HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19751202RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
100 Leaves
f WM f0 L. f. XOEC REL 9. B. B L CO.
Continued Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission December 2, 1975
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jack Jenkins at 7:30 p.m. with members
Brian Goodheim, Patrick Dobie, Roger Hunt, Mike Otte, and Chic Collins
present. Also present was City/County Planner Bill Kane and Hal Clark from
the Planning Department. Also City Attorney Stuller
The meeting which was scheduled at 5:00 was cancelled due to a study session
with City Council on the Little Annie Ski Basin.
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,..e tl J?a ~y~O14.n-C~~/~1YUZ.cX. :'! //mil ,(elf ti~.l, ~(ri~.C9 - _ _
Commercial Bakery Hunt^¢ o approve
O-S Zone District wnrdina~Commercial Bakery'~outlined in the Ordinance;
seconded by Otte. All in favor, motion carried.
The amendment was made in Ordinance #84, Series of 1975.
The Title of that Ordinance reads as follows:
The Ordinance is written in full-and is attached to
the minutes.
Trueman Property Hunt mentioned that last week the Planning and Zoning
(Continued from had ~as~ked ~he .T~ueman property developers to givd'`seme-
November 25, 1975 ~'cnk~na ~'o ~Q~~_~~b + the panhandle area in relation to
Meeting) the road that might be relocated in the Red Mountain area
and also asked City Attorney Stuller to do the same thing
and Planner Bill Kane. Jenkins asked that the three
presentations be given at the study session which will
be December 4, 1975 at 5:00 p.m.
Kane submittted the Planning Department comments. Kane
asked that the memorandum be submitted for the record.
The memo is as follows:
After careful review of the Conceptual Subdivision
proposal for the Trueman property we recommend in
1. A reduction in the size of the multi-purpose
commercial building and
2. Clearer provision for a new road alignment
through the site.
The property is currently zoned S.C.I. and N.C., Neigh-
borhood Commercial with a Special Planned Area overlay.
It is our understanding that these zoning catagories
were applied to establish use regulations while in
general deferring to the S.P.A. review process to
determine more detailed matters such as bulk, height,
density, circulation, etc. The applicants are at this
time requesting conceptual approval for a 23,000 square
foot Post Office and an additional 75,000 square feet
for commercial, office and residential purposes. All
of the permitted uses in the N.C. zone are submitted
below along with the respective floor area limitations
now provided for in the Code. Assuming that the Planning
Office recommendation to reduce food store areas from
20,000 square feet to 12,000 square feet is rejected,
it is clear from the list that the total range of
permitted uses in the N.C. zone would require 35,000
square feet.
~ - Z - --.m
quauranozdiut oijgnd e gonzgsuoo oq ~IgiO auq oq zadojanap
auq ;o gzed auq uo puej ;o uorgeuop si uoigEOipap geuq
paijdaz auex •uoigEOipap aut;ap oq auEx paxse sutxuar
•aiuiq siuq qe sasn TELIOTgTpuO~ pasodozd E ;o
qi;auaq anew pjnous Iauq geuq azis geuq ;o buTpTZnq e
anozdde op buiuoZ puE buiuuejd auq 3? geuq PasinpE auEx
•au~iq azngn; e qe sasn jEUOigipuoo gdaooE zo goaCaz o}
dgrjtge zno~I saoipnCazd uauq uoiuM buipj-rnq E buznozdde
;o ~Cgaizdozd jebal au} pauoigsanb auEx •paquezb
azE elauq azo;aq sbuizeau asn jeuotgrpuoo azznbaz geuq
aouautpzp buiuoZ au} ur suoigipuoo o-r;roads aze azauq gEuq
pauoiquaiu auex 'Z'£-bZ uoigoaS zapun apo0 TEdioiunyl auq
uT puno; aq uEO sasn auy •jeiozaunuoO poouzoqubiaN zo;
sasn jeuoigzpuoO auq apoO buiuoz auq uioz; peas auEx
•uoisszuigns ~Izauziu-rjazd
auq buzpuad quaunuoa zaugzn; anzasaz o; aXiT pjnoM aM
•uois-cnipgns L[gTM uoigoauuoo ui ~qiO auq
~Iq aTouM zo ;sad ui pazTnbaz aq TTTM dEMpeoz
auq ;o uoigeoipap gEuq apeu~ aq uozgd,unssE auy •Z
uoigonzgsqo ;o zeaTo uMOus aq •M•p•H pasodozd auy 'T
:gEuq puaunuooaz aM panozddE
uaaq qou sEu uejd au; aTTuM •dgzadozd uaatanzy auq ~
ubnozuq quaunzbijE peon Mau a zo; sTTEO uoissiunuoO buiuoZ \\
puE buiuuEjd auq oq paquasazd pue ao-r;;p buiuueTd auq
~Iq pazedazd 'sutEqunoy~ peg pue zajbbnu[S zo; uETd auy
zapun Ajquazzno qaa; azenbs 000'OLT L[gTM sgstxa
dpeazje aoeds aoi;;o uonu~ ooq geuq ;aiTaq auq uo
pagEOipazd azE aot;;p buruuejd auq .iq pasodozd squau[puaure
buiuoz quazzno auy •aoeds aoi;;o zo; uMOus si qaa;
azenbs 000'SZ osjy •„poouzoqubtau buipunozzns auq ugiM
ajq-rgadtuoo aq oq pauuEjd pue paubisap 'poouzoqubrau
E ;o gzed se squaiuusTTgEgsa aouazuanuoo MOjTE oq„
gzed ui si L[~Tt.[M auoz '[eT~3aUlUIO~ poouzoqubiaN auq ;o
uozquaqui auq oq uoigoTpEZquoo jEquaucepun; u-r snug si pue
EazE gaxzEU~ uads~ azzqua auq uodn Mezp jTZM gEuq zaquao
buiddous E squasazdas buipTinq goo; azenbs 000'SL ~i
•sbuizeau asn jEUOTgipuoo ageizdozddE buzpuad panzasaz
aq pjnous auoz •O•N auq ui paggiuuad qou sasn zo; aoeds
zo; jEnozdd~ •zadoTanap auq ;o jjtM auq qE hTTeoigoezd
paquezb aq jTTM sasn TeuoTgipuoo gauq uoigdumssE auq
uo pasEq aoEds anigejnoads ;o qaa; azenbs 000'5£ aiuos
buinozdde ;o Agazzdozd auq gnoge zapuoM aM uoigippe uI
buipjinq goo; azenbs 000'05 a ui papznozd aq ~Cjisea pTnoo
saoinzas jEiozaunuoo poouzoqubiau ;o ~Tddns antgsnexa
uE gEuq puaunuooaz aM •papaau aq qou TTTM sabueuo buiuoz
zo; suoigapuaunuooaz buzpuad auq gEuq saumsse osjE siuy
•qaa; azenbs 000'TS puodaq squaurazrnbaz aoeds auibEtui
oq pzeu s-r ~T uoaa qaa; azenbs 0pg qe sgiun buiTTaMp
(Oj) uaq zo; qaa; azenbs 000'9 Pue „sasn jELIOTgTpuOO„
pagedioique zo; qaa; azenbs 000'OT TEUOiq-rppE ue buzwnsst~
000'5£ S32IInb32I KH2IF7 2IOO'I3 ~~yoy
(~Izassaoau qou dTgeiunsazd) uouazg aor;;O gsod
000'£ ziEdag aouS
000'£ douS ~igneag ~ zagzeg
000'£ dnxoid ~IzpunEq 4 buiueaTn ~izQ
000'£ sazogS zonbi~
ooo'£ ~~E~zeua
000'OZ sazogS poog
y3H3 32IKRZ)S
Igzadozd uEiuanzy
SL6T 'Z zaquraoaQ uOTSST11IIl1O~ bSITUO$ puE biITUnETd uadsy
Continued Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission December 2, 1975
Trueman Property If the scale of the street and is a collector and draws
(Cont'd) upon a traffic service area that is substantially beyond
this development then generally there is a participation
schedule and that is something that has to be worked out.
Kane mentioned that if we are requiring a collector
street and the architectes go through their development
and they aren't generating a need for that street and
there are other requirements then perhaps they should
dedicate in part. Kane felt that both the recommendations
generate alot of debate.
City Attorney Stuller explained that full dedications are
seldoml~i required and when they are they are usually as
a result of internal street systems that service almost
exclusively the project that is being proposed. Off-
site improvements sometimes require a contribution by a
land owner when two circumstances exist; 1) when the
development is participated in whole or part by the
development proposed, 2) and when the development will be
very beneficially enhanced as a result of the improvement.
