HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaster Permit.18 Westview Dr.0033.2019.ARBKp415.1/10/19 MASTER PERMIT:PERMIT NUMBER: PROPERTY INFORMATION 3Azo F = lJ- LUo Iro.,"o, v"hrraion: cost of project as derfined in Valuation Affadavit' ilfi ;i il ii ; ill W;; r. ry{i lir'^; i'^tllS **:qi?ilT ",1"-l a r e a u n d e r g o i n g c h a n g e o r Unit Sq Ft: Gross :;quare tootage, nor FAK' ur Ptrr:l]:r' L;t lil' Total surveyed square footagc of property, sq Ft of soil Disturban.",'ir'iurioiuiEi, of ir,e'tot where the ground il; disturbed New sq Ft: rotar uoo"o 'q"i' tootage for addil?L:I"^:*llY:!l:-:1,.?::1"'sabre space' ;;'tdil!';;;;;i;i; c;;J.'fl""r squaie footage of ,tlre permitted stru.ture' ilri'Jilip" at'.a: Square footase 6f impervious lot surface' zone Oiitrict: Underlying zone district of permitted parcel' SUBMITTAL FEES ISSUANCE FEES ISSUTTNCE FEES Parks lmpact COM MU N ITY DEW)AIRTM ENT EUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PARCELTD# 43?1?'?0!:: 6$r!1ro,n,,r,o,ff9].lt9od -- OwrueR ltnrusCOMMUNITY HOLDINGS ASPENI Ll-C ceLL94B71 95 ,*o,.. david@gitlitz. net crLL970216€1874 gMNlkjensen@battlementmesacom ht trimsvuall relocati 4 bathroomsR'3ff iJb"S^9i PROJECTVALUATION SO FT OF BUILDINGWORK AREA UNIT SQ FT LOT SIZE(sQ Fr) NEW SQ FT BUILDINGFOOTPRINT HARDSCAPE AREA ZONE DISTRICT 700,000 700 Cla:;s o1'Work Fixture Counts I mporta nt Review Triggers fltt,lew E Addition El Alteratictn I RePair N IFFR fl Tenernt [:inish fl Denrolition fl tlharrge Ordertr __-- 6 Toilets, Bidets , Bathtub ;--LavatorY (Wash Basin) o Shower Kitchen Sink (+ l-Dishwash er LaundrY Rar, UtilitY Clothes Washer Floor Sink Floor Drain Water Heater (Pan # Gas Orrtlets Water Treatment affecting 50% or greater of unit sqft . 'Projects involving 1,000+ sq ft of soil disturbance area Water Effi cient LandscaPing . F roj€rcts thal" triBger a major engin€:ering revlew .. [)rojects involving interlor alterations affecting 50% or more of exisiting gross square footage '"8+lEJ^''3& ! 2504 NoTICE: This permit llecomes null and void if work oi.oniltr.tion authorized is not comrnenced within ig61.ut, oi it .onstruction or work is suspended.or "u"*ioL6J tot u period of 180 days at anv ti me after work is commenced r-1 5 4717 20410 )c Zoning 1PC Suilding tre ineineering ]MP ,tVater Itormwater ;an itation nv. Health )a rks -a ndsca pe :fficiencv \pproved lo lssue SSUa nce l'lousing Cash in Lieu ffiEN co 81611_CNV OF ASPEN*:r3ltS. GALET\A sr 03/04/2019 0033.2019.ARBK LL LL 3/4/2019 X X X X X X10578.75 325.00 710.12 374.50 374.50 325.00 6300.00 16275.00 1750.00 SV 3.5.19 JH 3/20/19 JH 3/20/19 TK 3/7/19 SW 3/22/19 PM 3/15/19 X ADDRESS: 18 Westview PERMIT NUMBER: Mtllg,PO BOX 6000 .,,r_Battlement Mesa stut"CO ,,r!j 936 i.jt?l,,qryr d @ g itl itz. n et p"." Adam Rothberg Cell Phone i!11;p9,931 Gibson Ave .nr'AsPen st"ruCO --.,r8'161 1 adam roth berg @comcast, net i!11;99,931 Gibson Ave ,Aspen state CO adam roth berg@comcast. net !!11;ggbox 1045 ci,r;\sPen stateco _ ,,rW? Xllll8,',1517 Blake Ave Suite 1 .,,f3lenwood SPringsst"t" CO zrP81601 E-mail Address 1.r" Hein Phonevvv I vvv Cell phone lllr''K307 AABC N .nf\spen st"t"co aP81611 i-j[?!,, h etr1@ lrutsae rte n g i n ee ri n g. co m ii1llgg931 Gibson Ave .nf\sPen st"teCo -- r,r91911 i-jl?lss ad a mroth be rg @com cast. n et lNsPEcrloNs: The General contractor must schedule inspections online.Please visit www.aspenpitkin.com/Departments/Conrmunity-Development-Forms/ to do so.I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws andordinancesgoverningthistypeofworkwill becompliedwithwhetherspecifiedhereinornot. Thegrantingof apermitdoesnotpresume tcl give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any othr:r state or local law regulating construction clr the performanceofconstruction. ltismyrespmrffiIftp.orysw,ttheaprprovedplansanrlanycommentsthatarecontainedthereonandseethatthe structure and/or Ader- ContractorSignature_o^r"1110119 COM M U N ITY DEVELOPM ENT DEP/ARTM ENT .if',riHil' i ( :l I 1,; i )iir i\ ',;,,i;:f J BUILDING PERMIT CONTACT SHEETT i-ji?!,,4(@mcast,net .Pg1611 i-jt?1,, n eg I