Vice - chair, Ann Mullins called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Nora Berko, Willis Pember, Jay Maytin and
Jamie McLeod.
Staff present: Deborah Quinn, Assistant City Attorney
Amy Guthrie, Historic Preservation Officer
Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy City Clerk
Motion: Jay moved to approve the minutes of May 9, 2012; second by�Ann.
All in favor, motion carried.
Elizabeth Means represented the Aspen Community church. Elizabeth said
they are in need of repairing the church. It is being held by tie rods on the
interior. It was built in 1890 with no drainage. We are doing a capital
campaign to raise 4.4 million. Since it is a community church we have
raised 1.4 million. Possibly the city could get involved and maybe we can
use RETT funds.
Amy and Deborah .said they would research some possibilities and they
haven't gone through the complete analysis for options.
Jay mentioned damaging by neglect. Amy said the city has a $25,000 loan
which isn't much.
720 E. Hyman — AspenModern Negotiation for Voluntary Landmark
Designation and Minor Development (cont'd from May 9th)
Mitch Haas, Haas Planning
Charles Cunniffe, Cunniffe Architects & Associates
Brian West, Cunniffe and Associates
Public Notice — Exhibit I
Sara stated that the property is on the corner of Hyman and Original and is
also called the Aspen Athletic Club. It is included on the Aspen Modern
map and was designed by Robin Molny in 1976. The proposal is
AspenModern negotiations and HPC will need to make a recommendation
on designation. There are also some issues for a minor development review.
The applicant wants to convert the third floor commercial to two free market
residential units. They also want to convert a portion of the second floor
commercial to affordable housing to mitigate for the free market residential
component and the rest of the building will remain commercial. It is located
in the mixed use zone district and is currently over the allowable height and
is an existing non - conformity. It also exceeds the allowable FAR ratio for
commercial use. There have been very few changes since 1976. In 2008
HPC granted approval for some minor changes including stripping the ;
brown paint off the building and doing a stain which looks much better.
They were approved to remove the evergreen trees that were obscuring the
planter boxes. The brise soleil was approved but they didn't act on it so
their vested rights have expired and it needs to be discussed again tonight.
Staff finds that all of the designation criteria are met. It's representation to
Molny and representation of a hybrid Wrightian Molny style. It did score 17
on the integrity scoring and staff recommends designation. HPC is asked to
apply the purpose and intent of the preservation program to this designation
and the proposed. project before you to help council decide and weight the
benefits requested.
The benefits they are look for is to allow one larger free market unit then
what is currently permitted in the zone district. They also need more FAR
allotted to the free market residential component than is allowed in the
mixed zone district. They are making their commercial non - conformity a
little bit smaller and they are asking to create a bit of a non - conformity with
their free market component. They are also asking for a waiver of the three
parking spaces which is cash in lieu of $90,000. There is no space for
parking in the alley. They also need a slight height variance for a skylight
on the roof. It is less than one foot for the variance. Right now the building
conforms to the setback requirements but the brise soleil would need a
Minor Development:
Sara said they are proposing a roof deck that would have a glass guard rail
around the deck and it is about 675 square feet. They do meet the height
limit for the deck and guard rail and access. They do need to provide
another form of egress to the roof. Staff is in favor of the roof deck and
proposed materials because it is set back from all sides of the fagade and it
will not make an impact to the historic characteristics of the building.
For the brise soled they are proposing all of the windows on both street
facing facades and on the west fagade. They are trying to reduce the energy
consumption in the building._ Staff does not support the brise soleil that it
obscures certain architectural features. It will also change the reading of the
building and the planes and understanding Molny's architecture. We do not
think the guidelines are met specifically 10.10. Staff is in support of the
skylight as you will not see it and it doesn't impact the nature of the historic
building. They are proposing to replace the plywood hoppers with operable
glazed windows. Staff is on support of that change and it is important to
have all the windows operable again.
Staff is not in support of the setback variances for the brise soleil and it
doesn't meet the criteria for granting a variance. We are recommending that
council negotiate for landmark designation. In the resolution the condition
is to not approve the brise soleil and screen the mechanical equipment on the
roof top for review by staff and monitor. The planters in the right -of -way
need an encroachment license from Engineering and work with the parks
department to determine the proper plantings since it is on city property.
They are also proposing some re- pointing in the planter boxes as some of the
mortar is deteriorating and we are requesting a test patch.
Brian West, Cunniffe and Associates
Charles said he worked with Robin Molny in 1981 and 1982 and we did
some minor work inside the building for the athletic club. I personally don't
think Robin would be opposed to the brise soleil with ali the climate issues
as we have become much warmer than in 1981. One thing that is non -
Wrightian about this building is the lack of overhangs. They would be
attached in a manner that you can read the building completely and they can
easily be removed. We have no other issues with staff's recommendation.
