Chairperson, Michael Hoffman called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Brian McNellis, Jason Lasser, Ann Mullins,
Jamie McLeod, Sarah Broughton and Nora Berko. Jay Maytin was seated at
5:45 p.m.
Staff present: Jim True, Special Counsel
Amy Guthrie, Preservation Officer
Sara Adams, Historic Preservation Planner
Kathleen Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk
MOTION: Ann made the motion to approve the minutes of November 11,
2009 as amended by Brian. Brian second the motion. All in favor, motion
MOTION.• Brian moved to reinstate Michael as Chair and Sarah as Vice-
chair of the HPC; second by.7amie. All in favor, motion carried. Reso. 1,
Sarah will recuse herself on 320 Lake Ave. -Her firm helped the applicant
do due-diligence on the property.
Michael will recuse himself on 320 Lake Ave. Michael has provided legal
services to the applicant.
525 E. Cooper Ave. -Minor HPC review, Commercial Design
Standards Review and View Plane Review -Public Hearing
Amy said the subject project is the Aspen Grove building in the downtown
historic district although the building is not considered contributing. The
proposal is to swap out some space in the building to carve out a trash area
along the alley and to take that void and move it to the front corner of an
existing retail store. It is approximately 200 square feet that is being
maneuvered. The reviews necessary are minor HPC review, commercial
design review and view pane review. The HPC standards and Commercial
standards are almost identical. This project is minimal and everything is
going to match the existing building. The only concern is that the
application did not have a door into the retail space facing Cooper Ave. and
that is an important characteristic of the shopping experience in downtown.
The entry should be clear and the interaction of passer's by and the store
Amy said both sets of guidelines say the door should face the street and be
sheltered and reset. The property is in the line of the Cooper Ave. view
plane. This building and the Ajax Mountain building already violate the
view plane and have for some time. This particular model is below the angle
and there is nothing further protruding into the view plane and we
recommend that HPC allow the project to go forward.
Amy said she got one comment from someone who owns a condo in the
Independence Building concerning more lighting in the alley. We have
guidelines that do not want spot lighting.
Dana Epstein, designer/contractor said we will have wall lighting that is the
same as existing in the alley.
Sarah said her firm did work in the past but they aren't doing any work at
this time and there is no conflict.
Dana Epstein went over the project. The alley is muddled with trash bins all
the way down and we propose to make a 200 square foot indentation in the
first floor of the building so we can roll the trash cans in and get rid of the
trash cans on the alley side. We will move the trash areas from the alley to
an enclosure with a pull down garage door and move the 200 square feet to
the front store front and squaring the building off. A concrete floor would
have to be poured at a slope in order to get the trash cans in and out.
Sarah asked for clarification why the brick sill isn't coming around the
Frank Woods, owner said he feels it makes it look cleaner and fresher and
more updated.
Ann said the glass will come down to grade or within two inches.
Nora pointed out that the space can't hold all the garbage bins in the alley.
Dana said the other businesses will have to work with common dumpsters.
The dumpsters are never full.
Michael asked Jim True, Special Counsel if HPC can require the applicant to
consolidate the different trash bins. Jim-said it could be a condition.
Frank Wood said he isn't even sure if all the trash bins belong to his
building. If the city let them have a trash bin what can we do when they
aren't on our property.
Amy said she doubts if an encroachment was ever granted and this
application will probably trigger a requirement to fix the situation.
Amy said you could suggest that the Engineering Dept. look at the problem
and proposes some consolidation or encroachment permits.
Dana said the trash could be moved to the side of the building but there is a
transformer in that location.
Jamie inquired about the door and steps in the alley. Dana said they are
existing and not new.
Vice-chair, Sarah Broughton opened the public hearing. There were no
public comments. The public hearing portion of the agenda item was closed.
Ann commented that she appreciates the fact that the alley will be cleaned
up. Currently it is a plaza and what you are doing to the west side of that
plaza is changing it into a corridor. There is an existing plaza and by your
addition you are getting rid of that. There is a way to still ad square footage
and maintain open space. The front door also needs to be on the street side.
Jamie commented that she likes the brick going all the way across and it
keeps within the historic nature in that area. One concern is the division of
windows and doors on each side and possibly that could be more consistent.
Jamie agreed with Ann and adding that small section does limit the access of
coming into the court yard and that is a concern. You don't want to hinder
the other retailers in the back of the space if you block out their public
access to that area. The two entry doors being so closely related is also a
Jason said having the west side pushed back is in conflict with our
guidelines 13.8. The historic pattern is keeping the facades on the property
line to maintain a straight fapade on our streets. Jason said he couldn't find
anything in the guidelines about the sill except for maintaining an historic
pattern. He also agreed that the two doors in the front are problematic. The
door on the north face on Cooper should be the primary door. Jason said he
also agrees with staff about Engineering and the trash encroachment
Brian said he is torn and by squaring off the corner you are inhibiting the
natural flow into that space. Because of that I am concerned about the
tenants in the interior of the courtyard. You are creating more of a narrow
path into that area. On the other hand it does justice to the store front by
bringing it forward but is it at the expense of the businesses in the courtyard.
