HomeMy WebLinkAboutagenda.boa.20181213 AGENDA Aspen Board of Adjustment REGULAR MEETING December 13, 2018 4:30 PM City Council Chambers 130 S Galena Street, Aspen I. SITE VISIT II. ROLL CALL III. COMMENTS A. Commissioners B. Planning Staff C. Public IV. MINUTES A. August 8, 2018 V. DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 431 W. Hallam Street- Front Yard Setback Variance Request VII. OTHER BUSINESS VIII. BOARD REPORTS IX. ADJOURN Typical Proceeding Format for All Public Hearings 1) Conflicts of Interest (handled at beginning of agenda) 2) Provide proof of legal notice (affi d avit of notice for PH) 3) Staff presentation 4) Board questions and clarifications of staff 5) Applicant presentation 6) Board questions and clari fications of applicant 7) Public comments 8) Board questions and clarifications relating to public comments 9) Close public comment portion of bearing 10) Staff rebuttal /clarification of evidence presented by applicant and public comment 1 1 ) Applicant rebuttal/clarification End of fact finding. Deliberation by the commission commences. No further interaction between commission and staff, applicant or public 12) Chairperson identified the issues to be discussed among commissioners. 13) Discussion between commissioners* 14) Motion* *Make sure the discussion and motion includes what criteria are met o r not met. Revised April 2, 2014 Regular Meeting Board of Adjustment August 9, 2018 1 Staff Comments ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Commission Comments ................................................................................................................................ 2 Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Public Comment not on the Agenda ............................................................................................................. 2 Declaration of Conflicts of Interest ............................................................................................................... 2 1015 Waters Avenue – Variance Request ..................................................................................................... 2 Regular Meeting Board of Adjustment August 9, 2018 2 At 4:30 p.m.; Mr. Sandler called the regular meeting to order with Board Members Farrey, Feddersen, Hopson, Frank and Bentzin present. Also present from staff Jessica Garrow, Kevin Rayes, Andrea Bryan and Linda Manning. Staff Comments None. Commission Comments None. Minutes Mr. Sandler moved to approve the minutes from March 8, 2018; seconded by Mr. Farrey. All in favor, motion carried. Public Comment not on the Agenda None. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest Mr. Hopson stated he has a conflict on the application and will recuse himself. Ms. Feddersen stated she lives at 1050 Waters Avenue but is not an owner of that unit. She is moving out in October. This will not affect her or her decision. 1015 Waters Avenue – Variance Request Mr. Sandler opened the public hearing. Kevin Rayes, community development, reviewed the current conditions at the property. 1015 Waters Avenue is located in the R15 zone. It is a non-conforming lot due to the small lot size. The minimum lot size is 15,000 square feet. This lot is only 6,000. Currently there is a single family dwelling on the lot. Across the street is a multi-family complex. The property owner is planning to redevelop with a new dwelling. They hired a firm to design the new structure. This design complies with all the required setbacks of the R15 zone district. He showed images of the proposed design. It includes a 25 foot front setback and a 10 feet rear and side yard setbacks. In the south west corner of property is a 10 foot ditch easement. During the time of design, the architect was unaware the ditch was here. The proposed design is encroaching on the easement. The applicant is requesting to move the design 9 feet forward to comply with the ditch easement. This would leave a 16 foot front yard request opposed to the 25 foot required setback to now comply with the 10 foot ditch easement. The applicant is arguing that this combination of the undersized lot and the setback requirements of the zone district, as well as the10 foot ditch easement qualifies for the development hardship. Staff does not agree with this and are proposing denial of the variance. The land use code talks about standards applicable to a variance. Criteria #2 says grant of a variance is the minimal variance to make possible the reasonable use of the parcel, building or structure. Staff finds this is not met because even though there is a 10 foot ditch easement it is only in the rear corner of the lot and not impacting the entire rear of the lot. We feel the design can be accommodated by a modification. The second criteria we find not met is land use code part 3A which states special conditions and circumstances which are unique to the parcel, building or structure that are not applicable to others in same zone district, and which do not result from the actions of the applicant. Staff finds this Regular Meeting Board of Adjustment August 9, 2018 3 not met because although there is a ditch easement in this yard it is not unique to this parcel. Other lots have things like steep slopes and trees they need to work around. Lastly, criteria 3B states granting the variance will not confer upon the applicant any special privilege denied the terms of this title and the municipal code other parcels, buildings or structures in the zone district. Staff finds this criteria is not met because by granting this 9 foot variance this parcel would not comply with the setback requirements of the R15 zone district. Staff is recommending denial based on these criteria. We received two public comments over email. Both state opposition to the variance. The concerns were a lack of parking along Waters Avenue. They mention concerns with the view along Waters Avenue and how granting the variance would impact the view. I spoke with the City Forester and he mentioned there are a bunch of trees in the front yard and if the variance is granted the trees would most likely be removed. They are opposed to the removal of the trees. Mr. Frank asked if the other properties along Waters are R15 and undersized lots. Mr. Rayes replied he is not sure how many undersized lots there are in the R15 district but there are others. Applicant Gretchen Greenwood Greg Hemming, owner Chris Hendrickson, builder Ms. Greenwood said it is a non-conforming lot in the R15 zone at 6,000 square feet. There are a few 6,000 square foot lots on Waters Avenue. Most of the lots are larger than 6,000. Even though it is an R15 lot it has the same setbacks as a larger lot. It still requires the 25 foot front and 10 foot rear and side yard setbacks. There are unique characteristics that affect the design that it only has access to Waters Avenue. That changes the way you access the garage. It also has very steep slopes and the Wheeler ditch. Initially in designing the project there is no recorded easement for the ditch. I submitted this project to the building department on April 4th. This is our second land use application for this property. Our first application was to have a historic assessment of the grades when nothing was on the property because the city has a code to determine floor area based on the slopes of the site. We are already battling a 270 square foot reduction in FAR because of the rear slopes. At the time I met with engineering and planning on the site and we discussed the ditch. It never came up that there was going to be a prescriptive easement. We submitted to the building department the plan with the 25 foot setbacks and the engineering department came back and said we are calling a prescriptive easement on the ditch. That is not the hardship, that is just the city making up things as you go along. In designing this we thought it would be better if there was a reduction in FAR. Better for the neighbors and everyone involved. In terms of location, we have no problem giving the City an easement, but we have to shore because we are up against the hillside. That is one of the hardships, we need three feet of shoring. What that give us is a 16 foot setback. The garage has to be set back from the building 10 feet and is set back from the street 33 feet. Because of the code it does create additional parking on the site, but it is an odd design element to push the garage 33 feet back. The ditch is a hardship, the over dig we need to do, the 10 foot setbacks are all hardships. By granting a variance the front of the porch will be 16 feet and puts the bulk of the house closer to the street and allow for better views for both the neighbors. It is a win situation for everyone. I disagree that the email comments are negative. It seems like they are complaining about the neighborhood rather than this property. We can fit six cars on the property. The only person affected by the 9 foot variance is the owner. The site is complicated and has issues. The setbacks required on a small lot make it a difficult project and effect the development ability on this parcel. She does not agree with the city’s recommendation of denial. Mr. Sandler said the one thing we have learned is we try to look at these things as a perspective of balance and hardship as well as from a resident’s side. One the one hand you want to adhere to what the city is saying. On the other hand, you look at it from a common sense perspective. When these codes were passed for R15 and when the house was built has the code changed. Jessica Garrow, community development, said the code has changed a lot over time especially in this zone. Ms. Greenwood said multiple homes are located in the setback and one is over the property line. She said she sits on the board Regular Meeting Board of Adjustment August 9, 2018 4 and they are for residents to represent residents, not the government. I’m of the same ilk as you and appreciate that comment. Ms. Feddersen asked about the