HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaster Permit.1695 Silver King Dr.0256.2018.ARBKDATE:'101812018MASTER PERMIT:PERMIT I\UME}ER: PROJECT DETAILS ahzo F2 lJ- t!o Project Valuation: Cost of project as defined in Valuation Affadavit. sq Ft of work Area: Total square footage of area undergoing change or reconfiguration.Unit 5q Ft: Gross Square Footage, not FAR, of permitted unii. Lot Size: Total surveyed square footage of property. Disturbed Exterior Area: Square footage of lot affected by permit application.New sq Ft: Total added square footage for additions to net livable or'net leasble spaceSq Ft of Rooms with Utility Work: Total square footage, not FAR, of all rooms with plumbins work. SUBMITTAL FEES ISSUANCE FEES ISSUANCE FEES Lot Area Census Code Deed Restricted # of Dwellings Plans Location COM M U N ITY DEVELOPM ENT DEPARTM ENT BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ll C Asr ADDREsS 1695 Silverking Dr UNIT #PARCELID# 2735024UA13 ror 28 BrocKjS- [,Hrt]ro,u,r,o*WgttAspen Subrlivision owruen runnlte Dailv syals adaily@lrollandhart.com BEST CONTACTNAMEAdam Rothberg ce LL 948-0480 rnl1nrr adamrothberg@comcast.net DESCRIPTION OF .Wbnii'ir,i bria-il I nsta | | exterio r sta i rca se SQFTOF A2 A woRK AREA vu.u urutr sq 113961 LOTS|ZE,^,,-(sq FT) l04 lc PitttrHffif;?*roo3.5 sq ft NEW se rr 3961 sQ FT OF ROOMS nWITH UTILITY WORK " ZONE DISTRICT R-15 e of Building Commerical Multi-Family Sinsle Familv Mixed-Use _'foilets, Bidets llat htu b _l-avatory (Wash Basin) Shower _Kitchen Sink (+Disposal Dishwasher _l-aundry Ba; Urility Sink Clothes Washer Floor Sink [:loor Drain _Water Heater (Pan Req) l* Gas Outlets Water Treatment _0ther___ __l:orced Air/cravity Systems __Wall, Suspended, or Unit Heaters __Gas Log __Gas Appliancew __Appliance Vents __tleat, Ref rig, Cooling, or Absorphon Unit __tloilers (includes vent) __l\ir l'landling Unit __(looling Systems \/entrlation Fans __Range Hood __*f of Gas System Outlets __Snowmelt System Sq Ft_ Us Class of Work fl New E Addition n Alteration n Repair f] IFF:R n Tenant Finish n Demolition n Chanee Ordern Fixture Counts Equipment Checklist Willthere be any roof/wall penetrations? n Yes ENo s nul void if worl< or construction authonzeo is not cornmenced within 180 days, or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days at time after work is c : lhrs permit APPROVALS Plan Check Permit Fee Parks lmpact Engineering Zoning (50%) School Ded. Zoning (s0%)cMP (s0%) TDM lmpact Energy Code REMP Ped. Amenity cMP (s0%)Plan Check (Hourly)Housing C.ash in Lieu Parks Review Zoning (Hou rly)Stormwater Utility Review Engineering (Hourly)City Use Tax GIS County Use Tax CITY OF ASPEN December2olT 130 S. GALENA SI'ASPEN, CO 81.6TI x x x jb 10/14/1816.25 16.50 3.75 16.50 5 25 0256.2018.ARBK BN 10/26/180 0 0 0 0 JH 10/31/18 DAM 11/28/18 ADDRESS: 1695 Silverking Dr PERMIT NUMBER: COM M U N ITY DEVELOPM ENT DEPARTM ENT BUILDING PERMIT CONTACT SHEET Xltll5', 1 695 Silverking Dr .,,rAtP* stateco _ o0919]j 11tlg.i931 Gibson Ave .nr4!Ps!--s,"."99--zrP8161 1 i!11;9g931 Gibson Ave Aspen st"t"CO ,,o81611 i-i[?rr,, ad a m roth berg @co mcasts. net Name MailineAddres-s E-mail Address p6'n" flOfl€ Mailins Addres-s E-mail Addres xh11[S307 N AABC .nr49P9l --ri,u,uCO zrP8161 '1 lllr,.Ec,93I Gibson Ave l;t"t"CO :ztP81611 Please visit www.aspenpitkin.com/Departments/Community-Development-Forms/ to do so. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws ano ordinancesgoverningthistypeofworkwill becompliedwithwhetherspecifiedhereinornot. Tl-regrantingof apermitdoesnot presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. lt is ility to review the approved plans and any comments that are contained thereon gnd see lhat the structure and/or e with all e cooes. ContractorSignature_Date /d tr Check if you are a -r builder (single-family homes only). You must take a test and complete davit. CITY OF ASPf \nugustzorz 130 S. GALENA ST I ASPEN, CO 816II ada i ly@hol I a nd ha rt. com Crell Phone Cell Phone Silver Town Structures INSPECTIONS: The General Contractor must schedule inspections