HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes.hpc.20190424Sarah Yoon, Historic Preservation Planner
MINUTES: Mr. Blaich moved to approve the minutes of March 27th, Mr. Halferty seconded. All in favor,
motion carried.
Mr. Halferty moved to approve the minutes of April 10th, Mr. Kendrick seconded. All in favor, motion
th COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Ms. Greenwood said she won’t be here on May 8 . Ms. Sanzone and
Ms. Thompson won’t be here May 8th either. Ms. Simon said it’s possible we won’t have a meeting on
that date anyway.
Mr. Halferty thanked Ms. Simon for the tour earlier in the day and said it was great and well versed.
PROJECT MONITORING: Ms. Simon said she has one for Mr. Moyer and two for Mr. Kendrick to discuss
after the meeting.
Ms. Greenwood said she noticed a f ew unm onitored projects on the list and asked Ms. Simon to
address. Ms. Simon directed them to page 22 and said she could use a monitor for the Stein building
across the street from Boogies and noted that Ms. Gr eenwood and Mr. Halferty were on the board
when it was approved. Ms. Greenwood said she will take that one. 210 W Main is Ted Guy’s project
and that needs a monitor. Mr. Kendr ick said he will do this one. She said the rest are not super urgent.
Ms. Sanzone said she is conflicted on 135 E Cooper. Ms. Simon said they will find a new monitor when it
comes back around. From the site tour, Ms. Sanzone said she is going to help Mr. Halferty on Hotel
Aspen – 110 W. Main.
Chairpers on Greenwood opened the meeting at 4:32 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Gretchen Greenwood, Jeffrey Halferty, Nora Berko, Scott Kendrick, Bob
Blaich, Roger Moyer, Kara Thompson, Sheri Sanzone. Absent was Richard Lai.
Staff present:
Nicole Henning, Deputy City Clerk
Andrea Bryan, Assistant City Attorney
Amy Simon, Historic Planning Director
Mr. Halferty asked about the National Trust conference and Ms. Simon said it will be in Denver in
October. Ms. Simon said there isn’t a lot of info yet, but she can start an email to see who is available to
go and as always, AIA credits are available for this.
Dylan Johns – Zone 4 Architects
Mr. Johns said this is a mural project. We are fairly far along with construction and expect completion in
a few months. The building owners have asked if HPC will allow a contemporary mural artist to do a
painting on the north side on the corner of Hunter & Hyman. A CMU wall was constructed as part of the
to any request. Ms. Greenwood asked what the timeframe is for how long a mural can be up and Ms.
Simon said there is no tim eframe. Mr. Moyer asked if there is a utility box in front of this wall and Mr.
Johns s aid no. Mr. Moyer pointed out that artists normally sign their work and Ms. Simon said that
would be considered adver tising for the artist, which isn’t allowed by the sign code. We’re very
sensitive to signage limitations here. Ms. Greenwood asked about the content and political statements
and if the city has any control over that. Ms. Bryan said that it’s under very limited circumstances due to
freedom of s peech.
Ms. Simon reminded the board of the Smuggler Mine company mural on the back of the Brand building
that was done decades ago that is peeling off. She said we don’t want to have people putting these up
and not maintaining them. If you wanted som e kind of term limit or condition relating to maintenance,
we could add that in. Ms. Yoon said there was a condition added in regarding maintenance on the last
m ural which was appr oved.
Ms. Greenwood said she thinks it would look great on the building and is in favor of it after looking at
the site earlier today. She likes that it’s kind of subdued and in the background of the building. She
thinks this particular mural would look great on the building and is in complete favor of it.
Mr. Moyer said he is not opposed. He said this graphic kind of painting was done a lot in the 70’s. Mr.
Johns said we feel like it complements the building.
