HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.apz.19751125RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves
ipiM f0 C. F. XO ECI(EL B. B. B L GA
Continued Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission November 25,1975
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jack Jenkins at 5:15 p.m. with members
Chic Collins, Roger Hunt, Brian Goodheim, Patrick Dobie, Mike Otte present.
Also present was City Attorney Stuller and Hal Clark.
Ordinance #71, City Attorney Stuller passed to commissioners a handout
Series of 1975 on the Ordinance which she is composing on quasi-judicial
hearings. This material was in support of Ordinance
#71, Series of 1975 which should be in effect in about
2 to 3 weeks at which time Stuller mentioned that she
would go through it with the Planning and Zoning Commissioi
City Attorney Stuller mentioned that for December 2, 1975,
there will be a public hearing set for three Ordinance;
those being Ordinance #66, Series of 1975; which is
keeping of livestock. Stuller explained that this
Ordinance had originated out of the Building Inspector's
Office because he didn't know what to do with the
numerous complaints that he would receive about keeping
of animals. The building inspector asked that there be
some articulation as to when it would be a permitted
use and when it wouldn't be. Ordinance #67, Series of
1975; which is basically reenacting section 24-3.7D3
of the Code amending the open space requirement of
the zoning code so that all mandatory space be provided
at grade. Ordinance #71, Series of 1975; was initiated
by the City Council. Ordinance #71 is a Planned Unit
Development Ordinance. City Attorney explained that
what they have done was take out all of the plat and
engineering requirements and adopt by reference the
subdivision regulations. There is no reason why we
should have duplicate or inconsistent engineering
standards. Also the PUD review procedures have been
correlated with the subdivision review procedures so
that both can be accommodated simultaneously. What
has been abstracted and maintained in the PUD process is
the emphasis on design, and landscaping and architectural
review and mostly lease type aspects of a PUD process.
There have been established procedures and rights to
enforce the PUD and for amending the PUD and things on
that order. Also they have inserted a complete
architectural review and that is a new element of a PUD.
City Attorney Stuller explained that the architectural
review will be a review of the suitability of the building
for its purposes, looking at the materials, and the
building design emphasizing minimum disturbance of the
natural terrain. The idea of the architectural review
is to make sure that the new buildings in the community
harmonize with the tradition of construction in the
vicinity and to enhance the terrain and that there be
least distrubance possible to the terrain.
Jenkins felt that it is not a good thing to get involved
in the architectural review. He questioned why the
Planning and Zoning Commission should have to evaluate
what an architect or a group of architects or the design
principle that has been in use--it just doesn't happen
to fit. City Attorney Stuller felt that that was a
legitimate complaint.
Kane mentioned that the Planning Department is trying to
go through a legitimate process and investigate what
essentially a design quality of good buildings in Aspen
and make an established objective criteria, certain
specific design features and incorporate those in an
• •anozddE TEU?~ .zag3E uETd oq quaucpuaucE
puE p.zooaz uios3 gETd E bu?ME3p uio.z3 saznpaoozd puE
TEnosddE and E 3o suo?g?puoo puE squauraTa aug ao.zo3ua og
saznpaoozd Mau a.zE azauy •ug?M sa?Tducoo qou azE saTnpauos
bu?sEud uo?gon.zgsuoo asauq 3T. and E axona,z oq eCq?zougnE
uE saTnpauos bu?sEud puE uo?gon.zgsuoo ~I.zogapuEUt s? azauy
•auc?} 3o po?.zad E nano pau?Equ?EUC ~CT.zadozd sr goads
-uado gEug saaguazanb azE asauq :suo?srnozd quauiaazbE
AgTTTaE3 uounuoo puE goads-uado a.zE a.zauy •EazE gEuq u?