I e @ matte ri nte rl p61s. 1 /1 0/1 9 CITY F ASPENo,,u,,,o,,130 S. GALENA ST PEN, CO 9161103/04/2019 ADDRESS: 18 Westview PERMIT NUMBEFI: COM M U N ITY DEVELOPM ENT DEPARTM ENT HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATIION COI\/IPLIANCE FORM All applications for a building permit within the city of Aspen are required to include a certification of compliancewith applicable covenants and homeowner associatir3n Frolicies. The certific.tion .urt be s;igned by the properryowner or attorney representing the property owner. The following certification ihrll ,.com[uny i6l aipricationfor a rrermit. ADDRE'' 18 Westview UNIT.H PAR.EL'D r 27 37 17 20400 1 l, the property owner, certify as follows: (pick one) W This property is not subject to a hotneowners assicciation or other form of private covenant. n This property is subject to a homeowners association or private covenant and thel improvementsproposerJ in this building permit do not require approval bythe homeowners association orcovenantbeneficiary. n This property is subject to a homeo'wners ass<lcialjon or private covenant and the improvementsproposed in this building permit have been approved by lihe homeowners association or covenant beneficiary. I und.erstand the City of Aspen does not intrerpret, enforce, or manage the applicability, meanirrg, or effectof private covenants or homeowner associertibn rules or tiyli*s. I understand that this dr:cument is a publicdocument, Owner Signature 0,," 1 l10l19 Owner Printed Name OR Owner's Attorney Signatu re o.t" 1 l10l19 Owner's Attornev Printed Name CITY OF AsPENr"n,u,vzors _-T3_03/04/2019 ADDRESS: 18 Westview PERMIT NUMBEFi: rAND LJSE QUESTIONS COM M U NITY DEVELOPM ENT DEPARTM ENT SCOPE OF WORK CHECKLIST ffipermit application. Does yclur permit involve any of the following? nnnnnn Part of an approved COA Lernd Use Rerview Work affects net leasable, net livable, ornon-unit space Work involves lot splitting or combininrg a lot Work involves exterior of structure Changing the number of residentlal unrits Cha.nges to.number or localion ofonslte parKtng fl Work involves l-andmark parcel ,or Historic District fl h%i1,,9,?,:?_t00-year flood ptain or within 10o,of high fl Worf, involves changes in occuparncy to structure fl Chanees to elevator or stair configuration fl Changes to the use of existin6;strur:ture or space ADDITIONAL SCOPE OF WORK QUESTIONS Does your permit involve any of the following?ntrEn !tr Extelrior lighting added or changed Work involves roof penetrations !V,9r( qdds", removes, or changesprumotng fixtures Disturbs,l",000 sq ft or more of soil withinrz montns Work occurs in public right of way Work affects trees or occurs within theOflplrne of a tree Work involves exterior wall penetrations Work involves digging or excavatiorr Work involves restaurant or forcd service Affects parking spaces/meters, loading zones, or al Adding structures or systems over utility lines Work within City Mall boundaries tluuuTu CITY OF ASPEN^*,,.,',13]qj;. GALENA ST ASPEN. CO 91,61,703/04/2019 ADDRESS: 18 Westview PERMIT NUMBER: aav M u N tTpEyELOPM ENr DEFARTM ENr SCOPE OF WORK CHECKT,IST LAND USE QUESTIONS lf you check any of the boxes below, plerase consult with tfre Planner of the Day (planneroftheday@gmail.com) before submitting yourpermit application. Does your permit involve any of the following?nn !nnn Part of an approved COA Land Use Review Work affects net leasable, net livable, ornon-unit space Work involves lot splitting or combining a tot Wclrk involves exterior of structure Changing the number of residential units Cha.nges to.number or locafton ofonstte parKtng fl Work involves Landmark parr:el or Historic District fl h,%i1r",9,:?