trees. Ms. Greenwood replied they are being mitigated for and they are working with Aspen Tree Service. Mr. Sandler asked what will happen if you don’t get the variance. Ms. Greenwood stated we will load the FAR to the east side. There is no reason to push it back in to the hill side. Mr. Farrey replied other than the setback requirement. Ms. Greenwood said on a non-conforming lot. Mr. Farrey said if you went back and showed this development on an overlay of what is existing that would be helpful. Ms. Feddersen said the main issue with neighbors is they don’t want the front of the house to be closer to the road and create less parking. Ms. Greenwood showed an image of how the home would sit if they don’t get the variance overlaid on the current proposal. The front porch is midway past the garage. Adding 9 more feet to the back would benefit everyone and not affect the parking. Non-set back areas and set back areas have different requirements for what you can and cannot do in it. We would like to be granted the 16 foot setback for the front yard. None of the neighbors called me but I would have been happy to walk through the plan with them. We as a team think it is a better plan all together. Mr. Frank said you originally designed the house with the RDS and 25 foot setback in mind until the ditch easement was discovered. Ms. Greenwood replied I did. Honestly, I wanted to come in for a variance even before because it is better for the property if it was away from the ditch. Mr. Frank asked about the code on the easement. Ms. Garrow said the comments on the easement came from the engineering department. There are typical requirements that development needs to be set back from the centerline of any ditch in town. It does happen in other developments. Ms. Greenwood stated she has designed two developments on Waters and has never some across this. Mr. Sandler asked about the ditch. Ms. Greenwood said it is the water that supplies the mall. Andrea Bryan, city attorney, said it is a requirement especially for new developments where the property owner grants us an easement. If it is discovered that the easement hasn’t been recorded, we require them to grant a 10 foot on the centerline easement. This is not an unusual circumstance from that aspect. The city adopted certain engineering standards and water distribution standards and I assume that requirement is in there. Ms. Greenwood said we think it is a better plan if we just move the building forward. Mr. Farrey said I can respect that. The most telling thing is from the dimensional requirements from community development as far as the front setback, where existing structures have a 15 foot setback and you are proposing going a little bit further versus the 25 that it fall in to in the new code. Is it a foot further set back than the existing structure. To put it in front of the existing structure is not fair to the neighbors. Ms. Greenwood replied it is not in front of any property. It is back a foot and a half. The comment from the staff affecting the view, nothing is affected. Ms. Garrow said the purpose of zoning is when you are redeveloping that you are coming into conformance with the requirements that the city has outlined. This is a complete scrape and replace and it is why we feel pretty strongly it should be in conformance. This is a changing neighborhood. There are older structures that maybe don’t comply with the existing zoning but when they come in and apply to redevelop they will be asked to comply with existing zoning. We may have a different recommendation if this ditch was over a larger portion of the property. But it really is tucked within that corner. From our reading of the land use code and the criteria set in the land use code we don’t believe it is a hardship. Ms. Greenwood replied it is true what you say but it is a quarter of the property. Mr. Sandler opened the public comment. 1. Mark Cindrich, owns adjacent property for 28 years with wife Melinda. In the winter and summer the neighborhood is filled with cars. There is a swale in front of the property. By Regular Meeting Board of Adjustment August 9, 2018 5 moving the driveway they are capturing the whole swale and parking area. I feel bad they have a small lot but that’s what they have. We have a 6 foot setback. He would like you to take into consideration how this will affect the parking. The ditch has been there forever. Ms. Feddersen said they have a large parking area and I don’t see anyone parking there. Is it for public parking. Mr. Cindrick replied it’s supposed to be. 2. Melinda Cindrich said I didn’t know what they were doing. The neighborhood is special. I don’t want them to build some monster thing that is going to block our views and tear down the trees. Mr. Sandler closed the public comment. Ms. Greenwood said the existing garage is 15 feet. Our driveway will be 17 feet and the garage is set back 34 feet from the property line. That is not from where people park, that is from our property line. Ms. Garrow said the packet includes a resolution for approval and denial. The approval only varies the front setback all the other setbacks would remain. What I saw in the presentation was a request for a 19 foot setback. If the board agrees to grant approval you may want to talk about that rear setback and if it should be varied. Ms. Greenwood said it is just a tradeoff. We are not trying to put in a swimming pool or anything back there. We want to keep it all natural. I was just suggesting it as a tradeoff. We are here because we feel it is a better plan for the neighborhood. She showed an image of the existing garage. It is 16 feet. There is no parking here. We are only moving 17 feet over to the side. Anyone can park outside of the property line. We are also going to put in a fence. There is absolutely no change to the comings and goings of people and their cars. We feel it is a better plan for the neighbors. Pushing the house back affects those views in the back. The right place for the building is to have more open space in the back. Mr. Sandler asked Chris as the developer if he has anything to add. He replied the city has rules and we have to abide by them. If there are opportunities like this to have a variance that will actually make the house sit in the neighborhood and be the same as where the other houses are at it is where the variance should be applied. Ms. Garrow stated we recommend against. We don’t think it meets the criteria. Mr. Farrey said hardship is awfully hard to prove here and that is our first and foremost job, to prove hardship. The site presents its challenges. Your plan is specific to this site and thoughtful. When you do new construction, you have to come into conformity and that should come to no surprise to someone who inherits it or buys it. That is what is tough here. On the emotional side a lot of the issues revolve how this is presented in the front and you are doing a foot better than what is in place. That, addressed with neighbors a while back may have went a long way. That said, it is a new construction and not a remodel, it is no surprise you have to come in to conformity. You still get the same square foot. Your plan is 30 percent better. Within this neighborhood you have to conform to the new setbacks and that is no surprise. Mr. Frank said however unfortunate the timing of the ditch is, it is in the code. It is unfortunate it was missed so deep in to the process. Mr. Sandler said we always like to deliberate on the side of the citizen, but we need that hardship. For me it is the fundamental of the hardship. Ms. Greenwood said it is the non-conforming lot, large setbacks for a 6,000 square foot lot that are meant for a 15,000 square foot lot, small building area, slopes and one access in to the site. All create the hardship. Mr. Frank said any structure on this street that does a scrape will have to comply with the 25 foot setback. If we offer you a variance for a nearly 50 percent reduction in the setback and in 30 years your home is the sore thumb out on the street. Ms. Greenwood replied people won’t tear their houses down. They will Regular Meeting Board of Adjustment August 9, 2018 6 go right to the 30 percent rule to remodel. Mr. Frank replied that option is on the table for you too. Ms. Greenwood replied that is not an option. We are presenting the right way to go. Mr. Frank moved to deny Resolution #3, Series of 2018; seconded by Mr. Farrey. Roll call vote. Feddersen, yes; Bentzin, yes; Frank, yes; Farrey, yes; Sandler, no. Motion carried. Mr. Sandler moved to adjourn at 5:35 p.m.; seconded by Ms. Feddersen. All in favor, motion carried. Linda Manning City Clerk Page 1 of 4 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Adjustment FROM: Kevin Rayes, Planner THRU: Jennifer Phelan, Deputy Planning Director RE: 431/433 West Hallam, Front Yard Setback Variance Review Resolution No. __, Series of 2018 MEETING DATE: December 13, 2018 APPLICANT: Connery Family Trust, 135 Ward Street, Larkspur, CA 94939 REPRESENTATIVE: Chris Bendon, Bendon Adams, LLC LOCATION: 431 West Hallam Street CURRENT ZONING: Medium Density Residential (R-6) SUMMARY: The applicant requests a 5-ft. variance from the minimum front yard setback (10’ to 5’) to redevelop this site with a single- family residence. The request is based upon the location of several large spruce trees located along the south property line. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff does not support the front yard setback variance request and therefore recommends denial of the project. Figure 1: Vicinity Map Figure 2: 431 West Hallam Street, Looking South Page 2 of 4 REQUEST OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: The Applicant is requesting the following approvals from the Board of Adjustment: • Variance (Chapter 26.314) to grant a dimensional variance for this site, reducing the minimum front yard setback requirement of the R-6 zone district (The Board of Adjustment is the final review authority). BACKGROUND: 431/433 West Hallam Street contains a duplex dwelling located in the R-6 zone district. The site has a gross lot area of 6,027 square feet and is 86.75 ft. wide and 70 ft. deep. This configuration is somewhat atypical with most surrounding lots being 100 ft. deep, abutting the alley. The R-6 zone district has minimum front and rear yard setbacks of 10-ft. This parcel has a total side yard setback requirement of 15-ft with a minimum side yard setback of 5-ft. Several large spruce trees are located along the rear of the property. The applicant proposes to demolish the existing duplex dwelling and replace it with a new single-family dwelling. The applicant requests a 5-ft. variance from the minimum front yard setback (reducing the setback from 10’ to 5’) to accommodate the new structure. The request is due to several large spruce trees located along the south property line, which are required to be maintained by the Parks Department. The applicant believes the presence of these trees and the abnormal lot configuration creates a development hardship. The applicant states that a 5-ft. variance will enable an acceptable tree preservation plan and will allow the property owner to exercise the property’s complete development right. Figure 3: 431/433 West Hallam Street Site Location Map Page 3 of 4 REVIEWS: SETBACK VARIANCE: The criteria for receiving a variance (Exhibit A) are strict. A property owner must demonstrate that reasonable use of the property has been withheld by the City and can only be achieved by the City providing a variance. In situations where all, or practically all, reasonable use of a property is made impossible by development regulations, the City has the ability to grant a variance to avoid a “regulatory taking”. The property owner must demonstrate that his rights, as compared with owners of similar properties, have been deprived. In considering this criterion, the Board of Adjustment must consider unique conditions inherent to the property but which are not the result of the applicant’s actions and are not applicable to other parcels, buildings or structures. Figure 4: 431 West Hallam Proposed Site Plan with Requested 5-ft. Front Yard Setback 5.2-ft. setback Page 4 of 4 Staff Comment The R-6 zone district has a minimum front yard setback of 10-ft. Although the spruce trees along the south end of the lot may impact the minimum rear setback requirement of the property in certain locations, staff believes that the required setback does not create a development hardship that is unique to this parcel. The City Forester worked with the applicant to maximize the building envelope of the parcel while also minimizing the disturbance to the trees on site. The massing can be modified to accommodate setbacks and tree protection needs without losing reasonable use of the property. The Parks Department requires trees of a certain size, health and species be preserved and focuses on trees along the edge of a property be maintained to accommodate development towards the center. Properties often must accommodate physical features such as ditch easements, steep slopes or trees. Additionally, while the configuration of 431 West Hallam Street is inconsistent with surrounding parcels, the size of this lot meets the minimum gross lot area of the R-6 zone district. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Adjustment deny the granting of a setback variance for the development of a new single-family dwelling. The criteria require that reasonable use of the parcel be achieved by granting of a variance or that a unique, site-specific condition warrants a variance. Although the proposed dwelling was designed to meet the floor area maximum and the setbac k requirements of the R-6 zone district, it impacts the spruce trees along the south end of the lot. Properties often need to accommodate physical features such as steep slopes or ditch easements. An alternative design could accommodate these trees, lessen, or remove the need for the variance request, and potentially still allow building to the allowable floor area. PROPOSED MOTION: Staff recommends denial of the request. Two motions are proposed. The first approves the resolution while the second denies the resolution. Motion 1. “I move to approve Resolution ___, Series 2018, granting approval for a Front Yard Setback Variance as depicted in Exhibit A to the Resolution. If the Board decides that the criteria are not met for a Variance, the following motion may be used: Motion 2. “I move to deny Resolution ___, Series 2018, granting approval for a Front Yard Setback Variance as depicted in Exhibit A to the Resolution. Attachments: Exhibit A – Variance Review Criteria, Staff Findings Exhibit B – Application Exhibit C – Affidavit of Public Notice Exhibit D – Public Comments Board of Adjustment Resolution No. X, Series 2018 Page 1 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. X (SERIES OF 2018) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPROVING A DIMENSIONAL VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS NORTHERLY 70 FEET OF LOTS A, B AND C, EXCEPT THE EASTERLY 39” OF LOT C; BLOCK 36; CITY AND TOWNSITE OF ASPEN, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 431/433 WEST HALLAM STREET. Parcel ID No: 273-512-433-001 WHEREAS, the Community Development Department received an application for 431 W. Hallam St. (the Application) from Connery Family Trust (Applicant), represented by Chris Bendon, Bendon Adams for the following land use review approvals: · Variance, pursuant to Land Use Code Chapter 26.314; and, WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned Medium Density Residential (R-6) and, WHEREAS, all code citation references are to the City of Aspen Land Use Code in effect on the day the application was deemed complete – August 23, 2018, as applicable to this Project; and, WHEREAS, at a duly noticed public hearing on October 25, 2018, the Board of Adjustment voted to continue review of the Application for a future hearing on December 13, 2018; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Adjustment reviewed the Application at a duly noticed public hearing on December 13, 2018; and, WHEREAS, during a duly noticed public hearing on December 13, 2018, the Board of Adjustment approved Resolution X, Series of 2018, by a X to X (X-X) granting approval for a Dimensional Variance Review, as identified herein. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO THAT: Section 1: Pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in Title 26 of the Aspen Municipal Code, the Board of Adjustment hereby grants a front yard variance request to reduce the minimum front yard setback from 10-ft. to 5-ft for the site-specific design presented at the hearing. Section 2: All material representations and commitments made by the Applicant pursuant to the development proposal approvals as herein awarded, whether in public hearing or documentation presented before the Community Development Department and the Board of Adjustment Commission, are hereby incorporated in such plan development approvals and the same shall be complied with as if fully set forth herein, unless amended by other specific conditions or an authorized authority. Board of Adjustment Resolution No. X, Series 2018 Page 2 of 3 Section 3: This Resolution shall not affect any existing litigation and shall not operate as an abatement of any action or proceeding now pending under or by virtue of the ordinances repealed or amended as herein provided, and the same shall be conducted and concluded under such prior ordinances. Section 4: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional in a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. FINALLY, approved this 13th day of December, 2018. Approved as to form: Approved as to content: __________________________ ______________________________ James R. True City Attorney Andrew Sandler, Chair Attest: _______________________________ Linda Manning, City Clerk Attachments: Exhibit A: Approved site plan Exhibit A: Approved site plan Board of Adjustment Resolution No. 5.2-ft. setback Board of Adjustment Resolution No. X, Series 2018 Page 3 of 3 Exhibit A –Variance Review Staff Findings Chapter 26.314, Variance A. In order to authorize a variance from the dimensional requirements of Title 26, the appropriate decision-making body shall make a finding that the following three (3) circumstances exist: 1. The grant of variance will be generally consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and policies of this Title and the Municipal Code; and Staff Findings: The purpose of the City’s land use code is very general. It does, however, speak to the legitimate rights and reasonable expectations of property owners. Staff believes a reasonable expectation is that zoning limitations are observed and enforced as uniformly as practical. Staff finds the criterion not met. 2. The grant of variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the parcel, building or structure; and Staff Findings: The spruce trees along the south property line impact the rear setback requirement but could be accommodated with a modified design. Staff finds the criterion not met. 3. Literal interpretation and enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Title would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels in the same zone district and would cause the applicant unnecessary hardship, as distinguished from mere inconvenience. In determining whether an applicant's rights would be deprived, the Board shall consider whether either of the following conditions apply: a. There are special conditions and circumstances which are unique to the parcel, building or structure, which are not applicable to other parcels, structures or buildings in the same zone district and which do not result from the actions of the applicant; or Staff Findings: Although the proposed dwelling complies with the floor area maximum and was designed to meet the setback requirements of the R-6 zone district, it would require removal of