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Smuggler Mobile Home Park Insubstantial PUD Amendme
Smuggler PUD
James Lindt
Insubstantial PUD Amendment
Smuggler Home Owner Asso~ation
Scott Harper
Plat Recorded & Amen
J, Lindt
Julie Ann Woods, Community Development Director
James Lindt, Planning Technician \fL
Smuggler Park Subdivision Insubstantial PUD Amendment
September 12, 2000
Smuggler Home Owners' Association, represented by Scott Harper, has applied for
an insubstantial amendment to an approved POO for the Smuggler Mobile Home
Park Subdivision. This request is to change the name of the subdivision from
"Smuggler Mobile Home Park Subdivision" to "Smuggler Park Subdivision".
Staff has reviewed this proposed amendment and recommends administrative
approval by the Director, with conditions.
Smuggler Home Owners' Association, Represented by Scott Harper.
Smuggler Mobile Home Park. Located north of Gibson A venue and encompasses
most of AJAX Avenue, Oak Lane, Cottonwood Drive, and Maple Lane.
ResidentiallMobile Home Park POO
Insubstantial amendments to an approved POO may be approved by the Community
Development Director, pursuant to Section 26.445.100.
Review criteria and Staff Findings have b'-'en included as Exhibit "A." The
application has been included as Exhibit "B."
Staff recommends the Community Development Director approve this Insubstantial
POO Amendment to change the name of the "Smuggler Mobile Home Park
Subdivision" to the "Smuggler Park Subdivision" with the one condition as proposed
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111 1
447333 09/25/2000 01:05P MEMO DAVIS SILVI
1 of 4 R 20.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO
I hereby approve this Insubstantial Amendment to the Smuggler Park POO as
proposed with the following condition.
1. Within six (6) months of the date of this approval, the applicant shall amend the
final plat to reflect the subdivisionIPOO name change..
'1 ~ :i{."d~ date '1 /~:;;-?~
Jul~Y1 nn Woods, Community Develo~ifector
I, as a person being or representing the applicant, do hereby agree to the condition of
this approval and certify the information provided in this application is correct to the
best of my knowledge.
,..,....,,'.,,"','~ ,(1 t),
date~(6 b
Scott Harper R resen ing Smuggler Home Owners'
Association, owner.
Exhibit A -- Review Criteria and Staff Findings
Exhibit B "- Application
111111I1111I1111I111111I11111111111I11111I11111 11111111
447333 09/2!5/2000 01:0!5P MEMO DAVIS SILVI
2 0' 4 R 20.00 D 0.00 N 0.00 PITKIN COUNTY CO
L~(~~'!~~f!~!' 11111I ,'IIG/t'IIIIIIIII 11111 11I11111
30' 4 R 20.000g000~00:P0"E"O DAVIS SILVI
Exhibit A
Review Criteria
Insubstantial PUD Amendment.
1. A change in the use or character of the development.
Staff Finding:
With this proposed amendment, the use and intensity remains the same as
approved by the original PUD. Staff does not believe that the amendment
changes the character of the development in a way which necessitates review by
the Planning and Zoning Commission and Council.
2. An increase by greater than three (3) percent in the overall coverage of structures on
the land.
Staff Finding:
There will be no change in the coverage of structures.
3. Any amendment that substantially increases trip generation rates of the proposed
development, or the demand for public facilities.
Staff Finding:
Trip generation and demand for public infrastructure are not affected by this
4. A reduction by greater than three (3) percent of the approved open space.
Staff Finding:
The amount of open space will not be affected by the proposed amendment.
5. A reduction by greater than one (I) percent of the off-street parking and loading
Staff Finding:
The applicant is not requesting an amendment to the existing or required number
of parking spaces.
6. A reduction in required pavement widths or rights-of-way for streets and eas,ements.
Staff Finding:
The applicant is not proposing changes to right-of-way widths.
7. An increase of greater than two (2) percent in the approved gross leasable floor area
of commercial buildings.
Staff Finding:
The applicant is not proposing changes to a commercial building.
8. An increase by greater than one (I) percent in the approved residential density of the
Staff Finding:
The applicant is not proposing a change in the residential density.
9. Any change which is inconsistent with a condition or representation of the project's
original approval or which requires granting a further variation from the project's
approved use or dimensional requirements.
Staff Finding:
The proposed amendment is consistent with the project's original approval.
447333 09/2e0/2000D000010:0eNP0M~:Op~~~~~ ~~h~~y co
4 of 4 R 20. . .
1280 UTE AVE" SUITE 10
November 20, 2000
(970) 544-5000
TELECOPIER (970) 544-5010
Via Hand Delivery
James Lindt, Planner
AspenlPitkin Community Development Department
130 South Galena Street
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Re: Smuggler Park SubdivisionlRe-recording of Third Amended Plat
Dear James:
Delivered herewith please find (I) two original Mylars of the Third Amended Plat for
Smuggler Park Subdivision signed by the President and Secretary of the Smuggler Park Home
Owners' Association; (2) a check from Scott Harper, P.C. in the amount of $10.00 for recording of
the Plat. Thank you in advance for making certain that this Plat gets recorded as approved, i.e.
without any additional references being added to the Plat by the City Clerk or County Clerk and
You will note that I have included the legend that this Plat "supersedes and replaces in its
entirety the Third Amended Plat recorded at Plat Book 54 Page 71 as Reception No. 448308."
For your information, the Amendment to the Declaration for Smuggler Park Subdivision
evidencing the Association's approval for the name change is recorded as Reception NoA48988.
Please let me know the recording information for the Plat once it is recorded. Thank you for your
assistance in insuring that the Plat gets properly re-recorded.
Very truly yours,
. Scott
cc: Association President
1280 UTE AVE., SUITE 10
October 23, 2000
(970) 544-5000
TELECOPIER (970) 544-5010
Via Hand Deliverv
James Lindt, Planner
Aspen/Pitkin Community Development Department
130 South Galena Street
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Re: Smuggler Park Subdivision/Third Amended Plat
Dear James:
Delivered herewith please find (1) two original Mylars of the Third Amended Plat for
Smuggler Park Subdivision signed by the President and Secretary of the Smuggler Park Home
Owners' Association; (2) a check from Scott Harper, P.C. in the amount of$1O.00 for recording of
the Plat; and, (3) a copy of the recorded Memorandum approving the Insubstantial Amendment to
the Smuggler Park PUD.
Please let me know the recording information for the Plat once it is recorded. Thank you
for your assistance throughout the amendment process.
Very truly yours,
cott Harper
cc: Association President
1280 urn AVE., SUITE 10
September 7, 2000 ,
(970) 544-5000
TELECOPIER (970) 544-5010
James Lindt, Planner
AspenlPitkin Community Development Department
130 South Galena Street
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Re: Smuggler Mobile Home Park Insubstantial PUD Amendment/Change of Name
Delivered herewith please find 2 copies of the complete application packet containing the
following information requested in the Pre-Application Conference Sununary for the above
referenced property:
1. Check from Scott Harper, p.e Trust Account for total deposit for review of
application in the amount of$650.00.
2. Letter authorizing this firm to act as owner's representative, and including
owner's name, address and telephone number.
3. Signed fee agreement.
4. The Pre-application Conference Sununary.
5. A letter signed by the President of the Smuggler Home Owners' Association
evidencing Association approval for the name change.
6. An 8\1," x 11" vicinity map locating the subject property within the City of
7. The proposal is for an Insubstantial POO Amendment changing the name of the
subdivision from Smuggler Mobile Home Park Subdivision to Smuggler Park
Subdivision and is in full compliance with the review standards relevant to an
insubstantial PUD amendment.
8. The recorded PUD Agreement. Smuggler is govemed by a Precise Plan for a
Specially Planned Area as set forth in the recorded Precise Plan and Subdivision
Agreement for Smuggler Mobile Home Park, as amended. The Precise Plan and
the First, Second and Third Amendments thereto are submitted herewith.
James Lindt
Aspen/Pitkin Community Development Department
September 7, 2000
Page 2
9. The proposed Third Amended Plat of Smuggler Park Subdivision.
Please let me know at your earliest convenience if you need any additional information.
Very truly yours,
Scott H er
cc: Association President
Smuggler Home Owners' Association
Aspen, Colorado 8161 I
May 22, 2000
James Lindt, Planner
AspenlPitkin Community Development Department
130 South Galena Street
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Re: Smuggler Mobile Home Park msubstantial PUD Amendment/Change ofPOO Name
Dear James:
Pursuant to requirement number 2 of the City of Aspen Land Use Pre-Application Sununary
for the above referenced matter, I am supplying the following information:
a. Applicant's name, address and telephone number are:
Smuggler Home Owners' Association
clo Mark Hesselschwerdt, President
301 Oak Lane
Aspen, CO 81611
Phone: (970) 925-9034
b. The name, address and telephone number of the representative authorized to act on our
Scott Harper, P.C.
by: Scott Harper
Attorney at Law
1280 Ute Avenue, Suite #10
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Phone: (970) 544-5000
Very truly yours,
Smuggler Home Owners' Association
~ ., 6'//00
Bf Mark Hesselschwerdt, President
. _'4 .
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#352683 01/0t/93115'12 Rec $25.00 BK 699 PG 982
SiJvia Davi~j~J~l~.kin f:~,1;X_.~lef"'k, Doc: $.00
~i,,!,,;,'; ,,':i~., FOR
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This Amendment, ent~re4.into this ~ day vf j)ec~~wa992,.by
and between the city of Astlen, Colorado, a municipal corporat~on
(hereinafter referred to'as"the City"), and Smuggler Mobile H~~e
Owners' Association, a" Colorado not for profit corporation,
(hereinafter referred tCl,~the Association").
WHEREAS, the Association has submitted to the City for
approval, execution and recordation a Secolld Amended Plat, a copy
of whIch is incorp~rated herein by this reference and hereinafter
referred to as the "Second Amended Plat" for a tract of land y,.rlcwn
as the Smuggler Mobile Home Park Subdivision, (hereafter referred
to as "the Propertyll), and'
lfflEREAS, the prop,,'fty is zoned '.as a specially planned area
pursuant to requirements, of the Aspen Municipal COde, and
.,.,\/;, ,''.i''.' ,,'
WHEREAS, the City has fUlly considered the proposed amendments
of the Plat of this pr."perty; "
WHEREAS, the Property is 9.Jverned by a Precise Plan and
Subdivision Agreement ("Precise Plan") recorded in Book 424 at Page
780 of the records of:P~tkin Cou~ty, Colorado; and
" " ~,,' ',".-', ' , ,{:"':
,WHEREAS, the PreCise, Plan 'has been. P,e1l'iously amended by
~mendmentsthereto record~d in B~~k439at'page213 o~ the records
of PitkL, County ("Fir'it'+mendment") and in Bopk 535., "t Page 975
("Secon.:! Amendment") :anCl;:' :";'" .' :', ',' ".,'/""
"',' '''''''' , " ,', " '~\:<:1E~R.},._', '."":<7;:(:"':',',':"-,_i,,,,,':,:.,'.:,_,,..,~:1, 'f:>
, WHEREAS, on July 9;"1990 the', City of Aspen approved Ordinance
~O (Series Cl~ 1990) granting furt~", amendme~t to the Precise Plan;
and.-, .:. "'",,1:21::;;-~~J.;\;"><::;:,,:::,:
WHEREAS' the requirements of Caapter 24 of the Municipal Code
of the City"of Aspen require a written amendment to any Precise
Plan and Subaivision Agreement: and
iff" ., ':;;"
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WHE~; the City'and the Association furthermore wishes to
amend the Precise Plan to incorporate therein certain architectural
restriction~~with respect~o construction on the Property; and
~::~,' . ,
NIlEREAs; the city' has agreed to the adoption of the
architec~ural restrictio.ps pursuant to Ordinance 40 of 1990; and
WHEREAS on July 15, 1992 the City approved the adjust:aent of
a lot line between real property owned by the Associaticn and Anne
Byard Peter~on also known as Anne Byard; and agraed to extend the
deadlines for the filing of t;,e plat required pursuant to Ordinance
40 of 1990 the recording of this amendment to the Precise Plan:
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#3521>8301/0783 15:12 flec $25.00 BK
Sllvla Davl!'..';!:,ltkln CntY,Clerk, Doc
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6~ PG 953
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WHEREAS, the CitiCi~0:i1ling to approve , execute and accept
for recordation, the Second Amended Plat upon the agreement of the
parties who on t.1atters _hereinafter described, subject to the
representation~ made in 'the application submitted in connection
therewith a.nd conditions of all approval and all requirements terms
and c:mditions of the; City of Aspen Subdivision SPA regulations now
in affect and such other rules and regulations as or may be
applicable; and ~,.
. "'~,'"
WHEREAS, the city of Aspen is willing to approve, execute and
accept this Third Amendment to the Precise Plan and Subdivision
Agre&ment for Smuggler Mobile Home Park in order to adopt certain
architectural controls, ral&s and regulati~ns.
.;, . "!:Y,:~,. .. ,',' ",,,,-,,,'''*:C'''' , .
NOW, THEREFORE,ln'consideration .ofthe premises, the mutual
covenants herein contained, and the approval, execution and
acceptance of the Second Amended Plat for recordation by the ci~y
it is mutually agreed as follows:
1. Amendment To Paraaraoh 1 (General Develooment Plan} of the
Second Amendment:, There shall be added to Paragraph 1
(f;eneral Develonnt'ent Plan""" of 'tJ.~e Second Amendment the
following language:f'..
. ' ","- .-':,' ",:'-'::',:> ",;'-"','
lilt is hereby recognized that'mobile homes, modular homes, or
si~e built homes ~hall be permitted withln Smuggler Mobil~
Home Park pursuant to the dimension requir~ents set forr...;, in
the Third Amendment to the Precise Plan and Subdivision
Agreem.ent. Any'and all additions to any mobile hOlDe or
structure in the Smuggler Mobile Home Park shall meet the city
of Aspen Building Regulations (Chaptor 7 of the Aspen
Municipal Code) ;;lyIt is further recognized that the placement
of any structure.:or improvement on any lot within the Smu~'gler
Mobile Home par~:will be subject to the review and approval of
the Architectur~LControl' Committee of the Smuggler Mobile
Home Owners' ~~~f~ation.,
~. ",
Buildina and Architectural Restrictions. Anythbg in the
Precise Plan Subdivision' and Improvement Agreement c, any
amendment thereto, to the contrary notwithstanding, the
fOllowing arohi~ectural rules; re~llations and restrictions
shall effect any..:~and all construction and use in t:t.e Smuggler
Mobile Home park'Subdivision: ,
A. Basements/:"~'AnY basement and floor system upon which one
relocates a mobile home or modular home must be capable of
supporting the relocated mobile or modula" home.
:::,}~<,:,.." .... " .
B. Heiaht. "The height of all residential and service
structures within Smuggler Mobile Home Park shall be limited
to fifteen (15)"faet as measured from the mid-point of the
lots average sl.ope.
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#35268301/07/93 15:12 Rec $25.00 BK 6~ PG 9B4
Silvia. uavis, Pi,t..kin CntY,Clerk, Doc $.00
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C. Minimum Lot Size. The minimum lot size of any lot within
the Smuggler Mobile Homs Park shall be twenty-four hundred
(2400) square feet.
D. Front Yard Set Back. The minimum front yard set bsck
shall be zero (0) feet for eVery Lot in the Smuggler Mobile
Home Park and there shall be an average eight (8) f.oot limited
cOllllllon element from the edge of the roadside curb to the front
property line of any Lot'in Smuggler Mobile Home Par~. This
common elemen~ is intended to be used for off street parking
by the o.~er of the adjacent lot.
E. Rear vard Set Back. The rear yard set back shall be a
~inimum of five (5) feet for any lot in the Smuggler Mobile
Home Park.
F. Side Yard Set Back. There shall be a minimum of ten (10)
feet on one side and a minimum of zero (~) feet on the oth9r
side of any structure on any lot,within the Smuggler Mobile
Home Park.
+:-'f,;'.':'" '.'
G. Maximum Floor Area. The maximUm allowable 'floor area in
any dwelling unit wit.'lin Smuggler )Iobile HODe Park shall be
two thousand (2,000) square feet..: This ,two thousand (2000)
square foo~, lbitation shall not include five hlL'1dred (500)
square feet which may be utili3ed fcr the construction of
either a garage or a shed. For the purpoe:esof calculation of
floor area, each square foot of above grade space will equal
one square foot of floor area; each square foot at belowqrade
epace will equal one-h;;lf (1/2) square foot of eoor area for
the pUl~oses of floor area calculation.
,".,c'" .
H. Par-kina. Parking rElquirements: shall remain as defined and
set forth in the rules and regulations of the Architectural
Control Committee of the Smuggler Mobile Home owners'
Association. Those regulations as of the date hereof are as
follows: ',:,~l\>' ',;~i;, ;',t':".
There shall be a minimum ~ftwo (2 )~ff "t~~et parking spaces
for each lot on the area betwean the service of the road and
the lot line of any lot. "For any structure or dwelling unit
over fifteen (1500) square feet in living area, as calculated
hereunder, three (3) parking sp3ces shall be required for any
structure or dwelling unit in excess of two thousand (2000)
square feet, four (4) parking spaces shall be required and any
mobile home in excess of twenty-five hundred (2500) square
feet, five (5) parking spacas shall be required. ,Whon garage
space is utilized for parking, that space shall not be
included in the calculation of living area for computed
required parking spaces.
I.. ~ccessorv' BuildinQ'~. No accsssory buildings or ingress or
egress therefrom shall be built witt,in any of the set backs as
set forth herein.
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tt352683 /07/93 15:12 Rec $25.00 BK 699 PG 985
Silvia Da~~st Pit~in Cnty Clerk, Doc $.00
~ffiTmation of Other Terms. Except as modified hereby, the
terms of the Precise plan and Subdiv~sion Agreement and the
First and Secor.d Amendment thereto are hereby confirmed by ell
of the parties hereto in all respects.
A. The pruvisions hereof shall h6 binding upon and inure to
the benefit of the AssociatIon, the city and their respective
successors and assigns.