sbu?ug .zaugo puE asn gu?oC agapounuoooE oq squauiaz?nbaz
bu?X.zEd gaazgs-33o puE uo?gE?zan o?3TOads E s? a.zauy
•squauiaz?nbas uald bu?dEOSpuaT paTTEgap a.zE a.zauy •Mau
sT Ma?nas TESngoagruozE auq AjTETquassa Ma?na.z 3o saazE
Mau a.zE a.zauy •ub?sap TTazano puE ub?sap TEZngoaq?uozE
'bu?sEud uorgonzgsuoo puE 'uoTgonzgsuoo 'bu?dEOSpuaT uo
co?gEUC.zo3u? apnTou? gsnuc uo?gEOTTcidE and auq gEug uo?gdaoxa
aug gqTM suo?gETnbas uoTS?n?pgns auq sE squauca.z?nbaz
uo?ss?ucgns TEO?quap? aqq azE azauy •TTOUno~ Ag?~ a.zo3aq
TEU?~ uaug puE bu?~aaq o?Tgnd RTuo aqq sT uo?uM bu?uoZ
puE bu?uuETd aqq azo3aq d.zEU?iu?Yazd E uagq puE T?ouno~
Ag?~ puE bu?uoZ puE bu?uuETd azo3aq Tangdaouoo E sT uo?uM
:uoTSTn?pgns ugTM TEO?quap? asnpaoozd Ma?naz aqq apEUi
'uoTSTn?pgns gqTM TEO?quap? utaug apEUC 'TEO?uuoaq aqq 30
TTa gno uaXEq anau logy 'SL6i 3o sa?zaS 'TL# aouau?pzp
3o gsaz aug u?ETdxa og panu?guoo saTTngS ~Cau.zoggy dg?~
•aouau?P~0 aug
>agEgzd?ozad gEi[M s? sETTTA guy •TESZana.z E .zo uoTgEO?Tdnp
E qou ST qi •abEgs TEUT3 aug qE T?ouno~ Ag?n aqq
gE s? aq pTnoM abEgs TEZngoaq?uozE aqq 3o Ma?naz TEU?3
auq aui?g ~Tuo aqq gEug pauo?quaut zaTTngS ~Iauzoggy gig?~
paT?Egap .zaugouE ug-[M ssaoozd aqq uapznq you .zaugaz
pTnoM ag •xooT pTnous sbu?pT?nq Mou 3o gdaouoo E axEUi
pTnous T?ouno~ AqT~ uo bu?qq?s aTdoad aqq zo uo?ss?unuo~
bu?uoZ puE bu?uuETd aqq gEqq Taa3 g,usaop ucraupoo~
~oua?zadxa uE s? uadsy u? sburpT?nq aqq puE a.zngoaq?uosE 30
dqa?san E s? quauidoTanap E azauM sTEnpTn?pu? 3o uMOg
E .zabuoT ou puE uMOgab.zoa~ zo 'TTEn aX?T gEuMauios aq
oq uads~ gab t~EUI Ma?naz TEZngoaq?uo.zE gEuq gTa3 ui?aupoo~
•saouanbasuoo bu?zaau?bug auq 30
gas?EZddE azE chug sE gsnC saouanbasuoo auq 3o pas?EZddE aq
pTnous ~Iauq s.zauo?ss?unuoo aqq oq gab saop g? uauM gEqq os
ssaoozd bu?uuETd aqq 3o goadsE Tao?uuoaq asoui E aq pTnous
ssaoozd Ma?naz aug aq~IEUC puE an?q?uT3ap azoiu aq pjnous
g? gEqq gTa3 ag •ssaoozd aqq abpnC oq anEu pTnous
bu?uoZ puE bu?uuETd 3? pauo?gsanb agqp •ssaoozd bu?uuETd
aug 3o gzad s? a.zngoaq?uo.za aqq gEuq puE ~Iouags?suoo E
bu?us?Tgagsa 3o tIEM autos aq pTnous a.zaug gEuq gTa3 agqp
•sbu?pT?nq ad~Cq pTEUOaoys qno daax og Ma?na.z TEZngoaq?uozE
uE aq pTnous azaug gng •paMOSZau bu?aq gzEgs TT?M
squ?EZgsuoo auq uauM s? gEuq 'sTauorssa3o.zd 3o do apEUc
saagq?unuoo Ma?naz TEZngoagruozE you 'zanaMOu :Ma?naz
TEZngoaq?uo.zE 3o pu?x autos aq pTnous azaug gEuq gTa3 a?qoa
•qua?o?33ns ssaT goaCozd auq axEUi
TTTM ssaoozd aTouM auq gEuq paazbE zaTTngg eSauzoggy
gig?n • sMa?na.z azoui axaui ATuo TT?M puE uozganTEna
~IaEZq?q.zE uE aq TTTM qT puE T?ouno~ dq?n uauq puE g?
Ma?nas TT?M uo?ss?unuo~ bu?uoZ puE bu?uuETd auq aug puE
'ao?330 bu?uuETd aug gbno.zug ob TT?M g? qsz?3 gEuq gTa3
su?xuar •aouau?p.zp auq ubnosuq pagoa33E aq pTnoo Haug
gEuq xu?ug dauq op PuE aTgE.z?sap ~iauq azE puE pans?uoa
aq oq sTEOb aug azE gaunt osTE :~q?T?q?suodsa.z auq
aumssa oq Ag?~ aug zo3 .zo ~IgTTTq?suodsaz auq aumssa og
paguEM bu?uoZ puE bu?uuETd 3? paxsE .zaTTngS ~Cau.zoggy dq?~
•sassaoozd Ma?na.z TEZnq
-oagruo.zE anEu og sa?g?ununuoo .zo3 TEnsnun qou s? q? gEuq
gTa3 auEx •uadsy ugTM sagaazEuo puE aTEOS 3o qno bu?aq (p,quoo)
>bu?pT?nq aug gnoga uaoq u? aTdoad uioz3 sgu?ETduroo pau anEq SL6T 3o sa?.zaS
~Cauq gEuq pauo?quauc auEg •ssaoozd Ma?nag TEZngoaq?uozE 'TL# aouau?p.zp
SL6T 'SZ .zaquianoN uo?ss?unuo~ bu?uoZ puE bu?uuETd uads~
..._.,M.... . _ _ _..._.,.~....~..... ..,~.,
100 Leaves
Continued Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission November 25, 1975
Ordinance #71, City Attorney Stuller continued to explain that what
Series of 1975 the PUD ordinance is saying is that you can never have
(COnt'd) more density then the zoning district allows and the
alternative is there may be imposed a limitation on
density because of PUD proposal. Kane mentioned that
that will allow the Planning and Zoning the freedom to
adjust density when it is appropriate if there is a mix
of uses.
Trueman Property Kane mentioned that Ester Beamer and anyother member of
(cont'd from the Supermarket Caucus was invited to attend the meeting
November 18 to inject any advice they may have about the design
meeting) considerations for the supermarket.
Beamer asked that the Planning and Zoning make the market
adequate for the size and price and the competitiveness
and to consider the family viewpoint. Beamer felt that
the sizes of packages at City Market were usually only
middle size. Beamer mentioned that the price, selection,
and size are the subjects that are the most important.
Kane suggested that Beamer meet with Joe Porter and
Larry Yaw, who are presently .designing the Trueman
property, and give her¢ input as to the size of the
Yaw mentioned that they are in the conceptual stage and
part of the conceptual stage is whether there will be
a 20,000 sq.ft. supermarket. Yaw explained that they
are putting on the site two major uses, one is the post
office which is 23,000 sq.ft. and the other is
commercial complex which is suppose to be a neighborhood
commercial. That will have all of the things that
people living in this section can drive to and park if
the downtown area does not have access to parking near
their shops. This building would have a 25,000 sq.ft.
footprint which is a total of 75,000 sq.ft. The building
would have three levels, the bottom would have commercial;
which is the 20,000 sq.ft. shopping market; plus 5,000
5,000 sq.ft. of the commercial things. The second floor
would be shops of some commercial facilities and then
limited apartments on the top floor. Yaw mentioned that
they would try and tuck the building into the hillside
and have pathways connect with the community pathway
systems, coming down from the school; it would e-ither
go through town, goes through the Rio Grande Property
or comes across the Silver King Property.