several large spruce trees along the south property line. Properties often need to accommodate physical features such as ditch easements, steep slopes or trees. An alternative design could accommodate these trees or lessen the variance request. Staff finds the criterion not met. b. Granting the variance will not confer upon the applicant any special privilege denied the terms of this Title and the Municipal Code to other parcels, buildings or structures, in the same zone district. Staff Findings: Receipt of a setback variance would grant special privilege of the proposed dwelling to avoid the setback requirements of the R-6 zone district. Staff finds the criterion not met. 300 SO SPRING ST | 202 | ASPEN, CO 81611 970.925.2855 | BENDONADAMS.COM August 16, 2018 Ms. Sarah Yoon Historic Preservation Planner Community Development Department City of Aspen 130 So. Galena St. Aspen, CO 81611 RE: 431 W. Hallam St. Request for Setback Variance Ms. Yo on: Please accept this application for a front yard setback variance to construct a single-family home at 431/433 West Hallam Street. The site has a 6,027.5sf gross lot area and is located in the R-6 Zone District. Trees on and adjacent to the site cannot be removed and reduce the property’s development right. The resulting development footprint does not enable full access to the property’s floor area. In discussing the trees and possible tree-removal permits with the City Forester, removal permits for these trees will not be granted by the City. A setback variance along the northern property line, allowing a 5-foot front yard setback instead of the required 10-foot setback, will enable a tree preservation plan acceptable to the City Forester. The applicant, Connery Family Trust, requests a 5- foot front yard setback variance. The property is zoned Medium-Density Residential, R6, and currently contains a side-by- side duplex residential structure built in the mid- 1960s. The property is not listed as a historic resource. The existing home has a Floor Area of 1,813 square feet. View of property from 4th Street looking east 431 W. Hallam Page 2 The 431 parcel configuration is inconsistent with typical townsite lotting. Typical parcels, arranged along Original Townsite lots, are 100 feet deep with widths in 30- foot increments – 30’x 100’ , 60’ x 100’, etc.. These typical lots have alley access and access from at least one primary street. The 431 parcel is just short of three lots wide (86.75 feet wide) and 70 feet deep with no alley access. The southern 30 feet of the townsite lots are part of the Pioneer Park ownership to the south and not included in the 431 ownership. Combined with the physical space limitations of the trees required to be preserved, the property’s build- out potential is reduced by approximately 20% or 1,300 sf. of gross interior area (including basement). The financial impact of this reduction is severe, representing an unnecessary hardship. Changing the Front Yard (north) setback from 10 feet to 5 feet will alleviate the hardship. This 5-foot variance will enable an acceptable tree preservation plan and will allow the property owner to exercise the property’s complete development right. R6 Setbacks Front 10 feet for house 15 feet for accessory buildings Rear 10 feet for house 5 feet for garage and accessory buildings Sides 5 feet each 15 feet combined Requested Setbacks Front 5 feet for house 15 feet for accessory buildings Rear 10 feet for house 5 feet for garage and accessory buildings Sides 5 feet each 15 feet combined 431 W. Hallam Page 3 Response to Review Standards: Section 26.314.040.A – In order to authorize a variance from the dimensional requirements of Title 26, the appropriate decision-making body shall make a finding that the following three (3) circumstances exist: 1. The grant of variance will be generally consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and policies of this Title and the Municipal Code. Response – The City’s Land Use Code and various ordinances and policies regarding development are intended to balance the aspirations of the community and individual property rights. Occasionally, the regulations overlap in a way that an individual property is burdened with unnecessary hardship, an inability to achieve appropriate balance between community aspiration and property rights. In this case, preservation of the significant trees on the property is a goal of the City. Tree removal permits will not be granted, according to the City’s Forester. The physical footprint around the trees, the “dripline”, significantly restricts the location where development can occur. The Land Use Code recognizes this potential overlap and provides a mechanism to “rebalance” objectives. A dimensional variance is “a deviation from the terms of this Title (the Land Use Code) which would not be contrary to the public interest when, owing to special circumstances or conditions, the literal enforcement of the provisions of this Title would result in undue and unnecessary hardship.” 1 The proposal to vary the front yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet allows for the desired balance between community aspiration and individual property rights to be achieved. 2. The grant of variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the parcel, building or structure. Response – Reasonable use of the parcel includes reasonable ability to achieve the develop right established for the property. In discussing the necessary setbacks from trees, driplines, and root systems with the Forester, the 5-foot variance is the minimum necessary to accomplish an acceptable tree preservation plan and accomplish the floor area allowance prescribed in the City Land Use Code. 1 Section 26.314.010 431 W. Hallam Page 4 Without this variance, a 20% reduction in Floor Area is incurred. The reduction in basement area and upper floors, the property will lose roughly 1,300 square feet of gross interior area. The financial impacts of this reduction are immense and a severe impact upon the property owner. 3. Literal interpretation and enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Title would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels in the same zone district and would cause the applicant unnecessary hardship, as distinguished from mere inconvenience. In determining whether an applicant's rights would be deprived, the Board shall consider whether either of the following conditions apply: a) There are special conditions and circumstances which are unique to the parcel, building or structure, which are not applicable to other parcels, structures or buildings in the same zone district and which do not result from the actions of the applicant. b) Granting the variance will not confer upon the applicant any special privilege denied by the terms of this Title and the Municipal Code to other parcels, buildings or structures, in the same zone district. Response – This parcel is affected by multiple unique factors. The truncated lot dimensions limit the footprint within which a new structure must fit. The inability to access the property from an alley requires access from a primary street. Between city ditches and prominent street trees, there is essentially one location to access the property. This circumstance was not created by the applicant. The ability to remove existing trees to accommodate the property’s development right is significantly less flexible than on similar parcels. The parcel to the east was granted tree removal permits to accommodate a new home. The parcel to the west, across 4th Street, was granted tree removal permits to accommodate a new home. The trees on this property, the 431 property, will not be granted similar flexibility. Observing the trees, the “drip-line” areas and the “root-zone” areas, significantly impacts the area available for development and significantly impacts the economic conditions of the property. 431 W. Hallam Page 5 We have attempted to address all relevant provisions of the Code and provide sufficient information for your review. Please let us know if you need additional information or would like to schedule a site visit. Kind Regards, Chris Bendon, AICP BendonAdams, LLC chris@bendonadams.com Exhibits: 1. Land Use Application Form 2. Pre-Application Conference Summary 3. Fee agreement 4. Homeowners Association Compliance Form 5. Authorization for BendonAdams 6. Proof of Ownership 7. Vicinity Map 8. Mailing addresses of property owners within 300 feet of the property 9. Property survey 10. Context map with photos 11. Site plans showing setbacks 431 West Hallam Street 2735-124-33-001 Connery Family Trust 135 Ward Street; Larkspur, CA 94939 415.987.5323 nancyjconnery@comcast.net BendonAdams 300 So. Spring St. #202; Aspen, CO 81611 970.925.2855 Chris@BendonAdams.com Existing duplex structure to be redeveloped with new single-family home. Request is for a 5' frontyard setback, where 10' is required, to avoid removal of significant trees. BOA Variance na na na na na 3,250 Exhibit 1 AS LU 431 West Hallam Variance 2735-124-33-001 1 PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE SUMMARY PLANNER: Sarah Yoon, 970.920.5144 DATE: June 24, 2018 PROJECT: 431 West Hallam Street REPRESENTATIVE: Chris Bendon, BendonAdams, LLC DESCRIPTION: The property at 431 West Hallam is duplex property in the R-6 zone district located on a corner. The irregular lot dimensions are 86.75’ x 70’ with an approximate lot size of 6,073 square feet. The south end of the lot shares a property line with 422 West Bleeker, whose property spans across the alley. 