online. Affidavit on file(CITY USE ONLY) Owfer builder approved by:Date: ADDRESS: 1695 Silverking Dr PERMIT NUMBER: COM M U N ITY DEVELOPM ENT DEPARTM ENT SCOPE OF WORK CHECKLIST lf you check any of the boxes below, please consult with the Planner of the Day (planneroftheday@gmail.com) before submitfing yourpermit application. Does your permit involve any of the following? Work involves Landrnark parcel or Historic District Located in.100-year flood plain or within 1"00, of highwater mark Work involves chan€ies in occupancy to structure Changes to elevator or stair configuration Changes to the use of existing structure or space trtrntrn ntrtrtrntr Part ofan approved COA Land Use Review Work affects net leasable, net livable, ornon-unit space Work involves lot splitting or combining a lot Work involves exterior of structure Changing the number of residential units Changes to number or location ofonsite parking ADDITIONAT SCOPE OF WORK QUESTIONS Does your permit involve any of the following?ntrntrntr Exterior lighting added or changed Work involves roof penetrations Work adds, removes, or changesprumotng nxtures Disturbs.L,000 sq ft or more of soil withinL2 months Work occurs in public right of way Work affects trees or occurs within thedripline of a tree Work involves exterior wall penetrations Work involves digginrg or excavation Work involves restaurant or food service Affects parking spacels/meters, loading zones, or alleys Adding structures or systems over utility lines Work within City Mall boundaries E Eilntr !n CITY O F ASPE Nnueustzorz 130 S. GALENA ST asgEN, CO 8161 PERMIT NUMBER: COM M U N ITY DEVELOPM ENT DEPARTM ENT BUILDING DESCRIPTION FORM - IRC & IBC BUILDING CODE INFORMATION Code Editions Fire SprinklerSystem I rxisting? ffi'j InequireOl []i"j I ryp" n NFpA 13 ll NFpA t3 R n NFpA 13 D TypeOfConstructionlVAnVBntV triltA niltB nilAnilBltA ntBlFrreAlarmstnstalled fl yesENo Required Special Inspections n High-Strength Boltipg fl Epoxy Anchors ! Structual Steel Welding fl Permanent Micropiles n Sprayed Fire-Resistants E Other n 201s rRc (As Adopted and Amended) El2015i IBC (As Adoprted and Amended) n 2015 rEBC (As Adopted and Anrended) fl Other (Please Explain) Energy Code Compliance n Prescriptive Table fl Other n RESCheck UA Alternative n COMCheck UA Alternative Exterior Energy Use Total Approved On-Site (Existing + New) Snowmelt PoollSpa Quilding Tvpp/ | Iuccupancy uroro l3 !A NB n B (A <so) NF NE n H nv !r nu nn_ ll NS IRlc n One Family n Two Family [] Townhouse UNIT DESCRIPTION AS PROPOSED Basement Main Level 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Additiona I CITY OF ASPf [\,anu",yzors 130 S. GALENA SI- I ASPEN, CO 81611 Gross Area of Building:_ Gross Area of Unit: Occupant Load: # Stories Above Grade Attached Garage Parking Spacei_ # Stories Below Gradre Detached Garase Parking Spaces' Carport Parking Sipaces Delcl< Ar,ea# Bedrooms # 3/4 Baths # Full Baths # 1/2 Baths # Kitchens # Wood Fireolaces # Gas Appliances # Gas Logs ADU BUILDIING DESCRIPTION ls there an ADU?n Yes nNo # Living Room:; # flitchens # F:ull Baths # 3il4 Baths # 1/2 Baths # Eledroom:; # Other Rooms (List) BUILDING ROOMS AND USES BY LEVEL AS PROPOSED (lnclude Mechanical & Storage) Reviewed By:Date: X X 3961 X X JH 10/30/18 ADDRESS: 1695 Silverking dr PtrRMlT NUMBER: COM M U N ITY DEVELOPM ENT DEPARTM ENT HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION COMPLIANCE FORM All applications for a building permit within the City of Aspen are required to inr:lude a certification of compliance with applicable covenants and homeowner association policies. The certificaticln must he s;igned by the properry owner or attorney representing the property owner. The following certification shall accompirny the application for a permit. ADDRES' 1695 Silverking Dr UNIT #PARCEL'D# 273!i02401 0 1 3 l, the property owner, certify as follows: (pick one) tr This property is not subject to a homeowners association or other form of private covenant. n This property is subjectto a homeowners associatircn or private covenant and thr: irnprovements