Kane was concerned with the aligmm~et on Spring Street.
Porter showed a line which could get to the Red Mountain
Panhandle. That assumes that if Spring Street were
the primary road it could either come around with an
80' right-of-way or go on up to Red Mountain; or if
there is to leave more space to the park would have to
go over and remove these buildings and then go up with
D4i11 Street right angeling over this.
Ellis explained that Porter had demonstrated that if the
road were to go down the panhandle, that it could be
accommodated. The question that is out of Porter's
hand is which line would the City use. Mill street as
it exists near the bridge currently; or the panhandle.-
Kane mentioned to Planning and Zoning Commission, that
they had at one time organized a decision chart for the
Council to review and one of the first things on the
'TTEUC auq ;o qno uanrzp aq qou
jjTM ajdoad aqq gEug ulagsAs gLI2TSLIE3g ;o pujx autos ;o
uo?gEjnoz?o so bu?xZad punozbzapun zo bu?xzad gaazgs-;;o
;o pu?X autos pEu ajdoad TEOOT aqq ;z gEug gja; su?jjo~
oq gaaZgS TT?NI Zo; o?;;EZq uonui ooq agEZauab jjTM q?
'ZanaMOu :aouo gE jjE bujugdzana op oq ajgE aq TTTM au
gEug os jE?ozaLUiuoo poouzoqubiau snjd gaxZEUizadns E puE
azauq ao?;;o gsod aqq bu?nEu ;o Eap? aqq Pax?j su?Xuar
•paqua?zo gs?Znoq aq TTTM EazE uMOguMOp aqq
puE Zaguao guap?saZ guauEUtzad E auiooaq jjTM Zaquao
bu?ddous auq gaug gja; uijaupoo~ 'azo;azauy •s? EazE
IMOquMOp quasazd auq gEuM uEug uMOq ;o saazE zaugo aqq loos;
puE ssEUUaouS uioZ; '~iajjEn u?Equnoyq uioZ; aTdoad auq zo;
ajq?ssaooE azoui aq pjnoM eazE s?uq gEug gja; >u?aupoo~
•pa?;s?gas aq og spaau g? puE paau a s? g? gEqq sjaa; gnq
'gaxZEUizadns •g;•bs 000'SZ E 3o Eap? aqq ax?j g,usaop
gang •jjEUi aqq u? sdous paqua?ZO gs?znog uq?M paoa; aq
jjTM aM uauq suaddEu gEqq ;i •sa?zaoozb Z?auq gab og
anEu TT?qs aTdoad asnEOaq jjEUi auq ;o ~Izaud?sad auq o}
aTdoad auq buin?Zp ST '[TO(IttO7 dgT~ auq gEug sjaa; gang
•EaZE uMOg
-uMOp aqq gsabuoo puE sajo?uan Z?auq ugTM uMOg oqu? ob
og paau g,upjnoM ajdoad auq puE EaZE s?ug u? papnjauj
azE spaau bu?ddous ~Ij?ap auy •uo?gsabuoo nano zo
bu?bbojo p.IEMOq an?quaouas?p 3EjnOTL[aA-buTx.zEd E zo
an?guaou?s?p ao?nzas E djjangoE s? slug gEuq s? 'sgsnzuq
ajouM auq ;o aup •saazE asouq puE uaana zanj?S 'u?Equnoys
pad AjjE?guassa s? uo?uM EaZE apEZg E sE uMOUx s?
