HomeMy WebLinkAboutFile Documents.433 W Bleeker St.0170.2017 (3).ARBK0170.2017.ARBK_Zoning_1 Page: [1] G-000 COVER SHEET Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf (26) Page: [1] G-000 COVER SHEET Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Provide a signed Zoning Compliance form Page: [2] Z-101 FAR CALCULATIONS Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf As per 26.575.020.D.4, Decks, Railings count towards the total deck calculation. Please modify the shading on this drawing to clearly show what was and was not counted in the deck calculation. Page: [2] Z-101 FAR CALCULATIONS Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf The rim of the built in hot tub will count as deck, along with the railing. Page: [2] Z-101 FAR CALCULATIONS Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf None of these numbers match the floor plans to the right Page: [2] Z-101 FAR CALCULATIONS Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf The built in Barbecue will count as deck, along with the railing behind it. Page: [2] Z-101 FAR CALCULATIONS Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Lower level FA? ALL OUTDOOR LIGHTING MUST COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF ASPEN LIGHTING CODE SECTION 26.575.150 Provide a signed Zoning Compliance form LEVEL AREA PLAN As per 26.575.020.D.4, Decks, Railings count towards the total deck calculation. Please modify the shading on this drawing to clearly show what was and was not counted in the deck calculation. DECK FLOOR AREA473.16 SF The rim of the built in hot tub will count as deck, along with the railing. None of these numbers match the floor plans to the right The built in Barbecue will count as deck, along with the railing behind it. MAIN LEV FLOOR AR 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 Z-101 Lower level FA? DECK AREA NUMBERS HAVE BEENUPDATED PER 26.575.020.D.4SEE SHEET Z-102 THE RIM OF THE BUILT-IN HOT TUB ANDTHE RAILING BEHIND IT HAVE BEENADDED TO THE UPDATED DECK AREACALCULATIONS.SEE SHEET Z-102 BUILT-IN BBQ AND THE RAILING BEHINDIT HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE UPDATEDDECK AREA CALCULATIONS.SEE SHEET Z-102 FLOOR AREA PLANS ANDCALCULATIONS HAVE BEEN UPDATEDTO ACCURATLY MATCH THE FLOORPLANS.SEE SHEET Z-102 LOWER LEVEL FLOOR AREACALCULATIONS HAVE BEENCORRECTED.SEE SHEET Z-102 THIS IS INCLUDED NOW 1/15/18 Page: [2] Z-101 FAR CALCULATIONS Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Which sheet shows how this number was arrived at? Page: [2] Z-101 FAR CALCULATIONS Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Zoning will sign off for issuance once the TDR has been extinguished Page: [5] A-001 SITE PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Please add all setbacks to this drawing including combined side yard. Page: [6] A-101 LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Show the interior dimensions for this window well. Page: [6] A-101 LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Because this window well projects into the setback it can be no larger than the minimum needed for building code compliance - 3' x 3'. In order to keep the proposed width, the window well will need to be reduced in depth so that it is completely removed from the setback. Page: [7] A-102 MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf This area would be considered a loggia per the current Land Use Definitions section, and per 26.575.020.D.4, Decks, Loggia counts towards deck total. Page: [9] A-104 ROOF PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Because the upper roof is within 15' of the East perimeter, also see the measurement