431 West Hallam includes a number of large cottonwood and spruce trees along the front and rear property lines. The applicant plans to demolish the existing duplex and develop a new single-family residence. The property is subject to Residential Design Standards and compliance with those standards may be included as part of the application or submitted at a later date. After preliminary discussions with the Parks Department, spruce trees on the south west corner of the property and the larger cottonwood trees towards the north are required to remain. The applicant is to work with the Parks Department to formalize the requirements related to the trees, but this requirement may impact the building placement of the proposed residence. The R-6 zone district requires a minimum of a 10’ front and rear yard setback for the principal building. The applicant is requesting a front yard setback variance of 5’ in order to move the overall building forward to best maintain the existing trees on site. This request for a dimensional variance may be submitted pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 26.314, Variances, and will be reviewed by the Board of Adjustment. The applicant shall address the applicable review criteria, listed below: 26.314.040. Standards applicable to variances. A.In order to authorize a variance from the dimensional requirements of Title 26, the appropriate decision-making body shall make a finding that the following three (3) circumstances exist: 1.The grant of variance will be generally consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and policies of this Title and the Municipal Code; and 2.The grant of variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the parcel, building or structure; and 3.Literal interpretation and enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Title would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels in the same zone district and would cause the applicant unnecessary hardship, as distinguished from mere inconvenience. In determining whether an applicant's rights would be deprived, the Board shall consider whether either of the following conditions apply: a)There are special conditions and circumstances which are unique to the parcel, building or structure, which are not applicable to other parcels, structures or buildings in the same zone district and which do not result from the actions of the applicant; or b)Granting the variance will not confer upon the applicant any special privilege denied by the terms of this Title and the Municipal Code to other parcels, buildings or structures, in the same zone district. Exhibit 2 2 Below are links to the Land Use Application form and Land Use Code for your convenience: Municipal Code: https://www.cityofaspen.com/191/Municipal-Code Land Use Application: https://www.cityofaspen.com/DocumentCenter/View/1835/Land-Use-Application-Packet-2017?bidId= Land Use Code Section(s): 26.304 Common Development Review Procedures 26.314 Variances 26.710.040 Medium-Density Residential (R-6) Review by: Staff for completeness and recommendation Board of Adjustment for approval Public Hearing: Yes. Neighborhood Outreach: No. Referral Agencies: Engineering and Parks. Planning Fees: $1,950 for 6 billable hours of staff time. Referral Agencies Fee: $325 for one hour deposit with Engineering, $975 Parks flat fee Total Deposit: $3,250. Additional/ lesser hours will be billed/ refunded at a rate of $325 per hour. Please submit the completed application to the Community Development Office on the Third Floor of City Hall:  Completed Land Use Application and signed fee agreement.  Pre-application Conference Summary (this document).  Street address and legal description of the parcel on which development is proposed to occur, consisting of a current (no older than 6 months) certificate from a title insurance company, an ownership and encumbrance report, or attorney licensed to practice in the State of Colorado, listing the names of all owners of the property, and all mortgages, judgments, liens, easements, contracts and agreements affecting the parcel, and demonstrating the owner’s right to apply for the Development Application.  Applicant’s name, address and telephone number in a letter signed by the applicant that states the name, address and telephone number of the representative authorized to act on behalf of the applicant.  HOA Compliance form (Attached).  An 8 1/2” by 11” vicinity map locating both parcels within the City of Aspen. 3 Site improvement survey (no older than a year from submittal) including topography and vegetation showing the current status, certified by a registered land surveyor, licensed in the state of Colorado. A written description of the proposal and an explanation in written, graphic, or model form of how the proposed development complies with the review standards relevant to the development application and relevant land use approvals associated with the property. While complete architectural drawings for the proposed redevelopment are not required, the applicant must adequately demonstrate the need for variances and the location of the variances. Written responses to all review criteria in Section 26.314.040. A proposed site plan. Once the copy is deemed complete by staff, the following items will then need to be submitted: 2 copies of the complete application packet and drawings. 1 digital PDF copy of the complete. Total deposit for review of the application. Disclaimer: The foregoing summary is advisory in nature only and is not binding on the City. The summary is based on current zoning, which is subject to change in the future, and upon factual representations that may or may not be accurate. The summary does not create a legal or vested right. Exhibit 3 1,950 6 325 1 975 Parks Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 431 W. Hallam – Vicinity Map Exhibit 8 ueue ue ueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXUTXELXELXEL XEL XEL XTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXG A S XGAS XGAS XGAS XGAS XGAS XGAS XGASXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUT XUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUT XTVXTVXTVXUTXUTXUT XTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXWL XWL XWL XWL XWL XWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLx x xssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssx x x xxxxxxxxXUTXUTx x x76.6'26.9'14.4'4.1' 4.1'14.3'26.9'47.9'LOT ALOT BLOT C(Except E'ly 39" (3.25')SINGLE STORY DUPLEX(WOOD FRAME CONST.)Appro x . P a r t y W a l l L o c . (Not S u r v e y e d )LOT D(Inc'l E''ly 39" of Lot (3.25')Fnd. 1" Iron Pipe(NE Cor. Block 36)Fnd. No. 5 RebarFnd. Rebar w/CapL.S. 9184(NW. Cor. Block 36)(Site BenchmarkElev. = 7908.43'Fnd. Rebar w/CapL.S. (# Illegible);ĞĂƌƐEϲϮΣϯϴΖt͕ϭ͘ϬϲΖͿCorner LocationCurrently within Fenced Areaof Adjacent Const. Project(See Note)Fnd. Rebar w/CapL.S. 25947;ĞĂƌƐEϰϱΣϰϯΖt͕Ϭ͘ϯϯΖͿFnd. Rebar w/CapL.S. 25947Fnd. Rebar w/CapL.S. 20151(Basis of Bearing)LOT EGARAGE FOR PROPERTYLOT 1-PIONEER PARK CONDOS(422 W. BLEEKER)ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss 10.0' Wide Easement (Bk.234-Pg.656)Along Sewer Service Line10.0' Wide Easement (Bk.234-Pg.656)Along Sewer Service LIne10' Easement (Bk.234-Pg.656)Along Gas LineApp r o x . P o s i t i o n o f S e w e r S e r v . L i n e ( S e e N o t e ) Approx. Position of Sewer Serv. Line (See Note)City of Aspen Control Mon.6th & Francis St.Marcin Engineering-L.S. 37999City of Aspen Control Mon.7th & Francis St.Marcin Engineering-L.S. 37999SMH-A-9-3 (Aspen Consolidated Sewer District)Rim = 7910.57'Inv. In = 7903.45'Inv. Out = 7903.06'SMH-A-9-2 (ACSD)Rim = 7908.22'Inv. In = 7901.03'Inv. Out = 7900.82'Wood Privacy Fence (Typ.)74.38'BLOCK 36 Wood Privacy Fence (Typ.)Carport12" CMP 1.0' Wide Open Ditch1.0' Wide Open Ditch Assumed Locati o n B u r i e d 1 2 " C M P Water Service ShutoffConc. WalkConc. WalkWood DeckConc. CrawlSpace EntryConc. EntryConc. DrivewayStepStepInterio r L o t L i n e Interio r L o t L i n e 5.2'10.7'5.0'5.0'XUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTLOT F10' Rear Setback Line10' Front Setback Line5' Side Setback Line 5' Side S e t b a c k L i n e Water Service Splits within Duplex(per City of Aspen Water)Curb Flow LineTop Back of CurbNOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGALACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARSAFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTIONBASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TENYEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON.SOPRIS ENGINEERING - LLCCIVIL CONSULTANTS502 MAIN STREET, SUITE A3CARBONDALE, COLORADO 81623(970) 704-0311 SOPRISENG@SOPRISENG.COM 8/16/2018 - 16254-RJ - G:\2016\16254\SURVEY\Survey DWGs\16254-ISP.dwgSCALE: 1" = 200'GENERAL UTILITY NOTES:The locations of underground utilities have been plotted based onutility maps, construction/design plans, other information providedby utility companies and actual field locations in some instances.These utilities, as shown, may not represent actual field conditions. Itis the responsibility of the contractor to contact all utility companiesfor field location of utilities prior to construction.1 inch = ft.