Brian said with the planter boxes we will have to reline them. Brian did a
power point explaining the brise soleil and the elevations of the building
including the roof top elements. On the tall windows which are 3/a inch thick
glass there is no insulation and the brise soleil will help in the summer time
and moderately in the winter. The south facing fagade is the most important.
There are two systems available, louvers which are extruded out.of the wall
and cable stays or the'second system which is a grading system with a bar
screen that is projected out. They would also need the rods and cables to
keep them in place. The basement is partially under the planters. The
mechanical equipment will be redone on the roof and you won't see it from
the street. On the first floor we are proposing no changes due to the long
term lease with Timberline Bank. The top floor would have two free market
units with a new stair that would go to the roof. There would also be a small
roof top deck for the free market units only. The least impact second egress
would be on the exterior stair in the back and we would design one more
flight up to the roof. The stair in the back is presently a fire escape. On the
skylights we would reduce the amount that we have which is five small ones
and one large one. We would put in three in the back and none in the front
at the same size.
Charles said on the brise soleil we might not need it on the east side. The
south and west are the most onerous.
Willis asked about energy modeling on the building. Charles said once we
know we can go forward we would pursue an energy modeling. We would
have a mechanical engineer do the entire building.
Jay asked about the snow load of the brise soleil. Brian said it is engineered
for the climate and the expected loads will be applied and they are not solid.
Jay said the stairway in the center of the roof seems to be 9 feet above the
roof level. Maybe it doesn't have to be that big.
Charles said the stair is one egress and the fire escape is the other. Charles
said he can work with the shaping of the stair and lowering it. Charles said
the green roof would have a ground cover and it would be alive.
Nora asked about the roof deck. Charles said they would have a picnic table
and a few lawn chairs. Nora said she is worried about the scale of that
block and adding a summer room. Charles said it is more of a view deck..
Nora commented that the upgrades have improved the building immensely.
Without those trees you can really see the building. Possibly there are other
solutions for the interior rather than the brise soleil.
Charles said the best way to protect from heat gain is before it enters the
building and before the heat comes through the glass. Once it is through the
glass it is in the building and all you are doing is trapping it in a confined
area which creates vast temperature changes from the surface of the window
and the inside of a shade which creates its own set of problems. It also
affects the. sealants of the windows.
Nora said the building is a knockout building and we need to figure out how
to keep it that way.
Ann asked about the notched out piece in the stairwell and if it can be kept
because it is an interesting piece.
Brian said where the stair comes up is the entry to the free market unit.
Charles said the sketches came from the owner and we can discuss it.
Sara said if you are doing free market residential you could have a total of
4,500 square feet. If you were doing all commercial you could have, 6,750
square feet.
Charles said we are basically using the space that is there.
Chairperson, Ann Mullins opened the public hearing. There were no public
comments. The public hearing portion of the agenda item was closed.
Jamie said she is in favor of preserving the building and in favor of the 250
square foot bonus because you are already using existing square footage and
just reallocating it. I'm in favor of exceeding the allowable FAR because
you are within the existing square footage. I'm not in favor of waiving the
three parking spaces in lieu of cash. The roof deck is favorable and you
can't see it. I am in favor of the one foot height variance for the skylights
and the fact that you are removing five skylights and adding three and you
really are removing two and it won't exceed existing conditions. The second
egress is favorable and the idea of sloping the roof is recommended. I am in
favor of the hoppers but not the brise soleil.
Ann said she agreed with Jamie with the exception of supporting the parking
waiver because the architect has done a beautiful job with the building
already and I would hate to have a piece chunked out for parking. You also
have the city parking garage several blocks away. I am supportive of
limiting the number of cars coming into the city.
Jay said he would support the resolution with one condition to restudy the
roof top stairwell. Jay said he would like to see something to help the
building be more energy efficient but is not sure the brise soleil is the right
solution. Restoration should occur on the planters and the interior stairwell
should be restudied.
Nora said she would support landmark designation without the brise soleil. I
would like to see the cash -in -lieu for parking. I would also support Jamie's
Willis said he supports the landmark status and the 250 additional square
feet. Asking for the cash -in -lieu waiver is a little unseemly given the,
programmatic change that is going on. I would support the height limit and
roof deck use. Adding green to the roof is adding sustainable things. When
Molny believed in modernism they embraced the size of these solid plate
glass windows and it is a way to create to the outdoors. They added the
hopper windows to add fresh air to come in. I have a hard time changing the
hoppers into clear story windows. If you are trying to cut down heat gain
with glazing you don't do it by adding more glazing. On the east and west
vertical shading' devices perform much better. If you were to flush this out
and come to us with an energy model you would find in a hurry that brise
soleil on the east and west are not going to do much of anything. In terms of
managing solar gain on the south you have several options. You have
deciduous trees and you can look at glass technology. If Robin were here
he would study that and you can look at a opaque glazing on the glass itself
that cuts down a certain percentage of site line but it maintains the facade
treatment. Willis said he is opposed to the Brise soleil.