Michael agreed that the design element of the sill along Cooper Ave. should
be continued. In terms of the application for commercial guidelines I agree
with Jason who quoted them well. The City Engineer should deal with the
encroachment of the trash receptacles.
Sarah also agreed that there is no impact on the view plane. This building is
not historic yet it is in our historic district. The entire building is at odds
with our guidelines and our commercial design guidelines. I do have
concerns with the addition coming out to the lot line. If the addition occurs
the punched opening for the door is very foreign. The bldg. is masonry book
ends with glass in the middle. This is one instance where our guidelines are
not applicable to a more modern building in our historic district. I would
rather see a store front door without it being in a punched opening.
Amy pointed out that the door cannot swing onto the sidewalk.
Ann also agreed that the guidelines are clear that the storefront should come
up to the street and even with the other facades but it also mentions the
importance of a public amenity space which is well designed and flows well.
Amy said the applicant is providing more open space than what is required
and they are bisected by the view plane.
Nora said guideline 13.8 and 13.6 are in conflict. If you are going to have
pedestrian activity and somehow mirror the other side then you still have an
open flow. Squaring it off lends a hybrid look.
Michael said he finds the entire idea of the existing courtyard uninviting.
Jason said if you walk along the street edge are you likely to tum and go into
the courtyard or walk along the street edge looking at the windows.
Frank Wood pointed out that the configuration of the building is due to the
different codes being in place throughout the years. There was a time when
you had to provide 25% open space and now you don't. The planter inhibits
the flow of traffic I have been part of the ownership for 25 years and we
wouldn't do this remodel if we thought it would be negative on the tenants.
Our tenants in the back have been there for 23 years. The more activity we
can create to the building the better it will be. On the door we can put it in a
straight line because the building is set back.
Dana said he didn't think about the building being set back four to six feet.
On the handicapped access you have to have the door so wide that we had to
have a little window. We have planned on taking out part of the planters to
make the corridor more pedestrian friendly. Incorporating the sill is not a
big deal but without it, it does create a more open look similar to what we
did on Mill Street.
View Plane:
The board determined that the project was not in violation of the view plane.
The board was in favor of the alley proposal and the pull down door and that
the Engineering and Zoning Departments assess the alley for encroachments
and make sure the trash is cleaned up and consolidated.
Proposed changes: Getting rid of the punch for the door.
Ann said the design can be re-worked and not be so symmetrical so it still
creates a wider opening to the plaza. If the proposal is to take out the entire
planter we need to see the re-workings of the plaza.
Frank Wood said they are going to be working on the planter and making it
Brian agreed with Ann that a restudy should occur. Stepping the addition
back somewhat so that it isn't squared off on the corner would be something
to consider.
Jamie agreed that stepping it back and revising it so that it is a little
friendlier would be recommended.
Frank said removing the setback door isn't a problem and either is putting
the sill on. Frank pointed out that on the Mezzaluna building both corners
are cut out. In order to make it more pedestrian friendly by removing the
planter that would be great.
Amy said this is a 30 foot wide corridor and it is a city lot that is basically
not permitted to be built on which is in conflict with our guidelines and the
way we approach things today. If they would be interested in reworking the
plaza and court yard to make it more accessible and spacious we would
support that. This is a struggle because they have a lot of things pushing on
how they can do anything. We have said in the guidelines that they need to
be up on the street and they are being told not to because the courtyard has
some design significance but I am not sure what that is. I am not sure how
to guide them with the revisions at this point.
Dana said the planter is on the ground with a row of bricks/concrete around
it. It is easily changeable.
MOTION: Sarah moved to approve Resolution #2 for the project at 525 E.
Cooper with the following conditions:
1. The primary entry door face Cooper Ave. and be in line with the
facade and that is in compliance with guideline 13.3.
2. The brick sill element come around on the fixed windows in
accordance with the other openings.
3. The applicant work with staff and monitor as the new planter ideas
are redeveloped and making sure if you are required to have the open
space that the open space remains a viable open space.
4. Work with Engineering to resolve the trash along the alley.
Michael second the motion.
Jason asked staff if there was a pattern for recessed entry ways. Amy said
this building is from a different era.
Sarah said not every guideline will apply to this building or this project.
Roll call vote: Jamie, Nora, Ann - no.
Jason, Brian, Michael, Sarah -yes. Motion carried 4-3.
Jason is the monitor.
Work Session- 320 Lake Ave.
Jim True, Special counsel said work sessions are a tool to the applicant for
providing input from the HPC; however, any statement made by an
individual member or collectively by the commission will not be binding
and we request that the applicant acknowledge that this is a work session and
not binding by the HI'C.
Rich Carr, representing the applicant said he understood what Jim said.
Sara Adams said Ronnie Marshall, the owner of the property has consented
to the potential purchasers to appear before HPC to do this work session.
MOTION: Brian moved to adjourn; second by Ann. All in favor, motion
L L . ~-
J. Stricklarlcl, Chief Deputy Clerk