B. This Agreement shall be subj ect to and construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Co19rado.
c. If any provisions of this Agreement or any paragraph,
sentence, clause, phrase, word or section, or application
thereof in any circumstance.s invalidated, such invalidity
shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this
Agreement. The ap91ication of any such provision, paragraph,
sentence, clause, phrase, word or section, any other
circumstances, shall not be ,affected thereby.
J\", ' "
o. ',fhis Ameridme~t to the p;~ci.se':Plan and SUbdlvisioll
Agreement may be altered or amended form time to time only by
written instruments executed by all the parties hereto.
E. Notices to be give:lto the parties to this Agreelilent shall
be considered to be given when delivered or deposited in the
united states mail to the parties,byregisterod or certified
mail, at the addresses indic~~ed belo~or such other addresses
as may be substituted upon'written notice of the parties or
their successor~,or a~s~9ns:
City of A~pe1\
city Manager'!'
130 South Galena stree~
Aspen, CO 81611
Smuggler Mobile Ho~e Owners' Association
301 Oak Lane
Aspen, CCl",81611
~':L%(Z!({;: ,,:,~,{:;t:,:';"::,;'" '
F. The termsF~{provisions, conditions and obligations
contained hereinj'hallbe deemed to be covenants and burden
the real property more particularly shown on the Second
AmendedPlat,/any",and all' owners, thereof, their successors,
grantees or assigns, and further shall inure to the benefit of
and be specifically by or a~ainst the parties hereto, their
successors, grantors or assigns.
G. In the event'.the
not in substantial
Amendment, tlo~"j!=p:y
city determines that the Association i~
compliance with the terms of this
serve a Notice of Non-Compliance and
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#352683 01/07/~3 15:12 ~ec $25.00 BK 699 P8 986
Sil..iia Davis, Pitkin Cnty Clerk, Doc $.00
request that the deficiency be correcte2 within a period of
forty-fiv~ (45) days. In the event the ~ssooiation believes
that it is in compliance or that the non-compliance is
insubstantial, the Associ.ation may request a hearing before
the city Council to determine whether the alleged non-
compliance exists 'or whether any amendment, variance or
extension of time to comply should be granted. On request,
the city shall conductia hearing according to standard
procedures and takesuch,:.action as ittl'l.en deems approprlate.
The city shall be entitl~~ to all remedies at equity and at
law to enjoin, correct 'and/or receive damages for any non-
compliance with this Agreement.
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H. In the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement
or any paraqraph, s~~ence" _clause, phrase, word, or sect.ion
or the application' thereof in any circumstances is
invalidated, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of
the remainder of this Agreement, and the application of any
such provision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
section in any other circumstance shall not be affected
thereby. . Xci , ,<.. .,'.',
IN WITNESS 'iiHEREOF;; the parties have hereunto set their hands
seals on the date and year ~~t,forthabove~
;;,";i,.'."" ,
By: (}L {'5~
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Byr;;esident ~
By: VafuJ ~1.1~
L:::' secretary / ./
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This Amendment, entered into this ~ day of Il'l.w , 1~7,
by and between THE CITY OF ASPEN, COLORADO, a Munic~rporat_
ion (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), and SMUGGLER MOBILE
HOME OWNERS' ASSOCIATION, a Colorado Cooperative (hereinafter
referred to as the "Association"), PITKIN LIMITED, a COlorado
Corporation, and ASPEN MOUNTAIN PARK, a Colorado General
Partnership (hereinafter referred to as "OWner").
, ~
BOOll 535 PAue975tj
WHEREAS the Association has submitted to the City for
approval, execution and recordation an Amended Plat, a copy of
which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by
this reference and hereinafter referred to as the "Amended Plat,"
for a tract of land situated within the City of Aspen legally
described as Parcel A, Smuggler Mobile Horne Park Subdivision,
hereinafter referred to as the "Property;" and
WHEREAS the Property is zoned as a Specially Planned Area
pursuant to the requirements of the Aspen Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS the City has fully considered
ments to the plat of the Property; and
the proposed amend-
WHEREAS the Property is governed by
Subdivision Agreement recorded in Book 424
records of Pitkin County, Colorado; and
a Precise Plan and
at Page 780 of the
WHEREAS the requirements of Chapter 24 of the Municipal Code
of the City of Aspen require a written amendment to any Precise
Plan and Subdivision Agreement; and
Property which are
the Association in
Association wishes to convey portions of the
presently leased to the holders of shares in
the form of single family lots; and
WHEREAS the City has agreed
family lots within the Property,
amended plat and an amendment to
SUbdivision Agreement for Smuggler
to the conveyance of Single
upon the recordation of an
the original Precise Plan and
Mobile Horne Park Subdivision,
WHEREAS the City is willing to approve, execute and accept
for recordation the Amended Plat upon agreement of the parties to
the matters hereinafter described, subject to the representations
made in the application submitted in connection hereWith, the
conditions of approval and all requirements, terms and conditions
of the City of Aspen Subdivision and S.P.A. regulations now in
effect and such other laws, rules and regulations as are or may
become applicable; and
WHEREAS under the authority of the
City of Aspen, the City is entitled
Municipal Code of the
to ass'urances that the
B~ 535 'PAGE~n6
matters hereinafter agreed to will be faithfully performed by the
parties hereto and their SUccessors and assigns, and the, parties
hereto are willing to enter into such agreements with, and to
provide such assurances to, the City;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the mutual
covenants herein contained, and the approval, execution and
acceptance of the amended plat for recordation by the City, it is
mutually agreed as follows:
1. General Development Plan. It is hereby recognized that
anything in the original Precise Plan and Subdivision Agreement
heretofore recorded notwithstanding, Parcel A will now be
subdivided into eighty six (86) individually designated mobile
home lots, the open space areas, trail easements, parking spaces"
and internal roadway system all as are shown and noted on the
Amended Plat. It is anticipated that the lots will be transferred
to the, individual shareholders to the fullest extent possible by
the Association, and thereafter, the Association will retain
ownership in the balance of the Property. Furthermore, it is
anticipated the Property will be subject to certain protective
covenants to be recorded in the records of Pitkin County,
Colorado and which shall refer to the terms of this Amendment.
The following features shall further define and describe the
Property to be conveyed by the Amended Plat:
(i) The mobile homes and individual Lots, mobile homes or
other dwellings at any time thereon situated, shall be and
constitute controlled City of Aspen employee housing and as such,
shall be deed or covenant restricted as set forth in this
(ii) Use of the common area shall be governed by the
Protective Covenants and such other rules and regulations as the
Association may promulgate. The common area shall either remain
as open space or be maintained as a parking area. Any develop-
ment activity within the City shall require further review and
approval by the City.
2. Emplovee Housing Restrictions. Anything to the contrary
notwithstanding in the original Precise Plan and Subdivision
-Agreement, in consideration of the execution and recordation of
the Amended Plat, the Association for itself, for its successors
and assigns, hereby covenants with the City that any Lot, mobile
home or other dwelling unit to be located on any of the Lots
shall be and hereby are dedicated and restricted for use as City
of Aspen employee housing and subject to all terms, conditions
and covenants set forth in the Resale Agreement attached hereto
as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference, which
Agreement shall be entered into by any person who obtains an
interest in said Lots as a condition of the ownership interest.
It is recognized that none of the employee housing dedications,
covenants and restrictions contained herein with respect to the
Property shall be released or waived in any respect during the
period they are binding without the further consent of the City
reflected by resolution thereof. The dedication, covenants and
BOOK 535 PAGE977
restrictions herein set forth shall be deemed to run with the
land herein described and be a benefit and burden thereto and tc
anyone acquiring a record interest therein, their SUccessors,
grantees and assigns thereof, as well as being of a benefit and
to be specifically enforceable by the City. The dedications
covenants and restrictions shall be and remain effective afore~
said for the period of life of the longest lived member of the
presently eXisting City Council of Aspen, plus twenty one (21)
years or for a period of fifty (50) years from the date of the
recordation hereof in Pitkin County, Colorado real property
records, whichever period is less.
3. Affirmation of Other Terms. Except as modified hereby,
terms of the original Precise Plan and Subdivision Agreement
hereby reconfirmed by all of the parties hereto.
4. Miscellaneous.
A. The provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to
the benefit of the Association, the City and their respective
successors and assigns.
B. This Agreement shall be subject to and construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado.
c. If any provisions of this Agreement or any paragraph,
sentence, clause, phrase, word or section, or application thereof
in any circumstances invalidated, such invalidity shall not
affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. The
application of any such provision, paragraph, sentence, clause,
phrase, word or section, any other circumstances, shall not be
affected thereby.
D. This Amendment to
Agreement may be altered or
written instruments eXecuted
the Precise Plan and Subdivision
amended from time to time only by
by all the parties hereto.
E. Notices to be given to the parties to this Agreement
shall be considered to be given when delivered or deposited in
the United States mail to the parties by registered or certified
mail, at the addresses indicated below or such other addresses as
may be substituted upon written notice of the parties or their
Successors or assigns;
City of Aspen
City Manager
130 South Galena Street
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Smuggler Mobile Homeowners' Association
Post Office Box 606
Aspen, Colorado 81612
F. The terms, provisions, conditions and obligations
contained herein shall be deemed to be covenants and burden the
real property more particularly shown on the Amended Plat, any
and all owners thereof, their successors, grantees or assigns,
and further shall inure to the benefit of and be specifically by
, ,
BOOK 535 l'AGi97g:;
or against the parties hereto, their successors, grantees or
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their
hands and seals on the date and year set forth above.
By: ~Jf ~-:.-
BY:~)yt eL
CJ.ty Cle
S~~~ -"PriI<.l1U L-r-o _
, ,t".
BOOK 535 PAGE980
This Agreement made and entered into this day of
, 1987, by and between , Of the City
of Aspen, County of Pitkin, State of Colorado (hereinafter the
"Owner") and the City of Aspen by and through its hou$ing
designee, the Housing Authority of Pitkin County (hereinafter the
"Housing Authority").
WHEREAS the Owner has purchased that real property located
at (hereinafter the "Lot"), more specifically
described as follows:
Lot , First Amended Plat, Smuggler Mobile Home Park
Subdivision, situate in Pitkin County, Colorado, according
to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the County
Clerk and Recorder of Pitkin County, Colorado on ,
____ in Plat Book ___ at Page ___,
WHEREAS the Owner acknowledges that the Lot is subject to
certain resale restrictions as contained in the Amendment to
Precise Plan and Subdivision Agreement for Smuggler Mobile Home
Park recorded in Book at Page of the records of Pitkin
County, Colorado, which--restrictionS--are for the purpose of
addressing the housing needs of the area, and
WHEREAS the parties hereto desire to insure that, upon
resale, the Lot is again made available to satlsfy the need for
employee housing in the City of Aspen and in Pitkin County,
Dollars and other good
agree as follows:
and valuable
of the sum of Ten'($10.00)
consideration, the parties
I. Sale of Lot. At any time the Owner intends to sell the
Lot, he shall notify the Housing Authority in writing of his
intention to do so and he shall deposit with the Housing
Authority an amount equal to one-half (.5%) percent of the
estimated value of the Lot as determined by the Owner. The
Housing Authority shall immediately advertis~ the Lot for sale by
competitive bid submitted by qualified purchasers (as herein
defined). Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Owner
may accept the highest appropriate bid, or in the alternative,
reject all bids and retain ownership of the Lot. If the Lot is
sold, the Purchaser thereof shall pay an amount equal to the
Housing Authority's actual costs of advertising and qualifying
the prospective Purchaser, but in no event shall said amount be
in excess of one (1%) percent of the purchase price of the Lot.
The minimum amount to be paid in the event of any sale shall be
equal to the deposit previously made by any owner.
/apPlY in
Qualified Purchasers. The fOllOWing restrictions shall
determining whether a purchaser is qualified to purchase
a Lot:
BOOK 535 PAGE981
(a) The Lot shall be offered for sale to persons actually
employed within the City of Aspen or Pitkin County, or other
individuals deemed qualified by the Housing Authority, including,
but not limited to, qualified retirees and pensioners. Any
individual or individuals who purchase said Lot must agree, as a
condition of sale and, in fact, must personally occupy the Lot as
a primary residence during the period of ownership.
(b) Should there be no qualified purchasers in category
(a) above after a period of four (4) months from the date the
Lot is first offered for sale, the Lot may then be offered for
sale to any resident of Pitkin County. The purchaser or
purchasers must agree as a condition of sale and, in fact, must
personally occupy such Lot as a primary place of residence
during the period of ownership, and their occupancy must be
approved by Smuggler Mobile Homeowner's Association, in
accordance with the Protective Covenants encumbering the subject
III. Exempt Transfers. The fOllowing transfers of any
interest in the Lot, unless adopted to avoid the provisions of
this Agreement, shall be exempt from its provisions:
a. A transfer by operation of law of a deceased person's
interest to the surviving joint tenant.
b. A transfer of an interest by will or inheritance.
c. A transfer by genuine gift without any consideration
d. A transfer of an interest to a trustee for the
benefit of the Owner or the OWner's spouse or issue.
e. A transfer by operation of law of an interest of an owner
to any other co-owner (or co-owners) where such co-owner (or
co-owners) holds title on the date of such transfer as tenant-in-
common or as joint tenant.
f. A transfer of an interest by Treasurer's deed pursuant to
a sale for delinquent taxes; or by a sheriff's or public or
private trustee's deed pursuant to a jUdgment execution or
foreclosure sale, but only for debts constituting a purchase
money mortgage.
Anything above to the contrary notwithstanding, in the
event that the Lot shall be transferred in any manner described
in paragraphs a through f above, the transferee, his grantees or
successors in interest, shall be bound by the terms and condit-
ions of this Agreement in the same manner and degree as if no
exempt transfer had occurred.
IV. Burden of Agreement. In the event that any Lot burdened
hereunder be sold and conveyed without compliance herewith, such
sale shall be wholly null and void and shall confer no title
whatsoever upon the intended purchaser. 'Each and every conveyance
of the Lot shall, for all purposes, be deemed to include and
incorporate by reference in such instrument of conveyance, even
, ^CJ
BOOK 535 PAGE982
without reference hereto, the covenants contained herein.
V. Change in Residencv. The Owner agrees that, in the event
he ceases to utilize the Lot as his sole and exclusive place of
residence when in Aspen, Colorado, he will offer the same for
sale pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. The Owner
shall be deemed to have ceased to utilize the Lot as his sole and
exclusive place of residence when in Aspen, Colorado, by failing
to personally reside in the Lot for more than six (6) months per
year without such justification as is acceptable to the Board of
Directors of the Smuggler Mobile Homeowners Association. It is
recognized that no Lot may be leased for any period of time in
violation of the Protective Covenants for the Smuggler Mobile
Homeowners Association.
VI. WrongfUl Interest. In the event any person with an
ownership interest acquires such interest without intending to
use the same as his sole and exclusive place of residence, then
all other persons with an ownership interest shall simultaneously
offer the same for sale pursuant to the provisions of this
Agreement, and the Lot shall become available for Purchase
pursuant to the provisions of Paragraphs I through IV above.
VII. Notices. Any notice which is required to be given
hereunder shall be given by mailing the same, certified mail, to
any address provided herein or given as the current mailing
address of the party.
VIII. Covenants to Run With Land. The provisions of this
Agreement shall be covenants running with the land, be binding
upon the Owner and the City, his or its heirs, successors and
assigns (and enforceable by any of them) and shall run for the
periOd of the life of the survivor of the members of the present
City Council, plus twenty-one (21) years.
IX. Definition of Owner and Housing Authoritv. The term
"Owner" as used herein shall refer to any and all persons
(without regard to number or gender) or entities having an
ownership interest in the Lot which is the subject of this
Agreement. The term ' "Housing Authority" shall mean and include
the City Council of the City of Aspen and/or such person or
entity now or hereafter designated by the City Council to
administer the terms of this Agreement on behalf of the City.
X. Obligations at Closing. At the time of any sale of the
Lot pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the OWner shall
provide (at his cost) title insurance (or other evidence of
title); and any taxes, assessments, utility bills, etc., shall be
pro-rated to the date of closing. Each party to the transaction
shall assume his customary closing costs.
XI. Remedies Upon Breach. There is hereby reserved to the
parties hereto any and all remedies provided by law for breach of
this Agreement or any of its terms and the prevailing party in
any litigation shall be entitled to an award of its reasonable
attorney's fees.
XII. Acknowledqrnent of Understanding. The Owner acknowledges
that he has read and fully understands and accepts the terms and
conditions of this Agreement limiting the resale and rental of
. ,
BOOK 535 PAGE983
the Lot; and further acknowledges that he is relying Upon no oral
representations qualifying or limiting the terms hereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
instrument on the day and year above first written.
Mailing Address
) ss.
The foregoing document was acknowledged and sworn to before
me this _ day of , 1987, by
My commission expires:
Witness my hand and
official seal.
Notary Public
BOOK 535 PAGE979
Plans were routed to those departments checked-off below:
"........... City Engineer
0........... Zoning Officer
0........... Housing Director
0........... Parks Department
0........... Aspen Fire Marshal
o ........... City Water
0........... Aspen Consolidated Sanitation District
0........... Building Department
0........... Environmental Health
0........... Electric Department
0........... Holy Cross Electric
o ........... City Attorney
0........... Streets Department
0........... Historic Preservation Officer
o ........... Pitkin County Planning
James Lindt, Planning Technician
Community Development Department
130 So. Galena St.; Aspen, CO 81611
Phone-920.5104 Fax-920.5439
Smuggler Mobile Home Park Insubstantial Plat Amendment
Parcel ID #2737-074-90-032
September 12, 2000
The Smuggler Mobile Home Park has applied for an insubstantial
plat amendment to change the name of their Subdivision/PUD to
Smuggler Park. They are doing an insubstantial PUD Amendment
in conjunction with the plat amendment which will be approved
administratively. Please return you comments on the plat to me by
September 26th. No DRC required.
Thank You,
James Lindt
APR-18-2000 rUE 03:18 P~i~~\
'" ",~/4f'
p, 02
James Lindt, 920.5104 DATE: 3,22,00
Smuggler Park Insubstantial Platlned Unit Development Amcndment
, Scott l-la'fW'
Insubstantial PUD Amendment
Changing PUD Narlle to Smuggler Park fromSIl111ggler Mobile Homo Park
Land Use CQde Section($)
26.445,100 Amendment of PUD development order.
