HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes.WHLR.20190109.Regular (2)Red Brick Center for the Arts – Conference Room Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday January 9, 2019 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie In Attendance: Wheeler Opera House Board Members: Chip Fuller, Chairperson Christine Benedetti, Vice Chair Ziska Childs Keith Elder Nina Gabianelli, Secretary Dr. Tom Kurt Amy Mountjoy Via phone: Richard Stettner Peter Grenney (alternate) In Attendance: Wheeler Opera House / COA Staff: Gena Buhler, Executive Director Maddy Overton, Artist Services & Community Outreach Meeting Recorder: Julie Gillespie DISCUSSION ACTIONS RESPONSES o Meeting called to order at 3:05 PM o Chip Fuller - approval of modified December meeting minutes. Approved o Director’s Report (Gena Buhler) Association of Performing Arts Professionals (APAP) Conference Recap o Gena Buhler (Executive Director) and Nicole Levesque (Audience Services Manager) attended in NYC Jan 4 – Jan 8 o Wheeler Green Initiative Presentation – discussed actions Wheeler is taking to promote sustainability o Composting/compostable bar cups, reusable artist water bottles, recycling, paper credentials, bamboo pens, seed paper, etc. o CHILDS – other sustainable suggestions from other entities? o BUHLER – Florida venue has year-round garden back of house, option for cup rentals via company “r.Cup” Red Brick Center for the Arts – Conference Room Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday January 9, 2019 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie Programming Update o December Programming Review o WOH December Programming Numbers (see excel attachment), 2017 v. 2018 o Goals for 2017 v. 2018 very close YOY; exceeded December 2018 goal by $10,000 o NYE Event – last minute artist change to Vaud & the Villains o Melissa Villasenor, Acrobats, This Mountain Life (film) and family shows all had great sales; 4:30PM shows did well o FULLER – what were the average tickets sold per event compared to last year? **Check sales for this question** o FULLER feedback – great shows, tickets were slightly expensive for a family of four, prices for locals could be a little high. Possibility to have kids price for certain shows? Possible to have a family of four attend for under $100? o Aspen Film Numbers (see excel attachment) – event struggled, dates and pricing were a challenge; discussion regarding different dates for next year o GRENNEY 1. What is your opinion on last minute ticket option (lower price for tickets in last few hours leading up to show)? 2. Option to have package deal for tickets to help promote ticket buying? 3. Do we have demographics for ticket buyers? Downvalley v. Upvalley? 4. Are you happy with these numbers, what would you change for the future? 5. How many community events were turned down for month of December? o BUHLER 1. Currently selling 60 – 80% total sales in last 48 hours prior to show. Ad plans are set up knowing this will happen. 2. Currently provide ALF bundles, fall events and other events throughout the season. Customers generally don’t want to spend a lot of money up front. Because we don’t have a reason to front load with cash, we don’t see a big reason to try to make locals buy early if they can’t afford it. 3. Holidays – 40% local/60% tourists; February – 35% locals/65% tourists; off season – more locals; on average – 50/50 for locals and tourists in attendance. Prior to Gena’s arrival – only 30% of ticket sales were tourists. Downvalley v. Upvalley – about 70% of customers are Red Brick Center for the Arts – Conference Room Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday January 9, 2019 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie from Basalt and up. **Nicole to pull these numbers to compare** 4. Early shows are a good choice, nice mix of local events throughout. Suggesting the idea of doing a different John Denver show for Challenge America. What performance should we have for Christmas Day 2019? 5. Maybe 5 or 6, many requests for two weeks before Christmas. o Upcoming Key Events o See coming soon doc – shows Jan 10th – Jan 13th o Free Wheeler Wins show – Liz Vice Jan 12th o Popovich Comedy Pet Theater, Wheeler Associates show o Aspen Laugh Festival update – après series at Silver City Saloon, kick off at the Limelight, comedy podcast at the Wheeler, big headliners, etc. o Upcoming Board Seats (February Interviews) o Christine Benedetti, Vice Chair - seat is up, February Council Review o Amy Mountjoy – seat is up, February Council Review o Shining Mountains Film Festival – Aspen Film has agreed to program this for the Wheeler. o Sundance Film Festival has an indigenous people’s programmer that Susan Wrubel will connect with o Scope and plan will be in front of Gena for film festival o Request for a summer intern that can help with the additional work which will be part of Shining Mountains Film Festival. o Staffing – open accountant position, currently posted via COA. o Board Discussion (Chip Fuller) 2019 Needs Study o Request for Bid Review o KURT 1. What is the current changeover situation occurring in the City Manager’s office and how does that affect us? {BUHLER – Wait and see. Hiring freeze does not effect Wheeler. Sara Ott transition meeting happening next week. More updates to follow when we know more} o CHILDS 1. What is the ETA for finalizing and sending the memo? {BUHLER: Sara Ott will review next and it may need to go to Council for review before being released}. Red Brick Center for the Arts – Conference Room Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday January 9, 2019 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie 2. Do we want this to become an election issue? Potentially could raise the visibility for the project. 