Mr. Halferty said this application is well done and well placed, but he does have some concern. He is all
in for freedom of artists obviously, but its monkey see monkey do everywhere on every building for
everyone who requests it, so he has a challenging thought about consistency and controlling that. Just
like graffiti was treated in city scape before it became hip & cool. This is a philosophical discussion, but
he he likes that it’s on a residential project and not on a commercial building. What prohibits a dude
from Leadville with a spray paint can who wants to do a mural. Ms. Greenwood said they would have to
get approval from the owner of the building and possibly us and go through the process like everyone
else. Mr. Halferty said that does make sense and he is in support of the project.
addition on the historic structure. He showed plans on screen and said he hasn’t heard any opposition
from the building owners or anyone else.
Ms. Simon said she provided a brief memo in the packet and said Ms. Berko is the pm on this project.
This mural will be on a painted CMU wall and we as staff, have no concerns. The artist is not allowed to
sign it according to the sign code.
Mr. Halferty asked from a zoning standpoint, if any project can ask for a mural on a residential or
commercial building and Ms. Simon said there are commercial design guidelines that would be applied
Ms. Berko said s he totally applauds urban art, but she thinks the windows on this building are so
beautif ul and thinks it detracts from the beauty of the building. She has a hard time with this project.
Mr. Kendrick said he likes the idea and he thinks the artist is very complimentary and it’s a tasteful
design. He is very much in favor of this project.
Ms. Thompson agreed with Mr. Kendrick.
Mr. Blaich s aid as one who has three contemporary sculptures in his front yard of a historic home, he
can’t object.
restudy the design of the proposed addition and the location of the historic out building. This structure
is located on the corner of 3rd and Bleeker. This is very visible and is in the R6 zone on a 6000 sq. ft lot.
Following HPC’s advice, the location is rotated and now there is a space of 3 ft 5 inches from the rear
property line. With the permission of Parks, the 3 alley trees will be removed. The new addition is
located directly behind the historic landm ark with an 8-foot connector and a full basement is also
propos ed. With the recent pr oposal, the drywall location is identified between two large spruce trees.
Staff would like to clarify, they originally misunderstood where the historic house was to be stored and it
will be on-site instead of off-site. This has been clarified and put into the conditions. Ms. Yoon
pres ented the 1893 Sandborn map on screen. There have been constant alterations to the rear of the
building and the existing out building is not an original feature. Staff is in support of the removal of the
rear addition and relocation of the historic out building. The fenestration changes haven’t changed
since last time. Staff focused on guidelines 10.6 and 10.11 last time regarding the relationship between
materials and fenestration and the need for the new addition to strongly relate to two of these. The
applicant has restudied the roof form by relating the pitch with the historic out building. They will be
m oving the chimney feature to the east elevation, which has the least visible impact. They have also
changed the roofing m aterial to asphalt shingles to match what is existing on the current site. This is all
in support of s tr engthening the r elationship between the historic resource and the new addition. Staff
recommends continued work with staff and m onitor on a secondary entrance. Staff recommends
continued wor k with various city departments and staff and monitor on the proposed secondary
entrance. Staff s upports the setback variations with the 7-inch variation related to the historic resource
not m oving and is recommending approval. The conditions are as follows:
1. Curb heights for the skylights and lightwells be brought to the minimum requirement and would
like to see the dimensions
2. Further discussion of storm water mitigation and for staff and monitor to be involved in final
3. Work with staff and m onitor and city departments on the secondary walkway and restoration of
the ditch
4. Investigation for historic framing before the fenestration changes happen
MOTION: ROGER moved to approve, Mr. Blaich seconded. Voice vote: 6 in favor, 1 opposed. Motion
PUBLIC NOTICE: Ms. Bryan said has the notices.
OLD BUSINESS: 333 W Bleeker
Sarah Yoon
Ms. Yoon said this is a conceptual hearing and continuation. HPC gave the applicant instruction to
5. Agreement with temporary storing of the historic resource to be on site
6. Removal of 5 spruce trees in the right of way
7. Financial securities are required
8. Details of setback variations requested for the out building and new addition
9. Submit for final developm ent within one year of obtaining conceptual approval
garage structure. The material went from standing seam metal and has been switched to the asphalt
shingles which is the same material found on both historic structures on the property. The setback of
the garage entrance was about 1 foot before and is now about 3 ½ feet. He thinks they have storm
water figured out with Josh Rice, so hopefully it won’t have to go to staff and monitor. We have the
horizontal siding on the garage, the historic house and now you’ll see a good deal more on the addition.