*t00-year flood ptain or within 100, of high fl Worf. involves cnanges In occupan(:y to structure fl Chanees to elevator or stair configuration fl Changes to the use of existing structure or space ADDITIONAL SCOPE OF WORK QUESTIONS Does your permit involve any of the following?ntrEnntr Exterior lighting added or changed Work involves roof penetrah'ons \t!or( qdds., removes, or changesprumbtng hxtures D.i.sturbs,1,000 sq ft or more of soil within12 rnonths Work occurs in public right of way Work affects trees or occurs within thel0ilpttne ot a tree Work involves exterior wall penetrations Work involves rligging or excavation Work involves restaurant or food service Affects parking spaces/meters, loading zones, or alleys Adding structures or systems over utility lines Work within City Mall boundaries tr EITEuu CITY OF ASPEN^",",,,',130:;. GALENA ST ASPEN, co s161103/04/2019 ENT DEFARTMENT ASBESTOS VERI FICATION AND CH ECKLIST ADDRESS: 18 Westview PERMIT NUMBER: ASBESTOS INFORMATION I hereby certify that the above inlformation is true and comprete. ^...- ^..coMMUNtTy HoLDtNGS AS;PEN LLCUWNCT Phone #94i30490 Appticant (print name,Adam Rgthbefg - Phone #9480480 Applicant Signature o,tu 1l10l19 a bo ut a :;bestos, i nterp re'ti ng yo u r rest i"r, i,.,,li "i ;;i*i ;ii" ;;: Asbestos is a known human carcinogen and is an airborne hazard.c)nce airborne, asbestos fibers can stay su:;pended in the air for days, ],ill';iffirff::^;l*fj[: 'ji,::,'":t'i:,::]*5:.:l:::I !;come airborne again rrom a rninor disturbance rike turning::ffiffi:il:,Tffi:Jff:il::i5,hazards that could expose people to as;bestos in the future, ic,ng after the renovation activity occurred. The airborne asbestos fiberconcentrations resulting from disturbarlces may result in a significarrt exposure to the cLrrrent and future occupants of the home. lunderstood. In fact, in 1991 the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of appealsrd remanded it to the EpA. Thus, much of ther originar r.9g9 EpA banin commerce of many asbestos_containin5; product categories wasodel or renovation projects must determine if disturbed material EIYes E No Residential: will you be removing more than 32 sq ft,, 50 linear feet (e.g., pipe insulation), or the volume;#i:ln:::1,ilil::l :J"i',H,:kl; rul"r olli.i" i,,n.il,", woodl6iiir,,, or steer-"u*,,.,,pr", aie drywarr, n Yes I ttto commercial: will you be removing more tha.n.160 sq ft, .160 linear feet (e.g., pipe insulatiorr), or the volumeequivalent of a 55-gallon drum of iny materrial besiclirs .iinir"t., wood,'urn-ci<r, bi steet - examples are drywall,linoleum, carpet, carpet adhesives, ceiling tr'les, roofing nrateriars, etc.? cr:morition permit app with the cDpHE in addition to thevrru' co I o ra d o. gov/pa cifi c/cd p h e/asberstos-form s N orE :vvith the initiar buirding permit apprication. when tner'en to the Aspen Building Dept before we issue our CITY OF ASPENo*",,'o,,130 Ir. GALENA ST asLEN, CO 8161103/04/2019 ADDRESS: 18 Westview PERMIT NUMBER: COM M U N ITY DEVELOPM ENT DEFARTM ENT ASBESTOS VERI FICATION AN D CHI ECKLIST ASBES]IOS INFORMATION Asbestos is a known human carcinogen and is an airborne hazztrd. (Jnce airborne, asbestos fibers can stay suspended in the airfor days, weeks, or even months before settling out of the erir. The fiber:; can easily become airborne again from a minor disturbance like turning on an air conditioner. Uncontrolled asbestos abatement projr:cts or renovation projects that disturb asbesto:; may cause latent asbestos hazards that could expose people to asbestos in tl're future, long afl:er the renovation activity occurred. The erirborne asbestos fiber concentrations resulting from disturb;lnces may result in er sigrrificant exposure to the current and future occupants of the home. The 1989 "ban" on asbestos-containing materials is commonly misunderstood. In fact, in 199L the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of appealsvacated rnuch of the so-called 'Asbestos Ban and Phaseout Rule" arrd remanded it to the EpA. Thus, much of the original i.989 EpA banon the U.S. manufacturing, importatiorr, processing, or distriburtion in commerce of many asbestos-containing product categories wasset aside and DID NOT TAKE EFFECT. Tlrerefore, ALL demolition, renrodel or renovation projects must detr:rmine if disturbed materialabove the trigger levels contains asbesl:os. ASBES]IOS CHECKLIST @Yes n No Residerrtial: Will you be removing more than 32 sq ft, 50 linear feet (e.g., pipe insulation), or