Revi~w by:
Staff for complete ltpplicntion, referml agencies for technical considerations, Community
Dev~lopmcnt Director tor final approval.
Planning Deposit $480
Engineering Referral $170
PLlblic Hearing:
Referral Agencies:
Planning Fccs:
Refen'al Agency Foes:
Total Deposit:
To apply, submit the following information:
Tot:.! Dc:posillor review ofappTicadCln.
Applicant's name, addrc:iis and Ullcph'Hlcnllrnbcr. conhtined witllin a lcu.;( siQ,l1cd bylhe applicDnt stHting the nrullc. w,klNss, nnd
telephone number of the representative 11l.llhori;.',cd to act on behalf of the l1ppllcant.
Siglll;d ree l'l[;I'CC\11cnt.
Pl'c..app(lcotio~l Conference Summl:i.ry.
A teller frolll the homeown'cr's n:iS<.lcilltJQIl saying that ll1C)' b,m:llppt-ovcd the urnendmcllt.
An 8 1/2" x Il" vicinity mnp locatiJlg the slIbject j)nrccJs wilJlin the City of Aspen.
A wl'ittcn description ()ftlwprop()~al i.\ll<l f1 written cxphmOliotl of how apropo:fcd development
complies with the I"CVil;W standards rC)(,..'VMt ro ch\~ 4.lcvolopmcl1~ flpplic',ltion.
A t;(lPY of the n:corded f'llD !lgrcement
All amO:l1t\l.:d pun Plat.
-L-Copks of1hc complete appli1,;SlltJll packet (items 1.9)
Apply. Plnnner reviews ctt~~ for completeness and sends 10 n!\sinccrlng for refcrmJ comments. CRoSe Planner 1'I~tums Ctlll'lOle!ltll to nppli'n.nt
Applicant Jlll1kes rl''luln;u changod 'to ~'mended pJat. Applicant tll;1ke rcqujn~d changed 10 ~hc PUD I'IM Ill\d sttbmit~ 2 signed mybtr coJ"lil!.~ of the
, nm~ntlcd rlat with a rcoor,lillg: fcl,; of$111 first pttge and ,'Gl0 for 1.~C'111Iddhion,,1 page. I'lat Is ruuted tor Community Dcvclopmi.;i1t Plrcctor ul:'ld Clt)'
EngiJ~eer's sign;lhlre and then tukcn to the Pilkin County Rco;ord~rls omcc.l"or recol'dlng.
MAY-22-2000 MON 01:08 P~
P. 04
A~r..m.nl ror Payment of City of Aspen Development Application Fees
I, APPLICANT has sllbmitted to CITY an arplieat!on for
In,?l1hcd"ant ia 1 pnn n.mlQnnmAnr rnr n.=.mp ("!h;::tngp.___
(hereinafter, THE PROJEC1),
2. APPLICANT underst.nd, and agrees that City of Asper. Ordin.nce No, 45 (Series of 1999)
estaJlishes a fee st:tlcrure for Land Use ,'Jpplications and the payment of all proc~ssing fees l:i a c':>l'1dition pre(:edcnt
10 a determination of applicrllion completeness.
3, APPLICANT and CITY a~ree that because of the size, nature orscope of the proposed project, it
is not ~ossiblc at this time to ascertain the fltll ext~nt of the costs involved III processing the applic.tion,
APPLICANT ane! CITY fnetber a&ree that it is in the irit~r~st of tbe parties that APPLlCANT make payment of an
initial deposit and to thereafter pemlit addition.l co,1S to be billed to Al'Pl.lCANT on a monthly basis,
APPLICANT agrees additional costs may accrue follDWio~ tbeir hearings andlor approvals. APPLICANT agre., he
will oe oeneCitcd by retaining greater cash Iiquidil)l and will make additional paYn\~llts upon notification b;'. the
CITY when they are neeeS$ary as costs a;e,iacurred, CITY agree' it will be benefited through the gre.ter certainty
of recovering its full costs to process APPLICANT'S application.
4. CfTY and APPLICANT further agree that it is impl'llCticable for CITY st.rf to complete
processing or present sufficient infomutior\ lC rhe Planning Commission and/or City Council to enable the Planning
Commission ond/or City Council to make legnrty required findings for project cons;ljeration1 unless c~rr~nt billings
are paid in full prior to decision,
5, Therefore, APPLICANT agrees that in consideration of the CITY's, waiver of its right to collect
fnll ree, prior to a dcterminaticn of application eompleteness, APPLICANT shall pay an initial deposIt in the
amount of$ 650.00 which is for hours of Community Development staff time, and if 'etLlat
recorded COSts exceed the initial depo,it, APPi::!CANT shall pay additional mon!hly billings to CITY to reimburse
the CITY for th~ processing.ofthe application mentioned above, inciuding post approval review. Such periodiz
payments sball be made within 30 days of the biIihlg d.te. ^PPLlCANT fureller agrees th.t failure to p.y 'uch
accruea cOsts ,h.it be grounds for suspension of processing, and ill 00 case will building permits be issued until all
costs associated with case pr~!;sing have been paid.
Smuggler Home Owners' Association
By: /l/(
D"~ b ,/ ' c> d
BY:~(' ' dW~
J e Ann Wood.
J..' ommunity llevelopment Director
Mailing Address:
301 Oak Lane
Aspen, CO 81611
g :Isupporllrormsl. grplly.s.doc
Smuggler Home Owners' Association
Aspen, Colorado 8 I 611
September 6, 2000
James Lindt, Planner
AspenlPitkin Community Development Department
130 South Galena Street
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Re: Smuggler Mobile Home Park Insubstantial PUD Amendment/Change of Name
Dear James:
Per requirement No.5 of the Pre-Application Conference Summary, this letter is to advise
you that at the Annual Meeting of the Smuggler Home Owners' Association for 2000 a vote was
held for the sole purpose of voting on the proposed change of name of the subdivision. At that
meeting the vote was duly conducted approving the change of name of the subdivision from
Smuggler Mobile Home Park Subdivision to Smuggler Park Subdivision.
Very truly yours,
~ Ii c:\f~;J;
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nCE: According to Colorado law you must bomri1e~'c,~::a~y'ega" action
~ upon any defect in t~~ surveywithin'.:>..:'xe:arsafteryou first discover
1 defect. In no event may any action based upon ariYde_fectin this survey
or:nmenced ITlore than ten years fromAt)ft date of the certific_~!9r.:tshQWn:
!!lILm424 .AU 780
~9!~.!UlOBILI IIaMI 'A'K
, 8 3"J'"'81
Tllh 'reola~~ alld 8Uji" don A",r..ement la mad..
IInd lInt-ored into thi - dllY of ' , 1982, by
dlnd botw..."n Till CITY 'nllN, COLD (), a' iiTOljial corporation
Ihereinafter referred to ae "City"', and, ABP N MOUNTAIN PARK,
II Color..do ",e""ral p..rt!luehip Iherflinllftllr r..furll.' to aa
Cnlorado Coopllrative Ihueinllftllr refnr"d to ee the "lIuooJ,.
ation" , , ..nd 'ITKrNLT!).! II Colorado Corl'orlltion.
II 1. The OWn.~',haa aubmitted to the City for ..pprovAl,
I eXlloutinn and reoordlltioft, ",nd the lIaaooilltion hllo IInd by
thaea praeente doea r.atify the finalplat..nd dov...lopment plan
I nf" tfllOt of Ian.' aLtu..te within th.. CHy of lIapen, Coloradt),
laqft1ly d..llarl,b.." nn Rxlliblt "II" IItt""ht.., h,~"eto An" inoorl>or"t,.cl
herei , by thll retat'enoe, Md "edgnlltlO,s a. "Smug-'llar Mobile
Home "ark" I "The Plllt") ,and
2. TIIII real property oovored by tho Plat i.zoned
I, aa a 9p..01&l1y Planned IIrea ("SPII"" and
3, Tile Clty haa fully oOlldd..red Thll Pial:, the
propoa..c1 devalopmtlllt, thtl improvlllm..nl: of, th.. l..nd and thll
burdana to brl impo...ed uI'on othllr acljolning- or nniqhborinq
propertiea by roulln of the propoalld ,'ovlllop,~ent a no,' improva.
ment of llIncl include,l in the Plat, alld
4. UpOll aqre~mel\t Of the Owner to the' matters
herllin deeor.ibed, and .subjeot to all of the requirements,
terms and conditions of the City of Aepen subclivision regula-
tions now in eftect and other laws, rulea alld regulatione as
are ~ppUcftble, thl! City is wUUng to adopt, Ilpprove, BXlloule
and ocoept ths Pht tor recordation IIn,d to ..pprove the ,'evelop-
ment plan tor the ~ropllrty covered by tho Plat aa a prociae
Plan for the ~\POO1aI,lr Planned Aroaot which the F.xhibit "A"
propllrty ia R part, a 1 to the end that these ahall thon and
theraupon oonstitute ~ubdivision approvsl to the ex~ent "hown
on the Plat an:1 describ..d, in the development plan and a Precise
Plan for the aro'a wll:hin the m8ftning Ilnd intont of. IIrUcle VII
of Chftpter 24 of the Mun~oipftl Code of the City of Aftpan,
Colorado I"lIepen Munioipal Code"), and
" ,'" , ," :'\~: ", ;';.: '." ,0< ),~~~~1~\
"""!-""'~"UIW':,,,,,,'I;;o,,,,.,",1F':.. .Iloo.,...~7~~~.
.t--"'f>t~'1"" "I"":'!'--nv::,"w,'.'";'''''''''' <'CO'-'-"i' "
~""'1>.::1I'j.~ ~'\)"~A.fk'" ':".',1..' ,'1.,';<;' ,':,'
'~;M' I' .~ :' ~~i~~>'~A~,t",..~lfM';'1, ,':!,.~:'
> ::J;J::'::;~'~;}','<~' "~",,,,,~>,,...,,
!'ill~ 424 . ill 781
I 5. The City haa impoaed certain condition. and
requiramenta in connection with. ita approval, execution and
recordation of thft Plat, .uch mattera being neceaaary to
I protect, promote, and enhance the public welfare, and
6. The owncr111! willing to acknowledge, accept,
by and faithfully perform ,the conditions and require-
impoyed by the City in approvi"g th1 Plat, and
7. Under the authority of Section 20-16(cl and
24-8.6 of the Aap"n Municipal Code, COlorado. the City is en-
titled to aasurance thst the matters her.~nafter agreed to
will be faithfully performed by the OWnel~' and
8. The aubmit~ed plat ascumes and anticipates two
distinct developmenta - vb., the one ahown on the PlIlt and
h~=~inafter described ana-the other, herein referred to as
"Pitkin Resftrve", which is to ~ developed by its owner,
Pitkin Ltd" on other real proparty more particlIlsrly described
on Exhibit "8" hereto, and
9, Pursuant to and in accordance wi';h the'dftvelopment
approvals for the Pitkin Re,aerve dl!velopment, Utkih Ltd.
ehall "nter into a subdivision and P.U.D. agreement with the
City, WhiCh, upon its execution, shall and hftreby is incorp~e
here!,n by this refflrence, and "
10. Pitkid Ltd, is the transferee from the Owner of
the "free market" development rights, which are to result from
'alld, as hereinafter provided, are conditioned upon the develop-
.,ent activity herein contemplated, and as such understandS,
aqrees and acknowledqes that, ae hereinafter described, the
Smuqqler, MobUe lIome Park and Pitkin Reserve developments" are
interrelated in that (a) fulfillment of the terms, conditions
and requirements of the City as contained herein (with respect
to the Smuqqler Mobile Home P.arkl is a pre-condition to the
approvals qranted to Pitkin Ltd. and that (b) a certificate(s)
of occupancy on "frAe-market" units to be developed on the
Pitkin RenetV6 parcel or any, other "free-market" development
riqhte accruina as a result of the approvals qranted herein
ehall not issue until the City is eatisfied that all of the
terms, conditionaand requiremente set forch herein with
respect to the Smuqgler M,?bUe Rome ,Park are fulfilled or
adequate provision for their fulfillment made,and
11. The Association, while not the owner or subdivider
of the Smugqler Mobile Home Park, is a contract vendee and
henc,. the ultimat.J us"r of Parcel A, as such hllll participated
extensively in the land use approval process culminatinq in
the development plan hereina~ter set forth, which plah proposes
several beneficial conces~ions to it from both the City and
Owner and, ae a result thereof, the Association has undertaken
to assume responeibility and the Citr aqrees to hOld,the
. '!i'i';;.w~; 1"
. :~
/. " :~
"" :'" ,,~,,>">".~":;<:~ ~ '..J" ':'~',"~"", _" " '
!'lffJK 424 /'.;.1,782
Allooiation II VIll relponlible tor the oomplMtion ot oertain
lubdivilion improvement I, all ~I il more partioularly herein-
after delorilled, and ,
12. In recoqnition and oonlideration otthe torvqoinq,
bot~ Pitkin Ltd. and thM Allociation Ihall be and have become
party lignatoriel to thi. 'Aqrelment. NOW THEREFORE,
IN CONSIDERATION OF the premhu, the mutual oovenallte
herein cont.ined, and thl approval, execution and .ceeptance
of the Plat fer recordation by the City, it i. mutually agreed
a/1, foUm".,
Tb.. Smu9qlel' MobUe IIoma Park U Ihewn on the Plat
oon.ilte ot 11.8 aorel, IIIOl.'e 01' leu, and includel the toll owing
A. Paroel ~ paroal A conliltl ot approximately
9.144 acrel and may contain eiqhty-.even individually deaiq-
nated mobUe home apace., lobe open apace are.., the traU
ealementl, the parkinq .pac~1 and thft internal roadway IYltom,
all al il Ihown and noted on the Plat, It il anticipated that
thh Par.,.,l wUl be tranlferrlld t.o and tharea,!ter ownod by th.,
Alaociatinn -- which il a oooperative body con.istinq ot tho
prll""lt OWMU ot mobU., home. withln the II",U991,,1' Mobile IIomft
"ark.. it iR curr.",tly cnntigurftd, Thft tnllodn9 t'Mturu
Ihall turther datina and describe Paroel AI
, (11 ~~loy.,o lIoulinq, Parcel ~ and the
mobile homos or any other dWell1ngs at any ~ime therenn situate
ahall bfl and conatitute controlled empleyeo houaing and, aa
luch, Ihall be doed or covenant r..otricte<l II let torth in
S.~ction III, Paragraph A, hC1einbelow,
(21 I.sundry /M""tin!l..1!oo_m, II laundry /meetinq
room shill 1 be cOMtructed upon Spece No.7"~ ahr.>wn on tht'!
Plat, Thfl ntructurtltw111 replace thr" t'!KiilUnq lllundry rOOm ,t
the Parl<, which it to bedellooHahed, The design, conAtruction
And materials to be utiH"ed 1n the conatruction ot tho '
lllundry/meetinq roam AhalCbe approved by the llaaocilltion,
(31 Mobil" lI~me Rolocationll. In ordor to
provide IOOre eVl}fu ap,'I101ng, the m;;J;IIiiliCiioiiii" occupyinq Space
Numbeu 28, 40, ~~, W, 74 ,lInd 84 wUl bo r"locllhd trom the
apaueA whioh they currently oocupy to their rt'!lIpectiv" now
IpllC08 All Ihown on th" Plat.
, ' .,:" <,'.., "..~:.iu\""
..,,_."~(~l'iIV....\,;'.."',/l..': :~.~J~_',1' ~i1ll!iUll""'"
I ',1 '".: :'"., , ;,.:',..'..1.
!1IIli1l4Z4 ,ALl 783
(41 Co~mon Area, Ule of the Common Ar.a
ahall be 90vernad by-'uch rulel and r89ulationl al tho cool_ra-
tivo may promul~at.. The Common Area Ihall .ith.r remain al
open apace or be nlllint.a1r.ad .1 . parkin9 .na. Any elev.lopmont
activity within the Conmon Ar.a Ihall require further review
anel .pproval by the City.
II. plrcoLIl!1" Parcel II conlbta of approllim.taly
.341 aor.l. ownerih:ijj of thil Plrcel Ihall r.main in Owner.
'l'he .lIiIUr'9 I1n910 It.)ry, fume Victori.n ,.tyl. hou.. pr.l.nUt
litulto anont the weltotrn borel.r' of the Park Ihan by tho
Own.r bit r.locatlld to I:hil PArClel and from then .nd thouafter
thh Parcel Ihall be oltned, further improved conohtent with
applicabla re9ulationl, and markete4ae the Owner Ihall 4eter-
mine Oil a Ifr.e market un~t. I, ,
C. Parcel el. Parcol C conlioto of approllimatlly
1.904 IIcrOI and' Iha11 be improv.,d by th.. addition of ...v..nt....n
(111 mobU. home p.dl Ilnd dw.,IUnql, t0gethflf with the pllrkinq
faoiUtiu ah.,wn on thu pl.t.'l'ho 11 mob.l1a hom.a IhaU he
.nd conltitute controUodemployeo,hQul1n\l unit. .nd, .. luch,
.h.n be dead or coltenllnt re.tricted lift set. forth 1n Section
III, paragr.ph D, here:ln",.low.
D. Parcel 0, .. P.rcel D cond.t. of approllimately
,41 .cr.... 'I'hiR parcII:1 Iha11 be diRconnocted from thll City
purnuant to th" app1l.clltion of th" Owner therfttor, hereto
AHAChlld lift exhibit "C" and tharllftftAt' tranfttttrrod to Pitkin
County, COlorallo, by \JUt dlllld.
E. Site
attached .a Ellhibit
apocific allOCAtion
D, C arId D.
'I'abulationa, 'I'htt Sito TAbulationa hereto
"O't""(leUno and deacribe furthor and more
of the uaea anticipated within Parcel a II,
F. Sllec1a1'U! Plannll" Area PreeiRe PJftt. The
property ahown on the ?lat ia a Sp8c1ally Plannll IIrlla,"Conaie-
tent w1t.h the characteriatica thereto pllrtdnln9 th.. faU
are hereby confirmed III permItted or conditional uee, a/:lla and
bulk requirementa.