We made a conscious decision to maintain a departur e in fenestration to keep it a product of its own
time. We’re feeling good about it and we are good with guideline 10.6. Hopefully everyone feels the
sam e way too.
Ms. Sanzone thanked the applicant for engaging Josh Rice at this conceptual level. She asked where
other utilities and utility pedestals might land and hop efully they will be on the alley side. Mr. Dupps
said they haven’t thought about that yet. We will start fresh and will submit a landscape plan later on.
Ms. Greenwood asked if they have a sketch up looking east and then asked what condition the windows
are in on the historic resour ce. Mr. Dupps said they’ve all been replaced including the feature window.
There are new windows in the original openings. Ms. Greenwood asked about the windows in the gable
and Mr. Dupps said he thinks the whole back is new construction. At that time, they added the French
doors and extended the Dutch gable. He thinks the historic framing is much removed. Ms. Greenwood
has one issue and doesn’t think the proportion of the windows is in line with the other double hung
windows. She is curious about the drywell and what is going to it. Mr. Haas said he understand its sheet
flow across the site and a good amount of green flow and no down spouts. Mr. Rice didn’t suggest any
Mr. Kendrick said he acknowledges the hard work on the changes that have been made and said it’s
come a long way and is ready to approve at this point per staff’s comments.
Mr. Blaich said that everything has been covered and he is comfortable with the project.
Mr. Moyer said the applicant’s have done a good job, but there are a few concerns. Oftentimes at the
Ms. Greenwood asked what the new measurement would be if the variation is granted. Mr. Haas said 9
feet 5 inches. Ms. Greenwood also asked why the parks department is taking down spruce trees in the
right of way. Ms. Simon said the owner planted them and they’ve been maturing without approval.
APPLICANT PRESENTATION: Mitch Haas of Haas Land Planning LLC & Rally Dupps of Rally Dupps
Architect and Interiors
Mr. Haas said Ms. Yoon did a good job of presenting most of the project. He said the roof form on the
addition started with a modern rake r oof and now it’s been changed to a 12-12 pitch to match the
end, there are a lot of pipes sticking out of the roof, and the siding as well. If they are thought about
now, we don’t have to worry about it later. The utilities should be discreetly placed in the alley. The
shape of the windows on the south peak is very disconcerting because their proportion doesn’t fit with
the others.
Mr. Halferty said he agrees that it’s come a long way and the setbacks he has requested are appropriate.
The treatment to the historic resource has been well done and the addition is in line with the guidelines.
to be r estudied. She also recommended restudy of the flat roof underneath the facia on the new
addition becaus e the building, in detail, should correspond to the historic resource. We’re all in
agreement with staff’s com ments.
Ms. Sanzone said she agrees with Mr. Moyer’s comments and that they probably seem like details, but
they are really im portant details. She said where the fence is shown, it would intrude on where you
would want to put the utilities, ideally.
MOTION: Mr. Moyer moved to approve resolution #10, Mr. Kendrick seconded. Roll call vote: Mr.
Blaich, yes; Mr. Halferty, yes; Mr. Kendrick, yes; Ms. Berko, yes; Mr. Moyer, yes; Ms. Greenwood, yes;
Ms. Sanzone, yes. 7-0, motion carried.
Sarah Yoon
Ms. Yoon said this is a conceptual design review and was also part of the site visit today. This is in the R6
zone district on a 6000 square foot lot. The applicant is requesting major development and setback
variations. This is a city owned pr operty and was designated in 2006 as an Aspen Modern landmark. At
the time, there was a threat for demolition. This has been listed for sale and the applicant is currently
under contract. This landmark is an excellent example of the chalet style architecture. Some of the
characteristics include the large singular roof forms, shallow pitched roof, deep overhangs, very simple
footprints and a continuous balcony. Some of the more noticeable details are in the decorative
geometric motifs. There was very little development surrounding the property when it was built. There
are a lot of large trees on the site and they now have neighbors on either side. The applicant has been
in communication with the parks department regarding removing two trees on the alley. The driveway
access off of Hyman and the two garage doors are considered significant features. Engineering has
allowed for another driveway from the alley. Because of the constraints, it’s important that the
applicant work with staff and relevant departm ents to develop the site. The current proposal does meet
the minimum 5-foot setbacks, but not the 15-foot com bined. The applicant is requesting a setback
variation and HPC does grant these if they meet listed criteria, which are listed on screen. The resource
He said he hopes they can adhere to Mr. Moyer’s comments about fenestration and venting. The
propos ed res olution from s taff is something he can adhere to.
