Chairperson, Ann Mullins called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Willis Pember, Jamie McLeod, Patrick Sagal
and Sallie Golden. Absent were Nora Berko, Jane Hills and Jay Maytin.
Staff present: Deborah Quinn, Assistant City Attorney
Amy Guthrie, Historic Preservation Officer
Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy City Clerk
Justin Barker, Planner
Debbie commented that the affidavit of posting is in order and the applicant
can proceed- Exhibit I.
514 E. Hyman — Final Major Development— Commercial Design
Sallie excused herself
Justin Barker said this property was recently designated a landmark Aspen
Modern property. Conceptual approval was granted to restore, renovate and
add a third floor residential addition. After final submission the property
was sold and the new owner wishes to change the program. They would like
to replace the residential with all commercial. There are very few
architectural changes proposed. There was a residential door on the front
and that would change to be more consistent with the original design. With
the changes in the program new variances are needed for on-site parking and
HPC needs to review the utility/trash/recycling plan. The front plaza is a
raised area and that is proposed to be removed. Staff feels that should be re-
created to be consistent with the original design. Staff feels this is a good
preservation effort. A few changes have been made on the roof with the
elevator overrun being slightly moved west on the building. Solar panels are
proposed for the top. The mechanicals as drawn will not be visible from the
street. Staff would like to see a detailed restoration plan as to how the
sandstone will be cleaned and repaired. Staff has no issues with the
proposed lighting plan. All trash services will be onsite and the landuse
code requires the area to be 15 x 10 and the applicant is proposing
something slightly larger but the width is under the requirement.
Environmental Health is fine with the changes and suggests a wildlife proof
door/fence. More on-site parking requirements have been created. There is
no area on-site for the parking. The applicant has chosen to go with their
cash out option for the parking but they are also asking for a waiver for their
preservation incentive. Staff is recommending the waiver due to the lack of
space on the site. Staff is recommending approval to allow the height
variance to 40 feet that was approved at conceptual UPC review. Restudy
the front plaza area to closely resemble the platform design. Provide the
mechanical plan for staff and monitor review. Provide a brick restoration
plan and to approve the trash area with the wildlife plan. We recommend
the waiver of the 1.3 parking space and allow for a five year vesting period.
Mitch Haas, Haas Planning
Alex Klumb — CCY architects
Mitch said the property sold and the new owners want to make the project
entirely commercial. Previously we had two front doors one serving the
residential unit and one the commercial uses. We have eliminated both
entrances and provided one front door in the exact location that the Molny
plans had. The trash area will all be onsite. The only other change is on the
roofs cape.
Alex said there are three components to the project. The restoration of the
south fagade to the original Molny intent. The addition of the third floor and
the reconfiguration of the plaza in front of the building. After the 1990
renovation the sandstone panels were added. We are proposing that they be
removed and we are exposing the original brick. We still have the original
window details and sizing. It is our intent to pay attention to the Molny
design and incorporate the streetscape with dwell space. In the front there is
a bench with a planter behind it and an ADA ramp that doesn't exist today.
Alex did a power point on the proposed plans. The second floor is
unchanged except for the addition of a few windows. The third floor is
setback 15 feet and the roof top accessed by stairs at the back. The plaza
level sidewalk within the property line will be a herringbone brick to match
the Elks plaza. As you step up to the individual plaza it would be a colored
concrete. The original brick would be restored and the vertical elements on
the planters would be sandstone. The third floor material would contrast the
first and second floor with a zinc product.
Mitch said on the plaza it was a response to the vehicular traffic that was
beside the building which was at one time an alley. The design was a
defense mechanism. It had a railing so one wouldn't have conflicts with the
vehicular traffic. Had the Elks plaza that exists today been there he would
had a much different response to it. The platform is now pushed toward the
sidewalk to create a platform feel but make it more inviting and integrated
with the surrounding area. We are not proposing a platform with railings
around it especially when we are dealing with ADA issues.
Amy pointed out that Molny created a platform at the Aspen Athletic Club
and he liked creating platform spaces in his designs.
Alex went over the lighting. It is very minimal with two step lights and
under the soffit there are two down lights and there is some linear strip lights
in the soffit as it meets the glass.
Chairperson, Ann Mullins opened the public comment section of the agenda
item. There were no public comments. The public comment section of the
agenda item was closed.