(11 Parelll A, Parcel II ahall be zoned aa a
Mobile Home Park ("Mnp"l, ~o the end that .IItbacka blltween
trailers, accoa.ory etructllrea, parkinq, utiUtiea, open
apace, and the Uke ahallbo examined in the U9ht of URe,
area, and bulk requiro,nenta partdnin", to the MIIP zonll diRtriet I
Rrovidlld howllver, thllt in rllapect of any noncantorml1l9 featuruR
of Parcel II that may exiat after completion ot the improvementa
, and the activitiea cont..mplated hereln and aa ahown on the ,
Plat, the City a",reea that. '
fj--'" _.--.,.....~,.t',.,tt~'ll'fMi:.A~I"t:r.:'~-AA~"'tn:' "f (f'" '0,
';G~ om i:~~...l"\.~'tRI,..~ViIW5!),,...1.~R.~~.-.,,.......-
'W~ 424 ,I(.l 784
lal ~u~b nonoonformity aball not preo1ude
e'~bd1vhion approval or tbe tunder of 'aroal " by/the Owner
t.) the "..ooiaUon, and
Ibl The non-oonforming tea~uraa ahall by . ~
be abated in aooorddnoe with and to the extft~
P1l1n ~f"batement heuto attaohed .. I!lKMm"
tl\o ""00 iadon
rotqu i red by the
.11- .
121 Paroel C. 'aroel e ahall be loned lIa a
Mill', to tho end that-ae€l:jac;ka between trailerll, aooenory
a'~ruoturea, parking, udUdlla, open apacll, and the Uke ahall
ba examined in tbe 1igbt ot uae, area and bulk requirementa
putaining to the Mill' lone dhtdotl 'p'rovld~, Jlowovar, that
a"y nonoonformlty batwftll.1I the.. nqulrnm"iita an,f1liuaavnlop-
""ant 1I0dv" 1... haroin oontemplllta" and 1111 .hown on tho plllt
ahall ba a,~ rllmain lawful n(\noonformin~ u..a and ahall be
p,armittad to remain III auch,
131 Paroe1 O. paroal 0 aba11 be lonad to
n'.15 lleddent1a1 t\' tbee;;;rthat all uee, arlla and bulk require-
mlant. partl\ining to euoh zona dhtrlot ehall apply to Paro,e1
" It
IN'rr.llllr.r."TION 01" IIMIIOOl.1II11 MOOtl.1II IInM" 1'''1111
,.. Development "eaum~tio~., The aubmitted Plat
a,aaumna and anticlpatne two <ITa tinct dnvelopmente, viz;, the
""e ehown on the Plat and h"rein deacribed, "nd ttoeCither to
o~cur on real property mor... parUeuhrly rleecr~b...: on txhlblt
II ",3" h..reto attachnd. The ot.h..r developm..nt -.. tho Pitkin
I' l\,uorVft lIubdividon, which h blling dov"lopnd t.y it. owner,
,'ll'Ltlkin Lt~" oon(t1..)mI'1al:"alt11l"1 c,onatiructioin ot ~welv" (12il frft~
mar,et 81'1" one contro et loua 1'19 un t, Tue eonv,r~ on o.
I the ..ightY-8ev..n (a7) exinUng mobU.. h"mea 8nd t"e rllal
II' prop..rty (1'8rclll II) upon whiah th..y 8r.. dtuate from th"i..
pre""nt un~ontr011ed .tatu8 to deed or COVenant rll..trinted
III ..mploy.... !louRing unite, a. "buve end below provit,..d, toqotht'r
with the :In.tallation within PllrClll C of tho aov~nt"en (171
new aonl:r"lle<! mobile homo unite .hall bn and conetitut.. th..
" "'.ploy".. ho"A1'nq C()mpoll"nt fttlctlIury to ,I"otllln the frftll
II mark..t de"..lopment at' Pitkin !\t'SIlrvll within tho m<lftninq of
I Itxc..ptionlJ to or, eXflmptione from th.. qrowth managl!\ment quota
:,1' eyeteo. of IIrt1eh. XI Soction 24 of th.. ""pen Municipal Cod",
"lthough thll review procea. for, each development haa occurred
'II ind..p..nd,i'ftUy ()f th.. ()ther, each developmant having benn r..-
viewed on ita own merita, for purpo..... ()f a~ch exceptione to
," ,~"'''''''Il~'Ill.....,...v.....(): ...A."" ','r~
: ' , ,', ,:,{.Jt3, ""'."(';1
~ ';'}~11
!l1(J!\424 ,AU 785
or exemption. trom the growth management quota system, it is
agreed and under.tood that the two d~velopment. .hell be
con.ider.d together a. an integrated whole.
B. Interre1atedne.. ot Improvements. In view ot
the dual own"reli'Ip, nature and 81tull of the developments" and ,
in con.ideration ot governmental approvals given in conneotian
with the Smuggler Mobile Home Park and Pitkin Reserve, it is
(a) acknowledged that the performance of the re.pective obliga-
t!on. ot the OWner relative to th~ Smuggler Mobile Home park
and of Pitkin Ltd. relative to Pitkin Reeerve are mutually
dependent upon one another and the pertormanc~ thereot shall
he and remain conditio~s to the Obligation., agreements and
approval. ot the City herein made or given or made or given in
respect ot any develo~ent a~tivitiee at Pitkin Reeerve, and
(b) agreed that (i) provi.ion shall be made in a separate
Su~ivision/PUD Agreement to which both Pitkin Ltd. and tho
owner ehall become partY signatories, for the construction,
installation and erect~on of improvements within or upon tbe
Pitkin Rlls"rve SUbdiv~~ion,and notwithstanding the foregoing
that (ii) as hereinafter used "Improvements" shall be deemed
to refer only to tM'ill1provements, tl!cUities and ey~tems to
be constructed, erected or installlld within or upon the property
shown oh the Plat and d"scribed in Exhibit "A", hereto annllxed.
I C. Development Allotmnnts. Thll City acknowleges
I and agrees that the. cOlwereJ.on of trie ,eighty-seven (87) mobile
I home units within Parcel A to restrictqd housing units and the
I construction of soventeen (17) new mobil~ home pads and homes
within Parcel C shall and pursuant to the e~ception provisions
to the al1otm!'nt procedures of"the qrowth mana'Jement quota
1'1 eyetem eet forthin S<,ctione 24-11.2(i) and (k) ,'"es result in
the exception from compli&nce with, the allotmont pt~cedures of
the growth management quota eystem of development activity
I consiscing of not less than nineteen (191 otherwise non-~xe~~e
fr..e-market housing units, twelve (12) of whleh are to be
I employed in connection wit., the Pitkin Reserve (l..velopment.
However, it is expressly acknowledged, understood, and agreed
II that no certificate(s) of occupancy shan iuue on such exempt
I free market housing units urtil euch time 'as the City is
I satisfied that the obligations of, ..qre.,ments ~ade by, and
requirements herei!'limposed upon the Owner are m..t by the
II Owner.t';:,1
~ I
III. /
A. Employee Rousing Restrictions for ~arc..l A. 1~
consideration for th~ ?rant1nq of the SPA and 8ubd1vl~~~-
approvals indicated herein and also in consideration of ~he
approvale qiven with ~espect to tha Pitkin ~eserve Subdivision,
F'J!Pl"'IP"J!I'!I"f~ il(!---',*~*Moi..~.....:,.;.;o; ,::-'".;(<< ,~'11\f'" .' '.~~
. I",...,.,
1/. , '.
.+Jt, , ..-
i'\#i 'W
..' j~~. ',~;~'~t:1n.,,^,,~.Wif"''''':';IU''''~ttr''I.~.''. __~_
""I[~ 424 <AiA. '186
thl! OImllr And the AuociAtlon, lor them..lv." And for thtlr
"ucc.""or" And """iRnl, h.rebycovenant,with t.ho City of
A"pen, Pitkin r.ounty, Colorado, that Any mobile home (or
any other dwell1n8 unit) 10cAtod on or to be lOCAted on PArcel
A ahRtl And hereby 11 d.diclted And reltdoted for UA. II
employ"e houllnl II followl.
(1) In the 0... of "al. of any mob11. home (or
any other dwelllnl unlt) the following rOltrictionl Ihall
applyt /
(M) The mobile home .hAll bll/6flered to
lala to perlonA aotuAlly employed within tha City of Alp.n who
I have ro.lded in Pitkin County for e contlnuou. two (2) yeor
pedod illl1lodlately prlor to thelr purcha.a of thl' mob11o'- orne
lor, who At thft rlmft .ny mobl10 homo 1. otferod lor "eJo, are
ruidlnR ln th" SmuRRhr Mrb110 1I0ma PArk. The employeD or
llmployoClft who purchn"" uld mobU. hom.. mURt ARrna, nR II
I condltion of anle and, ln !not, mlllt pllrRonolly occupy tho
mobile home AI a prlmary residence durillg the perlod of oWllor-
Ahlp. '
(b) Atter a perlod of 11xty (60) dny.,
1'1' Ihould there be no quaUl1ed purchaoer l.n category (a) horein-
above. the mobl1e h~me may Chrn be offered for .alo And lold
I to peuon. omployed witbln .1'. tkln County. Tho employee or
.~ploye'l who purchAle Inld mobl1e homn mORt ngroo, nl a
I conJiHon of aalo and, in 'RCt, mu.t pouo""l1y occupy the
I mobiltl home a. a prlmary ri..ldence during the perlod of owner.
(c) !'lhould th~u ba nD qudiflad purchaoorft
ln either cNt.ap,orlaR (0) or (b) herelnabovo. after an additlonal
dxty (60) dny podod from 'hilt let forth in paragraph (b),
t.h. mobile h",n. mllY th.n bo oCfnod for uloa toomploYllu,
ddnR bullno,,. ln Pltkin COllnty for Ulll nnd occupftnoy 10101y
by t:bolr omplO):'/o08.
(d) , Should thero ho no qual1f1ad purchasors
ln eit.her cotoRorioR Ca), (b) or (c) hotalnnbove, Arter an , I
I addlt1llOal Ilx t)' (60) dny"pertod frum thnt. aot r oreh in parallrnPhl
(c) the mobl10 home may thon bo offorod for lola to any resident
of Pltkln Countr' Tho purchaser or purchsors must ogron aa a
III condlttoll ol la e and, ln ,fact, mUlt pOl'Ronll11y occupy Ruch ,
I mobile h(JllIe lie a primary 111aco of renidonco durlngthe period I
of ownerllhip.
(0) Prlor to the conveyanco of any lnter.net
i~any mobl1e home and prlor to the recordlng of any inatrumont
of ~~nveyance, IIny prolpectlvn purchllRor of tho mohilo homo
mpot.1t'1!tho qUAliflcAtlonl:. III horolnnbovo Mot forth Ahnll bll
nl>provlld ill writing by thll' City "r II l'~slllnlll:nd funct.lonnry
there"r. In AdditIon, tho Clty Ih"l1 hAvll thl! right to llnfuroll
':S!{;JH"~'7'l~''''''''--c,'''''' '.'". ,..,..".. 'i
:r'(v:"~ . Ii' ".,< ~~f~~~-it':w"I:e~:~'lfi\i\'~,;r;.,t~""\',i~-)';i?>i~~~: ',~:.,
~'. :...,'~ .. ~ ..',. ' ' ';",-.. , ~".' . ',-' "-'. ,'.,'" ".' : .. :",'.:' ',., ..
, \ .
~'<'.. ;:'~ ,,:~,;- Ai',!}''"') :,;':;. 'J""'~(~tf:l1;';~'~_~l' ,?""<.,',, .'.'f
'---'!r-".M.......~..."" .":'.~..",.,.... ".:
,,,,,~'~:t,, .' .'"", , "'" r\, ",', }~if~~~;;:.~,;~;'
,:;J..;..,~.t~M;.;r~..J;\l!t~ ". ' "
!'nil' 424 .Aot 787
the terme and conditione ot the above re.triotion. br injunc-
tion, abatement, evictiQn, ~aecie.ion ot the noncomp yinq
traneter or other appropriate lell"l acUon to prevent, enjoin,
abat~ or remedy euch violatJon .n~ .hell be entitled to reaeon-
able attorney" te.. in pro.ecutbll .d(\' &.oUon. Nothinq
herein .hall be conetrued to prevent the City trom curing a
violeUan at the above requiromllnta lie alia pll'oeecuUng luch
violetion al . oOdA violation undor the AlpAn Municipal Cede.
(f) The City .hall be entitlad to a fe.
of up to ona-half 11/21 of ona percent of tha purchue price
of the mobile home to defray the OOlt ot qualifying pr~epoottve
purchMere in aooordanoe withthi. Agreement. Thie t..e ehnll.
be pa:/able by the purchaser fr9Jll and at the time of the closing
of the .el. of ~he mobile homo" IIhall boar inter.et lit II rllte
equlI), to two peroent (2" per!llonth IIhUe it remaine dUll but
unpa.Ld, and until paid ehllll cpnetitutol II for.. c: l" aob Ie , lien
IIgaJnet tbe ,"obile home. '
(gl 7n lObe event ol! the tranlfer of
parool A to tbe A'~'VliAtion, theee re.trictione Ihllll nvt
prllOlude tbe IIdopUon hy the A~looiation in ita rulee, rel)ula-
UOM or by-lAW" of a preemptive right of firet refae.l Ilxeroh-
Ablt! by l:he Auooiati"n Agelnl" futuro ..1... of mobiln h"mel
wLt,hin Parc"l AI j1rovicl",I. howllvllr, t,hat the t9lt"'1 of ,Iuch
rIght ahall Urut b,ii,ii.prov'....rllfthe Cityond, in any cnlll,
thn riqht ahft11 be, exerciftablll onlI for the purpo.e of creating
ftdditional ',p"n "pace within Puce A.
(21 In the ClIlle ot non-owner ocoupied mobUe
time boreof exhting, the f'llowing occupancy
lInd rel\t~l Umitatir,oll oban apply.
homee It the
lal The mobUe home ,shall bl! rented to
flmployees who have Uved in Pitkin County for a m1nimum, of tt/o
12) oont~nllous yeara il'lnlediately priel' ,to their occupancy, 6r
1:0 employ.."s of the owner (without a minillum period of reeidency
t/ithin Pitkin County, if the owner is dob"g business witbin
I?itkin County I I
(bl Should there be no qualified renters
for themobUe home found within twenty 1201 daya after a
"notice of availability of spa,a" ie given to the City or a
d~signated functionary thereof., the mobile home mfty be offered
for rent to ft.ny employee withi" Pitkin County.
(cl MobUe homes withJn Parcel A shall be
rl!stricted to "middle income" housing eligibility quidelines
from time to time eetablirhed by the CitYI ,~roVided, however,
that the "qqre",.lte monthly rent"l that may "charqed ,for a
tenancy(i....) within a mobil.. home within Paroel A sha11 not
, '''al~ 'f,~: 'i'"'' ~"lr {t~\! ~':'I:'~;Y~ "'\::''':''~'' ';f' i ,';~ -H~":'f
;, ',it, ;;,,;,.;!l~\'~~)_'~ ",0;;',' ~"" .'. \ '<:' "', ,: ""~,' " ..
'. ,,',' ; "1,
if~f;f..", 1"l'i!),A~'I<:?)i'" '}I:
, l3I'lt"'''"''~w'.'~''" I ',IV;'
;"/'" ." ,p,-","'r"-,\-,"~ .. , ,.' >10"- """,",., -t.'_, ,-.,.,.".J ..'
''''l~i,,:~''~r;;;;~;;,~..~~I\'~~j:u'w-{''~I~f_~,'''' :~. '
\ '
,ii,$ij:\~tf'\'""",,,,,, ".. ,",...... -' "'.'" ",-',' .,',"",
li;lJt,I%"",r;;\~f"\",,, '''':,\,;In'''l''-';'~~:''' ""'''''\; A\""it'~"'1'Jti.' ,\(If)~''' ,l ",,'-,' ,hV'~ ;t.,
~1{r,r>itk'1 ;;:Li~~~~,,("4 i....;.~(~~;;<~~', ~:~~,,;,~, ;.,:',;
!'(~1!I424 i'~17B8
Illlo..ed thfl lo..nr,, ot IiI tho lIlall1l1lum r.n, t p<<lrlllHtod undu thll
"lIlid,U. inoolll." houdnq quideane." or (1i) the eUIIl ot the
tollowinq IIlOnthly ooeta nt the owner, it aotually inourred.
(1) tloo IIlOnthly trailer IIlOrtgagol plull l2)dth.r tho nlmer'.
1Il0nthl)' note paYlllent to thll"uoohUon tor the purolaue ot
thll own~r'. intor.et in the "e.ooiation or in the oa.e of an
ownuwho ia not:. a lIlember o,t the lIuoohUon, the 1Il0nthly
epaoe rent paid by the owner, a. below eet forth in thie
Seotion II, paragraph AI3)I'plu. (3) the amount ot any IIlOnthly
lIuoohUo,. aU088"",nt for',!lomlllOn ellpeneuI plu. (41 twenty-UVl.l
dollaru ($25.00) I ",'
(d) 1;', q~alification of prosPllo(ive
tllllllnoic. within lIl<)bUe h,?mu within Parcel " from/t~,e atend-
point of these "UqibUity"/Juidol1nea and rental telltrictioM
..hoU ~, done in thll mannClr hereinabove aetforth in th1a
nnction II I, parllgrllph A( 1 )'Ie lIel, ..lid th. City ahllll b8
enUtled to colloot a f"e o~ up to ten percllnt (10') of one
month'. relnt, pnyahle lit the inception of the tenonoy by the
tenant, to defr/lY the, adminhtroUvll oo.t. incurred. The
r"medi". and unoUon. oppUoable in the event of any actual
or attempted viC)lation of thelle lluideUnee IInd re..tricUonll
lIimiiarly .hall be II. .et forth in thi. Section III, pllragraph
A(1 )(e). I.\ lId,lition to the remediell and sanetions therein
~,,~ forth, in all cose. intended by the part.iea to bll oumulative,
IInd by virtuft ot thll pertie. t lIcknowledgment that actual
dllmagea would b/l difficult, if not illlposdble, to uoertdn,
the pllrtiee "gree that the City shall be entitled to receive
all li'luidateo damllgell from lIny dwner of /lny mobUe home Lhllt
ill rented i,n violation of these guideUnea and reatrictions a
sum equal to one hundred and ten percent (110') of all rentals
received by such owner,
(3) In the ,call8 of a mobile home owned by
other than 0 member of th~As.oc1fttion, the rent that ..hall be
oherged for thl. mobUe homo .pooe .holl not "~ol!lld tho loanor
of (i) the mllximu~ rent perlllitted under the "middle income"
hou.ing guidelinea; or Ui) the Slim ot (1) twenty-five dolla..