Ms. Greenwood pointed out that the board is being a little redundant, but we do make a good impact
on the comm unity when we analyze these thoroughly and give the applicant’s professional
recommendations. She does think the project is in a good place, but she wants to comment about the
pipes. The building department does require us to label every single pipe, so she suggested the
applicant do that before they come back for final with the board. Throughout the process, please keep
Ms. Simon inform ed on what you are finding. Other than that, she feels the windows on the rear need
cannot be relocated or m oved due to existing encroachments. Staff would support a setback variation
in accordance with design. Going into the design proposal for the addition, staff focused the memo on
guidelines 10.6 and 10.12. There m ust be design com patibility and the design must not destroy or
obscure historic features or materials. The proposed addition has two levels and a flat roof. There is no
connecting element that we typically see on other projects. The location of the addition to the rear of
the property is very appropriate to the site. Staff does want to see a sensitive transition between the
old and the new. A two-story transition might meet the guidelines in this case. The material choices for
the addition, don’t meet with the historic landmark, so staff is recommending further study of the
basem ent, but in the yard, there is not a lim it or specified depth.
APPLICANT PRESENTATION: Doug Rager of Doug Rager Architect
Mr. Rager said this has been a process of discovery for his clients and the floor plan was actually drawn
by them. We didn’t make any effor t on materials or fenestration because we are just trying to come to
grips with what is possible first. They are convinced that they need all the square footage they can get
to make their program work. If they can’t have this kind of connection, which was presented, they will
not purchase the property. He suggested that the board not consider the fenestration or materials at
this point. He wanted to turn in the application without these things and consider this more of a work
session because it’s not a typical project. It’s under contract and want to buy it, but they won’t without
the connector. They are in love with the house and do this type of restoration work in New Orleans. He
hasn’t been able to do much about the concerns and comments at this point. He showed the back of
the house on screen. They had a second-floor link centered under the ridge, which was using the
window as the link connection.
Mr. Moyer said the box on the back is not higher than the peak of the resource, but on the corner, he
wanted to know how high it is above the facia. Mr. Rager said the plate height is 8 foot and we did a 9-
foot plate height on the addition because our roof frame will be thicker. Mr. Moyer said he is curious
why there is no connector. Mr . Rager said a link connector won’t allow them to develop enough square
footage to make the program work. They started with the garage and feel it is inadequate and too low,
so they wanted to put it off the alley. The only location to clear the trees is as shown, which comes
around the east side of the building. Mr. Moyer pointed out that Mr. Rager didn’t submit a north west
Ms. Sanzone asked if in working with the civil engineer, they discussed doing the drywells underneath
the proposed addition and Mr. Rager said he did. It’s unbelievable that we need a 20 ft hole to put the
storm water in. He said it doesn’t work where it’s at under the drip line and it’s cross hatched on the
plan where it seems like the best spot.
material and form to relate back to the landmark. This is a wonderful resource and a very challenging
site. Staff recommends restudy of the tr ansition from old to new to something more sensitive to the
historic materials. Staff is also recommending restudy of g uideline 10.6 regarding visual compatibility
and r ecommending working closely with other relevant city departments.
Ms. Thom pson clarified that the shed at the back is not historic and Ms. Yoon agreed.
Ms. Greenwood said she noticed that the drywell was proposed for 20 feet down and she thought they
couldn’t be more than 15 feet. Ms. Simon said that was a discussion about putting in a drywell under a
Mr. Moyer asked if they want to take a straw vote regarding a project that has no connector. Ms.
