HomeMy WebLinkAboutlanduse case.boa.517 W Bleeker St.003-84
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Case No. 84-3
Pursuant to the Official Code of Aspen of June 25, 1962, as amended, a
public hearing will be held in the Council Room, City Hall, Aspen, Colo-
rado, (or at such other place as the meeting may be then adjourned) to
consider an application filed with the said Board of Adjustment requesting
authority for variance from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter
24, Official Code of Aspen. All persons affected by the proposed variance
are invited to appear and state their views, protests or objections. If
you cannot appear personally at such meeting, then you are urged to state.
yo~views by letter, particularly if you have objection to such variance,
as the Board of Adjustment will give serious consideration to the opinions
of surrounding property owners and others affected in deciding whether to
grant or deny the request for variance.
The particulars of the hearing and of the requested variance are as follows:
Date and Time of Meeting:
FeDruary 23, 1984
4.:00 p.m.
Name and address of Applicant for Variance:
Welton Anderson, appellant
P.O. Box 9946 Aspen, Colorado 81612
Location or description of property:
Location: 517 W. Bleeker Rick Head, Owner
Descriotion: Aspen, Colorado 81611
. Lot D, " Lot E, Block 3.0
Variance Requested: Applicant appears to be requesting that the rear yard set-
bdCK or l~' De reauced to 12.7' to permit building a second story. The struc-
ture currently encroaches into rear yard setback. section 24-13.3 (a) no. such
non-conforming structure may be enlarged or altered in a way which increases its
non-conformity. Applicant appears to want to expand over existing encroachment
by 2.~' in the ~ear setback. Property is located in the R-6 zoning category,
Durat~on of Var~ance: (Please cross out one) 15' rear setback, 5' side yard
setback required.
BY Remo Lavaqnino, Chairman
Barbara L. Norris, Deputy City Clerk
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Building Permit'Application and prints or any other pertinent
~ data must accompany this application, and will be made part of
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. Appellant .
FOR NOT GRANTING:~ ~-k'~~~~~JUc~^.~c(7
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C Welton Anderson & Associates
TO: Aspee Board of Adjustments
DATE: 31 January 1984
RE: Variance of rear yard setback from 15 feet to 12.7 feet for the
Rick Head residence, 517 W. Bleeker
The applicant would like to build a new 400 sf second floor over the front
section of what was the original 1880,s building and use the existinq
north and south bearing walls. There is an old shed roof addition tacked on
to the south wall which comes to within 3.1 feet of the alley property line
which will not be built over. Unfortunately, the south wall of the original
house which we want to use for a bearing wall for the new second story south
gable wall is 12.7 feet from this line and the rear yard in R-6 is 15 feet.
In terms of "practical difficulty~ meeting the full 15 foot rear setback
would render the new room being built upstairs unuseable{it is uncomfortably
narrow as is even for its intended use as a nursery). Also, the "practical
difficulties" of building any new construction over any 100 year old wall
are real enough; but would be so severely compounded by having to devise a
structure for the new south wall to "float" 2'-21" inside of the existing
south bearing wall as to make it impractical if not impossible.
The applicant feels that considering that the western part of the existing
roof which also encroaches into its setback will remain as is with no need
to increase its non-conformity; and because the entire second floor addition
falls within the footprint of the existing house; and because the new south
wall is proposed to be located as far back from the alley as is structurally
and practically realistic, attempting to honor the intent if not able to honor
the letter of the zoning code; we feel it would constitute a genuine and
"unnecessary hardship" to meet the strict letter of the code.
I will address each of the items listed as valid reasons for the grantina
of a variance under section 2-22{d) of the code at the public hearing.
In conclusion, I'll summerize their intent. The wall most logical for
bearing upon was there before any of us and not the aoplicants' choice,
and that locating the new second floor gable wall 12'-91" rather than 15'
from the alley will affect neither the general alan nor the neighbors.