($25,00), plus (2) tile lllllOu'nt of any monthly ASllocia!:.!.on
allSellsment for "ommon expense. levied against the space I plus
(3) a sum eqllal to the paymsnt that wOllld have been payable
monthly to the lI.eooiation hed the mobile home owner elected
to finAnce to the maximum e.xtent available through the IIssocia-
tion (and upon the terms offered to member. of the Association)
the purchaae of the lntere.t in the Association that would
entttl~ the owner to the rlght to occupy thll epace.
(4) The partles acknowledge and a9re~ that it
10 in the better intere8ts.,of all to promote Pal"cel 1\ 'to the
etatum whereby it shan oocwner-occupied to thl! MaximUM
extent by AS.Dciation memio1s, TO this end, after one (1)
~. l'
-- ~ --, ---::,.:
~'\ .
~(lllk4.Z4 f~('1789
year from the data of recording hereof, the share of member8hip
in the Aaeociation and appurtenant proprietary leaaehold to
any mobile home apace that i. occupi.d by a mobile home whoae
o~\er i. not . memb.r of the A.eociation may b. off.r.d for
Ade by the Anociation mel'lbar .1!- ,e, I th.. ehareholdu/proprl.etary
1.....) and .01d to a ~.r'~n(e) meecing the .1igibilitv guid.line
her.inabove eat forth in thi. Section Ill, PAragraph I, WlIO
.han in.tall and or.cupy a mobUo hoftl" upon tha .pace, AI:
.uch tim. 41 II contract for the purct...,oof e,,~h ahaxa ot
m.mberehip in the Allocllltion 11 elltered into, the ownor ot
the mobile home occupying the, apac~ appurtonllnt to the membership
ahare to be tranaferred (unleu that olftler shall be tho trnn.-
f.are. of the ah.r., 8S her.inaftox provided) sball be given
writtan notice tborllot IIl1d .hall bave .iKty (60) day. thareafter
witbin which to remove hu or ber mobUe home from Par~el A to
p~rmit entry' of tho mobila bomo of the membership transfere..
Notwithstani:linll, the forel\oinll" the owner of the mobile home
occupying the apace appurtenant to tbe memberohip .here to bo
treneferred sboll be given o~~rittan thirty (30) day notice
Betting forth his right fint to conttllct for tho purchase of
thtl m"mbenbip share at the~rice o~ftJred, Upon h18 failure
t.o lIxerciAe Buch rigbt, thememberohip shere may tben bo sol.I,
ae above Bllt forth, to th"li~\rnoetillg tbo elillibUity KuideUnu
of Sec tion II I, PAragraph 1 ;"
(5) Upon the.'cranafar of P"rclll ^ to ~,h.
Auoc1ation, tbo foregoing oec,' upllney lluidlllinllA IInd AIIlu IIn.1
rental restrictions Bhall beincorporatad vorbatim or by
8utt,.blll ref"fIlnce into the ~ulea, regullltions and by-laws of
the Aosociation and 01,1111 by It be strictly und diligently
onfm,'ced, Including by eviction for any violation thereof.
1\, ~llJl!lQY"e lIouaf.1I1l DlldlC1ltlolls IInd RMtr1(ltioIl8
P"rtRlnlnp, to piiio;;.c. In con81derlltlo" ortlltl SPA Illld
~;lsion approvalo norein granted, the Owner hereby dedicates
Parce], C for U8e Aft employee houdng andherehy.:".!~....m" with
the City that the mohllo home,a or any other d','~Uing Ullit~ to)
, be locat"d on Parcel C 8hal.\ and hereby art; restricted to u.:,
na "mployee houain/l purouant to Aection 2~-1l ,1,(b)(3) of the
Municipal Code of tl,e City of Aopen and 00 Buch to rental and,
oxcept ' ith rORpect to l.nltt.Rl snIell by the Own,)r l1a horeinnfter
providM, snlM price guidelines and to occupancy limltntions
not to eKcMd "middlc lncol'lo" houdn!! 011/11b11it1 lluldclillOS
from time to time eatnb,lisbed by the City. Howcvcr, the
application of such sale price guidolincs Bhall not preclude
the right of the Owner, its successors and assigns to market
nnd nell ouch mobile homeo, at ita solo mrrketing dhcreti(ln,
for up to Seventy Thousand Dollnrs ($70,000.00), ",hich dilcretion
is hereby confirmed nnd agr""d to by tho City. For purpORes
of the income category into which, auch initial snles shnll be
deemed to fall, the City agrees tha t ,the income and occupnney
housing eligibility guideline~ in effect on September 22,
1980, ehall apply. Prior to the sale or rental of any mobllo
home within Parcel ,C, the proposed purch~ser or lessee,
as tho case may be, shall firot have his
. P',;;:.:t,;':,
I \ .
';'Wi'\:;':~':;"ji~':i"\ ~ "1'.<~ij"",~;, '~'" 1'-; 'ri\~'~ ~~~,I,"'1Ij'}),jJ':t:~,l;:II"'i:,)4i,~:;V\:~'~J~'Jti':;\,\,jit ""~>~~1~~.I"">:"'f~ .(:;, ,~i<f-4'ti,j~?t'.;ti~ ,',~, ,~',i' i"~
;:);e~'~:x:::;'~Di,~j'22~~~;~i;,~\:.'A)~':~~" '~:~ ,1.-\4';;k.",~~~~"'~t.~:~~~~~~
~Ink 424 1~4t 789
YlAr trom the dAtt of rncordillll heroof, the Ahu" of mt'mbt!uhip
in the A..ooiation and appurt.n.nt proprintory 1ea.~ho1d to ,
,my mobilo hom. .pect! thRe i8 "ccupied by a mobilo home whol"
~wn.r i. not a mamber of tha A..oci.tion may b. offer..d tor
IA1. by t"" ~...ocllltio" mO,m\!o't .lb.!!,! th., .haroho1dor/propr,1et", ry
10....) and lold to a perlon(.) meee "8 tho oligibi1ity guid.1ine
heroinabove .~t forth in thil Section l~l, ~arallreph 1, who
.ha11 in.ta11 and occupy a mobi1. homo upon the .pace, At
.uch timo o. ,4, contrac t for the purchar.a of luch Ihare of
mombenhip ill the Auociation i. ontoNd into, thtl owner of
tho mobilo hom~ occ!upyingthe spaco appurtenant to the ml!!mbership
share to be transferred (unless that owner shall be the trans-
fereo of the share, as hereinafter provided) shall be given
written notice thereof and shall hav~ ,Iixty (60) day. therlafter
within whi~h to remove hin; or her r.io'Jilo homa tram Parcd A to
permit entl'y at tho mobne' home of, tho mClmberahip transferell.
NotwithntnndinR tho forelloinll, tho owner of the mobi10 homo
oecllpy1n/l thll IpAM npPllrtllnnnt to tho momhouhip nhnro to ba
trAnnforrnd nhnll bo, /livnn' n witton thirty (30) dAY notica
lOttl nil Corth hh riRht fint to controct for elm purchlllo of
tho momberohip Ihore ot the price off,ered, Upon hia fnlluro
to exercise such right, the membership share may then ue sold,
as nbove oet forth, to th08e meeting tho eligib1 Hty guidel1noo
of A..ction III, Pnfllgrnph 1.
(5) Upon the trnnofer of Parcn1 A to t~...
AS80cl.ation, the foregoing occupnncy guidelines and s..les and
rental reltdctiona 8hn:1 be il\corporatp.d verbatim"or by
luitab1e reference into tho rutes, regu1ntionn and by-laws of
the Auoc1ation and shall hy it be Itdct1y and df.1i/lent1y
enfo~ced, including by eviction for any violation thereof.
jfff~~~~,,?J;'!#~~\~;~>~;!:f'~;'~)<:}~! t/"'i);'';4;: \f>~
I ' 8. l!"'l,loyee llouoin/l ~edic.1tlonl and R...triction8
P..rtn1nin~ Pore"l C. In conn Ir~rAtion of the IJPAnnd
II iii1i<11VTii1on olijiWvnlM herein gr.onted, the Ownor heroby dediCAtOR
Porce1 C for IIS0 os emp10yoe houoil1g nnd herehy covenants with
the City thnt the mobile hOI~es 01' nny other dwe111nr, unitR to
I be locoted on P,trcel C sholl ont! hereby ore reotricted to uoe
08 employee houninR purouont to Aoetion 24-11.4(b)(3) of the
I Muntcl.pAI C"de of. tho City of Aopon nod on O\1ch to rental nnd,
" except with reopect to initio1 oolon by the Ownor 110 horeinnftor
ii' 1 provided, olllel price guidelines and to occupllncy l1mitationo ..
oot to exceed "middle income" hOI1..ing elig1bility guidelines
from time to til~e eotllblished by the City. However, the
,i',.'1 applicotion of such on1eprice gllidel1neo oholl not preclude
the right of , the ~.T.cr, its successors snd aosigns to mnrket
IInd Rell such mobile homes " at its sole markt'ting discretion, I
! for up to Seventy Thousand Dollnrs ($70,000.00), which dhcr..tion'
10 bereby confirmed nnd allroed te by tho City. For purllose9 '
of tho lncomll category into"which such inietat sales shall bo
deemed to fall, th~ City a~rees that thc income and occupancy
hOIlRing eligibility Ituidelines in effect on September 22,
1980, ohllll npp1y. Prl.orto.the solo or rentnl of any'mobilo
home within Porcel C, tho,jp'l\oposed purllhoger or le9see,
00 the ca9C m3Y bo, shnl1 first have his
, .'
"\ . (1
.' ~ ~. .. , )
.' /" -) ..... ..
. '. " "
,..~.d".,.', '." "..','..",."" ,.,' ",',..,' .... ", " "';":":" '.,".' ','
.' "~:l!l:,.'{i*i;,';':1~,:~:,;,,,~)ii(;it,"''il<I'''\1'*;{,X~,II\t'\~,ii~,'~ '1.)<',:., ~~'1V -:;.!"-' It,_~ ~':), 11." '_"/,'t.':"'''?'' ');';r" ~..',',' ' :<:,",,~," ,;iJ",,:.> 'i .. ..
(;:.'>\::~j:~:i~:l:~"...':i~":l,::~::~\:~~'~l:t- ~'~~(';i;....~,..!i,:,,, . '.._ "~',~..."''":~~~';''._~~~_~~.''i
or her eligibility and qualitioationa under the guidelinea
determined and certitied inwritinq by tha City or a d~niqnated
tunotionary ~her.ot. The City ahall ba entitl~d to a t~a
of up to ona-halt (1/2) ot ona percent ot tha purcR'.. ptioe
ot tha mobUe homo or ten percent (10 IJ) ot ona
month I. rent payable tFcii'ii"an,d at ttd. cloainq ot Uii .ele ot
the mobile home bl' the purch.aer or at the inception of the
tenancy by tho tanant, a. the caa~ m~y be, to dafray the co.t
of qualifyin9 prollpllcUva PU'JOhUllrl OJ tananta ill acoordanoa
with this "9reomer,t. l\c1ditiona'ly, the remediea and ..noUonN
npplicabl. in the event of.iIy actulll or llttempUd violation
of thea. 9uid.,11n.,. alld rll..t~loUona ahall be .. ..t forth in
thin Sootion U, huqrlpha"I1Ha) IInd "(~Hd'.
. '
C. Effeet ot Employee HOlldn~ DlldicaUoM, Covenllntll
~~d R..triction;:-"ilon~ of the employee ou.ing d8~.tiona, -
er VlInMtn .",ifr".tr l.ol:10n. ol1ntllinacl hllrll!n.bove WI th rll.p,lOt
to PII~c..l. ^ IInd C Ihllll bl! llllM..,d or wllivlld in IIny rll.p.,ot
dllrinll tho pori"" t~el' IIr.. binding without th.. pdor e"n.ent
of the City rttneeted by ,rUolution thereot. Thl dedicatloll.,
eovenllnt. and r~.tr.iction~ h"rein .et torth ahall be cJe~med to
run with the land h.l:oin duoribed (parco1e ^ ""~ C) IIna to be
/I b"ntIf it IInd a bUl'den. thuoto IInd to anyonll acquiring a
record interast theroin, and the .ueee.aora, granteos and
e,.eigM thereof, as w~ll an bt!l,ng a benefit to IInd specifically
~nfereeable by the City. The dedioation., covenant., ~nd
rll.trietlon~ .hall b<!I and remlli" tlUtlotlve nfC'rtlallid fl1r t~..
p,~r1od et the lU.. of the long""t HVlld member of the pr"'''t1nt,ly
"xbtlng City COllncil of the CUy of "spen, Colerado, plus
tw"nty-on" (21) yun, or ,ror a paried of rUt I' (50) yearn
from tho dato of J:eeording her..o! in the Pitkl,n ':'Jllnty, ColoJ'ndo
real property rllcl)rcla, whichovtlr period 18 leu.
I ^, Nil tun IInd Estimllted Conta of ImPrOVfltlMlnte.
1 owner hereby agcoo"to b.. r;,;'npow/)le for tTie ma ',lng and
i inntal1atlon of tho improvolll'.mtn to bl!! contllinl!d \lithin tbe
I dtlvolopment indicated on thll, Plat, to tllll Ox tent .'equired by
, S.,otion 20-16(8) of th" MuJ/il,ip81 C,)de, Th" nnture, ext"nt
'I IInd ...timllted ec,.t of "uol( ill'proven'l,nt" .hllll .ub.,tllntilllly
II oontorm to the Bchedul,e e,tit,l..d "Smuggler MC\bile 110m.. Park,
I Improvements Schedule" arnexO'd heret" and made, a Il6rt htlreclf
'1 a. exhibit F, which ache',1I1ed"Hneaten aeparntely the in'pI:ove-
II menta te be undertakell i,l cOil,."p'.ction with Parcel" (pagen .1'-1
, through 1"-6), t,he improvemen~1I to b<!I undertaken in connectioll
I] ""t~" ",eel C (p.ges r-; thro,ugh F-10) and dllnignati"n 'f the
. pH ru... to an"\!:l'':; the ,r,('.ponll,.",ibU,itY fOE "ontinued maintellonoe
, aCt..r '.:..t81htion of u,Uity; improvement. within Pa.",1ll "
,'.'ll'eqa 1"-11'. Rehedllle,F a Jillo', d"llnuten tha sflparM," a'rlllll of
, '1
,<.",,~',', ,.,f"'- I, ~r.Y;I,t~,l:~;~":;'}.~ >;:),;:""ril1>,j~~'{';!f!~,t.q;~:t\\tnt~'::':?r,-!:\I )l"~~:'~~.'I\\:',t:":r("'1'~il, '\', ~Jt'~- ., '~1c.....
?~iii>\);~~'~,,:..jtl..~~..-~~;3t...~~~~~, "~..iot"~'''''.'"'1W:''.':ll,,,_, .......\t..wnrs'
.. .
!\(Jtm424 t~~ 791
responsibility for completion of improvements to Parcel A and
the allocation of costs therefor as between the OWner and the
Association (pages F-ll through F-IS), pursuant to antecedent
agreement between :he OWner and the Assoc1atiol', which agreement
is by all parties hereto he~eby eonfirmed, accepted, ratified
~nd ackllowl.d~ed. T.,e Owe!:' ogrees, however, that notwith-
standing tho lIgreoml,nt aforull1d with the Anociation, the
City shall have the right to hold tho OWner fully responsible
for the cOlnpletion of all improvements described within Schedule
F, without prejudice, however, to the right of the OWner to
p"rBue an, remedies thata.lloll be available to it by reaeon of
the fnl1ui'o of tho "IBoc1at1on to complote the improvements on
its part to bo ~one pursuant to ita ngreement aforesaid, In
t.ho event that tht City shnll elect to hold the OWner respon-
nible for thl! c0"'1110tion of any improvements which tho "Anocia-
tion hM aRroed to cOrlplete, aa herein confirmed, tho City
sholl theruupon aui~n unto:the ,OWner the bonefit of all
finnncinl auurancell mado by the "..ociation in Section X
hnreinbolow in rUpu"t of such inlpro"emonts to the end that
the OWner in its ,)wn right shall bo entitled to vindicate each
such aUUralll!B. "
R. COflstl'uctlon Schedule. I'n, accordnnca with tho
requiremento o~ccE1~t-16(c)f11'-and24-8,9(b) of the
Municll.al Codu, construction of all developmont shall aubotnn-
tially eon form to the "Conltruction and Development Schedule"
nnrtlixed horeto nnd mnde 0 pnrt horeof ne Ilxhibit "G", which
nchedule includen the beginntng and completion of the improvo-
C. Pnvlna of Intcrnel Ron~otem, Tho porties
acknowlndgn Ancl'"ii'iiioo thnt upolltho ,,,impliltioll of A manter
drl\1011Ro oyatMI flIt tho rroxb ,tn Ilren covered by thn"developmcnt
nctivit1en r.ontemplntt!d ll,rdn, tho Aenociation nhnll cause
the intornnl roodwey "Ykhm for Parcel A to bo pAvnd nt tho
""nocintion' a expnnlle, In tl,,, evnnt the Aneocintion ohllll
fd1 "0 to do wLChln" rn080llable podod from I:,h.. tim.. itfr
ob11llntlon 11I,eolnt'" J'hed, tho City ohnll bo lllltitled to Jlllrouo
IIny nnd nIl remndiea 'neceonnry to necure tho specific perfor-
mance the~eof, including A judieial Action therefor or, extra-
judiciAlly, the right to nnn'en for the cont of luch paving
ond 11'ln therefor all of Percel " alldindividual mobile home
opacen therewi thin end for,eclooe the MillO in the mllnner by tlla
City doemod most exp"dlent And approprhte. Furthermore, in
all f!VAllts tha City oh.o1l b,,"entitled to ita coots nnd roononnble
Attorneyn hA. lncllrr",1 orl!qcn.ionod by nny dornult of t.ho
""sodntion In r"npflot of tll." rond 'pnvill/I.
