Vice-chair, Jamie McLeod called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners in attendance: Sallie Golden, Willis Pember, Nora Berko,
Jane Hills, Jay Maytin and Patrick Sagal.
Staff present:
Deborah Quinn, Assistant City Attorney
Amy Guthrie, Historic Preservation Officer
Kathy Strickland, Chief Deputy City Clerk
Sara Adams, Senior Planner
Justin Barker, Planner
Jamie McLeod stated that she has to resign from HPC and this is her last
meeting. Jamie said it was a difficult decision but she cannot put in the
amount of time needed due to her work load.
Ann Mullins said she really enjoyed being on HPC for 7 t/2 years and HPC
accomplished some really neat things. HPC has been a great preparation for
MOTION: Nora moved to approve the minutes of April 17th and April 24th
second by Jane. All in favor, motion carried.
Jane will recuse herself on 204 S. Galena.
Justin Barker—project monitoring - 204 S. Galena — Justin said the project
was seen in February. During the building process material changes
occurred and fenestration on the building. Stone trim around the windows,
mutton change, and in general stone change.
Cunniffee & Associates: Erica Delka said textures on the various facades
was a change and stone and mutton changes. The size of the actual stone is
more linear. We are working with the suppliers and they would be no less
than 6 inches in height and no higher than 18 inches. The lengths would
vary between 18 and 36 inches. Textured stone on the corner elements is
proposed and it would create more of a visual impact than putting on smooth
stone. The textures are the same we just changes the locations. We would
also provide mockups for the client. On the window fenestration on the
north side includes a larger centered windows on the second level which was
based on the interior use of the space. It is the entry lobby to the restaurant
and behind the window is an elevator. We wanted the patrons to walk out
the elevator and look into a large window.
Patrick said he is a monitor. Having the bigger window does not reflect the
Victorian character. The trim around the window is another issue.
Erica said we have reintroduced the stone trim around the windows. We are
now considering a more simple profile for the stone trim around the
Patrick said the rough stone gives more of a perceived depth. I also find the
brick sizes 6" to 18" a wide difference.
Erica said we are dealing with the slope of the sidewalk and we want things
in alignment.
Patrick said he is not in favor of the larger window.
Justin said staff is in support of the changes.
Nora said what we approved in the stone was quite quiet and blended in with
across the street.
Erica said it will read as an overall texture and using them in different
locations. On the second floor window we could add a mullion so that it
more closely matches the two flanking windows.
Willis said the size variation doesn't bother me. It is difficult to sign off
without a rendered perspective. There are several mullion changes on the
west elevation.
Jamie said her only concern is the size of the stone and the monitors can
work with the samples. She feels 18 inches is too large. Stone size needs to
be looked at on the site. The split face vs. the smooth stone is OK.
Sallie said she also has concerns about the size and the stone selection
should fit in with other buildings around the neighborhood.
Jamie said the majority of the commission has no problem with the mullions
or the window sizes.
Nora said she would like to see a smaller stone and keep the mullions that
were the original size.
Jay said the changes are significant enough to come back to the board. I'm
fine with the changes.
Willis said he feels the new mullions are better than the original submittal.
Willis said he will be the monitor on the stone.
208 E. Main — Conceptual Major Development, Demolition, Special
Review and Variances, cont'd public hearing
Amy said this is a 3,000 square foot lot on Main Street and there is a miner's
cottage on the site and a shed on the alley. The shed seems to be 1930's and
40's and not original to the building. The zoning allows for a residential unit
on the site. There are a lot of limitations as to how large that unit can be.
There is a size balance between the residential and commercial so one
doesn't overwhelm the other. The home is approximately 1500 square feet
and they are dealing with setbacks and parking requirements. The project
has been continued twice. There is no connector between the old and new
and there have been concerns as to how to deal with the shed. There is also
a rooftop deck proposed and people were concerned of its visibility from
Main Street and how to get up to the deck. There has also been discussion
about the proposed flat roof. The applicant has revised the project again and
staff is recommending approval with some conditions. This is not a solution
that would work on every site. This is an interior lot and not on the corner.
It will be screened well by the surrounding neighborhood. The flat roof is
not characteristic of the neighborhood but it does have the benefit of being
low in height. The addition would be 3 1/z feet taller than the historic
structure and it is under the height for that zone district. The access to the
roof deck is open to the air. There is also a 3 foot setback in all areas of new
construction and the requirement is five feet. One big change is the shed and
it is moving to the North West corner of the site which allows a direct
pathway from the front of the salon back to a new trash area and provides a
little more privacy for the applicant. There are setback requirements for the
new placement of the shed. HPC is being asked to waive one on-site
parking space. You are also being asked to waive a $30,000 cash-in-lieu
fee. Staff feels a benefit like that is appropriate due to the restoration that
will be taking place. You are also being asked to approve their utility/trash
area. The applicant is being asked to provide a letter of credit because the
building is being lifted. Staff finds that the applicant has responded to the
concerns of the last two meetings and we recommend conceptual approval.
Sara Upton presented the owners. We intend to retain the historic shed on
the site. The shed has moved to the west to allow us to incorporate an
accessible route from the front entry of the historic resource, the salon and
down the east side of the lot. This also increases the trash enclosure area.
The stair has been moved to the north east corner of the lot. This also
allowed us a stair enclosure that did not have to be enclosed as you go from
the second floor to the roof terrace. We are not retaining the entire shed just
the original older portion and the lean-too has gone away. We have a
connector link behind the shed. We are now 3.6' from the property line to
the face of the new construction.
Vice-chair, Jamie McLeod opened the public hearing.
Jake Vickery said his family owns 202 E. Main Street which is the adjoining
historic resource and the other part of the historic lot split. We had asked the
applicant to respond to some functional issues on the westerly wall where it
is on the zero property line. We talked to the fire marshal and Dennis
Murray. The fire marshal was strongly supportive of moving that wall in
three feet. Because of the new property line in between you could make that
area a little more gracious and functional from a fire access and maintenance
access. Right now they would have to come on our property in order to
build. Maybe they can work around that. On the east side there was concern
of the sidewalk and ramp. By taking the stair and externalizing it into the
corner I think makes this proposal a lot less historically compatible than the
prior proposal.
Vice-chair, Jamie McLeod closed the public hearing.
Jay said he supports the project and feels this project only got better. The
retaining of the shed has helped this project. Jay said Dennis Murray has
worked with the applicant to help make this project work. Jay thanked Jake
for coming forward with his comments.
Sara said the client prefers this revision and was involved in the decision.
Jane said there will be disruption and hopefully there will be a great
construction management plan and all the neighbors can work together to
make it happen. With these kinds of buildings they are built on the lot lines
and it is not an easy process.
Willis also said he likes the proposal. Willis suggested adding some glazing
to the enclosed staircase for final. Maybe doing a different ratio of wall to
glass for final on the corner adjacent to the historic resource. The project
has gotten better and better and it will be truly great at final.
Sallie said she supports the application and the listened to everything that the
commission commented on and the neighbors. They have done a great job
and I like the stair enclosure as it is. I like it not so transparent.
Nora said she feels as though guideline 10.6 the compatibility in size and
scale on this block isn't speaking to me. It is not compatible in size and
scale with the rest of the block. It is a small block.
Patrick said this is a step in the right direction. The mass and scale is
significantly different than the rest of the block. It is also 3 '/2 feet taller than
the historic resource and everything flat on top degrades and overwhelms the
historic resource. Getting some kind of pitch involved would be more
Jamie thanked the architect for all her work. Jamie said she likes the
connection to the shed in back. My only concern is the stairwell and looking
at the materials. The material looks like concrete and gives an industrial
look. Maybe looking at the materials on the stairwell will help lighten it a
little bit. The mass has been brought down by taking the glass off the top.
Jay said-the height is only 22 feet and is below the height limit.
MOTION: Jay moved to approve resolution #20 as written with the five
conditions. Motion second by Sallie.
Jay pointed out that there is no mistaking what is historic and what is the
non-historic portion of this property.
Vote: Patrick, no; Nora, no; Sallie, yes; Willis, yes; Jamie, yes; Jane, yes;
Jay, yes. Motion carried 5-2.
507 Gillespie— Substantial Amendment to Major Development
Approval and Variances— Public Hearing
Debbie Quinn said the affidavit of posting is in order and the applicant can
proceed. Exhibit I
Sarah Broughton and John Rowland
Sara Adams said the proposal is for an amendment to an approved
development order. This is a vacant lot that is part of a lot split. The
original approval was granted in 2007 and the new proposal is similar in
mass and scale. There is a detached garage in the back and a subgrade
ADU. They propose to drop the height a little and reduce the FAR-and
simplify the roof form and simplify materials. We are only looking at the
pieces of the project that are changed. They are requesting a variance for an
eave overhang and staff is not recommending approval of that since this is a
vacant lot and there are not site constraints. Allowing an eave overhang
doesn't really preserve the adjacent historic landmark or relate to the
landmark in any way. There are some plantings in the right-of-way that
need Parks approval and there is a ditch easement which would be a
condition of approval. Solar panels are proposed and they would have to be
the same pitch as the roof.
John said one of the goals of this project is simplicity in form and
contextually with the historic resource. We also wanted to create no
unusable space. We also intend to sell 2 TDR's and not building out to the
maximum floor area. The pavers that go up to the house are permeable
pavers. The front porch is covered. There is also a covered terrace and we
have reduced the ridge height four feet.
Sarah said they are proposing a painted clapboard siding with a metal roof.
We are excited to build next to an historic resource and we hope that you
will agree that our design is complementing the historic resource.
Sara said they would need a variance for the covered entry and it wasn't
noticed and they would have to come back. Staff feels the eaves are too
generous and we recommend that it be cut back to just have an 18 inch
Vice-chair, Jamie McLeod opened the public hearing. There were no public
comments. The public comment portion of the agenda item was closed.
Jay said he supports the application with the setback variances.
Patrick said the applicants have done a good job and I agree with staff's
recommendation. I also would not grant the setback variances.
Jane said she concurs with Jay and it is admirable that they are under the
square footage.
Willis said he likes the project and the extensions are part of the character
and the setback variances are OK..
Sallie said she is in full support of the project.
Nora and Jamie had no comments. Jamie said the majority of the board are
in favor of the setbacks.
MOTION: Jay moved to approve resolution 21 for 507 Gillespie Street as
represented tonight with the elimination of 45. Motion second by Patrick.
Vote: Patrick, yes; Jay, yes; Jane, yes; Nora, yes; Willis, yes; Sallie, yes;
Jamie, yes. Motion carried 7-0.
Jane is the monitor.
MOTION: Jay moved to adjourn, second by Jamie. All in favor, motion
carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Work session — no minutes
201 E. Hyman
Debbie said this is a work session and nothing is binding and the applicant
cannot rely on anything that is said by the commission as a whole or by any
individual commissioner.
Kathleen J. Strickland, Chief Deputy Clerk