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Meeting Minutes
January 6, 2009
In Attendance: Board Members: Scott Writer, Rick Newton, Barbaza Owen,
Gordon Gerson, Sue Smedstad, Laura Kornasiewicz, Debbie Ware
Staff Member(s): Tim Anderson, Jonathan Godes, Jon Lazson
Guests: Lise Bodeck, Teri Hooper
I. Call to Order -Scott called the meeting to order with a quorum present.
Committee Comments: Rick suggested that the color ice use schedule that
staff uses with color identification of user group times should be posted on the
website and accessible to users as it is easy to read.
Staff Comments: None
Guest Comments: None
Approval of Past Minutes: Gordon identified that he has met with Jackie K. as
well and to please add this to the minutes. Laura motioned to approve with the
addition and Debbie provided a second. All approved.
II. Discussion Items:
Aspen Area Community Plan: An email from Jessica
Gazrow with ComDev identified the need for groups to
submit ideas for 5 questions which could be incorporated into
the January 29`h large group meetings. Questions submitted
by the AC we as follows:
• The COA should provide quality, affordable options and
opportunities for the residents to pursue a healthy and fit
• Resident, employees, and visitors should have access to
quality, affordable and accessible health, recreation and
fitness facilities.
• As a community that strives to represent a healthy lifestyle to
the world, Aspen should strive to provide world class
facilities to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
• The COA should continue to offer quality, affordable and
accessible indoor recreational opportunities that meet the
changing needs of the residents, employees, and visitors.
• The COA should incorporate ongoing strategies to be
responsive to the changing indoor fitness and recreational
needs of the local residents, employees, and visitors ensuring
access and affordability.
These questions will be forwarded to Jessica for inclusion at the January
lazge group meetings.
The AC focused on questions that would not give people the opportunity
to say "NO", but rather identify the level of recreation they feel should be
provided by the City of Aspen.
Staff and the AC is seeing that all user groups are awaze of the January
meetings such that they will participate and provide feedback as well.
2. Monthly Budget Report: Guest visits were down by just over
20% during the Xmas holidays and staff saw a dramatic drop
in local annual pass sales. While the Recreation Division met
budget it was due to cost saving measures as revenues were
3. Potential Budget Reduction for 2009: Staff informed the AC
that they had been directed to submit ideas of how the 2009
budget could be reduced by 10%. The number of which the
Recreation Staff needed to reach was a $200,000 reduction in
the 2009 subsidy. Staff submitted several ideas to the City
Manager, two of which were reduced hours at the Aspen
Recreation Center and to close the Aspen Ice Garden for 5
months in the summer routing all ice uses to the LIA. These
were the two options which the City Manager selected to
present to City Council. Staff provided a dummy schedule
which showed that all summer ice uses could be
accommodated at the LIA, while some users would have
different time slots than in past summers. There were
obvious mixed emotions and concerns regarding the closure
of the Aspen Ice Gazden for even one summer. Council will
discuss the 2009 budget concerns at a Februazy 10`h work
*Addendum to January minutes: (2/06/09)
The Recreation Division needs to cut the subsidy or dependency
upon tax dollazs by 10% or $200,000 in 2009.
A 5 %z month closure of the ice garden is being recommended to City
Council. This will be achieved by not hiring part time employees in
the summer for the garden and moving 3 full time employees to
other divisions such as pazks and golf. Golf and Parks have different
funding sources and while they must cut budgets as well they will
still hire people to provide summer maintenance and the gazden
employees would be moved into these positions for example. The
city will realize a savings in utilities as well from the closure of the
In addition the ARC will reduce its hours of operations on the
weekends by 13 hours. This will lead to an annual savings of
$40,000. The hours being reduced have a record of very little usage
by patrons and should be a minimal affect on pass holders.
Aside from the cuts in expenditures the division can assist the
dependency upon tax dollars or a reduction to the subsidy through
the increased generation of revenues. Several options aze being
explored to achieve this such as new ways to provide programs, new
programs such as the pond hockey, and to wash towels in house so
as to realize the revenues here at the ARC and not to a vendor.
Advisory Committee concerns included:
• What are the lost revenues by moving programs to the LIA?
• Do camps pay a lesser amount than local groups?
• Will the Gazden close forever or every summer if this step is
• This should have had more public discussion before a
decision was made as to what would be presented to
• That the use of 1 ice rink would preclude some programs
from being able to serve their users during a time that
worked for them, thus seeing large reductions in the user
Staff identified that City priorities at this time were to retain
employees as they are a valuable asset to the organization and
hiring and training new people down the road is not cost effective.
Part time positions will be reduced and/or lost. The AC was
interested as to why this was a priority over not providing the
service of the Ice Garden operating. The city should continue to
provide ice and fill the needs of the users.
Many board members felt that there should have been and should
be more involvement by the Advisory Committee and the ice users
before this moved forward to Council. Members of the committee
further felt that the agreement between the City and SPARC
identified that the Advisory Committee would be consulted on
decisions affecting the operations of ice and they felt that they had
not be consulted but rather that they had been informed.
III. Updates and Progress Reports:
Outdoor Pools: The GOCO grant submitted by staff in the
amount of $200,000 for the construction of the Outdoor Pools was
denied. Due to the current economic climate it looks doubtful that
the Pools will begin construction in 2009.
2. Business Calendar: Items identified for this time of year were to
schedule the 2009 summer ice users meeting and to identify
mazketing for the summer 2009 season. Nancy Lesley will be
asked to attend to the next AC meeting to present marketing ideas.
3. Switch to Active: Staff informed the AC that the switch to
Active was going smooth, some issues still to be worked out, and
the users like the new card swipes. Staff plans to take this to the
next level by placing card swipes and gates next to the front desk.
V. Action Item(s):
1. None.
VI. Other Business:
1. None
The committee was adjourned and will meet again on February 3rd, 2009.