Meeting Minutes
August 4, 2009
2:30-4:30 PM
In Attendance:
Board Members: Laura Kornasiewicz, Debbie Ware, Bazb Owen, Sue Smedstead,
Rick Newton, Gordon Gerson and Scott Writer.
Staff Member(s): Jonathan Godes, Tim Anderson, Jon Larson, Ben Gagnon and JoJo
Guests: No Guests
Committee member comments and announcements: Scott Writer spoke of the brain-
storming sessions being held with Chris Lockrem, Jon Larson and Aspen Junior Hockey
for new ways to get the young kids (pre-school) into skating classes. Parents would need
to provide assistance during these classes as these little ones spend a lot of time falling
down. Two coaches would not be enough. He stated there is no venue for his 5 year old
daughter to move into a series of classes and lessons. He would like to see the day when
there are as many girls as boys in Aspen Junior Hockey.
Staff Comments: No comments
I. Call to Order -Scott Writer called the meeting to order.
Approval of Past Minutes: The minutes from 7-7-09 were approved.
II. Discussion Items:
New AC interested individuals: There were several candidates that the AC
members knew. Two of them had more of a business background. One of
them used the facility on a regulaz basis as well as having family members in
the recreation programs. Everyone knows Carol Sams and spoke of her
extensive involvement with the schools. The members agreed there needs to
be school representation. Carol Sams was nominated to fill the position.
All of the AC members took time to thank Laura Kornasiewicz for all of her
hard work, outstanding service and dedication during her appointment to the
committee. She has been a great asset and the committee has appreciated
being able to look to her for guidance. Laura stated she has enjoyed seeing the
growth of the ARC.
AACP Update: Ben Gagnon from the city community development
department updated the committee on the AACP plan. The process for getting
this through council has slowed down and will be back in the forefront in the
a. Exhibit C -ARC Board "Meeting in a Box" responses contains 12 items.
The committee should be looking at what the top three are and also
prioritize the list. Needs to get done by next meeting.
Some of the questions asked were:
• How practical should we be in our item selection?
• Are we at capacity for existing facilities and programs?
• Should the business plan done several years ago be reviewed again?
• Should we list the outdoor pool again? Ben stated the outdoor pool
should be listed again because aspect is there except the funding. Be
sure to list what public service it fulfills.
b. Action Items (3): Ben mentioned that action items should also be done.
Keep them just detailed enough with scope of work for council with what
budget is needed and any staff commitments. The action items need to be
separate from the aspirations but action items can be duplicated between
aspirations. There should be a narrative to tie everything together.
c. What breakthroughs do we wish to see in Recreation?
The emphasis needs to be put on affordability, meeting needs of
community, creating a demand for our programs and services. Aspirations
and/or inspirations and long term goals should also be included. The
aspirations do not need to be connected.
Cost Analysis Update: Ashley Ernermann is not available to help throughout
the budget season. There is no new information to share.
Scott would like to see a document with a summary of the cost analysis.
Gordon asked what we are trying to find out with the cost analysis document.
Is it the recovery or bottom-line. Some programs may not make money but
need to be included in awell-rounded recreation department. Jonathan
mentioned this is a good tool but only a piece of the project.
4. 1010 Fee recommendations: Tim stated that council does not want to
increase fees for 2010.
5. August 18`" Council Work Session Items: Tim needs to add discussion on
WIFI and flooring for the ice to the agenda. The committee is excited to meet
with council.
6. MOU with School District: Did not cover.
III. Updates and Progress Reports:
I. Wireless Internet @ ARC: Moving forward with a bid process then to public
2. Business Calendar: Did not cover.
3. Monthly Financial report: The report includes Aspen Ice Gazden
IV. Action Items:
1. Recommendations of New AC Appointments: Carol Sams was nominated by
the AC members as the new representative to replace Laura Kornasiewicz.
The committee felt that Carol should be given the business plan document and
the SPARC agreement to help her with some history. She should already have
the MOU.
V. Other Business
Next regular meeting date and time: September 1, 2009