Your consideration of this request is appreciated, and I have attached copies
of the minutes of the meetings where two orevious variances were granted by
the board to this applicant for your information,
Planning / Architecture / Interior Design
Box 9946/ Aspen ,Colorado 81612/(303) 925-4576
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C Welton Anderson & Associates
TO: Aspen Board of Adjustments
DATE: 8 February 1984
RE: Addendum to variance request dated 31 January 1984 for Rick Head
residence, 517 W. Bleeker
The minutes which I included in the initial application of the 1977 and 1980
Board of Adjustments meetings concerning the history and previous variances
granted for this lot, prompted the Zoning Enforcement Officer to suggest we
ammend the variance application to include a request (as before) to be allowed
to make modifications on a house on a non-conforming lot not-of-record.
The lot (lot 0, ! lot E) was conveyed 24 years ago by the Marolts to a
relative, 4 years after the 1956 code changed the minimum lot size in R-6
to 6000 square feet.
As noted in the minutes, the property was sold to this applicant without
knowledge of its non-conformity, and because of the legal doctrine of equity
called "latches", so much time has elapsed with knowledge of the City, that
the City would not allow the Board to challenge the illegal sale.
We request that the Board find as it did in 1977 and 1980, that the applicant
is not at fault for this situation and should be allowed the opoortunity
to modify and enlarge his house, "a substantial property right enjoyed by
other properties in the same vicinity and zone, but denied the subject
property because of the special conditions or extraordinary circumstances."
Again, your consideration of this request is appreciated.
Planning / Architecture / Interior Design
Box 9946/ Aspen ,Colorado 81612/(303) 925~4576
Elizabeth Fergus
Box 1515
Aspen, Colorado 81612
Lot A, Band C, Block 30
Sara Louise Petreguin
24500 Community Drive
Cleveland, Ohio 44101
East ~ of Lot E, F and G,
Block 30
Clark W. Ilgen
518 W. Main Street
Aspen, Colorado 81611
East ~ of Lot 0, P and Q,
Block 30
Ullr Lodge, Inc.
A Colorado Corp.
520 W. Main Street
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Lots, K, L, M and N,
West" of Lot 0, Block 30
City of Aspen
130 South Galena
Aspen, Colorado
Hillyard Park
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ChairY'lan, Cl ty of ,~spen Eoard of Ad ,iu "tment
!')ear S~_r:
itay ':'e reouest th8.t lUck Head wieo
m"ms the nronerty atS17 ',rest Bleeker St.,
be granted a variance on this piece of nro-
perty so that he may add a second story,
. Rick has bAen a neighbor and a tAnnant
jn our s tuelia house for Ih he ars and :i s a
ver~l reliahle .qnd tr1Jst'worthv indl,vidual.
In no way would this addition he ohjeccion-
able to us - in fact lt would increase the
value of th~ rroperty -n hoth sides of his
r.ronel'ty to bave a more attractive strllcture.
The need for this request :is also due to the
fact th.l.t an infant is exnected i.n June.
Please R3ve tl!is reQuest a favorahJ.s
c~)nS~_deI'at: -)n.
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Box 27lt8,
513 West Sleeker st.,
Aspen, Co., 81A12
Chairman, City of Aspen Board of AdJustment
Dear Sir:
May we request that Rick Head who
owns the oronerty at 517 West Bleeker St.,
be granted a variance on th~s piece of 01'0-
perty ~o that he may add a second story,
Rick h~q been a nei~hbor and a tennant
in our studio house for 16 hears and is a
very reliable and trustworthy individual.
In no way would this addition he objection-
able to us - in fact it would increase the
value of the nroperty on both sides of his
oroperty to have a more attractive structure.
The need for this request is also due to the
fact that an infant is expected in June.
Please give this request a favorable
considerat~ .::m.
'I'hank you,
very truly yours,
S~ ~~ &~
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Regular Meeting
Aspen Board of Adjustments
February 14, 1980
that the applicant's lawyer, Pete Cravin, had called and
said the applicant would not be in attendan~e; also, that
Mr. Cravin himself would be unable to. attend due to the
fact that he was in court in Eagle on this afternoon.
Mr. Cravin wanted the case tabled to a later date.
John Stanford also felt that the case should be open to
public comment, so that the public could be heard.
Two persons representing the public and living on Sneaky
Lane, Bill Jordan and Tom Starodoj, were present and asked
by Remo if they wanted to make any comment concerning the
case. Mr. Jordan stated that he preferred to respond when
applicant was also there to present his case.
The Board agreed that they should set the date for the
case to be heard. Another new case also needed to be
scheduled. However, the new case would be required to
have a sign posted for at least 10 days prior to the
meeting in addition to surrounding property owners to be
notified that same period of time.
Remo questioned whether Valley's sign should remain
until the meeting; he felt that it should and that
should be changed to reflect the new meeting date.
cant and lawyer should. be notified to do so.
the dat
Fred mentioned the possibility of dropping the case if the
applicant did not attend the second meeting. Remo said he
did not know if the Board could drop the case if this
happened; he would have to talk to Ron about it as it is
.a leg~l question.
Francis Whitaker made the motion to table the Valley case
until February 28, at 4 PM. Charlie seconded the motion.
All in favor, motion granted.
Case No. 80-2
Rick Head
Remo again introduced the case stating its location at
517 West Bleeker in Aspen. The variance requested is for
a building permit to build an addition on an existing
one-family dwelling. The existing dwelling is on a 4,500
square foot lot. The minimum lot area is 6,000 square
feet for a one f""~~ly dwelling. Sec. 24-3.4 Area and
Bulk requirements and Sec. 24.12.7 Lot Reduction.
Rick Head was present to make his variance request. He
stated that about three years he had been granted this
variance and had plans drawn for the addition but had
difficulty in Obtaining financing. In the interim the
building permit expired. He was present to re-instate
the variance. Mr. Head said that he was not aware that
the permit was only valid for one year from the time of
issuance if it is not built upon.
No one on the Board was able to recall exactly what had
been granted in that variance during April of 1977.
Remo asked of John Stanford why a residence could not be
extended if setback requirements are met on a one-family
residence, even when the lot is nonconforming. John re-
plied that it was probably due to the zoning code and the
minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet.
Rick presented his plans to the Board stating that no
changes had been made.
Regular Meeting
Aspen Board of Adjustments
February 14, 1980
All Board members and Rick wanted a copy of the minutes
from the meeting of April 1977 to see what the exact
variance had been and under what cond~tions it had been
Rick said his hardship was the size of the house being
700 square feet..
Remo again brought up the question of why the dwelling
could not be expanded if it met setback requirements.
Francis remarked that it could be expanded if the lot had
been subdivided before a certain date (1956). This lot
had been subdivided in 1960. What seems to have happened
is that Rick purchased the lot without knowledge that it
could not legally be expanded, that he was unaware of its
nonconforming status.
Looking at it as a new case, Charlie asked if any of the
neighbors objected. Remo produced the letters, but Franci
objected to them being read as they were dated in 1977.
Rick saiD that all the letters that had been submitted
by surrounding property owners in 1977 were still owners
and had been renotified. All were favorable.
No one present to make any objections or comments.
Francis commented that one thing in favor of the applicant
was that the situation was not created by the applicant.
Remo declined to agree stating that Rick did not have to
purchase an illegal use of a piece of property. Francis
. continued stating that the subdivision was created by the
previous property owners. They should have notified Ric~
that it was an illegal subdivision.
Remo agreed then, that it is a legal problem, that the
purchaser (Rick) should have researched the property to
find out if it has any encurr.berances or covenants or
whatever. If this is not done, the Board cannot be held
John Stanford added that he was not sure why this case was
before B of A because,in his interpretation of the code,
" . . . when there is a. .no'1'1conforming lot... the owner is
entitled to a single family house providing that it meets
area and bulk requirements...which is what this person is
doing." Francis added though, that the statement from
the code included the date of 1956. Stanford added, quot-
ing the code, "...where, at the effective date of this,
or any amendment hereto." This, from the latest zoning
ordinance. John read more from the Aspen Municipal Code
Sec. 24-12, page 15.15.