City Attorney Stuller continued to explain that first
of all to the extent of which the roadway is made
necessary by the proposals and in this particular
proposal, and feels that both the roadway itself will
be necessary for the proper development of the tract;
and in addition thinks the relocation of Mill Street
is going to be percipitated in part by the development
of both sides of the Trueman tract--The Rio Grande and
the Trueman property itself. Secondly, the tract
itself will benefit substantially by the roadway just
by virtue of being there; it's abetter access road
for the development site, etc. City Attorney Stuller
feels that given these two elements that Grueter will
agree that some participation in dedication of the roadway
is necessary or is at least arguable. In addition, the
City has taken the position that Condemnation is also
appropriate here because the roadway is designed to
service Red Mountain, Smuggler, and other aspects of
the City in addition to enhancing the availability of
this tract. What will happen is we will work out a
compromise where some comdemnation occurs and some
dedication occurs and we will work out that formula
in-house. City Attorney Stuller feels that for the time
being the roadway should be shown on the plat.
City Attorney Stuller felt that the only way that Planning
and Zoning will be able to protect themselves is to
state up front that conditional approval will not
constitute any type of preliminary approval to any
conditional uses that each will be argued on those
merits and if there is going to be empty space he will
have to assume that hardship. At this point, it will
be a self-inflicted hardship and you will have to take
a hard stand on that.
City Attorney Stul er made a statement for the record
stating that; the posture that every conditional
use application will have to be proven on its merits
and that you don't waive any objection to it by making
this conceptual. It is inherent in the process and it
should be inherent to you if you want to state it to
make it more clear to you for purposes.
Grueter felt that basically he and City Attorney Stuller
had no disagreement on this. City Attorney Stuller
mentioned that the theory they agree, but the facts will
be argued later.
;o uorssnosip bui.znp passnosip aq pjnous quatunbzE
;o addq gEuq gEuq sjaa; puE sargijioE; auq ;o sazis
auq ;o sgoa;;a auq oq sE uozuicio ;o saoua.za;;ip puE
uozssnosip uaaq sEu azauq asnEOaq :jasodo.zd buruozuMOp
Mau auq ssnoszp bujuoZ puE butuuEjd auq gs.zz; gEuq
~agsabbns xzEj~ •passnoszp buiaq uaaq anEu auoz jEiozaunuoo
poouzoqubiau ;o sMain jEOtudosojiud OTSEq gEqq qja; x.zEj~
•ajdoad auq butn.zas azE
aM unz buoj E ui puE gdaouoo poou.zoqubzau ~Ijasnd E sE
agzs siuq gEuq buiXurugaz oq oiboj si asauq gEuq sjaa;
MEN[ 'uMOq punozE pa.zaggEOS sj ET OZaunuoo poou.zoqubiau
jEZanas a.zaM azauq ;i urooq ui uoig2ngis sso.zo-sstzo
E oqui qnd aq pjnoM ajdoad auq gEuq aas pjnoo MEN
•pagiuiij si pj.zoM ssauisnq anzgzgadu~oo auq ui aoinzas
;o janaj E sdES gEuq uMOq punozE saoEjd jazanas ui
pazaggEOS azE dauq ;i AgazauM :uMOq ui abeasn ajrgoiuognE
aqq ;o gdaouoo auq oq puE aoin.zas aqq oq jEquauiisgap
