NOVEMBER 28~ 2001
CRITERIA, AND BENEFITS L ~LI~ HEARING~.~.~,~'~..'~ ................................................. 1
735 W. BLEEKER - FINAL REVIEW - PUBLIC HEARING .............................................................. 10
409 E. HYMAN AVE. - MINOR REVIEW - PUBLIC I-IE~NG .......... ~....,......'~....~ ...................... 13
317 N. FOURTH STREET - WORKSESSION - NO MINUTES .......................................................... 15
NOVEMBER 28, 200i
Chairperson, Suzannah Reid called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners present: Gilbert Sanchez, Jeffrey Halferty, Lisa
Markalunas, Rally Dupps, Neill Hirst, Teresa Melville and Suzannah Reid.
Melanie Roschko was excused.
Staff present: Historic Preservation Planner, Amy Guthrie.
Chief Deputy Clerk, Kathy Strickland
Senior Planner, Chris Bendon
MOTION: Gilbert moved to approve the minutes of Oct. 24, 2001; second
by Jeffrey. All in favor, motion carried.
Rally will recuse himself on 735 W. Bleeker
Suzannah will recuse herself on 317 N. Fourth Street - work session
Staff comments: Amy said City Council heard the appeal on the 629 W.
Smuggler project and they did not uphold the decision of the HPC. The
applicant made a presentation that the review became confusing to them
because it dragged out over so many meetings and they felt at each meeting
they got different direction. Council basically agreed with that. The
applicant still has to come back to HPC for final. They will have to make a
case that the review standards and guidelines have been met. When HPC
denies a project the board clearly has tO state the reasons why or make
findings why the project failed for the record. A work session will be
scheduled with the assistant city attorney.
Review of changes to the Historic Preservation Ordinance, Designation
Criteria, and Benefits - PUblic Hearing
Amy said the intent is to have someone reid the ordinance and understand
what the entire process is about. Definitions were added and a more defined
process as to how properties are designated and how the designation can be
rescinded. The design guidelines will be the basis for a review. There is a
more clear statement of the city's intent to grant benefits for historic
properties. Regarding the development review process, there are more
things that staff will be able to sign off on if there is no negative impact to
the historic resource. Minor review will basically be the same. Major
NOVEMBER 28,~ 200i
review w/ll be our two-step conceptual and final process. During
conceptual you will be bound to some specifics of the project that you
cannot question again at final review, which is an improvement for both
sides. There will be a clear process as to how approved plans can be
amended including more information how project monitoring works.
Demolition of properties is consistent with what we have now. Temporary
restraint of demolition is a process whereby when you begin consideration
ora group of properties or'specific property we can enact a temporary stay
on any demolition permits.
Economic hardship will be like any other land use process when someone
gets denied they can make a claim of takings and that would be heard by a
third party and HPC will not be involved in the discussion. Relocation of
properties is consistent with what we have now. Demolition by neglect has
been improved and has a laid out step-by-step process. Appeal is the same
language we have now. Variances are the same with an additional statement
that consideration of any adjacent historically designated property be
reviewed if it is negatively affected by the variance. Regarding penalties
there is up to a ten-year moratorium of building permits for an illegal
demolition and also the ability to revoke variances etc. has been added.
Benefits package: At council review we need to discuss in actuality how
many of the suggestions that we can actually take on. The waiver of the city
portion of the property tax would be about a half million dollars. That
reduction would have impacts on our operations. Grants and loans would
have to have some source of funding. Historic markers were also brought
For the Twentieth Century Resources it is proposed to have the properties
go through a worksheet to access their role in the history of the community.
If it survives the two-point worksheet then possibly a public hearing could
occur if the commission felt it should be pursued.
Amy said regarding the lot splits it is proposed to be adopted in more zones
then it is currently in.
NOVEMBER 28~ ~200i
Gilbert asked if the worksheet had been tested on properties to see if it
actually works and Amy replied yes and the worksheet is tied to the criteria
that are in the ordinance.
Chairperson Suzannah Reid opened the public hearing.
Jasmine Depagter commented on the Postwar I1 buildings. She feels a
discussion with Council should occur to see if the Postwar II buildings
should be included. The uproar a year ago was about the Postwar II
buildings, Rustic.
Amy said the ordinance includes the framework for the discussion in which
we have to create. Council has the ultimate decision as to whether a
property qualifies or not.
Jasmine said she is questioning whether the community is truly behind this.
She would like to see this go to a vote. She feels the Butcher Block and the
Holland House are commercial buildings and should be looked at
differently. 500 square feet bonus in a commercial building is a joke.
