Meeting Minutes
May 04, 2010
2:30-4:30 PM
In Attendance:
Board Members: Debbie Ware, Sue Smedsted, Barb Owen, Scott Writer and Gordon
Staff Member(s): Tim Anderson, Jeff Alden and JoJo Smith
Guests: Karen Dillon Pillsbury
I. Call to Order -Scott Writer called the meeting to order.
Committee member comments and announcements.• Barb Owen introduced Kazen
Dillon Pillsbury. Karen had lived in the valley previously. She wanted to check out
several volunteer board meetings to see if it is something she is interested in being
involved in.
Scott spoke of redecorating the walls of the Lewis Ice Arena and the Aspen Ice
Garden with the local history of skating. There is a rich history of the local skating
population and it would be good to have it available for all to shaze. There would
be pictures and possibly film clips running on TV's to mention some of the type of
Public Comments: Karen gave us a background of her interest in being involved
in volunteer committee groups.
Staff Comments: No comments
Approval of Apri16, 2010 Minutes: Sue Smedsted wanted to make it absolutely
clear that there was no consideration of having the City of Aspen take over the
Aspen Youth Center space. This issue is dead and buried per Sue. Scott Writer
stated he was the one who asked the question when the discussion in the last
meeting involved looking at all of the space in the ARC. The minutes from 05-04-
10 were approved. Sue Smedsted did not vote since she was not at the April
II. Discussion Items:
1. ARC Expansion: Tim went over all of the information for the City Council
presentation scheduled for May 18`h here in RM 209 at the ARC. The packet
includes the Ballard King Group expansion assessment, the pazking study, Tim
Hagman's preliminazy drawings and Bob Patillo's information on the structure
and load limits. Tim showed the most current drawings that Tim Hagman
The Ballazd*King Group expansion assessment includes a summary of current
operations, budget, and facility use and membership figures. It also includes
operational impact of the planned expansion, expense increases, revenue
increases and new projected budget figures. New programming such as
personal trainers, additional fitness programming and aconcession/Pro-shop
expansion are listed as some of the revenues generating ideas.
2. Monthly Financial Report: Jeff explained the dashboard and how these
numbers are pulled from the financial software. With a number of the general
ledger (GL) accounts being changed from last year some of the information has
to be pulled manually and distributed to the appropriate accounts. After this
year everything will be done electronically from our financial system.
3. Expiring Terms.• Debbie Waze and Barb Owen have AC terms ending in
August 2010. A determination will be made as to how these two positions will
be filled. Rick Newton has resigned from the AC committee because he is
leaving the country. Patrick Keelty from Aspen Junior Hockey will be replacing
Rick Newton. Scott Writer would like to see some type of acknowledgement
for the service these volunteer board members have put in.
III. Updates and Progress Reports:
1. Business Calendar: Scott asked how much the business calendar was being
used by the staff. Tim stated he has his own method of staying on top of
monthly and annual events. He does transfer appropriate information to this
calendar. Scott suggested if the staff is not utilizing it perhaps it should be
2. June start to Cost Analysis update going into 2011 budget
IV. Action Items:
V. Other Business:
1. Junior Hockey Locker Room Remodel: On Hold
Next regular meeting date and time: June O1, 2010