on the East elevation, measure height to this upper roof using the grade at the far eastern perimeter of the house. Which sheet shows how this number was arrived at? Zoning will sign off for issuance once the TDR has been extinguished UP DWN 22 STEPS6"R/11"T 1 3 A B E D 5'-0"5'-0"2 4 5 6 F G H C 14'-5 1/ 2 " 6'-6 1/ 2 "4'-6"1'-3"11'-3"1'-0"30'-0"25'-0 1/2"15'-10"4'-1 1/2" 80'-0"44'-0"ALC59 33YPCILL EG I B LE ROO F/B ELOWGRADE L IVING SHED ROOF A/CA/C GE N 14°50'49" E 100.00'BACK OF CU RB 7909S 41°07'19"E 1117.51'D79127910ALLEY BLOCK 3720.39 ' R.O .W .ASPHALT AL LEY 14"10'22"12'23"15' 18"12' 20"12'#5 REBAR#4 R E BARDIST U R BED 7911N 75°09 '1 1" W 270 .00'S 75°0 9' 11" E 6 0.00 ' S 14°50'49" W 100.00'HOUSE N 75°12'00 " W 345 N 75 °09' 11 "W 60.0 0' SETBACKS21'-0"T.O. FINISHEL. = 100' 2-1/2" T.O. PLYEL. = 100' 0" (7911') T.O. FINISHEL. = 100' 1-3/4" T.O. CONCEL. = 100' 2-1/4" T.O. CONCEL. = 100' 2-1/4" T.O. CONCEL. = 100' 1-3/4"10'-0"5'-0" 5'-0" T.O. FINISHEL. = 100' 2-1/2" T.O. CONCEL. = 100' 2-1/4" WINDOW WELL &ESCAPE LADDER WINDOW WELL &ESCAPE LADDER WINDOW WELL &ESCAPE LADDER WINDOW WELL &ESCAPE LADDER PAVERS/WALKWAY*SEE LANDSCAPEPLANS EXISTING DRIPLINETO REMAIN EXISTING DRIPLINETO REMAIN MAIN ENTRY ROOF EXTENSIONOVERHEAD 23'-7 1/2"19'-6" AIR HANDLING UNITS/GAS METER LOCATION Please add allsetbacks to thisdrawing includingcombined side yard. 4 25'-0 1/2"'-9 1/2"4"5 1/2" 18'-0"5 1/2" WINDOW WELL FLOOR @ 42" A.F.F ESCAPE LADDER 003 Show the interior dimensions for this window well. 2 30'-0" 2A301 4'-10"6'-10" 8"8"5'-0"3'-8"6'-10" 4" WINDOW WELL FLOOR @ 42" A.F.F ESCAPE LADDER 004 W1 A501 Because this window well projects into the setback it can be no larger than the minimum needed for building code compliance - 3' x 3'. In order to keep the proposed width, the window well will need to be reduced in depth so that it is completely removed from the setback. 1A302 STORAGE 108 MASTER CLOSET 110 1A302 101 102 ABOVE 103 2'-10"5 1/2"4'-0 1/2"2'-5" 12'-1 1/2" 5 1/2" 2'-10" 3'-10"3'-5 1/2"19'-0"4'-0"2' CL 5 1/2"7'-0"6'-8 1/2"1'-0"5'-5 1/2" HOSE BIB 2'-4"2'-8"12'-2"5 1/2" 7'-7" 3'-9 1/2"12'-2"5 1/2" T.O. CONC EL. = 100' 2-1/4" 1'-11"4'-11 7/16"109A 111A ELEC. PANEL WOODThis area would be considered a loggia per the current Land Use Definitions section, and per 26.575.020.D.4,Decks, Loggia counts towards deck total. 1 A302 DWN8:12 8:12 SNOWFENCE DOWNSPOUT GUTTER SLOPED1/8":1' SLOPED ROOF OVER MASTER FLAT ROOFEXTENSIONCLASS 'A' ASSEMBLY 03 04 RIDGE FLAT ROO EXTENSIONCLASS 'A' ASSEMBLY1/8":1'1/8":1'1/8":1'1/8":1' Because the upper roof is within 15' ofthe East perimeter, also see the measurement on the East elevation,measure height to this upper roof usingthe grade at the far eastern perimeter ofthe house. ALL SETBACK LINES HAVE BEEN ADDEDAND LABELED W/ DIMENSION STRINGS.COMBINED YARD SETBACKS HAVEBEEN ADDED. SEE SHEET A-001 INTERIOR WINDOW WELL DIMENSIONSHAVE BEEN ADDED. SEE SHEET A-101 WINDOW WELL HAS BEEN MOVED OUTOF THE SETBACK. SEE SHEET A-101 LOGGIA AREA HAS BEEN ADDED TODECK SQUARE FOOTAGE TOTAL. SEE SHEET Z-102 WALL AND ROOF IN THIS LOCATIONHAVE BEEN MOVED TO THE WEST. THEDIMENSION FROM THE EASTERNPERIMETER OF THE HOUSE AND THENEW EDGE OF THE ROOF IS NOW 15'-1".THE EXISTING GRADE HAS BEEN OFFSET25' IN THIS LOCATION TO SHOW THEROOF IS BELOW THE MAXIMUMHEIGHT. SEE SHEET A-104 THIS IS BASED ON THE LOT SIZE BEING6,000 SF.PER 26.710.040.D.7 WE WILL PROVIDE THIS AT ISSUANCE 1/15/18 Page: [9] A-104 ROOF PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Add a height point for this roof plane Page: [9] A-104 ROOF PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf 15'-0" Page: [9] A-104 ROOF PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Please add a height point here. This is needed because the existing natural grade is more restrictive here than below point #7 Page: [9] A-104 ROOF PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Based on the grade shown on the South and west elevations, it appears that on the west side of the house, existing grade is not the most restrictive. All of your proposed grade numbers should match up with what is shown in your civil drawings. They currently do not. Page: [9] A-104 ROOF PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Please add a height point here. This is needed because the existing natural grade is more restrictive here than below point #7. See the note on the east elevation for how to calculate this height Page: [10] A-201 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1 Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf 15'-0" Page: [10] A-201 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1 Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Add height points to these drawings that correspond to the points on A-104. 3 25'-0 1/2" 80'-0" OWNSPOUT/ GUTTERS SNOW FENCE RIDGE ERS TO SLOPED ROOF AS CLASS 'A' ASSEMBLY Add a height point for this roof plane 8:12 8:12 RIDGE 15'-0"8:12 7911PLANTER ELEVATION @30" AFF 1/4":1'1/4":1'1/4":1'1/8":1'Please add a height point here. This is needed because the existing natural grade is more restrictive here than below point #7 3 4 25'-0 1/2"15'-10" 80'-0" 2A302 8:12 8:12 DOWNSPOUT/GUTTERS SNOW FENCEN 07 RIDGE SLOPED ROOF ASCLASS 'A' ASSEMBLY ELEVATION #GRADE ELEVATION 7911' 02 7911' 03 7910.25' 04 7910' 05 7910.6' 06 7911' 07 7911.85' 01 (EXISTING) ROOF HEIGHT OVER TOPOGRAPHY GRADE ELEVATION(PROPOSED)MOST ROOF HEIGHTOVER TOPO ACTUA OVER RESTRICTIVE 7911' 7911.15' T.O.C 7911' 7911.15' 7911.18' 7911.18' 7911.85' EXISTING 7921.71' EXISTING 7925.21' EXISTING 7930.06' EXISTING 7933.11' EXISTING 7935.55' EXISTING 7935.55' EXISTING 7934.71' Based on the gradeshown on the Southand west elevations,it appears that on the west side of thehouse, existing gradeis not the mostrestrictive. All of yourproposed gradenumbers should match up with what is shown in your civildrawings. Theycurrently do not. 8:12 8:12 DWN79 1 0 8:12 8:12 8:12 8:12SNOWFENCE 05 04 06RIDGE RIDGE FLAT ROOFEXTENSIONCLASS 'A' ASSEMBLY1/8":1'1/8":1'1/8":1'1/8":1' Please add a heightpoint here. This is needed because theexisting natural gradeis more restrictive here than below point#7. See the note onthe east elevation for how to calculate thisheight 15'-0"28'-23 4"2'-0"6'-712" FLUE EXT. VENT GRESS WINDOWS LOWER LVL 3'-6"EGRESS WINDOWS@ LOWER LVL T TT T T STANDING SEAMMETAL ROOF HOR. WOODSIDING. COLOR/SPECIESTBD METAL PANELINGCOLOR/TYPE TBD ASHLAR STONE EXISTING TOPO PROPOSED TOPO EXTENDED ROOFOVER ENTRY 3 4 65 18"T WHITE HOR. ASHLAR STO MATERIAL STANDING S METAL PANE Add height points tothese drawings thatcorrespond to thepoints on A-104. HEIGHT POINT (08) HAS BEEN ADDEDTO THIS ROOF PLANE. SEE SHEETS:ROOF PLAN A-104ELEVATIONS A-201 & A-202 HEIGHT POINT (09) HAS BEEN ADDEDTO THIS ROOF PLANE. SEE SHEETS:ROOF PLAN A-104ELEVATIONS A-201 WALL HAS BEEN MOVED IN SO IT ISNOW GREATER THAN 15' IN FROM THEEASTERN MOST BUILDING WALL. SEE SHEETS:ROOF PLAN A-104ELEVATIONS A-201 & A-202 CHART HAS BEEN UPDATED AND NOWSHOWS THE CORRECT MEASUREMENTSSEE SHEETS A-104 & A-202 HEIGHT POINTS HAVE BEEN ADDEDAND UPDATED TO SHOW THE CORRECTROOF HEIGHTSSEE SHEETS A-104, A-201 & A-202 HEIGHT POINTS HAVE BEEN ADDEDAND UPDATED TO SHOW THE CORRECTROOF HEIGHTS IN THIS AREA.SEE SHEETS A-104, A-201 & A-202 1/15/18 Page: [10] A-201 