Commercial buildings are different than a 1,500 square foot cottage where
500 square feet is perfect for them.
Amy said the reason it was not changed is that there are other mechanisms
in which lodges can get more FAR.
John Kelly asked for an explanation of the worksheet. Amy said you have
to get two out of three categories, which is the majority of the areas. John
said on a general basis you could always meet the requirement on two
categories: Development of American Tourism in the 20th Century and the
Automobile's Influence on Postwar America. Every building in town
represents the ski industry. Amy said they are development better language
for the explanation of the two categories. If it associated with the ski
industry that needs to be something like a ski co. building. John also asked
about the appeal process. John feels the council should be able to look at
the entire project, like P&Z does. John said with' the 20th century buildings
they are much more controversial and council should be able to have a full
look at them.
NOVEMBER'2g, 2001
Suzannah said on the designation aspect Council does review the entire
thing. HPC has the final say on development applications.
Jackie De Angelo said she agreed with John Kelly on the first two
categories. At first glance every building in this town qualifies. That needs
really worked out because it is certainly vague. Jackie also had concerns
about the question whether the property clearly has distinctive physical
characteristics. What does this question mean? Are you saying is the
property a lodge, institutional building, ski building or are you saying it has
Amy said the question is whether the property is of a certain style or by a
certain architect or a high style architecture. This is how we tried to identify
what are the styles in Aspen that could be important on the types of
buildings. Amy said in the guidelines it indicates the styles that we have
and one would refer to those guidelines. There is no percentage or number
indicated. Jackie stated that it needs to be very clear why a property is
Perry Hall said the form rates the doors and window twice and he feels door
and windows can break the property. Amy said the doors and windows
show up twice because you are looking at different aspects of them. Perry
feels there is too much weight put on the windows and doors.
Scott McDonald said years ago they put forward to council preservation of
use for commercial buildings. The idea was after you had gone through
P&Z and the mitigations that you would have flexibility for using that
property for a lesser use. When it was proposed to the city there was a
control concern that the city would loose control of the use of the property.
This is something that is applicable especially for the Main Street properties
and should be an incentive for historic properties. This is one of the reasons
the town is becoming "homogenized".
Amy said for clarification Scott is saying we need to make it easier for
people to switch around after they have gone through a conditional use once
instead of going through the process again.
NOVEMBER 28, 2001
Scott also mentioned trees. As the trees grow they block the sun to the roofs
of older buildings, which are not insulated well. If you insulated well the
snow load could not be held by the trusses. Allowing trees to be removed or
looked at in the context o£maintenance on the historic house should be
looked at. If an historic property is used as commercial the economic
viability of that building should be looked at. You can have a small
building on a relatively large lot and since a small building can only
generate so much revenue per square foot you need to find out if the
commercial is justifiable.
If you have a building that is 900 square feet on a lot and a half, that lot is
assessed commercially 3 times higher than residential. A spreadsheet or
something is needed when you want to have commercial in historic
buildings. The tax incentive needs to match up realistically.
Kathy Welgos, 1295 Riverside Drive asked about lot splits. If you are
offering lot splits as a benefit there is no guarantee that you will get that
benefit? Amy said the criteria that are mentioned are very straightforward.
Is the lot at least 9,000 square feet and is it located in one of the zone
districts that allow lot splits.
John Kelly, attorney said it was his understanding that the 6,000 square foot
lots would get the same benefits as the 9,000' square foot lots? Amy said the
diagrams are up and the HPC needs to make that decision. John said it
should be simple, let the 6,000 square foot lots be able to do lot splits.
Kathy WelgOs said she is going to go over and visualize two houses on
6,000 square foot lots. That would be very crowded. Amy said there is no
more mass allowed in the lot split, itjust allows you to do two detached
Caroline McDonald said they are being caught in limbo and if the ordinance
goes through they would be able to do a lot split. They intend to go to
council and ask for a reconsideration for the code amendment that they
NOVEMBER 28~ 200~
Perry Hall said some subdivisions have deed restriction and would this lot
split over ride the covenants. John Kelly said they would be enforCed by the
homeowners association and the city wouldn't have anything to do with it.
It would be a protective covenant and override the zoning.
Chairperson Suzannah Reid closed the public hearing.
Commissioner comments:
The board thanked all the individuals who participated in the discussions
over the years and without their input leaps and bounds could not be
Jeffrey said he could support the study of the 6,000 square foot lot split.
There needs to be discussion on parking mitigation and those impacts.
Gilbert said the ordinance provides more clarity and definition. The work
sheet needs clarified and further defining of the categories. Gilbert said two
check marks no matter where they fall needs discussed and reviewed
further. He feels the check marks need to be in different categories.
The lot split has been the most successful in the past and will be in the
future and should be extended to 6,000 square foot lots and into the other
zoning districts.
Gilbert said he agrees with Jasmine Depagter that there has not been a
completion of the discussion on what is important to the community (Post
War buildings).
Rally said he agrees with Gilbert that the worksheet needs more tweaking.
He also agreed with John Kelly that you are allowed two buildings on a
6,000 square foot lot and why put the applicant through the hardship of
having it condominiumized when you can do a lot split. Rally said he feels
Aspen is under zoned. Rally also said the AACP is the master plan.
Neill said education of the community and the community coming to a
consensus of what we want to preserve and what we want Aspen to be in
the future is the fundamental of this entire process. Neill said P&Z is more
qualified to discuss lot splits. Regarding an appeal Neill suggested that the
NOVEMBER 28~ 2001
chairperson of HPC appear before council and give in formal terms the
reasoning for the denial by HPC.
Lisa said the 20th century checklist needs more definitions. If a lot split
were allowed on 6,000 square feet it should not be by right but through a
conditional use. Lot splits should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
She also would have concerns if two historic related houses were on one lot
were split. Carriage houses are significant buildings that should be treated
Teresa said she felt the addition of the Hall of Fame members appropriate.
She also felt that a lot split of 6,000 square feet to be too dense.
Suzannah said she is in favor conceptually the lot split on a 6,000 square
feet lot. She also feels that commercial issues need to be focused on.
MOTION: Gilbert moved to forward an endorsement of a new historic
preservation program to P&Z and CitY Council. That the HPC recommend
an endorsement of extending the lot split to 6, 000 square foot lots and to
additional zone districts under the same criteria that we have now, a
conditional us; second by Rally.
Neill suggested that we have a separate motion on the lot split.
Gilbert withdrew his motion.
MOTION: Gilbert moved to approve Resolution 53, 2001 to endorse a new
historic preservation program and forward it to P&Z and CitY Council;
motion second by Rally. Motion carried 6-1.
Yes vote: Teresa, Neill, Rally, Gilbert, Jeffrey, Suzannah
No vote: Lisa,
Suzannah suggested that the HPC make a motion supporting or denying the
6000 square foot lot split.
NOVEMBER28; 200i
MOTION: Suzannah made the motion that HPC recommends extending the
lot splits to different zone districts and to allow lot splits on 6000 square
foot lots', resolution #54, 200; rally second. Motion carried 4-3.
Yes vote: Jeffrey, Gilbert, Rally, Suzannah
No vote: Neill, Lisa,
233 W. Main, Innsbruck Inn - Conceptual Review - Public Hearing
Chris Bendon, Senior Planner relayed that 233 W. Main is a continued
public hearing from Oct. 10, 2001. The application is to consider
conceptual development and exemption from partial demolition standards.
The Innsbruck Inn is within the Main Street Historic District but is not a
designated historic resource. The proposal is for an additional four lodge
units and one affordable housing unit. There are two floors above grade and
a basement with an affordable housing unit. There are no changes proposed
on the east side. HPC's role is to consider the general massing and the
design approach to the project. The project then goes to P&Z in which FAR
and parking is treated and the number of units and density. P&Z is in the
position of granting growth management allotments and making a
recommendation on the PUD to City Council. The plan will Come back to
HPC for final approval and that is where you get into the details of the
Staff feels the proposal is consistent with the existing architecture and meets
all of the standards for conceptual approval and for the exemption from
partial demolition and is consistent with the historic guidelines. Mike
Haisfield is present who is a member of the Innsbruck LLC, which is the
owner of the property. The designated person to represent the LLC is
Audrey Haisfield and she has designated representatives to speak on her
behalf. Mike is not that person although he is a member of the LLC. What
that means, if Mike makes a representation staff will ask that Audrey
confirm alter on in writing that she confirm with the representation or that
the HPC turn that into a condition.
Michael Haisfield was sworn in.
Mike said the presentation was clear and covered everything.
NOVEMBER 28~ 2001
Chairperson Suzannah Reid opened the public hearing.
James Newcomb, 211 W. Main relayed that he lives next door to the
Innsbruck Inn. The proposal is a great improvement from the last meeting.
The only issue for him is parking which will be reviewed by P&Z. On the
east side there is an employee unit in which managers live and there is an
alleyway and not much space and there is a lot of noise. There is a lot of
storage in that alley and possibly a fire hazard that should be looked at.
James said he conversed with Audrey and she referred him to the manager
in which he never got a call back.
Chairperson, Suzannah Reid closed the public hearing.
Commissioner comments:
Teresa stated the proposal seems like a fine project and parking will be
addressed at P&Z.
Lisa agreed with Teresa that this is a modest addition.
Neill said this a remarkable resolution to the project and possibly the
neighbors and owners can come to an amicable solutions.
Rally relayed that the project meets all of the guidelines of Chapter 12 and
he supports lodge preservation projects.
Gilbert relayed that he agrees with his colleagues and staff recommendation,
Jeffrey stated that the project will help the small lodges and this is a modest
Suzannah concurred with the rest of the board members.
MOTION: Jeffrey moved to approve Resolution #55, conceptual
development, and exemption from partial demolition to the Innsbruck Inn
expansion, 233 ~. Main St. Lots A,B, C, D and E Block 52, City and
Townsite of Aspen finding that the review standards are met; second by
Rally. Motion carries 7-0.
NOVEMBER 28~ 200i
Yes vote: Teresa, Lisa, Neill, Rally, Gilbert, Jeffrey, Suzannah
735 W. Bleeker - Final ReView - Public Hearing
Randall Bone, owner was sworn in.
Affidavit of posting was submitted to the Chief Deputy Clerk as Exhibit II.
Amy informed the board that all of the review standards have been met. Re-
opening the front porch has always been a representation but it is not shown
on the plans and should be a condition of approval. Without a design of the
fence we might have to continue the variance, Staff supports the setbacks
and the variance for the light well that will be in front of the historic house
but is of no consequence and is very small.
Randall said there was a pre-existing chimney that was cut offand we
would like to add the chimney back on which ties into the living room
design as a corner gas fireplace. The second change is on the back addition
with the addition of two side windows facing the alley. There is a six-foot
fence existing on 7th Street and the desire is to take it along the front of the
property line. Dropping the fence down is acceptable. Regarding the front
porch a good compromise would be to open the front porch back up with the
window and do low wainscoting and glass so you get the look of the open
porch and the faqade of the house stepping back. That would open it up
Gilbert cautioned Randall about the flashing details of the chimney as it is
down in a valley on the roof and will be a challenge to fix.
Suzannah opened and closed the public hearing.
Commissioner comments:
Jeffrey said the site is very challenging and he appreciates the proposal. He
is also interested in the fence concept. The two new windows are OK.
Opening the porch is a good idea.
NOVEMBER 28, 2001
Gilbert said the drawings are a great solution for the s~te. He could accept
reconfiguring the front porch exterior so that there is some expression of the
historic quality of the original porch. Regarding the fence Randall said he
would comply with the Residential Design Guidelines.
Neill inquired about the guidelines of a fence and Amy responded that in all
areas forward of the front facade you have to drop the fence to 42 inches.
The side facing the street does not have to be dropped. The front of the
house faces Bleeker Street. Neill said he is not in favor of the fence but it
meets the guidelines.
Lisa said the addition is much more preferable than what we have seen in
the past. She is interested in seeing some expression of the historic porch.
She has some concerns over the fence on 7th Street because that is a high
traffic area.
Teresa said she had no problem with the fence and would support
preserving the porch.
Suzannah said the plans are a good solution for this tight site. She mentions
that there is an Engineering requirement regarding fences on a corner lot
and that should be explored. Regarding the porch it would be preferable to
have a restoration with a weather enclosure in glass.
Randall stated that a nice detail all the way around the fence could be
looked into.
MOTION: Gilbert moved to approve resolution #56, 2001for the final
development and variances for 735 W. Bleeker with the following
1. Reconfigure the porch enclosure to express the historical quality of
the original porch and the design shall be approved by staff and
2. The fence shall comply with the residential design standards and the
design approved bp' staff and monitor.
3. HPC hereby grant a 3-foot east side yard setback variance for the
new addition and a variance from the "Lighwell" standard in the
Residential Design Standards.
NOVEMBER 28, 2001
4. Provide a structural report demonstrating that the miner's cottage
can be moved and information about how the house will be stabilized
from the house mover.
5. Provide a bond or letter of credit in the amount of $30,000 to insure
the safe relocation of the structure.
6. Provide a relocation plan detailing how and where the building will
be stored during construction. Measures must be taken to fence
around t,% building, cover windows with plywood, and otherwise
protect it from damage. Any off-site storage location will have to be
approved by HPC and the applicant will need to monitor the building
on a regUlar basis.
7. Information on all venting locations and meter locations for the
miner's cottage shall be provided for review and approval by staff
and monitor when the information is available.
8. Submit a demolition plan, as part of the building permit plan set,
indicating exactly what areas, of the historic house are to be removed.