.Q!i.1,X1 hNSl , BY OWNF,)l.
In thn
is not ncting in
event t.hat the City determinen thRt the Owner
substnntinlcompHnnce with tho terms o,r thb
~(~~iM~~;W~i'~~~),~:ir~~~,:,in;" ,'{}~ri,.::..~;tJ~f~:,,:'; 1C
,,~,~~~'I~f'ij"1~~~ j YI,''','' ',' ' ';:"..'
~_:\."':,,i"'<":',' '",'>ii.
f'" \ n<,!~
',;:Ph~"";'1)4~':'/~,.Yi.,~f;:-~1'.'.,~t~~,~fM'~~t? lJ:~1.t ("::;;!';l\'Nt.iri ~:f;'~~~~~:"l::'~Y\~:<it..l..':l~o':..~'!''oJ~ftj' \.,,,..al"\~"'~~~"IlI'hllllll i~~~~~
":';1f~~~~4i~..;.f.i'JJ<nJcf>"1jj~,tliit ,..~~~.,.~~,..,I""~41;11~.~"'_~;o;,..'~m:,IiI~~~Iol.II_~_"J
~1lI424 f/.{.t792
agrlllllllll..t, thll Citr lIlay bllull and serll'e upon the OWner/a
written order spec fyinv tho alleged non-coIllP1iance"~nd requiring
tha OWnar to caasa and d.li~t from Iuch non-comp1lAnoll and
reotify thll lame withtn .uch rlIuonAble tima .. tlia \ll.ty mAY
datilI'm n. And .p.olty in .uch order, Within tWllnty (20 I .,.,ay
of tha r.ceipt of .uch order. the Owner may file .ith the City
a notioe advisinq the City that it is in complianoa or a
wrltten petition requestinlfa hearinq to "eurn,in. allY on.. or
both of the fOllowinv m.tt!,s.
(al whethlll' thlHiUllqed non"compliancll ubtl or
did axist, 01','/'"
(bl whether a var:l.Mce, lIxU!ftdon of tim'l' or amend-
ment to thil aqrllement Iha11 be granted with rllepect to any
luch non-oompliance which i! determined to exilt.
Upon the rllo"ipto:r such peUdon, thll Cl.t:, .hd1
promptly IClhlldula a hMrin\lto oonddn thll mllttlll'lI IIl1t torth
in thll allllNe IInd dllsht ordfilr lind, in" the v..UUon. 'I'tlll h..llrinq
Ihall be oonvllhlld and condllotlld ,mreullnt ta th", pr,)cBdur"e
normally .stabliehad by the City for other hearings. It the
City d..tllrmiMe br II prlll'Ondllranoe ot thn Ilvill"noe tlut a
non-compliance IIX lite which hilS not bllllh rtlmodi"d, it mar
il8110 Buoh compliance ordere 81 may be appropriate, ~~v d..d,
hOj!(lver, no order terminating any approval qrant"'" h"I'o:ur--
iiliarrEe qrant..d ~.Ithollta written finding of thl! City that
01....1' and convincinq l!vid..nce WarrllntB BIICh MUon and attol'dinq
thn Ownor II rl!aAonab1n 1:im.. to rnmndy Auch non-complia~ce, ~
final "ntllrmination ot non-oomp11a"".. which h"A Ml: bMn
rllll'''diod or for which novarianon hu bo"n (frarted aha;,1, at
th" option ot thn City, IInd upon writ'-en n"tion to) the Owner
to.minate any of tho approval.. oontaino" hl!r..1n. ~t any Auoh
I hl!arinq, tho ~AAooiation Ahall be ",ntitled to respond and'
p......nt alloh ..videnoll III nhall be mAtor.id to the hearing.
In addition to the foregoing, the Owner may, on it..
own initiativ!!, at any tim!! 1'!!t1t1on th" City for an am'llIdmonl:
to thle ftgr"emnnt and the exhiblts ,annexed hereto or to extend
any ot the time periodB r"qu~r..d tor porformanoe, ,With r"epect
to th" Smu'l(J18r ,",ohil8 IIomo ,Park Imp.ovemonte 9,ohedule (Exhil>it
Fl, and the Development and ConAtruotion Rchedule (EXhibit 0),
th" ownor haA mad" varioul auuml'Uona, whioh th.., City hnraby
aOkno..l"d\T". and aooopt., in'~luding tho t,ollowin~'1
meet the
III Completion in an exped i ti!)ue mannl.r of the
contraotor ee1ect19n. and iQplem"ntlltion phfteee to
datee indicated'.,';
(2) confirmation" of the conetrllotion lIohedule by
contractora ,
~;. M.
'I' '
. ."...', ",i')\ ~,
!U1ll4~4 1m 703
(31 AvaUabl.1ity ot the requirecl labor all" matuiala
durin9 .aoh pha.e.
The City .hall notretu.. to elltend the time period.
tor pertormanoe indioatecl in'the Bmuqqler MobUe HOllIe Pule
Boheclule or retue. to allow rea.onable acljuetmente to the
Conetruotion Bohedule it th~ Owner clemonetrat.e by a preponder-
anoe of the eviden08 that the raaeone tor auoh ellteneion or
lAid adjuetmente reault trom ':he tailure ot elloh aeaumpt1nne
by rea80n ot evente beyond~h~ oontrol ot,the owner or are
othen,i.e beyond the oontrol ot the owner ",apite qood taith
ettorte on ite part to aocomplieh the eame.
The attaohll Plataeta torth certdn "...,ment.,
riqhte ot way and anticipated relocation. that will be nece.eary
to oaU8" tho improv"ment8 anticipated thereon, which "a."menta.
riyhta of way and relooatione inolud" the tol1owinql
A. Trailer Re1ocationa, A. .hown~ t~ Plat, the
mobile hom... oc'ciijiyinq-:~':>ace NlImb.r. 28, 40, 1-10, (~ 74 and 84
a"e to be relocated, ThiN will be aocomp1i.hed a. soon a.
po..~~\" fo11owinq the trans reI' Qf Parcel A to the A..ocietion.
The ,o.t....f.~rt1"c..t1on 111 to 1:.. .har..", by the Owner .n,<l the
Anouiation jl"jrau..nt to ante-ed..nt IIqreement,
D. Road R.,aH!ln~',~nt. Asohown on the Plal~, the
int.~nal road .ygrem wtthin-the Bmuqqler.Mobil" Home Park
ehaU be reaHq""d to providll more ftlnctional turnin(,l radii
for emergen.;~ vehicl.... H(lwe\'er, due tn i"'lIfHci.nt road
tiqhts of way, nOMthe1eu, all stree'~' and rc>ade wi~hin the
Pgrk .hall be privo1"l!Ily mdntll Lnell, inciudinq anow removDl;
C. Gib,o,n I\.v... Ile an<L!!lrruc,g Btr..e'c. A" .hown on
the Plat, the OWnnr)lereby-d'&JlC,at",,-r,;tli'ii"CIty f.cr roadway
purpoR'" to aooommollelte thll llXPIl(,~ ion tit C1i1l80n lIvenu. and
Spruce Street the torty 140) foot eaa.ement IIhown on the Plat
in this proximity, .uch eaBemnnt in rnf..rent'.. to Spruce/Stre,.t
b..inq 5,692 .quare fe"t, morel or 1e88' i.n r..feronc" to'GibsOll
Avenue (.outhwest) b..inq ),372.2 square feet, more or. ;le88, and
in reterence to Gib.on Avenu": (southeastl beinq 5,459.4 equarl1
feet, more or len, aU na i., sh'"m (In thlt Plllt.
I). Acce88 lMs..m..nt, The "'liner hereby d..llioate. to
the own..r Is) ofniOIirr.;-noni;;i7!in1l "peolll \<.ithin Paroe1 C aooell..
to anll e!fre.. from Parcel cover the roalln ~"d over any path.
anll way. .hown within Parc"l A, on the Plat,
~,,:':":'l"'f~~~~,'_1\'\~~,~.I6tl'l"n>:''''''''''''i''''''''t~W'''''''''''''; .....'"',"".' ~,., "...,.., ""."".,
,;1,.,,,. '""",''''',~;.rl'':'
'i- ',i ",::."J,'!'
!!""" ,,' .
~1(11I424 f^_t 7U4
1!. Utili UeII and Drain.!.!!e. There h hereby "lltab-
lilhed and Igreea-Eetwe.n-tha City and tha Owner neca.aary
eueMnta for the relooaelon, inltallaUon and, maintenanoe of
utiUtieaand tha eatabl1ahmant and Plaintenanoe of drainaCJll,
aa auqh ea.ementa may be apeoifioally aat forth on the utility
.heets, th~ utility relooation shaet., and the 4rainaga .heeta
a. appended to the Plat. T~~ parti~s recogni.e, however, that
conaistent with prudent oon.tructi..... decision. to be made
4urinq the improvement phase, the location and conU\lurtltion
of utJ.Uty and drll1naga .a.e!llenta 14ay tie required to be"lIltl!red
in certll1n r.e.pecta, all a~lIhall be 4iscloaecl in appropriate
amendment. hereto and to tlttip1aU incorporated bYlderenoe
herein, and that in thia respect it is acknowledge that any
present expeotations of individual Association members in
reapect of sllch ea.ements may be raquired to be changed 110001'-
P. Mbcel1/1neous. "11 "/loemente, r...\lhts of WilY
and relocationa as may be--rurth~r shOWn on the Plat albeit not
specifically heretn referred to 8re hereby estabUshed, gnntecl,
dedicated and, confirmed by the Owner and authorized and ap-
proved by the City.
In acoordanoe wit:h Section 20-18 of the Aspen Mllr.:lcipal
the f~110win\l exemption. and dedications app1YI
A. f:xemption~.' The following exemption a or axcep-
I tion. from thl!' allotmcnt procad'~;:a of the growth managemont
quota system ("GMP") apply in respect of the'parce1s and'
development activitY,herein describsd and shown on the P1atl
(1) Parcel A. As indicated above, no new
housing units are to be added tc:. Parcel A and no deva10pm.ant
activity within the purview of the GMP ia to occur on Parcel
(2) Parcel n. The City 8grees that both the
creation of Parcel B and the ',~"location to it of the sinq1e
story frame Victorian style ho~s_, all aa above-deacribed, is
and shall constitute deve10pm~mt activity that ahall be elC-
cepted from the GMP under Sec~ion 24-11.2 of the Aspsn Muni-
cipal Code.'
(3) Parcel C. The City aqreesthat the crea-
ti'ln of Parcel C Gnd the imprClvement thereof by the addition
of seventeen (17) new mobile homes that. shall constitute d....d
or covenant restricted houafhg within the meaninq of Section
24-11.2(il of the Aepen Municipal Cnde shall be elCcept~d from
the development allotment procedure of the GMP.
-~""Il"l--''''''''''''''-''''''';''''~'''~'."'''-''-",' ,- -.- '~". ,.~",._,. '",,'" ,
,;,~,:r'iO'f'~'-~'" ,"0- ,_. .
~ ,...... .,j'"
,. ......,:" , .'.... ~ "",,''t. .
.., .,.'t ut'"":WY'!!;W
!'\~IK 424 f,\.t 795
(41 Paroel D. Fero.l D has be.n propO..d tor
di.oonn.otion from thiil!r~and a. and upon .uoh .hal1 not
r.quir. .ub,H,vhion r8v!-:>>4/approva!.
n. L~rk D.dioati~n ,....
(1) Exemption.. Pursuant to S.otion 20-18(1)
of the ~ap.n Munioipal Cod., the City hareby agree. to and
.hlll eXl'mpt from the d.~iolltionl oontemplated by Seotion
20-18 ot the Coda 10 muoh of the davel,opmant lotivity oontem-
plated hllnin and on th,Pllt for Parolll C al ahall oonatttutl!l
moderatll or low inoome hauainq.
(2, Land DedicaUon. To the extent that any
development aotivity oontemplatecr-nerein and on the Plat for
Parcel C .hall oon.titute middle inoome hou.inq, a. the Ownor
may at it. di.oretion detAr.mine, albeit within the initial
salea prioe conatraint her.inabove sat forth, the Owner agrees
to pay II park dlldioation ',jle for eaoh sllo,h dweUinq unit
(i.e" mobil.' 1I0mel that it sell. tor a slllea pdce in eXCllU
o applicable low or, moderate (but in any case nOl, to excoed
I $70,000.00, as above providei'll inoomo quilleUne... For purposea
I ot oalculatinq auoh fe", the IIgr8ec1 ourrent twtr mark"t, valull
of th.. land ret..t'IIbl.. to ..eoh suoh dwelling ur.it 18 f_~_~ QQ!L.9,!L,
lone pou'oant IU) ot whioh .111111 bf!l multipliod by tha nu~nr of-
I reaidl!lnU tor ..lIoh suoh dWl!ll ling unit 88 that number ehall bo
datermiMd IIndor Seotion 20-18 (1) ot tho 1I8pon Munioipa1 COde.
, n..08u8e it ollnnot yot be known whet.her a pllrk dedioation, fae
'I will bo payabl.., given the diaoretion ot the Owner to aell
auch dwellinq unita at a low, modnrate or midd\.. income level,
I thll City through ita Finanoe Dirpctor a~ ev,id..nced below
her..by agroea that (al the park dedication tee, it any, payabl..
I in roap..ct of. any dw..l 11ng 11~1ta to bn i08t,,11..d within Paroel
I C, nnael not b" paid until but shell be pdd at the cloeing ot
I the aalo ot any dwelling unit tor which a park dlldication tee
Ilia payable, and (b) that aufficient reasons Ilnd assure;>cea ot
payment oxi"t to warrant th~ toreqoinq postponnment ot payment
and the recordation ot the Pl"t in advsncn ot auoh paym~nt,
providnd, however, that lhl! Ownor hnreby ACknow19dq.... "nd
I conffiiiii tJi'iil:upon thl! recording hnrnot in the Pitkin County,
Colorado real property recorda, thh "greem"'lt. shall con"ti-
tute a Ihn upon ao muoh ot Parcol C and any dwelling unit
II thereon tor whloh II park dl!ldicatillll too "han beoome payable,
lIB above pro'/idod, to aocu~e the payment thernot. Furthermore,
I any inatrument ot conveyance to a~y mobile hom.. tranaferred
without payment of the parI<! dedication fee, it due, shell be s
nullity until such time a~:the required fee, it any, 18 paid.
, ",~
__~IlIf.~ .._---..."~........,....._..,",.. ,...""'.,".,'<'..,.....,.,.;..._....... .,"',.~.,'
'~ ,-"- ".., .......,
'jI", . . - .
, r"o, ",,\ ,', ,,',' , . 1'"\
I ..,
!t;~4Z4 .1{.!796
Water Un.. .hall be in~tall8d con.ht.nt with the
proviaione oontained,withinthe utility .haete, water line
detail. and the cost." of euch in.tllllaUon .hall be thoDe
eltimated amounta a..et forth ontxhibit "P" h.reto annexed.
The City agre.. UpOft'lipproval or. thia Agreement and the Plat
through it. water deputll1lllt to .upp1y water oonailtent with
the proper .ervioing of the ne.dl of the improv~ment8 to ba
con.tructed at Smuggler Mobile Homo Park a. above-de.cribad,
and in thi. ~e8pect the City agre.. that the tap r.... to b"
cherglld in conn.otion,with the watar .enicing ot Parca1 C
will be bae.d upon the tep te. echedul. in .tfect and applic.ble
u at September 27, 1'980.
Sewer linea .hall beln.t.l1e~ conal'tent with the ,,/ /
p~oviaione c~ntained within the utility 8heeta, .awe~ line ~
detllil. and the coate of auoh inatal1ation ahall b.,th~
'uUml\tl!d amountl .. aet forth on RxhibJ.t "I"" h'ereto annel:ed.
The City agrees, upon ftpprOval of this ftgreement and the Plat
by the Metropolitan Sftnitation Distriot that sewer servioes
are fully avai1.bl~ for the d.velovment antioipate" on the
Pht, and thftt ~he,..timftt"d ooata for sewllr tftpe ftnd r(llllted
! feflla conllflct"d with the installation """ hook-up of au('h s"w"r
I ~ervicee lite e8timated to be the sum'of $13,600.00, which
I amount ~as prepaid by the OWner ftt. the behest of the Sanitation
Iii r.1etl1ct prIor tl) Deoember 31, 1991, in order to se"ure the
~~re favorable rate structure then in effect. The availability
of such seWer services shall be provided by the Sanitation
I Diatriot in " mllnner that conforms to the estimated construction
! and development mchedule as 8et fotth ~n I!xhibit "r" attllched
Pursuant tOllection 20-16IC) of the Mudoipftl Code,
tl" Owner and the AsaO,biaUon (to the extent of, its undertaking
i~ re8pect ot the imprOVements) hereby agree to provide 1I
guaranty in the mum 1:1,1;,$463,883,50, which sum representa the
estimated cost of lOOt of thllt portion of the improvement.. ..nt
' fort.h and allooated under Exhibit I" hereto for which the City,
1',11 throu(fh the City Engin~..r, has requested financial aseurance.
That portion of the improvements for which finllncial assurance
has been requested' and "which hereby 18 IIg.-"ed to be given is
II describ~d on exhibit "n" herato. Thll lIul\rllnty to be pro-
, vided by OWnlIr and tbe^Auociation I to tba "xtllnt^ of its
undertslling in r'''\lect''of the improvements) ehall be in the
form of a eash escrow with the City or a bank or "lIv1ng. and
tt..' ,~,',
',~. "ft"'
..,.,..;'..... ..