( IN FEET )GRAPHIC SCALE010102010405IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT431 & 433 WEST HALLAM ST.SHEET 1 OF 2U.S. SURVEY FEETPROPERTY DESCRIPTIONLots A, B and C, Except the Easterly 39 Inches of Lot CBlock 36City and Townsite of Aspen, according to the Plat thereof filed March 25, 1880 in Plat Book 1 at Page 1.TOGETHER WITH an easement ten feet in width across the southerly 30 feet of said Lots for installation and maintenance ofgeneral utilities as created, defined and established in Deed recorded June 17, 1964 in Book 207 at Page 388 andAgreement Defining Easement recorded May 16, 1968 in Book 234 at Page 656.NOTES1) Date of Survey: December 20-22, 2016. Updated: August 15, 2018.2) Date of Preparation: December 27, 2016--January 02, 2017. Updated: August 15, 2018.3) Basis of Bearing: Bearings are based on the 2009 Marcin Engineering-City of Aspen Control Map, yielding a siteďĞĂƌŝŶŐŽĨ^ϳϰΣϭϴΖϰϱΗĨƌŽŵƚŚĞEtŽƌŶĞƌŽĨůŽĐŬϯϲ͕ďĞŝŶŐĂĨŽƵŶĚƌĞďĂƌǁŝƚŚĐĂƉŵĂƌŬĞĚ>͘^͘ϵϭϴϰĂŶĚthe NE Corner of Block 36, being found 1" Iron Pipe, as shown.4) This survey does not constitute a title search by Sopris Engineering, LLC (SE) to determine ownership oreasements of record. For all information regarding easements, rights of way and/or title of record, SE reliedupon the Title Commitment prepared by Title Company of the Rockies, Inc., Commitment No. 0704571-C,Effective Date, February 23, 2015 and the documents and plats of record as shown in the Source Documents,hereon.5) The sanitary sewer service lines are shown hereon utilizing a scan of an Aspen Consolidated Sanitation Districtmap showing the approximate location of the service lines.6) No easement of record was found for the utilities servicing the property near the SE corner and crossing throughLot 1, Weaver 2nd Amended Plat.7) The survey was performed with approximately 10"+/- of snow on the Subject Parcel--so some topographicalfeatures may not have been located. City of Aspen snowplowing operations have covered the concrete curband concrete pan. Some portions of the concrete curb and pan are shown are for illustrative purposes only andwill be located as conditions allow.8) The adjoining property to the east is currently under construction and is fenced with a large excavationarea--therefore no topography shots were obtained as the finished ground is undergoing change.9) Regarding the sanitary sewer line services easements and natural gas easement both being across Lot 1, Weaver2nd Amended Plat: We have shown 2 easements based on the Aspen Consolidated Sanitation District mapping,however it is not known if at the time the easement was recorded in 1968 if there was only one line andtherefore one easement. Should there be redevelopment of the property perhaps only one easement would benecessary and may need to be reconfigured based on an actual field location.10) Address: 431 and 433 West Hallam Street.11) Pitkin County Parcel No.---2735-124-33-001.12) City of Aspen Zoning-Medium Density Residential (R-6). Setbacks are: 10.0' Front, 10.0' Rear and 5.0' Side.13) Per the Aspen/Pitkin County GIS Slope Analysis mapping utilizing 2008 Metro Area data and dated June 1, 2009and the topography produced by this survey--the slopes on the subject parcel are in the 0%-10% range.14) Hazard Analysis: Per the City of Aspen Surface Drainage Master Plan, dated Nov. 2001 there are no GeologicHazards on the property.15) Per the FEMA-Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), Map No. 08097CO203C, effective date June 4, 1987, thisproperty/site is situated in Zone X-being an area determined to be outside of the 500 year flood plain.SOURCE DOCUMENTS:xPLAT-City & Townsite of Aspen -(Plat Bk. 1-Pg.1).xPLAT-Weaver Subdivision 2nd Amended (Plat Bk. 30-Pg. 92).xPLAT-Weaver Subdivision (Plat Bk. 12-Pg.58).xPLAT-Pioneer Park Condominiums (Plat Bk. 12-Pg. 57).xDOCUMENT-Deed (Bk. 207-Pg. 388).xDOCUMENT-Agreement Defining Easement (Bk. 234-Pg. 656)xDOCUMENT-Aspen Consolidated Sanitation District Map (Showing Sewer Services-Supplied by ACSD)xRESOLUTION-City of Aspen Planning & Zoning Variance (Rec. No. 608735)ALL OF THE PITKIN COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDS-UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATEI hereby state that this Improvement Survey Plat was prepared by Sopris Engineering, LLC (SE) forChristopher S. Connery and Nancy J. Connery, Trustees of the Connery Family Trust UTA dated December16, 2004 and The Title Company of the Rockies.I furthermore state that the improvements on the above described parcel on this date, December 22, 2016,except utility connections are entirely within the boundaries of the parcel except as shown, that there areno encroachments upon the described premises by improvements on any adjoining premises, except asindicated, and that there is no apparent evidence or sign of any easement crossing or burdening any part ofsaid parcel, except as noted. I furthermore state that this property is subject to reservations, restrictions,covenants and easements of record or in place.The error of closure for this survey is less than 1/15000.______________________________________Mark S. Beckler L.S. #28643MONUMENT LEGENDCITY OF ASPEN SURVEY CONTROL PT.INDICATES FOUND MONUMENT, AS SHOWNSEWER MANHOLEWATER VALVEELECTRIC TRANSFORMERELECTRIC METERTELEPHONE PEDESTALCATV PEDESTALEXISTING CONDITIONS LEGENDSIGNEXISTING 8" SANITARY SEWER MAINXSAXSAEXISTING 8" WATER MAINXWLXWLEXISTING GASEXISTING TELEPHONEXGASXGASXGASEXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRICEXISTING CABLE TVXUTXUTXUTXELXELXELXTVXTVXTVASPENPROPERTY DESCRIPTION, NOTES, VICINITY MAP,SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE, MONUMENTSExhibit 9 ueue ue ueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXGASXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXUTXELXELXEL XEL XEL XTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXG A S XGAS XGAS XGAS XGAS XGAS XGAS XGASXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUT XUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUT XTVXTVXTVXUTXUTXUT XTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXTVXWL XWL XWL XWL XWL XWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLXWLx x xssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssx x x xxxxxxxxXUTXUTx x x76.6'26.9'14.4'4.1' 4.1'14.3'26.9'47.9'LOT ALOT BLOT C(Except E'ly 39" (3.25')SINGLE STORY DUPLEX(WOOD FRAME CONST.)Appro x . P a r t y W a l l L o c . (Not S u r v e y e d )LOT D(Inc'l E''ly 39" of Lot (3.25')Fnd. 1" Iron Pipe(NE Cor. Block 36)Fnd. No. 5 RebarFnd. Rebar w/CapL.S. 9184(NW. Cor. Block 36)(Site BenchmarkElev. = 7908.43'Fnd. Rebar w/CapL.S. (# Illegible);ĞĂƌƐEϲϮΣϯϴΖt͕ϭ͘ϬϲΖͿCorner LocationCurrently within Fenced Areaof Adjacent Const. Project(See Note)Fnd. Rebar w/CapL.S. 25947;ĞĂƌƐEϰϱΣϰϯΖt͕Ϭ͘ϯϯΖͿFnd. Rebar w/CapL.S. 25947Fnd. Rebar w/CapL.S. 20151(Basis of Bearing)LOT EGARAGE FOR PROPERTYLOT 1-PIONEER PARK CONDOS(422 W. BLEEKER)ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss 10.0' Wide Easement (Bk.234-Pg.656)Along Sewer Service Line10.0' Wide Easement (Bk.234-Pg.656)Along Sewer Service LIne10' Easement (Bk.234-Pg.656)Along Gas LineApp r o x . P o s i t i o n o f S e w e r S e r v . L i n e ( S e e N o t e ) Approx. Position of Sewer Serv. Line (See Note)City of Aspen Control Mon.6th & Francis St.Marcin Engineering-L.S. 37999City of Aspen Control Mon.7th & Francis St.Marcin Engineering-L.S. 37999SMH-A-9-3 (Aspen Consolidated Sewer District)Rim = 7910.57'Inv. In = 7903.45'Inv. Out = 7903.06'SMH-A-9-2 (ACSD)Rim = 7908.22'Inv. In = 7901.03'Inv. Out = 7900.82'Wood Privacy Fence (Typ.)74.38'BLOCK 36 Wood Privacy Fence (Typ.)Carport12" CMP 1.0' Wide Open Ditch1.0' Wide Open Ditch Assumed Locati o n B u r i e d 1 2 " C M P Water Service ShutoffConc. WalkConc. WalkWood DeckConc. CrawlSpace EntryConc. EntryConc. DrivewayStepStepInterio r L o t L i n e Interio r L o t L i n e 5.2'10.7'5.0'5.0'XUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTXUTLOT F10' Rear Setback Line10' Front Setback Line5' Side Setback Line 5' Side S e t b a c k L i n e INV. EL. = 7907.0'INV. EL. = 7907.3'Conc. Curb & Pan (Under Plowed Snow at time of survey)Conc. Curb & Pan (Under Plowed Snow at time of survey)Stop Sign4th & Hallam SignNo Parking SignWater Service Splits within Duplex(per City of Aspen Water)13.3" Dia.-26' Drip38" Dia.-72' Drip15.2" Dia.-30' Drip30.3" Dia.-60' Drip25.9" Dia.-51' Drip19.9" Dia.-40' Drip10.3" Dia.-20' Drip14.3" Dia.-28' Drip15.2" Dia.-35' Drip14.9" Dia.-30' Drip13.7" Dia.-26' Drip16.4" Dia.-32' Drip16.7" Dia.-33' DripCurb Flow LineTop Back of CurbNOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGALACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARSAFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT MAY ANY ACTIONBASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TENYEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON.SOPRIS ENGINEERING - LLCCIVIL CONSULTANTS502 MAIN STREET, SUITE A3CARBONDALE, COLORADO 81623(970) 704-0311 SOPRISENG@SOPRISENG.COM 8/16/2018 - 16254-RJ - G:\2016\16254\SURVEY\Survey DWGs\16254-ISP.dwgGENERAL UTILITY NOTES:The locations of underground utilities have been plotted based on utility maps,construction/design plans, other information provided by utility companies and actual fieldlocations in some instances. These utilities, as shown, may not represent actual fieldconditions. It is the responsibility of the contractor to contact all utility companies for fieldlocation of utilities prior to construction.1 inch = ft.( IN FEET )GRAPHIC SCALE010102010405IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT431 & 433 WEST HALLAM ST.SHEET 2 OF 2U.S. SURVEY FEETMONUMENT LEGENDCITY OF ASPEN SURVEY CONTROL PT.INDICATES FOUND MONUMENT, AS SHOWNSEWER MANHOLEWATER VALVEELECTRIC TRANSFORMERELECTRIC METERTELEPHONE PEDESTALCATV PEDESTALEXISTING CONDITIONS LEGENDSIGNEXISTING 8" SANITARY SEWER MAINXSAXSAEXISTING 8" WATER MAINXWLXWLEXISTING GASEXISTING TELEPHONEXGASXGASXGASEXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRICEXISTING CABLE TVXUTXUTXUTXELXELXELXTVXTVXTVNOTES:1)Basis of Elevations: Elevations have been determined by GPS observation andrelated to the 2009 Marcin Engineering City of Aspen Control Map and being basedon an elevation of 7720.88' (NAVD 1988) on the NGS Station "S-159". Thisestablished a site benchmark elevation of 7908.43' on the Northwesterly propertycorner (NW Cor.-Block 36) being a found rebar with cap, marked L.S. 9184, asshown.2)Contour Interval: One (1) Foot.3)At the time of the survey there was approximately 10"-12" +/- of snow on the ground-sosome pertinent features may not have been located. This includes but not limited to:concrete curb & pan along 4th Street and Hallam Street, grade breaks, etc.CURB AREAS CURRENTLY UNDER PLOWED SNOWEXISTING CONDITIONS TOPOGRAPHY MAP 431 w hallamvisuals of home and exisƟ ng treesaspen | coloradoPIONEER PARKW HALLAM STN 4T H S T W BLEEKER STN 3RD ST AB1234431 w hallamA1234keyviews of front of houseother context photosBExhibit 10 Exhibit 11 Exhibit C- Affidavit of Public Notice Exhibit C- Affidavit of Public Notice Exhibit C- Affidavit of Public Notice Exhibit C- Affidavit of Public Notice Exhibit C- Affidavit of Public Notice Exhibit C- Affidavit of Public Notice Exhibit C- Affidavit of Public Notice Exhibit C- Affidavit of Public Notice Exhibit C- Affidavit of Public Notice Exhibit C- Affidavit of Public Notice Exhibit D- Public Comments Received 431 West Hallam Street Setback Variance Public Comments Received 1. Alan Sirkin, 426 W. Hallam St. Comment (sent over email): Although I am very happy that the old duplex will be replaced by a brand new modern single-family home, I am concerned however about the look of the frontage. The property to the east of this site (417) was just rebuilt and also was converted from a duplex to a single family home and now has an abundant amount of green space with big setbacks in part of the front. The plan for 431 shows that the current duplex has only a 10’ setback and the proposed variance would reduce this to 5’. Looking at the entire south side of the Hallam block, the current duplex already looks much too close to the street compared to the other properties with the entire front only at 10’. To reduce the setback even closer to the street would not look right. I am sorry to object, but the 400 block needs to look good with adequate green and open space along the front of the new home. 2. Elyse Elliot, 610 W. North St. Comment paraphrased (discussed over phone): Opposes the granting of the variance. Mentioned that because this is a scrape and replace project, the owner should comply with current zoning regulations like the surrounding properties in the R-6 zone district. Also mentioned that although the lot may consist of an abnormal configuration relative to surrounding parcels, the owner should have been aware of this prior to purchasing the property. CITY OF • MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIRED BY SECTION 26.304.060(E),ASPEN LAND USE CODE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 431 West Hallam .Aspen, CO SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING DATE: October 25 , 20 18 STATE OF COLORADO ) SS. County of Pitkin ) 1, Anna Reilly Thimons (name, please print) being or representing an Applicant to the City of Aspen, Colorado, hereby personally certify that I have complied with the public notice requirements of Section 26.304.060(E)of the Aspen Land Use Code in the following manner: Publication of notice: By the publication in the legal notice section of an official Paper or paper of general circulation in the City of Aspen at least fifteen (15)days prior to the public hearing. A copy of the publication is attached hereto. V Posting of notice: By posting of notice,which form was obtained from the Community Development Department, which was made of suitable,waterproof Materials,which was not less than twenty two(22) inches wide and twenty-six(26) Inches high, and which was composed of letters not less than one inch in height. Said notice was posted at least fifteen (15)days prior to the public hearing on the 4 day of October 2018 'to and including the date and time of the public hearing. A photograph of the posted notice(sign)is attached hereto: V Mailing of notice. By mailing of a notice obtained from the Community Development Department,which contains the information described in Section 26.304.060(E) (2) of The Aspen Land Use Code. At least fifteen (15)days prior to the public hearing, notice was hand delivered or mailed by first class postage prepaid U.S mail to all owners of property subject to the development application. The names and addresses of property owners shall be those on the current tax records of Pitkin County as they appeared no more than sixty(60) days prior to the date of the public hearing. A copy of the owners and governmental agencies so noticed is attached hereto. Neighborhood Outreach: Applicant attests that neighborhood outreach,summarized and attached,was conducted prior to the first public hearing as required in Section 26.304.035, Neighborhood Outreach. A copy of the neighborhood outreach summary, including the method of public notification and a copy of any documentation that was presented to the public is attached hereto. (Continued on next page) 71'.ECEIVED OCT12016 0) 920 5050 `` OF ASPEN .,�Miur"�.H i r DEVttOPWNT CITY OF • MMU-NITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Mineral Estate Owner Notice. By the certified mailing of notice, return receipt requested, To affected mineral estate owners by at least thirty (30)days prior to the date scheduled for the initial public hearing on the application of cevelopment. the names and addresses of mineral estate owners shall be those on the current tax tax records of Pitkin County. At a minimum,Subdivision,Spas or PLIDs that create more than one lot, new Planned Unit Development, and new Specially Planned Areas,are subject to this notices requirement. Rezoning or text amendment. Whenever the official zoning district map is in anyway to be changed or amended incidental to or as part of a general revision of this Title,to whenever the text of this Title is to be amended,whether such revision be made by repeal of this Title and enactment of new land use regulation,or otherwise,the requirement of an accurate survey map or other significant legal description of, and the notice to and listing of names and addresses of owners of real estate property in the ears of the proposed change shall be waived. However,the proposed zoning during all business hours for fifteen (15)days prior to the public hearing on such amendments. Signature The foregoing"Affidavit Notice"was acknowledged before me this day of �L % ��Z' ' 20 ID, by F�r►a Nei WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL TARA L. NELSON Gr Z ZVU NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: NATE COLORADO ID 'VARY ID#!20014030017 ssion Expires September 25,2021 Notary Public ATTACHMENTS AS APPLI CABLE: • COPY OF THE PUBLICATION • PHOTOGRAPH OF THE POSTED NOTICES (SIGN) • LIST OF THE OWNERS AND GOVERNMENTAL AGENCII-S NOTICED BY MAIL • APPLICANT CERTIFICATION OF MINERAL ESTATE OWNERS NOTICED AS REQIURES BY C.R.S§24-65.5-103.3 March, 2016 City o-fApen 1130 S. GaRri ri ri wt'- ! r 'v! 1 1p L � t PUBLI't NOTlt;�.. Date: October 2 5. 2(.)1 tat Time: ..3i; p Place: City Haii, 130 S Galena st Council Chambc_.rs Purpose: Applicant. Connery Family Frust. 135 Warta Street, Larkspur CA x+4939, requests from the Board of+ Adjustment, a 5-foot variance fro,,-, the minimum required front yard setback (IQ' to 5'} to redevelop this property with a single-family - residence. For further informatior7 contact Kovin Bayes with Comrriuniiy DevE40pment t at 970.429.2797 ' S k 1 r F i r NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: 4431 West Hallam Street r N 4 Az 4 � Project Location: 431 W. Hallam St.; Aspen Land Use Reviews: Front Yard Setback Variance C"I Y 0 ". 5PLN Decision Making Body: Board of Adjustment 130 S. Galena Street, Hearing Date: October 25, 2018, 4:30 p.m. Aspen, CO 81611 Hearing Location: City Hall, Council Chambers; 130 S. p: (970) 920.5000 Galena St; Aspen, CO 81611 f: (970) 920.5197 www.aspenpitkin.com Project Description: The applicant requests a 5-foot variance from the minimum front yard setback (from a minimum of 10 feet to a minimum of 5 feet) to redevelop the site with a single-family residence. The request is due to several large spruce trees along the south property line located where the house would otherwise be developed. Legal Description:The northerly 70 feet of Lots A, B and C, except the easterly 39 inches of Lot C, Block 36, City and Townsite of Aspen, according to the Plat thereof filed March 25, 1880, in Plat Book 1 at page 1. i Parcel ID: 2735-124-33-001. ; Applicant:Connery Family Trust, 135 Ward Street, Larkspur CA 94939. Nancy Connery, manager. Represented by BendonAdams. More Information: For further information related to the project, contact Kevin Rayes at the City of Aspen Community Development Department, 130 S. Galena St., Aspen, CO, (970) 429.2797, kevin.rayes@cityofaspen.com BendonAaams 300 So Spring St 202 Aspen, CO 81611 970.925.2855 bendonadams.com i Pitkin County Mailing List c►f 300 Feet Radius From Parcel: 273512433001 on 09/28/2018 tTKIN A C0UNT' Instructions: This document contains a Mailing List formatted to be printed on Avery 5160 Labels. If printing, DO NOT "fit to page" or"shrink oversized pages." This will manipulate the margins such that they no longer line up on the labels sheet. Print actual size. Disclaimer: Pitkin County GIS presents the informaJon and data on this web site as a service to the public. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information and data contained in this electronic system is accurate, but the accuracy may change. Mineral estate ownership is not included in this mailing list. Pitkin County does not maintain a database of mineral estate owners. Pitkin County GIS makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the content: at this site or at other sites to which we link. Assessing accuracy and reliability of information and data is the sole responsibility of the user. The user understands he or she s solely responsible and liable for use, modification, or distribution of any information or data obtained on this web site. http://www.pitkinmapsandmore.com a DUNCAN SKIHAUS LLC NATIONWIDE THEATRES CORP VANCE STEPHEN M 2017 TRUST 600 TRAVIS#3550 PO BOX 847 625 E MAIN ST#1026264 HOUSTON,TX 77002 CARLSBAD,CA 92018 ASPEN,CO 81611 433 BLEEKER KS LLC NEISSER JUDITH E QPRT BLEEKER STREET PROP LLC PO BOX 4068 132 E DELWARE PL#6201 PO BOX 491246 ASPEN,CO 81612 CHICAGO,IL 606111428 LOS ANGELES,CA 90049 CLARKS ADDITION CONDO ASSOC SHELBY LLC STONEHILL PROPERTIES LLC COMMON AREA 1201 WILLIAMS ST#6 2517 LA MESA DR 317 N FOURTH ST DENVER,CO 80218 SANTA MONICA,CA 90402 ASPEN,CO 81611 CITY OF ASPEN HILLMAN TATNALL L REV TRUST BLAICH JANET S TRUST 130 S GALENA ST 504 W BLEEKER ST 319 N FOURTH ST ASPEN,CO 81611 ASPEN,CO 81611 ASPEN,CO 81611 MAGGOS LAURA P CITY OF ASPEN ASPEN RETINA SURGEONS LLC 317 NORTH 4TH ST 130 S GALENA ST 5014 WOODHURST LN ASPEN,CO 81611 ASPEN,CO 81611 MINNETONKA,MN 55345 HENRY KRISTEN 330 WEST BLEEKER ST LLC MACDONALD