Ann identified the issues:
Height of 40 feet approved at conceptual
Restoration plan
Utility trash
Parking waiver
Front plaza design
Jamie thanked the applicant for a good presentation. Jamie said she supports
everything staff has put forward. She is in favor of the parking waiver. Her
concern is the platform and it should not be left to staff and monitor. It is
very important how you access the building and how it is perceived from the
streetscape. We also need to know the height elevation changes of the
platform. The guardrails are not appropriate in this situation. On the
lighting my only concern is what the lineal strip looks like at the soffit.
Ann agreed with staff's recommendation. The plaza is extremely important
and the original plaza was very simplistic. There is always the option if the
monitors can't come to an agreement they can always come back to the
board. The applicant has done a beautiful job on the restoration of the
building and part of that is the simplicity. The plaza as is detracts from the
Patrick reiterated Jamie and Ann's concerns. The lighting should be
reviewed by staff and monitor. The guardrails are not necessary and there
should be no wall on the east. Possibly have some more benches facing
south. The form of the third floor windows following the original is a good
Willis said he also agrees with staff's recommendation. The handrail is not
appropriate anymore. Molny did do extensions for landscape. The original
plaza did come out to the property line and "claimed" the space. This can be
handled by two monitors and staff.
MOTION: Patrick moved to approve resolution #4 with the seven
conditions and that the lineal lighting strip of the soffit be reviewed by staff
and monitor. #2 should say prior to the building permit. There should be
two monitors and staff. Motion second by Jamie. Motion carried 4-0.
Patrick, Jamie, Ann and Willis.
Willis and Ann are the monitors.
602 E. Hyman —AspenModern Negotiation for Voluntary Landmark
Designation, Conceptual Major Development and Conceptual
Commercial Design Review, Parking Waiver, Special Review for
Utility/Trash/Recycling Area
Debbie commented that the affidavit of posting is in order and the applicant
can proceed- Exhibit 1.
Amy said the project is an Aspen Modern discussion. The same family
owned the property from the mid 1960's until very recently. They have
offered to voluntarily designate the building. It was a one story block
building built in 1960 and in 1964 a large display window was added. In
1966 there was an addition added running from east to west which has Ellie
Brickham name on it. In 1968 the second story was added. Staff feels three
of the criteria are met. Ellie Brickam was the first woman architect in Aspen
and regarding the criteria it scored 17 out of 20. It doesn't have many
alterations. Staff supports designation. The applicant is only asking for a
parking waiver and are not asking for anything beyond the normal. The
addition on the alley displaces three of the four parking spaces on the alley
that they need to have. They are asking that HPC waive the parking fee
which is $30,000 per space. Regarding the conceptual design right now it
has commercial space in the basement and on the main floor. The upper
floor has two residential units. The entire upper floor will become
residential and leave the commercial space in place. There will be an
addition in the back which is mainly circulation and elevator stairs and one
enclosed parking space for the residential unit. There isn't quite enough
public amenity space on the site now but they are improving the situation
and a variance is needed. There is a roof overhang on the west side upper
floor and staff would like to see that removed. It doesn't appear to be
original. HPC does not typically review color but the black and white color
is important to that period. There is currently a second floor deck on the
corner of Hyman and Hunter and it has a stair case built to the ground. They
propose to remove the stair and bring the deck a little more to its original
configuration. This creates the need on the other side of the building for a
new deck and a new access to the second floor and staff doesn't support that
because it never existed before and it diminished the vertical nature of that
fagade. There are some roof monitors proposed on top of the building and
they would like to bring in some more light and the monitors are over 4 feet
tall and we would like to see that brought down in height. We also do not
support the hot tub. The addition covers a large portion of the alley fagade
and we would like to see a restudy as to how the old and new attach to each
other. Maybe a lighter connection or a hallway rather than have the two
collide with each other. Regarding the trash area they have proposed a
design that the Environmental Health seems adequate with. Staff
recommends continuation because of the design and roof monitors and how
the addition connects to the historic building.
Sunny Vann —Vann and Associates represented the applicant
Dillon Johns, architect
Sunny said the history of the project is interesting. The applicant had
admired the building and had been a guest in the residential unit. He
offered the owner to buy it and they accepted. At the same time the city was
in the process of reducing the height in the CC zone district. We put an
application together and submitted it the day before the regulations went into
effect. The project got approval from P&Z for the commercial design. After
closing of the property the owner decided he could fulfill his needs by just
remodeling the second floor. This would be less time consuming and less
expensive and less impact on a building he liked. The third floor application
was withdrawn. He couldn't do what he wanted without designation and the
owner has no problem with the preservation of the building. The project is
under the FAR and under the maximum height. The public amenity space
will increase and as a result we will have a project that is far more
ambitious. The applicant is requesting a modest addition to the rear of the
building and modifications that would enhance the livability of the units.
The parking reduction results because of an ADA accessible space in the
back. The owner is requesting a parking waiver. This will be a desired
example of the AspenModern movement. The unit is 1600 square feet and
net livable will be 2300 square feet. We have obtained a TDR to
accommodate the expanded unit upstairs. The floor area is a little larger due
to the circulation elements but is less than the 3,000 square feet that the zone
area allows.
Dillon Johns said currently there is an interior court yard between the walls
of this building and Charles Cunniff s building next door. This part of town
has a significant grade change and we need to address the ADA access. We
also do not want to impact the three trees along Hunter St. It is the owner's
intention to preserve those trees. The trash area might have a few changes to
the width. We have lost some parking by the nature of the ADA ramp.
There are no changes to the lower level except an egress that is required.
The elevator and stair join the existing north wall of the building. On the
ground floor we are adding the elevator, stair and garage. There is some
modification to the existing wall to accommodate the elevator and stair. The
existing unit runs along half of the building and there is some commercial
storage there. The existing deck has been pulled back. There will be a stair
on the interior of the east elevation. On the west side not a lot of change.
The desire is to keep the white and black color scheme.
Dillon did a power point on the proposed changes.
Jamie said the south stair will be moved from the west side to the east side.
Sunny said there is a wrought iron fence around the courtyard and that area
will be cleaned up. We could leave the stair where it is and meet our egress
requirements but we have to include the stair in the courtyard below it
because we need to get to the basement. The stairs do not stack. The
current floor area is 5351 sq.ft. of the overall building and the proposed is
6184 square feet including the addition. The allowable floor area is $15,000
square feet. We are adding 883 square feet mostly for the stair tower and
Amy said with moving the stair from one side to the other the wrought iron
fence might be a Francis Whitaker fence. If it is his the fence should
probably stay there.
Patrick asked about what is proposed on the roof.
Sunny said the roof contains a hot tub and mechanical equipment.
Chairperson, Ann Mullins opened the public hearing. There were no public
comments. The public comment section of the agenda item was closed.
Restoration issues
Design issues
Ann commented that the board members agreed that the building should be
restored and designated.
Patrick said he likes the stairs on the new design on the east. The hot tub
should be lowered.
Sunny said they can lower the hot tub and we can come up with a better
arrangement for the transformer. We can evaluate the fence for final.
Jamie said she is fine with the addition in the back as it is minimal. At final
we need to look at what the pop ups look like and the fenestration of them.
For final you need to look at the public space vs. the private space. This is a
great project and we appreciate saving the building. I am OK with cash and
lieu but I don't know how much should be waived.
Willis said he is fine with the waiver and cash-in-lieu. This is one of the
finest buildings in downtown. The huge trees destroy the architecture and it
would free up space. It would be great if you could preserve as much as
possible that is there.
Ann said the building is terrific and I am glad that it is not going to three
stories. I support waiving the parking and the cash-in-lieu. You are
underutilizing the square footage and you are under the height requirement.
I feel we should move forward.
Sallie said this is a great project and she supports not having to pay the cash-
in-lieu. They should get some benefit for saving the building. The addition
is in the best place. I would suggest studying the pop ups for final and
define what is original and what is new.
MOTION: Patrick moved to approve resolution #6 with conditions:
Restudy the stairs on the south and restudy the roof monitors. Approve the
waiver of cash-in-lieu and we recommend to council designation of the
property. The hot tub to be lowered. Motion second by Jamie.
Friendly amendment
Willis made the amendment to maximumize restoration and minimize the
connection to the north elevation, second by Ann. Amendment died.
Vote on Motion: Ann, yes; Sallie, yes; Patrick, yes; Willis, no. Motion
carried 4-1.
MOTION: Jamie moved to adjourn, second by Sallie. All in favor, motion
carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Kathlee rickland, Chief Deputy Clerk