HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes.WHLR.20150114.RegularWHEELER  OPERA  HOUSE   MINUTES  OF  THE  MEETING  OF  THE  BOARD  OF  DIRECTORS     DATE:    Wednesday,  January  14,  2015   TIME:    Noon   LOCATION:  Second  Floor  Lobby   PRESENT:  Board  Members:        Brian  O’Neil,  Chairperson   Richard  Cohen,  Vice  Chairperson   Christine  Benedetti,  Secretary   Daniel  Song,  Ex-­‐Officio   Richard  Stettner   Tom  Kurt   Doug  Clayton   Chip  Fuller   Absent:             Guests:        Randy  Ready,  Assistant  City  Manager     Staff:        Pete  Strecker,  Interim-­‐  Executive  Director     Rose  Bennett,  Sr.  Manager  –  Finance   Amy  Kaiser,  Sr.  Manager  -­‐  Operations     RECORDED  BY:          Lauren  Pierce,  Marketing  Coordinator                                                                                                             I.                  CALL  TO  ORDER   O’Neil  called  the  meeting  to  order  at  12:06pm.         II.                APPROVAL  OF  THE  NOVEMBER  12,  2014,  MINUTES   The   Board   reviewed   the   minutes.    O’Neil  made   the   motion   to   approve   as   drafted;  Kurt   seconded.  The  Board  unanimously  voted  to  accept  them.         III.                INTRODUCTION  OF  INTERIM  EXECUTIVE  DIRECTOR   Ready  introduced  Pete  Strecker,  the  Assistant  Finance  Director  for  the  city.  Strecker  will   hold  the  post  of  Interim  Director,  while  the  city  seeks  a  new  Executive  Director.  Ready   informed  the  Board  that  Strecker  was  brought  on  for  his  institutional  knowledge,  strong   approach   to   management   and   to   be   the   liaison   between   the   City   Managers   Office,   Finance  and  the  Wheeler  for  the  staff.         IV.              FINANCIAL  REPORT   Bennett  presented  the  preliminary  budgets  for  November  and  December  2014.   The  finance  department  is  still  closing  out  2014,  so  the  December  budget  will  not   be   actual   for   several   months.   The   RETT   did   extremely   well   in   the   month   of   December.       V.              ACTION  ITEM   1. Election  of  Officers   O’Neil   reported   that   City   Council   had   reappointed   Brian   O’Neil   and   Richard   Stettner  to  the  Board.  O’Neil  called  a  motion  to  nominate  Chairperson  and  Vice   Chairperson   positions   for   the   Board   of   Directors.   Kurt   nominated   O’Neil   for   position   of   Chairperson;   Cohen   seconded.   Stettner   nominated   Cohen   for   Vice   Chairperson;   O’Neil   seconded.   The   Board   unanimously   voted   to   accept   the   nominations  into  position,  with  no  discussion.           VI.              INFORMATION  AND  DISCUSSION  ITEMS   1. Executive  Director  Transition   Ready  updated  the  Board  on  the  recruitment  process  for  the  Executive  Director.  The   position  has  been  posted  on  the  municipal  website  and  five  national  arts  websites.  As  of   the  meeting,  there  was  a  total  of  52  applicants,  31  had  been  determined  to  meet  the   minimum  qualifications.  The  application  process  will  close  on  January  30th.     2. Update  on  Recent  Performances   Strecker  reported  December  was  a  successful  month  for  the  Wheeler.    The  Wheeler  had   a  strong  house  of  350  attendees  for  Best  of  the  Fest  on  December  20th.  Ticket  sales   came  in  at  87%  of  goal.  Crystal  Palace  on  Christmas  Night  was  a  well-­‐received  show.   Attendance  and  ticket  revenue  were  equivalent  to  last  year’s  revenue  numbers.  The   show  exceeded  the  revenue  goal  set  by  Slaton  for  2014.  NYE  was  sold  out.  There  were   501  tickets  sold  this  year  vs.  the  450  tickets  sold  in  2013.  This  year,  the  Wheeler  sold   standing  room  only  tickets  for  the  dance  floor.  The  ticket  price  increased  from  $65.00  to   $89.00  and  ticket  buyers  were  not  deterred  at  all.  The  revenue  rose  to  $43,500  vs.   $23,500  in  2013.  The  staff  had  a  great  response  from  both  the  artists  and  the  patrons   for  this  event.  They  did  a  great  job  of  ending  the  year  strong.   Ticket  sales  for  Jeff  Austin  this  Sunday,  January  18th  are  moving  very  slowly,   approximately  100  tickets  sold.  The  box  office  is  offering  two  for  one  tickets  to  City  of   Aspen  employees  and  are  hoping  this  will  help  increase  ticket  numbers  before  Sunday.   To  date,  the  box  office  has  sold  322  tickets  for  Lewis  Black  on  January  30th,  which  is  84%   of  the  income  goal.  It  is  highly  likely  that  the  show  will  sell  out  and  exceed  income  goal.             VII.              MEMBERS  COMMENTS    Cohen   suggested   increasing   the   Board   membership   by   one   position.   Following   the   Board  member  interviews  the  previous  evening,  Cohen  expressed  the  idea  of  bringing   on  one  of  the  candidates  who  would  bring  a  dynamic  to  generate  energy  for  the  Board.   Ready  explained  that  City  Council  has  limited  the  Wheeler  Board  to  seven  members  and   one  ex-­‐officio.     Cohen  proposed  that  the  Board  look  into  reintroducing  a  black  box  theater  project.  The   21st  Master  Plan  included  a  black  box  theater  to  be  built  in  the  parcel  of  land  between   the  Wheeler  and  the  Mother  Load  buildings.  Currently,  small  arts  groups  and  businesses   are  biding  for  the  Powerhouse  Plant,  to  produce  a  small  theater  and  event  space.  Cohen   suggested  that  The  Wheeler  reintroduce  the  plan  to  build  a  small  space  in  the  parcel  to   support  the  arts  groups  and  provide  a  producing  space  in  the  summer  season  for  the   Wheeler.        Clayton  requested  a  summary  of  the  Executive  Director  hiring  process  from  Ready.      Kurt  requested  clarification  on  the  Board’s  position  for  the  repurposing  of  the  RETT.   Ready  assured  the  Board  that  he  will  explain  City  Councils  goals  and  prepare  reports  for   the  Board  to  review  at  the  next  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Directors,  on  March  11th.       VIII.              CITIZEN  COMMENTS   None     IX.            ADJOURNMENT   O’Neil  called  for  a  motion  to  adjourn;  Cohen  made  the  motion;  Kurt  seconded.  The  meeting  was   adjourned  at  12:55pm.