa sT uads~ gEuq sTaa; suTxuar •anEu art gEuq buzuq anbiun Azan a si goTgM EazE umoquMOp auq ;o zagoazEuo auq abuEuo pTnoM qt asnEOaq sTTa~ ;o quay -doTanap anissa~ oq pasoddo si au puau zaugo auq uo qnq :zaquao buiddous a paau art puE butddous TaooT uMO siu op oq dgiTigassaooE auq axTT pTnoM au gauq pauoTqua~ agqp •~gzadozd ua~anzy auq uo uMOp aaza auq ui znooo TTTM uOTuM uoigsabuoo oT;;EZq ugiM pagETaz suraTgozd auq zanagauM sa TTaM sE uMOquMOp auq ;o zagoazauo auq uo qoa;;a TaTZagE~ a anEu TTTM zaquao buiddous abzET ~ •EazE uMOquMOp auq uT sgonpozd auq uEuq zadaauo pros aq TTTM sgonpozd auq puE zaTSaa si ssaooE buTxzed auq azauM zaquao buiddous auq oq ob TTTM aTdoad auq si uaddEu TT?M gEuM 'zanaMOg •anau ~Tquasazd art gEuq sgaxza~ auq uEuq zadaauo pros puE aTgauTEgqo zaisaa aq uEO gEuq s~agi apinozd uEO gEuq gaxzE~zadns E aq azauq gEuq azauq uMOp ob oq xaTd~oo TEiozaunuoo qaa; azanbs 000'SL SMOTTE gEuq buiuoz ;o puix gEuq si azauq aouis puE buzuozuMOp auq ugzM gxaquoo uT ~gzadozd uE~anzy auq gnogE butxTaq uaaq anEu auq gEuq pauoiqua~ agqp •~giTEnb zo; dEd oq anEu nod aozzd auq si gEuq 'Snug =UOTgEOOT gEuq qE SaM buixzad ;T burpTinq zaggaq a aq pTnoM qT gEuq qTa; ~iaupoo~ •a~iq zagaT a qE gTinq aq TTTM qT gEuq si anTgauzagTE PzTuq auq zo qno pTznq ui uotgonpaz auq ugzM agEioossE oq squat zaubTU abuEuo puE buipTinq auq pTTnq dTanigaTnoads TTTM zadoTanap auq zo gsoo puET szu ut uozgonpaz E axaq oq anEu zaugia TTTM buidnq uoszad auq 'alas zo; puET gEuq anEu qubi~ ouM auoamos uo pasag •pazaMOT buzaq si dgzadozd auq ;o Taap oz~ouooa aqq si auop buiaq si gEuM agis auq uo buTxzEd ugTM pagaTOOSSE gOEd~T auq oq paonpaz si buipTinq a ui ~K3 auq ;i gEuq qTa; ~iaupoog (p,quoo) buiuozuMOa SL6T '6 zaq~aoaa uoissiunuo~ buiuoZ puE buiuuaTd uadsy RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves iBRM W C. F. XOEC Y.EL B. B. R L G0. Study Session Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission December 4, 1975 Downzoninq Collins mentioned that what will happen is the the Cont'd) businesses will all come out to the periphery of the downtown area; but we are trying to keep the downtown viable, however the people are questioning where to go in the downtown area if the parking is taken away. Collins felt that by proposing to have residential instead of office that it is an appropriate effect because it will have less effect on it. Jenkins questioned that by taking Rubey Park Parking lot out of the parking lot program where will the people park for the surrounding businesses. Kane mentioned that on a peak day during the summer there were 22,000 vehicles a day going across Castle Creek Bridge. The cars were backed up on the commercia] core for three blocks fuming, smoking, and throwing dust and every parking space was taken on those days. If anyone wanted to park near the commercial core they would have to park about 4 blocks away anyway because of the traffic. Jenkins felt that if parking was not provided for the commercial core, that it would upset the businesses on the mall and people will then drive to the periphery and do their shopping there; where they can be close to their automobile. Kane asked if we should accommodate people's need to drive an automobile, or should we be willing to walk an extra block and soon there will be a transit program. Hunt asked Kane to describe the parking plan they have so far. Kane's response was they are evaluating the parking demand from local residents and are evaluating the total supply of on-street parking in the City of Aspen for local use as much as possible. They are trying to preserve a ring around the real heart of the commercial core for high turn-over kind of parking. The idea in the long u£'n"is to try to bias the supply of parking for local people so that they can get into the downtown and then try and deal with the increase supply of tourists to a transit program. Hunt asked if the streets are going to handle demand of parking. Kane responded that their analysis is first they have to analyse what the local demand is and then try to allocate that demand on City streets as much as possibly the excess demand will have to be accommodated on the Rio Grande. Kane mentioned that if we go to 300 parking spaces another structure will have to be put in and that will define what will be done to the Rio Grande Property. The philosophy is to try to handle local needs on the streets and at the Rio Grande; and long range divert tourist auto trips. Kane also mentioned the City won't be able to handle tourist parking so may have to go to a permit type parking. Hunt moved to adjourn; seconded by Dobie. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. ~~ M. ym, puty City Clerk