the volumeequivalent of a 55-gallon drum of any material besicles (:oncrete, wood; bricks, or steel-e)(amples are drywall,linoleurn, ceiling tiles, roofing nraterials, etc.? nYesINo Commercial: Will you be removing more than 160 sq ft'260linear feet (e.g., pipe insulation), or the volumeequivalent of a 55-gallon drum of any material besidles (:oncrete, wood, bricks, or steel- examples are drywall, linoleum, carpet, carpet adhesives, ceiling tiles, roofing materials, etc.? lf the answer is YES to any of lhe above, Vou will need an asbestos test before you can receive a building and/or demolition permit. You will also need to provide plans indicating areas to be demolished and determine iiaCO state demolition license is required. A, state certified asbestos inlpector must do this test and the test reportmust be submitted with the building pernrit application. lf the building has asbestos, a state certified asbestosabatement firm must remove it. After remroval, the abatement firm must provide a letterr to the BuildingDepartment stating that all the asbestos has been nermoved and that the air is clean. This letter must bJreceivedBEFORE a permit will be issued- (See the local or statewide Yellow Pages, DexOnLine, or http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/ap/asbestos/index.html for certified asbestos inspectors and a6aternent companies. ALWAyS ask for proof of current state certification.) lf you are demolishing the building, you rnust sLibrnit a demolition permit app with the CDTPHE in addition to theAspen permit app. This form maty be founrj at https://wrvw.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/asbe:;tos-forms NOTE:A copy of this demolition permit app rnust be subnrifted with the initill building peimit application. When theCDPHE approves the app, their issued permit must bre given to the Aspen Building Dept before we issue ourDermit. I hereby certify that the above information _ COMMUNITY HOLDINGS ASPEN LLCOwner is true and r:omplete. phone o 92180480 Appticant (print name)4q9!LB9 erg _Phone #9480490 Applicant Signature o,t" 1 l10l19 Please call the City Environ alth Department CITY OF ASPEN 2017 13CI S. GALENA ST ASPEN, CO 8T611 about asbestos, interpreting your test results,or other matters. at 920-5039 at any time if you have questions 03/04/2019 PERMIT NUMBER: B_U I LDt NG CODE I N FORMATTON ENT DEPARTM ENTBUILDING DESCRIPTION FORM Lffi Fire sprinkler tur,"rn l rr'ron*.l E1",' | **re-E_-H Type0fConstructionnVAf1VtjtrtvErttntr|l|l3f|||A! Dna,,i-^,-lc^^-:-t, -Required Special Inspections I Higfr+1r.r* ,"*g tf Epoxy ArrchoreLrrrB LJ trpoxy Ancnors n Structual Steel Welding n Fermanent Micropiles [J Sprayed Fire_Resistants n OthrerEnergy Code Compliance fl plescriptive TableE'-'r"'.113.113iff l.u,."uo".oo33l,ilna.o-rnam,"*0"" Exterior Energy Use TotalApproved On-Site(Existing + New)Sno'wmelt Poolspa B:i$il:*'.lv%%,,1inA- trs n B (A <s0) nl nn !M fl S !U ll lRlc f1 r NH nt El One Family E Two Familv E Townhouse UNIT DESCRIPTION AS PROPOSED Reviewed By:p31g.1/10/'19 Gross Area of Building: 4717 __ Occupant Load: Gross Area 619n1i1. 4717 # Stories Above Grade 2 # Storir:s Below Grade ADU BUI[.DING DESCRIPTION ls there an ADU? E yes UNo # Living Rooms # Kitchens # Full Baths # 3/4 Baths # 1/2 Baths # Bedrooms _- # Other Roonrs (List) Attached GaraseParking Spaces" z # Bedroorns 4 Detache^d Garage Carport ParkiinsParking Spaces" _ e,jifiH:;ng Iipaces # 3/4 Baths 2 # Full Baths 2 _ Deck Area H L/2 Baths 2 # Kitchens 1 # Wood Fireplaces # Gas Appliances 'l Main Level master bedroom and bathroom, living, kitchen, clinin,g 2nd Floor Two bedrooms two bathroorns Additional Basement Mech, media, bedroom, lau clrYoFA tsffi ASPEN. COEGTI03/04/2019 X XX 54055405 Mechanical, laundry, storage, family room, 1/2 bath, bedroom, 3/4 bath Living room, kitchen, dining room, work room, 1/2 bath, master bedroom, full bath, garage 2 bedrooms, 2 3/4 baths JH 3 1 ADDRESS: 18 Westview PERMIT NUMBER: l,:;,,I"|1|11,",T*"::* "ll:rj::"::!:l:g-?l the pernnit apprication for this property compriies with the abovevaluation