gaLIM hg?~ auq ;o zogoas E djjaaZ s? s? gELjg gTa3 ME7C
•ajouM E sE ~Cq?~ egg uEug
Zaugas poouzoqub?au auq ;o spaau gEug spzEMOq paquajzo
sEM jE?ozaunuoo poouzoqub?au auq gEuq gja; su?jjo~
'osjy •za;;ns jjTM jjEUi auq u? sdous auq gEug aazE
uMOquMOp auq ;o dZaud?sad auq uo xzad oq paozo; aZE
aM ;? gEuq qja; osjE su?jjo~ •bu?paajs?ui s? g? gEug
'Zadaauo puE zaggaq aq jjTM g? zabbiq s? g? ;? gEug Eap?
auq gEug sjaa; su?jjo~ •EazE uMOguaop auq ;o qno EazE
uMOguenop auq u? ssau?snq auq axEq jjTM puE uO?gEngTS
OT;;EZq paq E agaazo pjnoM •g;•bs 000'SL gEug qja; su?jjo~
•sjaa; puE squaunuo~ bu?uoZ puE bu?aoEjd
auq zo; paxsE auEx •aoEds jE?ozaunuoo poouzoqubjau
E gsnC zo; abZEj ooq sEM bu?pj?nq auq gEug osjE
:bu?pj?nq jE?ozaunuoo auq puE ao?;;o gsod auq uaaMgaq
pazEus aq pjnous bu?xzad gEug gja; auEx •aoEds ;o asn
ap-rN, E qou S,gEgq :gjai[dSE og aaEds uonui gEuq agonap og
qou puE pau?EZgsuoo aq pjnous buTS[,ZEd auq gEuq gja; auax
jauo?g?ppE duE ajpuEu oq anEu jjTM gaazgS TT?W gELjq
azauq uMOp aoEjd saxEg gEug bu?ug~CuE gEug bLiT~ES aZE
daug puE ag?s apuEZ~ o?g auq og an?gdnzs?p ooq sEM gaaZgS
bu?zdS gEug p?ES ~Ipaazja sEu j?ouno~ gEuq pauo?guaui auEx
•gaazgS TT?~I uo
pagazauab o?;;EZq uonui ooq aq pjnoM azaug :fig?j?q?ssodui?
uE aq pjnoM gaaZgS TT?W gEqq qoZ bu?xZEd apuaz~
o?~ auq u? uMOp ob og bu?ob sEM jE?oZaunuoo poouzoqubtau
puE 'gaxzEUizadns E 'ao?;;o gsod auq ;? gEuq qja; su?xuar
•aiuauos pasjjazauab E uo aazbE puE guaunzb?jE jau?;
auq u0 LIZ bu?ozaz gnOggTM p3EM3O; Ob Oq SSa0OSd E SMOjjE
puE suo?qdo zrauq sanzasazd 'suoigdo Zno sanzasazd
gEug gLlalliUbTjE LIE LIMO-pLIPj LIFO aM ~CEM E .20; biiTS[OOj (bu?gaayQ
azE aM •dgzadoZg apuaz~ o?g auq ubnozug ~Igrssaoau E sE gj ZaqutanoN
gaaZgS bujzdS agaurui?ja oq panoui LIOTgOE xo?nb u? ~Caug puE uioz; p,quo~)
gaazgS bu?zdS ;o guaunib?jE auq au?uizagap oq sEM qs?j eigzadozd uaucanzy
SL6T 'SZ .zagluanoN uo?ss?unuo~ bu?uoZ puE bu?aoEjd uadsy
FORN N C. F, XOECN EL B. B. B L. [0.
Continued Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission November 25, 1975
Trueman Property Kane mentioned that within the next few weeks the Planning
(COnt'd from Department is going to come up with a plan for a parking
November 18 plan for downtown to deal with these problems. At
Meeting) present there is a shuttle bus to accommodate people
parking down at the Rio Grande and mentioned that walking
up from the Rio Grande to the core area of the mall is
closer than parking 3 or 4 blocks away from the core
area and walking.
Yaw mentioned two ways to deal with Mill Street; 1)
to enlarge Mill Street and put in Spring Street and to
enlarge a thourghfare system and build some structure
parking downtown. 2) The way the County and City seem
to be pursuing now and that is to find as many alter-
natives to the automobile as possible, get a transiet
system and reduce as much of the tourist traffic as
possible. It could reduce local traffic by 20~ and
tourist traffic by 80~; therefore, cutting traffic
across Castle Creek considerably. The other way would
be to leave Mill Street the way it is and reduce the
number of trips. Most of the trips are local trips.
Kane said that whay they are recommending is that
12,000 sq.ft. be located in the current City Market site
and that this site be regarded as a neighborhood center.
They are recommending that the site be done in a
neighborhood scale, that it is an equal facility as
City Market so that traffic be disbursed evenly across
two centers rather than giving competitive advantage
to this site and attracting all the traffic in one
space. If it is a 20,000 sq.ft. store than the competit-
ivness is there and the traffic generated and congestion
generated by food will be attracted to that site.
Dobie suggested that the major topic is the size of the
building and could see the mall being for tourists and
this be the locals center; therefore, only local businesses
should be permitted to go down there.
Otte had no problem with the size of the building.
Goodheim wasn't ready to make a decision on the size of
the building. He didn't like the traffic that would be
generated on Mill Street--the traffic situation is a
Abbott felt that the City will have to do something with
Mill Street before deciding what should be on the
Trueman property.
Collins felt that the automobile has been trying to be
demphasize and a shopping area of this size will only
create more automobiles on the outside area of the
downtown area. Collins feels that this does not come
under the definition of neighborhood commercial which
is a convenience which should cut down traffic and my
objection is scope of traffic generation.
Hunt moved for recommendation to City Council to approve
the conceptual plan. He would personally like to see
a smaller supermarket but feels that we are stuck here
to satisfy the needs of the community and to get another
market up here; seconded by Abbott.
., -9-
•uiEgunoyl pag anzas
oq qou qnq uoisrnzpgns gEuq anzas oq papaau azE gEuq
uoisinipgns sno uTugTM speoz auq iiE apinozd og aazbE
ii?M dauy •urEqunoys pag oq peoz Mau E apznozd oq aazbE
g,uoM dauq si siuq uo uozgrsod siu qnq :gubrz sEM gEuq
gEuq p-rES zaganz~ •pzeog auq oq aotnpE s,zaiingg dauzogq~
~qi~ quasazdaz oq zaganz~ zo; agzEZdozddE q,usi gEuq
gEuq pauoiquau~ auex •aazbE oq gnEM q,usaop au gEuq
si butdas sz zaganz~ gELjM puE :uoigisod geuq ggTM paazbE
zaiingg dauzoq}~ dqr~ puE urEqunoys pag og ob og dquno~ auq
zo; peoz Mau E aprnozd oq paztnbaz you azE dauq gEqq qia;
zaganz~ •uoisTnTpgns zno aoinzas oq uoistnzpgns zno uTggTM
speoz aprnozd~oq paz-rnbaz azE aM suoigEinbas uors-rnrpgns
auq zapun qnq :zaiingg dauzoggy dqi~ ugZM szuq ubnozuq
auob anEu dauq 'peog u-rEqunoy~ pag Mau a oq puEi gEqq