All Board members agreed that the Code concerning non-
conforming structures needed to have legal interpretation-
specifically from Ron Stock, City Attorney.
Francis then quoted from the Code Sec. 24-12.7, Lot
Reduction. After the Board discussed this paragraph, it
was again decided that it was an illegal transfer of prop-
erty, and that Rick has legal recourse to the people that
sold Rick the property. Francis points out to the appli-
cant and Board members that the applicant must exhaust
February 14, 1980
Regular Meeting
Case 80-3
Aspen Board of Adjustments
all his legal recourses. Francis interpreted this to
mean that the applicant has the right to receive damages.
Remo suggests tabliI}g the case and that Rick get the
opinion of the City Attorney.
Fred Smith made the motion to table the case until Febru-
ary 28, seconded by Charlie. All in favor, motion grantee
Sign should remain, just change the date to reflect new
hearing date.
Location of the property is at 728 E. Hopkins in Aspen,
at the corner of Original. The variance requested is
for a building permit to build a second story addition
to an existing one story garage and shop. .The proposed
addition will have a rear yard of 3.3 feet. The required
rear yard is 15 feet. Sec. 24-3.4 Area and Bulk Require-
ments, Minimum Rear Yard O-Office District.
Don Westerlind, owner of the property, and David Gibson
of Pielstick, Gibson & Assoc. represented the owner.
Gibson presented the survey elevations for the proposed
addition. Original garage built by Westerlind 9 years
ago in conformance with existing building codes. Not
proposing to change the footprints of the building in any
way but to extend with a second story. The addition will
function as a study and office space for Westerlind.
Gibson said that Clayton Meyring does not find any probler
as far as meeting area and bulk requirements. Already
existing in the alley and adjacent to the property are
three "0" setback buildings that do not conform with pre-
sent setback requirements.
Gibson then. submitted that the hardship is that at the
time it was planned to become a two-story structure the
original building was built in conformance with the build-
ing code. The applicant would like to have relief from
the more stringent setback requirements to extend the
second story.
Remo opened for discussion. According to Code, the appli-
cant cannot extend a nonconforming use; therefore, the
second story should be set back 15 feet--this stated by
Remo. Remo also concerned with the height of the second
story; Original corner is always icy but the new story
would only affect the alley portion.
Francis wanted to know if another parking space could be
added and eliminate present parking on the sidewalk area.
Francis stated that parking on sidewalks is in violation
of city ordinances. Open discussion about sidewalk
requirements of the city. It was not determined if the
Westerlind property is in a designated sidewalk area or
Fred suggested that if the variance were passed that the
City building department be directed to require sidewalks
or advise us (the Board) as to why sidewalks are not
necessary. Not making it a condition of the motion.
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Regu],ar Meeting
Board of Adjustment
March 6, 1980
and then one of the first application concerned a
city councilman who wanted to subdivide his lot,
clearly understanding that it was to be a single
family lot. However, within three months, he listed
and sold it to someone who then wanted to build,a
duplex. This done with no communication on the
fact that this has a Growth Management Plan restrict
ion as far as a duplex, and there was not legal
recourse on the part of the applicant. Fred also
questioned the total expenses due to Valley's ex-
Remo concurred with Fred's comments and then opened
it to further discussion from the applicant and/or
Mr. Craven. No comments were made except that Mr.
Craven thought the Board had been exceptional in the
depth of their analysis.
Fred made the motion that the action of the assist-
ant building inspector, in revoking the building
permit, be upheld. Francis seconded the motion.
Ea9h member was polled for their decision: John
Herz, not allowed to vote; Francis Whitaker,yes;
Josephine Mann, yes; Remo Lavagnino, yes; Charles
Paterson, yes; Fred Smith, yes. Unanimous decision
that the request be denied.
Case 80-2
Rick Head
Having appeared before the Board on February 14, 198'
the case had been table in order to get the opinion
of the City Attorney regarding the legal status of
,the lot; whether it had been sold illegally.