requirements, I u ic document. Owner Signature: Owner Printed Name; of, "t{" ,,,1 l10l1g Authorized Agent Signature:1 110t19 Authorized Agent Printed Name:Adarh othberg qqM M U N ITY DEVEI-OPM ENT DEPARTM ENT VALUATION AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT POLICY A||app|icationsforabui|dingpermitwithirrtheCity.cfAspenarerequirecJ.oin.t,offi compliance with building permit valuation requireinents. The certificatior.r ;;ri b; signed by the propertyowner or authorized representative. The following c;rtilri.rtion shall accompany the application for a permit. l, the property owner or authorized agent, understand and certify as follows: Cityof Aspen ordinance No.40, series of 2l-01'6arJoptstl're 2015 International Residential crcde (lRC)andInternational Building code (lBC) with certain amendments. These codes define building valuation as follows: R108'3 Building permit valuations. Building permit v'aluation shall irrclude total value of tht-. work for which apermit ir; being issued, such as electrical, gias, mech;alrical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent sysrems,including materials and labor. 109'3 Building permit valuations" The applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated permit value at timeof application' Permitvaluations shall include totialvarlue of work, including materials and lab'r, forwhich thepermit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment and permanerrt systems. lf, inthe opinion of the building official, the valuation is underestimated on the application, the permit shall bedenied, unless the applicant can s;how detailed e:;tirnates;to meet the approval of the building official. Finalbuilding permit valuation shall be set by thr: building official. city policy indicates that permit valuation includes materials and labor for the structure and mechanica,,electrical, plumbing and gas, fire sprinkler arnd elevator syrstems and equipment. permanent systems such asaudio visual, lighting and HVAC controls are incluclecl in the totar as are expenses directly related to constructionsuch as equipment rentaland contractorfees. Finish matr:rials such as paint, floor coverings, tile, cabinets andcounter tops are included in the ;lermit valuation totarl. costs such as architectural and engineering design feers, landscaping and planting, tap fees, rcevelopmentmitigation fees, trash removar, and creaning; are not inrcru<Jed. CITY OF ASPEN,..'",*13Q :). GALENA ST ASPEN, CO 8161103/04/2019 ADDRESS: 18 Westview PERMIT NUMBER: COM MU N ITY DEVELOPM ENT DEFARTM ENT ZON I NG CO M PLIAN CE VE RI FIC_ATION POLICY Applicability: All development 6rrojects must compl),with the City,s zoning regulations, including height;; .Xlm]n}::*i::|'|]f,rfi,:l::1.-:o:n .!:jl'* construction anci a nn,t in,p".tion prri'r to projectcompleh'on' when required by the city's Zoning offir:er; certain developmen, proj"Jt", ,iil;;'il. ai;u"'o=, oro"nshall verify height and/or location compliance thror:gh submission of a sunvey report. Unless otherwise exempted, all commercial, multi-family, lodging, and mixecj-use projects proposed within onefoot of the maximum permissible height or within one foot oiallowable setbacks shall verify zoning compliancethrough this method. In addition' the Zoning officer may require this method be used to verify zoning compliancr: frcr single-family/duplex development or other projects where compliance may be in question. Independent of this policy, allprojects must comply with all applicable zoning limitations. The Zoning officer will inform the applicant during building permit review if verification will be required.Howeve; circumstances may require zoning compliance'uerification of a pnoject which is already underway. Timing: Height verification should be accornplished at a point of constructiion when enough r.of structure is in : ?:::: I':j::t]l TT:f ]he,stru,c::rre vet early enough in the process to stiil make char.rges if the strucrureis too tall' Location verification should be accomplishr:d at a point of construction when the final exterior of thestructure can be accurately measured in relation to setback iequirements. Applicants are ercouraged to conferwith the Zoning officer regarding the timing of zoning cornpliance verification. Applicantr; a1e encouraged toperform their own verificatlon durring construction to ensure the building is progressing to p,lan, including theheight and location of foundation forms prior to concrete pours. survey Report: A colorado Profe:;sional Land Surveyor shall describe and depict the height and location of a :li:,'3::,:""#;:"^1:: ji::1T."