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1 Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf 14'-0" Page: [10] A-201 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1 Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Per 26.575.020.F.2.c), Measuring building Height, "For roofs with multiple pitches within one vertical plane, the height of the roof shall be measured by drawing a line within a vertical section between the ridge and the Eave Point(s) and then applying the methodology for the resulting pitch." Please apply this methodology for calculating the height of this roof plane. Page: [10] A-201 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1 Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf Add a maximum height line to all elevations. This line should be measured from the most restrictive grade in all instances. Page: [10] A-201 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1 Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf There are some discrepancies in grade between how grade is shown on the different elevations - see the measurement on the west elevation - and how that grade is referenced in the height calculations. Please make sure that the grade shown on each elevation is consistent with the elevations to either side, and that what is shown as the most restrictive grade on the elevations is also what is shown as the most restrictive grade on the height over topography sheet. Page: [11] A-202 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 2 Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: 16029.00_433 W. BLEEKER_PERMIT SET_2017.06.27.pdf 13'-1 31/32" Page: FOUNDATION PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: bleeker permit 6-27-17 stamped.pdf The interior dimension of this window well cannot be larger than 3' x 3' not counting veneer. please either show that it is compliant, or if there is veneer, show how it is complaint after veneer is applied. bleeker permit 6-27-17 stamped.pdf (4)29'-078"8'-3"1'-0" ROPOSED TOPO EXISTING TOPO EGRESS WINDOW 3'-0"14'-0"28'-234"2'-0"6'-712" FLUE EXT. VENT T TT T T STANDING SEAMMETAL ROOF HOR. WOODSIDING. COLOR/SPECIESTBD METAL PANELINGCOLOR/TYPE TBD ASHLAR STONE EXTENDED ROOFOVER ENTRY 3 4 65 18"EXTERIOR GUARDRAIL36" ABOVE FINISH DECK T Per 26.575.020.F.2.c), Measuringbuilding Height, "For roofs withmultiple pitches within one verticalplane, the height of the roof shall bemeasured by drawing a line within avertical section between the ridgeand the Eave Point(s) and thenapplying the methodology for theresulting pitch." Please apply thismethodology for calculating theheight of this roof plane. T.O. PLY @ MAIN LEVEL+100'-0" T.O. PLY @ UPPER LEVEL+111'-0" T.O. FINISH @ LOWER LEVEL+88'-8 1/2"28'-234"T.O. GUARD @ DECK+114'-2 1/2" EXT. VENT EGRESS WINDOWS@ LOWER LVL 3'-6"3'-6"EGRESS WINDOWS@ LOWER LVL T TT T T HOR. WOODSIDING. COLOR/SPECIESTBD T.O. FINISH @ MAIN LEVEL+100'-2 1/2" EXISTING TOPO PROPOSED TOPO EXTENDED ROOFOVER ENTRY 18"USGS-7911' EXTERIOR GUARDRAIL36" ABOVE FINISH DECK T T.O. PLY @ MAIN LEVEL+100'-0" T.O. PLY @ UPPER LEVEL+111'-0" T.O. FINISH @ LOWER LEVEL+88'-8 1/2" T.O. RIDGE @ LIVING+129'-3 3/8"29'-078"3'-0" 2'-0" 8'-3" 1'-0" T.O. FINISH @ MAIN LEVEL+100'-2 1/2" T.O. GUARD @ DECK+114'-2 1/2" PROPOSED TOPO EXISTING TOPO EGRESS WINDOW 3'-0"T T T T T T T T B D HE USGS-7911' EGRESSDOORS ATION ION Add a maximumheight line to allelevations. This lineshould be measuredfrom the mostrestrictive grade in allinstances. T.O. PLY @ MAIN LEVEL+100'-0" T.O. PLY @ UPPER LEVEL +111'-0" T.O. FINISH @ LOWER LEVEL+88'-8 1/2"29'-078"8'-3"1'-0" T.O. FINISH @ MAIN LEVEL+100'-2 1/2" T.O. GUARD @ DECK+114'-2 