3. Need to receive hard data before making the decision to do the study; currently have very little data that has a conclusion. 4. Add storage space into “Facility Inventory.” 5. Scope of work – how long will this study take? 6. Compare demand during different times of the year; include seasonal location into the description about Aspen. 7. Who asked for the needs study to be completed? {BUHLER: City Council directed in May 2018}. o GRENNEY 1. With so much turnover, what will happen with the needs study? {BUHLER: It continues to be an approved project for staff in the 2019 cycle.} 2. Why would we explore this if there are already questions about the viability of this project? 3. Could we make a greater impact with the $50,000 somewhere else in the community and not pay for the study? 4. What level of inventory facilities will be sought out? Ex: anything available to the community, needs to be an exhaustive list. 5. Will facility inventory include Snowmass? Glenwood Springs to Aspen. 6. How will the consultant determine demand for specific times organizations are requesting? 7. Request for a breakdown of the utilization of all different spaces available. 8. Request for a breakdown of demand between local v. tourists. 9. Request for a breakdown of different months and how busy each is with different events. 10. Can other proposals be provided from a variety of firms? Work samples from other companies – case studies, data from other projects, etc. 11. What would be the effect on local businesses? 12. Arts economy scope? ACRA working with Arts and Culture group, instructed to come forward with a proposal for a study. Their focus would be economic impact, how much money arts culture would bring to Aspen, etc. No conflict with this study. o BUHLER 1. Data from study will help provide information for any long-range Red Brick Center for the Arts – Conference Room Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday January 9, 2019 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie planning for the future. 2. Study from 2010 only focused on need for specific performing arts space, certain questions were not asked. What does the community really need besides just a stage? 3. If we want to build this, what would be the next steps? Avoid jumping too far ahead to plan what would go into the space but focus on what the data produces. o GABIANELLI 1. Organizations need space and the study can provide the board with better ideas for utilization. 2. Important to include availability of spaces in the community. 3. What type of equipment will be present? Ex: stage, lighting, production equipment, etc. o MOUNTJOY 1. Important goal – show the community the board is trying to do something effective with the WRETT. 2. Important to include size of current spaces in the community, what is available and how much space is currently being used. o FULLER 1. What should be added to the current bid request document? 2. Focus on where people are buying tickets within the community, who will be using this facility and what type of events will take place? 3. Add some more details to “Facility Inventory” Section – estimated square footage, size, how many seats, meeting rooms, etc. 4. If it is determined that a different type of space is needed, is this the best location for that? 5. Should we include the site limitations for the space? Opportunities v. limitations. o Next step – BUHLER will put together a group of individuals to participate in vendor selection process. Depending on process, BUHLER may bring in top 2 candidates to the board, discuss and advise on best fit. One to two Board members will be requested to sit on the vendor selection panel with Buhler. o Future Discussions/Topics o FULLER: March meeting will be a review of the current and past year financials. BUHLER will try to send this in advance of the meeting. o Key Discussions for Upcoming Meetings o Discussion on boards mission statement and goals (future agenda point) o ELDER – can we discuss per council direction? Red Brick Center for the Arts – Conference Room Board Meeting Minutes | Wednesday January 9, 2019 - 3PM Submitted by Julie Gillespie o BUHLER – suggestion to come up with a set of Wheeler board goals o Where the board would like to go with these goals o Provide a report to new council o KURT; CHILD: Current mission statement needs update; general concept of advisory board does not need updating. o GRENNEY – interest in being a part of meeting with other arts organizations, how they work with the Wheeler, and how the Wheeler can help. o KURT: Cupholders for the Wheeler theatre are still on the way? {BUHLER, yes, hoping for January or March install} o GRENNEY – can we receive financials before the next meeting? o Future Meetings Review (Chip Fuller) o March 6* | 3pm | Agenda Topics: Board Officer Elections, Financial Document Review, Process of Study Bid Update o April 10* | 3pm | Agenda Topics: Mission Statement Discussion (original meeting date April 3) *Meeting Location: Red Brick Center for the Arts Conference Room o Meeting Adjourned at 4:34PM Motioned by: Chip Fuller