si qT sgoadsaz .zaugo u= •poob si zaquao buzddous
poou.zoqubiau E sgoads a.z uiEq.zao ui gEuq pauoiquau~ MEN
•.zaquao buiddous E ggTM aq
jjTM a.zauq qnq 'jEiozaunuoo poouzoqubiau E LjgTM ~uajgozd
oz;;EZq ou si azauy •.zogE.zauab of;;ESq puE goEduii uon~u
ooq aq jjTM puE .zaquao buiddous E oqui pauznq buiaq
si qz gEuq sjaa; ag •abzEj ooq si qi gEqq qja; suTjjo~
aqq ~q pauiuapuoo aq
quau[ubijE p2oz aqq
aqq gEqq sjaa; 'z;
aH • OTq E.z Ea3E
asnst~u zo; jEiquagod
oq anEu qou puE pagEOipap aq pjnous
puE azzs poob E aq pjnoM asogs poo;
anaMOu :,,uadsy„ qou s-r qZ gEqq sjaa;
SOOj; gnoqE xjEq SIauM SOTgSTgEqS ;O
;o gojE sr azauq gEuq qja; u~iaupoop
•a.zauq umop qi aas oq axtj
q,upjnoM puE :abzEj oq si •q;•bs 000'SL gEuq qja; azgoQ
•q;•bs Op0'Zj qE saoEjd zaugo pj uEuq qaa; a.zEnbs 000'SL
qE azauq qi aas saugez pjnoM au gEqq pauotquauc osjE
aggp •patjddE aq pjnoM gnoqE paxjEq qung gEuq squauanoo
sE buoj sE qi L[gTM siuajgozd ou si asauq gEuq gja3 aggp
•gzsaw uMO .ziauq uo paijdiuz aq oq anEu jjiM
uOTgEOTjddE asn jeuoigzpuoo gEqq azEME si zadojanap zo
zaur+,o auq gEuq puE s.zEad 5 ;o poi.zad E zo; sasod.znd
uoigaumapuoo zo; anj2n ou spzoM zaugo uz 'zauMO auq ;o
xsi.z auq qE azE uozgoas gEuq ;o squauianozduiz duE puE
ajpuEuuad auq ubnosuq tCEM-;O-ggbTa auq buin.zasaz dq.zadozd
uEUran.zy auq ;o uEjd jangdaouoo auq ;o janozddE uoiq
-Epuaunuooas e oq buijjiM si au gEuq pauoiquauc qung
•jEio.zaunuoo poou.zoqubiau ajgEin E si stag gEuq
gjaa; suzxuar •qnu E sE EazE gEuq sg2a.zo suragsAs uoigEq
-zodsuE.zq auq :buixz2d ssaoxa auq jjE puE apues~ oig auq
uo aq oq buiob ~IjjEOTgasoauq si buzxzad auq ;o jjE
aouis uadsy uEuq .zab.zEj ou sr gEuq uMOq E u-r uoTgangis
ajgEZn E ag2azo qou saop uMOq .nano uiauq buzp2asads
;o Eapi ,suixuar •Eapi jEZOZaunuoo poouzoqubiau siuq
ui jjE; gEuq saoznzas a.zoui puEiuap oq bujob si buinEu
aq jjTM aM gEqq jETquagod ggMO.zb auq gEuq qja; suixuar
•qi ajpuEu qou
pjnoo EazE au} :quiodpuEgs buix.zEd auq puE uotgazauab
of;;EZq auq uioz; puE agis auq ucjauM.zano pjnoM buipjinq
goo; asEnbs 000'SL auq spui; auEx •poousoqubiau auq ugiM
}uagsisuoo dj.ziE; si sjaa; auEx uoiuM :buipjtnq goo; azEnbs
000'05 E buzaq do pua jjiM qi gEqq ;o dog uo sgiun
buijjaMp pj .zaugouE so; apinozd puE .zaquao poouzoqubzau
E ggiM uotgoauuoo ui puE :•oqa ~izpunEj 'a.zogs azEMpsEu
E LjgTM jeap dEUC uoiuM sasn jEiIOTgTpSIO0 .zo; qaa; a.zEnbs
000'OI sr .zaquao poousoqubiau E ;o siuzaq ui qE gab
oq buid.zq si au gEuM gEuq pau-rEjdxa auEx •paquasa.zd sEM
omaiu auq ui q.zEuo auq auM oq sE auEx pauoTgsanb uciaupoo~
Agzado.zd uEwan.zy
SL6j 'Z .zagwaoaQ uoissiunuo~ buiuoZ puE buiuuEjd uads~
100 Leaves
FOpM N C. F. XOECR EL B. B. p L C0.
Continued Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission December 2, 1975
Trueman Property Collins moved to table any action on this application
(Cont'd) until the Planning and Zoning has had a chance to
review the proposed dowhzoning.S<t~,,~L~( ,Q,~ ,~,>~-~.-L~
Otte suggested that Thursday, December 4, 1975 they have
a study session on the downzoning and Tuesday, December
9, 1975 they discuss the Trueman Property.
All in favor, of the motion were Goodheim, Dobie, Otte,
and Collins. Opposed were Jenkins and Hunt.