Greenwood said they should save that for discussion and go through the public hearing process.
Ms. Greenwood said that since Mr. Rager mentioned a work session, maybe this is a good opportunity
to work this from the board side. We have the expertise; knowledge, and we care.
a project you can add onto; you must have a connector. He agrees completely with staff’s comments
and said it’s a difficult project.
Ms. Greenwood said that a connecting link is required in following the design guidelines. A lot of time is
put into helping the applicants understand the design guidelines and this project doesn’t seem to meet
any of that. She said she doesn’t think this is a difficult building to add on to, but they wouldn’t follow
the traditional alignment of the chalet and make the addition follow a more linear pattern with the alley
and the street and us e the connector element to make this transition. This would be more appropriate
for this house. The des ign guidelines state that you have three elements. We care about form and not
so much about materials at this point. In this case it’s a box a box form doesn’t belong on this site with
this very interesting and unique chalet, which is a gem for the City of Aspen. Right now, the addition
overwhelms the cuteness. It’s really special and it’s going to need more conceptual thinking on your
part to get it to be an addition which works with the form. She can’t support the project at this time. I
hope we can give you some direction, but it’s more than a tweak on this addition. You need to rethink it
and meet the guidelines for the City of Aspen because they do work.
Ms. Simon said s he wanted to clarify and make sure that everyone understands that a connector is not
required by the guidelines unless your addition is taller than the resource, but that is not the case here.
You do have purview over how the addition attaches and over the historic materials. She wants to make
sure that no one is expecting to see that classic hallway connector because it is not required and they
have not violated a requirement.
Ms. Berko said she totally supports the staff me mo and comments by the board so far. She said it’s a
jewel of a building and thanked the City for taking it on and designating it. We’ve got to be able to see
the whole thing. Whether you do a below grade connector or whether it’s where the shed is could be
two ideas. Maybe there is something that can work where the garage is and more horizontal to the
alley. It just has to be preserved; that is what this board has been assigned to do, to not erode the
historic resource. Thank you to staff for the memo.
Mr. Halferty said this is a tough site. He said he worked on this project and did the affordable housing
downstairs. He understands the client’s request for adding as much square footage as they can with all
of the challenges they have brought to it. He appreciates Mr. Rager doing the massing study. Right
now, he agrees with staff’s memo and thinks there are a lot of missing pieces. It’s a product of its own
time, but it’s a stacked container meet a chalet type of architecture. This is the hardest part regarding
the trees and setbacks, angles; it’s all extremely tough. He agrees with staff’s comments and
appreciates the client’s wants and with some modifications, he could maybe support, but not as is now.
Mr. Moyer said that to him, this is a little like the Connors cabins, which were restored nicely. This is not
Ms. Thompson said she agrees with everything that has been said so far. When it comes to massing the
roof of the chalet, it really does need to be respected because it’s a very special element.
Mr. Blaich said there are two garages, but only one being utilized. We want to maintain the façade and if
it’s not going to be converted back into a garage, he questions the width of the driveway, which is pretty
imposing in this neighborhood. Otherwise, he is supportive of staff and other comments that have been
and s taff for their tim e.
MOTION: Mr. Kendrick motioned to continue this to May 8th, Mr. Moyer seconded. All in favor, motion
HPC Awards:
Ms. Simon ran through the projects which are up for awards this year and showed them on screen.
Board discussion.
MOTION: Mr. Kendrick motioned to adjourn, Mr. Halferty seconded at 7:08 p.m. All in favor, motion
Nicole Henning, Deputy City Clerk
Mr. Kendrick said he doesn’t need to rehash as it’s an extremely difficult site. For him, there is too much
of a departure right now and agrees with staff.
Ms. Sanzone said she agrees with almost everything she has heard.
Mr. Rager said that even he agrees with staff and said this is a tough one because this is what the
applicants think they need and want and asked me to come to you. I got my answer, so I think we will
leave it on the books for now. I suspect they will not go forward with the purchase and I’ve been trying
to lecture them that this wouldn’t fly, but here we are now. He said it’s all good and thanked the board