Meeting Minutes
January 5, 2010
2:30-4:30 PM
In Attendance:
Board Members: Carol Sams, Debbie Ware, Barb Owen, Sue Smedstead, Rick
Newton, Scott Writer and Gordon Gerson.
Staff Member(s): Tim Anderson, Jon Larson and JoJo Smith
Guests: No guests present
L Call to Order -Scott Writer called the meeting to order.
Committee member comments and announcements: The Third Annual Skating
Competition in December went very well and without a hitch. The numbers were
slightly up from last year. Other competitions around the state have been down.
Barb brought up the old issue of having retractable netting around the rink. Can
this be looked into again? Tim stated the products that were looked into in the
past were cost prohibitive. Tim stated other, maybe different type systems can be
looked into.
Rick wanted to state that the United States flag in the rink is hanging in the wrong
position. It is suppose to be on "it's own right". Staff would look into this again
and get the information to the next meeting.
Rick also wanted to make sure the Reach advertising TV's would have detailed
information such as hockey practices and games. Tim stated he has spoken to staff
and it has been taken care of.
Gordon wanted to know if there is a written policy on how much is charged to
groups for private rentals. He also wanted to make sure that the impact to user
groups is taken into consideration. Both Tim and Scott thought there was a written
policy but it was very generic. They would look for it. Sue suggested the decision
be lefr to the managers since they have a handle of what is going on.
Tim mentioned the two scheduled groups renting the ice garden this summer will
each be contributing $3500 to youth user groups. They will be auctioning off
items for this charitable contribution.
Scott Writer apologized for missing so many meetings. He says his youngest
daughter really wants to skate. He also wants to make sure that the rink is set up
for the smaller kids, such as having small size skates. He really is going to push
and get the interest back up for the preschool kids out there who can be on ice
sooner than later. He wants to recruit 15-20 young girls this year to really help get
the program going.
The group felt the addition of the outdoor rink has been well received. It was busy
during most of the daylight hours over the holidays. It was self-regulated with
different groups interacting very well. Jon wanted to thank the 20-30 people it
took to make it happen.
Carol wants to get broomball back in for school physical education classes. She
would like to look into hosting a broomball tournament.
Public Comments: No public present.
Staff Comments: Tim stated there is a dedicated facility programmer that will
have 16 hours a week to get some new events going and build on existing ones.
Some of the things being looked at are more theme days, better birthday party
packages and monthly activities such as having a mountain bike clinic.
Tim handed out revenue information from Future Champs. Irma has done a great
job of making the snack bar work. She listens and is willing to work with events
coming in to the building.
Jon stated Rick Newton's Thursday Nooner's at the Ice Garden will have
someone else running the session as of January 7th.
The storage of the flooring may be able to be stored on site rather than a place like
Dotsero. The site would be around the apartment at the ARC.
Approval of Past Minutes: The minutes from 12-1-09 were approved with one
II. Discussion Items:
1. ARC Expansion: Tim stated he met with Steve Barwick. Steve stated he will
help with partial funding if needed. Tim Ware from the city parking
department suggested we get consultants to look at parking issues. A survey
will be done on a needs solution and demographics process. Tim will get Tim
Hageman for the next meeting to come up with basic drawing. Tim wants to
present a plan to council in May for the 2011 budget process. All interested
staff will be encouraged to attend the advisory committee meeting February
Sue stated they had high school students help with getting the best parking
space usage during the Cirque event. There are 400 pazking spaces including
the school. Pazking can be managed with signage and recommendations of
where to park. Information should be available for the next committee
Ice Garden Improvements: There should be SOK carry forwazd savings for
2010 improvements at the Ice Gazden. Hopefully work can be scheduled
during the same time as the compressor rebuild this summer. Scott wanted to
have another brainstorming session about azeas of the ice garden that are
underutilized, such as the conference room upstairs.
2010 Program Ideas: The flooring will be set up for a month at the Lewis in
April. Jon will put together a schedule for both ice rinks and what effect
having the Lewis Ice Arena ice unavailable for a month would have on the
user groups. All interested organizations need to be contacted to see if they are
interested in using the flooring for the month it is available. A "needs"
assessment should to be done to determine how much these groups aze willing
to pay. A protocol for usage and how time slots will be allocated can be the
similar to how ice times are scheduled. The group felt the schools should be
scheduled first.
The cost of installing and removing the flooring is estimated at about $1000.
Temporary labor is used. Rick mentioned when he was in charge of setting up
the tent for events at the historical society he was able to get a group of
volunteers together and make an event of the tent setup/teazdown.
III. Updates and Progress Reports:
1. Business Calendar: Not discussed.
2. Monthly Financial report.• Tim provided committee with Eden reports.
3. Learn to Skate Programs: Elaine Kozel will be taking the "learn to skate"
program. She has done a wonderful job in getting student participation in the
upcoming class starting Januazy 7`h. Teri Hooper will hopefully pick up the
summer skating school and adult week. Scott wanted to have aspen Junior
Hockey ice time for some of the skate programs with hockey emphasis. Tim
will have Elaine contact Scott about program and ice use ideas.
Scott wanted to have all of the preschools contacted again. Currently there is
only one preschool from down valley involved in eazly skating program. Scott
feels flyers about the opportunity should be presented to all parents from the
IV. Action Items:
V. Other Business:
1. Junior Hockey Locker Room Remodel.• Not discussed.
2. WiFi availability at the ARC was brought up again. The WIFI issue needs to
be on the November ballot. The group felt other funding sources need to be
looked at if the city cannot fund it.
Meeting Adjourned at 4:30 PM
Next regular meeting date and time: February 2. 2010