Wedum-Hyman Jenkins opened the public hearing; and closed the public
hearing and tabled it.
Ordinance #66 Jenkins opened the public hearing and closed the public
67 hearing.
Hunt moved to table Ordinance #66, 67, 71, Series of
1975; and Wedum-Hyman preliminary subdivision; seconded
by Otte. All in favor, motion carried.
Callahan Subdivision Jenkins opened the public hearing on the Callahan
Subdivision, preliminary plat, and three rezoning
Clark presented the Callahan Subdivision. Clark passed
out an engineering analysis which Dave Ellis of the
engineering department prepared and was on the preliminary
plat. Conclusion is on page 4 and theconclusion stated
that all of the above comments and requirements appear
to have workable solutions. The applicant has submitted
extra working drawings on utilities and circulation.
The Engineering Department recommended that conditional
preliminary approval be granted. However, due to the
extent of the conditions which are from the engineering
department and are as follows: An additional 10 foot
set back in case there should ever be a request to
make this a public road, Planning Department agrees with
that. They are talking about extending a water system
up Highway 82 to also cover Mountain Valley area; the
engineering department is requiring 8 inch line rather
than a 6 inch line. All of the conditions in the memo
have been met. We have discussed the water right with
the applicant and they are in agreement with the Planning
Department. The preliminary plat has been sent out to
20 different referral agencies and getting comments back
from referral agencies and incorporating them into the
engineering comments such as the ditch companies,
water and electrical departments, gas companies we
are incorporating all their information on this pre-
liminary plat. We want them to show access off interior
road system rather than highway 82, certain sites
require pumping for sewage, lot 9, for example should
be aware of that also lot 9, riverside ditch goes above
the building site such that we are recommending that
ditch be culvert on lined above that building site so will
not affect the house. Talking about series of easements
gas line etc., talking about sewer easement going
through the Ute Park to the East that has to be coordin-
ated with City Drainage plans off to the mountains which
the applicant is aware of. Talking about putting
hydrants in along interior road system, talking about
bike path that has just been resurveyed as of yesterday
by the County and has not reflected on this preliminary
plat. The applicant has agreed to do that and has no
problem with location.
-9 -
•uo?gapuaunuooaz o?;?Dads gEug axEUC uaug iEnozddE
gEid iESIT; auq 'iEA03ddE [j.2ESI?UITia.Sd ;o aui?g aug gE
sgub?z zagEM asagq ;o asEuoznd puE uo?gE?gobau zap?suoo
pinoo irouno~ dq?auq 'axri pinoM bu?uoZ puE bu?uuETd
auq ;I •iEnozddE uorsin?pgns iEUO?g?puoo ;o purx gEug
asoduc? oq uoTgTSOd iEbai AuE pEu dau} ;t Moux g,up?p
puE iESOCIOZd STug og uan?b gubnoug ubnoua uaaq sEu
asagq Xu?ug ~~~ aqs gEug gia3 zaiingS dau:zog}y ~g?~
pa{xueaas ~"suo?qE?gobau puaunuooaz pinoM aM puE squb?z
zagEM bu?uzaouoo gEuq zo; gdaoxa suo?gdaoxa guaurgz2daQ
fiu?zaau?buH auq u}iM gaid uois?n?pgns Ii.ZESI?uc?iazd auq puE
ssaoozd aazug ;0 5u?uozaz uoisin?pgns auq anozddE bu?uoZ
puE bu?uuEid auq gEug qoa;;a auq oq uo?}Dui E apEUi Bung uo?goys
•dn pa?zp aq ii?M 'qoa;;a u? 'xoEi auq
puE ;;o qno aq uEO zagEM uog?p gEug zaugauM uo-rgsanb
autos s? azauq puE uog?Q uo?g2niEg auq ucoz; abedaas
aq og szEaddE qi •qoa;;a u? sEu 'uoisin?pgns au} u?
s? q~TijM 'axEq iEgsdz~ auq gEuq gub?z gPuM og sE Mou
gub?z hiiEbai zeaioun azE Haug gEuq pauo?guaui osiE xzEi~
.zagEi ugTM iEap uEo
~Iauq gEgg bu?ugauios s? qr :aqE?gobau og i?ouno~ hq?~ og
uo?gepuaunuooaz E axEUi bu?uoZ puE bu?uuEid auq ;I 'ugTM
aazbE gouuEO Aau} gEug uo?~.?puoo E aq pinoM q? iEA0.2ddE
;o uo?q?puoo.E g? axEUi bu?uoZ puE bu?uuEid auq ;? s?