9. Submit a preservation plan, as part of the building permit plan set,
indicating how the existing materials, which are to be retained, will
be restored. The requirement is to retain/repair all original
materials and replicate only those that are determined by HPC staff
and monitor to be beyond salvage.
1 O.No elements are to be added to the historic house that did not
previously exist. No existing exterior materials other than what has
been specifically approved herein may be removed without the
approval of staff and monitor.
11.HPC staff and monitor must approve the type and location of all
exterior lighting fixtures.
12.HPC staff and monitor must approve a landscape plan. Trees and
large shrubs cannot be planted in locations that block views of the
house from the street or in locations that could damage the house.
13. There shall be no deViations from the exterior elevations as approved
without first being reviewed and approved by HPC staff and monitor.
14. The preservation plan described above, as well as the conditions of
approval will be required to be printed on the cover sheet of the
buiMing permit plan set and all other prints made for the purpose of
15. The applicant shall be required to provide the contractor with copies
of the HPC resolution applicable to this project. The contractor must
NOVEMBER 28~ 2001
submit a letter addressed to HPC staff as part o/the building permit
application indicating that all conditions of approval are known and
understood andmust meet with the Historic Preservation Officer
prior to applying for the building permit.
16. The General Contractor and/or Superintendent shall be required to
obtain a specialty license in historic preservation prior to receiving a
building permit.
17. The HPC monitors for this project will be Teresa and Jeffrey.
Motion second by Neill. Motion carried 6-0.
Amy clarified #l that the porch can be reconfigured to express the
original open character without actually be open. It can be an enclosed
Yes vote: Teresa, Lisa, Neill, Gilbert, Jeffrey, Suzannah
409 E. Hyman Ave. - Minor Review - Public Hearing
Amy reiterated the recommendations from the last meeting to the applicant.
There was discussion to restudy the storefront and include some heavier
framing elements to make it more like a typical historic store. The entry
doors needed to be parallel to the street and the upper wall shall be
predominantly a flat masonry surface and the columns carried to the ground.
Although the design does not technically meet some of the direction you
had given previously w/th regard to altering the storefront the upper floor
design is strong enough that all the other elements are in place to allow for
the more modem storefront. Interpretation. Staff recommends approval
with one condition that the exterior light fixture design, if any, be presented
to staff and monitor for approval.
Randy Wedum was sworn in.
Randy said he lowered the faqade from the top due to the concern of the
height. The window area was reduced and now there is 50% of the glass
area that he started with on the upper floor to give the punched whole look
in the facade. The intent is to copy materials from the Wheeler Opera
House using the pitched faced stone on the columns to the side and the cut
NOVEMBER 28~ 2001
stone above the windows for the decorative cap piece and the keystone is all
cut stone. The stone is all the same color. Randy said the logo would be
letters on the glass.
Suzannah opened and closed the public hearing.
Commissioner comments:
Gilbert said he could accept the proposal due to the different elements.
Jeffrey suggested a horizontal member to help pick up some of the
interpretative guidelines such as the kick plate and he supports the project.
Rally said his concerns are the comer brackets on the pediments and where
the historic precedence for those brackets came from. 13.9 guidelines ask
for a two-story scale sidewalk elevation and possibly the upper part of the
pediment is still too tall for approval of that guideline. Possibly a kick plate
should be included in the design. He also felt that the two lines on either
side of the display windows be carried up which is more ora traditional
storefront configuration.
Neill said the building to the immediate right is not like the proposed
building. This is a good result in this particular situation.
Lisa said she also agrees that a horizontal element on the first floor could be
a positive addition. She also agreed that the vertical elements should be
carried up.
Teresa agreed that a kick plate should be added but can accept the design
with all of the improvements.
Suzannah said due to the smallness of the building she could accept the
contemporary nature of the first floor. The proportions of the upper
windows helps the faqade.
MOTION: Neill moved that Resolution #57, 2001 of the Aspen Historic
Preservation Commission approving a minor development located at 409 E.
Hyman Avenue, the West 16' of Lot C, Block 89, City and Townsite of
NOVEMBER 28i 200!
Aspen, Colorado be approved with the condition stated by Staff that any
exterior light fixtures must be approved by' staff and H?C monitor. Neill
volunteered to be the monitor; motion second by Rally. Motion carried 6-1.
Yes vote: Neill, Teresa, Lisa, Gilbert, Jeffrey, Suzannah
No vote: Rally
317 N. Fourth Street - work session - no minutes
MOTION: deffrey moved to adjourn; second by Gilbert. All in favor,
motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk