HomeMy WebLinkAboutresolution.council.044-84RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL
WHEREAS, the United States Pn~.rironrnental Protection Aget:cy
issu_•d notice on October 13, 1984. that an undefined tract of
1at:d IlO rthea:>t Of thr! ~'i tV of Aspen In th E' Smuggler ~'`!6Ullta In arf'a
Pitr;ir~ Cou nty, Colorado, has been placed on. the Iatior.al Priority
List for possible designation as a ??azardous Tiaste Sit_ r•ligib].e
for Su;~orfund assistance, and;
WHEREAS, the City of Aspen has for years been a `iation~.l
lea~~er among rlunicipalities in its championing of environmental
conc;erra and environmental protectionism, and;
WHEREAS, the City of Aspen is ungualifiecily com;uitted to
maint:=wining an environmentally safe community, as free of the
vestigenes of urban wllution and ha..ardous materials as oracti-
cabL , anti;
SQHEREAS, the Environmental Protection Agency's ir,clusiot: of
the Smuggler i~our,tain area or, the: Superfund National Prioritt,°
List has caused confusion, uncertainty. and hardship among local
gOV ~=YnmF?nt agel]Cleu, flnanCral lrl :~t It UtlOtl5, businesses. ~)r0?Je rty
o~;rners, residents. visitors. and prospective visitors, and;
WHEREAS,. evidr_~nce has been presented to tale City of i~sp•~r/
Pit!cin County Uepart:nent of Environmental Health indicating
possible defects in tale date used by the Environmental Prctec-
tion 1lgency and in the mcthod> of caata collection.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the
i^.1t~~~ O-:: !~:inen.. COlOradO hereby reSpeCtUlly re.;UPStS that the
Envircn;nental Drotectior. Agnnc_y hold in abeyance any FPi: designation
of the Sr:rugglcr Itountain Area until such time as the EP11 has done
a corr,alr_~te and thorouch reevaluation of the scientific data anon.
which hazardous Waste site designations are determined can be
completed, such reg.valuation to begin immediately, be diligently
oursued: ar.d a decision be dr~~terrained as soon as reasonably
possible anct that the City of Aspen ar.d Pitkin Cour;ty be fu11,~
anci regularly informed of reevaluation proceedings ar.ci findings.
BE IT FURTAER RESOLVED, that the City Council of tae City of
AspF•r, respectfully recuests that trre public comment period
r2CJar Cil ng tYle $m Uggler ~~iOUnta].n Area ?Ia2ard0 US ?Ta S'tc_' ~1 tE' dC'Slgna-
tion be continued to a reasonable date following disclosure of
the re SUl tS Of til E' of Orf'Sald reCV al UdtlOn aS Well aS d1aC10SUrf'
of all pertinent findings and data collected to date.
DATiD_~-~?J7c~-PItJ ~~ ____-.+ 1 ~?3
~~~, a
iTilli.am L. Stirling. Pi _or w
I, I:athryn S. Koch. duly anooir.ted and acting City Clerk do
certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of that
resolution adopted by tiro Ci,t~nCouncil of the City of Aspen,.
Colorado. at a meeting held /~~r-G-~ l~ .____ 19"n.
athryn S. T:och, City Clerk