azau uo?gou?qs?p auq gEug pau?Eidxa zaiingS ~auzoggK dq?~
•sgubiz zagEM
auq nano iozquoo ou anEu pinoM dauq gEuq t~ii ESIOTg
-?puoo panozddE azE dau} ;? gEuq pauo?quauc guoaH •gEug
uo padoianap aq uEO gEgM aas og ~CauzoggE zagEM s?u
uq?M ginsuoo puE zap?suoo og paazbE sEu qo?pauag gEug
bu?ugauios s? g? :SgubTa zagEM auq anEu qou op dau} gEuq
pauorguaui 'uo?sin?pgns uEuEiiE~ auq ;o guEOriddE 'guoay;
ob pinous zagEM puE puEi auq ~TTEOrseg •panionu?
azE sgub?z zagEM azauM uoisin?pgns zo; guauraz?nbas
pzepuEgs E sE gEug asn pinoM aauy •~Igzadozd auq og zagEM
bu?p?nozd aq o} bu?ob s? dq?~ auq gEug pauo?guauc xzEi~
•gub?z zagEM gEug ;o ao?zd auq
aqE?gobau oq qub?z auq i?ouno~ ~g?~ auq og uanrb osiE aq
s3o66'£ 3o uog?Q Pz?g a?iiaN auq uo ao?zd aaguazEnb E
ggTM insn;az qsz?; ;o gub?z uo?g?ppE u? puE puEi s?ug
;o uorgexauuE ;o uo?g?puoo E sE dq?~ auq og pagEO?pap
qoa;;E u? aq xaaz~ zagunH uo go?pauag •zys ;o sbu?pion
auq uioz; qubrz zagEM ;o gp~ auo gEug burpuaunuooaz
s? guaur~zadaQ bu?zaau?bud auq gEgq s? uiag? gsEZ •saoEds
p~ si uo?uM sasnouuMOg auq 'g?un bu?iiaMp sad sq?un Z gE
bu?xzad buruuEid azE dauq OS"[E :Ag?i'C~E; asnoH amid aug3o
zaXEgazEO auq zo; q? u? q?un bu?snow aa~ioiduta i ~Ciuo
sEu iESOdozd auq ~iiE-rosEq azE suraq? gsEi auq puE ages
padoianap guasazd auq ;o gsea EazE auq og apEUi aq suors
-uagxa zo uo?suadxa dq?i?gn ou gEuq bu?upaunuooaz azE aM
•pagub?i aq sgznoo Z gEgg bu?puaunuooaz azE aM puE sgznoo
zoopgno L azE azaug :gab?u qE pagub?i aq sgznoo s?uuaq
;o gas auo gdaoxa sgznoo auq ;o auou gEuq burpuaunuooaz
azE aM 'bu?gab?i gznoo s?uuaq zoopgno gnoqE guauc
-gzadaQ bu?zaau?bud auq utoz; quauragEgs E s? azauy •azis
u? xooiq ~g?J tin; E gsouciE s? u~TuM l~gTiT~E; s?uuaq
zoopur abzEi E aq og bu?ob s? azaug gEug pauo?quau[ xzEi~
•sauoq?p auq ;o AuE og suo?gonzgsgo ou gnoqE
baTS[iEy 'gEid [C3En?UIT'[a,Td auq uo qnd puE pa~ianzns aq chug
gELIg gsanbas aM sgub?z zagEM aq pinoM asagq sucaigozd
o?;roads uMO anEq uo?LIM ;o uoEa uoq?Q iIOTgEATE$
auq PuE 'uog?Q ap?szan?~ 'uog?Q pz?g a?iTa[3 atlg (P~guoo)
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FORM 50 C. F. NOf CK EL B. B.8 1., CO.
Continued Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission December 2, 1975
Callahan Subdivision Hunt amended his motion to exclude any concern with
(cont'd) water leaving that at the option of the City Council;
seconded by Dobie. All in favor, motion carried.
Hunt moved to adjourn; seconded by Otte. Meeting
adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
F° _
Eliz e h M."Klym,~~ eputy City Clerk