BETTE S TRUST 525 W HALLAM ST 1000 POTOMAC ST NW#102 15 BLACKMER RD ASPEN,CO 81611-1246 WASHINGTON,DC 20007 ENGLEWOOD,CO 80110 KEEFE FAMILY TRUST NAMADA PARTNERS GP COLLETT JOHN&VIRGINIA C 3435 BELCARO DR 780 THIRD AVE 22ND FL 1111 METROPOLITAN AVE#700 DENVER,CO 80209 NEW YORK,NY 10017 CHARLOTTE,NC 28204 SIRKIN ALICIA ASPEN DRAGONFLY PARTNERS II LLC BLOCKER LAURA G 3500 N BAY HOMES DR 250 W 55TH ST 37TH FL PO BOX 9213 MIAMI,FL 33133 NEW YORK,NY 100197684 ASPEN,CO 81612 AGGER DAVID ALDEN REV TRUST FISCHER SISTIE DOUBLE D CONDO ASSOC PO BOX 2129 442 W BLEEKER 300 W BLEEKER ST SAN FRANCISCO,CA 94126 ASPEN,CO 81611 ASPEN,CO 81611 BLAICH ROBERT I TRUST SEAL MARK STILWELL REED&CLAIRE 319 N FOURTH ST PO BOX 9213 191 UNIVERSITY BLVD#304 ASPEN,CO 81611 ASPEN,CO 81612 DENVER,CO 80206 530 HALLAM LLC JOSEPH RUSSELL C&ELISE = DAHL W ROBERT&LESLIE A 623 E HOPKINS 3682 WILLOWICK RD 83 PECKSLAND RD ASPEN,CO 81611 HOUSTON,TX 77019 GREENWICH,CT 06831 403 W HALLAM STREET LLC GLENN SALLY RAE 318 FOURTH STREET LTD PO BOX 3695 504 W HALLAM AVE PO BOX 445 BASALT,CO 81621 ASPEN,CO 81611 HOUSTON,TX 77001 EGGLESTON ROBERT H JR&TRACY H 501 WEST HALLAM LLC 430 WEST HALLAM LLC 434 W HALLAM PO BOX 3389 256 BAL BAY DR ASPEN,CO 81611 VAIL,CO 81658 BAL HARBOUR,FL 33154 GALLANT MELVIN M TRUST SHC-ASPEN LLC HILLMAN DORA B TRUST 309 N THIRD ST 15 E 5TH ST#3200 504 W BLEEKER ASPEN,CO 81611 TULSA,OK 74103 ASPEN,CO 81611 LARNER GLEN&TRACY L 3737 ELLA LEE LN HOUSTON,TX 77027 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIRED BY SECTION 26.304.060 (E),ASPEN LAND USE CODE ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: !i 31 PJPS-t !lir a st ,Aspen, CO SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING DATE: —1"v,s 0cf- aS 0 4. 36 Bm ,202 STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. County of Pitkin ) (name,please print) being or rep•esenting an Applicant to the City of Aspen, Colorado, hereby personally certify that I have complied with the public notice requirements of Section 26.304.060 (E) of the Aspen Land Use Code in the following manner: Publication of notice: By the publication in the legal notice section of an official paper or a paper of general circulation in the City of Aspen at least fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing. A copy of the publication is attached hereto. Posting of notice: By posting of notice, which form was obtained from the Community Development Department, which was made of suitable, waterproof materials, which was not less than twenty-two (22) inches wide and twenty-six (26) inches high, and which was composed of letters not less than one inch in height: Said notice was posted at least fifteen(15) days prior to the public hearing on the_day of ' 20__, to and including the date and time of the public hearing. A photograph of the posted notice (sign) is attached hereto. Mailing of notice. By the mailing of a notice obtained from the Community Development Department, which contains the information described in Section 26.304.060(E)(2) of the Aspen Land Use Code. At least fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing, notice was hand delivered or mailed by first class postage prepaid U.S. mail to all owners of property within three hundred (300) feet of the property subject to the development application. The names and addresses of property owners shall be those on the current tax records of Pitkin County as they appeared no more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the public hearing. A copy of the owners and governmental agencies so noticed is attached hereto. Neighborhood Outreach: Applicant attests that neighborhood outreach, summarized and attached, was conducted prior to the first public hearing as required in Section 26.304.035, Neighborhood Outreach. A copy of the neighborhood outreach summary, including the method of public notification and a copy of any documentation that was presented to the public is attached hereto. (continued on next page) Mineral Estate Owner Notice. By the certified mailing of notice, return receipt requested,to affected mineral estate owners by at least thirty(30) days prior to the date scheduled for the initial public hearing on the application of development. The names and addresses of mineral estate owners shall be those on the current tax records of Pitkin County. At a minimum, Subdivisions, SPAs or PUDs that create more than one lot, new Planned Unit Developments, and. new Specially Planned Areas, are subject to this notice requirement. Rezoning or text amendment. Whenever the official zoning district map is in any way to be changed or amended incidental to or as part of a general revision of this Title, or whenever the text of this Title is to be amended, whether such revision be made by repeal of this Title and enactment of a new land use regulation, or otherwise, the requirement of an accurate survey map or other sufficient legal description of, and the notice to and listing of names and addresses of owners of real property in the area of the proposed change shall be waived. However, the proposed zoning map shall be available for public inspection in the planning agency during all business hours for fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing on such amendments. 1 Signa e The fore ping"Affidavit of Notice"was acknowle ged be ore me this f day of , 20_1 by NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RE:431 West Hallam Street WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL Public Hearing:Thursday.October 25,2018; 4:30 PM Meeting Location:City Hall,Council Chambers 130 S.Galena St.,Aspen,CO 81611 Project Location:431 West Hallam Street,Legally My commission expires: ' Z/ Described as:The Northerly 70 feet of Lots AA B and C.except the easterly 39 inches of Lot C,Block 36.City and Townsite of Aspen,according to the Plat thereof filed March 25.1880,in Plat Book 1 at %w page Description: The applicant,Connery Family G'V Trust, 135 Ward Street, Larkspur CA 94939, re- quests a 5-foot variance from the minimum front Notary Public yard setback(10 feet to 5 feet)to redevelop the site with a single-family residence.The request is due to several large spruce trees along the south property line.The variance request is a response to the pres- ence of these trees.The application is to be consid- ered by the Board of Adjustment. TA n/ Land Use Reviews Req: Minimum Front Yard Set- back Variance NO e��h�• t'�-iEiL t{� Decision Making Body: Board of Adjustment Applicant:Connery Family Trust,135 Ward 'ACUINMNTS AS APPLICAB E: STt�TE c,:-r`o.1.0 IAGL� Street Larkspur,CA 94939 �144 j�p• Y��++�rr~r•; n n1 i More Information: For further information related -KATION n J. w 7 to the project,contact Kevin Rayes at the City of As- r ",I�'l'o�lrnission Ex ire,5 F,,rr; S n pen Community Development Department, 130 S. _ __p __ �•C�ll�( -.,2... A Galena St.,Aspen,CO,(970)429.2797, TIIE POSTED NOTICE(SIGH) kevin.rayes•cilyof aspen.com. Published in the Aspen Times Weekly on October a, RS AND GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES NOTICED 2018. 0000315007 • APPLICANT CERTIFICATION OF MINERAL ESTAE OWNERS NOTICE AS REQUIRED BY C.R.S. §24-65.5-103.3 Exhibit D- Public Comment Thank you for the opportunity to voice our opposition to the proposed variance request for 431 West Hallam. Since we own the property located at 417/421 West Hallam Street (located immediately to the east of the 431 West Hallam property) we have several concerns should the variance be granted. First, we feel that the strict adherence to Aspen's land use codes has helped to create a unique area in the West end of Aspen that has helped to enhance the value of the entire area. Granting setback variances should only be done when the affected property can strictly comply with land use code criteria for the granting of setbacks. Otherwise, the granting of setback variances without strict compliance with the land use code creates uncertainty, and sets precedents which could detrimentally affect the future value of properties. With respect to the requested setback variance for the 431 West Hallam property, we believe that the applicant has not adequately demonstrated that the requested variance is the minimum necessary "to make possible the reasonable use" of the applicant's property, as required by the land use code. Also, we believe that the applicant's adherence to the applicable setback provisions of the land use code would not "deprive the applicant of rights commonly owned by other parcels recognized in the same zone district", nor would it "cause the applicant unnecessary hardship, as distinguished from mere inconvenience", also as required by the land use code. Rather, mere economic hardship appears to be the primary, if not the only, basis for the applicant's requested setback variance. Second, we are concerned that by allowing this variance, the door will be opened for others to come forward and demand potentially more questionable variances. Along these lines, while our property was under prior ownership, it received certain variances which were the direct result of its including a historic structure, no such facts or circumstances exist with respect to the 431 West Hallam property. Rather, the applicant intends to, and is legally intended to demolish the existing non-historic structure on the property, and therefore, has a "blank slate" to work with in redeveloping its property. Third, if this setback variance is granted, with our property being located directly east, this exemption will directly and adversely affect the sight line to the west of our homesite. This will create both an economic and aesthetic hardship for us, and defeats one of the primary purposes of setback restrictions, which is the protection of viewplanes. Our vote is to keep the setback and maintain the integrity of the neighborhood and we respectfully request that the Board of Adjustment deny this request. Thank you for allowing us to voice our concerns. Sincerely, Jim and Susannah Adelson SHC Aspen, LLC