Chairperson, Sarah Broughton called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Nora Berko, Jason Lasser, Jamie McLeod,
Jay Maytin and Willis Pember. Excused was Brian McNellis.
Staff present:
Jim True, Special Counsel
Amy Guthrie, Historic Preservation Officer
Sara Adams, Historic Preservation Planner
Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy City Clerk
MOTION: Jason moved to approve the minutes of April 27, 2011; second
by Jamie. All in favor, motion carried.
Nora excused herself on 202 N. Monarch because she is within 300 feet of
the subject property.
202 N. Monarch — landscape plan
Shannon Murphy, landscape architect
Scott Smith, architect
Bill Guth, representing the owner
Exhibit I — railing
Exhibit II — photo
Exhibit III — New landscape plan
Sara said Nora, Jason and Willis were at the site visit today. Jamie is the
project monitor. Since we have gone through four different iterations for
the landscape we thought it best to bring it to the full board.
Shannon said the historical components that have been consistent throughout
all the plans are still remaining the same. The lilac hedge along Bleeker
Street will remain and Aspen Tree service is looking at it to make sure it is
being cared for properly. The maintenance company is also hand watering
until we have the landscape finished and add the irrigation. The front porch
is on North Monarch Street and there are some existing street trees in the
city right -of -way and the main entrance to the house comes up to the front
porch. We would like to frame the front porch with a dwarf lilac hedge on
each side. We also have perennials with the color range from purples to
blues and white with magenta accents. We would like to do two cast stone
planter pots framing the walkway. The pots would sit on a stone piece. The
property really doesn't have a back yard and there is an access easement to
the property and most of it is taken up by a driveway and extra guest parking
space. The side that faces Bleeker will act as the family's gathering space.
In this space we would like the BBQ grill and a small terrace for outdoor
gathering. We are proposing columnar aspen trees along the fence line and
the fence will match the historic picture of the house. The historic fence
terminates at the new brick addition and comes across the front face of
Monarch. The stone for the landscaping will be Colorado buff and the steps
coming out of the connector piece will be two 15 inch steps and they will be
brick with a connection to the new brick structure.
Willis asked about the four iterations and what was the thought process. The
largest change was the request for the blocks of shrubs at the two perennial
gardens and that went away. We also had a matching row of columnar near
the structure and that was requested to be removed. The latest iteration
shows the steps properly and the grill has moved.
Jay asked what the fire sculpture was. Shannon said it is a free standing gas
fire pit. Jay asked what our guidelines have to say about a fire pit in front of
an historic structure.
Sara said they don't say much and the guidelines are vague. We have
allowed fire pits in landscaping that is obscured from the right -of -way.
Sarah asked about the aspen trees behind the lilac shrubs. Shannon said the
aspen tree is a different form and narrower. It is meant to give shade to the
yard and vertical scale. There is a large swath of the perennial garden in
Shannon explained that the scale of the porch is large and we didn't want the
perennial bed to be dwarfed but we will be happy to lay it out in the field
and let staff and monitor determine how large it should be.
Sarah opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. The
public hearing portion of the agenda item was closed.
Sarah said the three issues are landscaping- plantings, steps and the railing
that needs to be put in place for the front stairs per code.
Scott Smith said in the historic picture there was a rail coming down on the
south side deck that matched the main rail that wrapped around the porch of
the house. We are proposing to put that rail and stair back the way it was
and we would like to add a rail on the new stairs on the west side of the
house, a double rail that would be put in per code requirements. It would be
34 inches above the treads.
Willis said the water feature and fire pit are part of the landscape plan.
Jay said he feels the fire pit is inappropriate next to an historic house. It will
probably be used in the winter and be visible and they are a waste of energy
and not "green ". If it was in the back yard that would be a different
Willis requested a cut sheet of the fire pit so he can see exactly what it is.
Willis also requested a cut sheet of the planters in the front. Willis said he
had no other issues.
Jason said he also would like to see the cut sheets. Being on the south side
and transparent in the winter is a concern. The large pots in the right -of -way
is a concern. I am opposed to anything in the right -of -way. Jason also said
he is opposed to the lilacs on the corner because they obstruct the view to the
house. As you come up from the library on Bleeker the view from the alley
will partially be blocked by the configuration of the BBQ and bricks around.
Jason said the detail of the railing is OK.
Jamie commented that the stair design is appropriate. One concern is the
steps being brick instead of being part of the Colorado buff stone. It should
be part of the addition instead of being part of the historic house.
Scott Smith said they can use Colorado buff stone.
Jamie also said she is favorable with the lilacs wrapping around as it gives
some privacy but is concerned with the fire sculpture.
Ann said the stair railing is unique. Ann said Shannon hit all the guidelines
In terms of the landscaping in front the planters are going to be difficult to
get them the right scale and right material. It will be hard to choose
something that looks like it should be there. As a recommendation they
should be eliminated because they are not something common to historic
houses. If it is really important that they have them they should be chosen
very carefully. The perennial bed in front is large and in the winter it won't
look that great. If it stays that large native grasses and wild flowers should
be used. The lilacs are great transitioning around the corner. The elements
of the patio, the fire pit and water sculpture are well screened by the lilacs
and aspen trees. This is the only private space they have. HPC should see
the cut sheets on both the elements.
Sarah thanked the applicant for a thorough presentation. The steps out of
brick are appropriate. The railing is great but there is concern about the pots
as you enter the front. The perennial bed needs scaled down and that is
something that can be looked at on -site. We also need the cut sheets on the
fire pit and water feature. Moving the BBQ in the new plan is appropriate.
My recommendation is that we approve the landscape plan and the fire pit
and water feature are not approved as part of this plan and we need to see cut
Willis said we need to see cut sheets on the water feature, bbq, fire sculpture
and the pots.
Straw poll on the fire pit — 4 -2 staff and monitor can approve the design.
Jay and Jason opposed the fire pit.
Jay said he feels the fire pit is not appropriate. Sarah pointed out that the
majority of the commission is in favor of the fire pit.
MOTION: Sarah moved to approve Resolution #6 for 202 N. Monarch with
approval of the brick steps off the addition as proposed in the plan submitted
tonight. The approval of the balusters for the front stairs as proposed in the
sketches submitted tonight. The landscape plan is approved with the
following conditions that staff and monitor review and approve the cut
sheets for the potted plants, fire pit, bbq and the water feature, second by
Discussion: Jamie asked if the board is OK with the stone base that will be
exposed in the winter.
Ann recommended that the perennial bed be reduced in the depth of the bed
east and west and it can be reviewed on site.
Amended motion: Ann moved to reduce the depth of the perennial bed east
to west second by Jamie.
Discussion: Willis said he has no convincing evidence that the perennial
beds are too deep. It ends with the first riser of the step which makes sense.
Jason said he feels the beds are in proportion.
Shannon said they are happy to lay the design out in the field.
Ann withdrew her amendment and Jamie withdrew the second.
Vote on the original motion: Ann, yes; Jamie, yes; Jason, yes; Willis, yes;
Sarah, yes; Jay, no. Motion carried 5 -1.
Work session — 1102 Waters Avenue — no minutes.
Jim True, Special Counsel said as a work session there can be no approvals
and the applicant cannot rely on anything that is said by the commission as a
whole or by any individual commissioner. There is nothing that can be
stated up front that you can rely formally on. Certainly you are trying to get
impressions and you need to understand that work sessions are not for
making final determinations.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk