HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes.WHLR.20150610.RegularWHEELER  OPERA  HOUSE   MINUTES  OF  THE  MEETING  OF  THE  BOARD  OF  DIRECTORS     DATE:    Wednesday,  July  15,  2015   TIME:    4:00pm   LOCATION:  Wheeler  Opera  House  Conference  Room     PRESENT:       Board  Members:         Brian  O’Neil,  Chairperson   Richard  Cohen,  Vice  Chairperson   Christine  Benedetti,  Secretary   Tom  Kurt   Chip  Fuller   Richard  Stettner     Absent:         Doug  Clayton   Daniel  Song,  Ex-­‐Officio     Guests:       Jeanette  Darnauer   Jim  DeFrancia   Ashley  Feddersen     Staff:         Gena  Buhler,  Executive  Director     Rose  Bennett,  Sr.  Manager  –  Finance   Randy  Ready,  Assistant  City  Manager     RECORDED  BY:       Lauren  Pierce,  Marketing  Coordinator                                                                                                           I.  CALL  TO  ORDER     O’Neil  called  the  meeting  to  order  at  4:07pm.           II.  COUNCIL  CURRENT  DIRECTION  ON  ARMORY  BUILDING     Buhler   addressed   the   Board   regarding   City   Council’s   current   direction   regarding   the   Armory   Building.    At  this  point,  no  decision  has  been  made  for  the  future  of  the  building,  and  should  they   decide  to  move  forward  with  repurposing  of  the  Armory  Building,  Council  would  direct  the  future  of   the  Wheeler’s  role  in  the  operation/management/programming  of  the  new  space.  The  following   presentation  on  behalf  of  Bruce  Etkin’s  group  is  for  informational  gathering  purposes  at  this  time.     III.  GUEST  PRESENTATION  RE:  REPURPOSING  THE  ARMORY  BUILDING       Local  residents  Bruce  Etkin,  Jim  DeFrancia  and  Tony  Vagneur  have  joined  forces  to  create  a   non-­‐profit  opportunity  to  renovate  the  current  City  Hall  as  a  community  center.  The  Armory   Repurpose  Committee  will  present  to  City  Council  on  Monday,  August  3rd.  The  Committee   requested  that  the  Board  of  Directors  agree  to  allow  them  to  communicate  to  City  Council   that  the  Board  and  the  Wheeler  Opera  House  is  interested  in  being  the  operator  of  the   proposed  community  center.  The  committee  presented  the  proposal  to  the  board  for  review.   The  highlights  from  the  proposal  are  in  the  attached  document.             IV.  BOARD  DISCUSSION  RE:  ARMORY  BUILDING  PROPOSAL  FROM  GUESTS     The  Board  discussed  their  opinion  regarding  the  Wheeler’s  involvement  within  the  structure  of   Etkin’s  Armory  Building  Proposal.  Cohen  expressed  his  concern  if  the  Wheeler  was  to  lose  the   opportunity  and  face  another  competing  venue  in  Aspen.  O’Neil  would  like  to  see  the  proposed   building   fill   the   role   as   a   community   center.   Fuller   pointed   out   to   the   Board  that   within   the   proposal,  20%  of  the  time  the  building  would  be  a  performance  venue,  in  which  the  Wheeler  has   expertise.  To  that,  the  other  percent,  the  Wheeler  has  no  expertise,  for  example  with  conventions,   banquets  and  weddings.  Stettner  questioned  if  the  Wheeler  is  the  correct  operator  of  the  proposed   space;  cooking  for  500  to  1,000  people  is  a  whole  other  challenge  than  running  a  performance   venue.  Fuller  proposed  that  the  Wheeler  Board  support  the  new  facility  to  the  ability  that  the   Wheeler  holds.  Cohen  endorses  whole-­‐heartily;  the  Wheeler  needs  a  new  performance  space  to   program  in.  The  general  conscious  over  brief  discussion  is  that  the  Board  is  moving  forward  in   endorsing  support   of   the   Wheeler’s   involvement   in   exploration   of   this   proposed   repurposing   management  plan.     Buhler  expressed  that  the  use  and  need  of  the  building  proposed  has  not  yet  been  defined  within   the  proposal,  which  she  feels  needs  to  happen  in  the  exploratory  process.  Ready  informed  the   Board  that  City  Council  would  benefit  from  a  list  of  comments,  concerns,  and  questions  regarding   the  proposed  Armory  Building.  Ready  gave  examples  such  as,  “if  the  Armory  becomes  a  community   amenity,  programmed  by  the  Wheeler,  how  does  or  will  this  effect  the  RETT  renewal  and/or  does   this  proposal  belong  on  a  ballot  question?”  Buhler  requested  that  the  Board  send  her  questions,   concerns,  and  comments  by  July  24th.     V.    MOUNTAINSUMMIT  FESTIVAL  LAUNCH     Buhler   updated   the   Board   on   the   current   status   of   the   seventh   annual   MountainSummit:   Mountainfilm  in  Aspen  festival,  taking  place  August  27  –  August  30.  The  first  day  of  pass  sales  was   successful.  A  promotional  video  that  is  currently  screening  in  the  Aspen  Airport  was  presented  to   display  the  new  branding  and  digital  direction  of  the  festival’s  marketing.  Buhler  presented  an   overview  of  the  festival  film  schedule  and  new  activities.  Buhler  has  introduced  a  kids  program,   more   discussions   to   provide   audiences   with   the   opportunities   to   speak   further   with   guests,   a   concert  and  interactive  activities.  The  festival  is  expanding  beyond  a  film  festival  to  become  a   destination  event  for  Aspen.         VI.  RENOVATION  PROJECT  UPDATE     Buhler  updated  the  Board  on  the  current  status  of  the  remodel  project  with  new  design  renderings   of  the  first  and  second  floor  (front  of  house  views).  The  project  will  open  the  box  office  space  to   invite  patrons  to  flow  naturally  to  the  second  floor  lobby  space.  The  new  design  and  esthetics   project   the   feeling   that   one   is   in   a   historical   theater.   The   lobby   space   will   introduce   new   programming  opportunities.  Patrons  and  the  public  will  be  invited  to  the  second  floor  to  the  bar   before  a  show.  The  new  design  introduces  a  coat  check  and  separate  men  and  women  bathroom   locations,  in   which  both  amenities  increase   customer   service.  The   project   has   identified   the   constructor  as  R.  A.  Nelson.  Of  the  four  construction  companies  that  submitted,  R.A.  Nelson  came   within  the  budget  and  the  strict  timeline  of  September  1st  through  December  3rd.      The  project  will   move  forward  this  fall,  pending  Council  approval  at  the  end  of  July.     VII.  FINANCIALS     Bennett  presented  the  June  2015  financials.  The  financials  do  not  have  any  significant  changes  in   June,  due  to  the  Aspen  Music  Festival  and  School  in  residence.  Buhler  informed  the  Board  that  the   staff  submitted  thorough  forecasts  for  the  remainder  of  the  year.  The  numbers  related  to  the   programming  in  December,  as  well  as  the  final  outcome  of  the  August  MountainSummit  festival   would  determine  final  expenses  and  revenues.     VIII.  MEMBER  COMMENTS     Cohen   informed   the   Board   that   he   met   with   a   representative   to   speak   about   the   TABOR   Amendment,  regarding  the  Real  Estate  Transfer  Tax  renewal.  The  representative  recommended  an   attorney,  Matt  Grey,  who  has  worked  with  RETT  renewal  processes  with  comparable  municipalities.   Grey  is  researching  to  determine  whether  or  not  the  Wheeler  is  in  jeopardy  of  losing  the  RETT,  if   changes  were  to  be  made  to  the  distribution.  Cohen  urged  the  Board  and  the  City  to  prepare  to   fight  for  the  proper  renewal  of  the  RETT.           IX.    APPROVAL  OF  THE  JUNE  10,  2015  MINUTES     The   Board   reviewed   the   minutes.    Cohen  made   the   motion   to   approve  the   minutes;   Fuller   seconded.  The  Board  unanimously  voted  to  accept  them.                     X.  SET  DATE  FOR  SEPTEMBER  MEETING        The  Board  scheduled  the  September  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Directors  for  September  23,  2015  at   4:00pm.       XI.  ADJOURNMENT     O’Neil  called  for  a  motion  to  adjourn;  Cohen  made  the  motion;  Fuller  seconded.  The  meeting  was   adjourned  at  5:44pm.