Charles and the owner has been looking at the best glass possible. We are
not changing the structural glass. We will look at the glass for the hoppers.
The owner is already changing the hoppers for the view. All of the tenants
want it.
MOTION: Jay moved to approve resolution # 12 as. written with a restudy of
the stairwell to the roof in the middle of the building to shrink the height and
slope and to be approved by staff and monitor. We are also in favor of the
one foot height variance for the skylights and we recommend a restudy of
retaining the interior second floor false stairway. Motion second by Jamie.
Vote: Jamie, yes; Jay, yes; Nora, yes; Willis, yes; Ann, yes. Motion carried
5 -0.
610 E. Hyman - Aspen Modern Negotiation for Voluntary Landmark
Designation, Conceptual Major Development
Public notice - Exhibit I
Deborah Quinn, Assistant City Attorney indicated that the public notices
were in order and the public hearing can go forward.
Amy said in early 2011 an application was submitted for designation. It was
under the previous ordinance #48 negotiations and the application decided to
stop the application. It was resubmitted in April and a very similar proposal.
Right now it is net leasable space for the architectural firm and there is an
existing free market unit on the upper floor. The building was built in 1963
and designed by Ellie Brickham who was Aspen's first woman architect that
we know of It was designed for Pat Moore as a gallery.
The proposal entails voluntary landmark designation and it meets criteria a
and c. It also has architectural integrity enough to be designated historic.
There are a few things being requested as a benefit in exchange for
designation. Two are existing benefits that we already have in the program
which are some waiver of affordable housing for new net leasable space that
is generated by the rear addition in the building. They are also asking for a
parking request. They only generate a fraction of a new parking space
through the commercial development so they are asking for a waiver of the
cash -in -lieu program valued at $28,000. In terms of AspeModern
designation'they are asking for three things: The property is already at the
limit for what a free market unit can be on the site and they are asking to
increase that to a little less than 1,200 square feet. With circulation for a free
market unit staircases etc. are wrapped into the calculation and can strain
how much it can be expanded. We need clarification whether the proposal
goes over the maximum unit size of 2,000 square feet . of net livable space.
They are also asking for an extension of vested rights to ten feet. This
project also involves conceptual design review which is a two step process.
There is an- addition proposed for the alley and the roof top. Staff doesn't
have concerns about the location, size or placement of the addition. HPC
can address material selection at final. Staff's issue is the lack of restoration
of the historic resource.
There are a few things that we feel are important in terms of restoration. It is
a negotiation and HPC and Council could choose not to designate the
building. The ground floor store front has been changed. It used to be a
centered entry and now the entries are on either end of the building and there
is a large light well in the middle that doesn't meet to the ground like it used
to. The arched openings are very important to the concept and they have
been changed from the ground floor. The upper floor courtyard has a
temporary canopy roof over it which is a change. We feel some of the
changes need reversed in order to really make the building worth landmark
designation and the benefits they are asking for. That is what UPC had said
at both of the previous hearings. At the least the stucco should be painted
white. Removing the canopy entirely would reinforce the open area
courtyard at the top. There should be some effort to genuinely restore some
of the arches. There may have been some interior changes that would not
make that easy but a 1200 . square foot bonus and around $300,000 worth of
waivers is being proposed. There is also no on -site trash and they share with
the Golfco bldg. next door but HPC needs to be aware this entire block is
being redeveloped including the Golfco bldg. and they might not want to
continue to share a trash area. Staff is not recommending that the project go
to council at this point.
Charles Cunniffe, applicant
Mitch Haas, Haas Planning
Charles said when he originally came to UPC four years ago under
Ordinance #48 it was because the art museum was taking our view and light
away. That .building is higher than what you can do today. Had Council not
done the forced march for development with a threat of a moratorium which
has scared everyone into action you wouldn't see all this development. You
will see 15 years of development happening within the next two years. I am
looking to make this.an attractive building and preserve it. This building
and the Crandall are the only two from the 60's on that block. When I
remodeled the building I didn't deteriorate the building from its actual state.
The only thing significant I did was relocate the doors for better access to
the building and I added ventilation to the building. Ellie Brickham came by
this building and told me I did a nice job. In the scoring there,are some
Mitch Haas said staff has already done a new scoring. It rates as a better
AspenModern property. In the old score we disputed it. The old score of 75
should have been more like 87 or 89. There was no part credit for things
that were partly changed. Either way we are a better example of
Amy pointed out that the new scoring is not as detailed. It scored 15 out of
Charles said the building has continued to maintain its original integrity. In
hind site with the Aspen Art Museum I wish I had-made the building taller
to preserve the light and view. I would like to achieve designation and do it
without losing my ventilation and light. The brick was left natural and when
you paint it, it accelerates the deterioration of the brick. The canopy was
done in order to have covered outdoor space and it is light and airy. I have
not done too much to it to denigrate the building.