1/2" PROPOSED TOPO EXISTING TOPO EGRESS WINDOW 3'-0"T T T T T T T USGS-7911' There are some discrepancies ingrade between how grade is shown onthe different elevations - see the measurement on the west elevation -and how that grade is referenced inthe height calculations. Please make sure that the grade shown on eachelevation is consistent with the elevations to either side, and that what is shown as the most restrictive gradeon the elevations is also what is shown as the most restrictive grade onthe height over topography sheet. EXIST/PROP TOPO UPPER LEVEL FINISH FLOOR GAS METER AIR HANDLING UNITS EXTERIOR GUARDRAIL 36" ABOVE FINISH DECK 13'-1 31/32"The interior dimension of this window well cannot be larger than 3' x 3' not counting veneer. please either show that it is compliant, or if there is veneer, show how it is complaint after veneer is applied. THIS IS MULTIPLE ROOFS AND NOT AROOF WITH MULTIPLE PITCHES. SEEROOF PLAN A-104 AND ASSEMBLYSHEET A-501 FOR DIFFERENTASSEMBLIES. MAXIMUM HEIGHT LINE HAS BEENADDED TO ALL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS. SEE SHEETS A-201 & A-202 BOTH EXISTING AND PROPOSED GRADELINES HAVE BEEN UPDATED ON ALLEXTERIOR ELEVATIONS. SEE SHEETS A-201 & A-202 INTERIOR WINDOW WELL DIMENSIONSHAVE BEEN ADDED. 3'x3' IS TO FINISHPER BUILDING CODE. SEE SHEET A-101 1/15/18 Page: FOUNDATION PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: bleeker permit 6-27-17 stamped.pdf 3'-5 15/32" Page: FOUNDATION PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: bleeker permit 6-27-17 stamped.pdf 3'-1/32" Page: FOUNDATION PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: bleeker permit 6-27-17 stamped.pdf The interior dimension of this window well cannot be larger than 3' x 3' not counting veneer. please either show that it is compliant, or if there is veneer, show how it is complaint after veneer is applied. Page: LAYOUT PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: C1D-433-LandscapePermitSet.pdf As per 26.575.020.E.5.m), Allowed Projections into Setbacks, Permanent Outdoor features are "Prohibited between any lot line adjacent to a street and any structure." Please move this to a location not between the street and the house. C1D-433-LandscapePermitSet.pdf (2) Page: MATERIALS PLAN Checkmark: Unchecked Author: jimp File Name: C1D-433-LandscapePermitSet.pdf Please provide elevations showing that the fence meets height rules as well as material rules for fences.3'-5 15/32"3'-1/32"The interior dimension of this window well cannot be larger than 3' x 3' not counting veneer. please either show that it is compliant, or if there is veneer, show how it is complaint after veneer is applied. LEVEL 0'8'PROPERTY LINE18'-0"714"3'-0"8'-938"10'-0"4"3'-712"4'-4"7'-112"14'-1012"14'-2"5'-0"2'-8"3'-4"4"1'-0"8'-2"5'-8"32'-0"4'-0"8'-212" PROPERTY LINE AREAWELL As per 26.575.020.E.5.m), Allowed Projections intoSetbacks, Permanent Outdoor features are "Prohibitedbetween any lot line adjacent to a street and anystructure." Please move this to a location not betweenthe street and the house. 0'8'16' NORTH 2' ENTRY WALL WITH INTEGRATEDLIGHTING 2.5' SIDE WALL WITHINTEGRATED LIGHTING SLAB PAVERS W/ PERVIOUS JOINTS;RE: 3/L.5.01 TILE OVER CONCRETE- SNOWMELTED;RE: 1/L.5.01 SIDE TERRACE W/ BUILT-IN FIRE FEATURE; RE: 5/L.5.01 CHANGE FROM 6' FENCE TO 42" FENCEPROPERTY LINEPlease provideelevations showingthat the fence meets height rules as well as material rules for fences. INTERIOR WINDOW WELL DIMENSIONSHAVE BEEN ADDED. 3'x3' IS TO FINISHPER BUILDING CODE. SEE SHEET A-101 Outdoor features have been removed from project. Fence elevation added to sheet L.5.01 1/15/18