'N~,r~\ .~:,
dl ":,,.;
,':"~ , ,...: .. -'.
~,.., :', , ,.
:l~~ " "
, t'~'r,: \hj;
'.~i_ tii'~"
\ "'I'
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,'",v'. 4
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"h_:' :~;,~~r'h
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I loan a.Mociationl or .hall be in the torm of an irrevocable
I .ight draft or letter ot commitment from a financi.lly ~e.~n-
si~le lender, and suc~ 9uar.~nty shall give the City th. uncondi-
, UOll41 right, upen d.fault by the Own.r, or its suooessor or
I' aasigns or the Association, a. the ca.e .ay be dep.nding upon
the nature of .uch defaUlt, to withdraw fund. upon demand to
!,"! partially or fUlly complete andlor pay for any improvamants or
pay any outstanding bill. fQr work done thereon by any party.
A. portionN 'of the improvement. requirad aro comple~ed, ~he
City Enginee~ .hall inspect them, and upon approval and ~ocep-
tancn, he shall authori.e the relea.e of the agreed estimated
cost for that pert:Lon of t.he improvements, provided, h"\lever,
that ten percent ClOt) of the eaUmated co.t .haa be wit,lheld
until. all 1>rop,s<lld illl:,...ov.menta are completed and approved by
the \lity Engin~er. Unle.. otherw18e agreed during the ,,,oura..
of con.tructio~ of the improvem.nt. the financial a..urAnoe.
herein provided may be amorti..d tn the manne~ .et forth in
the progr... Chart Relea.e SchedUle attached hereto aa Rxhiblt
~ ~
~IOI\ 424 fA(.( 797
II Il. 'I'h18 llqreement shall be aubjC!Ct co ind cOMtruecl
!n accordance with the lawa of the State of Colorado.
~ I
~~~",.I.MIIllI.::~~~I'llI""""""""~~M'i'~'''M"~'''''''''_,'',''''"'''''~''''''''''''''''''''w'",'jr""""~ """"""""'."'""/,,,.,..':::-r:,<,,, ...".",.,...?:
It iN the .xp...... und.rstanding of the parUe" that
the p",oc.dure .et forth in p&~.graph IV pertainin9 to the '
prooedure for detalUt and amendment of th18 agreement at,dl
not be required with r..pect to the enforcement and implementa-
tion of tinancj,al auuunc.. and guaranUes to be provid.,,,' by
Owner as set forth above and required by Section 20-l6(c) Of
the Municipal Code.
A. 'I'h. proviaion. hereof ahall
inure to th. baneUt of the Owner and City
.ucc...ore and ...ign..
be binding UpOIl and
a"d their l"'I8r.uctivll
C, If any of the provhiona of tnu agr..ement "r
any paragraph, sentence, clau.e, ph...a.e, \lord, or a8ction or
the application thereof in any circllmatancell 18 invalidated,
.uch 1rlvalidity .hall ,not affect the validity of the remllinde,...
of thj,s aqrllemftnt, and th.. application of any such prOV1illion,
pazagrllph, sentence,cilause, phrll8e, word, or section in any
other circumatance ahall not be affected thereby.
0, This Precise Plan and $ubdiviaion Agreement
c:ontdn. the f",Ure lln~'entanding between the parUe" hllr"in
with re"fect to th~ trnnaactions co~templated hereunder and
may be a tered or amended from Umet(l Ume only by written
i,~.truments ex.cuted by all parUes hel:"eto.
!,\10t\ 424 '!/,! 798
If. NumerlCal and title h..ding. contain.d ln thh
contr.ct .re lor oonv.nl.no. o~ly, and, .h~ll not be d..med
det.rmlnatlv. ol the .ub.t.nce cont.ined h.reln, A. u..d
her.ln, wh.r. the oont.xt r.qu:lre., tho u.e ol the .1nguler
.h.U lnolud. the plural .ndth. u.. ol any g.ncler .h.U
lnolucle .11 vencler..
r. In 01'05.1' IlIOre l\llly to ettOlotu.te .nd pre.erv.
thO! p"rlormanc. ol the term., ('Ondltion., provhlon., coven.nttl
and .greem.nt. h.r.ln oont.ln.d, the p.rtie. .gr.. th.t thl.
Preoi.. Pl.n o1Incl Suhclivl810n Agr..ment lor Smuggler Mobile
Home P.rk .h.ll, by the Clty, te r.oorded ln the Pltkln County,
COloredo real property record..
G. Notloe. to be gly.n to the ~.rtl.. to thl.
.gre.ment .h.ll 00 condd.red t,o be giv.n if d.Uv.red or it
d.:?odt.d ln the \Jnlted St.t.. Hilil ,to the parU.. by r..ght.recl
or c.rtllied m.l1 .t the .cldr..... indlc.ted b.low, or .uoh
oth.r .ddre.... eo m.y be IIubwUtutecl upon written noUo. by
the parU.. or th..lr .uoo...or. ore.81gnet '
Clty M.n.gel'
130 S. ~elen. Street
A.pen, CO Sl611
c/o Robert 11, Hugh.., Eeq.
600 E.'Hopklne, Sulte 200
A~pen, CO 81Ul
P.O, BC"I 606
A.pen, CO 81612
II, 'I'he term., conditione, prov).81on. .yid obUg.tion.
herein oontllined .hall be deemed covonant. that run with IInd
I burden the re.l property more p.rtioularly deaoribed in E~
' ^ hereto .nd any .nd all c>wners thereol, their sueceseore,
I grantee. or a..ign., .nd further shall inure to the benefit of
I and be specifically enforceable by or agair,.t the pertiee
hereto, their successor., grantees or a..J7n..
executed their hands
t!vely indicated, ill
WHEREOP, the parties hereto have hereunto
and seals on the dates and year respec-
full understanding and agreeme.lt to the
~,. ~'. ""'''''"~~~~~~''''~*'~'f+''(i;:'''fOitJ,i,;.;.;~~,>>v''m~.."'''''''''''
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lti ~'
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,I t.1111. and oondiUo". h.rein oontdned,
CITY or ,ISPli:N. a Colorado
fA " _
~(1~424 I~ 799 '
~ 'I I~ lo1TESTI
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..."' ". /: '~
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'..,. ";,.' ',^~ovej! "tilt. 4ay of
" "':&Jf'~ v - :':-nsa.
, Cj'liL,:tf'I!;{
~lf:rriinq. Director
a Colorado
PITKIN Lro., a Colorado
&..1 Vi "H :.....
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8'1'.\'1'11: or COr.0Ill\1l0
COUN'l'll' or PUklN
!IrQ 424 ,~800
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The foreg Jnatrument waa aCknowladged before me
thia &.L day of , 198:1, by Herman Idel,
aa Mayor, and k"thry 00, a. l' erk of thv ctty Of
Aapan, a Cclorado Muntctpal Corporatton.
!lITNIS8 my h.nd and ot~tt t,a~ ....1,
My commtnton uptrey 'JI(,',('I
My lIddrella 1ft. 1):(0 ,;:. 'iu1'- ...'
COU~''l'll' or UTIIIll
inatrument wa. ftOknOWled7edbeto~e~lne A
I , 1982, bY~.ertV---YJJIV~
, ae Genera Partner ot ASPEN MC~~TAYN
o orado genera Partnerahip,
IUTNESS my hand Md ot~iJ:'~latlll1,
My commiuion .Xpir.ea'-r,~ ~I'I'.J' ' " l-
My ad<lr$a ial' J
'-/1tJ e 'tI1').,ul.{,1 / '
I/I~,',<J, y 1M /., ~
~otar 0
,'.. (r
;' 'J" ". j I
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, j.'u'
.~ ~..- I
-'. 'fl-
'"I." (',
.j The foregoing instrument waa acknowledged beh~'e me
thb ~ day oS: ~ , 1982, by. l./:~et1>
~ba , au Preaident and..ll!<< li""'ilol!!r
Colorlldo Cooperative,
"J ',1
,', \.~
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I, ~'.. . 'I ' "
:... '\ 1\ l)
:i ., .(!tEAL)
, I r
. ... ". , 11' \~, .
<I'~, I' . '"
, ",' I .. ..'
WITNESS my hand and officiftl~eal,
My eommiuion expires I 9./0- 'Ii...
My addrlll8 h. ,~o #:.I:!<>plcill" $~I'" U>a,~ a. "~II
.K.. A ~.
tary !'ubm
1I;~/l.-d'~..A. .
fill. ~--'-'-_"":'~-V';';''''.''"''~/__;''''''"''"
~ '
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91..424 IAl.lBOl
S'1'A'1'B or COLOI!ADO >> /
) ... /
ct)UNTlt or PI'1'KIN ) / /
~ Thl forl~~ing "nltnmont WII .ckno~~bd~.~
_thil .z.=-~ d.y Oft~I!JH,~'il1i.. : ;:~t.tlden , an '
IU ~ H J , Ie Slcret.ry of
., . CO r. 0 corpor.t10n.
, ....' , , "I'1'NIIIIII my h.nd .nd (It~~ 1 .aal.
" i' ,', ....", My oommhdon axpir..,i?ll ''''
,..<:,\ ' , ,,'/ ,\ My '4!SJI 'h, ~
I .;' ,'r.' \ ~~I e. ~h.<U
I ~" ~ lfJ.~AL) 1l5lt!~ ~ f~11
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IXHX8XTA . L09a1 o..a~iption, 8mu991e~ Mobile Home
IXUX81T 8,. ~9a1 De'a~lptlon. pitkin fte.e~v.
SXUX8IT C . Applio~tion fo~'Di.aonn.otion
SXHI8IT D - sit. Tabulation.
IIXHXDXT :1 - Plan, of I\htemf,nt
IlXUIDIT 1/ - 8nlu99lu MobU. 11011I0 Park
IlIIprovement. Sohedule
IIXIIIBXT GI - <:on.truotior., and Devtllopmant lIohdule
IIXUIDIT U - portion ot Improveme~t. to be r1nan01811y Seoured
II~HIDIT I - Prol/r... Ch8rt Pe1e8fll soh.dule
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A tract 0' h.. ohuu", iDo portio. 0' tbo lut Alp.1I f""..dte, tho
lut 0..-"11 01 th'. buthw..t ....-.unte&', ... tho,lIuC ",.e-hdf of tho
Southuot. o...-.u.un 01 leedoD 7, fovlI.U, 10, louth, line. .. lI.ac' 01
the &ch '~K,.~ '.,ad". al 'ol1ova." ,,' .
. , . .!,;.s7:'~,.,' .-:7" .~. .... ..~ ~ ~
IIOINNINO aC Co&'na~ .., 1D 0' tho Zo.' A.po. fow.oit.,
tbo...o North 54.52'17. V..t '8.10 'ooC Co COI'.OI' No. 11 0' .et. leet
Aepeo fow.dto,
tboa... north 66'11'00. 1I.oc 142.33 'Ooc,.
tbo.co:Nol'th 05.10'42~ 1I00C 114.35 fooc co COI'..1' Ro, 16 0' oat. 10,C
.' Aopoo.fovlIott.,',': ,. ,... . .' '. '. /
tlleoco Nntll 44.It'U" lIuC 312.67 feot CO Cor08l' No. 25 0' Id. I"et
" Alp", fowooho dOli' ch. North ed, houdu" of pued/of' hod "acd"~ ~
io look t05 et 'e,e 57', ,ttki. Couot, rocor'., ~
tbe....o North .,'12' U. Voot 121.13 to 'Conol' Ifo. d of "oU,le..-Aepe.
fow..olCo 010... e portlo. of .ot. Nortborl, boun'or,. '
tbe..e. North 24'05'24. Zaot 13'.28 'eetr
thonco NOlth 37.11'41. Zaot 20.25 'e.t.
thonco South 44.35'50. ZaoC 12.15 'oat.
tbence 1lol'ch Jt'03'05. Zoot '1112.32 f.oC don, all ":doti,,, 'eoce and
oxtoootoo,theroof" .
. the..co Sauth 4.08 'eet. ,
theoce North 37'11'41" Za.t 154.57 'eet.
tb.oco North 78'25'15" Za.C 77.68 'eetl
theoce North 8,'57'10" I!oot 303.'9.01001 boun'er" 1100 'e.cribod 1.
look 280 at 'ale 827 o..d rD-recor'.' 1. look 280 at 'ase ,65, .1cklo
Cou..t, recorda.. .
th"oce South 63'44'45. ~oot 168.08 'e.t
thence Soutb 81'23'42" Zaot 183.42 feet
thonco South 8,'25'420 Eaet '8.00 '..t
tbence,South 54.34',," ZAOC 64.87 I.ot
thonc. South 52.47'48" 1I00t 188.36'I.oc
A.po. 1'ollno1te,
th..ce South 34'55'18" 1I..t 760.18 I.et to
Tho 'oint ol'.o.lnnlol,
olona ..1. b,oundar)' Una,
olonl .01d boun'Ar)' I1nel
"lonl .ald boun'.r, ,11001
.1onl .0U bouod,lI'1 Una,
to Corn.r No. 5 of ."ld E".C
.itkl. Couac,. Color.'o.
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!\Cl!\424 IN.tB06
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A tract ~f land being part of ,the SK-l/4 of the SE-l/4 and Lot
14 of Section 1, and the NW-l/4 of the NE-l/4 and Lot 14 of
Section 12 anr! part of tract B of f:he Brown Placer O.S.M.S,. No.
15047 and the Nellie Me No. 2 O.C.M.S. No. lS047 together, with
a part of Lot 23, Block 2, Pitkin Green Subdivision, all in
Township 10 South, Range 85 West of the Sixth principal Merldian,
said tract is more fully described as foll~wsl
~~::::,~ :\.~
I' ~ft,~
:.~ -:' :,-.
Beg'inning at a point on the Northe,asterly rig'ht of way line of
the Denver and Rio Grende Western Railroad whence the nnrtheast
cornet of said Section 12, a brass cap, bears N 70"2S'07"E
1636.50 feet, Thence along said right-of-way line the fallowing'
courses and di&tancesl
S56"10'00"! 265.52 feet,
380.53 feet along the arc of a curve to the
left having' a radius of 523.69 feet,
N82"12'00"E 137.57 feet,
248.29 feet along' the arc of a curve to the right
having a radius of 623.29 ,feet to the
intersection wJ.th the west line of Lot: 1,
Green Acres SuLdivision, Thence South 148.14 feet along'
said west line to the intersection with the boundary
described in Book 213 at Page 163, Thence a'eng' s8id
boundary the following' courses a~d di8tancr~1
N89'04'OO"W 198.30 feet,
S40'29'OO"W 59.20 feet,
581"12'00"W 113.20 feet)
S65'51 '00"1t 23,76 feet to the, intersection with the
northerly boundary of the Second Aspen Company SUbdivision,
Thence along' said northerly boun~ary and along' the westerly
boundary of said subdivision the following' courses and
Thellce along' the centerline of the Roaring Fork River to a
point at: theconf1l1nncllt of the Roaring For1: '
River and Castle Creek I ' '
Thence along' the centerline of the Roaring Fork River the
following courses and ,distances.
N01"27'OO"E 268.81 feet,
N08"S7'OO"W 150.33 feet,
N37'28'OO"W 6,6.23 feet,
N45"41'00"W 79.88 feet,
N51"00'OO"W 76,10 feet,
N62"23'00"W 82.10 feet,
Thence departing from ssid centerline
213.52 feet. to the mo~t westerly
pitkin Green Subdivision"Thence
242.94 feet:,
180.76 feet'
to the centerline
of the Roaring Fork
corher of Lot: 4, / '
',y, ,!,,;-
I, "
I",.. ~;!\"'~\~",' .. " ',' "",' , \ ,', '.""", .,,'. ,". " ",,', ',,' " ., '.' , ',.. ";""
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<~,."i'\'~':,,:~ tf i . ,.,' " ."l
"":;,("',J J' , ..,', e 424 '8' 0' 7" A
: ~ ~ ,~
~outhwesterly lines of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10, Block
.~tkin Green 8ubdivision, said lines bein'1 10 feet from ",
end parallel to the northeasterly ri9ht-cf-way line of the
Denver. and Rio Grande We. tern Railroad, the followin9
cour.e~ an~ distance..
52.21 fe~t along th. arc of a curve to the
ri9ht havi.:cr a radius of 1015.37 feet and
who.e ohord'~~ar. 846"41'23"Z 52.20 fuet,
845'13'00"! 1.~.00 feet,
309.83 f.et alon~ the arc of a ourve to the
riqht having a ra~~u. of 1015.37 f.et,
827... 'OO"Z 81.00 fll~t,
365.21 feet alon9 the _ro of n OQrve to the
lefthavin'1 a radius of 730.80 feet,
856"22'00"Z 125.$2 feet,
377.83 feet alon9 the' arc ~( a ourve ~o the
ri'1ht havin'1. r"diuli of 13):1.57 4!..et,
540'08'OO"Z 14.44,f~et to the ~4sterly line
of said T,ot 10,
Thellee' aloll'1 said easterly !1I1a N36'0~'00"Z 33.68 feet
to tho westerly OO~;I..r of Lot 23, :'Ilook 2, Pitkin
Green 8ubdiyis~ou, '
Thence alon'1 th~ southerly line af .aid L~t 23 the followin'1
cCluraes a.nd ~ i.atances r
561"14'00"Z 135.43 feet,
~a6"50'00"Z 162.41 feet,
~~~nco 535'52'OO"Z 159.49 feet,
Thenc.. 543"12'00"Z 209. 'f7 feet, ,/
Thence 539'04'OO"Z 144.45 feet., /
'Thence SS8"00'OO")! 165.01 feat, / ..-
Thance SSO"OO'CO"! 131.64 feet, ~
Thence S33"10'00"W 191.72 feet to the p~int of. beq11Inln'1'
E~ceptin'1 therefrom that portion lyin'1 within the ri'1ht of way
of the Denver and ~io Grande Western Railroad,
C,unty of Pitkin, State of Colorado.
. ~ .~ .""o;_'<W'>1'~"I)<)iW,,"'i;',{:_~oj,~"'~I~<t\~;,,1I'1"' ;:." . "...,
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Beak 439 ,~! 213
1II1r.1l0MF.IlT TO I'RF.CI;;r. 1'1.1111 1II1ll mmotv1S;U;!!...!.(1RF.l':MFIlT
TillS AMENDMENT 10 mad..;"'~nd entered int.o OA of the
27th d~y of Sr.ptembcr, 19R2, by)",l bctw..r.ntho CITY 01'
MPF.N, COI.OIlAOO, ~ lIuniclpal cor!,>orntion ("CI ty"), 1ISPEN
MOUNT^IN r^"K, n Colorado qonnrll1 pArtn~rahip ("Ownor"),
tho /lMIJGr.l,F.n MOil I 1.1': llOMF. OWNF.nS' M~OCI^T10N, a Colorlldo
cooperlltlvn ("lIflflocllltion"l. anel rI1'KIIl 1.'1'0,""" Co~orodo
corpor~t.ion ("I'itkln, l.td,"). ,,; \", ,'"'
llF.CI TIII./l
I. Tha Cit.y, Ownor, t.ho A..ociAt.iQ~ IInd,~itkln
I,tel, are parHon to that ccrt.~in I'roclne Pltm,al1d RUb-
diviBlon lI'lrooment for /lmugglar Mobile lIoma Ptirk ri\"coreled
in Dook 424 lit pagon 790-R49 br t.he PltklnCbunty, ColorAdo
ronl prop"rty r""ordn (thn "I'ro"in" I'ln" nnd SuhdllliBlon
^gt'oomt'l,~':.I') .
2. Pu.'nuant, 1;0 r,,,ctInn V o' the I'r..dno 1'1 an
and r.ub,lIvinion IIgro..mont, tho Ow""r on itn own Initiative
in onl:itlnd t.o potit.lnn th" City for IIn Amnnc1mont t.o thn
prod"" Plan anc1 Rubdlvinl'ln Aqr"omnnt IInc1 by JoU"r dat""
Septembor :10, ]982 (tho "Potltl"n"), tho OI",,,r did AO
potitinn th" City for An Ilm"nc1mont, to tha pr..elnn I'lnn and
/luhrlivlnlon ^',rnomnl1t,. np""lrl'HllIy /loctInn TIl, II ,t,h',\r'lOf
wHh r'!flpont. t,n l~n\l'l()y..o lIounln'I nnrllollt,\nnn Anc1 P"nt:rl,,-
tin"" to Par",,1 C or tho /lmuqqjAr /1nbll,nlln",,, park /lIIMt.
vinlon, to "Mb!" tho ('W"ar tn iner,'ann th" nolll nq prie"
of th" mobile homon to. bo InntAllNI within Pareel C fnr thn
rClIsona.moro parHcul/lrly "at forth in tho I'etitlnn, 1I copy
of which is h..roto. annoxnd on F.xhibit "^".
3. ^"ting thrbugh tho City Cnunci! of tho City
bf ^npen at itn duly conntitut.nd ,"ootlng on Sopt.ombnr 27,
19R1., thn City, wHh ",,,,dittonn, approved tho rll'1unnt. .nt
forth In tho !'nt.itlon of tha Ownnr /lnd th" parU"n lIrn
<lenir.oIlR of conUrmlng ollch IIPfl~(ovd In t,hin Inntrument..
. ..
!~k....~ ".,.
.,':' 11'1
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~oK43lJ r.\tt214
IN COIISTOF.RATION 01' tho pr"m!BOA, tho m'lt,ual
covonnntn hor"!n conta!""d, a"rl i" t.hn, prndnn Plan nnel
Subdiv1nlon IIgrllOmont, tho pllrU,," hort'hy ngrnn to amI elo
Ilmonel Soction TII, Pllrngrllph 11 of thn Proeino Pll1n nnd
Suheliviniun lIl)rnl'ml1ot, ror nmug'llnr /lohi 10 110"''' Pllrk Aubel i-
vi"lon nn follown, IIn<l not.wlt.hllt,nn<llng nnythtM in th..
PrnciM rIM ftn<l "uhtHviB1Cln IIqrnnmllnt t.O t.hn'cont,rllry
cClntllinnd, it. III IIqrop<l thntl
I, lnel'..MB In n"llin~ Prien. nuh1Mt tn th..
mmdiUonn !lor"lfili,,1ow-;;,.r-I'7,"itli;' t!i7o"'llwn"r nhllll tin
,,"tHlnd, lit. it" Rolo mnrkot.ingdineroUon, to noll olleh of
t.ho 14' X 70' mohilo homoB t.'J b" lnot,aUod within IInd upon
Pnreol C of tho Smugglnr Mobiln ,110m" Pllrk SuhMvidon for /
not. in nxco"" of $76,000,00 IIn'l"""h of thn 14' x 60' /
m<,hl1" h.,",,," tn hn ni",llnrll' Inritllllncl for not In nxc"}',, or
~, Cnn<1ttlonB, Th" Inr:r"n"n,hnrnlnnhov..
1,r.ovl,d../1, in t,h;;'/il1"",iTiT" ""lIln(l prl,ctl rM t.h.. inclivl<1unl
mnbUn humn~ to h.. inntIl1l.,,<1 w,\ thIn nn<l \lpnn Pftrclll C of
thA Amu<1cflnr Mohll.. llomA Pllrk r.ubdivhioll in "uhjnct to nnel
"oneUtionncl upon th.. follnwingl
n, 'I'hn nlln Ilnhlllw to nneh "Ilreh",,"r uf
e'nf'h "\loh mnhll., hn'~" nf I'tlM^ l1\1l1rnntl",l
finllnl'iM Ill'nn tho ti>rmn mnrf' p/lrtl.1I1lnrl.y
/1n""rih,,<I In P.xhlhH. U t,n t.h" PnUtlon hnr..to
"""oxne! IIn P.xhlbit ...,1\., nne! tho. cloning of t.hn
pur.ehnBnn of tho ",obilo homoR upon thoBO torms
or, nn ,tho cnBn m"y hn, upon tnrmB, by whatsoever
nour,," nffnred, not 1"9R favor"bln to the
purchlloorJ l\od
b, '1'hl1 InBtllllntlc," nr mnbUn homn" with
phYllioll1 "hllrM,rnrhHo" oompnrnhln tn t:hnM ""I:
forth In Il,xhibit: HI to t,ho l'ntlHnn hnrut.n
"nn"xod n~ F.~hlblt .11",
3, "..",alninq Prov1Blonn Unnrrnot.ncl, F.xcept to
tho extt,"t <,xprniiii1y horniMbov,o oot rnrth, tho romllininq
, provinionn of tho pradn" Plnllllnel !lub.divlninn IIgr<,,,mont
ror SmuqlJlor Mohilo 110m" Pnrk ~'ro unchlln<ll!el and in effect
-, -
tr~',~' "'~ ~i'.,
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110O<<439 ,1.tt215
ftN writtnn hnd rocordnd In nook A24,ftt rftqn. 780-845 ~r thn
r1tkln County. Colnrfttln rnnl prnl'"rty ~"t1or<I..
C1TY OF AnrrnN. n Colorfttlo
municipal corporation
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t'~'. ' ~ ~ . .,"
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"'IF~ t I~, r~ ~rl~(J \J.t. I
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pl\rtn"r, by n hnrt W, 1111'1111'''. '
hi" nttornnY-ln-fnct
/lMllClOl.l':n Monn.F. 110MI': OWNF.RA I
An/lOC1AT70N. n Cnlnrndn
P1TK1N LTD,. a ColorAdo
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thiN,. dny ot 1.,-, . "lit', by lInrmnn !ld"I" Mnyot' ot tho
C,lty or"~JI..n, Iltatn of Colnrnd.,!
, '~'.
IIITNll"" my Mnd nnd ortiolnl Mill,
'Iy commlnninn '~X"lr""I_e;'~'.A'~1
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S'r^T!l OF CCll,OMDO
wan ncknowlaclg...d ba/or... me
Kllthr\'n Kooh, Cl,ty Clnrk,
..,V'" Th" ra,r~!loin9 in~t,J:\\l"nnt
thh 1., dny Q!)II\vtAAliiMltif1, hy
CHy iir^"I"'n, ,ftnt... nr'Colnr,.,<lo.
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My cnmmillnion "X"lrMt.0~';;o
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CCltlNTY OF' "1 'I'll !II
!\;OK 439 IAtl217
Tho forngolng Inltrumnnt WAR ncknowledged helorn mn
thh l;tffl dny at Novnmb"r, I9B2, by 1\1nxnncler F., 1,lpkl,n, n
g'lnoriirp/lrt"or, by "obort W, lIugho., h1l nttornny-in-hct ot
Aopen Mountdn P/lrk, n Colonreloqanernl pnrtnnrnhll',
Wl'1'NIUlll my haml Anel 6ttl.ciA1 ~ll/ll..
My comminninn cxpir"nt e.1EI.8'-1
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'I'h" tOl'agoing innl:rumnnt. wnn nnknnwl""g"e1 h..fllrn mn
thin dny of Nov"mhnr, 19B2, by
AI priiiITdant of 8mU'19I,'H' Mobila lIomo,;'.nar ' I 11!Il'oclntlon, "
Colorndo coopnr/ltivn,
W1TNF.SR my h.n<'l IIn<l o/'ficial RanI..
My comminnl,nn HXl'lrnnl
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1ll1Ol430 f/.LtZlg
R'1'^'I'1'l or COU)MIJO
COUNTY or Pl'1'~IN
Tho t<>r"\I<>1ng inotrumcnt WAn ncknowlndq"d betorn mo
~hll dAY of Nnv,'mbor, '19n:l, by
IIn IlnmtAry 'If Smull'll..r '!lnbUe lIomnownor I" ^n.oeinHon, "
Colorado eoop~r"tivn,
Wnllr:Af1 my h"nd nnd (l(tie1nl .....1.
My enmmlnnin" ""pironl
fl'l'ATI'l 01' eOl.OMDO
Tho (orn""in'l in.trumnnt wnn nckn"wlnd""d bnrnrn mn
thin l.~r!-"ny ot Nove-mll"r, 19n?, hy Richnrd ^, ~nn."vleh n. Vi eo
prnniannt ,,( Pitkin ttd,. n ~olnrnd" oorporntion,
WITNI'lIlIl my hnnd nn~ "rllolnl .nnl,
My commi..io" "y.plron."~.'~
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Th.. tnrlll'folnl'f i'~~r.rumllnt W~N ~aknnwh'dl'f"d bdorft me
t:.hh J~.td"Y or NnY"mh(lr.)9R~, by Iloht.rt W, IlUgh"N ~fl
l1"crlltnry at Pitkin Ltd. .'iI Colo~~do "orpor.~t!on,
WITN!SS my h~n~ ~nd ofticial 8~~l,
My t'ommiBslon ny-pir.es/ .'l..e~
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I.b(Jn.JL.LM'~ I (). . u. ~U '
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!I.'D'-439 f~"{2Z0
S~ptembpr 20, 1982
~l ron r. tty Counc t1
COO MI'on/pmtn "Iolmtng Orrlc.
'c 203 S, Galena
" Alp~n, CO 81611 " ,
, II Rtl Parcel C, Smuyg1er Mollt1o 110"'0 Suhdtvhlon
0.0"'. SalOl Price Iflcr~nse
I fdtPI ood Guntlrmunl
, "
\ \i:.
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"j;f:~::',~:~ -t
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Tlots rPlllll'~U thAt the ~lllluqglel' prt,the rl~n '.nd Suhdlvhlofl ^yrN'III"nt
be ruvhed to al10w a ~.I"s po'lto tolltnl' ,1 $1(,,000,00 I,or ,,,ollila home,
I'he Prrdse PI"n ond Sulldtvhlon ,^y....I'III'.nt I'o'rthri Smuyglrr flobll" 110100 Pork
~Hobl hhrs 0 snlnt I>rlto ceiling of $7\1,000 for new ,Mobile hOll1e unill
(f..I.\lln ~, Por.!lr~rh P, Quntl,d In Iluok 41.4. Pogrt 700 . 1145 of lho pilkln
County r~11 f"llpnrly ,rtllrdl), Ihll prlCD \If\ urlglMlly "Itllhlhhod In Iho
~,',tllrlllrnt A!lfI!l"IIl!nt of Sr'p",mhor 191'0, ftnd WOl hOHd on tho addition of
26 ulI~p~c1flrd 1I101lt1o unit, wi thin 11m SII1uY'I'flr Mobllr lIollle Pork,
Tlu. developer h now seeking ffll1A financing ~upport for 17 unill, which
wIll provide vurt ottr.ctlve II10nthly pnYIIIl!lltl to purch.~ers throU!lh Inter,,~t
rAte huy.downs, lIuI,over, con~trolntl ploced by r1lMA to ql'allfy for those
Ill.nl roqulrp the dovolopor to !.pond ~IJnlfl'ont oddltlono', omounts on hOll1ol'
.nd '''J,rovoml!'IU, a portlcn of which would h. rrcovored If thh -rqucst h
Thls roqucsU 00 tntrea~o In the n.11ow.hle selr~
fIIoblle hompl ond $71,000 for 14.(,00:,obile hUllles,
requ i rr,mu,ntl,
prtte to $76,000 for 14.70 /
to facilitate fW1A Jt1l111lCtll9
IJlllhl r (I
,.';,,/:',,;-,:;,.,.',,','. '::-11' ,,'
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r^g~ Two
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!CO!\ 439 /.\&! 2.21
I) H.~~ n: h:(j~~{{fs.: ~aMP_C!i'lt...,.J. NI1~-_as,~t.sJ.e,!l..Jt 'la. n,,-t. n.9 _0. f LeJ:u.~v_~r_a 1.sJJJn.I:.
.. '''.--..,.. .......9.._ ,oc.
. Thh proQram h th~ ,on.1>: avan~~,1e for combtnod purct,~~~ of,i.0611' home '
and lot \011 oth~rl a..e separate chattel loens for mohile !ltlme and con.
ventlonal loans for hnd). The resulting fe~ simple Ownership places ./",/
homes more on par with other conventional structures in A~pen. ,~ '
. Ver~ I.rlct qualification criteria assu:e that the buyer g~ts th! best
ni'obl1e home and lot. As outllne,d In exhibit I (attathed), home, foundalions,
and sfdlng muH he comparable to ,stick built housing fn the Asp('n ar~a.
A~ a consequMce the developer is providing the hl'St mobile homes
available (from Century HOllslng I.n Fort lIorgan" toloradol with substantial
foundatlon~ , stt~ built steps, land~capfng, etc.
- On a monthly ~ost hash, aUraclive rr.I1A financing t~rms ",,'an lower
paj'ments at a $76,000 sales price than separate loans at a $70,000 soles
prlc~, [xhlblt II compares the two alternatives and indlcat"s th~t with
FW1A s"pported financing (an Initial 11I1% rale, Incr"aslng to the long term
30 year rate of 14)% after S yearsl. payments start at $654,00 per month
and increa.. to $9J9.00 per month In ye.r 6. In contrast, separatE
lnans for land (15 yrar, 1fI%) Ilnd mn~il. hll/n. (J~ year, "thnr 16~% throllyh
rHA or ?l% tllI'ollyh hanks) llh:ht. a monl.hly pny"wnt of at l~..t $I,O~(J.OO
In the fIrst year,
2) !.9gu~_lJfLf.or_ fLiti~ !!.~nc ing th~ ,~e",eloper".us.t. spe,nd,~19n.i.r.lc.a_n,t ..,ddlt.fo,n.a.l
mon]_,$"on, mobJle.,hlmeand ,sHlng, wh1.ch. w,il,1 only.be par.tlal,l.v,r,,llmpensntecJ.
(or"by ,a 16,OOO,s.lp~pr,Ir.",lncrr,,,s~., To qllalffy for lids loan, IlHhtance.
the developer will Install mobile h(lllles From Century Housing of Fort Morgan.
Colorado as outlined In the atl"clwd ,""terlals (fxlllbft III). These are
.mon9 .th~ finest units avallabl., with pllched roof~, substantial insulation,
quality construction materials. etr.. In addition, very ~ubstant1al perm.nunt
concreto fOundatlonr will be Installed, wHh sHe hullt steps. f.ncos, trres
nnd l.ndscnping. Th. toul Incremental cost of thuse ho,"(,s and Improvr,..ents.
Includln9 unrecoverable loan fees from filMA, is estimated at $10,000 per unit
versus th~ !l'1!'i leu exponslve altornativos (not the c',e,lpest)l .
The developer simply con not absorl1all this cost. Without approval of a
soles price Incre.se, we will h,lve to in~tall 1.s~ expl'r,s!ve unlls without
FIlMA flnane Ing .ssistnnce.
~ l~~:d~~S;;~t~.: ~
~~;?;.Z/~~'. ,', '. .,,,,' ,,' :\.. ~'. '. .
"" ;, ~,~:a .t:.t~I>;r;.~~ ;;'> ~ ,... ". . Afu~ , '
.'. '; >>','..,,,,,:7~.,~~i..,.t:::r~~:';';'~(:;,,;~i~"
'. -";'\"""''!'<'''.~',_^'''-~,f','-O:::.'
M~i.',",:, "." 'lA. ,J'i~~'i\.'t1"!'fr,I~:
",> ';' ,~')"
.' '~:",:j;""/J:~.t
, r<~f'! ".\ .
r~.;:~;~I).~, ':.:;.
. :t,.n ~ity Council
," !t'pHi;,ber 20. ]982
rhge Three
\ .'
l!lltJI:430 1,1,,222
3) 111 t.h.. e s!! !,~Jl.r I c..Wll~r:.e,a)_U!!.<!1_NMf~t~n.l!..~cJ_n.9dJ-tJ>.!I.!.JeS).bf~!!flll.
Purcha~ers speno less on a month YiPasis for a substantIa Y petter home
and envIronment. The developer re,covers a poc'.lon of his Increm~ntel
costs and benefIts from the Increasedsaleabflhy of'un!ts wIth this
flnanclng, The Cfty provides Its employees with perm.Ilent hlll\ quality
houi!ng It an Iffordable price.
Thank you for your consideration.
CordIa 11y,
t ///.
. 1 I.?~
jo.n C, HawkIns
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