proposed in this building permit do not require approval by the homeowners association or covenant beneficiary. ! This property is subjectto a homeowners associafion or private covenant and the irnprovements proposed in this building permit have been approvecl by the homeowners association or covenant beneficiary. I understand the City of Aspen does not interpret, enforce,, or manage the applicability, rne;aning, or effect of private covenants or homeowner association rules or bylaws. I understand that this clocument is a public document. Owner Signatur Octobr:r 8, 20tr 8 owner printed Name Adam Rothberg OR Owner's Attorney Signatu re Date Owner's Attorney Printed Name CITY OF ASPEN,"nu",vzora 1-30 S. GALENA ST I ASPEN. CO 81611 ADDRESS: 1695 Silverking Dr F'ERMIT NUMBER; ASBESTOS CHECKLIST I here ue and complete. owne n" #925'7102 Applicant (print nameAdam Rothberg 948-048C) Applicant Signature o,tu 10lgl201g lj."^T::1Tl:-cy_:jj:t"^i :l"ii?lmen p*r** ,t gzo+ose "t ."y ,irneir y", r.,ru. questionsabout asbestos, interpreting your test results, or othen matters. COM M U N ITY DEVELOPM ENT DEPARTM ENT ASBESTOS VERIFICATION AN D CH ECKLIST Asbestos is a known human carcinogen and is an airborne hazard. once airborne, asbestos fibers can stay suspended in the air for days, I""ll';l'.llT#::ji::*::j:^i":t::_. :t-111:'. rhe fibers; can easily become airborne again rrom a rninor disturbance tire turningon an air conditioner' Uncontrolled asbestos abatement projects or renovation projects that disturb asbestos may cause latent asbestoshazards that could expose people to asbestos in the future, iong after the renovation activity occurred. The airborne asbestos fiberconcentrations resulting from disturbances may result in a significant exposure to the current and future occupants ofthe home. The 1989 "ban" on asbestos-containing materials is commonly misunderstood. In fact, in 1gg1 the u.s. Fifth Circuit court of appealsvacated much of the so-called 'Asbestos Ban and Phaseout Rule" and remanded it to the EpA.'lhus, much of the original 19g9 EpA banon the U's manufacturing, importation, processing, or distribution in commerce of many asbestos-containing product categories wasset aside and DID NorrAKE EFFECT' Therefore, ALL demolition, remo<iel or renovation projects must deterrmine if disturbed materialabove the trigger levels contains asbestos. n Yes E ltto Residential: will you be removing more than 32 sq ft, 50 linear feet (e.g., pipe insulatior.r,), or the volumeequivalent of a 55-gallon drum of any material besides concrete, woodl6i-iitr, or iteel--examples are drywall,linoleum, ceiling tiles, roofing materials, etc.? !YesENo commercial: will you.be removing more than l-60 sq ft, 260 linear feet (e.g., pipe insulafion), or the volumeequivillent of a 55-gallon drum of any material besides.on.r"t., wood,'orici<i,,crsteel-,examples are drywall,linoleum, carpet, carpet adhesives, ceiring tires, roofing materiars, etc.? an asbestos test before you can receive a buirding and/ns indicating areas to b'e demorished and determine iflaI asbestos inspector must do thi:; test and the test reportlf the building has asberstos, a state certrfied asbestosement firm must providle a letter to the Building ,rerl and that the air is clean. Thir; letter must bireceivedde Yellow pages, DexOnLine, or http://www.cdphe.state. ectors and abatement companiers. ALWAyS ask for proof lemolition permit app rrvith the cDpHE in addition to thevw, co I orado. gov/pa cifi c:/cd p h e/asbestos_forms N OTE :with the initial building permit zrpplication. When theuen to the Aspen Building Dept before we issue our e[Y OF ASPENAusust2olT 130 S. GALENA ST ASPEN, CO 81611 ADDRESS:PERMIT NUMBER: COM MU N ITY DEVELOPM Et\T DEPARTM ENT VALUATION AFFADAVIT All applications for a building permit within the city of Aspen are required ,o inffil:ertification of:il3iX?:,il:?,iJJ,?S?j.*lly,i,,+*lSi:ll"ft{.i1. ."'"tr,t,t"n i;; il signed by the properuyowner or authorized representative. The foll.wing ,."rtiti,,rtion shall accomo.,,u;;J'5;;,T.,#;li$:%Jl[,,. l, the property owner or authorized agent, understarrd anrJ certify as follows: cityof AspenordinanceNo.40,series of 20L6adoptsthe2ol5 lnternational Residential code(lRC)anoInternational Building code (lBC) with certain amendments. These codes definer building;valuahon as follows: R108'3 Building permit valuations' Building permit v'aluatron shall incrude total value of the work for which apermit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment, and other permanent sysrems,including materials and labor. 109'3 Building permit valuatiot'ls. The applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated permit value at timeof application' Permit valuations shall include total value of work, including materials anr1 labor, for which thepermit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, rnechanical, ;clumbing equipment ano perrnanent systems. rf, inthe opinion of the building official, the valuation is underestimated on the application, the permit shall bedenied' unless the applicant can show detailed estimates to meet the approval of the building official, Finalbuilding permit valuation shail be set by the buirding officierr. city policy indicates that permit valuation includes materials and rabor for the structure and mechanica.,electrical' plumbing and gas, fire sprinkler and elevator systems and equipment. permanr3nt systems such asaudio visual' lighting and HVAC controls are included in the total as are expenses directly related to constructionsuch as equipment rentaland contractor fees. Finish materials such as paint, florcr covelrings, tile, cabinets andcounter tops are included in the permit valuation totarl. costs such as architectural and engineering design fees, landscaping and planting, tap feers, rJevelopmentmitigation fees, trash removar, and creaning are not incruded. I certify that the permit valuation entered.on.the pernrit application for this proprerty complies with the aoovevaluafion requirements. I understand that this docurneni is a puoric document,"/r,.? 2- f-\r+^, I v, v, 1v n ur' tJaLc, owner signature: //r* 2-'.2---',i"*., lOlBl2OXB Owner Printed t,t.r",Atr Daily of, Authorized Agent Signature :Date:101912109 Authorized Agent printed Na . Adam ROthbefg '42=- d''2- CITY OF ASPEN^",,,ASPEN, CO 91.61,1, COM MUN ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTM ENT ZONING COMPLIANCE VERIFICATION POLICY ADDRESS: 16e5 sitvefkins Dr I EiRMIT NUMBER: CITY OF ASPEN Ausust2olT 130 S. GALENA ST I ASPEI\, CO 81611 Applicability: All development projects must comply with the City's zoning regulations, inrcluding height and location, and are subject to periodic inspection during con:rtruction and a final inspectron prior to project completion. When required by the City's Zoning Officer; certain development projects within the City of Aspen shall verify height and/or location compliance through submission of a survey report. Unless otherwise exempted, all commercial, multi-farnily, lodging, and mixed-us;e projecl,s prroposed within one foot of the maximum permissible height or within one foot of allowable setbacl<s shall verify zoning compliance through this method. In addition, the Zoning Officer may require this method be used to verify zoning;compliance for single-family/ duplex development or other projects where compliance rnay be in question. Inrdependernt of this policy, all projects must comply with all applicable zoning limitations. The Zoning Officer will inform the applicant during building permit review if verification will be required. However, circumstances may require zoning compliance verrification of a project which is already underway. Timing: Heightverification should be accomplished at a point of construction when enough roof structure is in place to accurately measure the structure yet early enough in the process to still make changes if the structure is too tall. Location verification should be accomplished at a point of construction when lhe final exterior of the structure can be accurately measured in relation to setback requirements. Applicants are encouraged to confer with the Zoning