Mitch said if you have a 3 year vesting the entire block will be under
construction at the same time. None of the other buildings are under
AspenModern and cannot ask for more vesting periods. We are basically
talking about development on the alley side and the rooftop is pushed back.
The building is already an AspenModern and designating it is worth
incentives. The additional commercial space is needed for Charles's office.
Charles said on the trash we have the recycling bins for the neighborhood
and they in turn have the bulk trash containers.
Nora asked what is different from this proposal than the previous one.
Charles said previously the review was not in the right light due to the
scoring. We started out with mistakes in the scoring which developed into
some people feeling the restoration should occur to the entire building. I
don't believe that it is required to do 100% restoration to qualify as a worthy
example of AspenModern. The building is compromised because it is a split
level. To do the elevator is very expensive because the building has multiple
levels. It is a masonry building and well built. I only made some
improvements to the building.
Mitch said Charles said he is willing to change the stucco if necessary and is
willing to consider the canopy removal.
Amy said in the overall FAR in this project they are fine. It is the thresholds
on residential and how much commercial FAR that they have a problem on
the residential.
Charles said the additional FAR is to make a one bedroom. Because of the
split level the stairs take away from the usable square footage.
Amy said you can only have 1500 square feet of residential FAR on this site
and they already have that and they want to make the unit bigger. Amy
pointed that the application said they were going over the unit size cap and
then there was an amendment said they weren't.
Mitch said the C 1 unit size cap is 2,000 square feet and our proposed net
livable is 1,814 square feet; however the free market FAR is a little over
2,100 square feet. We would like to do that without buying a TDR.
Amy said there are conflicting numbers and that is one of the reasons we are
recommending continuation.
Willis inquired about the ten year vested rights requested.
Mitch said you don't go to city council and ask for vested rights extension
without being in a negotiation process.
Chairperson, Ann Mullins opened the public hearing. There were no public
comments. The public hearing portion of the agenda item was closed.
Commissioner comments:
Jay said he is in support of the designation and the plans presented.
Essentially the building and scale of the building'will remain as it is. 1,
would like to see the awning as a clear awning. The historic integrity of this
building will stand out even more after the development of the
neighborhood. We are preserving the scale and a lot of Ellie Brickham's
design. I don't support ten years of vested rights.
Ann said she is not addressing any of the negotiation items because she is
not supporting designation. The building has been dramatically altered
taking' out the arches and changing the entry and landscape in front. Most.
importantly the transparency of the second floor has been changed. I can't
see designating this building unless you show a restoration at a minimum of
the fagade.
Charles said the awning is like an umbrella and is not part of the building.
Charles also reiterated that Ellie Brickham applauded the changes to the
building that he made. The use of the building changed. Charles said the
scoring was based on the wrong facts. The building would qualify as better
without doing anything retroactive.' The assumption was that the/front
windows weren't there and it was an open atrium but that was never the
case. It was based on a wrong -fact.
Amy said at the last scoring and the new scoring it meets the thresholds. If it
meets the criteria HPC really doesn't have justification for denying the
designation. The problem is if you don't think the building is in good
condition you may not want to support all the benefits that they are
negotiating. It might be hard to argue that it doesn't meet the criteria as I
feel it does meet that criteria. Whether or not you want Council to support
an FAR bonus and net livable and extended rights is a different question.
Ann said she is saying it doesn't have the degree of integrity to be
Nora said she supports the project and the addition but does not support the
designation. There is no integrity. I feel I am being asked to compromise
my integrity in historic preservation on something that has been really
Charles said if he removes the awning that would restore the openness to the
sky and the roof line would be exactly the way it was.
Willis said he feels the project is worthy of historic designation. I would
argue for certain terms to bring this project back further than it is now. The
way it is now is not worthy of designation. I would require the awning to go
away. The experience when you walk by is that it is closed in so the
awning should be removed. There are certain things we can talk about to
bring the building back so that everyone is happy. As aboard we have the
sense as to what is authentic and what is not. We need more dialogue about
the details in order to make this work.
Jamie said she feels the application needs to be clearer as to what the
applicant is giving to UPC for the designation and with the benefits that are
being asked for. We need to know what you are look at with regard to
restoring the building.
MOTION: Ann moved to continue the public hearing on 610 E. Hyman to
June 13t' second by Jamie. All in favor, motion carried 5 -0.
MOTION: Ann moved to adjourn, second by Jay. All in favor, motion
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. '
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clark