Ron Stock said he had reviewed the minutes of April
7, 1977 (for Board of Adjustment), when the variance
had been granted originally, but that he was unaware
of the fact that it had been sold illegally. The
Board confirmed that it was an illegal sale evident
in the minutes of thc meeting in 1977. The minutes
indicated that Fred had stated, "It was illegal to
convey a nonconforming piece of property. If it
happens, you can have the sale set aside."
The origianl sale of the property happened 20 years
ago (1960) when the Marolts subdivided the property
and conveyed it to a relative. The ordinance con-
cerning subdividing property less than 6000 square
feet was adopted in 1956. Four years subsequent to
that ordinance, the property was subdivided.
Ruling upon this condition, Ron said that a doctrine
of equity called "latches" meant that so much time
had elapsed with knowledge of the City, that the
City would not allow the Board to challenge the
illegal sale.
Josephine made the motion to grant a variance for
an addition to an existing single family dwelling on
a lot below minimum size because of the hardship
that it was subdivided illegally 20 years ago. Fred
seconded the motion; all in favor, motion granted.
Case No. 80-4
Hagman, Yaw
Remo read the application for a variance from Aspen
Municipal Code, Article VIII, Section 24-8.13 to
allow the applicant (C.F. Murphy) to subdivide
his property into two parcels. The subdivision wil]
leave one of the parcels with a lot width of 59 feet.
[ii/ .3
Board of Adjustments
April 7, 1977
Regular Meeting continued
Case 77-6
Rick Head
Colestock seconded the motion. Mann, Colestock, Smith,
Paterson and Lavignino passed the motion.
Rick Head, 517 West Bleeker, Block 30 Lot D w ~ of Lot E
wants to add 1 bedroom and 1 bath to a single family home.
Lot. area is 4500 square feet. Therefore the house is
nonconforming use. When purchased the lot Head did not
realize the code was 6000 square feet. The 1960 subdivision
of the land was an illegal act. He is asking for relief
in the form of a variance. He wants to build an addition
on his one family dwelling.
Head produced a survey map. The present house sits almost
on the alleyway. The new addition would go on the side.
He has allocated two off street parking places. The alley
is only twenty feet wide. The roof is sagging.
Improvements are needed.
Colestock asked if he had gotten legal advice. Head replied
that no he had researched it back to 1949 and talked to
Clayton Meyring.
Lavignino introduced the following letters into the minutes.
1) Edna and Sarah Petrequin said they had seen the plans
and since it is well within limits of the law they feel that
the change will make the house much more attractive. No
disadvantage to use. In fact will upgrade out street. We
are in favor of this addition.
2) Betty and Jim McDonald are in favor of the addition.
They feel it will enhance the neighborhood and will blend
in well with the neighborhood.
3) Beth Furgus has no objections against the plans to
Head said that the present house is about 800 square feet.
Smith stated that it is illegal to convey a nonconforming
piece of property. If it happens, you can have the sale
set aside.
Paterson asked if he knew there was illegality involved when
the property was purchased. Head said no. Paterson said
that in not knowing this was a hardship.
Head said that there is enough room if I add in the front.
There is a park across the street and two. parking spaces
in the rear.
Lavignino asked if there were any more questions. He closed
the public portion of the meeting. Opened for discussion
by the board.
Colestock said he would like to see this granted because
he does not have commensurate living conditions with others
at this time. Would like to hear from Head if he feels that
his hardship is not enjoying property rights that other
property owners enjoy. Neighbors seem to understand.
Smith said that it is such a small house. The legality is
not his problem. This seems to be a hardship which wes
established by the transaction which took place 17 years ago.
Regular Meeting Continued
Board of Adjustment
April 7, 1977
Mann agreed with the hardship. It would not affect future
plans of neighbors.
Lavignino was objectively a9ainst the variance.
Nuttall stated that when you buy a house you ought to know
what hardships are involved.
Mann moved to grant the variance as stated. There were
no.objections. Smith seconded. It passed 4 to 1.
The Board then agreed to meet on May 5, 1977.
Paterson moved to adjourn. Colestock seconded. All were
in favor. The meeting adjourned at 5:25.
~l(d{ ~
Elisabeth Sherrill, Deputy City Clerk