agEOipap pinoM dagq gEuq aazbE q,uEO au gEqq piES zaganzg
•uoisinipgns ;o uoigipuoo
E aq pinoM puEi gEugpuE aigEiTEAE apEUi aq pinoM puEi
gEqq gEuq azauq ubnozuq peon Mau auq zo; quau[doianap aug
zo; uo-rgEO-rpap Ein pazznbaz aq puEi auq gEuq auiu~zagap
diiEbai dqi~ aug pinous aazbE pinoM dagq gEuq piEs
gsnC zagzod puE uo-rgEOipap ubnozuq pazinbaz aq puEi aug
pinous gEug aazbE sdnb asauq puE peon E zo; uEid agis
siuq uo panzasaz aq uEid uTEqunoW zaibbnuig puE pag aug
uo peog uzEgunoy~ pag Mau_auq zo; quaiuubiiE dq paidnooo si
gEuq PuET auq gEuq Puaunuooaz pinoo dauq gEuq paiidaz auEx
puaunuooaz oq apEUi uoigoiu E aq pinoa azaug ;r paxsE surxuar
•zaiingg dauzoggy dgi~ ;o aoinpE auq paau
diiEaz daug puE uo-rgsanb iEbai E si qi gEuq qia; zagzod
•dzessaoau aq speoz auq pinous puEi
gEuq ;o uoigEOipap uodn iEnozddE uorsinrpgns s,buiuoZ
puE buzuuEid aug uorq-rpuoo iiiM iiouno~ dqz~ auq gEuq
siaa; auEx uaug 'uzEqunoy~ zaibbnuig puE pag auq zo; uEid
ienozddE iEUi; E gab puE azauq ubnozuq padoianap aq peog
uzEqunoys pag aug pinous puE iuzo; uado ui qi daax uEO dauq
gEuq pagsabbns auEx •puEi gEuq buinzasas ;o su~zaq ui
quiod slug qE gueoTiddE auq ;o abEguenpE puE umquauiom
E buigeazo azE nod uauq puEi gEug nano uoigEgxaquoo
auq nano anions uoigebigii pinous :sgznoo stuuaq sipped
buiMOus dq uEid sruq ;o iEnozddE auq dq pauzEb aq uEo
gEqq ~unquaucoiu iEiquEgsgns s-r azaug gEuq pautEidxa auEx
•agis gEgg uo sguaucanozduii Mous qou saop geug uEid aqg
anozddE og buzuoZ puE buiuuEid auq paxse osiE auEx •agis
slug ;o guaiudoianap aug ;o gsoo aqq ;o gzed aq pinous
uoigEOtpap PuET aug gEqq gia; auEx •dzessaoau peon gEuq
puz; aM EazE iEiozaunuoo poouzoqubiau E sE diagenbapE
ages sruq doianap oq zapzo ui •aq-rs siuq doianap
og pazinbaz si peoz stag puE :speoz oiignci ;o uorgEOrpap
auq azinbaz pinoM uoisinipgns Mau E geuq pauoiquau[ auEx
• apEUi aq og anEu
"[iTM geug suoigEOZpap uTEq,Sa~ aq og anEq TiTM azauq
gEqq iaa; puE aipuEuued aqq gnogE dauouEy~ zabeuEy~ dqi~
puE zaiingg dauzogq~ dqi~ oq uaxods anew sgoagiuozE
auq puE au gEuq pauiEidxa zaganz~ •agis gEqq ;o quau[
-doianap auq ggTM uoigounCuoo ui pazinbaz aq peoz gEug ;o
uotgEOipap gEqq buiuoz puE bIITUTIEid og puaunuooaz oq axzi
pinoM quaur~zedaa buruuEig auy •dgzadozd gEuq ubnozuq
gaazgs ozignd E zo; paau E tIMOuS anEq dauq gEqq pau-rEidxa
auEx •s-r uoigengis aipuEuuad auq gELjM pauozgsanb suiXuar
auq buiuzaouoo uoigo~u aug puaurE oq ax?T pinoM gong
gi zaqu~anoN
uioz; p,quo~)
dgzadozd uEU~anzy
SL6i 'SZ zagiuanoN quaiugzedaQ buzuoZ puE butuuEig uads~
Continued Meeting Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission November 25, 1975
Trueman Property Jenkins asked Grueter to write up his position point
(Cont'd from and asked Ellis to do the same thing; stating objections
November 18 and positions and they will be given first consideration
Meeting) at next weeks meeting.
Hunt withdrew his motion and moved to table; Abbott
made a second. All in favor, motion carried.
Hunt made a motion to adjourn until n ext Tuesday for a
continued meeting; seconded by Abbott . Meeting
adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
~ D - 0.~~11..
Eliz eth M. K1 , n~~...
~puty City Clerk