Officer regarding the timing of zoning compliance verification. l\pplicants are encouraged to perform their own verificatton during construction to ensure the building is prolgressing to plan, including the height and location of foundation forms prior to concrete pours. Survey Report: A Colorado Professional Land Surveyor shall describe and depict the height and location of a structure compared to the dimensions shown on the zoning sheets of the approved builrCing permit plan set. The City's Zoning Officer can assist in determining which elements of the structure should be'measured and if natural or finished grade should be used. The report shall include the following information: 1-A brief cover letter with the building permit numb€:r, narne of the project, narne of ther owner and general contractor, with a written description of the measurement methods including date(s)of measurement. 2-For location verification:A plan drawing showing property boundaries, permifted setbacks, building envelope (if applicable), location of foundation walls, location rof the outermost exterior clf each structure (inclusive of all exterior veneer or other exterior treatments), and the locartion and dimension of each obserrved measurement. 3-For height verification: Elevation drawing(s) showing the natural or finished grade of the property, maximum permitted height, building elevations including the nominarl roof form (inclusive of the first layer of exterior sheathing or weatherproofing membrane but excluding all exterior surface treatments such as shakes, shingles, or other veneer treatments orornamentation), and tlre location and dimension of each observed measurement. Additional roof plans showing location of measuremr:nts may be necessary. PERMIT NUMBER:ADDRESS: 1695 lSilverking Dr COM M U N ITY DEVELOPM ENT DEPARTM ENT ZONING COMPLIANCE VERIFICATION POLICY 4-Plans and elevations must include height or setback exemptron items unique to the building, such as stair/ elevator overruns, utility/mechanical apparatus, hot tubs iand spas, and other l"reight or setback exemption items unique to the project. 5-The report shall include a written description or drawing notes of the benchnrarks or contrgl points used toestablish property boundaries, setbacks, building location, building height,and lgradesfor each measuremenr. 6-4lldrawings must correlate with the building locations, t-.levations, and grading/drainarge representations inthe approved building permit set. 7-The report must include the signature, date, and stamp of Colorado Professional Land Surveyor who conducted the field measurements certifying that the fielcl measurements areaccurately represented, Review and Acceptance of Report: The Zoning Officelr shall review the report(s) and either confirm the project conforms to the dimensions shown on the zoning sheets of the approved building permit plan set and meets the zoning limitations for the property or shall deterrnine which elements of thr: project are not in compliance. The Zoning Officer may request additional information to verify zoning compliance, which rnay include but is not limited to additional survey work or a site visit. All drawings of the survey report must correlate with representations in the approved building permit set for acceptance. Modifications to field conditions or amendments to the building perrmit may be required. A determination of non-compliance shall result in the issuance of a correction notice an<j possible work stoppage' Applicants are encouraged to verify zoning compliance as early as rearsonably practical in the construction process to minimize disruption to the construction schedule. Acknowledgment: | (contractor name) 4d" m ROth EIg-- understand this poticy. I agree that this project witl comp|ywiththe'oni@bp'."h"J.r'","p,usentationsmadeonthezoningsheetsof the approved building permit plans. I understand that a Certificate ofOccupancy will not be issued until this project complies with all applicab imit Contractor Signature: 0r.", Octobe 018 CITY OF ASPENAusustzolT 130 S. GALENA SI'ASPEN, CO 81.61,7