-"j1"-T sf o.wn on.ther ;zoning sheets or the approved buitding permit ptan set. rhecity's Zorring officer can assist in determining whir:h elements of the structLrre ,r..,orri oJ-:fi;## if naturalor finished grade should be used. The reprort shall include the following inforrnration: 1-A brief cover letter with the buikling pernrit numbe; name of the project, name of the owner and generalcontractoL with a written description of the measurernenr methods including date(s)of measurement. 2-For location verification:A plan clrawing slrowing property boundaries, permitted setbacks, building envelope(if applicable), location of foundation walls, location o1'ther outermost exterior of each structurr: (inclusive of allexterior veneer or other exterior treatments;), and the location and dimension of each ob:;enved measuremenr. her natural or finished grade of the property, maximum inar roof form (incrusive of the first rayer of exterior at exterior surface treatments sur:h as shakes, shingres, ocation and dimension of each observed measuremenr.^{uurLrurdr roor prans snowrng rocerhon of measurements nray be necessary. CITY OF ASPEN^",,"'',130 S. GALENA ST AsPEN, CO 8T61.1.03/04/2019 PERMIT NUMBER:ADDRESS: 18 Westview COM M U N ITY DEVEI-OPM ENT DEFARTM ENT ZONING COMPLIANCE VERIFICATION POLICY 4-Plans and elevations must include height or setback exemption items unique to the building, such as stair/ :::::::^":ll'lljljl"tvlmechanical apparatus, hot tub:; and spas, and other heighr or:;etback exemption itemsunique to the project. 5-The report shall include a written descriprtion or drirwing notes of the benchmarks or contr'l points used toestablish property boundaries, setbacks, building location, building height,and grades for each measuremenr. 6-4ll drawings must correlate with the building locations,, elevations, and grading/drainage re;cresentations inthe approved building permit set. 7-The report must include the si5;nature, date, and s;t,arnp of colorado professional Land surveyor whoconducted the field measurements certifying that thel field measurernents areaccurately represented. Review and Acceptance of Report: The Zoning officer shall review the report(s) and either confirm the projectconforms to the dimensions shown on thezoning sheets of the approved buildine permit olan set and maetci,lurrrg, srleers oTrne approved buirding permit plan set and meetsthe zoning limitations for the property or shall deternrine which elements r:f the pioject iare not in compliance.The Zoning officer may request aclditional inform;ation to verify zoning compliance, which nray include but is notlimited to addifional survey work or a site visit. All drawings of the survey report must correlate with representations in the approved building permit set foracceptance' Modifications to field conditions or arnendm,ents to the building permit may be required. A determination of non-compliance shall result in the issurance of a correction notice and possible workstoppage' Applicants are encouraged to verify zoning conrpliance as early as reasonably practical in theconstruction process to minimize disruptiorr to the c(cnstruction schedule. Acknowledgment: | (contractor name) Adam Rothberg .--1. .. - --;- -- - understand this policy. I agree that this project willl/, vJeul ::::]l:::l..,tl: i:llt_ !til:o:tt affecting this parcel and the representarions made on ther zoning sheets ofthe approved building permit plans. I underrstand that a Cr:rtificate of occupancy will not be issued untilthis Contractor Signature: Date. 1/1 0/1 g CITYOFASPENO,,,,"O" T 03/04/2019